1 4 I I , S ! I ' ft'' Ji t i 1 ' v i ' ' f , " V 9 A -Chowan Times, U I. I ANDREW J. CONNER, PUBLISHER ' CAROLINA, CAROLINA, HEAVEN'S BLESSINGS ATTEND HER" SUBSCRIPTION FER ANNUM $1.00 , , VOLUME XXV RICH SQUARE, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1916 NU .IBEl '6 TRY ITI SUBSTITUTE FOR NASTY CALOMEL Starts your liver without making you sick and can not salivate. Every druggist in town your drug gist and everybody's druggist has noticed a great falling otT in the sale of calomel. They all give the same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe am gives better results," said a prominent local druggist. Dodson's Liver Tone is personally guaranteed by every druggist who .sells it. A large bottle costs SO cents, and if it fails to give easy relief in every case of liver sluggishness and constipation, you have only to ask for your money back. , Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant-tasting, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick headache, acid stomach or constipated bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause inconvenience all the next day like violent calomel. Take a dose of calomel today and tomorrow you will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don't lose a day's work! Take Dodson's Liver Tone instead and feel fine, full of vigor and ambition. Prof 1 Cards essiona C. G. Peebles PEEBLES F. B. Harris HARRIS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW JACKSON, N. C. Practice in all Courts. Business promptly and faithfully uttended to Ernest R. Tyler ATTORN EY-AT-1.AW Koxobel. N. C. Practice in all Courts. Business prompt and faithfully attended to. fitn J. C. Vaughan PHYSICIAN - SURGEON Rich Square, N. C. Office in New Brick Building. Telephone No. 26 L. R WHITLEY Woodland, N. C. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER of Brick and Wood Buildings Tinner and Wall Paporer. H. L. Duffie Seaboard, N. C. Painting and Paper Hanging. Satis faction Guaranteed. Let us estimate on your work. 4 1-tf W. H. S. BURGWYN JR. ATTOKNBT AT LAW, Woodland, - North Carolina, Office in Farmer'! Bank Building. Practice in all Coorta. Business prompt . It and faithfully attended. Benj. B. Winborne Stanley Winborne WINBORNE & WINBORNE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Murfreesboro, -:- N. C 'Phones Nos. 17 and 21 A. T. Vick Geo. W. Hedgbeth VICK & HEDGBETH CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS Satisfaction Guaranteed. Let us Estimate on your Work. FRANKLIN, VIRGINIA. Dr. J. Arthur Blalock DENTIST JACKSON, - N. C Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. ' , 2P.M. to 6 p. h. DR. CHARLES J. SAWYER 254 Granby St, New Monroe Bldg. Norfolk, Virginia , Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose ;. and Throat , will be in Windsor,; N. C. the 1st Men day in each Mpnth. Dr. J. M, JACOBS - DENTIST ROXOBEL.N.C extracting trom children at mum Dries SEVERN NEWS. Church and School Nuws-Pefscrtal and General News Items Boiled Down. Messrs. W. H. and B. F. Britt and their families of Boykins Va . spent Sundav afternoon wi;h their narents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. 3. Britt. Mr. and Mr?. Billy Watson oc Murfroesboro were guests of Mr ;vd Mrs. J. S. Watson Sunday Miss Margaret Powell of th High School faculty, accompa nini bv Mis Helen Brow n, of the faculty, and Miss Loir Howell, spent the week-enu a! her home in Princess Anne Co . Va. Mrs. D. S. Barnes is &ain h victim of ma'am. Miss Bernice Howell returned Friday night from a vnit to her uncle, Mr. Paul M. Taylor, of Larchmont, Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Joyner and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mann Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Fleetwood and children of Jackson spent Sunday with Mrs. Fleetwood'. father, Mr. W. H. Pruden. Mr. J. A. Pruden of Margar ett&ville spent the week-end with relatives anil friends. Mrs. T. 0. Joyner and children Otis and Eva, visited relatives in Pendleton Saturday. Among: those to attend the re cital at Chowan College last Fri day evening: were Mr. and Mrs. J. J. White, Mrs. J. B. Stephen son, Mrs. J. L. Long:, Mrs. J. C. Long, Misses Una Whith, Madge Conwell, and Mary Emma Long, Rev. Jesse Blalock and Mrilhjyw lie Long. Misses Una White and Madge Conwell are spending a few days this week with Mrs. P. M. Fleet wood at her home in Jackson. . Mr. G. W. Pruden is suffering from an attack of his old enemv, rheumatism. He is much better at this writing, however. Misses Hazel Spence, Lillie and Bessie Davis, Clyde Smith and Virgie Worrell, of the stu dent body of Severn High School spent the week-end at their homes, Conway, Pendleton, and Seaboard, respectively. Mr. and Mrs. S, J. Wilson and baby of Boy kins, Va., were guests of Mrs. Wilson's mother, Mrs. N. L Rochelle, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Edwards of Boykins, Va., but formerly of this place, made a short call on friends Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Sallie Edwards, . Mrs. Harry Drewry and little son Madison, Miss Eva Edwards and Mr. Spier Edwards of Boykins, Va., were guests of their aunt, Mrs. Rebecca Williams, Sunday afternoon. Messrs. Winston Edwards, Paul Collier, Charlie Nelson and Wal ter Woodard of Pendleton were guests in the home of Mr. W. E. Glover Sunday evening. Mr. P. W. Edwards of Hugo, Va., was a guest in the home of Mr. G. W. Pruden Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Stephen son and daughter, Ozella.of Pen dleton, spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Ada Woodard. ; , . Misses Helen Woodard and Eileen Stephenson of Pendleton spent Sunday at Miss Woodard'a grandfather's. Mr. M. M. Long. Miss Carrie Belle Long return ed Friday from a visit to rela tives in Suffolk,. Va. ; Mr. Ruf us Howell of Seaboard spent Sunday afternoon in the home of Mr. MV M. Long. : I Mr. J. B. Stephenson Jr., who hat been representing Mr, J. J. White iu the Desant market. 4 Lewiston, spent Sunday here with bis people. Misses Mary Fleetwood and Lillie Pruden spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. E. T. Britt. On Thursday evening Nov. 9. Pa3tor Blalock thinking pli?avvt social intercourse was flood fur pwjole, urged every ' fThv r : n i teacher of the Sundav school ro attend the wfclt!y tf-ach-.N meeting. At the clo of thj les.iOU disciiS;'i'Ti .-i!; a --re i ' ed. iiit.) t.ie prim;ry c!'i5?ro-.'n where half an hour w.-is m pleasant canverjatbu . I i cious cakea and ambro-U vor served. On Wednesday evening Nov. 8tb. the prayer services at the Mt'inodist church were iriven over to Pastor Riis wh p e ich- ed an excellent sernnri to his people. His text was t ik n from the 7cii ciinpfr of Jude., and was the stcry of Gsd-'on. The lesson he dr-w from the sf-rm.iij was that each one has a work to do, and a place in which to work Then ho urged every one to be faithful to tne task given them, quoting a part of the poem, "You in your corner and I ia mine." Mr. and Mrs. Cola Mann un j chiliiren were guests of Mrs. Mann's brott.er, Mr, J B Ste-phi.-nF.on, Sunday. "Mr. H. P. Stephenson 3j.ent Sunday in Jackson. Messrs. Worrell, Lamb and Pope and Misses Pope of South ampton, Va .were guests of Miss Callie Bryant Sunday. Fine Farms For Sale. The J. H. Hardy farm at Rox obel is advertised for sale at pub lie fcucticn on next Thursday, It hzi been cut ui- into small farms of from one to 30acrea each. This is one of the finest farms in Ber tie or in any other county in the State, is located on one of the most traveled roads, partly in the town of Rox ibel, right at. three churches, fine grrded school and 6ome of the best peo pie in the world. We know of no finer opportunity to secure desirable homes. See large ad vertisement. Tbe County Vote. According to the official re turns Mr, Sam'l J. Calvert, for Register of Deeds, received more votes than any other . candidate at the election last week. Mr. Calvert has led the ticket for several years. - Following is the vote for each candidate: G. E Midyette, Solicitor 1467 W. H. S. Burgwyn. Senator 1473 W. H. Joyner, Represent'tive 1355 S. J. Calvert, R. of D. E. P. Outland, Surveyor, J. S. Grant, Coroner H. L. Joyner, Sheriff J. H. Fltzbugh, Co. Com. J. G. Stancell, " " J. T. Colton, ' " For Hospital 555 Against Hospital 915 Majority against 360 1489 1473 1473 1447 1350 1404 1353 LET IS SMILE. The thing that goes the farth est toward making life worth while, that costs the least and does the most, is just the pleasant smile. A smile that babbles from a heart that loves its fellow men, wV-l drive away th s cloud of gl. vh and coax the m again. It's full of worth and' oodnea. ;, too, with manly kind-.3 ble. It's worth a million dollars and it doesn't cost a cent. Don't waste time in wisi ng for Allandin's lamp- your,.owiurEj SEABOARD LOCALS. Marriage- of Crocker-Leake Miss Collins Growing Weaker School Entertainment Personals. Mr K, W. Edwards is swerd ing a few days in Baltimore on Mesdames J. L. Harris and J. H. Bradley visited in the how of Mr. Robt. L, Rese, Girys iur.;, t!v: uvii S.mJ.jv. I.Jr Ret-a-, ivhihas been i' h Rich mond hosnitsl for t eatmm. re cently. i3, to tiie jjratifintiorj of frier.ds, slowly coriva!?scins nt his home. After a pleasant visit to frie:nls of Roanoke Rapids, Miss Lucile Edwards returned horn? the past Saturuay. For two yearn Miss Lucile was a popular member of the Roanoke Rapias Hih School faculty and her patrons always give her a warm greeting. Miss Bernice Kelly, assistant in Seaboard State High School, is still at the bedside of her college mate, Miss Inda Collins. The latest bulletin from the sick room is. Mi?s Collins i9 growing weak er ".e!i day, therefore Miss Ksily cannot say, positively, when she can resume her school room du nes n?re inese young women.. are the most devoted friends and everybody here sorrows at the possible, early separation. Rev. M. Y. Self, Garysbur. filled his regular monthly ap pointment at the M. E. church Here Sunday morning and at Concord in the afternoon. Dr. M. R. Stephenson and Mr. Ned M. Harris left Monday for Bristol, Tenn., where they pur pose purchasing some improved cattle. The uhowers of Sunday put an end to peanut picking Monday morning. The warm sunshine of Monday served to dry the vines, so the mu3ic of the many threshing machines will doubt less be heard again Tuesday morning. The school for colored children here opened Monday morning with a larger attendance taaftfffcnl o Mr- G- usual. Considerable cotton still remains in the fields, therefore, it will be several weeks yet, be fore many of them can enter school.- Mrs. Louisa Carventer, who has been sick at her home here fur several weeks, is no better at this writing. Her daughters, Mesdames Rob Long and John Grizzard are doing all in their power to make her as comfort able as possible. Our townsman, Mr. Jno. D. Pope, is suffering intensely with his old enemy, rheumatism. One hand i3 so enlarged, from tbe disease, that he can scarcely use it. Miss Sallie P. Betta, Lady Principal of Littleton Female College, with her parents, Rev. A. D. Betts and wife, Greens boro, spent the week-end with Miss Mollis Taylor at her hos pitable home near Mt, Carmel church. ' A duiet marriage was solem nized at the M, E. pare 'Page, Garysburg. a; 5:30 o'clock .- M. Nov. 7. . Te contracting par ties wire M'ijf Florence Leake, eldt d.nwiv.oi- ttf find Mrs. K Vv. Loa ie, ilr. D:-c Cwr :,vr, both of Set': . nrd. Rev, &l Y'.rSblf,': jissior of tha voting uv&K 'jMvitiml: ': Immediate!' i,M-"'-.'flv3"reroony thej took t'o A. C. W- train for a brief honey-mbr- ; ktutL Both are deserved ly V-'-J" and many ate the isb'.fiff jgoc :A-fJ:mrm . that;. will attend niv "irttftjry oi iih'Vba turmoil of the,PrdraakvUre Times 01 o that itta'tlniiim,-:or; 'irrtam( grade. campaign is over and we feel: everybody, in this secti-m es pecially, are rejoicing over the re-election of President Wilson, the greatest of all our Presidents. We can now confidently look for ward to four years more of peacf and prosperity. Mr. Robt. E. Stephenson, wife and children, Mr, Robt. K :ik. Miss L M-jiiiiiingand Mr. Coooer Eiailey. Emporia, were pitasitu Sunday afternoon visitors of his n iter, Mrs R. M. Maddrey. It will be trood news to many inter ested friends to say here that Mr. Stephenson is slowly regain ing his health. Mr. D. Garland Grubbs butch ered six fine pigs Monday and sold same at a fancy price, to a Weldon grocery man. Mr. Grubbs has something over a hundred to butcher this season. Mr. H. Carlton Maddrev spent the past Monday in Richmond and Petersburg on business. Mr. Dean Crocker and bride, after a uleasant Southern honey moon trip, returned to their home here last Monday evening. A re ception was tendered them at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. L. Crocker. Mrs. M. A. Brantley, whose ill health has caused her to be a stay at home for the year, rave her friends a pleasant surprise by calling to see them last Satur day afternoon. Mr. C. E. Barnes has discon tiuued painting for the remain der of tbe year and accepted the position of salesman for the pro gressive firm of Crocker & Stan cell. He will be glad to have his friends note the change and give him a call when in town. Miss Josie Lawrence, Franklin, is a welcome guest of her cou sins. Misses Mary and Mildred Pruden. Rain Sunday prevented any services at the Baptist church Sunday evening. Pa3tor Stuken brok was on hand, however. No kind of weather prevents his keeping an engagement. Mr. Joe Smith, who sold his Fenton Crocker some weeks ago. is now engaged in building a new home near the home site of his father, Mr. Etheldrige Smith. Mr. Smith Sr. is not able to look after his farm, so we understand his son will have charge of his farm an other year. Tbe Tom Thumb wedding, an nouncement of which was raid last week, will occur at Seaboard State High School building on the evening of Nov. 17th. Doors will be open at 7:30. Admission for adults 35 cents, children 15 cents. With an unusually prom ising lot of youthful material and under the careful directorship of a master hand thi3 event prom ises, from this .distance, too a one of the best entertainmonts ever presented here. An even ing of laughter is promised all who will come. The little folks are doing their bast to entertain you 'and surely we should en courage them by our presence. You will not only have a good time, but wilt be helping forward the varirfj interests of our school also. With pleasant weather we should give them a packed house Cn ;iot f rget tie day and date. ! o.-ybody is invited to come and wi'va-a th nuptials of "Tom Tnutub and LilJie Jui'e." Re f n'miertH will be served after POSITION WANTED A teach er o.f experience desires a position fertaoe.?' letfeberJ GARYSBURG NEWS Representative Joyner Wins New ll'.m-ors-To Fill Railroad Ciit-Pr i-' gressive People. Mr. R. A. El!i, who went to Richmond, V:1.., last weei. for treatment in a hospital, has re turned homo. Miss Mattie Movire of Pleasant Hill spent last Tliursduy wi.i; her sister, Mrs. Vassar, here. vr .1 E. -Suiter. vif- -.ml three children went to Ricl iii'jnd M onday. Mr. J. T. Suiter and family of Emporia, Va., came over to our town yesterday. Vr. W. H. Stephenson gave an old time corn shucking social last Friday night After the barbecued pig had been e.v.vn, a contest was held for thy man who could shuck the most corn. The prize was a nice turkey. The men realizing the value vf s ich a price entered with great force the contest. Guess the winner: Our Representative, W H. Joyner. The A. C. L. R. R. Company has offered $400.00 to remove the bridge and fill in the ulley between the Seaboard R. 11. track and Messrs. John and Ei . Suit er's store. It seemed to me the town should take this matter up and have the work done. This would improve the looks of the place besides making it more safe to cross the railroad here. Two automobiles have already been turned over in this place and the people on them were bruised and broken to pieces. It was only last week a car failed to climb the hill, thebral es gave way, and the only thing that saved it from turning over in the gulley was a strong post which the car struck. Mr. Dean Crocker ai d Miss Florence Leake of Seaboard were married in our town last Tues day. After the marriage they went to Weldon where they took the train for their wedding tour. Mr. W. H. Joyner has pur chased of W. H. Stephenson a farm on the county road leading from Garysburg to Jack so i. Mr. R. E. Brown, son and daughter, John and Frances went to Richmond last Friday. Mrs. Lucy Grant is critically ill at this writing. Rev. M. Y. Self held his regu lar second Sunday services at the M. E. church Sunday P. M. He preached an excellent sermon. His subject being "What lack ye." The people here regret to know that his time here is very much limited as this is his fourth year. Through the excellent super vision of Mr Sam Yates the young men of the town gave the young ladies an oyster roast last Friday night. Mr. W. H. Joyner has named his little girl "Dozen V which means in French one dozen. The writer is glad to announce that the township (Occoneechee) -voted the bond issue for the County hospital. The people here are always in the line of prog- : ;, ress. ' Mrs. Wm. E. Froelich and son : Billy Jr.4 of Rosemary, are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Butts. Mrs. Carl Parker has returned from her visit to Jackson ' ' M ins-Annie Futrell of . Wood huid, now teaching &t Pleasant" Hill, was in town Monday. " ' , ' Mr. R. P. Todd has moved to V Weldon. .'r' .Jack' Joyner. took a crowd of " young people consisting of H! I :"'.-.r.',; ' .VV--':