ji limes, v.- ANDREW. J. CONNER, PUBLISHER. CAROLINA, CAROLINA. HEAVEN'S BLESSINGS ATTEND HFR." SUBSCRIPTION PER ANNUM .U0 Vblume XXII. RICH SQUARE, NORTHAMPTON COTJNTT. N. CV, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1913. Number 37. 1L liiiCS lrLUailLii . 1, Tate Machinery & Supply Co. LITTLETON, N. C. MACHINERY SPECIALISTS: Everything ia Machinery and Mill Supplies. mure, Specifications and Estimates Furnished on Application :: :: E. C. SMITH, General Contractor and Builder FRANKLIN, VA. J.A.Wrc& MASON & WORRELL. rrOBNCTB COUN8KLLOR8 AT LAW, . JACKSON, N. C Practice ia all Conrta. Basin eta promptly and faithfully attended to. Office 2nd floor bank buildiwr. t a wAwn a ta whip ,fi iuvn u v , fyui mil) 'k- fe'C Attorney and Counselor at Law. . Jackson, N. C j naeaces id an courta. AUDuaineaa itren prompt and faithful attention. Office 2nd Floor Bank Building. PEEBLES & HARRIS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, JACKSON. N. 0. Practice in all Conrta. Busineae promptly and faithfully attended to. DR. C. G. POWELL DENTIST, POTECASI IM. C. Can be found at hia office at all time zeept when notice ia given in this paper i J. N. SELDEN CONTRACTOR & BUILDER JACKSON, N. 0." Estimates on all classes of build ing cheerfully riven. IfAgent tor Edwards Metal. Shingles, .,. , Write 'me for styles and delivered prices, awnwm, , BMiHiffaaan WINBORNE & WlNBORNE Attorneys at Law. MURFREESBORO. N. a Vbonea Nob. 17 and 21. a. a. Gar as. MUr GAY dk MIDYETTE Attorneys Counaellora At Tjw JACKSON. M. C Practice m all Conrta. All bnaineaa promptlv and faithfully attended to. Office 2nd floor. New Bank bnildinfr, DR. J. M. JACOBS DENTIST, ROXOBEL, n. c. Ertractinit from cbildren at aame orice aa adulta. Dr. W. J. Ward, DENTIST. WEUX)N.N.e.; Dr. E. Ehringhaus DENTIST Jackson, - " NYC. Dentistry in all of it branchee. Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Office in New Flythe Building over Poetoffice. A B. OoMlud : HOUSE MOVERS : We are now prepared to move houea of any sixe. Prirea low. It will be to vour interest to see ui. GOPBLAND BBOi'HBRS, George. N. C. W. H. S. BURGWYN JR. ATTORN ET AT LAW. Woodland, - North Carolina. Office in Farmer's Bank Building. Practice in all Courts. Business prompt ly and faithfully attended. Ccatraclor and Builder. For all Brick and. Plastering V x Construction - Vpork communicate v withf A. T,; Vick, Contractor and , - Builder, Frajiklin, ;- Va., before Iettinj(r'jontract.' y: f: ' ' ?::: 1-241-yr S. M. DICKENS J; v PRIVATE DETECTIVE yfKLDON, N., C. I have two fine English Blood hounds for running down crimi : 'ul8. Wire or 'phone menight r LASKEB NEWS. Revival Heeflogs Nearly a Gentory Old-Farmers Union-Loss by ' the Storm. Miss Clata Vaughan, one of Lasker's popular young ladies, is visiting Miss Gray in Boykina. Mr. Ralph E. Parker left Mon day for Trinity College. Mr. Par ker is one of the most promising young men of Northampton. Miss Lota Lee and Stanley C. Draper spent Saturday night and Sunday in Margarettsvillei Mr. and Mrs. J. Wall of Garys burg spent Sunday in the home of Mr. J. B. Parker. Mr. W. H. S. Burgwyn of Woodland was in town Saturday on professional business, . v. MiBs Joyner of Hampton, Va., is visiting her friend. Miss Pearl Daughtry. . Mr. C. W. Draper is having paint used quite freely about his place ia North Lasker lately. Much work is being done lately toward improving the 'sidewalks. Mr. Bailey Collier, the unfor tunate son of Mrs. T. E. Collier, returned Tuesday to the State School for the Deaf and Dumb at Morgan'ton. A full attendance is required by local Council. Jr. O.U. A M. at the meeting Saturday evening of this week. Business of impor tance to be attended to. A heavy loss to our farmers was caused by the severe storm of last week. Heavy rains fell on Monday 'also. Crops in general-will reach maturity , three weeks earlier than usual on ac count of the unfavorable seasons. Mr. Andrew Conner, Jr., of Rich Square Bpent Monday night in town, a guest in the borne of Mr. D. A Parker. The Baraca Class of the M. E. church is earnestly requested to have a full attendance in the Sunday School next Sunday morn ing. A series of revival, meetings are in progress at the Bbptist church this week. Rev. Simeon BriBtow of Elizabeth City is as sisting the pastor. Rev. D. Cale, and is doing the preaching. He ia delivering strong sermons, and is heard by large congregations. Mr. and Mis. J. S. Bryant and son Perry and Mrs. Emma Bryant and Mrs.- B. A -Draper went over to Rehoboth Sunday on Mr. Bry ant's car and spent several hours. Miss Ethel Kelly, who has re cently been employed as assis tant County Superintendent of Public Instruction, is spending several days here looking after the interest of the school. She is stopping in the home of Mr, J. J. Parker. Miss Kelly is favor ably received by our people, She has made herself popular here. We are glad to have the first visit from Miss Kelly in the ca pacity of her new position. Mrs. Mary Wiley Lasstyer was taken over to Conway Sunday by Mr. F. E. Bristo w on his ' new automobile to spend the day with a relative. "Aunt Mary," as she is commonly known, is one the oldest ladies of this section of the state, having lived through nearly a century, is still in fiae health and keeps her1 home a place bt sunshine and happiness by her' cheerful disposition. ' Mr.' Stanley C. Draper is on a business trip to Halifax, county. ; llrs. L. L,Uaiiite( ''Faek Bonyille, Fla., who has been vis inn in this section for several days, left Tuesday. ; . ; ' c Mrs. W. C. Lassiter. and dau-. ghter, Lilly, of .Richmond are spending a vacation (with.friend Our farmers are preparing more land f r fall crcps4his sea son than ever before. The local .Farmers Union at their meeting on last Saturday elected J. S. Rose as their Presi dent and E. S Lissiter as Trade Agent to fill the vacancy caused bv the absence of Stanley C Draper, who will leave next week for Shenandoah Valley. This union is made a live wire by our cooperative farmers. A good revival closed at the M. E.' church on last. Friday night The able pastor, Rev. W, B. North, did all the preaching throughout the series of meet ings. He delivered powerful ser- rtjoons and not without marked effect. The spacious church was crowded at nearly. every Bervics. As a partial result of the revival 13 additions were made to the church. Mr. J. J. Parker is receiving his fall millinery goods daily. He will have the nicest line of goods he has ever had before. Miss Revere of Baltimore has arrived to take charge of this depart ment and she is busy preparing for the opening the last of next week. See Parker's add. Dr. North filled his regular appointment at New Hope M. E. church Sunday. A large congre gation heard him. After preach ing Mrs. North organized a large Junior Epworth League in that church. Animals Remember Abuse. Our Dumb Animate. ; To tease any animal is unwise, and even dangerous. - Animals never f orsret. A writer in Farm and Fireside shows how the dis positions of farm animals are made ugly or gentle according as they are treated bv the small boy. He says: "I know of two little boys and an old family mare. The old mare has often been teased by one of the boys, and when he comes near she lays back her ears, and with flashing eyes and snapping teeth tries to get at him. Some time when he is off guard per haps the chance will come, and who knows what will happen? The other lad always petted and played With the old mare and talked to ner. and she will come to him and follow him about any where. He never teased her, and she shows her gratitude in her only way. Teasing hones, colts or other dumb animals shows a streak of hidden meaness and should not be permitted. It also spoils the animal. How much better to have them act from mo tives of affection rather than fear!" Should be Bored lor tbe Simples. Stateaville Landmark. The hotel proprietor at Rocky Mount served wine and beer with meals, the wine and beer being listed on the menu card. He was haled into the recorder's court and fined $200 for violating the law but got the fine remitted in the Superior Court Judge Con ner on the ground that he didn't know be , was violating the law, that nobody hud told him he was, and he will be good hereafter; etc. Anybody wno believes, tnat a man with' sense enough to run a hotel didn't know - that serving wine and beer with meals that were paid for was plain retailing, should be bored sor the. pimples. We offer the New. York World three times a week and the Roan- oke-Chowan Times all one year f$1.65. .old Orkney" obfp. ROXOBEL NEWS. New Bank-School Has Floe Opening fTbe Crops-General News. Ihe storm of last week did considerable danage to crops in thi) section, as well as uprooting trees and damaging buildings. Court at Windsor this week takes, as usual, a good size dele gation from Roxobel to the coun ty feat., Our people seem dis posed to deal in law and every court is patronized by Borne of us. Cotton is opening on some farms hereabouts and we under- d that some of the fleecy le will be picked this week. r. j no. M. Edwards and fam- f Lewiston spent Sunday in with relatives and friends. "Mir. C. T. Peele and Miss Effie Jenkins returned from Baltimore Saturday where they went to purchase goods for Mr. Peele's retail establishment Mrs. F. B. Jacobs and Miss Dorothy Powell after an extend ed visit to Henderson, returned home last week. Mr. Paul Johnson of Norfolk spent last week here with Mrs. Johnson, who h visiting her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ty ler. Mr. Leroy Tyler, who holds a good position with the A. C. L, spent Sunday here with relatives Mr. Macolm McKay, manager of the Fore & Co. drug store, af ter neing sick some days, was taken to the hospital last; week tor an operation. At this writ ing ife is reported as doing nice ly. Mr. Harvey McKay of Flor ida is holding hiB brother's place during his absence. Roxobel High School opened Sept. 1st for the fall term, with the largest opening enrollment in its history. Mr. Jno. Chappel is Principal and his assistants are Misses Annie Herring and Ethel Gattis of Chapel Hill and Miss Annie Cooper of Windsor. ITT . 1 i m witn inis corps oi teacners, as they are efficient, we believe that good work will be done in the school. Due to tbe inability of Miss Annie Cooper's reporting for duty in tne school last week,Miss Eunice Watson of this place, taught in Miss Cooper's stead. Miss Watson goe3 to Spring Hope soon to teach in the graded school there. The Roanoke-Chowan Bank of Roxobel opened for business Sep tember 2nd. The opening was very good for the. season and the bank is expected to do well, for the reason it has good people be hind it This new bank should not hurt the Bank of Roxobel very much, but both banks will do nicely. We are well wishers to both institutions. Mr. C. T. Harrell is installing a new and larger system ginnerv near tbe depot and he hopes to have-it ready for work real soon. Mr. Marion Liverman left last week for A. & M. College, Ral eigh, N. C. Misses Mary Lee and Eliza Mason Capehart returned home last week from several days visit to relatives in Conway and Jack SOP. .. :;. 'A-v-'i Miss Cooper, who was absent from jber school duties last week. arrived Saturday and took hold Monday, Bay Crop oi Prince Edxara Island, Consul Wesley Frost of Char lottetown. reports that Prince4tor(Wou.a ewe having bar. Edward Island's hay crop will be fully up to the average of 350,- 000 short tons. Present price is $12 per ton. and it seems prob able that there will be consider Kelford News. The rain and wind Storm that passed over Kelford and vicinity last Wednesday, played havoc with cotton and late corn, and in some instances' the writer is told it blew up the peanuts where the vines were large and the soil light and sandy. The corn that had not had the fodder pulled was laid flat on the ground and where the ears were large manv were rung from the stalks. Where the cotton was small the damage is not Bo mach but where it was of heavy growth and branched out well, it is terribly mangled. Tbe cotton fields look like the cot ton was sowed broadcast over the land instead of being in rows. Your correspondent has inter viewed right many farmers and it is the prevailing opinion that the cotton crop as a whole is damaged 25 per cent. Where the growth is very large the necessa ry .loss that will occur in the breaking up of the limbs and knocking off of bolls in picking will bring the percentage up considerably. Bertie Rebekah Lodge No. 97, I. 0. 0. F., will conduct a weigh social at Odd Fellows Hall, Kel ford, Friday evening September 12th. Tbe admission fee for those weighing one hundred or less will be 10 cts and for those weigh ing more than one hundred 20 cts. The proceeds will go to the Or phans Home at Goldsboro. Re freshments will be served, and we understand that the lady wboBe avoirdupois is tbe greatest will receive a handsome prize, and the one who is the lightest will receive a booby prize. The Kelford School Board has announced that tbe Kelford Grad ed school will open its 191314 lession Monday, September 29th, with Prof. Thop. A. Pope of Ma con, N. C"., as principal, and Miss Marry BurruB of Wanchese, N. C, as head of the intermediate department, and Miss Mary W. Brown, of Edgemont. N. C, manager of the primary work and the music. With these thor oughly trained teachers, backed up and assisted by the push of Mr. Geo. T. Browne, Chairman of the School Committee, and the galapt Mr. J. E. Tyler as attend ance officer, with Mr. Geo. T. Parker 'the ' Secretary standing read;Hb perform every duty per taining to his office, we see no reason why Kelford school should not be" one of the best schools in the county. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ballard of Richmond, Va , returned home Monday after spending a short while in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Tyler, on Main St. Mr. J. S. Peele. cashier of Bank of Kelford, made a short trip to Williamston last week. Kelford Baptist Sunday school will hold its annual entertainment Thursday evening September 18, from, three until six o'clock, tireat Scheme. Why won't you buy some-. thing at my table?" demanded the girl at the charity fair. Because I Only buy from the homely ! girla,Hv said the man, "They have a harder time mak ing Bales." ; ... V The girls was not offended, and he worked this right down the line.--Loni8vaieO)urier-Jouriial. Morewomeaiiffht be able , to save money 1f the dry goods 'gatnaiaea,v,r,vAvi If . marriages are made in byen,.we :tfu8e to hazard a gijtdi aa to the place where' di vorces are mannfactured. Chi- JACKSON GRADE J SCHOOL. Best Opening Id History of School Many Patrons Pledge Co operation. The most auspicious opening in the history of the Graded school at Jackson, was witnessed Monday by about one hundred twenty-five patrons and friends of the school and about 100 pu pils, under the leadership of tbe Principal, Prof. J. R. Ware, as sisted bv as able corps of teach ers as can be found anywhere. This bids fair to be the very best school in the county. In the near future you will hear and read of a State High school at Jackson, with the full four year course to which a normal course will be added. It must have been pleas ing to Prof. Ware and his assist ants to hear expressions from many of tbe patrons of the school pledging their support and co operation, and it was indeed pleasing and encouraging to the patrons of the school to learn from Prof. Ware, and his able assistants their plans for the betterment of the school. Prof. Ware will be assisted by Mrs. Ware, Mies Williams of Warren ton, N. C . Mrs. A. L. Burnett and Miss Retta Bowen of Jack son. We are much pleased with this corps of able, efficient and earnest teachers and bespeak for them the most successful session in the history of tne school. rror. ware comes to us with a reputation already established as one of the best and mot thor oughly equipped school men. He has established for himself bv hie work, such a reputation in this county, having taught in the county ten years. Prof. Ware's assistants are al bo teachers of reputation and ex perience, and before they leave us, we confidently expect to have at Jackson, the very best school in tbe county. You will, hear from it from time to time. Potecasl News. Mrs. W. H. Gilbert left Mon day for her home in Raleigh. Miss Gladys Lassiter will leave Wednesday for Chowan College. Mrs. J. R. Baugham and Mrs. Blow are on the sick list. Dr. G. N. Harrell, Murfrees boro, was in town last week, the guest of his mother, Mrs. Mollie Harrell. Mr. Jesse Coleston left last Tuesday for Wake Forest where be will attend school again this year. Mr. C.W. Beale visited friends near Woodland Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. E. C. Parker, Menola, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mollie Harrell. They will visit relatives in Roxobel this week. The subject for discussion in prayer meeting next Sunday night is Prayer. We hope to have a full attendance. Mrs. Mary Holloman of Jack Bon visited her daughter, Mrs. J. B. J ohnson, last week. The severest ttorm passed through here last Wednesday that has in many years. Much damage was done to late crops. We were glad to sew Miss Ida Wheeler able to be out Sunday after, haying been confined to her room several days on account of. chilis:, , . Mrs. S. Britt and daughter. Mrs. Stephenson, of jSevem, are viMting their daughter and sis- -ter,, lira. A J. Harrelli ' i ;. ' .! , .' ;' sunshine. Par Waafcaesa mni Lost of Appetite Tk Old Sttndtrd mm itrnrhefiinff .tonta. . CROVK'STASTELlSSokiU TOKlCdriim out ' MS: -IV tionsw able shipments to New England. mvr ug mmmi .' :,':- V. fy"'Vfi'