. ;H v &te&y 3 --'?: ;:""':V.', Minis am- .iii.'V'Ji t ''.''' -'f.-'liV,- mm 7 t; , ANDREW J. CONNER, PUBLISHER. 'CAROtlNA. CAROLINA, HEAVEN'S BLESSINGS ATTEND HF-R." v SPBSCRIPTION PER ANNUM $1.00 Volume XXII. : RICH IfOBTIIAMPTON COTTTY, N. p., THXJBSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1933. Number 34. mm 'to' 3 . Vi t if r- Tate Riacbicery & Supply Co. .' LITTLETON,; N. C. -MACHINERY SPECIALISTS: Everything in Machinery and Mill Supplies. .. plans, specifications and estimates Furnished on Application :: :: v E G. SMITH. General Contractor jand Builder . FRANKLIN, VA. "MASON & WORRELL? TTOHNWTi ft COUNSnXOU AT LAW, - - JACKSON, N. a ' . Pctte is all Courts. BusineBa procnptlr wd faitfafnllT attended to. r Office 2nd floor baalt bonding. - ' PABKEB, 't'.'lHm ami! Rnmulw'ri Taw . r:V. vtraetJee ftt aJl'eoarta, : AH borfnet ttlM6 vcoaapt a&8 faithtttl attention PEEBLES ft HARRIS. ATTOBNETS AT LAW, "' ' JACKSON. M. 0. !.' . . Practice in all Cenrta. Boainoaa praaptlr and zaititralir atteaded to. DR. C. G. POWELL 'V;:V;.;':. DENTI8T. POT EC AS I N. C. Can be found at hia office at all timet . aaptwfaennoticeiairiveBintpri J. N. SELDE CONTRACTOR & BUILDER JACKSON, N. 0. '" 4 ' Estimates on allclasaee of ou)t inff cheerfully jfiven.' TAcent ipi Edwards MeJ ghflwlea. WjU. me for styles and deli-vered tmces, W1NBORNE & WlNEORNE, Attorney at Law, HUBFREESBORO. N. C Noa. 17 and ZL a. B. Oar G.B.lUdmtti GAY A. MIDYETTE AMorners.A Counsellor at Jjw ... JACKBON, M. d : Practice m all Courts. ' All boiinei proaoptly and faithf ullv attended to. Office 2nd floor. New Bank building. f DR. J. M. JACOBS 1UJ3J DENTIST, ROXOBEL. N. C. 1 btracting from children at oriee aa adults. ri-xji . vUi oiuy Dr. E. Ehringhaus DENTIST .- Jajckaon, . . . V N. C. Dentistry in all of tta branches. Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Office in New Flythe Building over Poatoffiee. A.K.Pml.nS. HOUSEMOVERS: ' We are now prepared to move honaes of any.auM. Prirea low. It will be to ioterett to see os Copiland BBO-rflBaa,'' ' Geortre. N. C: W. H. S. BURG WYN JR. ATTORN KT AT LAW, . ..' Woodland, . - North Caronna. "Office in Farmer's Bank Building, Practice in all Courts. Business prompt- ly and faithfully attended. aJI;':Brwk jwitJ' AT'ViciContrar .andj letUngeontract.- - ,;v.,i PRIVATE DETECTIVE V';,:. . .' EW01fr K. i'::.';. . , ; ';'f V I haye -tfipe-EnglUhfWood;; ' ;hoBnda';tor,3raVipi: d''cri.nai-, ' naU. WirV..ir?i f ! V:df.:'Tlibne N.-l? Fioa setein: To Uorell BoDument-Rajeball m r-Senerai and PerioosI, News '- ' y' " Items In Britt-fei'; MigB Lillie Murfee of, .Gree: ville county, Virginia, is yisijtit her aunt, Mrs. E. B. WiDiamB. Mrs. u. T. Fleetwood spen Sundfty in JackBon. :it Miss Mary Fleetwood, after pleasant visit to relatives in Jackson, returned home Sunday afternoon. - Hiss Nome Rogeraon of Ports mouth, Va., is the fniest of Tier friepd, Kiss Carrie Belle Lone this w elsk. " .'t'V-'- Mrs. A. M. Fleetwood and Mrs. Julian Britte spent Monday in INorfolk. .. , (: i . . : h.. . -; Mrs. John Jyarnes contlnuet vuiteill. sShihas.the sympathy of he neighbort iniier affliction. ; .Misa Hattite .'Bazemore, ' who was suffering with- 'fever It 'tost week, was better on, Monday. Miss Estelle Johnson of Boy kins, Va.', is the guest of her sis ter, Mrs. W. 'E,';, Glover, . this Misses Hilda and Audrey Pru den returned Monday from' pleasant viirit to Miss Josie Par ker at Potecasi. Mr. W, H. Prudes is spending this Week' with hisdauehter.MnL Y, II. Fleetwood, at JackBon,' v JUr. Lokie Futrell spent , the week-end at Portsmouth, Va' Be Wept to bet the bedside of. his liatMr lliBa Ida Lou Ffltrell. who had wdergone an beration Jor tfee lrembval of her tqhtiJlBr Miss Futrell ia recoTerins rapidly and both retiiraed to tbeir home here u.A -: '." .l '.''' : Monday. v Mrs. T. 0. Joyner is at Papa cea Springs. She expects to be away about ten days; ' ' Mrs. D. S. Barnes and , sops, Dudley and Emmett Wpite.Bpent several days last week yiaiting relatives in rortamoutn, va. . Mr. W. H. Howell haa , purch ased an Overland car, advertised in the Times, from Mr. Brown, the agent at George. Mrs. Eunice Thomas and son, Miss Bettie Hines and Mr. An gus Hines of Boykina, and Mr, Douglas Miller of Bluefleld, W. Vs., dined with Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Howell Sunday. t i Miss Gladys Parker of Mur frees boro pent several days la jt week with her aunt, Mrs. J. S. WatSOn. ,:;V.i Mrs. P. Li': Parker and child ren anaMr. and iirs. Keuben Parker and little son John, of MurtreesDoro spent the after noon Monday ith llr. and iirs. J. S. Watson and ' attended the ball game between Severn and Boykins. . ' Mr 1 Mrs. Bernard W Matter ' and daughter, Mercede, 'of Marion, S. C, are viBiting Mrs. Massey's sister. Miss Fannie Edwards, Mrs. Walter Couch and : child ren of Oxford are guests in the hospitable home of Mr. P. W. Edwards this week, Mrs; Couch was formerly Miss Eugenia Har ris of Raleigh and was the1 ' first music teacher of Severn . High ' She is lovingly reinea be i by herjormer friends and plipiii and MeA a e)r !fl, ws,)Ty;Beid WVYP,tivai .. v IbVKWV. sWfMV 'VMM' orsyin BcykinS,'Vl daf.ftenki. v Un. Lewj"; Barclavd Wld- reh of Suffolk . are;,vli;i;: 2rs. .DlfPran, .' Mrs.x John; Barclay lol.'Jew soms; Va'. spent rlaBtWeefciih' the "little blind god" had some thing tor do with the trip. ' On Tuesday of last week the Severn baseball team ; went to Kelford to play two games. The first resulted in a score of 7 to in favor of Kelford. The second score was 6 to 3 in favor o Severp. On Monday, August 18. the Boykins baseball team with battery from Franklin and Suf- folk respectively came over to whitewash the 'Tar HeelB." Up to the 7th inning the outlook was dark for Boykina. A wrangle over an error upset the calm o: the locals and Boykins made its .first run. The score read 7 to 4 in favor of Severn at the end : o the first half of the 9th inning so me game ended. ,:: . Onvfourth Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the cemetery at Sev. era the Woodmen of the . World will unveil the monument at the grave of Mr. A. Wood. .The pub lic is cordially invited to attend. A series of meetings will be gin at the Baptist church here on Monday after the 4th Sunday in August, Rev. Q. C. Davis of Murfreesboro will dp the preach ing. Services; afternoon at o'clock, night 8 o'clock. ; MiEBes Mary and Vida Reid and Mary Lifsey of Emporia, Va., are visiting- in the pleasant home ef Mr. and Mrs. W. L Reid near here;. '"'MiM' Sarah Kee of Prtamotr0iv iasvifliia.p.. the; borne, of ISr. and Mrs; J. M. Atkinson. V Mt. W E. Conwell moved in his new home near the Aw C. L. depot last week. We are glad to have him in our midst Miss Alice Hale, after spend ing several days in tne pleasant home of Misses Alice and Lucy Butts, has returned to her home in Halifax, accampanied by Miss Butts, who will spend several days in the old historical town. Mr. J. W. Atkinson of Rich mond, Va., returned to hiB home last Sunday after several days visit to his brother, Mr. J. M. Atkinson. a. u House Liumoer (Jo is a A - ww w . putting in a large lumber plant near the A. C. depot.' Miss Estelle Darnel . returned to her home near here tot Fri day after spending several weeks with relatives and 'friends in Wilmington." Mr. Sam Lawrence returned last Friday from a business trip to South Carolina Mr. W. Buckner Lee of Rich mond, Va. , spent last Sunday herewith his mother, Mrs. J. B Lee. :'- '''.'. . v; Mr. Jack Coker left last : Sun day for a few days stay at Nor folk. :';::.-ii':' After spending several days at Ocean View; Miss Alma Robin son and Mrs S. V, Southall of Emporiaand Mr. Thomas D, Ste- phenBon of this place returned on the late train Saturday night and will spend a few da a in the home of Mrs. W, T. Ste phenson.' . ;: - ": Master John Reginald Collier entertained -his: numerous little blends on last Friday afternoon on tbesTfccious lawn at the Garys- btirg tc "thrice 'exemMk and trait we-jjn abundance.; Croquet and. nthor: games w;ere played. Msxy cf ihe lads and lassies will rexllleglnald's ninth birth- dajAK jrepore-a. .pleasant 'vi-'r'r-: i vi :-": ' t?kk$i&'Wjktfi the 'Ne?1.World?nd V.'.' .. -i ,"' ' . .';J.J'l,:' USHEI 1EWS. General aod Personal News Briefly .. Told lo Printers Ick lor Bosy Headers. Ji Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Parker are in Baltimore on business for sev eral days. ; Miss Dora Spivey of Rich Square is spending several day b in the home of her uncle, Mr. J. B. Elliott - Mrs. B. H. Parker returned Sunday from a visit to relatives in Rich Square. rMrR. E. Draper of Weldon esaie iovex. Tuesday to spend a few davs in the home of his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Draper. - Mr. Walter Lane, and sister, Uias Hattie Lahe, of Richmond, returned hoine. Friday after hav- WBg spent several days with rela tives' fiere, : V T Vance Council No:. 62, St. 6. U. A. M. will meet next Satur day evening at 8 o'clock. A large attendance is earnestly deBired. Uf.. and Mrs. a H. Brown and two children, of Norfolk are vis iting relatives here. Mr. Geo. A. Brewer of Little ton arrived Monday from a Nor folk Hospital where he has re cently undergone an operation. Mr. Brewer will remain with his People here till he regains strength. ; Mr. Ralph E. Parker went oyer to Pleasant Grove M. E. church pear Jackson Sunday, and made a Sunday School aMresi. - Mi JrU Laaeiter of Littleton ib opvumug m iew uayb wnn ma brbthen, Mesars. J. L. and J.M, Lasster. - ' ..,'..' .' .'". Mr: C. K Brewer of Greens borons spending a few days va cation at his old home here. Miss Lina Maie Gray of Boy kins and Miss Clonnie Bridgers of Margarettsville are visiting in the home of Mr. C. W. Draper. Mr. and Mrs; C.Deloatch spent Sunday with friends near Con- way. Mr. and Mrs. E. Draper of Suffolk are visiting relati vea here. Miss Lillian Pope of Woodland is a guest in the home of Mr. C. W. Draper this week. Rev. W. B. North filled his regular appointment in the M.E. church Sunday. He preached a forceful snnoprStrongly empha sizing the necessity of studying the Word of God as preventive of sin in otie's life. ' He was heard by a large congregation. Mr. David F. Copeland and son Albert of Bridgeport, Indiana, are spending some time with the family of Mr. J. A. Copeland. Miss Eva Copeland spent last week with relatives and friends in Norfolk and Portsmouth. ' Mr. J. L. Wheeler of South Carolina arrived Monday to spend several days with hia family. A serieB of revival; meetings will begin at the Lasker M. J$. church on next fifth Sunday ev ening. . The pastor. Rev. W. B. North, will do the preaching. MravR. T. Vann and Mr. and Mrs. R. Burnette and children of Halifax county are guests in the home or Mrs. L. U. Draper. ; i V Crops are badly in need of rain in" this aectioitv A eeriea of : revival meetings are beinff held at; New'Hope p. E. Church this Week 'Two" ier- vlces are being neid oauy, in tnei morning and 'ifterao&ttl'j ''"The pastor, Rev. WBVNorth,ii doji ing all the preaching. ; He is de livering po werfulsermona. Large collections, attend the. servj cea and mucb interest is other, wiea manifested. fytHS tiveB at their old home near here. A Philathea Class was organ ized in the Methodist Sunday School here last Sunday by Mrs. J. F. Shoulars, assisted by Mrs. Wellons and Miss Baugham of Rich Square. Quite a number enrolled -in the class. The officers were elected as follows: Presi dent, Miss Clara Vaughan; Vice President, Miss Ruth Draper; Secretary, Miss Lota Lee Draper; Treasurer. 'Mrs. Job. FutrelL Mr. J. S. Bryant was appointed as the teacher of the class. Three of the churches in the community now have ea'cli a Baracaand Phi lathea class. Margarettsrllle Nen ' Master Rod Cdggins. after week's visit to. friends in Durham returned bome Monday afternoon onridia; r. Ut. S- T. vStancelL one of our former citizens but now a popu lar young attorney-at-Iaw of Nor folk! was the guest of his rela tives near here last week. Dr. Geo. W. Mitchell spent the past Sunday with his parents in Aboskie. Dr. W. W. Stancell, of Raleigh was a very welcome guest in the home of his mother, Mrs. John nie Staqcell, near town last week. Mrs. Jas; R. MeLendon has coneiudea most pleasant viait of 'se veral Weeks ; with rerati vee here and' returned to ber home in. Rockingham last Friday. miss uiome imagers, uener- rin's mpst-acicomplished young womanv Urft Sunday f or a i visit with friends in Boykins aod Las- ker.'-- -.v. ".: Mrs. Arthur Burcham and sis ter. Miss Beolah Evans, Durham have been here on A Visit to their sister, Mrs.. Charlie Bridgers, Francisville. ' They returned last Mn: and Mrs. W. C. Faison left last Friday for a short visit to friends of Conway and Murfrees boro: . ,' i Mrand Mrs. J. G. Stancell, acc6mpaaied' by Mrs. Johnny Stance! and Miss Elizabeth Ad- kifiR'leff'Mat week for Norfolk, Ocean View, Baltimore and Wash ingtonV.D. C . , : . . Mr. Edward R. DeBerry, Rich mond arrived- last Friday for brief sejettrn- among relatives hen' ije feturned home Sunday. accompanied by hiB wife and children Who have been visiting relatives near here for several weeks, " Mr. J M. Coggins was on the sick list last week but resumed his work at Hugo on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. H. P. M. Garris wenttb Creeks ville last Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bottoms spent the past Sunday afternoon very pleasantly in' the hame of Mrs. Alma Railey. , Carpenters have , begun work on Mr. J. T. Bridgers' new home adjoining the lot of Mr. J. G. Bot- iMisa vergie twttoms, or near here, spent a portion of last week in Cqtrwav;wh friends and at tended, the lew val at the Metho. dist Church there, t y : iaAtthW lltUe sons returned to their home wereecwrM;Oj: wrs'U tk v .ceU,.Roiinghain it c Xt 2 . f if iie days' tfl his old lealrtoW.'itIr: Stancell ali ,;.;ccrvca a, hearty welcome ;Ct:b vhi ''-otn ', community are r' ' ' 'r.-j.irfeia-Jack of 'rain':n6w.' SOME OF THE MW LAWS. loformation ot General Interest Com plied ny a Magistrate. States ville Landmark J. W. Cobb. Esq., of Charlotte is a magistrate who seems to have the unusual idea that a mag istrate should know something about the law. Anyway 'Squire Cobb has been pouring over the public lawB of 1913 and has culled the following information of general interest which he gave the Charlotte News for publica tion. Sec. 334 of the Revisal makes it a misdemeanor for any wagon er or other persons camping in open air to leave the camp with out totarly extinguishing the camp fire. This is amended by Legislature of 1913 to include hunters who shall set fire to any tree, stump or other combustible matter and leave without totally extinguishing such fire. A fine i of 150. ' . : ' The earnings of a married woman by virtue of any contract ' for her personal service and any damage for personal injuries or other sort sustained by her can v , ! be recovered by her suing alone. '; Her husband need not join her ; 1 in the suit .', ltlt made a mi8demeaner;piu . isfaable by a fine of not to ex ceed. $50, for any parent or guar- . t dian off child under 12 years of age wfcp snail knowingly permit , such! ctdld to Have, the possession or custody of, or use in any man n9r; any gun, pistol er other dan gerous firearm, whether loaded, ' " or unloaded,-or who shall furnish x such child with any such firearms It shall be unlawful for any person or persons' to' use any lewd or profane words or vulgar ity or to use, indecent language to any female telephone operator operating any telephone switch board circuit or line. The fine ' is $20. .V;;'C'-'' V If any person shall, on a pub' he road or highway, in the hear ing of two or more persons, in a loud and boisterous manner, use indecent or profane language, upon conviction shall be fined not exceeding $50, or 30 days in jail All active members of the Na tional Guard of North Carolina are exempted from duty upon the public roads of the counties in which they reside and shall also be exempted from service as jurors. , No person shall operate a mo tor vehicle upon the public high ways of this State Who is under the age of 16 years, and no per son shall operate a motor vehicle when intoxicated. A person op erating, or driving a motor vehicle shall, on signal by raising the hand from person riding, lead ing or driving a horse or horses, or otner draft animals, bring such motor vehicle immediately to a stop and remain stationary so long as may be reasonable to allow such horse or otner animal to pass, A rate of speed in ex cess of 25 miles per. hour on any public highway outside of the corporate limits of any incorpor ated city or town shall be deemed irteiatiou& 'AO Derisions due rA ;Cctof 3ar- widows ior a period i ont year after the death Of any such pen sioners. '," ' ' - Every person, firm or feScra- tion who shall farn':!i store racn for fsrr-'re, tpct'x::: irl for Bt:nr2 13 r 3 t . - S I. v. j the xi:t ti rc'.ifa r: " ' i -' and a lica.1 ejea-'-1 3 t i . t ' i 1 : ' :. 1 N H:.Tj!'i3BoifcW t&'W-&!m-: and fifniiy "of radelt'-attr-" i . ;snt willdssuda 1 irf ' -V yii . . . - vi ' r':-".; -v 'tk!)t'.'-iilt, Vs x,',