fiitiiipillPM 'Sp'l p r 1 p i vi la Kemorlani-jessle T, Brewed of h.a ntnf ,,a tw; u h,B i " - r-r-- r-M rroressionai lards r80"811?' m&WWW fl it is just as important to have your 4VlV Dr. E. . W. Hunter Jas B.een he h8nd M"?:, Perhaps khew hirn ' better than 4 'v.-'1 AI-AC i :MvK:: DENTAL SURGEON avily upon out dear friend, many other,. ' He wa,: pro rlVlHm ! K'rW- N kr v P"8..nJMr. John B.' Brewer gressive farmer, a goad mighbor -'wyx- SOLD RlGHTas it is to have it BOUGHT RIGHT' 4 V- 4: : - North Carolina of Chowan College, who have and a splendid citizen. , -N' Xi ' ; . V: ' : 1 XTriT liVr O C.-' a titoAw I ' ; Ofltot.Uptafc to Bank. Bunding . tearfully but , triumphantly seen . Hia remaids were interred in Let me handle your Magazines for you JlU.LMrjVGC JAVySOIJ ! Vv'' Hr C r P, II 5!Jh!irVed8Ufbter! K Methodist church' yard in du thi, year." I hae the .jcy for . : NORFQLK, VA. f ' f r. U L. FOWell forth m all the joy of a clear. Coleraine, N. C , the rites being 4 M . Have built upa large business by giving BwtatereW Browrt: ' , DENTIST. - unwavering faith to the promised conducted.! the Rev. 8rince i ad e; .j flTanhfeft,?hi?II? them et?" J00 ? Prtate : ' AhU li r reward of the Dure in heart, field of the Episcopal Church cf you money on dub order. Your: 'Pt,on- AhOSkle, N. C. Mamie (Mrs. Penton) was sud- vh.V.h h -.iT S3!:" , W , , vVv II LIBERAL. ADVANCES ON COTTON TO BE STORED denly called ' to the higher ser- ber. " :f ' " IQ T ,' ' - ' ' ices some months ago. Jessie Peace to his ashes and may , AIw take Ienewal, for aU M'- '" ' ' ' "" r ' , followed on November 27th. Of the God of us all bring comfort Wifl be glad to quote you price. lTBB,BBas8,B1B?s -J them it may be truly said "They to .11 hftmonrnh!.t, :- - - II - ' r 1 1 1 N' XJao be found at hia office at all times ept when notice is given in this paper Mason, Worrell & Long Attornejs-at-Law T. W. tfason. Garvebunr. N. C. J. A Worrell, Rich Square, N. C..W.L. Long Boanote Rapids, N. d ftaetiee in all coorta. Uusuess prompt- tf and faithfully attended to. Ernest R. Tyler ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Roxobel, N. C. Office second floor of Roanoke Chowan Bank Building. Practice in all Courts. Business prompt ly and faithfully attended to. CL EL Midyette W. H. S. Burgwyn Midyette& Burgwyn Attorneys at Law (Practice confined to civil matters only) Practice in all Courts. Busi ness promptly and faithfully at tended to. Offices in Bank of Northampton Bldg., Jackson, N. c. The Fanners Bank, woodland. N. c BenJ. B. Winborne Stanley Winborne WINBORNE & WINBORNE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Mnrfrecsboro, t N.'c 'Phones Nos. 17 and 21 His friend, Alanson Capehart. Roxobel. N. C. - v (Continued from page one.) nesses, I measured it out, finding a total yield of 5040 pounds or 90 bushels of good dry corn . on my acre not counting that which was overlooked in gathering. (By Wilson Garris, Conwa) I joined the corn club one dav -A. T. Vick L. G. Vick AT. VICK&SON CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Satisfaction Guaranteed. Let us Estimate on your Work. FRANKLIN, VIRGINIA. Dr. W. J. Ward DENTIST Wddon, -:- North Carolina were lovely and pleasant in their lives and in their deaths thev were not divided. '? Each noa sessea cnarm, versatility and a rare zest for noble unselfish ser vice. Mubi'c. the divine art in which Jessie so early attained recognized excellence both at home and abroad, seemed the natural expression of her beauti f ul spirit. Her wonderful skill at the organ 'was enhanced by the gentleness, sympathy and calm strength which were at Bchool, when the County Agent characteristic of her. She was cama to see the boys at home. I the essentia artist. Her ner- did not make as much as I sonality attracted and held- a I thought at first, because the large circle of devoted friends to drought killed some of it and I whom her own loyalty was in- had a bad stand. I had lots of tense. The keen disappointment fun this year and have been wor of a serious and painful illness ried some. One day I was plow that ffave nause to a career of in? in mv corn when it van hiah. brilliant achievement did not be- er than my head. It was very tray her for one moment intn Drettv. The mule iiimnpd nff J gloomy thoughts or complaining, and ran through ) it and broke it l, was niung mat ueatn's uuwn. , i was wornea- tnen. l bright angel" should come to her was sowing fertilizer in it on in the cultured home of her day when a cloud came up and happy girlhood, at Chowan, got me wet. That was fun. I Thinking of ber as a small child thought I had an acre until Mr. there, watchinir .the lovolv hud J. J. Boone and Mr. f! W Rm'm-Io expand into fragrant Christian came up and measured it, and it womannooa, bo nt lor the Mast- was 77 a W. not -quite, an . acre er'B Use. witneaflino- her niarnal Who looks over thin rmnrH m successes in both art and life, I say well I don't see how the can mere come to mind the lines that set mat done for that, but what will live in honor of such lives I got here is right. Some one while human hearts can love and will fay, he did not make that remember-and thank God. much 1 know. If you don't think 'Sunset and evening star. 80 Mr- Boone' he is a Dreach And one clear call for me! 1 flon 6 Bardy tmnK ne Wl11 And mnv thpr ha t "e- One thing 1 enjoyed this J. PRESTON BOYD MAGAZINES RICH SQUARE, N. C Farm For Sale. Twenty acres of land in the cor porate limits of the town of Koxo- bel, about 300 yards from Rail road station, same . distance from new school building Close to three churches, two banks. For farther information call on or writs Alvah Smith, Roxobel, N. C. ineBeBeBeBneBBeBsaeBeMnaiiBsnaBeBesBiaiasBiain The Strong Withstand the Winter Cold Better Than the Weak . You must have Health, Strength and En durance to fight Colds, Grip and tnflnfnTi, When your blood la not In a healthy condition and does not circulate properly, your system la unable to withstand the Winter cold. . - , . GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC Fortifies the System Against Colds. Grip and Influenza by Purifying and FnA-Mpd the Blood. - T? & contains the well-known tonlo paop ertiea'of Quinine and Iron in a form acceptable to the most delicate stomach, and is pleasant to take. You can soon feel to Strengthnnlng. Invigorating Effect 60c. I On February the 3rd, 1919 - I will sell at the Court House door, in Jackson, North ampton County, North Carolina thefollowing tract of land, known as the late W. C. Piland home place, con taining 116 acres, more or less, located in Wiccacanee Townshipj on the County Road leading from Margaretts ville to Galatia. Find description of land in book 112, page 411. .About 60 acres of this land cleared, the bal ance in woods, with about One Thousand Dollars worth of Lumber on same. This is a good three horse Farm . with fairly good buildings "on it, and in a good neighbor hood. The terms can be arranged to suit if you will call on me at my home in Seaboard, N. C. This the 28th day of December, 1918. Signed, J. W. ROSE, Seaboard, N. C. Try our "Want Ad Column". Want ads bring quick results! the bar, When I out oat to sea. Dr. J. M. JACOBS HUXTfTTV ROXOBEL, N. C Extracting $1.00. Chappell & Shoulars RICH SQUARE, N. C Dealers in Beef, Pork, and Oysters Highest Pride faid for Live Stock, Hides, Etc. Your Patronage Solicited. NOTICE OF SERVICE MRS. B. B. LANDIS Graduated Trained Nurse Cell Square InstItu!e,RIcn Square.N.C WiU receive engagements for Nursing in all sickness, by week, day or hour. Gives Satisfactory services. summer was my camping trip If I am in the club again next year, onr) that, hor, J.J T But such a tide as moving seems want to eo. Mv littl hmthr asieep, t..nan. in.,v.: n 4.1 -: m . ,, , , , . kv,u lauuiug an iuo vim wuna ana roam, about my corn ueu mat wnicn urew irom out ROYSTEM'S the boundless deep Turns again home." The deepest symnathv of warm friends in many States goes out in full measure to the stricken home-circle. B. W. H. First prize of $10.00 in War Savings Stamps won by Edward Outlaid of the Woodland School for the greatest production of corn on one acre. This prize was given by Sheriff H. L Joy ner and Mr. E. W. Lewis of the JackBpn Drug Co. M. W. Wall, County Agent. FERTILIZER The Thrice -A- Weet . -Notice of Sale of Personal Property I, as administrator of the estate of Bob Branch, will sell at public r traction to the highest bidder for cash, on Tnesday, December 17th, 1918, all the persona property be longing to the said estate,' consist imr of , two fine mules, wagons, 'carts, baggies and all farming im- plementa, etc. - The sale1 will be ' 'held at the place commonly known : ma the Banks place where the said ' Bob Branch formerly lived. The " sale will commence at 11 o'clock. ' , , This November 25th, ldia JamesA. Worrell, Administrator. Edward firuce Hardy. On Saturday, December 21st. 1918, I received a message to hasten to the bedside of mv friend, Edward Bruce Hardy. Frlihnn vf TU L residing in Port Norfolk. Va" TT'T" . " " but formerly of my town, Roxo Y Ork W Orld in 1919 nei, xm. u., and upon reaching v nis home was shocked to find Prachcally a Daily at the Price of that death had suddenly taken a Weekly. No other Newspaper uun irom nis near wue and gives so much at so low a price. lrienas. ;r.aV. mi v a j ne value ana need of a news paper in the household was never greater (than at the present time We have been foredd to enter the great world war, and a large arm v of ours is already in France. '-You will want to have all the news from our troops on Furopean bat tlefields, acd 1919 promises to be the Edward was born in ' Roxobel, Bertie County, N. C forty-eight years ago, and was the only ur vivingson of the late Joseph H. Hardy, his mother being Lucy Bishop Hardy. His forbears are among the oldest, most respected and best known families of Ber tie Coiintv. ' Ha marrlnA Mfna - " M.M.ia hud. I Ada Lee Hardv of r.nirain kt we-most momentous yearrin ' wawaweauu I a. . a . M . n mu j. . j ... msiory-oi our universe. : i v., wuw ii 1 usuKunr 01 meiare 1 .. t tu d j ; ,t .. I xxo oiner newspaper at so small tvuuuuur, nt IB Survived DV I :n r , hia mothr a i.fa M , r v" Pce win iurmsn sucn prompt Holoman. of RoxobeL N n ..H -fW new8-of th wwId h;a mif- u.'u.f tij , snaaing events. ;ic ls'not-'neeea- r., "tOttfw. ne was ty The Thrice-a-Week World nature or a retirlnflr disnosition . r - , -t .i i regular Buutsuripuuu price IS amy Vri.Z j r uu VX! papers. We offer this ' uh few friends, rather than mlntiM Ey. m with strangers, and for that re Lw-owawiw Tn.M n. ann trrao A '. I -7 VTT -"tvv, .w. h.AhiM k-. - I ; , "".lone year ior The regu ar throughout the countv. He uh I c -sif . . aima... . .It j-j'- . "leuuBwripuunpnoewwieiwopapers courtepus, of splendid mental at 1, ino: .ir iI.l tuuur, ue reunement Hanara. N.. C ' .. j, My life's work has been; devotee! v to the improvement of Southern :l ' ... rj. . . 1 ' 1. (tff Crops and Soils. F. S. ROXSTER , Xt 1 F. S. KOYSTER GUANO CO. Norfolk, Va. Baltimore, ML" Toled6, O. Tarboro,N. C .Charlotte, , t , ' A Columbia, S QSRartanburg, S. C " Atlanta, Ga. T Macon, Ga. ' ' ' ColumbuN Ga. Montgomery, Ala. ' 1" , , ? ; .-. '( . :. .. ; i .'. .. : : '..: " .... ... - - V ri- '.'' i vv . '...-( .I;-' . : .v. '?. :. vi:,:''::x:-:vi;::'' i y-i, -n - -V A iix ;L3