8 1 HE BOANOKK CHW AN TDtEb THUBSDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. ; George Hews. Mr. Fred T. Hollo well of Golds boro, spent th week end with Mr. H. W. Jessup. Mr. Joseph Morris of Menola visited relatives 'and friends here ths past week. Mr. Morris is very old and it seemed good to see him out again, Mr. C. W. Harvey and wife of Rich Square spent Saturday and Sunday here, the guests of G.H. Parker and family. Mrs. George Bradley of Berk ley, Va., has been spending sev eral days with her son, Mr. Claude Bradley. Dr. Welsh of Vineland. N. J. spent Saturday night with W. J, Brown and family. MisB Gulia Outland of Rich Square spent Saturday and Sun day at Mr, George H. Parker's. Mrs. Henry T. Outland Jr. of Rich Square called at Mr. Josiah Copeland's Monday afternoon. Mr. Haryey Lassiter spent the week end in Norfolk on business Mr. William Dilks, who has been in New Jersey some weeks on business, returned home the first of this week. Rev. W, C. Merritt and wife of Rich Square visited Mr. J. El wood Copeland and wife Monday night Mr. Samuel P. Jones, who left last week for Thomasville Or phanage, where he took his two little Bisters, returned home the first of this week. MissVirgie Vaughan of Las ker is visiting Miss Annie Rose this week. From the refreshments which the Woman's Betterment Asso ciation served at Olney last Sat urday night, they received about $20.00. Mr. Herbert S. Smally attend ed the Recital at Chowan College Friday night. Mr. Fred Hollowell of Golds boro, delivered an oration at Ol ney school building last Saturday night, which he had prepared and given in an inter-collegiate contest in the state of Indiana a few months ago. In this contest he won first place and a prize of $75.00 in money. The subject of the oration was: "The Economic j a rrr mi raiiacy oi war, mere were about 200 out to hear him, and he he'd his audience spell bound the whole way through. A good many people were heard to say that it was the best oration thev had ever heard. Mr. Hollowell, Juft Arrived! CAR-LOAD OF THE CELE BRATED KIMBALL PIANOS In order to introduce their pianos more thoroughly in this vicinity, the W. W. Kimball Co, has placed on exhibition a car of sample pianos which they offer to prospective purchasers at factory prices on easy terms. These pianos are made of high grade material by skill ed mechanics and are fully guaranteed. Many of tie world's most famous pianist have bought Kimball pianos and recommend them high ly. Several highest awards have been given them by world's fairs. Many State and County fairs have con ferred upon them highest honors, Raleigh, and Greens boro, N. C. and Emporia, Va. being among them. Call and see them at the home of Mr. E. L. Barber, near the Times office. : : : J. M. D. Barrier, Mgr. Notice. Sale of Valuable Timber and Land. Pursuant to and by virtue of the power and authority confer red upon me by an order and de cree of the Superior Court of Northampton County. North Car olina, rendered, in the Special Proceeding therein pending en titled W. C. Boone and others against B. P. Boone and others, I will on Monday, the 27th day of October. 1913, sell at public auction to the highest bidder at the court house door in Jackson, N. C all the timber trees of every kind standing, lying and being on the land hereinafter de scribed measuring ten inches and upwards in diameter at the stump at the time of cutting, eighteen inches from the ground, except the fruit trees, shade trees and trees in the grave yard together with the right of way to cut and carry away said timber trees and usual timber privileges including the right to build rail roads or other roads across said land, or of erecting a saw mill thereon for that purpose for the period of three years from the dateoftne confirmation of the sile. Said land is situated in Northampton county. North Car olina, Roanoke Township.adjoin- mg the lands of A. Grant, E. W. Spivey, the Bird land, the lands of & A. Vaughan. W.H Notice of Sale Under Execution. North rarolin. ) In th a Superior Northampton county, ) court RoenaM. Maddrey, Executrix of J. T Maddrey, Plaintiff. Paul L. Misod, Defendant. - under and by virtue oi an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior court of North amy ton county in the above entitled action I will on Monday. October 27, 1913, at 12 o'clock in front or tne court Bouse oor in Jackson, N. c, in said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satis.'y said execution all the right, title and interest of the said Paul L. Mason, de fendint, in and to the following de scribed real estate, to wit: - Situate, lying and being in Seaboard Town hip, said county, one tract bounded as fol lows. Beginning at a stake in new road leading from Martin place to Sea board running south west down Rich ard Ivey's line to Pope's line thence nearly eastward direction to road lead' ing from Turner's cross Roads to Jack ton. thtnee up said ,road to the afore said road, thence along new road to the beginning containing Sbi acres more or less. See deed from W. R, Fd wards and wife to Paul L, Mason, Book 97, Page 340. One other tract bsginning on the road leading from Martin place to Seaboard at Elisba Lassiter 's corner running thence west or nearly so a direct line to deep run swamp, thence up said swamp to a corner gum at Anthony Faison's corner thence along Faison's line to aforesaid road thence along road to the beginning, containing 15 acres more or lees. S:e Book 113. Page 200, Deed from w. R. Edwards and wife to Paul L. Mason This the 20th day of September,1913. HINTON L JOYNER. Sheriff Northampton County. 4wks A. Vaughan. W.H. Vaueh- -h - er,ar Po,iKm ni ! an, W. J. bedgepeth and others. lege, Ind is certainly making a mark in the world and it makes us always reel good when we hear of one of our North Caroli na boys starting out so well. This young man expects to enter the National peace contest this year, and we hope for him success. Notice. Sale of Land Under Mortgage. Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon me by the mortgage deed made and execut ed on the 6th day of February, 1903 by W. H. Roberts and his wife Sarah Roberts to me and duly registered in the Register of Deeds office for Northampton county in book 106 page 365, de fault baying been made in the payment of the indebtness there in secured. I will as mortgagee, on the 17th day of October, 1913 at about 1 o'clock P. M. at the court house door in Jackson, N. C, sell for cash by public auction to the highest bidder, the follow ing described tract or parcel of land lying and being in Gaston township, Northampton County, North Carolina and known and designated as follows: The piece of land on which the said Wm. H. Roberts resided on the 6th day of February, 1903 and said to contain five acres more or less and bounded as followej On the north by King King; on east by Bettie Walker; on south by Char lotte Harrison and on west by Mrs, M. E. Bradley, it being the same land conveyed to said Wm. H. Roberts by Bettie Walker and being the same land conveyed in the said mortgage. This the 22nd day of Septem ber, 1913. R. E. Cleaton, Mortgagee. Gay & Midyette, AttyB. and bounded as follows: On the nortn by the lands. of W. J. Hedgepeth and W. H. Vaughan, on the east by the lands of E. A. Vaughan, on the south by the Byrd land and the land of A. Grant and E. W. Spivey, and on the west by the lands of A. Grant and the public road leading from Rehoboth to Gum Fork, contain ing 300 acres more or less, and being the land of which the late John Boone died seized and pos sessed. Terras of sale one-third cash, the balance on a credit of bi'x and twelve months from date of con firmation of sale, deferred pay ments to draw interest from date of confirmation of sale, the pur chaser to have the privilege to pay all cash at time of sale or before the maturity of deferred payments, no timber to be cut or removed until all the purchase money is fully paid. And pursuant to the power and authority conferred upon me by the aforesaid judgment and de cree of said Superior Court I will also on the said 27th day of Oc tober, 1913 sell for cash, at pub lic auction to the highest bidder at said court house door, imme diately after the sale of the tim ber trees, rights and privileges aforesaid, the tract of land above described subject to the sale of the aforesaid timber trees, rights and privileges, except one-half acre of said land used as a grave yard, together with a right of Tray to and from the same. Thjs the 20th day of Septem ber, 1913. J. A. Futrell, Commissioner, By Peebles & Harris, Attorneys. Notice of Sale Under Execution. North Carolina, I In the Superior Northampton county. j court Everette Baugham, Plaintiff Vs W. L. Gatling, Defendant' Under and by virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned frSm the Superior court of Northampton county in the above entitled acti n. I will on Monday, October 27th. 1913, at 12 o' clock M in front of the court house door in Jackson, N.'C, in said county sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, all the rigb, title and interest of the said w. L. Gatling, defendant, owned by him on the 26th day of August, 1912, levied on in said action in and to the following described real estate, to-wit- Situate, lying and being in Rich Square Town ship, in said county, bounded on the north by K. B. Bovce. on the east by Peyton Maggett. on the south by w. H. coman tract and on the west by the public road leading from Rich Square Notice. SALE of VALUABLE L ANDS. Under and by virtue of the authority conferred upon me by the' order of the Court made in the special pro ceeaings pending in the superior court of Northampton county, entitled D. S. Barnes, and his wife B L. Barnes, w. R. Barnes, C. E. Barnes and his wife Maude Barnes, et als to the Court, I will as commissioner on the!8th day of October, 1913, at about 1 o'clock P. M. offer for sale for cash by public auction to the highest bidder in the town of Severn, N. C, before the store of Stephenson & White the following de scribed lands, situated in said county of Northampton, Kirby township, State of North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: (1) The lot of land known as lot number five in the division of the lands of the late James B. Barnes and now bounded as follows On the north by J. J. White and W. M Stephenson, on the east by Meherrin river, on the south by C. E. Mann and B Stephenson and J.G. Stancell and others, on the west by L. B. Barnes and lying on both Bides of the public road leading from Boy kins to Mur frees boro and containing 146 acres more or less. (2) One other tract of land known as lot number one in said division composed of two separate parcels one of which is bounded on the west by J. J. White and W. M. Steph enson, on the north by J. H S. Bntt and J C. Vinson, on the east by Me herrin river, on the south by J. J white and w. M. Stephenson and con taining 137 acres more or less and the otner parcel of which is bounded on the east by the county road, on the north by J. H. S. Britt, on the west by L. B. Barnes and on the south by J. J. white and w. M. Stephenson and contain ing 9 acres more or less. (3) One other tract adjoining lands of J. H, S. Britt, J. white, W.M.Stephenson, and public road leading from Boykins to Mur-; f reeBboro and containing 12 acres more or less and being the same land convey' ed to the late C. F, Barnes by deed of J. H.3. Britt registered in book 46 page 499. Said lands will be sold separately except tha 137 aocre and 9 acre tract in section two above will be sold to' getner; an crops excepted, possession of lands to be given January 1st, 1914, sales subject to the confirmation of the Court. This the 15th day of Sept , 19i3 Garland E Midyette, Commissioner. WHENEVER YOU I priirnii tmiip Tivr nnnitno n UtlltlM I Ullfu " IflllL b II U V Co The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is Equally Valuable as a General Tonic because it Acts on the Liver, Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. For Grown People and Children. You know what you are taking when you take Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic as the formula is printed on every label showing that it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON, It is as strong as the strongest bitter tonic and is in Tasteless Form. It has no equal for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Weakness, general debility and loss of appetite. Gives life and vigor to Nursing Mothers and Pale, Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness without purging. Kelieves nervous depression and low spirits. Arouses the liver to action and purifies the blood. A True Tonic and Sure Appetizer. A Complete Strengthener. No family should be without it. Guaranteed by your Druggist. We mean it. 50c. len You Spend Your Money Spend It Right. Notice. North Carolina Northampton County. Superior Court, Fall Term, 1913. Walter Clark, Plaintiff Vs Una Clark, Defendant. The above named defendant, Lina Clark, is hereby notified that an action for divorce from the bonds of matri msny is now pending in the Superior to Roxobel, and containing 17 acres ( Court of Northampton " 'ounty against more or less, and known as the Gatling place. This the 20th day of September, 1913 HINTON L JOYNER. 4wks. Sheriff Northampton county. Farm For Sale. 100 acres, $18 per acre; 40 acres in cultivation. Four room cottage and out buildings. Will sell op tion if desired Write or see C. C. Ttleb, Roxobel, N. C. Are You a Woman? The Woman's Tonic turti Did Ions, Otbtr limedloi fort tan The worit ami, no nutter of bow long Minding, lire cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter". Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieTc. Pub ud ileal, it tie Hal time. Xc,Ke,LMl FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS F4 Malaria or Chills & Fever Prescription No. 866 b prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS A, FEVER. Five or sis dose will break any case, and if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It 'acti on the liver better than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c Good judges of tobacco say Black Eagle Bun Cured is the best chew. Let us supply you. V.: W. M. WooD&Ca,1 Jackson, N. O. Subscribe to the Times. her in favor of the above named plain tiff, waiter Clark, and for the perman ent custody of their three children by him, and she is required to appear tX the fall term of said Superior Court at the court house in Jackson, said county, which beginB on October 27, 1913 and answer or demur to the veri fied complaint therein, which baa been duly filed in the office of the clerk of said court. This September 9, 1913. J. T. Flyth, Clerk Superbr Court Gay & Midyette, Atty's for Plaintiff. NOTICE-LAND POSTED. Notice is hereby given that the following described lands situated in Rich Square Township, North amuton County, between Rich Square and Roxobel and the Roa noke River and at or near the Seaboard Railroad are posted against bunting, and ail persons are warned not to hunt on same without the written permission of the owners or they will be prose cuted as the law provides: All of the H . Peele land, known as a part of the BryaDt Lassiter land and the Bracy land. All of the W. A. Barber land, adjoining said Peele land. Ihe J as. f. Liasuter land now owned by J. H. Smith, Mrs. Min nnie Leak and Mrs. Lillian Wor rell. The Peele land and the Wil liams land now owned by A. J. Conner. ' All of the W. A. Lambertson farm situated on both sides of the railroad. The Shoulars old home tract, now owned by A. J Conner. All persons are warned not to hunt on these lands njght or - day with or without gun or dog. The Owners. Picker and Watch Peanuts Picked off With This Pick er Always Bring the Very Highest Market Prices. You can see one of them work at WOODALAND, or Drop a Postal Card and I will See You and Explain the Work Fully. C. B. POND, Agent, WOODLAND, N C. THE OVERLAND. $985 Completely Equipped. F. O. B. Toledo. The Roanoke-Chowan Times tnd Bryan's Commoner $!.($&. Cver? Ctiel C9T Has No Equal Under $1200. Self-Starter Remy. Magneto 30 Horsepower Warner 5-Passenger Speedometer Touring Car Mohair Top and Boot 110-inch Wheel Base Clear Vision, Rain Timken Bearings Vision Wind-Shield Center Control Presto-O-Lite Tank. If You are in the Market tor a Car Examine This OVERLAND. Catalogue on request to the factory. The Willys Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio. W. J. BROWN, Agent, George, N. C. "You Will Not Regref Sending Your Job Printing to Us. We can jrive you close prices on the following items: Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envel opes, Posters, Programs, Wedding Invitations, Receipt, Tax and Older Books, Law Blanks, and in Fact Anything You Need in the Printing Line. : : : : : Send Us Your NextOrder and Note the Results. Arthur TOURS FOR BUSINESS, ' P. Flythe Jackson, N. C. & Co.,

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