mw I I " I 1 1 V I 1 ' V'''i-' r-''''-i'.r.t & "' ij ANDREW J. CONNER, PUBLISHER. v; ''CAROLINA, CAROLINA, HEAVEN'S BLESSINGS ATTEND HFR." SUBSCRIPTION PER ANNUM 1.0o VohunXXlI. ; ( RICH SQUARE, NORTHAMPTON OOTTTT, N, ,C. .THUBSDAYi OCTOBEI1 2, 1913. ' Number 40. f ' x-:. J. '.',J, Ttts Dcbicery & Supply Co. LITTLETON, N. C. , MACHINERY SPECIALISTS: Everyming in Machinery and Mill Supplies., ' . .. .' Huns, Specifications and Ebtimateb Fuhnibhad on Apfucation :: :: , E C. SMITH, General Contractor and Builder FRANKLIN, VA. T. W. Mi i " J.A.W. MASON & WORRELL. VOBHBT CODNBBLLOH At LAW, JACXSON. N. C ' ttmetie is all Court. Basin eat prompth and faitfafnlh attended to. ;" : tMBce 2nd floor bank boOdimr.' BAYHOKD G. FABKEB, gfTMi Jfompt andS faithrol attaa tion, tod Floor Bank Building. PEEBLES & HARRIS. AtWOBMITS At LAW. X:- JACKSON. 0. , Pnetiea in all Conrta. BoaJnaaa nromptlrand faitafolhr attended to. DR. C. G. POWELL ; DENTIST, -A" 'v. POTECASI N. C. qaa be foimd at bia office at all thnea Mapt when notice ia given ia tbJf paper J. N. SELDEN CONTRACTOR & BUILDER JACKSON, K. C. Estimates on all classes of build i for styles and deHvereS prices. B. wo WINBORNE & WINEORNE Attorney at Law, MUBFEEESBOBO. N. C. Ptionee Noa. 17 and 2L . a.a.00 aaiMwMi GAY du MIDYETTE AnorneTi A Couxuellors art Jjkw ;"'1.-;-''f , JACIBON. H. a Practice m aii Coarta. All buaineea i atomptly and faithfully attended to. Office 2nd floor. New Bank building, DR. J. M. JACOBS DENTIST, ROXOBEL, N. C. Extracting front children at same ariee aa adolta. Dr. W. J. Ward v DENTIST; i..y .v V..' J)r. E. Ehringhaus . DENTIST Jackson. ; - ' w '- K. C. Dentiatry in all of ita branchea. Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Office in New Flythe Building over Poatoffice. a a. : HOUSE MOVERS? We an now prepared to move bouaea of anv.aiae. mm low. it win ne to vonr Intereet to aee na. " ' Cofilano BBO-i'BBHS, ' " 0oive. N. C. W. H. S. BURG WYN JR. ATTOBNET AT LAW. Woodland, - . -. North Carolina. Offioa in Farmer'a Bank Building. Practice in all Conrtt. Basinets prompt ly and faithfoUy attended. btetto: and BcUier. ij!CFm ''all Brick and ; Plastering Construction ' Work cornmnnicate ' with A. T. Vick, Contractor; and ' Builder, ; FrtuaklhJ, vVa.,:; belQre 1 1 S.M. PRIVATE DETECflYE -I hve two; fine English: Blood ; hounds ''f Or running dowr crimi!- Wire or 'nhone me hiirht or day. ?Phohe No, 210..:. FROM JACISON. Death of Ned Plcard-Fanners Uolon Heeting And Fine Speeches- ' School brawtog. Mrs. Lindsay Walker and Mibb Annie Walker of Town Creek are visiting Mrs. Walker's moth er, Mrs. Bowers. Miss Mary Philips of Battle boro is visiting Mrs. G. G. Pee bles. . Miss Elsie Roberson of Charles ton, S. C, is visiting her cousin, Mrs, R. 0. Boone. .: ; ' Miss Alexins Hardy left Mon day after SDenning several das with Mrs. W. T. Picard. ; Mrs.' Sam Simpson of Norfolk, who has been visiting;; Mrs. H. B.;Hard3jeiTirned tpjier Iiome MondiiyvMy !:f?: -? r&'i , Vti dsogh' ter of PgrsrnopUv jhivebee7is iting Mrs!; M; L Jernijran. f i ) ''Jflk.: W :"1X Barbeef Seaboard spent Sunday in town. " V Misses Maybelle Gay and Jan nah Barrow left Tuesday for Roxobel to visit Mi88.Capehart. ; Mrs. L. L. LasBiter and daugb ter of Florida returned, to her home Wednesday, afrit spend ing two months with her mother Mrs. W. H, BurTaloe. ': ' JUpss Agnes Flythe of , Conway Spent several days in town last week. Mrs. . North and daughter Martha Lee, have-returned af ter a ' visit of several ' days in Gumberry ter Juha, returned home last week from Norfolk. ' ' J Mrs. J. T. Flythe, Mrs. Ehr hart and Mrs. North spent Tues day in Lasker. ' . We grieve to have to report the sad death of Mr. Ned Picard which occuared Thursday, Sept 25th. His remains were inter red in the Episcopal church vard Friday afternoon. He was a young man of sterling qualities and will be greatly missed from among us. We extend to the family our most heartfelt sym pathies. The Jackson High School, has completed three weeks" of the fall term with an enrollment of 108; ; average i attendance ' 106. Every one is vej?- .much inter ested in the school and we' pre dict a prosperous yearJ!"- '-A tMr P.-Stephenson :-,o'f. Severn was a caller in town Sunday 55 Nearly five thousand people were in town Friday, Sept 26, as it was '"Show day." ' ' J ; It is seldom that the people of Jackson are so fartunate as to have with them such a number of progressive men as were pres ent last Wednesday. ' It was a great day with our people. In teresting and instructive speech es were made by the following men: Clarence E. Poe, of tho Progressive Farmer; , Mr. W. L.. Spoone, who has charge of the good roads, and Drs. M. R. Ste phenson and H. W. Lewis. . 'The occasion was a. Farmers Union meeting and we are sure that the farmers received ' much ben efit and encouragement . . f. T:T. 0, Cccilsj t f ocilaod. The next regular ;meeting of the Woodland W( a & Mi Ut to be held : , Oct 8, 4913, at . the Academy at 4 PVM ' vThe entire program is on , the subject of ;5Puri.tyt and we believe to will; be of special interest to.; women of all ages and girls- in their teens; to all of vhom, whether. W; C. T. U. members or . not, a cordial Invitation is extended; ' I Eunice Pqpe, President, 8ubacrirW;the.TlMaa.-;.r Hargarettsf llle News. MesdameB C. B. Vick and Al ma Railey spent last Tuesday night in Jackson and heard Mees Poe and Spoon on Wednesday. Mrs. J. M. Coggin went . to Woodland Saturday in response to a telegram stating the serious illness of her sister, Miss Bettie Sue Mulder. V Rev. D. L. Earnhardt filled his regular monthly appoint ments at Sharon M. E. church Saturday and Sunday, and was entertained in the home of Mr. C. B. Vick. MesdameB J. G. L. Crocker; Seaboard, and Ruby Murrill,' Jacksonville, N. C ,. spent last Wednesday with Mrs. J. B. Goode. ; Mr. S. T. Standi) Norfolk, is visiting his mother, Mrs John nieStandlli - r ' Miss Hattie Hart arrived from Boykins Saturday to pay a visit to her aunt, Mrs. J. G. Bottoms, but left for her home, Littleton, Sunday in response to a telegram calling her to the bedside of her father, whose illness is quite se rious. . :-.:-';;''--v- Mr. John Lambertson and sons Charles and Robert were in Boykins Thursday to attend the Downie and Wheeler Show. Messrs. J. S. Gay and Jordan Edwards were in Jackson laBt Wednesday to hear the address es by Messrs, Poe and Spoon. Mr. J.E. Piland went to Roan oke Rapids last Friday, on busi ness. - " '-ry: r ; , iK v .'; '' WJMr. - A; L. ; Ford andmSy motored here from ' Emporia Tuesday to spend a few hours calling on friends. Dr. J. H. Mitchell of Ahoskie came over Saturday afternoon to see his son. Dr. G. W. Mitchell. who returned borne with him for the night. Mrs. Walter Garriss is suffer ing an attack of chills. Those who were on the sick list last week are able to resume their duties. Mr. Jordan Edwards has been absent from his home for the past several days. We can but wonder if the attractions at Jar ratts, Va , are not greater than home duties. Mrs, A. A, Rothschild of Em poria is the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. B. Vick. One of the saddest misfortunes that, perhaps, this community has ever known of, occurred last Wednesday - about three miles from town, when Mr. Ned Picard was completely enveloped in flames caused from the explosion of a can of gasoline oil suspend ed from the handlebars of his motorcycle. Had it not been for two colored men who happened along just after the explosion, Mr. Picard would doubtless have burned to death,' for already he bad given up aL hones of relief and nad gone into the woods where his body was found, while his machine was left smoking in the road. .The colored men mov ed him to Mr. H. J. Vaughan's where, owing to the illness of our faithful physician, Dr. Mitch ell, Dr. Lewis , was summoned and took the patient to: his home in Jackson, His limbi werea mass of burns of the motit horri hie Jdn J,itjIL he. ) was conaelous of his suffering and acknowledg ed the accident was duel to his carelessness. It was with sad nera tnat the news Of his death at cia home on Thursday,' reach ed nereand to the bereaved we can only offer, our heartfelt sym pathy., .y-V-i : ' itsm III lores, Other isnwiii Vtal Ctrl Tlia-wr mmt nk Umtttf bt haw lorn (Uodiac, r- 1 1 br tiff vonArrfal. liniibl Dc f.rtw'. Aatacptie fiauiat Oil. It rtUera FKOM AUUNDEI. School Bonds Voted Died li Green I vllIeFrelgbt late leetlng-Poe and Mclotosh SpeaL Glen wood Burden, son' of Mr. J. A. Burden, is very ill at his home here. A trained nurse is in attendance. Mr. W, P. Hoggard went to a hospital in Norfolk last week, ac companied by his Bon, Mr. B. H. Hopgarrl. itMrs. J. L. Pritchard of Wind sor spent last week with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mitch ell . . Dr. J. L. Pritchard and Mr. Dempsey of Windsor passed through here last week on their way to Florida. -Rev. Mr. Britt and family left last week after spending some time here with friends. Mr. Britt preached in the Baptist Vehurch while her& v Messrs. R. J. and W. S- Dun ning went to Florida last week in connection with a lumber propo sition. It is possible that the former will accept the proposi tion and remove to Florida some time in the near future. ; Mr. HoBea Harrington died at Greenville last Saturday morn ing. He had gone to see his brother. The body was brought here Sunday morning and the funeral service was conducted by Hon. C. W. Mitchell at the home of a sister of the deceased. Mjr. Haigton was 28 years of age ana was a Drawer oi Messrs, J,' Lawrence and John L. Har rington of Aulander and Lewis- ton, respectively. $y a vote of 140 to 60 last Mon day, the Bond Issue and Special Tax for Graded school was car ried, and Aulander and vicinity will now begin to prepare for suitable building and facilities for carrying on the school work. This issue carries with it, a $12. 500 bond issue for this purpose, and the special tax will be 45 cents on the 100 and $1.35 poll. The territory embraces about 2$ or 3 miles, being somewhat long er east and west than north and south. A suitable ground for the erection of a ' new building will be next provided and the old school site sold, the proceeds go ing to the new building. It is proposed that a $10 000 building be erected, thongh details . will later be arranged. The commu nity is to be congratulated on this election, the majority being larger than was expected. (CONTINUED on page 6 ) George News. Mr. Clarence H. Poe, editor of The Progressive Farmer, Raleigh, N. G, spent last Wednesday night in the home of B.P. Brown. Mrs. Ella G. Jessup and Mrs. Jane E. Brown visited friends in Menola last Friday. . Mr. J. Elwood Copeland and Mr. W. J. Brown were in Green ville, N. C, the past week on business . ' ): 'iv;: v .'" : ' ; 'j Several farmers here sold their last year's cotton crop a few days ago for 13 cents per pound. ; ' - A good many farmers and oth ers' availed, themselves of the splendid opportunity of bearing Mr. Clarence Poe at Jackson last Wednesday, On the following day several went from here to Aulander to hear him. At Jack son Mr. Poe spoke on cooperation among farmers, and for an hour and a half he held the attention of bia large audience in a re markable manner. At Aulan&x bis address on Education, we unv derstand, was equally as good. . The . Seaboard Air Line railroad- c-rany is nu&ing ' aosss i . tion kca,j vj5 . .-uiitt.Ht .11.,. - Garysburg Graded School oper ed Monday. Sept. 22, with 42 pupils. Prof. C. I. Miller has charge of the 4, 5, 6, and 7th grades, and Miss Saunders 1, 2, and 3rd grades, and music. Coun ty Supt P. J. Long waa present and made a short instructive talk. A goodly number of the patrons were present and pledg ed their cooperation and support. We are expecting several more pupils later, and the best session ever in Garysburg. Miss Ruth Grant of near here, spent three days last week at Garysburg Hotel guest of her cousin, Mrs. J. B. Collier. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Davis, af ter spending several days in the pleasant home of her mother, Mrs. AV j. Ellis, left last Thurs day to spend Beveral weeks in Charleston, S.C., and Savannah, Ga. Prior to this Mrs. Davis spent two weeks with relatives and friends in Washington D.C., and Petersburg, Va. ' Mr. L. B. Riddle returned last Wednesday from a several days visit to his parents at Sanford, n. c. ; Mr. Liewis Mewsome oi near Jackson has accepted a position as salesman for Mr. J. A. Hawks. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lee and daughter 'Julia will leave Tues day evening for their home in Richmond. Mrs. Paul Garria, after soend ing a week at the home of her mother. :Mrs. ;W. B. Persons. Bykina, 'returned to her home last Saturday. The, revival dosed last Tues day night, as a result there were seven baptised at the last Sunday morning service. Each sermon preached during this series was greatly enjoyed and very helpful Mr. W, . E. Conwell went to Richmond last Saturday on busi nana " ' ' Dr.W;T. Carstarphen of Wake Forest' was in town last Sunday. The Ladies Parsonage Aid So ciety met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. R. E. Brown Miss Eva Davis of Weldon is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. H.Joy- ner this week. " Mrs. Robinson and Miss Bea trice1' Robinson of Emporia re turned J home Saturday after a Visit with' Mrs. W.T. Stephenson Mr. J. L. Suiter and family of Emporia spent Saturday night with his brother, Mr. J.A.Soiter Miss Alice Butts returned Sat urday from a week's visit to her brother, Mr. J. G. Butts, in Roanoke Rapids. Pendleton Locals. Mrs. Pattie Parks and Ethel Edwards ! spent a few days in Boykins last week. Mrs. J. 'C. Taylor and son and Miss Ruth Gardner left Thursday for Portsmouth where they will spend a, few, days. - ; Jflr. , an4 Mrs. Ernest Flythe and children spent Sunday in Conway with relatives. v ' .rtitr Charlie Tyner and Mr. Ar cble Sumner.returned home Tues qaV frWiheir work in Norfolk, the wil spend a few day's with themparilatt. ' ;:' :rfc;;s . ( Mr. .F.W. Lawrence of Wilson; lra, -spent1 ''Saturday, night in '' Irene Davis ef Chowan CoHiii Ipent Saturday and Sun daVat home." ';.'''' - ' "'Hia Etia Sumner of St; Johns n&ax Bunoay iiternoon m tne Ls cf Ur. Moees Sumner. She w&iltpanied home bf Miss ftlZ&Vk-tkd;- spent Sun- :i.lwSereriii.' WOODLAKD ITEM! Marriage oi BoIIomao-Brickhouse School Mill Growlcg Returned From Southern Trip Rev. J. W. Downey was in Colerain last week helping the pastor of that place in a meet ing. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Griffith visited their parents near Mar- freesboro last Smday. Mr. W. H. S. Burgwyn was in Haleigh a few days last week. Dr. Q. H. Cook, IMessrs. J. P. Griffin, N. E. Griffin and Eaton Griffin have just returned from a long southern trip. On this trip they took in theprindpal cities of South Carolina, Georgia, and. Florida. They report a very enjoyable trio. v The. school work is running very smoothly--teachers and pu pils are interested, and we feel that nothing is left undone. The unveiling of the Confed erate Monument at Winton last week attracted some of our dti zens. Mrs. Eunice Powell has been visiting relatives in Norfelk.Cis-. co, and Colerain. Miss Nina Holloman was quiet ly married at her home here last Tuesday, to" Mr. R. E. Brick house of Creswell, N. C. Mr. BrickhouBe is well known here, and has many friends who wish for both of them nothing but happiness through life. They wereknarried at noon and left on the 12-30 train for his heme. ' Mrp.ChaaBeatnaJl and daugh ter spent Sunday with relatives near Murfreesboro. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Copeland were in Rich Square Sunday vis iting relatives. Mr Lucius Griffin of Norfolk visited his father, Mr. Win. Grif fin, last week. Conway Locals, Several of our town people at tended the speaking of Mr. Clarence Poe at Jackson last Wednesday, and also the show Friday, Mrs. M. I. Sykes went to Wake Forest last week to be by the bedside of her son Paul who is ill of typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sawyer of Whitney, N. C, are visiting their mother, Mrs. Jane Flythe. Mr. Silas Lassiter of Norfolk is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lassiter. Miss Claudia Bristow is visit ing her friend, Miss Gertie Gay, Seaboard. Mrs. Ernest Flythe of Pendle-. ton spent Sunday with her mother-in law, Mrs. Jane Flythe, Mrs. R. T. White, who has been taking a treatment in the hospital at Richmond, returned home Sunday. Miss Bashie Sykes of Wood- laod spent a few days last week at the home of her mother, Mrs. M. I. Sykes. Mrs. Ed Stephenson oi Uar- garettsville is spending this week with her mother, Mrs. K. r. White. Mrs. Grace Holoman of Rich Square made a very interesting talk on "Missions" at the Bap tist church last Sunday after noon. . ':': &MV-Vi A ; party ' from here inotored over to Panacea Sprinrs Sunday'" and report a delightful trip, r - UI88 Agnea f lythe returned home Saturday from a visit to relatives and friends in Jackson.' - , ,U188 uaisy i-srnzarct ia tisw ing friends at Seaboard.. . . r : We are requested to announce . that the West Union School will open next uoncay, uc: :cr o. and that all the nuuils In tie UI trict are requested to, be prescst iut W -..-.. . i . ' I 5" 'if''!"