. ^ -- c Dk_i ANDREW J. CONNER. PUBLISHER "CAROUNA, CAROLINA. HEAVEN'S BLESSINGS ATTEND HER" SUBSCRIPTION PER ANNUM $1.0G uLUME XXXV RICH SQUARE, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1926 .NUMBER 16 SEVERN NEWS j MARGARETTSVILLE NEWS SEABOARD NEWS COUNTY SCHOOL NOTES CROP PROSPECTS NEWS FROM KELFORD Killed at School House -Raid on Li quor Dealer-Severn Schooi Wins High Honors Mrs, Earl Bryant, Boykins, Va., spent several days in town last week visiting relatives.' Mrs. Verona Boggard, who has been teaching in Vance county, is home after closing her school for the summer. Mrs. J. L Collier and Mrs. Janice Martin were in Roanoke Rapids Thursday where Mrs. Collier went to the hospital for treatment. Messrs J. L. Joyner and J. B. Mann were in Rich Square and vicinity on business last Thurs day. A large crowd from here at tended the group commencement at Conway Friday and we have no doubt but what it was the largest crowd that has ever gath ered in Conway at any one time. The school here won the first place in eleven different contests. Miss Hazel Maddrey won over the entire county in the memory contest of the high school de partments, The faculty and en tire student body as well as the patrons of the school are very proud of the places they have won thus far. With earnest ef fort we have no doubt but our school will come away with sev eral highest honors at the county commencement which convenes at Woodland. Mr. J. S. Woodard and daugh ters of Portsmouth, Va , were week-end guests of relatives here Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Pruden were Sunday guests of his moth er, Mrs. Mollie S. Pruden. Mrs. H. P. Stephenson spent the week-end in Jackson, guest of her sister, Mrs. G. H. Tyler. Simon Peete (colored) who runs the transfer for the Farm ers Mfg. Co. here, was seriously hurt last week. He was attempt ing to straighten a log which was hung up with a main line car and the log came loose and fell across his body. After re ceiving treatment by Dr. A, R, Hodge, he was rushed to a hos pital in Norfolk for X ray exam- inatior. At a party staged at No. 8 schoolhouse (colored) in South ampton Co. Va., Saturday even ing, Herbert Artis was shot and almost instantly killed by Harry Lighter. Lighter was intoxicated at the time of the snooting and was arrested at his home that night. Artis rented a crop from Mr. C, H. Britt last year, but moved to Southampton county, Va., first of this year. The Baptist Sunday School had present the largest crowd of tne year Sunday morning. 170 pres ent with an enrollment of 220. The Methodist, though not as large in numbers as the Baptist, have a good average attendance. The Fidelia Class of the Bap tist church was delightfully en tertained by Miss Una White on Monday evening. Miss Julia Calvert of the music department in the high school spent the week-end with her home people in Jackson. Sheriff H. L. Joyner was in town Monday afternoon. Friday night Mayor C. H. Britt, Chief of Police W. E. Joy ner, assisted the Sheriff of South ampton county, Va , in arresting Clarence Jordan, a famous moon shiner near Boykins, Va Jordan was caught with about 15 giilod.-) of the ardent spirits and over 18 customers. Wheo the arresting party arrived and knocked at the back door, they were told to e.o- ter after stating they were friends Jordan was standing Mr, and Mrs. J. S. Gay and daughter, Peggy, spent Sunday in Jackson with Mrs. Gay’s mother, Mrs. Mary Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Gray spent Friday afternoon in Waverly with relatives. They were accom panied home by Mrs. Gray’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Mayer of Waverly, and their daughter, little Miss Barbara Gray, who has been spending several days with her grand parents. Messrs H. C. Bottoms and J. A, Pruden attended a Masonic meeting in Pendleton Wednesday night. Miss Bessie Bottoms, member of Nahunta High School faculty, Wayne County, spent the week end at home, She was accom panied by Miss Reba Bell, Mr. Aldon Gurley and Mr. Harvey Davis. Mrs. Nannie Bridgersof Wayne Countv, spent the week end with her brother, Mr, M. B. Garriss. Mrs. J. A. Pruden spent Fri day in Norfolk shopping. Messrs J. G. Stancell and J. and J. G. Bottoms spent Wed nesday afternoon in Roanoke Rapids on business. Rev. Frank Culbreth filled his regular appointment at Sharon M. E. Church Sunday A. M. He announced that there would be no preaching at Sharon next Sunday. Our commencement exercises will be Thursday night of this week at eight o’clock. The pub lic is cordially invited to attend. We are very sorry to lose two of our most prominent families from our community, Mr. J. G. Stancell who is moving to Sea board, and Mrs. Annie Vick to her beautiful new bungalow in Emporia. Va. While we shall miss them we hope for them all success and happiness in their new homes, and we are glad that they are not going very far away, so that we may still see them occasionally. Mr, J. G, Bottoms spent Fri day in Suffolk on business. Mr. M. B. Garriss and family, Mrs. Rosa Norvel and Mr. H. P. M. Garriss spent Sunday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Garriss in Boykins. Mr. J. A. Pruden and family and Mrs, Annie Vick spent Sun day afternoon with relatives and friends in Severn. Mrs. Lawrence Whittaker of Enfield is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Charlie Stanceil. Ctiickeo Sale A poultry car will be operated over the Seaboard stopping at Conway April 28th and Seaboard April 30th. Cash will be paid for all poultry. Cull your chickens and sell what you do not want. The following prices will be paid: Colored Hens 25c lb. Leghorn Hens 23c. Roosters 11c. Turkeys 25c. Colored Broilers 47c. Leghorn Broilers 41c. Geese 10c. Ducks 15e, Guineas 35c each. E. P. Gullbdge, County Agent. over a 10 gallon keg which he was to purchase f@r his retail trade. The manufacturer was present no doubt, but Jordan would not say who he was, stat ing he would shoulder the re sponsibility himself. All these present were searched but no rum or guns could be found. It is thought he had several cus tomers on this side of the riyer. Local News Items Boiled Down tor Busy Readers-Seniors Enter tained Mrs. Mattie Gay left Sunday for Richmond to spond a few days shopping. Mfs. Fannie E Balderson, Sharps, Va., left for home Sat urday after a visit of several weeks to her diughter, Mrs. J H Ramsay. Mr. and Mrs. J, T, Maddrey and son, John Waylaad.and M'S. Susie Suiter of Garysburg, were Sunday afternoon gues s of jy/L'S- R. M. Maddrey. 51rs. W. U O-arbee left Mon day for Elizabeth City to attend the annual meeting of the East ern Division of the Womv^n’s Missionary Society of the M. E church. ' Miss Emma Reed, Ststesvilie, is the guetof Mrs. G. F. Crocker this week. Sheriff and Mrs. H L Joyner. Jackson, were Sunday afternoon guests of Dr. and Mrs. C, P. Parker. Miss Maud Stancell arrived Tuesday from Rockingham after spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Bedie McLendon. Mr. Thurman Bullock and sis ter Saliie, Roanoke Rapids, were week end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Bullock, i Mr. Ben Long, Portsmouth, was a Sunday guest of his moth er, Mrs. Anna Long. Mrs. S, J. Kee, Weldon, and Miss Carolyn Woodruff, Raleigh, were guests in town Monday. Messrs F. C. Weaver and H. L. Duffee spent Sunday in Nor folk with relatives. . Mr. Walter Bradley. Birming ham, Ala., arrived Saturday and is the guest of his mother, Mrs. Moliie Bradley. M'r. Reese Bullock, Wilson, ar rived Sunday and will spend the summer here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Bullock. Mr. John Buck water. Ports mouth, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Russell Edwards, this week. Miss Elizabeth Brown, Kit- trell, spent the week-end at the dormitory,the guest of her grand mother, Mrs. Johnnie Johnson. Messrs Roy Worrell and Paul Spencer spent Sunday in Wake Forest and Raleigh visiting friends, Mrs. Anna Adams entertained the Sophomore Class at the school building last T.oursday at noon. After a few contests she served cream and cake. Prof. H. M. Lynch spent Mon day in Conway on school busi ness. Mrs. D, P. Harris and son Her bert and family, of Weldon, mo tored to Elizabeth City Sunday and were guests of Mrs. Harris’ mother. Miss Edna Futrell arrived the past week from Conway and is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Net tie D. Crocker. Mrs. Carl P. Parker and dau ghter, Helen Bridges, spent Thursday in Norfolk shopping Mr. and Mrs. A.J Crocker left Sunday for Reidsville to spend a few days visiting Mrs. Crocker’s father, Mr. Jones. Miss Selma Bradley spent the week end at Chowan College, Murfreesboro, guests of Misses Mary and Bettie Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Norvell and children and Mrs, Dean Crocker and daughter Garnette Leake motored to Norfolk and spent the week end wuli relatives Mrs. 3. V. Edwards entertain ed the Embroidery Club last Wednesday evening from 8 to 11 o’clock. Her home was taste fully decorated with spring flow ers. Bridge was played at two (Continued on page eight) First Series of Commencements Held April I6!t)-First and Second Winners in Contests The first of the series of com mencements in Northampton County was held by Conway Group at Conway. Friday, April 16 Tne schools enteied enthusias ticaily into all contests. Miss Hattie Parrott, assistant State Supervisor, from Raleigh, and Miss Maude Cotton, a music teacher from Weldon, were the out of the county judges of all public contests. Miss Sibyl Jes sup, Mrs A'-thur Fly the, Mrs. D.oniel Lane, Mrs. Futrell and Miss Cora .Bagley of Jackson were judges of private contests and exhibits. There were between a thous and and fifteen hundred people present. The crowd was unusu ally orderly and everybody seem ed to enjoy the day contesting. The exhibits were of an unusu ally high order. The note books and projects were the result of weeks and months of effective classroom work. The schools that I took the trouble to bring their j daily work deserve special men ! tion. In this field Newtown won 60 points. Holly Grove 100, Pote- i casi 180 and Conway 325. I Total points in contests were I as follows: Galatia 10, Newtown jl5, Milwaukee 15, Holly Grove 120, Potecasi 40, Creeksville 65. Pendleton 65, Severn 100, and Conway 115. At 2:30 winners were read and Supt Long delivered a number of Reading Circle, Attendance and Health Certificates Following this were the athle tic contests in races, high jump, broad jump, dashes, etc. The crowd stayed on until nearly S'X o’clock. The points won were as follows: Creeksville 35, Pen dleton 50, Severn 70 and Conway 365. The County Music Memory Contest was held in the after noon. Fifty two children from Holly Grove, Potecasi, Severn, Pendleton, Milwaukee, Wood land, Rich Square, Jackson, and Seaboard heard parts of twenty five musical masterpieces played on the victrola and attempted to write the name of the composi tiou, its source, composer, na tionality and type from memory. Agnes Martin of the seventh grade at Rich Square won 1st place with an almost perfect pa per. Holly Grove had four chil dren to come next in line. Haze! Maddrey in the eighth grade at Severn won first place in the high school. Rich Square school will be awarded a beautiful $12 00 bronze tablet, presented to the winner in Northampton County by the National Bureau of Music in New iork City. Misses Mar tin and Maddrey will represent the county in the State contest to be held under the auspices of the State Federation of Women’s Clubs at Raleigh, April 23, Let us hope they may bring back an other trophy. More important than that is the fact that hun dreds of our children from grades 5 11 have had the opportunity of this excellent musical course. Group commencements will be held at Garysburg, Wednesday, April 21 and Jackson, April 23 County Commencement will be gin at Jackson, Friday evening at 8 o’clock. Downstairs there will be the Grammar Grade con tests in arithmetic, spelling and oral composition. In the audito rium will be the Primary, Gram mar Grade and high school chor uses and the piano contest. Dr. Most farmers in the Roanoke- Chowan section are behind in farm work on account of fre quent and heavy rains and cool weather. The season is about ten*days late, the foliage of the trees is from ten days to two weeks late. But very little corn has been planted and no cotton that we have heard of. Last week the ground was too wet on most farms the entire week to plow or plant. Fall sown oats, wheat and clover are fine, but unfortunately the acreage in these crops is comparatively small. A heavy rain fell Sunday night, April 18th, and Monday morning we had some snow. The receipts of fertilizer have been smaller than usual in most sections which indicates a hesit ancy to plant a large crop of cot ton. • Roxobel News Dr. and Mrs W. E. Jenkins of Roxobel delightfully entertained last Friday evening at a bridge party. Their hospitable home was thrown open to about thirty two guests. The living and din ing room was artistically decorat ed with spring flowers, ferrsand dainty butterflies were perched here and there. Eight tables of bridge were played during the evening. Cer- tering the tables were yellow butterflies giving the numbers of each table and with dainty place cards and little yellow baskets filled with yellow and white mints added very much to the decoration. The hostess, assisted by Misses Matilda and Janet Hedspeth and Mrs. C. S. Bowers, served but terfly salad and punch. First prize for gentlemen was won by Mr. E. R. Tyler, second, Mr. H. R. Paschal; first prize for ladies was won by Mrs, B. F. Burkett, second. Mrs. Godwin Spivey; consolation prize, Mr. W. R. Ainsley. Those present were, Mr. and Mrs. Godwin Spivey, Mr. and Mrs. H, R, Paschal, Mr, and Mrs. E. R, Tyler, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Burkett, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tyler, Mr. and Mrs. John Peele, Jr,, Mesdames T. T. and William Norfl-cet, Misses Mary Lee and Louise Capehart, Ethel Bryant. Florette Peele. Viola Peele, Matilda and Janet Hed speth, Musa Reeves of Norfolk and Miss Huggins. Messrs C. R. Livermon, W. R. Ainsley, Guy Tyler, 0. T- Jilcott, Jimmie Jenk ins and Voight Pritchard. Dingley Brown, director of music at Meredith College, will deliver an address. The people of the county should not miss this ex cellent program. On Saturday all other contests will be held at Woodland. Prompt iy at 10 o’clock nearly every school of the county will be rep resented in the pageant. Child ren of Old Carolina, given on the Fair Grounds, Miss Katherine Batts, director from the Univer sity of North Carolina, is spend ing this last two weeks in the county helping schools make final preparations. Come one. Come all. Seventh grade certificates will be delivered at 2:30 P. M, Blanche Penny, Supervisor. Note—The names of the schools winning first and second places will be published next week.— Ed. Scbool. Gives Fine Musical Entertain* ment-Accidentally Kilied-FIsl)- ermen in Luck Dr. and Mrs. Johnston are visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Johnston, on Front Street. Mr^ Carlton Cherry, a law stu dent of Wake Forest College, spent last week-end with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cherry Kelford fishermen are having fine luck catching shad in Roan oke River, As high as thirteen were caught by one party one evening last week. Since Mr. E. D. Clear,on came to Kelford as agent for the Sea board Air Line Railway, that road has increased its freight shipments to and from Kelford wonderfully. During the past season more than forty cars of peanuts were shipped from here by the Seaboard and hardly a day passes that there is not a car or two of fertilizer placed here for unloading. Mr. Cleaton is a splendid business man. highly efficient and capable and has made a host of friends who de I'ght to do business with him. Kelford people were very much grieved to hear of the accidental death of Mr. James B. Porter at Wake Forest last Thursday even ing. Mr. Porter was a traveling salesHian from Norfolk, Va,, and had made many friends here dur ing the past several years. It seems from the evidence of those who saw the accident that Mr. Porter, who was seventy years old, failed to see an approaching automobile as he stepped off the sidewalk in the college town and.* was struck in the breast, knocked '| down and injured so that he died before he reached the Wake For est College Hospital, The most delightful entertain ment of the season was gi’^en an the Kelford theatre Monday ev ening, the 19th, by the 1925-2& music class oi Kelford school. This class is composed of abou“ twenty girls and was lead by their teacher, Mrs. Arthur Ruffin. Mrs Ruffin is a highly specialized teacher in music and has the happy faculty of being able to j place before her students the les sons in such a manner that they can easily grasp them in both, theory and technic. The whole concert was a most interesting! panorama of the beauties of the I arts and science of music as the! sweet notes of the beautiful se-| lections fell from the silver! strings of the handsome StieffI piano as the ivory keys were softly touched by the nimble fingers of Mrs. Ruffin and her classes. The stage settings, the lovely gowns of the performersl and the bearing of their leader brought out the faultless execution of the program inwon-| derful and pleasing effect. HFBUILDING CHURCH AT WOODLAND The contract for rebuilding the Methodist Church in Woodlanc has been let to Mr. L. R. Joyner of Potecasi, N. C. Sunday school and preachint service will be held in the Com munity Building while the churcl is undergoing construction, Sun day School every Sunday morn ing at 10 o’clock. Preaching: secjnd Sunday, 8 P. M.; fourti Sunday 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Play At Lasker Friday evening, April 23, at 8 o’clock. Dusty Hill talent will] present a good 3 act play here at school building entitled, “Club-j bing the Husband.” Come out and laugh away the blues. Adm. 15c and 25c.

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