; ";v '' :' . ' 'IS'lVfll ' V.ii'MtJ I- -.... i v. ' s.t:-,-t, ''!' THE BOANOKB-cilO'W 4,H, TIM JSj 3D AY, AUGUST v21tli3 I i ! I V. r, i . ..II ' I '?)' mWm'IXH'IM)!. n 8 : if ft 1 ,;, Mti Lucius Lane of Tyner has I teen spending some days With vl&'and Mrs.'A. E. Copeland. Vllr. aprf Mra. J, B. Copeland :'of Ithaca, N.Y., are visiting Mr. jEopeland'a parents, Mr. and Mrs ! Josiah Copeland. Mr. w. Bruce vaugnan and Wife of Suffolk, Va, spent the past week in the home of C. T, Outland. t-. Mr. Robert Copeland and wife of -Lasker spent Sunday 1 with Ur. A. E. Copeland and wife. , ', Mr. El wood Parker, who has been spending the summer at Halifax, is home on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Parker ' spent Saturday and Sunday at John G.Peele's near Rich Square. . Mr James Brown and brother. J Thomas, of Menola visited in the home of A. W. Brown Sun day. Mr. J. G. Parker and wife were guests in the home of Mr. E. L. Brown of Rich Square last Sunday. ' Mr. W. J. Parker and familv spent Sunday with relatives near ttollv Grove. Messrs. W. E. Parker, W. J Parker and Mahlon Rose left Tuesday for a' four days excur sipn trip from Norfolk to the mountains of Virginia and West Virginia. ' Mr. T. C. Revelleof Murfrees- boro was a caller intownSatur day mght ' Misses Elma Pee1eand Lola Outland visited in the home of Henry T. Outland, Sr., last Saturday. Mr. Walter Sykes and wife of Ifyaca, N, Y., are visiting Mr. Josiah Copeland and family. . i MiBS Verna Joyner of Aulan der was the guest of Miss Lola Outland last week. ' -Mr. David H. Brown and sis ler Belen are visiting at GreenS' bcro and Guilford College this Mr. H. C. Dilks returned Mon day from a two weeks stay with relatives in New Jersey. Mr. Rufus White and daugh ter. Miss Cora, of Belvidere, N. C, have been spending several days in the home of Mr. Jesse W. Peele. Uncle Henry Lassiter, (color d.) who waa the oldest man anv wbere in this neighborhood, diedida7d. Sunday jDDeta locus, . :, a Mrs. J. M. Taylor and niece. Mips Orlene Odpm, qf - Woodland are SDendinir a few1 days with Miss Mary Odom.': ' Miss Fannie Parker of Lewis ton who is a guest of Miss Alma Odom, called at the hpme of Mr, j. T. Elliott Sunday afternoon. Misses Ivey and Rosa Cooke of Portsmouth, Va., and brother. Mr.. W. C. Cooke of St, John's BDent Wednesday of last week here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Minton. Miss Eunice Parker spent f portion of last week with her sis ter Mrs. W. P. Bracy, near Rox obel. Misses Lizzie and Addie Elliott are among friends at Galatia this week. They spent last week with relatives near Branchville, Va., and with friends at Roan oke Rapids. While at Roanoke Rapids they viewed "Points of Rock", Ta beautiful portion of Roanoke River near the factories Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Parker and little daughter, after spend ins last week here at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W J, Parker returned to their home in Portsmouth, Va., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Joyner of near Woodland were guests at the home of Mr. J. S. Hughes Sunday afternoon. Misses Lena and Nina Parker, a- 9 who have spent the past three weeks in Norfolk, the latter in the St Vincent hospital.returned home Saturday: They were ac companied by their brother Mr. T. barker wno will spend a while before returning to his work. Misses Beulah Strickland of Tarboro and Ernestine Joyner of er Rbkobel were guests of Miss ae Elliott Tuesday of last week. Mrs, W. M. Watson :rom near Murfreesborp spent the past week with her niece Miss Mary Odom. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hughes spent last fee at Norfolk and Ocean View Visiting relatives and friends! They were accom panied home by their cousin, Mrs. Carrie Cuddie who will spend a while here. Mr. Rollin Warren and sister of Lasker were guests at the home of Mr. J. T. Elliott Satur- last Friday after having been sick about three weeks. Uncle Henry was such a quiet and peaceful man, and led such an upright and honorable life, that it probably win not be out of place to mention briefly a little history of him, which wiU appear next: week., , The Womans Betterment As sociation met at Olnev school building August 8. The follow ing new officers were elected: President. Ella G. Jessup; Secre tary, Marv F. : Outland; Vice President, Margaret C. Brown; Treasurer, Isabella O. Parker. Some. of the subjects discussed were school sanitation, domestic science in the school, and home recipes. At the next regular meeting they are to discuss very freely the special care which mothers Bhould exercise in the preparation of the school lunches ' The George Tennis Club bas cleaned off the tennis court here and have it in fine shape to play on. They will accept challenges from any Tennis associations in Northampton. Hertford or Bertie counties. Notice. : paving qualified btora the Clerk of the Superior Court of Northampton Gotuktvaa the Executor of the estate of If. E. D. Wateon, kte ot said County, i)ua ii to notify all penona indebted to fier estate to make prompt aettlement with me, and all penona holding claims salnat the estate will present them to aoe, duly Terifled, on or before August t 1914, or this notice will be pleaded in fear of their recovery. .Thii August, 7, 1918. ' . ' C W. Watson, ' Executor of the' Estate of M, E. D. Watson, deceased. Mesdames W. H. Elliott and T. E. Outland. who have been sick for the past week from chills are better at this writing. Mrs. R. T. Andrews of Bov kins, V a., spent last week here with her sister, Mrs. J. T. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Enice Holloman of Ahoskie were visitors at the home of Mr. W. J. Parker Sun day. Mr. T. E. Outland was at Re hoboth Tuesday. Mr. W. P. Bracv and family of near Roxqbel were visitors in the home of Mr. T. E. Parker Sun day. , Misses Mary.Minta and Eunice Parker visited their aunt, Mrs. Annie Parker and family near Rich Square last Thursday after noon. . Mrs. J. T. Elliott and sister, Mrs. R. F. Andrews yisited rela tives at Winton last Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. E. F. Joyner left Saturday for Wilson where he will spend a while visiting relatives and friends. He will visit Hobgood and Tarboro also before .'return-" ing. lien You Spend Your Mtmey Spend It fiight. Buy a LILLISTON Peanut Picker and Vateti Results. Peanuts Picked off With This Pick er Always Bring the Very Highest Market Prices. You can see one of them work at WOOD ALAND, or Drop a Postal Card and I will See You and Explain the Work Fully. C. B. POND, Agent, WOODLAND, N C. i M?I Beverage under the, 5an 'I3r ' rr y w' ihil brink A welcome addition to any party . any time any place. . . Sparkling with life and wholesoprcncss. Delicious Refreshing Thirst-Quenching Demand the Genuine Rcfuu 8ubtitute. At Soda Founutku or Carbonated in Bottles. 1 THE COCA-COLA COMPANY, Atlanta, ca. Whenever yo. aee u Am tfctafc W Ccak. When You BujTa Pair of COSBY SHOES you get a Stylish Shoe, and one that Fits Well and Wears Well three things that go to make a Perfect Shoe. "They Give Satisfaction" We want to reduce bur stock of Shoes as much as possible before receiving our fall line and in order to do this we are offering SOME RARE BARGAINS. If you need anything in this line for any member of your family it will pay you to come to see us. Farmers Supply Co., : Rich Square, North Carolina. . L. Barham, President, R. H. Powell, Vice-President, J. W. Fleetwood, Caahier, ' R. C Knight, Asst. Caahier. HORSE FOR SALE AT AUCTION I will will offer for sale at pub lic auction for cash in. Bich Square on Saturday, August 24 about o'clock P. M. one good Horse; guaranteed to be sound and a good worker and not over 7 years old. . . . UlLUABD BBTAUT, ' ' " KchB4nare7irC. Meherrin Valley Bank, Boykins, Va. : OPENED FOFt BUSINESS OCTOBER ..1ft, 1902. .: Capital, - - - - - 126000.00 Undivided Profits, - - - - 4602.58 Deposits, - - . - - . - 72653.16 Thanking our customers for their patronage in the past, we res pectfully solicit their business in the future, promising safety, prompt ness and courtesy to all regardless of the size of their accounts. ' We carry insurance against day.-and night robbery. We also pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. ' ' The present Cashier and his assistant have held their positions for seven years, which is sufficient guarantee as to their ability to man age the affairs of the bank, so we shall be glad to have any of our Northampton friends to open an account with us, let it be small or large, they will be appreciated, and the same courtesy will be extend ed to all. f. Let Us Have at Leaft a Part of Your Accounts, (Formerly BOONS ft JENKINS) ' Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants -v. - Office and Warehouses, Front, Street . .... . t L (Ane atytWard), , pt SO. BELL TELEPHONE 852. , NORFOLX, VIRGINIA. - Market InfoTaufititrnisked and! Consijnmaiti Solicited. The Beautiful Chimney Rock Gap Reached Via Seaboard Air Line Railway. , Chimney Bock Gap has been for years famed for its beauty in both Song and Story. 1 Why not spend your vacation at one of the com fortable Hotels beautifully situated in this lovely valley. HOTEL BATES. - GOOD ROADS. : Remarkably Cheap $5.00 to $10.00 per week. . Homelike, service. Fine Livery, Good Fishing. T THE SEABOARD'S NEW SCHEDULES make it EASY to get to. Chimney Bockt Rutherfordton , and .sur rounding Mountains. IfWrite today for Booklet, Jambs Ebb, Jr., ' H. S. Lb&bp, T. P. A., Charlotte, . C. D. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. THE OVERLAND. $985 Completely Equipped. F. O. B. Toledo. Has No' Equal Under $1200. Self-Starter SO Horsepower 5-Passenger Touring Car 110-inch Wheel Base Timken Bearings Center Control Remy Magneto Warner Speedometer Mohair Top and Boot Clear Vision, Rain ' Vision Wind-Shield Presto-O-Lite Tank. If You are in the Market for a Car Examine This OVERLAND. Catalogue on request to the factory. The Willys Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio. W.J. BROWN, Agent, George, N. C "You Will Not Regret" Sending Your Job Printing to Us. We can give you close prices on the following items: . Letter Heads. Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envel : 'v": opes, Posters, Programs, Wedding Invitations, Receipt, Tax and Order! Books, Law Blanks, and in Fact Anything You Need in the Printing Line. : : ' . 4 Send Us Your NextOrder and Note the Results. 1 YOUR& FOB BU8INE88, Arthur P. Flythe & Co., Jacbon, .N , r r ! i j : '");'.::