A JJLJM JLtVP... V v v if - EXTENSION WORK. Jtiuslon County Employs anElllcleot f oman as Supervisor ol Sural Schools. Johnston County has not only a capable and progressive county superintendent devoting his en tire time to the supervision and administration of his schools.but in addition, has a well trained and efficient woman as Supervi sor of Rural Schools. The duties of this Supervisor are; (1) To aid the county superintendent in planning and conducting his township and county teachers meetings; (2) To devote the most of her time during the school term to not more than ten rural Bchools. These ten special schools are to be selected by the county superintendent in representative parts of the county. The super visor is to identify herself with these schools and the communi ties making them demonstration schools, showing what a real country school can do under effi cient teaching and supervision, and what it must do if it meets the needs of country life. By having only this small number of schools the supervisor can re main several days in each school and in each community on each visitation. She is enabled to remain long enough in each school to observe carefully the teacher's method of work, the organization and management of the school; and is thereby enabled through pri vate conference to suggest bet ter methods of teaching, better methods of grading and classify ing the Dupils and better meth ods of echool management. In those subjects in which the teach er seems to be the weakest, the Supervisor takes her classes and shows her how these subjects can be effectively taught. The Supervisor also works to bring about a closer relation between the work in the school and the life in the community by organ izing the boys in the upper gram mar grades into a Bovs' Corn Club and directing their work, and by organizing the girls in the upper grammar grades into a Girls Dome-sticClub and direct ing their work in the home in cooking searing and home sani tation. In addition to her work with the teacher and the children in the school, the Supervisor works with the men and women in the community, stimulating their interest in and organizing, and directing their efforts for imoroved school conditions, bet ter buildings, better equipped, more attractive and more sani tary school yards. (3) After the close of these special schools, the Supervisor renders the county superinten dent whatever clerical assistance he needs in his office; (4) Dur ing the months of July and Au gust she directs the Girls Tomato Club Work. Stimulated and organized through this closer and more vital supervision, four commun ities in Johnston are now plan ning to employ an expert domes tic science teacher to divide her time with these four committees next session. As a further demonstration of the effective ness of this closer supervision, all the special schools with which Miss Kelly, the Rural Supervisor of Johnston County, worked last session are now either adding an extra room for an extra teacher or building a new building out right Following Johnston's lead, the following counties are planning to employ a Rural School Super visor to do a similar work: Mc Dowell. Northampton, Sampson, Granville and Alamance. We offer the New York World three times a week and the Roan o&e-Chowan Times all one year for $1.65, old or new subscrip Report of the Condition of The Bank of Northampton, At Jackson in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business June 4, 1913. KESOUKCES. Loans and discounts $86,834.32 Overdrafts 1.9M 89 Banking houses, $4,268; f urni- ' ture and fixtures, $2,100 6,368.00 Due from Banks and Bankers 26,868 32 Cash itf ms 1,684.96 Gold coin 157.50 Silver coin, etc. 235 23 Nafl bank & other U.S. notes 3,312,00 Total $127,325.22 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $5,000,000 Surplus fund 7,250.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 1,091.88 Doposits subject to check 75,316.98 Savings deposits 38,313.33 Cashier's checks outstanding 335.53 Certified checks 17.50 Total $127,325 22 State of North Carolina, County of Northampton, ss: I, J. T. Flythe, President of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. T. Flythe. President. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 16 day of June, 1913. H. H. Grant, Notary Public. Correct Attest : H. W.Lewis, B. S. Gay, E. S. Bowers, Directors, Report of the Condition of The Farmers Bank, At Woodland in the State of North Carolina, at the close of busi ness June 4, 1913. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $89,291,53 Overdrafts unsecured 1,705 62 Banking houses $2,78334; fur niture & fixtures, $1,042.43 3.831.77 Due from banks and bankers 20,708.62 C?sh items 43.48 Gold coin 2.50 Silver coin, etc. 131.51 National bank notes and other U.S. notes 1,418 00 Overs and shorts 7.9o Total $117,097 36 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $10,000.00 Surplus fund 2,000.00 Undivided profits.less current expenses and taxes paid 2,776.41 Deposits subject to check 48,867.96 Savings deposits 52,55o.44 cashier's checks outstanding 97.55 Accrued interest due deposit's 800 00 Total $117,097.36 State of North Carolina, county of Northampton, ss: I, C. .H. Griffin, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the abce statement i true to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. H. Griffin, Cashier. Correct Attest: C. J. Vaugban, C. G Pasker, E. G. Griffin, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this Uth day of June, 1913. E, B. Lassiter. Notary Publb. For Sale Cheap. I have for sale at a bargain one 6 and 8 H. P. Steam Engine, good as new. Also one Daulston Thresh er, for grain or peanuts. For fur ther information write or call on W. J. JENKINS, 5-23-tf Rich Square, N. C. Cotton and Pea nut Buyer. I am now located at Jackson, North Carolina, and pay top prices for cotton and peanuts. . . . I am making standing timber a specialty. I also estimate stand ing timber at a reasonable price per day, for those who want to sell or buy. ' P. M. FLEETWOOD. Black Eagle is the best 10c plug of Sun Cured Tobacco. We have H. C. MifiDBtY CoMSrirtr! ' Seaboard, N. C. Ko'da'k's! Just a Please. I HAVE A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF KODAKS IN STOCK that will please the entire family . The prices are bo reasonable, and pleasing that most anyboyd can purchase one. Mv line con sists wholly of the Eastman Kodaks, and Supplies. "IF IT ISN'T AN EASTMAN IT ISN'T A KODAK." Look at the Surprising Prices. Number 2 Brownie, 2 A " 2 Folding pocket 2A 1A These are etpecially desirable for the children on account of their low cost, strong construction and simple operation, but they are perfectly suitable for the use of grown up people, and thous ands are being used by such with great sytisfaction. Come look at my superb line and I will thank you. Write me for a codv of the Kodak Catalogue which tells in de tail about the Bro-nie and Kodak dollar to one hundred dollars, and explains the simplicity ot them all by daylight way' of picture taking, Yours for Business, J. J. PARKER. LASKER, P I 1 Give Us a Trial LET US take your measure for your spring and summer suit. We ; represent J. L. Taylor & Co., of New York and Chicago, who are the master merchant tailors ef America, and every garment made by them is guaranteed to please you. Every suit must be perfect ; before you wear it. Taylor tailoring is famed in the great cities , of America for its distinctiveness in style and fabric and its re-, markable value. When you wear r Taylor suit you know it is right. Call and examine our samples and note prices. EairsSu Co. Minute, . . $ 2.00 3.00 1.00 5.00 7.00 12.00 Brownie Cameras, at prices ranging from NORTH CAROLINA. WTKfHJBEO (Thos. B. Wynn, Owner.) Murfreesboro's Greatest Store, Spring and Summer Display. INCLUDING ALL THE NEW AND FASHIONABLE WEAVES AND SILKS, DRESS GOODS, WASH FABRICS, LACES, EM BROIDERIES, TRIMMINGS AND BUTTONS-THE CREAM OF i THE MOST DESIRABLE OFFERINGS. . . . Every Department is Right Up to the Minute. The Latest I have bought the Millinery business of Wynn Bros, which I will run at the same old stand. Will patrons, and can show the most exclusive noteworthy display of Ladies' and Children's Headwear ever brought to this section. Wynn Big Department Store, Murfreesboro, - - N. C. So9 in be pleased to see all of our former MISS NAOMI T. WIGGINS, (Wynn Bros. Building.) BroSo9 tions. Rich Cqssre,N. C. ,

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