. THE BO NO a K-CHOVv AN ftlfcto Bb Tli U B8 DA T . NOVEMBER 27. 1013. . V , " 2 IV 5. D. Holloman. , On the afternoon of July 23, 1913, after several weeks illness - with typhoid fever, Samuel D. Holloman passed from his earth ly home to the "Great Beyond." He was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Holloman and was born near Murfreesboro. N. C., Feb ruary 20, 1886. He is "survived by his parents, seven sisters and his wife.all of whom he was per fectly devoted to. He made a profession rf religion quite early in life, at about the age of thir teen, and joined the Baptist church in Murfreesboro and re mained a consistent member un til God called him home to live with Him, where there is no more sickness and pain. On December 23, 1909, he was happily married to Miss Mattie Draper of Conway. He was per fectly devoted to his wife, and ehe and three of his sisters were ill with typhoid at the time of his death, too ill for them to be told of his death, it was several weeks before they knew it, and indeed it was a great shock to them The Rev. Mr. Sullivan preached his funeral atMeherrin on the third Sunday morning in October. Mr. Sullivan visited him several times during his ill ness End talked with him con cerning the future. He told Mr. Sullivan he was not afraid to die, but he didn't vant to die. It seems sad to us for one to be taken in the prime of life, but God doeth all things for the best and we must be resigned to His will and comfort ourselves with the thought, that Sam i3 not dead but waiting for his loved ones where there will be no more sick ness or sorrow. I knew Sam from a little boy up to death, he was one of the best boys I ever saw, and as he grew to manhood he remained the same quiet, polite and re spectful way to every one.I never have heard any one speak of him except to" praise him. He was perfectly devoted to his wife, pa rents and sisters, so to the be reaved loved ones I . extend my heartfelt sympathies and direct them fcr comfort to an all wise and ever bless d God in this sad hour of i.ffl'ciior). Sorrow aad a sine of affl-.ction are a school of virtue, it reduces our spirit?? to soberness and our counsels to moderation. God who governs the world in mercy and wisdom.never would have suffer ed the virtuous o.es to endure so many keen afflictions and sor rows, did he not intend that thev should be the seminary of com fort, the exercise of wisdom and the trial of patience, the ventur ing for a crown and the gate of glory. Adversity is the touch stone oi" character, grief is a com mon bond that unites hearts; the visitations of sorrow are univer sal. How uncertain is human life! i There is but a breath of air and j a beat of the heart between this j world and the next. The last faint pulsation here is but the prelude ot endless joys hereaf-i ter In the midst of the calamity that has befallen us when death is in the family circle, and some loved one has been taken from j us. we feel as if earth had no compensating good to migitate the severity of our loss. There is now rest for those who have lived the true and good life. Take comfort, then, those of you in whose history the dearest chari ties of life have been 3evercd by the rude hand of death, those whom you have thought about as lost, are not lost, 'except to present sight. Perhaps even, now they are angel watchers screened , by a kindly Trovidence from everything about that could give vou pain. We are born for a higher destiny than that of earth. '' - There is . a realm where the rain-bow never fades, when the like the islands that slumber on the ocean, and where the beauti fill beings that here pass before us like visions will stay in our presence forever. Death's but a path that must be trod If man would ever pass to God." One Who Loved Him. The Rev. Irl it. Hicks 1S14 Almanac. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1914 Al manac is now ready and will be mailed prepaid for only 35 cents. Professor Hicks' fine magazine, Word and Works, for one year, and a copy of this Almanac Tor only one dollar. The plain les sons on astronomy, and the cor rect forecasts of storms, drouths, blizzards and tornadoes, make these publications a necessity in every home in America. Send to Word and Works Publishing Co., 3401 Franklin Avenue. St. Louis, Mo. adv. The Youth's Companion lo 1914. Seven cellege presidents and a number of college instructors, including ex-President Taft, will contribute to The Youth's Com panion during 1911. Then there is Gene Stratton Porter, whose stories of Indiana woods and swamps have made her famous, and Kate Douglas Wiggin, who never wrote a dull line in her life, and Mrs. Burton Harrison, who remembers when conversation was really an art as practised in Washington and in the manor houses of Virginia. And this is just a beginning of ,he list. If you know The Companion, j ou have a pretty clear idea of what is in store for next year's readers. If you do not know, ask us to send you sample conies for instance, those containing the opening chapters of Arthur Stan- wood Pier'.-? fine setk;l "His Father's Son." Fu'.i Announce ment for 1914 will be sent with the sample copies. For the year's subscription of $2.00 there is included The Com panion Practical Home Calendar for 1914, and. all the issues of the psper for the remaining s;eeks of 1913. datir.jT from the time the time the subscription is received. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 114 Berkley St., Boston, Mass. New Subscriptions Received at The Roanoke-Chowan Office. Times Notice. Read. Important. I will be at the following places tn thu dates numi'd below for the purpose of collecting the special school tax for 1913 which is now past due. Rich Square, Nov. 26, Dec. fi Potecasi. "28. wocdland. " 29. George, Dec. 4 P Tyler's Store, " 5. Lasker, " 9. J. Brown's ftore(at night ) Milwaukee, Dec. 10. Seaboard, . " 11. Margarettuville, " 23. Conway, " 18. Pendleton, " 19. Severn, " 2 Jackson, " 1, 8 & 15. The Fchools are distressingly in need of mon y Mtet me on the above date3 anu pay 10 save iuriner troume ana C03t. H. L. JoyNer, Sheriff and Special Tax Collector. This 20th of November, 1913. . OVCR 68 VEAR3" EXPERIENCE Trade Marks DESIGNS "rMt'V Coyhiqhts Ati. Anyone Mnd1nff t Rtoh find descrlnti utt'kly mioert-iiln on; opinion free wlit ivenMnn t piobnbly pntentnblo. CotiTn Ion n. nf Out rotiTtniHitfiu li ner ujj. II: HouscirrictlyrthtMcnMiLl. HmlDLiOQK ont'uieuta cut frftOi OldofU inrcury fuPwuriiiK patent n. I'm on! liiiuM, turouyli Mutiti St Cu. rewire t pec ud notice, i Hti ut cimro, iu the . ' r.x;,uu3wi;a: v.vrw. n Hf i w. w "..'! Mil.. tJ iBcar ml ; Miss Myrtle Cothrum, of Russellville, Ala., says: "For'nearly a year, f suf fered with terrible back ache, pain? io my limbs, and my head ached nearly all the time. Our family doctor treated me, but only gave me temporary relief. I was certainly in bad health. My school teacher advised me to TAKE The Woman's Tonic I took two bottles, in all, and was cured. I shall always praise Cardui to sick and suffering wo men." If you sufferfrom pains peculiar to weak women, such as head ache, backache, or other symptoms of womanly trouble, or if you merely Whan Of Buying Furnilore, Think of E. S. BOWERS fic CO. . j We have a big Car-Load Buying in large quantities e got a low prii p and we (mve marked the price low to move it ouiekly. We have almost anything vou want, lied Kooiu Suits, (Jdd Dressers.Tables, Iron Be Is. Kitch en 'Cabinet', Kitchen S-ife. Cuo boarfls. Side iter !.-, Cliifferobes, Dining Chairs, Kockers, ooth Willow and Wood, Lounges, Folding Couches, Baby Criks and Cradles. : : ; : : : Don't fail to see what we have before you buy. E. S. Bowers & Co. Jackson, N. C. Land Posted. Notice is liereby given that all persons are forbidden to hunt in any mam or whatsoever vn our land situated it, Rich Square Township, Northanii'ioii county, between the Kith Square-Kaule-town road ai.d Woodland. W. Jordan Brown, JfcKK Bitowx, W. E. SvivEr, J. Archkk Conner, W. E. Broavn. Noah J. Brows, A. J. Cons eh, , A.' Mc Daniel, Sr. A. McDaniel, Jit. Martin Printing Col GEO. N. MARTIN, Manager, Conway, N. C. JOB MINTING. AND OFFICE STATIONERS. !.' We furnish the kind that; pleases. We make a specialty of tetter Heads, Envelopes, Bill Heads, ; Note Heftds, Statements, Shipping Tags, Business!. and ' Visitinjr Carrts Wedding Invita tions, Etc. Give lis a trial order. Write or phone us your wants. or phone us your wants. - . . ; jf ache, backache, or other IVs II symptoms of womanly I IB 3 1 1 trouble, or if you merely 1 1 1 1 &J need a tonic for that tired, 1 ij nervous, worn-out feel- SEif JACKSON VARIETfiTORE " . "5 and 10 Cent Goods' -Al.dO DEAI.KK IN- Staple Hnd Fancy Groceries FREE! '.FREE! While they last we will give away a beautiful Picture Postal Card Album to every one buying two dollars worth of merchandise from our store. Oajr Agents for Singer Sowing Machines. Needles and attach ments for all kinds of machines furnished on short notice. CHAS. A. EHRHART. MGR. Jackson, N. C. Fine Farm tor Sale. I offer for s:t!e my invaa on which 1 now reside, situKted 2 miles Northeast of Rich Square containing 148 acros, with good 7 room two-story dwelling, and other necessary buildings, good water, the land well adapted to the growth of ali crops grown in this vvttoti and easy to cultivate For further information apply to J. J. Hall, ' . Rich Square, N. C. Notice of Administration. I Having qualified before the Clerk of i the Superior Court of the Countv of i Northampton as the i xecul- r ;:iiu ex ecutrix of trie last will and tt-.;.lnient of Jefse V. Het-le Inte of the taid county, this is to notify i'l: pers n w icbtei to his rpta'u to make prompt sottlercent with u-., and all persona holding clsiiUH aaint Ids t'ftate will present thorn to ua or eithfr of us dily verified on cr befori the 3uth day of October. 1914, or this notic; will be pleaded in bar of their recover j . This the 30th day of October, 1913. J. CUEKNEY PARKEK, ANN E W I'EELE, Executors of the Esrata of J63e Peele. By Gay & Midyette, Attya. Notice to Creditors. Havinp qualified as Executrix of the last will and tesfiment of Jack Harris, deceased, late of Northampton county, this is to notify all persons haying claims against the sai l estate to pre sent them to the undersigned executrix dulv verified on or before the 15'.h day of October, 1914, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to the paid estate will please make immediate payment. This the 15th day of October, 1913. N SUTER HARRIS, Exi cutrix of the last 'will and testirr.ent of Jack Harris,, deceased, Post-office, Seaboard, N. C. Ry Ravnionri G. Parker, Attorney Lolton and Pea nut Buyer. I am now located at Jackson, North Carolina, and pay top prjees for cotton and peanuts. . . . I am making standing timber a specialty. I also estimate stand ing timber at a reasonable price per day, for those who want to sell or buy, i M. FLEETWOOD. Malaria or Chills & Fever frescription No, 666 is prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. Five or flix doses will break any cose, end if tukun then flSS tofiic the Fover will not return, v It actt on he liver' bcttct . than1 Calomel .and does not gripe or sicksni 25o m Old Saras, fitiier OsncdJes Won't Cart Tile worst cue, no mmttot of how long landing ire cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. farter's Antistptie Healing OU. It relieve JPaan and Heals tttbaWKie tine. 36c, 60a, f LOO, onucriiu, diu reiwuie Ayr. " . '". - Murfreesboro's OUR STORE has .recently floor space to show our FALL and WINTER STOCK which we are now opening for your inspection. Newest Dress Silks and Velvets . in Rich Brocakes and Other Smart Effects. The newest Wool Plaids. We have them in rich colorings. Beautiful showing in the newest colors in Matrasse, Two Toned Eponge and Fancy English Worsted. Ladies' and Children's Wraps. Extensive showing in Motor and Traveling Coats. You Should Line of : See Our Qvt- oport LADIES' SUITS in the most up-to-date styles. . Big Line of FURS in all the most fashionable styles. Full Line of Ready-Made Clothing FOR MEN AND BOYS. SHOES! SHOES! "Queen Quality" and "Dolly Madison" for Ladies, "Cros sett" and "Barry" for men. Large Line for Missfs and Children. - - - - - - L - e par My line of FALL and WINTER MILLINERY is now open for your inspection at Wynn Bros: Big Department Store? Will greatly appreciate your patronage. - - , ":; .vi-,',i' ,.-.,v,. .:. ' ,;, rf) Dcpiirliiiciil Stores Murfreesboro, I VI Ml llCCaUUI U.' - IN. L. Greatest Store, been remodeled giving us much m a" ' 'he Popular. toats shades. r SHOES! - Y en Miss Naomi T. Wiggins. n. e. atare wiUbespreafJoutefore;Mj