mo liMes. warn ANDREW ). CONNER, PUBLISHER CAROLINA, CAROLINA, HEAVEN'S BLESSINGS ATTEND HER" , SUBSCRIPTION PER ANNUM $1.09 VOLUME XXXV RICH SQUARE, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1926 NUMBER 4 ' .UV:;.:v.,;..;,...;;i;3.,;o SEVERN NEWS Selling Peaonts at Advanced Price Will love le PendletoDHeasles General News With the exception of measles the general health of the com munity seems to be good. Our physician. Dr. A. R. Hodge, who located here last August, is giv ing efficient service in every way. Mr. Geo. A. Williams of Nor folk, Va., is spending sometime with his sister, Mrs. J. N. Steph enson. Mr. E H. White will leave Wednesday for New York City to take a business course. Quite a number of our farmers have sold their peanuts since the riae in price to 5c. Some of the buyers seem to think the price will even be better in a Bhort while. Mr. Leroy Taylor, of Jackson Drug Co., Jackson, was a caller in the heme of Mr. Ernest How ell Sunday evening. Mr. Geo. W. Johnson and fam ily have moved to town, in the residence recently purchased by Mr. J. B. Mann from Mr. J. E. Benton. Mr. R. E. Maddrey is soon to move bis family to Pendleton. He will build the new Baptist church at Pendleton, known as Robert's Chapel Church. Mr. Maddrey did right much of the work on the new Baptist church here and supervised the work in general. Mr. W. V. Crawford, who has been with the Farmers Mfg. Co. for a number of years, has been transferred to their plant here. Misses Evelyn White, Willie MaddreyHilton Jones, Florence Bark ley, Dorothy and Lucille Long, having finished, their ex animations at Chowan College early last week, spent several days in their homes here before beginning the second semester, They left for the college late Monday afternoon. Rev. A. W. H, Jones preached two very strong sermons at the Baptist Church Sunday morning and evening. The morning ser mon was on "The Power of Prayer." Evening was about "Ahab." Large crowds attend ed both services. Miss Julia Cal vert sang a beautiful solo in the morning, and Misses Evelyn White and Julia Calvert rendered a much enjoyed duet at evening service. There will be preaching ser vice at M. E. Church first Sun day evening in February. Mr. and Mrs. John Pritchard and cbildran of Windsor, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. D. S. O'Neal. Mrs. G. S. Pruden and Miss Sabrina Holder of Boykins, Va., spent Monday with their sister, Mrs. D. S. O'Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Johnson of Pendleton were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood ard Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wood of Branchville. Va., were callers in the heme of the Misses Williams and Wood, Sunday afternoon. Miss Hilton Jones of Chowan College spent the week-end with her parents. Rev. and Mrs. A. W. H. Jones. : Misses Elizabeth Carlton and iViola Raynor of Chowan College .were week end guests of Miss Hilton. Jones ' . . " r Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Taylor, and daughter Maud, and their moth er, Mrs. Cordelia Barnes, bpent a short whita Sunday afternoon in the home of Mr. vV. J.'Bjrnes near Froncisville " ' Mr. nbd Mrs. R. E Maderey epentr Franklin-, Va , Endorses Dr. Parker For Legislature My Dear Mr. Conner: I, as a former college mate, now as a close neighbor and fellow-townsman, wish to add my endorsement to the proposed candidacy of Dr. C. P. Parker for the next Legislature. As a student he was faithful and ambitious, as a neighbor he is thoughtful and true, bb a townsman, he is a man of vision and hope. In every progressive movement he is always to be found in the lead. He has a great passion for his home section of the State. He is a good road enthusiast. He believes in the great possibilities of his county and I am sure no man in the county would safe guard the interests of this sec tion more than he. W. 1): Barbee. Seaboard, N. C. Meeting of Milwaukee Auxiliary The Milwaukee Auxiliary of the Woman's Missionary Society met January 23rd in the home of Mrs. R. Q. Martin. The meet ing was called to order by the President, Mrs. F. L. Johnson. Seventeen members were pre sent After the reports of the different committees we went thru the ceremony of installation of officers, led by Mrs E. B. Craven, of Conway. We think the officers for this year are very interested and will faithfully at tend to the duties of the offices. After the business, we indulg ed in a bit of "Neighbsrhood Gossip," led by Mrs. John Wood. Ill was innocent enough at first, but after the news had passed as mny as eighteen tongues it was very much twisted and exugger ated. Seeing how easily this could be done we all decided it wbb best to pass only the good news along. So our hOBtess, Mrs. Martin, immediately passed candy, of different kinds, and apples, which we enjoyed very much. The meeting adjourned to meet in the home of Mrs. J. M. Martin in February. Reporter. having dental work done. Misses Ethel Taylor, Mavis Lewter and Mr. Russell Joyner were shopping in Murfreesboro Saturday afternoon. Miss Bettie Long of the high schools acuity is on the sick list this week. Mr. Arthur Johnson and Miss Porter of Boykins, Va., were Sunday afternoon callers in the home of Mrs. W. E. Glover. Mr. and Mrs. Barham Porter of Conwav were guests of their mother, Mrs. Ellen Porter, Sun day, i The Music Club of the High School, met in the home of Mrs. A. M. Fleetwood Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Spencer and son Edmund, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bryant of Boykins, Va., Sunday evening. Mr. J R. Taylor attended the Grand Lodge A. F. and A. M. at Raleigh last week. He leaves Saturday, January 30, for East ern Tennessee to Duy mules, horses and milk cows for his spring trade. He has brought some good stock to this town. Mrs. Charlie Edwards of Lew iston was called to the bedside of her mother, Mrs. M. I. Johnson, Saturday. ' v Mr. Ben Worrell' and sisters Callie Mae and Odel'e of Sea board were callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Berkley Sunday afternoon. ' Miss Jennie Benton spent the week-end with her grandmother nearRoxobel. ' SEABOARD NEWS Masonic Lectures High School Will Present Play Embroidery Club Entertained Personals Mr. Herbert Long, Norfolk, spent the week end with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Long. Mr. Randolph7 Pruden spent the week end in Raleigh. Miss Katharine Essex of the high school faculty spent the week end in Courtland visiting friends. Mr. Howard Long and Miss Frances Robertson were visitors in Con,way Sunday. Mr. Dallas Kussell was a caller in Weldon Sunday. Mr. G. T. Stephenson, Frank lin, Va , was a Sunday guest of his sister, Mrs. R. M. Maddrey. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Stephenson left Saturday for Raleigh. Mrs. Stephenson will spend some time with her mother while their home is being completed. Miss Pearl Jordan, Richmond, arrived the past week and is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Jordan. Mr. Reese Bullock, of Wilson, Mr. Thurman and Miss Sallie Bullock, Roanoke Rapids, were week-end gue3ta of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Bullock. Misses Vera Bozeman and Lena Stephens of the high school fa cultyspent the week end in Nor folk. Misses Mary and Bettie Spen cer, Ida Matthews, Flora Butler and Mary Stephenson, students of Chowan College, Murfrees boro, were week end guests of their respective parents. Miss Stephenson had as ber guest her friend and classmate, Miss Julia Grady. Mr. W. D. Barbee left Wed nesday for Durham in response t ) an invitation from the Durham Kiwanis Club to be present and assist in the entertainment Wed neaday and Thursday nights at the opening of the new half mil lion dollar theatre and auditorium Mr. Clellan Lcng left the past week for New York: where he has accepted a traveling position with a shoe firm. His territory will include North Carolina and Virginia, Mr. G. F. Marquette, Rich lands. N. C, Grand lecturer of the Grand Lodge of North Caro Una, will meet with the Seaboard lodge each night for this entire week. It is hoped that rli the memberaof this and surrounding Masonic lodges will avail them selves the opportunity of hearing Mr. Marquette. The lodge will be opened each evening at seven o'clock. Seaboard High School Dramatic Club will present "Will o' The Wisp" in the first preliminary of the nigh school one act play con test sponsored by the Carolina Dramatic Association. The clubs of Ahoskie and Murfreesboro will compete with Seaboard in this contest which will be held at Chowan College, February 19. Mildred Carelton, formerly of Norfolk, will play Will o' The Wisp. Next Sunday, being 5th Sun day, according to a previously arranged custom. Rev. D.P. Har ris will preach at the Methodist church Sunday evening at seven o'clock. When the next 6th Sun day comes around Rev. Culbreth will occupy the pulnit of the Bap tist church MrsrH. R. Harris delightfully entertained the Embroidery Club, the high school faculty and a few other invited guests at her beau tiful new home Friday evening from 7:30 to 11 o'clock. The guests matched-partner! with the NORTHEASTERS) DISTRICT HONORED Supervising Agent To Represent State College At Meeting of Southern' Colleges Dean Schaub of State College has announced the delegates from State College to the meeting of the Agricultural Colleges of the fifteen Southern States, in At lanta, February l-5th. Among these will be Miss Pauline Smith, Field Faculty Member of State College, in charge of Home Economics in Northeastern Caro lina. Miss Smith is well known by; club women here as she has visited this section many times in interest of Home Economics Home Demonstration Agents of the District feel honored that their supervising agent is to re present both the district and the college at this national meeting new author tallies of Every Play er'Your Partner system. Pro gressive Rook was played at five tables. The top score club prize was won by Mrs, W. Grady El wards. The top score guest prize was won by Mrs. Robt, L. Moore. The entire lower floor of the home was very tastefully deco rated with potted plants, narcis bus and evergreens. Mrs. Harris served two courses, first a salad courss. sandwiches, saltmes. stuffed dates and pickle The second was heavenly hash. cake. mints and coffee. Miss Eulie Foster, our resident trained nurse, returned Saturday from a case she has been nursing in Halifax, N. C. Mr. J. T. Maddrey. wife and little son, Wa viand, Garysburg. were Sunday afternoon guests of his mother, Mrs. R.M. Maddrey, The Seaboard Post Office hav ing been declared vacant early in December, notice by the P. 0. Department was posted that a civil service examination to fill said office would be held in Wei don Jan. 23. Messrs. Herman Lassiter, the present incumbent, W. T, Norvell and Mrs Julian Morgan were the contestants Several months will doubtless elapse betore any appointment is made. Revs. D. P. Harris and Frank Culbreth filled their regular ap pointments here last Sunday morning and evening. The weather man forecasted rain for Monday, but instead the most beautiful as well as largest snow or the season visited us. it wps of the fine, clinginu: variety, making the landscape on? of in describable beauty. All we need to complete a typical Christmas scene is the sleigh, The following clipping from The Bedford Gazette" will prove interesting reading to the numerous friends in the county of Mrs. Alexander Millar: "J. L. Borden, principal of the Bedford High School, received a etter recently from the Borden Company announcing that the school had won a pr-iza of three hundred dollars for one of the st ayeraire gains in weight during the Borden Health Con test which was conducted by Mrs. Alexander Millar. In ac cordance with the rules of the contest, Mrs. Millar received on hundred dollars and the school two hundred. This money is to be used to further health work in the school. The school and its patrons are grateful to Mrs. Mil lar for the work she has accom plished, and to the Borden Com pany for the award." It will be remembered that during the pastorate of her, la? mented husband, Kev. Alexander Millar, that Jackson Graded School secured the services of Mrs. Millar. Many of her patrons still speak of her work lav most complimentary terms. DEMONSTRATION WORK The Home and Farm Agents wiU have Mr. C. F. Parrish, Poultry Specialist from State Col lege, in the county the first week in February. Meetings have been arranged as folio we: Tuesday, February 2nd, 2:30 P. M., meeting of Poultry leaders at Jackson. 7:30 P. M. Wood- land. Wednesday 2:30 P. M., Pote- casi. 7:30 P. M. Conway. Thursday 2:30 P. M. Lasker 7:30 Garysburg. Friday 2:30 P. M. Rich Square. 7:30 P. M. Seaboard. Mr. Parrish will demonstrate the latest methods in culling poultry, will discusss housing and answer any questions asked. During the week a County Poultry Association will be or ganized and plans for the pur cnase or ieea ana sale or eggs will be made. We expect a good attendance at all these meetings. Come and bring the family, Ihe Agricultural teachers at Conway, Rich Square and Wood land are assisting with these meetings. E. P. Gulledge, County Agt. Mary Sue Wigley Home Agt. Lasker News Mr. A.- J. Dixon delightfully entertained his pupils in the home of Mr. J. E Collier Friday night, Jan, 22, from seven until eleven. Miss Ruth Britton spent the week-end with her parents in Galatia. Mrs. C. C. Parker has been undergoing treatment in St. Vin cent's Hospital, Norfolk, Va. At last reDorts she was better. Mrs R, T. Walker left for Woodland Monday to begin a class in home nursing. The Pollyanna Club entertain ed Mrs. R. T. Walker Thursday night, Jan. 21, Several games were played. After an enjoy able contest, refreshments were seryed. Mr. Elbert Peele has been se riously ill. We are glad to report that he is better. Master Rudolph Bryant is bet ter after having a case of scarlet fever some weeks. Mrs. J. B, Elliott and Mrs. Annie L. Wade of Rich Sauare spent Sunday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Elliott's sister. Miss Minnie Parker. Misses Blanche Smith and Mary Lee Bridgers Bpent the week end with their parents Mrs. R T. Walker and Miss Bernice Parker spent Friday in Weldon and Roanoke Rapids. For the past three weeks Mrs. R. T. Walker has been teaching class in home nursing here. About twenty-one ladies have at tended regularly and enjoyed the course very much. Potecasl Locals Mr. Archie Barnes of Suffolk spent the week end in the home of Mr. F. C. Jenkins. Mr. W. K. McLean spent Sun day in Suffolk. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Britt of Boykins visited Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Harrell Sunday afternoon. Misses Clara Hayes and Mar garet Overton spent the week end in Ahoskie. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lassiter accompanied by Mrs, Euzelia Doff ermyre and Miss Gladys Las- Biter motored to Ahoskie Satur day.. ; Miss Jessie Marie Parker is still quite tick at ber home. Her many friends hope aha will Boon be able to resume her studies at Chowan College where she Is a THE ROXOBEL-KtLfORD SCHOOL Appreciation Expressed to Many Workers Who Gave of Their Time to Help Along the Movement I think that all who helped in any way towards consolidation and carrying the bond issue for tha erection of our new school building, are to be commended for the good school spirit they showed. All four districts were represented in this movement. One noticeable fact was that those districts in which the four and one-half mills will raise their tax, voted just as largely for the increase tax as in the districts where there will be no increase of mills. I was not surprised at the returns of the election, for I have always believed that the average voter and taxpayer are always generous towarda the school. I had other reasons to believe that Roxibel, Kelford, Tyler, and Bazemore would vote favorably on this issue. These reasons were: The people real ized that their present schools were not meeting the education al needs of their children; and they were determined to fully meet and discharge their duty towards their children. I came to the above conclusion as a re sult of conversation on this topic with people throughout these four districts. I wish to commend every one who aided in this movement: Our county superintendent, our presp, The Roanoke Chowan Times and The Aulander. Advance, our boards if trustee?, men. and la- dies. However. I wish to thank Miss Mattie Livermin for her untiring efforts and for her great influence in this movement I think she showed that intelligent help and unselfish spirit so nobly. I feel sjre that every one is grateful to our registrar, Mr. C. L. L. Cobb, for directing the re gistration and election in a strict- y legal way. I wish to say I ana glad to know Mr. Cobb and per ceive that big heart he has to wards his community and espe cially towards the pupils. There were six ladies of Roxo- bel who freely used their cars to carry people to register and attain to vote. They were Mrs. Mary Spivey, Mrs. Janie Norfleet.Mrs. Minnie Jenkins. Mrs. Verna May Burkett, Mrs. Nettie May Wals ton, and Miss Annie Norfleet. I wish to thank these ladies for their aid in this movement. 1 feel sure that all who aided will be recompensed in later seeing a modern school plant turning out young men and young women, trained in body and in mind, and with characters mould ed" for progressive citizenship. D. P. McCain. senior. Rev, C. M. Billings was a din ner guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. C Jenkins Sunday. Mr. W. C. Beale went to Nor folk last Thursday to see his sis ter, who is quite ill with pneu monia. ' Mrs. D. Cale and daughter Martha are visiting her father, in Roxobel, who is seriously 111. Mrs. W. A. Davis is able to be out a little after being sick for some time. " , Mrs. George Tyler of Jackson, Miss Hazel Grant of Ridgeway and Miss Sarah Grant and Miss Bailey of the Halifax school faculty accompanied by Mr. Jack. Grant of Jackson called in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lassiter Sunday afternoon.

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