-'v-i A'-,-'.'- THE BOANOKK-CHOTV Afl TIMEb THUBSDAY, DECEMBER 4, l13 f V' 5). i-: . K i Connty Commissioners. ' The Board of Commissioners for Northampton met in regular monthly session in the court house in Jacksort on the first Monday in December with all the members present as follows: J, G. Stance!!, Chairmac; Jr H Fitzhugh and J. T. Bolton, with S. J. Calvert, Clerk. Minutes of hat meeting read and approved The bonds of all the county officers were examined, as re quired by law, and were found correct and satisfactory. The court house, 3 ail and two office buildings were reinsured in the sum of $25,000 through the agences of R. A. Ellis of Garys burg, Moore & Fly the and Grant & Lewis of Jackson, and W. J Beale of Pendleton, The county also ha3 the buildings at the County Home insured for $2500. J. T. FJythe, Clerk Superior Court, presented one-half fee bill for Fall court which was approv ed and ordered paid. Dr. H. W. Lewis, Superinten dent Public Health, made his monthly report, which is as fol lows: "I would respectfully re port that the health of tne coun ty has been good for the month of November. There has been quite a good deal cf diphtheria in some sections and one case of smallpox at Woodland. The health of the Jail and Home has been good and thay are in good sanitary condition." Mr. J. M. Flythe, Superinten dent of the Hjme of the Aged and Infirm, made his monthly re port, showing balance due him $7.39. He was allowed $185 for use at the Home during the month of December. The following accounts for pro visions furnished indigent per sons outside of the County Home were approved and ordered paid: R W. Edwards $ 4 00 16 00 4 00 4 00 12 00 4 00 Crocker & Harris Garris Bros. & Co. Bolton & Johnson J. A. Hawks W. M, Wood & Co. Following miscellaneous ac- counts approved: J. S. Grant. Inquest 7 50 J. R. Long, coffin 3 00 E.J. Gay. wire for Co, tfarm 27 00 W.M. Wood & Co., blankets for Home of A. & I. 12 00 J. M. Flythe. peanut bags 26 50 -Stephenson & Hughes, picking peanuts 50 00 A. J. Conner, publishing 18 75 S. J. Calvert, compating tax list for county and for 13 special tax school districts 578 10 S. J. Calvert, R. of D. 90 60 Jackson Drug Co.. Antitoxin 21 85 H. L. Joyner, Sheriff 133 33 There appearing no further business the board adjourned to meet first Monday in January. For Sale. I offer for sale one 80 H. P. Engine and Boiler, return tubler, good as new; one Saw-Mill, Shaft ing, Melting, Cut Off Saw, Etc., all in irood running condition. Will sell at reasonable price. For further information call or write. T. P. Vaughan, R. F. D. No. l2, Rich Square, N.C. Notice of Sale. On December 17th, 1913, at 10 30 o'clock A. M., I will offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder, my household and kitchen furniture, surry, cart, mule, farm implements, corn, fod der, oats, meat, and other things too numerous to mention. Place of sale, my home near Eehoboth, N.C. K. B. FOTBELL. Good judges of tobacco say Black Eagle Sun Cured is the best chew. Let us supply you. W.M. Wood & Co., Jackson, N. O. To Prevent Blood Poisoning apply at once tfae wonderful old reliable DR. PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HBALINO OIL, aur ffical drenlnir that relieves rain and heale at o. Mot a UnimenU 2Sc.50e.S14a The Tooth's Companion Id 1914. Seven cellege presidents and a number of college instructors, including ex-President Taft, will contribute to The Youth's Com panion during 1914. ' Then there is Gene Stratton Porter, whose stories of Indiana woods and swamps have made her f amous. and Kate Douglas Wiggin, who never wrote a dull line in her life, and Mrs. Burton Harrison, who remembers when conversation was really an art as practised in Washington and in the manor houses of Virginia. And this is just a beginning of .he list. If you know The Companion, you have a pretty clear idea of what is in store for next year's readers. If you do not know, ask us to send you sample cooies for instance, those containing the opening chapters of Arthur Stan- wood Pier's fine serial "His Father's Son." Full Announce' ment for 1914 will be sent with the sample copies. For the year's subscription of $2.00 there is included The Com panion Practical Home Calendar for 1914, and all the issues of the paper for the remaining weeks of 1913, dating from the time the time the subscription is received. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION. 114 Berkley St., Boston, Mass. New Subscriptions Received at The Roanoke-Chowan Times Office. Notice. Read. Important. I will be at the following places on the dates named below for the purpose of collecting the special school tax for 1913 which is now past doe. Rich Square, Nov. 26, Dec. 6. George, Dec. 4. P. Tyler's Store, " 5. Lasker, " 9. J. Brown 'b Store (at night) ". Milwaukee, Dec; 10. Seaboard, " 11. Margarettsville, " 13. Conway, " 18. Pendleton, " 19. Severn, " 20. Jackson. 1, 8 & 15. The schools are distressingly in need of money Meet me on the above dates and pay to save further trouble and cos. H. L JoyNkr, Sheriff and Special Tax Collector. This 20th of November, 1913. Martin Printing Co. GEO. N. MARTIN, Manager. Conway, N. C. JOB PRINTING AND OFFICE STATIONERS. We furni&h the kind that pleases. We make a specialty of Letter Heads, Envelopes, Bill Heads. Note Heads, Statements, Shipping Tags, Business and Visiting Cards, Wedding Invita tions, Etc. Give us a trial order. Write or phone us your wants. OVER 65 CATS' X$ EX Peril ENCE Trade Marks It. a. a rim Copyrights Ac. Anyon ponding a i ketch and ttoacriptlon may nnu-klv aarorti in 011 opinion frae wiiotlier an iuvonllon la pi. lmllf patent uhlo. Communion. ,oiit free, tflilest auency for aecurinar patents, imaniriciiyrrnm!Mii.iai. nnnuBuur on raieuie t'atema lu tswiftl not to, 1'atenta luitci. through Munn Jk Co. receive SdetUHic American. Hour, enures, mine A Imndaomely illnftrated weekly. I.anreit eh" dilation of any aclenuuo Journal. Term, 9:1 a jrenri four montba, L Sola by all newadealera. MUHN & Co.sa,Bd"f- New York Branch omce.6JSI'8t.WBrhluutoii. B.C. - Maiaria or Chills & Fever Prescription No. 666 it prepared especially (or MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. Five or tix dotes will break any case, and If taken then aa a tonic the Fever will not return.', It acta on the liver better than Calomel and doe not (ripe or sicken. 25c w m HUSBAND RESCUED DESPAIRING WIFE After Foot Tears of Diicoaragnff ' UnditMBsv Airs. Bullock faftve Up u Despair. Hatband -Came, tolRecue, . Catron, Ky. In an interesting letter from this place, Mrs. Beltie Bullock writes as follows : "I suffered for font yean, with womanly troubles, and during this time, 1 could only sit up for a little while, and could not walk anywhere at all. At times, I would have severe pains in my left side. The doctor was called in, and his treat ment relieved me for a while, but I was soon confined to my bed again. After that, nothing seemed to do me any good. I had gotten so weak I could not stand, and I gave up in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle of Cardui, the woman's tonic, and I com menced taking it. From the very first dose, 1' could tell it was helping me. I can now walk two miles without its tiring me, and am doing my work." If you are all run down from womanly troubles, don't give up in despair. Try Cardui. the woman's tonic. It has helped more than a million women, in its 50 years ot wonderful success, ana snouid surely help you, too. Your druggist has sold Cardui for years. He knows what it will do. Ask him. He will recom mend it. Begin taking Cardui today. Write to: Chattanooea Medicine Co., Ladies' Advisory Dept., Chaiunousa. Tenn., for Special J)uitrictiou8 on your cae and b4-page book, ' Home Treatment for Women." &ent in plain wrapDei. lifjfB When Of Buying Furniture, Think of E S. BOWERS & CO. We have a big Car-Load Buying in large quantities we got a low price and we have marked the price low to move it quickly. We have almost anything you want. Bed Room Suits, Odd Dressers.Tables, Iron Beds, Kitch en Cabinets, Kitchen Safes. Cup boards, Side Boards, Chifferobes, Dining Chairs, Rockers, both Willow and Wood, Lounges. Folding Couches, Baby Cribs and Cradles. : : : : : Don't fail to see what we have before you buy. . S. Bowers & Co. Jackson, N. C. Cotton and Pea nut Buyer. I am now located at Jackson, North Carolina, ami pay top prices for cotton and peanuts. . . . am making standing timber a specialty. I also estimate stand ing timber at a reosmablc price per day, for those who want to sell or buy. P. M. FLEETWOOD. Yu4hliw For Sale. My house and lot at Kich Square just outside the corporate limits. Half mile from Rich Square State High School. Cottage house, 8 rooms, with 85 feet porch, one acre of land about half of it in nice oak grove. Barn and stables, smoke-house, wood-house, wash house combined. Good garden, hood water, electric lights. For further information apply to Jas. E. Smith, Rich Square, N. a JACKSON VARIETY STORE 5 and 10 Cent Goods -ALSO DBALBB IN- Sfcple and Fancy Groceries FREE! -: FREE! While they last we will give away a beautiful Picture rostal Card Album to every one buying two dollars worth of merchandise from our store. Agents for Sinter Sewing Machines. Needles and attach ments for all kinds of machines furnished on short notice. CHAS. A. EHRHART. MGR Jackson, N. C. Fine Farm for Sale. I offer for sale my farm on which I now reside, situated 2$ miles Northeast of Rich Square containing 148 acres, with good 7 room two-story dwelling, and other necessary buildings, good water, the land well adapted to tne growth of all crops grown in this section and easy to cultivate For further information apply to J. J. Hall, Rich Square, N. C, Notice of Administration. Having qualified before the Clerk the Superior Court of the County Northampton as the executor and ex ecutrix of the last will and testament of Jesse W. Peele late of the said county, this is to notify all person in' debted to his estate to make prompt settlement with us, and all persona holding claims against his estate will present them to us or either of us duly verified on or before the 30th day of October. 1914, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This the 30th day of October, 1913. J. GUEKNEY PARKER, ANN E. W. PEELE, Executors of the Estate of J8se W, Peele. By Gay & Midyette, Attye. The Only Safety for a man with limited capital is insuring, vv an a policy or insur ance in one or tne Companies which we represent you can do as Nero did, viz: He fiddled while Rome burned, because he had a policy of Insurance and knew he couldn't lose much. Let us give you rates, etc. MOORE & FLYTHE, Jackson, N. C. ii.itri-O M holes, .vorv.' o: Hi: ects Etc. Antiseptic AuaJyne, used in ternally and externally. Price 25c. Tbe New York World, three times a week, and this paper for only $1.65 a year, oH or new subscriptions. , v . ' WYEJM Murfreesboro's TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUK Big Reductions Sport" Coat$9 66 Wraps and Furs. NEW LINE LADIES' SUITS Just Receiv ed and going at Prices that will Please you. DRESS GOODS, SILKS, NOTIONS. SHOES. SHOES, SHOES. Queen Quality and Dolly Madison Men. Full Line for Mens and Boys Let us measure jiou for a made three of tbe largest Tailoring Houses in the country, and can please you. HARDWARE! HARDWARE!! McKAY STALK CUTTERS The McKay is the best HCar-Load of Anthony Fence Wire, The Anthony is one of the best Fences made by American Steel Wire Co. M - I - L - L - I epartment. In order not to carry over any Fall and Winter Millinery I am ffering my line of Hats at greatly reduced prices. Don't fail to give call at Wynn Bros. Big Department Store. Wymn l Big Department Store, Murfreesboro, BIO 9 Greatest Store, for Ladies, Crossett and Barry for Misses and Children. Ready -Made Clothing. - to - measure uit. VVe represent Now is the time to cut your stalks. - N - E - R - Y Miss Naomi T. Wiggins. Bros9 - - N. C.

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