- lot CoaElssloneri.ig;?!; ";:fThe board of-Road Commis '; doners met in Jackson, North smpton county, i N;; C. . in the ,: -. court house on Monday, the 4th. day .of August, 1913, to transact ; the business of working: the pub ', lie roads and repairing: the brid -Kes of the county. Members ,, present, John E. ; Moore, Chair v man; C. B. Vick and Dr. C. G. Pbwell, with C. L. N. Stephen .7 son, Secretary, Minutes of last . (July) meeting read .and ap " 7 proved, v : ': . The following accounts were -"V presented, examined, approved V , mnd ordered paid: ;;7t77'.. Wiccacanee Township. -7 CB. Vick, for having road cleared of trees and limbs after storm 5 00 ft . J Wiley Bridgers, work by order of Dr. C.G. Powell 7 74 i W. E. Davis, cutting two " jA ; trees out of road near Galatia church 1-00 ' ? , J. A. Sykes, 1. o., work self .and hands in July 18 00 Kirby Township. .Y Elisha Boone, cleaning out . 188 yards ditch 2 82 'l Br. C. G. Powell, com., for 1- , having work done 7 02 -5vh Roanoke Township. ; '.. D. G. Britton, 1. o.. work . : .- self and hands - 7 75 -7 Pleasant Hill Township, (v T.. J. Taylor, 1. o., work : . . self and hands 5 50 Seaboard Township. Geo. T. Clark, 1. o , work aelf and hands 2 55 vf-v hii:- Occoneechee Township. ' tr B. S. Gay, 1. o., work self . and hands 50 30 .Si " Uaston Township. " 7 J. H. Garner, 1. o.. work . " self and hands 9 00 V .; . Jackson Township. B ' lL T. Smith. Gen. Supt,, :: .. self and hand3, feed and . ' machine work 169 46 7 -Roanoke Township. ' '.'..;'.M. T. Smith, Gen. Supt, 7.7-7 -v' self and hands, feed and "s- machine work ,. 158 81 " ' Seaboard Township. . 1 M. T. Smith, Gen, Supt., 7 self and hands, feed and V ' machine work 309 87 '-'7 General Expenses. 'J. t. Smith, for keeping 7777' Branch's bridge 6 mos. from Jan. 1 to July 1 10 00 CP. Stephen3on,for liniment, ; , axle grease and collar pad 1 25 vv:; : E. J. Gay, for 1560 pounds 777: ' hay and 2 horse collars 24 49 ' ; - E. J. Gay, Treas. , excess in l 7l 7 settlement state taxea ','':' error . ' - 36 75 ?, '" : Holland & Eeamon Co.. for ' . 29106 pounds hay 279 16 . 1 John E. Moore, com , for 777'.". ' car load hay purchased 7 7 from P. M. Fleetwood- 232 88 Hogshire, Hudgins & Co., Norfolk, tents for Gen. 'I i;- Supt. and hands 182 00 Bio Reductions ' We have from six to eight thous and dollars worth of good up to date merchandise to close out at half the regular price. Specia sale on these goods will continue till October 1st. 7 The owners of these Koods prefer selling them at a great sacrifice than carry over to next season. We mention a few departments. .; . ; . 450 dresses for ladies.misses and children, 20 cents to $2.75. 285 shirt waists, 20 to 75 cents. 485 hats for ladies, misses and children, 5 cents to $1.00. " 3600 yards dress goods, 3 to 28 cents. 355 skirts, 28 cents to $2. 75. Over twentv thousand yards laces and hamburgs, 1 to 18 cents. 750 yards ribbons, 2 to 15 cents 375 ladies underwear garments, 10 cents to $1.50. 275 yards black and colored silks, 12 to 88 cents. ' v :.; 450 Norfolk, Balkan and Middy coats. 20 to 75 cents. 24 typesetters, standard makes, $5.50 to $24 50. 27 talking machines $3 tO $15. 650 records, 15 to 38 cents Many lots of other goods to close at half price. Owners of these goods say they must be sold at some price, and no doubt many of these lots will be closed at less than half price as the owners ex pect to make another cut a little ater, if the goods' don't go fast enough to suit them. Come quick if you want the pick Spiers Bro s WELDON, - Aug. 1, tf N. C. JACKSON VARIETY STORE 5 and 10 Cent Goods -ALSO DEAI.Elt IS- Staple and Fancy Groceries Baa since 1S94 given "Thorough Instruction under positively Christian Influences at the lowest possible coat." ; ;-.:.;;.' .". RESULT: It b to-day with Its faculty of 32, a boarding patronage of 858 Its student body of 412, and its plant worth $140,000 ,v . ; THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA $150 pays all charges for the year, Including table board, room, lights, steam beat, laundry medical attention, physical culture, and tuition Inal subjects except musio and elocution. For catalogue and application blank ad areas, REV. THOMAS ROSSER REEVES, B. A., Principal,,. BLACKSTONE, VA. , . . , . ' Murfreesboro's Greatest Store, 15 vAitii"-' k. ... .. Vi.,1. ...... .iM'Mk--:. ; 'V" n partment Store Lei Electricity - Start The Engine ntwa thAMil singhis that atarr tnt MmimMkm ftvim 25c Plain ircd StripeToits nqw 19c. Hott MDMtionl Imnrovement kmr Added to suit fmrm wurlH. Bat MM onlw Ana nf I ha mmnw hU (mismi An tint RIotrlC BtAJrtlnv WosiliMif lr l. If too rsi at all interested Ida farm mu ine.it will tmr tom wall Ia write na t one. Ll ue glre yo th eurtUiia; Ucta about the eooiii Itet bu create) 1 mimttOB ia tt power worWK oraoJUog to aurt-JIa foqadnHO 10 bulal.t Electric-Starting WOODPECKER 4b ocm farn waerlB6 wltk ell of th bis TmimU teatnrei at farm praer. vat eoeta eauwerhta ' ordinary enatnaa Dorbano aotaa aaoca. Bu im Svfa nnH fujiiM 1ili.il fliel fliTle lesla Uim -- mt - Bobetantiai t i giroer eua-paee -laT yoo y io aiu u rnmug a loanoauosi Bwaaiaea, . .0if prim ' ellontalBei power plant JunipparkigBltloii, : ' ftjd fSutJ nalrV MB aa used oa boat antomobilee Bpe4 riru ' BrfJ OtUttitQ m enaoffe aiwea wane nmniDr. viTen hoppar cooler can't frame. Don't wait aaother , dj, bffor BrettlficT all facta. Writs Sss NOW. Let U tell about OQr asitwundlog Ubvral f 30 Day Free Trial propoviiiou wiUi uonioutm&enA W. J. JENKINS, Agent, Rich square; N. C. Mrri 12jc Ginghams 8o. Fancy Seco Silks 25c bow 19c 36 in,- 75c Tab Silks now 58c, 50c Tab Silks, 36 in. how 29c. u 506 Dress Goods 38c; Ladies' 10c Hose 7c, lOo Laces 5c 5c Laces Sc.: 25c Colored Hatine 19c. 15c -Colored" jSlear Linens lQo Calicoes 2jc; ; 12ic Bleaching 10c Men's $2 White Straw Hats, Very Special 49c' v-.:-? .: V Men's Gennine Leshorn Hats $2 value now 69c. ' . : - .:j "., . Big Drive in Embroideries, Men's and Boy's Suits, Shoes, Slippers and Underwear. t&" Agents for linger Sewing AlachiDes. Needles and Attach' ments for all kinds of machines furnished on short notice. CHAS. A. EHRHART. MGR Jackson, N. C. I :'y:, John E. Moore, com , lumber 1 and expenses to xo to good ' roads convention at More- : ' head City 23 84 M. D. L. Harris & Son, -V ' -. shop work for Gen. Supt. on machine &c . 8 80 , ; Total v : ,1474 . 98 ; ? f The following persons were al - lowed to pay the $1.00 road tax t ' as they were out of the county 'B':-t time of collection by-the Sheriff: ' :.?;VV'l' '1-11 i . . ; ? uenry niamunas, aeaooara town , ,,. ship; Matt Clanton, Neal Kinley ; f- '. and Jim Grant. Jackdon township - On motion Mr. Burgess Boone J was allowed to change the public road near Franciaville so as to ! J Straighten same at his own ex- ; pense and put in good , traveling : y'M condition. . ,. - No. other .business' appearing the board adjourned to meet the i first Monday jn September, 1913 I V' John E. Moore, Chairman . V " C. Lk N. Stephenson, Sec. , :;We have just . received, a fresh . .supply"; of . the' celebrated Black " Eagle lurCeTob ; :.W. Mv Wood A Co., " Cotton and Pea nut Buyer. I am now located at Jackson, North Carolina, and pay top prices for cotton and ' peanuts." , -. . 1 am making standing timber a specialty. I also estimate stand ing timber at a reasonable price per day, for those who want to sell or buy. ' ' ";. P. M. FLEETWOOD. Farm for Sale 412 acre farm, 178 -acres in high state of ; cjaltivation, seven-room dwelling,, all. necessary; outbuild ings in good condition, v . Situated on cot ntv road three miles south of Boy kins, Va. ,: Terms reason able, r V Address, "pwher,'' :; v 4; Post-office, Box 182, Boyknins.Va. 'i Good , judges of tobacco i say Black Eagle Sun Cured ia the best chew. Let us supply your, x;; . , . W. M. Wood A Co., : v'i' v'-:,': Jackson, N. C. .Jackson,.N. & far Weafcneic and Lc- f rpetlt The Old SUndard general rtrengthenirif tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESScbillTOMCdrirMemt Mftlark Anil bnilda th mtem. A ttom tonifl and aura Appetixer. Fr adulu and children. 60c Jusl th Une I ou Want We have received a car-load of Buggies and Surries, macfe by : the Boykins Buggy Co. at Bovkins, Va. If you are in the market for a Buggy or Surrey it will pay you to examine-our -line before making your purchase.' The very best material is used in the construction of these goods, ' and the , patterns we have are the latest. V A Buggy or,Surrey bought from us will give satisfaction beyond a doubt i ! H ' : : , P rices Most Reasonable -Yours for Business, V. 7J( .-X j-V-S mm LASKER, r -'J: ::- NORTH CAROLINA. "Subscribe to; The Roanoke-Chowan Times We: are also Handling in Stock the Famous Studebakef Touring Car rtiaOS:--Wi... n 11mm .f-.iiSL - 3 5-H. P. Six Passenger Eiectrically Oghted and:Completely Equipped; $1290, 2 AGENTS FOR MCKAY STALK CUTTERS v iVi.-;v:---i;Vi::r&i;.-.-:-.: Wiii t4:'f)'4 Xv.fiJrkic--Plai?i4iCi.;..? -. ''".,'K,,!',',;y ' ; and The t Youtrvs CcmpaxncmItQgGihGt Only $2.50 per::yffor:both.g -LuU . . Xj v