V TimeSo .1 .!:: '1 , ANDREW,, J. CONNER, PUBLISHER, "CAROLINA, CAROLINA, HEA BLESSINGS ATTEND HFR.' SUBSCRIPTION PER ANNUM Sl.jO Volume XXII. RICH SQUAUE, NORTHAMPTON COT7NTY. N. C, THUB$i)AT, DECEMBER 18, 191 3. N um her 50. ...V' Plans, Specifications and Estimates fTOMSHRDvON Application ,,, :: ;' ; k E. C. SMITH, General Contractor and Builder A FRANKLIN, VA. . W Muoo. . . ; 1. A. WoimII. MASON & WORRELL. rroRNEYi & Counsellors at Law, . MCKSON, N. C. Practice is all Court. Business romptlv And faithfully attended to. Office 2nd floor back building. RAYMOND G. PABKER, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Jackson, N. C. Practice in all courta. All business ftveo prompt and faithful attention. Office 2nd Floor Bank Building. . . flMbha, P. B. Built PEEBLES & HARRIS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. JACKSON. N. C. . v' t raetic in all Courts. Business oromptrr and f aithfttllv attended to. ' DR.C. G. POWELL DENTIST. ' Ahoskie, N. C. ro be found at his office at all times reset when notice is iriven in this paper J. N. SELDEN CONTRACTOR & BUILDER JACKSON, N. C. Estimates on all classes of build inff cheerfully given. IfAgent for Edwards Metal Shingles. Write me for styles and delivered prices. m. a, woraoBira. ... stuojr Wtssesjis, WINBORNE & WINBORNE, f Attorneys at Law, " MURFREESBORO. N. C. Phones Nos. 17 and 21. a. ft Oar P.E.jVTto ...ft4V A MIOVFTTF lMK-5.-T,,l tPi.Km .toW,m.- .W.. Attorneys a Counsellors at Law JACKSON. N. C Practice in all Courts. All business . romptlv and faithfully attended to. Office 2nd floor. New Bank bnildinsr. DR. J. M. JACOBS DENTIST, ROXOBEL, N. C. Extracting from children at sai ' oriee as adults. Dr. W. J. Ward, DENTIST WE I; DON - N. C- Dr. E. Ehringhaus DENTIST Jackson, ' - - N. C. Dentistry in all of its branches. Crown and Bridie work a specialty. Office Jn New Flythe Building- over Postofflce, A. B. : HOUSE MOVERS : . We are now prepared to more houea of Any size. Prires low. It will be to our intrn to see as. f'oPICI.AND bROrHKRtt, George. N. C. W.H.S.BURGWYNJR. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Woodland, - North Carolina. Office in Farmer's Bank Building, t ractice in all Courts. Business prompt ly and faithfully attended. Contractor and Builder. For all Brick; and Plastering Construction Work communicate with A. T. Vick, Contractor and Builder, Franklin, Va., before letting contract. . 1-241-yr S.M. DICKENS - PRIVATE DETECTIVE WEXiDON, N. C, I have two fine English Blood hounds, for running down crimi nals; Wirer Vphone me night or day. ' Thpne No. 210. ' . 'i; Weoffet.the Nw,;York World three times eek and the Roan-oke-Chowan Times alt one year for $L5i old or 'new subacrip- SE4B0AID LpCfLS?t Shit la t&8 face-Uirlstmas Festlvl- ties-Hotel Changs Bands-Fox BontlDO-Persooals. 1 Mr. Robt. Long, accompanied by his sister, Miss Edna, spent the past Suuday with their aunt, Mrs. J. W, Johnson, Uonway. Mr. Ht Ciriton Maddrev and wife were guests Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Buffaloe, Jackson. Mr. Ben Long, after a visit of several weeks to his mother, Mrs. Anna Long, left last Friday for Jacksonville, Fla. We are pleased to welcome three ne f families into our midst. Mr. J. M. Rose is occupying the Sheriff Joyner house, Mr. A. L. Ford has purchased and moved into the Jho.- Pope house, and Mr. J. L. Harm, after a resi dence of two&arsinGarysburg, is again occupying his cozv cot tage on Main St. We hear of oth er families who wish to move here but cannot secure bouses, There is not a vacant' house in this town. We hope the building spirit will seize some of our pub lic spirited citizens and ere long manv bare lots will be adorned with handsome residences. msr m a ; t- - . . airs. ah. a. rJ. uarns, arter a viBit to her daughter, Mrs. W.T. Norvell, returned Monday to her homa; Margarettsville. Mr. Burton Rod well, Macon, was a welcome guest in the home of Mr. J. G. L. Crocker the past Sunday, The Seaboard Hotel has chang edbanda aince our last comamn ication. Mrs. Bettie I. Pruden id now the popular proprietress. She has made a very auspicious opening and everything bids fair for a successful year. Mrs. Dollie Carpenter, former manager, is occupying the Ramsay residence on Main St. We have been requested to an nounce that there will be a Xnas tree at Mt. Carmel Baptist church on the afternoon of Dec. 26, be ginning at 2 o'clock. The Sun beams of same church will give a play entitled "Santa in South land" on the same occasion. The public is cordially invited, a pleas ant afternoon is promised all who can attend. Mr. Ezra Bowers and daugh ter, Miss Annie, Airlie, N. C, and Mr. and Mrs. Green F.,Gay were callers in our town the past Sunday afternoon. Our college boys and girls will be returning for the holidays by the close of the week and many hearts will be gladdened. Oil stoves have been purchased for the class rooms of the Bap tist church which will add. much to the comfort of the occupants in the future. The pleasant weather of the past week has enabled most of our farmers to successfully har vest their crops. Very few pea nuts remain to be threshed. Con siderable cotton is still in the fields. Notwithstanding the low price a few bales find their way to market every day. ' The friends and members of his flock are pleased at the re turn of Rev. M. Yn Self to the M. E. church here for ! another year, ue did not nil bis regular appointment here last Sunday but will be on hand 4th. Sunday ev ening at thei8ual bourv ' -' Quite a number of lovers of the chase left here Monday night on the biggest fot hunt of the season., - We learned there were 60 dogs in the chase.y Huntsmen from Jackson Girysbiuig. and the surrounding Country tur mented Seaboard's lari'eniraiber overs of tb sport They are enjoying the fuja while we write so cannot report resu'tf. v Mr. J. L. Harrid met with a rather painful although not se rious accident last Friday. One of his farm hat became in censedover beingrefused a teamDaay thfs week getting their corn to ride and shoe Mr;,' Harris with a shot gua a number of shot (which were small) lodged in his face and one hand. The negro left for parts unknown and has not yet been, apprehended. The Seaboafrd Sunbeams will repeat their effort of one year ago and give an Xmas tree in the auditorium of Seaboard State Hisrb School, Fiidav evening. De cember 19, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. Songs and recitatidns appropriate for the occasion will be features of the evening's en tertainment. The public invited and promised a pleasant time. . Seaboard State High School will close next Friday for a two week's holiday. The teachers will leave for their respective homes, Friday, on night train. Dr. Coppedge's wife and chil dren, Rockingham, N. C, spent last week here esteemed guests of her sister, Mrs. Carter Barnes. Conway Locals. Miss Cora Gray of BoykinB, Va.. is visiting her sister,- Mcs. Fred Britton. Messrs. J. B. and J. M. Vick visited relatives in Branchvilleff tirflDf n,onh t,o m. Sunday. Mr. J. T. Flythe and family and Mrs. Lister of Jackson were visitors in town Sunday. t ? Dr. P; C. Brittle and family and UliBS-Mary Boater spent Sat urday and Sunday in Woodland. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lassiter spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Ed Stephenson, of Margarettsville. Miss Kate Jonnson of near Zion spent last Tuesday night with Miss Maggie Davis and at tended the play, "East Lynn," The invitations are out to the marriage of Miss Pattie Martin to Mr. David BurgesB on Wed nesday, the seventeenth. The Epworth League held, its regular monthly meeting last Sunday night in the Methodist church. The Theatrical Troupe wa3 here Tuesday night and present ed the play. "East Lynn, "which delighted the audience. : 1 It may be of interest to some to know the weight of a hog raised by one of our : progressive farmers, Mr. Charlie Butler, the weight was 419 pounds. The people were delighted Tues- daymornhvrto get a telegram 1 from Rev. D. L. -Earnhardt at ! conference statin that he would be with us another year. Mr. j Earnhardt haa nerved hia naonlp ! very faithful for the past year. and we are sure he will serve us equally as well in the coming year. The school pupils are working hard for a vacation wbich will be well earned. the nrimarv t ach- -mm- ... . er, Miss Mary Hoover, will have an entertainment on Christmas ! eve. oa in t ha tt.hnni o.i.i. torium, and a Christmas tree af- a. i. - i i. tir. lerwarus, iwr evcryuouy. : yts i will be , glad if you have ny Christmas presents to give, send them to us and W6 will put them on the tree; No admission fee. The high school pupils ' Wilt pre sent the play, ''Handicapped," on Friday night after Christmas, December 26, admission ten and fifteen cents. Everybody invited to come. To Cure a Cold la Dae Day T.t tAXATlVK BROMO Orinfa. It itopi tka Couch ud Hetdsch and works off tin Cold. DrujrgUU. rtfinid nony if it fault to eure. X. w. CKOVK'8 simantit ia sack tos, X, FE0IEECI6L eSitrncte.Ttie Pobllc Eoad 6ener i lis Ads of School PatroDS Personal Items. Farmpi,-. In tKIa aoHrtn , shredded I Mrs. J. N. Futre.'! returned Monday from Norfolk, where she had been for an operation. . Messrs. John and E! wood lim- r n of th basket mak ers in xw-i ! .tctory here, left Mon day for their home near Rich- riond, Va. . , ' vMr. ani Mrs. W. J. Brown made a business trip to Norfolk lajst week. ,Mr. C. T. Ojtland was in Nor fd)k the first of this week. '. IMr. B. T;Lassiter Jr. id visit inp near Newnort Naws, Va. . (There will be an entertainment at Olney School building next Saturday night beginning at 7:30 "o'clock. After the exercises are over there will be some very val uable articles sold at auction. These things have been made by students and members of the Woman's Betterment Associa tion and they will no doubt make ery handy Christmas gifts. When the sale is over the Better ment Association will serve re freshments.' Everybody is in vited to be present. Mr. and Mra. F.liaha J Rvo . vs. II sVAiaCSISVUs iW WW d9 CU1U iUI and Mrs. Edwin Heald of the same state are now occupying the house owned bv the late Jesse W. Peele. This property jwajbeen bought by Mr W. F. Outland. one of Northampton'! leading citizens, and a prosper ous farmer. Mr. W. J. Brown sent out word a few days atro that any body in this viciri'ty mig.it have. for the hauling, all the waste material they wanted around he basket factory. This is very val uable for starting fire, as it t burns almost as good as "light- wood." The school here became interested in the offer and they got the patrons interested, and so on last Friday there were a numoer or carts and wagons brought to school by the boys and girls. During the noon hour enough of this refuse material was. hauled to last nearly all win ter. The teachers and students are very grateful to Mr. Brown for his very generous offer and also to all the patrons who were so kind and thoughtful as to send carts and wagons. The editor, in the last issue of tne TlMES, said report the bad thinS8 88 weH as he 0:d- Last Friday night somebody who was tut for mischief, did one of the meanest things that has been done inthis section for some During the early part of time. the nigrht while some men were passing bv Mr. J. W. Jessup's mill, they stopped and went up on his mill yard and rolled a log all the way down to the road and rlnAa1 i r- wiivhr AAWven 4-Via Aa1 "a The lo wa8 feet .in .dia.me! the ter. Not satisfied with this bold and lov down act they went on to Mr. i. El wood Boyce's and 'finding a roll of jnrire near bis gate, stretched it across the road so that any one coming by might have been seriously injured. At another, place they . put a tele phone poll across this road. The whole neighborhood - is worked up over this act and believe that could the guilty persons be found out that the law should deal. with them.; - - r'.:v:.:V:.-" ! 7 The ROANOfcHOWArf TnitES and Bryati'd Cbjoomonit ?12uA stage-Cherry. On Tuesday evening, Dec. 9th the Methodist Church, Lewiston, N. C.,' was the scene of a beau tiful wedding, when Frances Gabett,tke daughter of Mrs.Fan- ny Cherry, became the bride of Mr. Austin Savage. ' The interior of the church T-asI artistically , decorated under the supervision of Mrs. H. T. Cl.rk acd Mrs.v, Amelia Williams, the color ' scheme being white and yellow; The pews were crowded with manv relatives and friends. The out of town guests were Miss Lila Hancock of Rocky Mount, N. C. Messrs. Joe Vann, George Baker and Stanley Leary of Ahoskie. N. C. Mendelssohn's wedding march was beautifully rendered by Miss MargarefSpivey. In came the ribbon' bearers, little Miss Elean or Cherry, dressed in white with a yellow sash, and Master Robt. Cherry, brother of the bride, fol lowed by the ushers, Messrs. Ju lian Parker and Jim Peele. Then came the bridesmaids and groomsmen, Miss Ella May Gar rett of Ahoskie and Mr. Linwood Hoggard, Miss Edna Rawls and Mr. Sam Boyette of Ahoskie, Miss Margaret Clark and Mr. Hugh Dukes, Miss Ophelia Sav: age of Speed, N. C, and Mr. Thomas N. Peele. The brides maids were dressed in lace ever yellow .satin, and carried a bou quet of yellow chrysanthemums and fern. The bride waj gowned in white duchess satin and beautifully veiled. She carried .. a shower bouquet of brida'a roses and Ill lies of the valley. Her only or nament was a pearl brooch, gift of the groom. She entered with her maid'wf honor, Miss Lillian Cherry, who as gowned in yel low charmeuse and carried yel low roses. The groom entered on the arm of his best man, Mr. George C. Spoolman. The cere mony was solemnized bv the M. E. pastor. Rev. M. W. Hester. Tne bride's going-away gown was of brown cloth with hat and gloves to match. The bride and groom left on the 8:25 train for Jacksonville and other points of interest in Florida. is one of Lewiston 's ,.ViVlv..(firf I young ladies. The groom is from one of the best families of Edge combe 'County, and is a very pop ular and industrious young man. lhwVre the recipients of many valuable presents of cut glass and'siivef . 'l&f. and Mrs. Savage will be at home in Lewiston after Dec. 23rd. If Be Only Knew. From the Boston Post ; "I wish," wished the man who was always wishing for some thing or other, "I wish I knew the exact spot where I'm gonna die." "You're crazy," said his friend, to make a wish like that, Why, man, you'd worry and fret all your life if you knew where you are going to die." ?1 would not, Gee-whiz, I'd never go near the placet" . fashion's Siiifc ; From the Cincinnati Enqnirer. . , Willie Paw. what is. a slave to fashion? Paw A man , who has a wife atd grown daughters, my POes Cored la 6 to, 14 Days - YbflT draggM Ul nfnad moony if PAZO OINTMENT fail, to car any m of IteUna, JltUod, Btocdins or Protradinf POw ta to 14 djpa. most attractive and ponulartfew days the past week in Nor- MARGABETTSVILLE NEWS. School Bonding Nearlng Completion -Reforned From the North- . fire Alarm-Personals. Remember the Temperance entertainment at the Baptist church next Sunday evening at j 7:30 o'clcc'r:. Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Stancill j spent several days last week in i Norfolk. Mr. Fred Spender, Branchville, spent Sunday with Mr. J. G. Bottoms. Mrs. Stella Coppedge and chil dren arrived from Rockingham Saturday to pay a visit to her brother. Mr. Fred Garriss. Messrs. S. ii. Jones and H. L. Coggin spent a short while in Weldon, Saturday. Miss Nellie Long attended ser vices in Seaboard Sunday morn ing. Last Saturday afternoon just at the close of an enthusiastic meeting of the W. C. T. U. the fire alarm was sounded from the church grounds and in just a few minutes there were no le3S than fifty men. white and colored, working rapidly to extinguish the flames from the church roof. Especially do the members of the church feel greatly indebted to Mr. J. S. Gay and the untir ing colored men for their prompt hasty work. Mr.. A, T. Vick, the contractor of the school buil iirK', has ru ih ed the brick work t completion which was dedicated last Friday by th? laying .of the last brick: byiss Peele. Thosewho watch ed her as she ascended to the high platform Ly the top of tne chimney, expected to see her give out by the way but not so. for as she came out on the plat form all eyes were eager to vvatc- the work accomplished. The in side work is being pushed for ward rapidly and the house will be ready for work within its walls sometime the first of the year. ' After a stay of several months in Philadelphia, New York, and Brooklyn, Mrs. W. A. Vick and son, William, gave their many friends here a delightful surprise Sunday night by their return to our town. Miss Maude Stancill snent a : folk. Mrs. Hannah Jordan has re turned from an extended visit to friends of Weldon. Potecasl News. Misses Mary T. Parker and Mabel Bolton of Woodland were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C W. Blow Saturday end Sunday. Mm. W. H. Gilbert of Raleigh is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Baugham. Miss Mattie Joyner visited Miss Estelle Beale Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. J. R. Beale is visiting his daughter, Mrs. E. W. Parker, at Newsoms, Va., this week. Mr. W. N. , Baker of Roxokel spent Saturday night with his brother, Mr. J. G. Baker. Mr. Robert Hart of Drum Hill. N. C, is visiting friends and rel atives here. Miss Louise. Atkins, . music teacher here, win start for her home m Yotragsvilley S. C, in a few days. ' '; .;i--.:-::- Mr. ,W. J. Baugham has re cently purchased the residence formerly owned by Dr. CO. Powell, also store lot, and has opened a nice line of foods. We wish him much success. Mr. J. G. : Baker visited hia parents near Roxobel Sunday J

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