TUB fiOANOKr-OflOAN TI&Bb TBIJItoDAY, OCTOBER 80 1013 illYSBSt. REf S. Can el In Thomas t firt- eeDenl Nets of Ton aod Vicinity. . Mrs. II. B. Pugh returned to her home here last Wednesday after spending several days in the homes of Mrs. J. N. Ramsey and Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Harris : near Seaboard. ; Miss L. Maude Harris is on the sick list It is hoped-she will soon be able to resume her duties J teacher in the school at Sev er Urs. T. R. Ward died at her home near here last Saturday inorning. The funeral was con ducted by her pastor. Rev. M.Y. Self, Sunday evening in the M. E. Church here, after which the remains were laid to rest in the church yard, near her little one who preceded her several years agb Mrs. Ward leaves to mourn their loss, her husband, five chil dren and a host of relatives and friends. To the bereaved ones we extend our heartfelt sympa thy and prayers. Miss Sarah Ellis returned to her home here after spending three weekB with friends in Rich- moad.-' Mrs. Edward Gay of Ports- month, Va., arrived Sunday and will spend several days in the pleasant home of her sister, Mrs J. A. Hawks. Mr. Simon Coker of LaGrange is visiting his mother, Mrs. W. T. Stephenson near here. Mrs. Lewter Stephenson of Lawrenceville, Va, is visiting Miss Lucy Ellis. Mr. Irbie Stokes of Lunenburg County, Va., is visiting his broth er, Mr. Terry Stokes, and sister, Mrs. J. A. Suiter. Mr. H, S. Ellis spent Sunday at home. Report of the Condition of The Farmers Bank, At Woodland in the State of North Carolina, at the close of busi ness Oct. 21, 1913. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $104,994.17 Overdrafts unsecured 1,630 46 Banking houses $2,789.84; fur niture & fixtures, $1,042.43 3,831 77 Due from banks and bankers 10,58532 Gold coin 18 50 Silver coin.' etc 293.10 National bank notes and other U.S. notes 1,004 00 Overs and shorts 31.08 ToUl $122,389.00 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $10,000.00 Surplus fund 2,000.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and tales paid 4.084 95 Bills payable 10.000.00 Deposits subject to check 48,744.16 Savings deposits 52,372.08 cashier's checks outstanding 187.81 ToUl $122,389.00 . State of North Carolina, county of Northampton, as: I, J. B. Griffin, President of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. B. Gbiffm, President. Correct Attest: 1 C. J. Vatjgban, C. G Parker, E. G. Gbiffin, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, thia 27th day of October, 1913. C H Griffin, Notary Public. Good leTlral at Seaboard. Seaboard experienced week be fore last a season of real refresh iog from the presence of the Lord. Pastor Llovd A. Parker, Menola, had with him Dr. tT. J, Taylor, warrenton, in a ween meeting with Seaboard Baptist church and he rendered very ef ficient and effective service. The whole town was brought under the influence of his preaching. New and higher standards have been set up in the community. The effect of the meeting will be felt in the commercial, civic and social life of the town. Brother Taylor's preaching is character ized by clearness and ; intense earnestness. He preaches a prac tical, living gospel in such a win some way that the multitudes flock to bear him. He relies upon the Spirit, through the Word, to do the work. Dr. Taylor and pastor Parker are a very strong evangelistic team and any church is fortunate indeed to have their services, as a visible result oi the meeting nine happy converts followed their Lord in baptism last Sunday afternoon. We are greatly rejoicing and giving God the glory. Our people of both denominations, remembered Dr. Taylor in a very substantia way and sent him home, feeling it was good to be here." iorei Oil lores, OtMr limeiliu Wn't Con The worst cam, no nutter of how long standing, re cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter' Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Pan and Heal at tbe tame titoe. Xc,(0c, iLMt Land Posted. Notice is hereby given that all persons are forbidden to hunt in any manner whatsoever on our lands situated in Rich Sauare Township, Northampton county between the Rich Square-Eagle town road and Woodland. W. Jordan Brown, J ebb Brown, W. E. Spivet, J. Archer Conner, W. E. Brown. Noah J. Brown, A. J. Conner, A. McDaniel, Sr. A. McDaniel, Jr. Notice. Sale of Stock of Buggies,' Etc On account of the death of Mr E H. Pieard. the debts due The Picard Buaruv Company, Jackson. N. C. have been Disced in the hands of G E Midyetefor collection and all persons owing: the eompanv are requested to call and see him and settle for the same. This company has on hand a large stock of boggy and wagon and other mmienaiB. anu hid a wire uuanuiy oi new buearies juat received, etc. It would sell its entire stock in the lump to the right man; and toe old buildings could be rented to carry on tne business. Correspond with Mr Midyette. Jackson, N. C. This the 9th day of October, 1913. The Picabd Buggy Co. 44 oven ea years EXPERIENCE a T.inr Maltltei p ' ''rat' CoviaKT Ac. e .... - . wj. mtA iihi rar.aw ,- UAvinln ah Ahininn tVoak what haf mn MtiitAML Commonlcav ill UlkinnrVW mtEaana t manntft for aMCurinaT Dattenta. tratanta? lawm iprwuirn nuuu m va iwf facial otlc, without chart. La) M Scientific Jlsulca . H twiilioTnelT lllnatTata wmklr. tanrart eft eulatlun if any aolentiflo Journal, Term. 98 a ' wear i four montua, tl. SoMbjail nawaaealara, mm I Co 6'Newyork The Roanoke-Chowan Times and the weekly Progressive Far mer 1.60 Gin Days. We wish to announce to our patrons and the public generally that we will (rin cotton, until further notice, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and operate our saw-mill on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and corn and planing mil s on Saturdays. We have our nayv Murray system complete, we have four 70 saw gins with a capacity of 60 bales a day and there is no danger of being crowded. We solicit your patronage. FARMERS GINNING A MILLING CO. Rich Square, N. C Martin Printing Co. GEO. N. MARTIN, Manager. Conway, N. C JOB PRINTING AND OFFICE STATIONERS. We furnish the kind that pleases. We mate a specialty of Letter Heads, Envelopes, Bill Heads. Note Heads, Statements, Shipping Tags,. Business and Visiting Cards, Wedding Invita tions. Etc. Give us a trial order. Write or phone us your wants. Subscribe to the Times. ROW HER FCEIjS HARDLY KIIOV HER Bat This ti&M IM&hi. Barton, - Under the Circa&&aJki. Houston, letter from this dry, Mrs. S. C Burton writes at follows : I flunk1 ftmy'duty to ten you what your mcxUdnerCardui, the woman's tonic, has done tor me. I wis down sick with womanly trouble, and my mother advised several different treatments, but they flidnl seem to- do me any good. J lingered along lot three or four months, and for three weekt, J was in bed, so sick I couldnl bear for any one to walk across the floor. My husband advised me to try Card in, the wonuuVs tonic, I have takes) two bottles of Cardui, am feeling fine, gained 15 pounds and do all of my housework, Friends hardly know me, I am so wen." if you tuner worn any n me auments SO conmoa IBiMmcn,, Sen snow the trouble to become chronica. Begin taking Cardui to-day. . It. is purely vegetable, its ingredients acting in a gentle, natural way ea the weakened wttnaaly constitu tion.' You nm no risk in vying Cardui. It has been helping weak women back tq health and strength for more than, 50 years. It will help you, At ail oeaiers. Wrii in I Chattaaooaa DMtrlM Co.. Ui Advtannr ttent.. Chatuaaoaa. Trat. Mrftwt iutnicnoM aa your case ana vt-pmgt mm. nom. raauaml tar Waaaen," son la alara wraniar. BW-B llli Of Buying Furniture, Think of E. S. BOWERS & CO. We have a bigCar-Ltjad Buying in large quantities we got a low price and we have marked the price low to move it quickly. We have almost anything you want. Bed Boom Suits, Odd Dreseers.Tables, Iron Beds, Kitch en Cabinets, Kitchen Safes. Cup boards, Side Boards, Chifferobes, Dining Chairs, Ilockers, both Willow and Wood, Lounges, Folding Couches, Baby Cribs and Cradles. : : : : : Don't fail to see what we have before you buy. E. S. Bowers & Co. Jackson, N. C. Notice. Sale of Land Under Deed of Trust. Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred upon me by a deed of trust executed by J. C. Crawford and wife Ada Crawford to me on the 26th day of March, 1912 and duly reg istered in tbe Register of Deeds office for the county of Northampton, N. C, in book 142, page 613, default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness secured therein, and having oeen requested ny tne noiaer or said indebtedness to advertise and sell the land and property therein conveyed un der the terms of said deed of trust, I will as trustee, on Monday, the Srd day of November, 1918, between the hours of 12 o'clock U. and 2 o'clock P. M. at the court house door 4n Jackson, sell for cash by public auction to the high est bidder, tne following described land to wit: One certain tract or parcel of land, situated in Northampton county, Wic cacanee township, State of North Car olina and described as follows: Lying one' the road leading from JoneBboro to Geo. T. Re veil, and bounded on the north by said road, on tbe east by tbe lands of the late i. E. Stancell, on tbe south by the lands of the late I.P, Par ker and on the west by the lands of W, R. Vick and containing 15 seres more or 'ets and being the same land convey ed to the said J. 0. Crawford by J: W. Jordan and wife Nannie B. Jordan by deed recorded in tbe Register of Deeds office of said county In book 89; page 253, to which deed reference is hereby made for a more accurate description. This Oct 1, 1913. ' F. R. Harris, Trustee, By Petbles ft Harris, Attys. Sale of Valuabla Land , Xfcder'ancL by.virture ofcjthe Dower , and authority conferred upon me by the order of the court madflu.in the. special proceedings pennj; before tbe clerk of, ,tbe superior court of Northampton county, entitled Emma S. Garris, Rosa L. Garris. Mary E, Garris, Alice R.vy WjbhyV(1.tean4 .Xocy Writrht and her husband Ed win Wright. Ex Parte, to the " Courts I will as eommia sioner, on Monday, the 3rd day of November, 1913, before tbe court house door in Jackson, N. C offer for Bale on tbe terms hereinafter stated by public auc tion tbe following described tract of land situated in Northampton county. N. C. and more particu larly described as follows: Bound ed by the lands of Wm. Jones, Kins: Dickerson. Forest, Andrew Carter and beinp; on the east side of tbe path leading from Wm Jones to peberrys Mill, it being all the land devised to tbe above named female petitioners and to Edna I Lewter except about 50 i acres conveyed to said TMrtaj tiff hr HbftrT BndftffTlta'mng 270 acrea more or less. This land is in . about two and a balf miles of Galatia; in about four miles of Pendleton and in about three miles of Conway; it has a good two-story dwelling house on it; is in good neighbor hood and is. good farm; about two-horse crop of cleared land. Those interested will do well to examine it before day of sale. Terms of sale: One third cash, the balance, payable in two equal annual installments, due in one and two years from date of sale with interest from day of sale at rate of six per centum per an num, the deferred payments to be evidenced by tbe bonds of tbe purchaser, title retained until all the purchase money and interest is paid; purchaser may pay all purchase money in cash if pre f erred. All crops on said land and rents for year 1913 excepted from sale; possession to be given the 1st day of January. 1914; sale subject to tbe confirmation of the court. This the 29th day of Septem ber. 1913. Edwin Wright, Commissioner. Gay & Midyette, Attys. a i Y, ksr ni a wm . a r? w iff.Y Murfreesboro's Greatest State, ; OUR STORE has'rewnlly been remodeled givW us ntudu JACKSON VARIETY STORE 5 and 10 Cent Goods -ALSO DBiLlR IN- Staple and Fancy Groceries FREEJ -:- -:- FREE! While they "'last we will give away a beautiful Picture Postal Card Album to every one buying two dollars worth of merchandise from our store. Mef Agents for Singer Sewing Machines. Needles and attach ments for all kinds of machines furnished on short notice. CHAS. A. EHRHART. MGR. Jackson, N. C. Notice- Having qualified as the executrix of the last will and testament of Bettie A. Wood roof, notice is hereby given to all parties holding claims against the estate of the aaid Bettie A. Woodruff to present them to the undersigned for payment on or before Nov. 1st 1914, or this notice will be plraded to bar, of their recovery. Debtors will please pay promptly. This June 23, 1913. Lauba Babnbs, Executrix of Bettie A. Woodruff. Fine Farm for Sale. I offer for sale my farm on which I now reside, situated v 2 j miles Northeast of Rich Square containing 118 acres, with good 7 room two-story dwelling, and other necessary buildings, good water, the land well adapted to the growth of all crops grown in this section and easy to cultivate. For further information apply . . J. J. Hall, C , Rich Square, N. C Tne RrtANfnrav-thirJWAlf- Tihm , and Bryan's Commoner $1.6. , floor space tb'sbow biir FALL and WINTER STOCK w we are now opening for your inspection. Newest Dress Silks and Velvets 1 m ftcrl Breves and Other Smart Effect - - j,.--. : , . The newest Wool Plaids. We have them in rich coloring Beautiful showing in the newest colors in Matrasse, Two Toned Eponge and Fancy English Wbrsted. - ' -Ladies' and Children's Wrapsl Extensive Bhowin'gin niotor and Traveling Coats. - - - - - . , ; ' I.. You Should See Our . Cu'j. Ci in all of the Popul Une of : : OpOrt LOatS Shades. : : LADIES' SUITS in the a ost up-to-date styles. -Big Line of FURS in all the most fashionable Btyles. T-1 ii t f n l n k i r .1 run Line or lAeaay-iviaae louiing ar FOR MEN AND BOYS. SHOES! 1 SHOES! SHOES! "Queen Quality" and "Dolly Madison" for Ladies, "Cros sett" and "Barry" for men. Large Line for Misses and Children. . - - - - - . -I-L-L R-Y Department. My line of FALL and WINTER MILLINERY is now open for your inspection at Wynn Bros. Big Department Store. Will greatly appreciate your patronage. - . . . Miss Naomi T. Wiggins. area-s;- Bifj cpartmeiit Siore, Murfressbofo, - - N; C.