Jfc f ANDREW J. ' CONNER. PUBLISHER. SUBSCRIPTION PER ANNUM $1.00 t Volume XXII. men SQUABE, NORTIIAMPtON COTTNTY, N. C, THUE8DAY, (J GUST 28, 1913. Number 35. r.'S'J'ii.";"''; s 1 a . ' l A- 1 . (Supply Co. ; LITTLETON, N. 0. MACHINERY SPECIALISTS: EYerrthing in Machinery and Mill 1LN8, SPBOF1CATION8 AND ESTIMATES PUBjOBHCD on Application ' :: ' E. c awiTH, General Contractor and Builder FRANKLIN, VA. MASON & WORRELL. . TToamm &.Coijnbllor at Law, '. lACXiBON. N. C.':, . Pnefie is all Ooorta. BodneM tranptlr and laithfottr atUodedto. , . Qffiea 2nd floor bank bnlldinc. BAYMOND G. PABKBB, ,..rAttonieand Coonaelor at Law, i ftmetieca in all ooorta. , AU boaiiMM prompt and faithful, attention. Office 2nd Floor Bank BnikHntf . ' v PEEBLES & HARRIS. ATT0KNET8 AT LAW, JACKBON. N. C. .. .. Praetiee in all Courts. Boaineai pwmptlrandfaithfnllvatteadcd to. DR. C G. POWELL s- ,. ;.- DENTIST, .' POTECASI N. C. Can be found at bia office at all timet xeeirt when notice ia Rhreo in thia paper J. N. SELDEN CONTRACTOR & BUILDER JACKSON, N. C. . Estimates on all classes of build ing cheerfully given. . 1 Agent Jor Edwards 3Ietl.Shiole.Writ me for styles arid delivereAffrlfcesr WINBORNE &W1NE0RNE, ' Attorneys at Law, MUEFEEESBOEO. N. C 'Phones Noe. 17 and ZL ' Utw ailOdnHi GAY A MIDYETTE Attorneys Counaellors at Imw Practice m all Courts. All basin eee piomptly and faitbfollT attended to. Office 2nd floor. New Bank bnikUng. f- DR. J. M. JACOBS UllXtJ DENTIST, KOXOBEL, N. C ztractmc f rom children at same orieeas adults. ' Diy W. J. Ward, DENTIST. WELDON.N. C: Dr. E. Eiiringhaus V, PBNTI8T ( .. Javckaon, - ; " 'N.'C. Dentistry in all of its branches. Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Office In New Flytae Building over Poetoffice. ,a Jhh HOUSE MOVERS We are now prepared to move honses of anyaise. Priree low. It will be to toot interest toaeeoa. - (rCLAND Bao-iBBBS, -": :.. Georve. N. C. W. H. S. BURGWYN JR. ATTOBNaTT AT LAW. . . Woodland, . - North Carolina. Offlea in Farmer's Bank Building. ' ' Practice in' all Courts. Business prompt- ' ly and faithfully attended. iafcalrectiir M Bcildcr. fyM For aUC Brick and Plas'tering I lOonslroction Work communicate 'Bideril eoniracfcx 3. MDICKENS t PRIVATE DETECTIVE I,Eav two fine .English Blood- iQnnaa tor xnnning- uuwu wuiu- U. Wire dr- 'pbone me night or SEVEN KFIS. Oesth ol Io!aot-KoDameDt Hovelled -leetlog Postponea-Schooi Opens Sulfeek. . Mrs- Joe Hines and children of Boy kins, Va., and Mrs. Lawrence of Como were gueBta of Mrs. J. S. Watson last Friday and Satur day. - 1 Mrs. W. H, Howell and daugh ters, Misses Lois, Bettie Start ane Claire and Mr.' Ernest How ell attended the protracted meet ing at Mt Carmel last Friday af ternoon. They madeMMt pn Mr. Howell's new Overland7 $at. Prof. H. J. Massey, Principal of Severn High School for the past three years and reelected for the ensuing term, came last Wednesday. He wishes to do some work in behalf of the school before the date, set for Qoening, which is Monday.Sept, lst,19ia " -Mrs. : I..- O. - Joyner - returned Friday from Panacea Springs where she has been for her health Misses Carrie Harris and Viola Stephenson of Pendleton , spent Saturday and Sunday with their aunt, Mrs. Win. Boone. Mrs. W: R. Wood and little son, Carl Irving, and Master By ron Morris of Portsmouth are guests of Mrs. D. S. Barnes this .week.' . ; " Mr. W. H. Pruden returned Friday from Jackson where he had been visiting his daughter, Mrs. P. M. Fleetwood. He was aicomnanied by his grand dau ghters,; Misses Thelma and Elma FJeetwood. . ' 3Gsses Una and Jessie White returned Saturday from a visit to Miejs Jennie Bess Pitman, near Gates. ; Mrs. J. T. Pruden and daugh ter Ida of Portsmouth are visit ing her sisters, Mrs. G. W. Pru den and Mrs. J. H. S. Britt Mr. Scarboro Barrett of Como was a guest in the' home of Mr. J. J. White Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. James Vinson of Murfreesboro spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Jack Barnes. Mr. Culpepper of Portsmouth is spending this week at Mr. M. M. Long's. 1 - Mr. and Mrs. Jeter Woodard of. Portsmouth are visiting, Mr. Woodard's mother, Mrs. Ada A. Woodard. . ;'; ; ; . '. '' Miss Jessie Chitty of Mur- freesbord is.v the-, smest of her ibuinciw Fleet wood, thiB week. .; "''.;', , ' Mr. Sidney Jordan of Meher nn was a guest in the home of Mr. KB. Williams Sunday after noon. . :;' -. There was quite a crowd to Witness the unveiling of. thetW. 0 W. monament1 last. Sunday. The ceremony was very impres sive and was enjoyed by all who were close enough to see and hear. ' .; " : ; l i - r... ' The protracted meeting at this church has been ' postponed a week on account of fodder pull ing. It will begin Monday, Sep tember lSt ':. : 'tpt''frit-: On last Tuesday morning the death angel visited ; the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Lewter and bore away the soul;, of their in fant son e JitUe one bad beaa sick sevjertfweefo' f ered ranch; bui b ,pbw af res where neiither aojrroV notion can harrol him. ,T6; tto)ereaved ones we! extend ''diniiKBI lir. B.,W. MaisSyf if iarion,' S C visited his wife ancj," baby, at hisbrbtherdn-law's, Mr. P.W Edwards last week. He return ed to Marfan o Moridaj.' i lira. Massey and paby lwmt remain v t y Woodland Locqls. : School will open here Septem ber 8 with Mr. W. E. Whisnant, Principal: Miss Annie Futrell, Intermediate grades and Mrs. L. McDaniel, Primary. ' MiBB Mae Benthall will have the music de partment in charge. With these teachers we feel sure pf a suc cessful school year a three of them have been tried in the past and have been found worthy of the position they hold. Miss Marie Benthall spent the last two weeks with relatives here. Rev. Alfred Copeland of Ken tucky conducted services at thei M. E. church Sunday night Several of the young people here attended the recital atPot- ecaai Monday njght laes Lillian Carter, Pauline Out&nd and Inez Bentha'l visit ed friends in Conway last week. Mr. Selvin Blanchard visited relatives in St Johns Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Evelyn Whitley of Ports mouth is spending Bometime here with her sister.Mrs. N.E, Griffin. Mr. H. F, Vangban went to Buies Creek to be present at the opening there Tuesday. Protracted services will begin at the Baptist church here the second week in September and at the Methodist church the third week. ' . suss Ldliian JF ope attended a house party in Lasker last week. ; The boys and girls who will soon leave for college are looking forward to the time with glad ness and regret ' A ' ' "Miss Eunice Pppe viaited in Murfteesboro and Conway last week.!;,"....' ' Mr. Cap Odom of Norfolk vis ited in the home of his sister, Mrs. William Griffin, last week. Several attended the protract ed services at Menola last week. The ball game plaved here last Thursday between Conway and Woodland was a decided victory for Woodland, the score being 14 to 2. ine x. w. A's. gave a camp supper to the young people of the town at Burnt Bridges last week. It was very much enjoyed by all who attended. Miss Bessie Browne of Mur freesboro spent several days here last week a guest at the Harrell Bouse. Mrs. J. Parker of Suffolk and Miss Frauline Penman 'of Nor folk are visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Benthall. .aassss a sa" ' Cotton Crop Id Torkej. (Consul Edward I. Nathan Mersioa, June 27.) Everthing continues to indi cate that this year's cotton crop in Adana Province will exceed all previous records, and amount to 120,000 bales. The 1912-13 yield was 110,000 bales, as indi cated in Daily Consular and Trade Reports for April 12, 1913. Con ditions thus far have been favor able, plentiful spring rains and no unusually hot winds. The cotton is mostly short fiber and will require much hand labor to separate from the seed. To fa cilitate this a number of cotton gins of American . manufacture have been ' introduced. ' If they can ib$ manyiinor b'loj'f:-' Tha two Uiisfied oil milla in Herein are preparing for a big seasoii's operations. One has just been -' equipped with" additional machinery imported from the United States. -, The ftiur large cotton spinning mills in Tarsus and, Adana are , all working on fuUme:''rV'""y,iVv' HARGARETTSVILLE NEWS. food Katos Off to Pbtladelpbla General and Personal News Items. The greatly needed rain which fell here Saturday evening and early Sunday morning has reviv ed the crops and the gardens considerably. Mrs. Georgia Bridgers, Bath, stopped off here last Thursday einrdpte to Portsmouth, and spent theJughtin the home of her bro-therMn-law. Mr. J. J. Bridget . Leon Draper, after an ex' tended visit to his grand-parents HtJ and Mrs. A. S. Bridgers, Ifeherrin; left Monday for his honje at Roanoke Island. MesdamesT. P. Edwards and J. D, . iOverby and infant yisited relatives ia Franklin last week. . ;Mr. H. T. GarriBB was at Mt Carmel Baptist Church last Thurs day land spent the night with nis schoolmate; Mr. Russell Taylor. ' . The Missionary Services at Sharon M. E. Church on 4th Sun day morning were very enjoyably rendered. The solos by Mias An nie Boone and Little Miss Estelle KoBe were especially commenda ble. Misses Ethel and Josie Futrell Jackson, were very pleasantly entertained in the home of Miss Annie Boone, Francisville, last week. i- Mrs. it. W. UdwardB and son. Mr. Stony, accompanied by Mrs. G. Fenton Crocker - and Little Miss Agnes Edwads with Mrs. J.' LiBarrise i and children, Garys birgr, came down from Seaboard ope afternoon last week in their new Studebaker car and spent a few hours very, enjoyably with Mrs. Edwards' sister, Mrs. Alma Railey. Mrs. Alice Tyler, Branchville, is spending some days with her daughter, Mrs. R A. Bridgers, Meherrin. Mr. Eugenek Evans, Durham, is the guest of her sister Mrs. Charles Bridgers, Francisville. Mrs. W. A. Vick and little son William Jr., will leave this. week for Philadelphia on a visit to her husband, Mr. W. A. Vick, who is installed as gunner on the U. S. S, Kearsarge of the reserve fleet now stationed at the Phila delphia Navy yard. After a most pleasant visit to her cousin, Miss Annie Faison near town, Miss ; Elma Calvert has returned to her home in Jack son,. Mr, D. C. Johnson, wife and children, Weldon.spent a portion of last week with relatives in and near town. Mr. Bill DeBerry wife and children of Weldon were week end visitors in the home of Mr. John Lamberson. ' . .. Master Warren Pierce and bro ther Cecil Franklin, are spend ing some days with their aunt Mrs. Walter Faison. - , We regret to report the illness of Mrs. J. A. Crumpler, but hope she will soon be recovered. : Mr. Punch Maddrey and little e son, seaboard, accompanied oy Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Maddrey, Ra leigh, were .guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Whitehead last Sator- day; - ' v":-,: Mri Gorman Harrell and fam ily; CrAncbville, called on jrela tiveaja t1 home of MsV5'A.r S, ! Bridgers; Meherrin, last Sunday afternoon, ," v.jn Not every ideal lover makes a good husband., ''.C'-V, ' r 'i An ordinary piano contains about a mile of wire.' American genius will yet benefit hdmanilj by inventing a wireless piano for I - Ureal Revival tt New Hope Tile New' Hope meeting in the Northampton circuit, N. C. Con ference, was held Aug. 17-22, 1913 Rev. Wm. B. North did trie preaching. From Tuesday until Friday it was an all day meeting. The general cooperation of the members or toe cnurcn with the leader jand the spirit of unity which prevailed were beautiful beyond description. Rev. Alfred Copeland and fa ther of Indiana, of the church of Progressive Friends, Rev. Luther Draper of Virginia, called to the ministry' at the New Hope meet ing or 1911, and Kev. B. t. Boone of Rehobotb church, North ampton circuit were welcome vis itors and rendered valuable as sistance in various ways. The church members very gra ciously revived and the meeting every day grew in interest Fri day was the last and great day of the feast ' It reminded one of peotecost by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. At the afternoon service it eclipsed every thing of the kind the oldest attendants ever saw before. Backslider and sinners generally among the great multitude were cut to the quick and cried for mercy. The, great alter was crowded nve or six different times and every peni tent was converted,, and when time to conclude the service came eight more strong men came tor 1 . . r -i i V 1 ine aitar ior prayer, many pi ine people had to go home but the leader and a goodly number of workers remained' until the last tpemtentwas-V converted -- and shouted theThiRh praises of God, and at 7 o'clock the doors of the church were Opened and 16 can didates' were baptized, and. 18 arena rttomvtid tnio4hat.!hUfeh. The service was four anil, bill hours long, and it was estimated that about - seventy ' persons at the altar made a profession of religion and flinty-five during the meeting. There are several more expected ' to1 'join the church, which as . the largest country churcbiperhaps, in North Caro lina. . . This marvelous meeting teach es us the great importance of SPiRiTUAL-preaching and the co oneratioh of xall the members of ihtfehurch' with each other, the leader and the Holy Spirit -?.te:,tyjamj Locals. Mrs. R. T. White who has been visiting her brother in Fayette viile, N C.' returned home last Wednesday accompanied by her niece, Miss Cuma Harris. , . ' Mrs. ' Martin and children of Portsmouth Va., visited Mrs. J. L Rice last week. ! Miss Ruby Lowe of Lewiston is visiting her uncle Mr. J. W, Leake. . MisBes Mattie and Mvra Vin left last Thursday for Jackson where they will spend a few days. Misses Lillian Carter. Pauline Outland and .Inez Benthall spent a few days here last week with relatives and friends. Mrs, Ed. Stephenson and little daughter Elizabeth of Margaretts viile spent tbe week end with her mother, Mrs. R. T. White. Mr. and Mrs. R- Lee Waff and little son Aubrey of Florida who have - been visiting Mr. Waff 's broriier.ileviWfB. Waff, left last weeiltvl'to Ga;Cty.f:'' Mr. A. LtBBiter went to Jack son list week, to visit her daugh ttftl 'Flythe. W ' '- Vr. and tin. Sykesbf Greens boro spent a few days last week vi'i Ut, Sykee' sister, Mrs. J.O. -.1 i rsth; Gardner of Jendle- t ' c 't few days last week ROXOBEL KEWS. Tbe Drought Broken-New Bank to Open Sept. 2 Meeting Closed -Personals. The drought has been broken in these parts by copious rains and the farmers have again don ned smiles and we hope they will not wear off this time. Cotton is opening in some places hereabouts. This occurs where the cotton came through the ground early. Many visitors whose names we do not now recall, were inRoxo- bel last week during the progress of the meeting at the Baptist Church. Miss Mary Thomas, of Cofield, is the appreciated guest of Mrs. Dr. Jacobs, on Main St Miss Mattie Liyerman has re turned from an extended trip to Asheville, where she went to en joy the mountain breezes. Mr. John E. Peele was in Ra leigh last Saturday on business. He reports crop prospects better in this section than around the Capitol city. The series of meetings held at the Baptist church last week closed Sunday morning and a num ber were added to the church. Rey. Mr. Greene of Boykins, Va., did some excellent preaching, he aiding tbe pastor. ; Vr. A. (Japebart, Mr. Malcom McKay and Mr. James H. Peele, were on the sick list )ast week, but hey have sufficiently im proved that they are now enabled to be. out .1., -v,- '.c Mfc and Mrs. P. B. Cole went to Cnapel Hill Iast MSaturday to visit Mr. Cole's parents. The painter is at work on the ftoanoke-Chowan Bank building, making it ready for the opening on Tuesday, Sept 2nd. As the name implies, this bank belongs to the three counties of Bertie. Northampton and Hertford and it hopes for the good will of the peoplewithin tbe bounds of these counties. The Roanoke-Chowan Bank is the second bank for Rox- obel and its prospects pf success are very encouraging. Its stock holders are composed of farmers merchants, doctors, teachers and accountants, all of whom will doubtless lend a helping hand to- wardr the success of the new in stitution. We welcome among us this new enterprise and wish it unbounded success. Miss Clara Lassiter, of Rich Square, is visiting relatives and friends in Roxobel this week. Our town fathers have been doing some needed work on the streets and sidewalks. They are also having erected a city jail. Mrs. M. F. Raby has returned home from Windsor, Va.. where she made an extended sojourn in the home of her son, Dr. J. M. Raby. "Vy: V Roxy. Scbool Opens Sept. 8. The Jackson Graded School will open September 8th. with Prof. J. R. Ware, Principal, Mrs. Ware, Mrs. Annie Burnett, Miss Lollie Browning and Miss Jennie C. Williams assistants. -The pa? rents and aU the pupils are :re-' 8pectfnlly requested to be prea ent 'ut'u-'-ttws' Mrs. yfM"ylm;i!bU ;t , rjie primary work deflires bri pupils to come without nendl. " ' paper or books. She wants tJL . to be supplied with like material. ' A years rabscription to ' the New' York Wbrld ' and; $tf''fc- KoXsvCbowan : Tness., for Caaly, , ThoiieNS10:V' ft several wecza uzzm . V" . K, ,. - Ft if "f7V af', ' Sabcrlt tif:Trc:'! rs vu- -.1 , ;'1 LI- .';

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