y 1 I I " ' II LB rowan u lines 'i'jW -'11' ANDREW J. CONNER. PUBLISHER., x r yV. j ' '.v; J'CAROLlNA, CAROLJNA,v HEAVEN'S BLESSINGS ATTEND HER1 7 SUBSCRIPTION PER ANNUM $1.00 uUJiffif XXXV C, THURSDAY, APRIL' IS, 1926 :i: . x NUMBER 15 . . i in - - ' 1 : n ? p : ' ' ' ' v.. y y "4 SEVERN XIRBT TOWNSHIP. FAB 9BEKS CLUB CRIMINAL COURT THE NEWS FROM CONWAY :v NEWS FROM KELFORD SEABOARD NEWS if f? hi Eonte Bail Team llos OwfwWni t?1 UitHnfaitliilnifl Dlanl ' t( - v uuaryusy auuiabiuuuy nam- . - H"11 timing y The Chowan College Glee Club ; ' ;'- will render a program at, Severn ' v High School . building Tuesday evening, April 20th. Admission " . j will be . 60 and 86 cts.. The gen V": eral public is urged to come out vaA enjoy the program. :yfA t; i Several from here attended the Mission rally at Convey Baptist church last Friday. : ; Miss Gracie Moore of' Ridge . way Bpent two days with her . 1 friend, Mrs. H. P. Stephenson, : last week, ; ; Miss Julia Calvert, who is head ' f the music department in the vv high school, spent the week-end V ' -; with relatives in Norfolk. Mrs. D. S. O'Neal visited her ;. f S'ster, Mrs G. S. Pruden, Boy kins, Friday.; ' -r'-y, i , , Among those who attended the ' bill game between Washington ouid New York in Norfolk last ;f Friday were Messrs M. L, Martin, a G. R Stephenson, R. G. Davis J and J, C Fleetwood. The baseball game lasfThjirs i; day between the high school team " here and Boykins high school re y suited in a victory for the home y.: . team, y- -y "y. V Mr. and llrs. William Avent v of Portsmouth, Va., were week v end visitors of his brother, Mr, y; Ashby Avent. . ' Mr. J. Alton Lewter of Char lotte spent several days last week with his parents, Mr. MiVfttk' ;T W. M. Lewter. He left for Bal y timore Monday where he wjll re . 4rt for..:- further" transfer - to Miami, Fla ; He has ,beenen)-. ployed by the Fleishman Yeast y '- Co. for some time. . . , y Mr and Mrs. Ernest Howell : and Miss Margaret Murden visit y d Mrs. Howell's mother, Mrs. yy.J. ' B. Powell. Lvnnhaven, Va., y for the week-end. The Farmers Mfg. Co. is In : , - stalling machinery to cut staves , and headings at their plant here, y We are very glad of the addition as it will reauire several more employes to run the stave and heading department. y Mr. L. E. Holland, who works ; in the Norfolk oiBceof the Farm y ers Mfg.. Co.. spent a few days at the plant here laBt week. y Misses Maude and Mattie .Vin y y gon and Mrs. Yergfe Wynn, Mur- freesboro, were Sunday after noon guests of their cousin, Mrs T T V r rf. U- joyner, . : Mr. and Mrs 0 R. Joyner of . Suffolk were Sunday guests of .' his mother, Mrs. Ida Joynery- Mr. and Mrs. J, B Modlin of Union visited ' their daughter, : Mrs. C. S, Long, Sunday. : - : The Fidelia Class of the Bap r;'y tist church will conduct an apron y sale next ' Saturday afternoon. ('i Tbey are trying to raise some y funds on the beautiful new car .;' -pet which they purchased for the church few days ago ! : - yy Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lasslter, Potecasi, were Sunday afternoon guests of her sister. ' Mrs. H. P, y Stephenson.' , v.1 Miss Bettie Long of the high achool faculty spent' tho ,week: 'A end with her home people, Sea- fi:bard.: ;;,; : Mr.:-;; Leroy yylor Jackson, 'i"t: as a callef in the home ."of MK " Ernest Howell Sunday " evening. ?-!?Th churches here jvefe i'fVvor'. i! eh with : three . strong sermons .SunayRer:.E,';Byfcr8ven-:at ; y Methodist church Sunday, morn- V ing and Key. A. w. tt Jones at Paptlst Suoday afternoon and The next meeting of the Kirby TownBhip Farmers Club will be held at Conway High School building Friday night. April 16. at 8P M. Dr. Winters, head of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station and plant breeding speci alist, will address the Club on the. value of purebred cotton eeed. Dr. Winters nag been selecting and breeding cotton seed for 10 years. The value of purebred strains and work which he has accom plished for the farmers of North Carolina is estimated at around a million dollars to the State. Come out and hear one of the State's leading experts on pure bred seed. Ladies invited. H. G. Wharton, Instructor in Agriculture. MargarettSTille News Items MrB. Rosa Norvel of Ports mouth is spending sometime here with her daughter, Mrs. M. N. Carpenter. Miss Viola Bass of Seaboard spent the week-end here with her friend Miss Mildred Taylor. , Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Gray spent the week-end with relatives in Wayerly, Va. Little Miss Barbara Gray is spending several days in Wayer ly with her two grandmothers. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bottoms and two children, and Misses Leatb Bottoms, Elizabeth and Johnnie Bottoms spent Sunday afternoon in Bojkina with Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Barnes. ' Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Gray, Misses Ide Hayward, Johnnie Bottoms and Mary Caates attend ed a show in the theatre at Roa noke Rapids Wednesday evening. - Mrs! Annie Vick spent Mon day in Norfolk on business. ' Mrs. J. A. Pruden and three children, Mrs. H. C. Bottoms and two children and Miss Johnnie Bottoms spent Monday afternoon in Severn, the guests of Miss Claire Howell. Quite a number from here motored to Weldon and Roanoke Rapids Saturday, shopping. Rev. A. W. H. Jones filled his regular appointment at the Bap tist Church here Sunday A. M, As usual he preached a very good sermon. Mrs. Mollie A. Vick. of the Vultare School faculty, spent the week end here with her mother, Mrs. Alma Railey. The W. M. S. of Sharon M. E. Church was entertained by Mrs M. ' N. Carpenter Wednesday afternoon. After the business meeting was over Mrs. Carpenter served ice cream and cake. , I Miss Evelyn Garriss and Mr Roy Garriss returned to Wood land Sunday to resume their studies in Woodland High School after having spent three weeks here with their parents Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Garriss. The school was suspended on account of measles. ' ' " ', 1: ' : i r' SCHOOL NOTES The Conway Group Comment cement will be held on Friday, April 16th. . All contestants in the. County. Music Memory Con test will be present. : The win ner's here will represent our county in the State contest to be held In Raleign next week. ;' ? Conway is one of 'our largest Groubs. 1 The day 'will be very interesting and parents are .es pecially urged to come and see what; their children have been doing this year, , ' Blanche Penny, ' . y , Cases Tried and Disposed ol Second Week Spring Term Northampton . Superior Court Following is the record of the criminal cases for second : week of court in which pleas of guilty were entered or jury verdict of guilty found. State, vs Simon Pender. Ope rating. Car while drunk. Guitty, Jail for 12 months, assigned -to roads of Halifax County. Jail sentence to be stricken out on condition that defendant pay the cost and that he enter bond of $300.00 to appear at Spring and Fall terms of Court for 2 years to show that he has been of good behavior and has not drunk any liquor for a term of 2 years and that he has not driven an auto for a period of 12 months. State vs W. R. Bracey. De fendant tsnders plea of guilty of operating auto while under the influence of liquor, which State accepts, Prayer for judgment continued for 2 years upon pay ment of costs, and defendant to enter into a bond in the sum of! $300, conditioned upon his good behavior and his not operating an automobile in the State of North Carolina for two years, and appearing with witnesses at the Fall and Spring terms of this Court for a period of two years to show his good behavior. ' State vs Jule Bell, continued for the term. v State vs Robert Gorham and Ossie Ruffin. Liquor. Continued upon condition that Robert Gor ham enter into a bond in the amount of $200 00, and that Ruf fin enter into a bond of $500.00 with two sureties required on bond to be approved by the clerk of this Court and to be re sidents of Northampton County. State vs Mary Crew, alias Mary Porter, alias Mary Lewis. Big amy. Bond of $400. 00, forfeited ordered same paid over to school fund. State vs L. C. Daughtry and Paul Massey. Operating car while drunk. Jury verdict as to Daughtry not guilty. Paul Mas- -say, guilty of unlawful possession of liquor. Judgment suspended for 2 years upon payment of costs and give bond $150.00 to appear at Fall and Spring terms Court to show good behavior and has not drunk liquor. State va J. V. Jordan. Dis turbing assembly. Pleads guilty of disturbing assembly and car rying concealed weapon. Judg ment $100.00 fine and costs as to c. c. w. As to disturbing as sembly judgment suspended on condition that he give $15000 bond for his appearance at Fall and Spring terms of Superior Court to show good behavior and law abiding citizen. y - State vs D. L. Ricks and Rud die Ricks. Ruddie not guilty and D. L. Ricks guilty of simple as sault. Judgment suspended up on payment of costs. Roiobel fradedscbbol V y Honor Roll Serento Booth First Grade-Marjorie Burkett, Virginia Burkett, Florence Vick, Sallie Vick. Helen Vick. . Second Grade William Blow, Sarah Smith, Jack Tyler. , -' Third Grade-Thomas , F. Nor fleet, Jr.V Luther Bryant. Jr Nettie Louise Peele. " k . Fourth Grade Mary Alice Mc Cain. Fifth Grade-Eliae Barnes, Group Commencement To Meet Bcre Friday-Ladles To Serve LoocH -Concert By Glee Club The group commencement will be held at Conway, Friday, April 16, beginning at ten o'clock. The Parent Teacher Association will serve a lunch in cafeteria Btyle. The proceeds of this will go to the paying iff the debt on the auditorium seats. This is a worthy cause, bo come prepared to eat a good, wholesome lunch and to aid the Parent Teacher Association. On Saturday evening, April 17, St eight o'clock, a concert will be given here by the Roanoke Rapid Glee Club and Orchestra. Miss Claiu Henly, a soloist, will give several' selections. This promises to be an educational program especially to music lovers. The admission for the evening entertainment will be fifty cents and twenty fire cents, All school children from any school in the county will be ad mitted for twenty five cents, y Stanly Garriss. a student of U. N..C , spent the Easter holidays at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs J. P. Garriss. y; The school attendance is im proving. For the last two weeks there have bean many cases of ''flu" but the conditions are im proving. . The ninth, tenth and eleventh grades of Conway High School, chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Everett, Miss Kathleen Ham rick, Mr, Lee Bridgers and Mrs. E. P. Dayis, spent the past week eid oaa camping trip at Cole- rain. Everyone had a very de lightful trip. Potecasi And Vicinity Miss Jessie Marie Parker bad as her guest for Easter holidays Mi8sLyndall Denny. Mr. and Mrs. McLean spent last week end with friends in Norfolk. Misses Cornelia, Gertie and Dare Beale went to Scotland Neck Saturday afternoon, shopping. Mr. and Mrs. 8 N. Parker were at Chowan College Sunday afternoon to Bee their daughter. Miss Jessie Marie. Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Blow spent Saturday night and Sunday in Elizabeth City at the bedside of Mrs. Blow's sister, Mrs. Charlie Cook, who is critically ill. They were accompanied by Miss Minta Parker of near Woodland. Mrs. C. V. Ward and little daughter of Belvidere visited her sister, Mrs. F. C. Jenkins, a few days last week. The Potecasi school commence ment exercises will begin Wed nesday evening. April 21, at 8 o'clock. This will consist of mu sic and an operetta by the Pri mary and Intermediate students. On Thursday morning at 10:30 Hon. Francis D. Winston will de liver the commencement address. Thursday evening at 8 o'clock the faculty and community will give a play. "The Prince of Liars." Everybody come., Mr. and Mrs. Loyette Gilbert of Raleigh are ' spending the spring and summer with Mrs. Gilbert's father, Mr. J. R. Baugham. .... Mr. and Mrs. Willie Lassiter. Misses Clara Hayes and Gladys Lassiter and Mrs. E. B. LaBsiter epentr Saturday at CapeharL'a. Miss Annie Rae Beale, who has. been sick for several months, is able to oe out again. Miss Margaret Overton spent the week-end. In Rich Sqaare,ths guest of Miss Virginia Boone. Miss Jeannette Parker spent ' Good progress toward another crop has been made by the tillers of the soil in the Kelford com munity during the past week of pretty weather. The Ladies Missionary Society of Kelford church held their an nual week of prayer service last week. At the close of the ser vices a collection was taken for Home Missions which amounted to $25.00. The'V Willing Workers Circle met with Mrs. Paul Leicester last Wednesday evening. After the conclusion of the regular routine business and the laying out plans for enlarged future ac tivities, the hostess served many dainty dishes of refreshments and a delightful social hour was enjoyed, -The Baptist Young Peoples Union from Horton's church came over to Kelford church Sunday afternoon and delighted the Kel ford people with a splendid pro gram, charmingly rendered. The special music was fine and the readings and talks were excellent Mrs. Addie Smith, widow of the late John L. Smith, died at the home of her son-in law, Mr. J. S. Felton, in Roxobel, Friday morning, April 9th The funeral was conducted at the grave side by her former pastor, Mr. Pow ers, lhe. remains were iaia oe side that of her husband (who preceeded her some eix or seven years ago) at the M. l. cracy burial grounds in Northampton County. The pall bearers were, Mr. J. T. Burkett, Mr. Jonny Cook. Mr. W. Vick, Mr, Collins, Mr. Clarence Bryant and Mr. Jones. Mr. C. H. Roberson, owner and proprietor of the Kelford Theatre, has tendered the use of bis play house to the Willing Workers Circle for Wednesday evening. May 5 Lb, where they will show the best picture of the season. "The Wanderer." This is a most wonderful production, rivaling in beauty and interest the great Ten Commandments. The proceeds of the occasion will be used for church work. Tai settlements The County Commissioners have named the days to settle with the Sheriff and Tax Collec tors for the county aa follows: Sheriff H. L. Joyner, April 14 Roanoke and Pleasant Hill Townships, April 20. Jackson and Occoneechee, April 22. Rich Square and Gaston, April 27. Kirby and Seaboard, April 28. Wiccacanee, April 29. List Takers The following List Takers have been appointed for Northampton County: Gaston C. J. Rhem. Jackson-P. F. Calvert. Kirby B. D. Stephenson. Pleasant Hill J. W. Magee. x Occoneechee R. S. Gay. . Rich Square E. A. HugginB. Roanoke A. L. Lassiter. . Seaboard-P. C. Maddrey. Wiccacanee H. C. Bottoms. . Bertie County Spelling Contest A Spelling Contest was held at Windsor, Saturday, April 10th. Each, scnool was entitled to one tpprtotstive. ;;y vy.y?y '.y: .' Charles Griffin, eighth grade, Lewiston school, won first prize. which; was five dollars. y yyy. Ann Freeman, seventh grade. liars Hill school, second prize. two and one half dollars. ' ; y v Dacus McCain Jr.. sixth grade. Roxobel school, third prize, one Baptist Pastors txchangeJPulplts- Death of Mrs. Joyner Embroid ery Club Entertalned-Personal Mr. Joseph Carroll, Aulander, was a caller Sunday evening in the home of Mr. J. R Bradley. Mrs. J. R. Bradley and daugh ter, Selma, and Mies Virginia Gay spent Saturday in Norfolk- Prof, and Mrs. H. M. Lynch spent the week end with Mr. Lynch's parents near Lawrence ville. Miss Mattie Blackwood and Mr. S. L, Yates spent Sunday at University, guests of Miss Black wood's parents Mrs. C. R. Ken and daaithter Irene left Sunday for Norfolk to spend a few days visiting rela tives. Mr. M. F. Long spent Wednes day in Port Norfolk, the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Emmitt Cuth rell. MisB Marion Harris spent the week-end in Norfolk visiting her aunt, Mrs. Bettie Divis. Megdames S. J. Keeand James A. Harris, Weldon, were visitors in town Friday. Mr. Willie Norvell spent a few days in Durham the past weelc on business Mr. G. F. Crocker, Wilming ton, spent the week-end here with his wife who is spending sometime at her home here. Mesdames H. C. and R. M. Maddrey spent last Thursday in Union, guests of Mrs. Annie Sears Brown. Messrs Tom Capel, Alexander Davis and Luther Bass, students ofU. N. C, Chapel Hill, left Sunday to resume their studies after spending ten days here with their respective parents. Messrs J. L. Gay, W. Grady Edwards, J. L. Harris, H. C. Maddrey. B. S. Stancell, H. R. Harris, S. V. Edwards and Dr. Carl Parker spent Friday in Nor folk attending the ball game be tween the Giants and Senators. Mr. George Matthews spent the week end in Franklin visit ing friends. Mr. and Mrs Russell Barnes, Boykins. were guests Friday of Mr. Barnes' brother, Mr. C. E. Barnes. Miss Frances Robinson delight fully entertained the Sophomore Class and a few friends at the dormitory Friday evening. Sev eral games and contests were greatly enjoyed until a late hour after which she served cream, cake and mints. Prof. Paul Worrell, member of Louisburg high school faculty, spent the week end with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. G.T. Worrell. Mrs. Jeanette Vick, Ports mouth, is the guest of her friend, Mrs. A. K. Harris, this week. The "Candy Shop," an oper etta presented by the first and second grades in the high school auditorium last Tuesday night.; was a decided success. Each child showed skillful training under the direction of Misses Blackwood and Kirkpatrick. . , y Mrs. W. D. Bar bee entertain ed the Embroidery Club and sev eral invited guests at her home Wednesday afternoon from 3 to 6 o'clock at an Easter party. The entire lower floor of the home was tastefully decorated with yellow and white crepe paper, EaBter . lilies, carnations, ferns and Easter bunnies. Progressive Rook was played at two tables and the prize wai awarded Mrs. H. E. Harris ' Bridze was play ed at three tables and the nest priza -was "won br tltu Elao -sy:; -V. '''.'1 ,,vy,,i.. evening. t ; y . " y . supervisor. Ruth Peele. the week-end in Jackson, ; dollar. (Continued' on pagt tight) . v. : ., :a'-.Wii..''i)i-rti".-t?:';. 1 k ;.-! y'-y"''':v:';',"y ''':'-.!.''' y ?y& iWii y -5' iyy. :'yy