,.v ,7. Wo Ml - if 1 ANDREW J. CONNER, PUBLISHER. ' "CAROLINA, CAROLINA, HEAVEN' BLESSINGS ATTEND HFR." SUBSCRIPTION PER ANNUM $1.00 Volume XXII. KICH SQUARE, 'NORTHAMPTON OOTTNTY. N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 36, 1913 Number 26. Tate Machinery & Supply Co. . 'ltttleton, n. c. MACHINERY SPECIALISTS: Everything in Machinery and Mill Supplies. Plans, Specifications and Estimates Furnished on Application :: E. C. SMITH, General Contractor and Builder FRANKLIN, VA. - - J.A.W MASON & WORRELL. tnORNBTB ft COUNSELLORS AT LAW, JACKSON. N. C. Practice ia all Court. Business rmmiDtlv and faititfuUv attended to. r Office 2nd floor bank building. RAYMOND G. PARKER, - Attorney and Counselor at Law, : Jackson, N. C Practices in all courts. All business gtfa prompt and faithful attention, -Office 2nd Floor Bank' Building. - '.tote. - .. r.KBmh PEEBLES ft HARRIS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. . JACOOJL N. C Practice in all Courts. Business preauptry and faithfnllT attended to. DR. C. G. POWELL DENTIST, POTECASI N. C. Can be found at his office at all times saert when notice is idves in this paper. J. N. SELDEN CONTRACTOR & BUILDER JAOEflOr, h. c, . , Estimates on all classes of build ing cheerfully given. KAgent for Edwards Metal Shingles. Write me for styles and delivered prices. WIN BORNE & WTNBORNE. Attorneys at Law, MUBFBJGESBORO. N. C. Phones Nos. 17 and ZL. GAY 4. MIDYETTE AMorners At Counsellors t Law JACKSON. M. CL : Practice m all Courts. All busineee promptlv and faithfully attended to. Office 2nd floor. New Bank bnilding. ps DHJ. M. JACOBS CuXXXJ DENTIST, ROXOBEL, N. C attracting from children at same onse as adults. Dr. W. J. Ward, DENTIST. WELDONN.C. Dr. E. Ehringhaus .DBNTI8T ': : .""v... Jsekfoni '- '" . " N. C. Dentistry in all of its branches. Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Office In New Fly the Building over Poetoffice. a. a. : HOUSE MOVERS : Ws are now prepared to move nouses of wmaiie. Prices low. It will be to vour interest to aee us. Copbland Bao-jramts, George. N. C. W. H. S. BURGWYN JR. : ATTOBNET AT LAW. ' " Woodland, North Carolina. . Office in Farmer's Bank Building. Practice in all Courts. Buaineea prompt ly and faithfully attended. Contractor and Builder. For all Brick and Plastering Construction Work communicate with A. T .yick, .Contractor and Builder, Franklin, , Va., before letting contract. ; . . ,'1-241-yr S. MJDICKINS n: PRIVATE DETECTIVE wixDosr, n. c. ,' I have two , fine English , Blood hounds for running down crimi nals. ' Wire or 'phone me night or ;day. Thooe Nov 310- 5 SEABOARD .LOCALS. Sunday School Excurslon-Strucl by Lightning-Baseball Fight-Meet-logs AoDooDced-Personals Mr. Paul Fleetwood, Jackson, spent a short while in town Mon day morning while enroute to in spect a body of timber in the Pleasant Hill vicinity. Miss Essie Foy Parker, Wen dell, iB spending this week in the home of her ancle, air. James M. Banner. It gives ub pleasure to state that Mrs. Walda Jones has so far recovered from her serious illness as to . be able to be out driving Sunday afternoon. Seaboard was very well repre sented at the Children's Day ex ercises at Sharon M. E. church the past Sunday. The program was very interesting, the crowd immense,' i the ' dinner all that could be desired, so. everybody spent a pleasant' and profitable day, notwithstanding the intense heat. . ?.vvv After an absence of two weeks, visiting relatives in Petersburg, Blackstone and Farmville, Mrs. Alice Darden returned to her home here last week much invi gorated by her outing. Mrs. J. 0. Flythe, Conway, was a welcome guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs- C, P. Stephen son the past Sunday. Mrs. Flythe is spending this week with her brother, Mr. Ben- Sykes, Garys burg. Rev. M. Y. Self. Garysburg, was on hand Sunday evening to fill his regular monthly appoint ment with his M.E church bere. A very threatening: cloud pre vented the congregation from as sembling, consequently there Was no preaching service. Mr. Jno. D. Pope is spending a while in Portsmouth visiting relatives. When he returns he will take up his abode at Sea board Hotel. His friends hope he will derive much benefit from this trip. Mrs. Stuart and three children are visiting here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kee. Mr. Stuart, it will be remembered, was principal of - our school here some Bix years ago. His wife ar ranged for this visit to friends here while her V husband is at tending the., . summer normal. Many improvements have been made during .j thjs interval, but none so marked as the Graded School building.. ; Mr. and ,ltn. Edward Gay, Portsmouth, ., are, spending this week here with relatives and friends. The annual Sunday School ex cursion will be operated from Weldon to Portsmouth, embracing the schools of Weldon, Garys burg, Jackson, Seaboard and Margarettsville, Thursday, the 26th. A pleasant day at the sea shore is in store for all who may go, and we feel sure the usual large crowd, of sight seers, shop pers and pleasure seekers will be aboard. ' ) y: ' Miss Alice Gay left Monday for a visit to relatives in Norfolk and Portsmouth r ' Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brown, George, were callers in our town last weelCM Mr- tBrown waa de monatrating a handsonie Over land car for which is agent, Missea BettieMcGlaugban and Edsia Long attended services at Mt Carmel the past Sabbath and spent the afternoon with friends in the vicinity il c V;;: . Mr;: Frank rris, Jackson, with !lT party, of friends, caine over Sunday in vhis new Hapmo bile to Ipend the. afternoon WiA his mother, Mrs. Sarah B. Harris The program committee of the Bertie Union Meeting has an nounced that there will be an all day Missionary Rally meeting with Elim Baptist church j fifth Sunday. These meetings are be ing held all over the territory embraced in the Union and will take the place of the regular Union Meeting from which so many are debarred, by distance, from attending. Speakers have been chosen for the day knd much good, no doubt, will rjtfult from this missionary movetnent We are sorry to learnt that Mesdames Emmitt Boyd and Charley Matthews are quite ill at their homes in theMt. Carmel vicinity. It is feared the former will have to be taken to a hos pital for relief, the latter i suf fering from an attack of 'mala rial fever. We hope the worst has passed and they may Boon be restored to the bosom of their families in perfect health. J. i A series of meetings has beenr announced to begin with Mt. Carmel Baptist church 3rd. week in August. Pastor Lloyd Parker will announce later who will as sist him in these meetings. It will be an all day meeting this year. During a thunder storm here last week, a horse belonging to Mr. Ned Harris, which was hooked to a plow, was not only knocked down and rendered un conscious by the lightning, but a piece of skin several inches' long was torn from his face below his eyes, which required several stitches to put in place. The man that was plowing, the animal was also severely stunned but was not otherwise hurt by thw Bbeck. Strange indeed that ploughman and horse were not instantly killed. An altercation occurred on the colored baseball ground Saturday afternoon that may terminate seriously. Two colored youths exchanged some profanity when one hit the other beside the head with a baseball bat He was taken home unconscious and is still in a precarious condition. Teachers Examination. An examination of applicants for teachers', certificates will be held in the court house at Jack son on Thursday, July 10, for white applicants, and Friday.the 11, following for colored appli cants. The examination will be on the following branches of study, to wit; Spelling, reading, writing, language and composi tion, English grammar, North Carolina History, United States History, geography, physiology and hygiene, agriculture, theory and practice of teaching. The applicants must be 18 years old. On this date an examination for applicants for State teacher's five-year certificate and public high school certificate will also be held. Applicants for either of these certificates must apply to State Supt of Public Instruc tion, Raleigh, for permission to take the examination. Blank for this purpose will be supplied on application. Applicants for admission to the State Agricultural and Me chanical College can also take the entrance examination here on the above date, July 10.t'i.i': . . , P. J, Long. 1 f' Snpt of Schools RBYcni!8r;::"sra.' Y Good spring advice: Don't make a garden if your neighbor keeps hens and don't keep hens if. your neighbor makes a garden-Philadelphia North Ameri- FROM AULANDER. Big Fourth of July Celebration Plao oed Marriage Solemnlznd General News. . Suffolk defeated Aulander in two games here last Friday, the scores being three to two and seventeen to four. The first game was one of the finest ever play ed on the local ground, the latter being something of a farce and full of errors. A large crowd attended these games. The Aulander school team de feated the Union school team here Saturday by a score of 10 to 5 in a most interesting game. The marriage of Miss Mittie Ayers and Mr. Arthur Early of thiB place was solemnized here last Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock in the BaptiBt church. Rev. R L. Gay officiating. The The attendants were Miss May belle Bradley, maid of honor.and Mr. C. W. Mitchell, Jr. the best man, Mrs. J. P. Holloman, dame of honor, and Mr. L. L. Cherry of Scotland Neck, a relative of the bride. It was a prettv cere mony. The bride was attired in a handsome suit of blue with hat and gloves to match. After the ceremony, the party left imme diately for the 8 o'clock train ac companied by a large crowd to wish them happiness. Rice was much in evidence at the depot, Mr. and Mrs. Early will go to New York and Niagra Falls on their bridal tour and will be at home in Aulander after July 1st The bride is a most attractive young lady, formerly of Scotland Neck and has been with Mrs. Holloman as milliner for several. years, and has a host of friends. The groom is a son of Mr. An derson Early near St Johns and is connected with the firm of C W. Mitchell & Co. and Executor for the estate of the late Asa Sounders. Miss Helen Harrell played the wedding march for the occasion. Mr. W. M. Parker of Parker .& Rice" was taken seriously ill last Friday and was immediately sent to a hospital in Norfolk.! Mr. Parker had a species of paraly sis and is very ill. The Fourth or July exercises will be held in the Academy at 2 o'clock. The program will con sist of an address by Hon. Fran cis, D. Winston of Windsor who will be introduced in a Bhort speech by Hon. C. W. Mitchell. The Aulander Orchestra will fur nish music for the occasion and will play inspiring marches of national and patriotic nature. After the exercises the ball game will take place. The plan for dinner was not considered practical for several reasons and the committee decided to have the entire program in the after noon. Judge Winston is a most entertaining speaker and hid ad dress on the national holiday should be heard by a large crowd. The building will be decorated with flags. Everybody is invit ed and promised an enjoyable time. Mr. M. E. Britton came home last week on account of the Al ness of his wife. Mrs. Britten has been very ill but is reported better at this writing. , ; ; Mh'and Mrs. W, L Knight of Weldon, Messrs. John and Lee Knight of Norfolk and Rocky Mount were here last weelr vis iting the family of Mr. John W, Knight Mr. and Mrs. ' Albert Lassiter of Rich Square-also spent Sunday here m guest 'oi Mr. and Mrs. Knight. ; ' . Aulander will play the Drivers. Va. bail team hre on Tturay of this week at 4 o'clock. It is saidv that Drivers has a Btrong team this season. Mrs. W. C. Carpenter and daughter Miss Gay of Louisa, Va., were guests of Rev. and Mrs. R L Gay a few days last week on their way to WrightBville Beach. Mrs. Carpenter is a sister of Mr. Gay. The Naval Hospital of Norfolk has been engaged to play ball here on the fourth of July instead of Hobgood. This is one of the lead ing teams in the Twin City Lea gue and is a semi-professional team. With this team against Aulander, the game should be one of the most exciting ever played here. It is said that some q. their players were on the dia mond for the Tidewater League. The game will start at 4:30 o'clock. . Judge Winston is one of the most entertaining speakers in the state and a large crowd will ho doubt hear his address here on July 4th. The speeches of Judge Winston abound in wit and hu mor and all who are present are promised a treat on this occasion. The Orchestra is preparing some excellent music for the program. The Academy will be decorated with flags and bunting and flow ers and the spirit of the glorious fourth will be felt everywhere. Everybody is invited to attend the celebration. The program will begin promptly at 2 o'clock P. M. At the Fourth of July exercises here next Friday all the audience will sing "America" while the Orchestra plays it. The words to the song will be provided. George Ren. Mr. C. T, Outland returned home last Friday from Westtown, Pa., where he had been to at tend the exercises of the gradu ating class of Westtown Board ing School. His son. Lyndon, who graduated from that Insti tution, came home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown of Menola, and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Brown of Rich Square visited in the home of George H. Parker last Sunday. Mr. M. W. Lassiter, who has a position with a life insurance company in Norfolk, was home on a visit last week, .- Two more fast basket makers arrived last Saturday. We un derstand that others are writing enquiring about places to stay. The firm is expecting to build some houses in the near future to accommodate those working in the factory who are here from a distance. Mr. JV El wood Copeland is in Mapleton this week hanging wall paper. . The following were callers at our county seat last Sunday af ternoon: W. T. Brown, H. C. Dilks, H. S. Smalley and J. P. Brown.;'.' Miss Elma Peele returned home from a two weeks visit in New Jersey and Pennsylvania last Saturday. Mr. J. L. Peele, who has been on an extensive trip for the last week, came home Saturday, hav ing visited the popular places in Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. His brother, Henry, who. graduated at Westtown Boarding .School this year, ac companied him,.; ':-:-'':p' 'tfCrops in this section are cer tainly looking fine now.and with a few weeks of favorable weath erv they will have out grown their backwardness. ." rr. ;.Thi ; Roanou-Chowah Trim t&'firiraift Commoner $!.(& BETTERMENT ASSOCIATION WORK. Proposed to Hake the Association a Betterment In tbe Best sense of the Work. With tbe editor's permission, we will use Northampton Schools' best friend, the Roanoke-Chow an Times, to notify the mem bers of the Jackson Betterment Association not present at our last meeting and any who may wish to join us, of our plan of work as outlined at the meeting on Friday, June 13. It is our purpose to make the association a betterment" in the true sense of the word, to see that whatever we do is for the school's that is, the chil dren'sgreatest good and also for our own. To do this we must make the character of our work, not "money getting," our object We will certainly sacrifice our best efforts if we look to money reward only, whereas, if we make what we do worth while, the money will follow. We think that in order to do our best work and to derive as much benefit and pleasure as possible, each one must do some work in which he or she is inter ested, so for the present we have three departments others may be added later and anyone may join one or all. The Dramatic Club looks for ward not to having minr plays, but good ones, given with a view to raising the standard of enter tainment, presented in our audi torium and as a "betterment" association to feel responsible for its quality. Miss May Cal vert has been appointed manager of this department. Jackson has good dramatic talejat and the club ib sure to be a success. Those who enjoy musical work, prefer as their part to be respon sible for the music given at our entertainments and will work: with the idea of having musical numbers ready whenever there miy be an opportunity for a pro gram. Mrs. u. U. Midyettewas chosen to direct this department One of the most important phases of the association's work is under the management of Mrs. J. T. Flythe, as head of what we choose to call our "Domestic Science Department" It hopes to lead to big things and in the meantime as it works toward this end, "refreshments" served by the Betterment Association will be "just as they should be. " We think this club work will be interesting and of advantage to those who undertake it Each of these departments will conduct its own work and the meetings of the several depart ments will not affect the general meeting once a month. If one wishes not to join in any special work there will be many oppor tunities to help in the general work of the association. We hope the above will serve- to let you know what we are do ing and propose to do and that you will feel it worth your help. We are trusting our plans will make the association a pleasure and of personal interest and ben efit to each member while it , serves our school and community. ; 1 "There is but one good wife in v this town," Bald a clergyman in , the course of hit; sermon the congregation looked expectant "arid every man thinks he's got her, " added the minister. In this world it is not what we : take up but what we give up, V that makes us , rich. W. H. Beecber. I .1 v l; . 't '::":,