THE ROANOKE. CHOWAN TIMES. THURSDAY. MAY 13, 1926 Candidates Cards Candidate For Solicitor I hereby annouDce m.vself as a candidate for the Democratic nomi nation for Solicitor of the Third Judicial District of North Caro lina subject to the nrimary Satur day, .lune 5th, I shall appreciate sincerely all support given me R Hunt Parker Candidates Cards Candidates Cards To The Democratic Voters of The Third Judicial District I hereby announce my candi dacy for the nomination of Soli citor for the Third Judicial Dis trict, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary on June 5, 1926. Sincerely, Stanley Winbirne For Sheriff I take this method of announc ing myself a candidate for Sheriff of Northampton Countv, subject to the action (f the Democratic Primary. I want the office, and if nominated aud elected I shall do my full duty as Sheriff’ in enforc ing the law. 1 will appreciate your vote and influence. Sincerely, R. H Stancell, Margarettsv’ille, N C. II. L. Joyner for Sheriff To the Voters of Northampton County: 1 hereby announce my self a candidate for the nominalion for Sheriff of Northamnton County subject to tire action of the Demo cratic priinarv .funeo, 1926. Your vote and influence will be greatly appreciated, promising the best service that I can render if nomi nated and elected. Thanking all for their surrport in the past Yours truly, H. L. Joyner For Sheriff 1 take this method of announc ing myself a candidate for Sheriff for Northampton County, subject to vote of the Democratic primary I ask the support of the Demo cratic voters of the county. I promise if elected to give faithful and efficient service. J, P Garris^ Conway, N C. M. B. GARRISS FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT To the Voters of Northampton County: 1 hereby announce myself a can didate for the nomination for Clerk Superior Court of North ampton County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary .June 5th, 1926. Your vote and iclluence will bo greatly appre ciated, pi'omising the best service that 1 can render if nominated and elected. Yours very truly, M. B. Gakriss. Notice to the Public Having been requested and urged by my friends of the County, 1 hereby notify the people that I am a candidate for Register of Deeds for Northamnton County, subject to the action of Democratic pri mary June 5th. I will aupreciate any support my friends may give. This 24 March. 1926. R 1. Leake. Rich Square, N. C. To The Democrats of Northampton County This is to announce that I will be a candidate to succeed myself as Clerk of the Superior Court at the Primary the 5th of June. I appreciate more than I can ex press the confidence and trust the good people of the County repos ed in me four years ago and the very cordial support given during my term of office. I have tried to the best of my ability to discharge the duties of the office, and I feel that, with my four years' experience, I am better qualified to give more efficient ser vice in the future. 1 have tried conscientiously to maintain the high ideals in public life which I have always sought to live up to in private life. In aspiring to another term as Clerk of your Superior Court I pledge myself to give the very best that is in me in the future as I have in the past. If you feel that I have not betrayed your trust and that I am worthy of your continued confidence I ask you for your vote and active support at the ensuing Primary. Your sincere friend, W. J. BEALE. Jackson, N. C., April 19, 1926. For Register of Deeds S. J. CALVERT To the Democratic Voters of Northampton County: 1 hereby announce that I am a candidate to succeed myself as R gister of Deeds, subject to the action of the Democratic nrimary, June 5th, 1926 Thanking my friends for the loyal manner in which the.y have stood by me in the past and urging that you will come out and cast your ballot for me on that day. During the nast I have endeay ored t > serve >ou faithfully. If you feel that I have been con- sciet tious in my efforts, and that I am worthy of your suppo t, I as sure you that a vote of confidence would be highly aopreciatrd I assure you that I am running on my own merits alone and promise to render the same seri ice in the future that I have in the past Sincerely, S J. Calvert. For Representative To the Voters of Northampton County; Being urged by my friends oyer the County. I take this method of announcing that I am a candi date for the nomination as Re presentative to the next Legisla ture from Northampton County, subject to the Democratic Pri mary to be held on June 5, 1926. Your active support and vote will be appreciated. Very truly yours, Dr. Carl P. Parker. For Constable & Tax Collector To the Voters of Seaboard Town ship: I take this method of an nouncing myself a candidate for CoLStablc and Tax Collector Your support will be very much appre ciated. Yours very truly, A. W. Edwards. FOR CONSTABLE and TAX COLLECTOR I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of Township Constable and Tax Collector for Rich Square Township. I feel that my work as Constable in trying to enforce the laws is known to the people of the township. Since I have been out of that office I have continued to cooperate with the good citizens of the township to break up the lawlessness that had become almost unbearable, the people tell me, and if elected, I promise a faithful performance of the duties of the office, TALMAGE BOLTON. For Constable & Tax Collector I iicreby annou: ce that I am a cardidate to succeed myself as Coi'SU.ble and Tax Collector for Wiccacanee Township, subject to the approval of the Democratic Drima V. If elected I promise the best SI rvice I am capable of rend ering. W D Davis. For Constable & Tax Collector I hereby announce myself a candidate for Constable and Tax Collector for Kirby Township sub ject to the approval of the Demo cratic Primary. If nominated and elected 1 will discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. I ask your support. S. F. Lassiter. For Constable & Tax Collector I hereby announce myself a can didate for Constable and Tax Col lector for Rich Square Township, subject to the approval of the Democratic Primary. If nominated and elected I will endeavor to serve the public interest in a satis factory manner. I ask your sup port in the primary, W. H SPIVEY, For Constable Uax Collector I hereby an:.ounce myself a can didate for Constable and Tax Col lector for Rich Sauare Township, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary to be held in June. If nominated * nd elected I shall render the best service of which I am capable W A. WBAVER. I For County Commissioner j ! To The Voters of Northampton! County: ! 1 hereby announce myself a can- ; didate for County Commissioner; of Northampton County, subject to ; the action of the Democratic Pri mary to be held on June 5th, 1926. Your vote and influence will be greatly appreciated. Promising the best service 1 can render if nominated and elected. Thanking all for their support and influence, I am' Yours very truly, ! J. R. BAUGHAM. For Constable I hereby announce m.vself a can didate for Constable and Tax Col lector for Rich Square Townsliip, subject to the action of the D mo- cratic Primary. If noiniuatfd and • lected I promise to perform the duties of the office to the best of m.y ability W. A. Ward. For Constable & Tax Collector I take this method of announc ing my candidacy for the office of Cons’able and Tax Cod c or for Kirby Township, subject to the Deni jcra ic Primarv^ which will be held in June. If elected I will perform the duties of said office to the best of my abidty. Your yote a’d iiiflaeiice will be gr«iitly apor. ci ited. S. H. Parke, Conway, N. C. For Constable & Tax Collector I herrbv announce mv'sdf a can didate for Con.stable and Tax C >!- hetor for Kirby Township, sub j'ct to the action of tt e Demo cratic primary of June 5th. lf| nominated and eh cted I will en-' deavor to render the very best ^ service possible. R. A. Britton, Conwa.y, N. C. Administrator’s Notice Having qualiSed as Administrator of the estate of Alex Futrell, deceased, this is to notify all parties indebted to the estate to settle with me promptly, and all parties having claims against the said es tate should present them, properly veri fied, for payment. ELMO FUTRELL, Admr., n 14 Conway, N. C For Constable & Tax Collector 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Constable and Tax Collector for. Wiccacanee Township, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary to be ^ held in June. If nominated and elected ^ I shall render the best service of which • I am capable. | Your active support and vote will be appreciated, GUY BRITTON. Administrator’s Notice Having qualified as administrator of the estate of W. E. Liverman, deceased, late of Northampton County, N. C., this is to notify all persons holding claims against the said estate to present theni to the undersigned at Murfreesboro, N. C., on or before the 8 day of April, 192 7, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make, immediate set tlement. This April 1st, 1926. J. A. Liverman, Administrator. FOR TAX COLLECTOR AND CONSTABLE I hereby announce myself a can didate for Tax Collector and Con stable for Kirby Township, sub ject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary to be held in June. If nominated and elected I sliali render niv best service- J. Clyde Stephenson. FOR CONSTABLE and TAX COLLECTOR I hereby announce to the voters of Wiccacanee Townshio that I am a candidate for Constable and Tax Collector for the township, subject to endorsement b.y the Primar.y to be field in June I ask .your support and promise if nominated and e'ected to fill the office to the best of my ability. W. C. Smith Administrators Notice Having qualified as the administrator of the estate of Sarah E. Britton, de ceased, late of Northampton County, N. C., this is to notify all parties holding claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Conway, N. C., on or before the 5th day of April, 1927, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will make immediate settlement. This 5th day of Aoril, 1926. T. R. Hedgepeth, Administrator, of Sarah E. Britton, Deceased. By R. Jennings White, Attorney. D. 1. Stephenson For Con stable nnd Tax Collector To the Voters of Seaboard Town ship: I take this opportunity to say to m.y many friends and to all the good citizens of Seaboard Township that I am a candidate to succeed npyself as Constable anil Tax Collector of Seaboard Town ship, subject to the action of tlie Democratic Primary to be held in June. If nominated and elected I promise faithful service in all the duties of the office, and with your cooperation and with my ex perience I feel that I shall not disappoint you. Your active sup port in the coming jiriniary will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely .yours, n9 IT. L. Stephenson. Colds Cause Orip and Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove the cause. There is ouly ooe *'Bromo Quiuiae." E. W. GROVE'S suiaature uq box. HOc Application for Pardon of W. S. (Stonewall) Taylor. Application will be made to the Commissioner of Pardons and the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of W. S. (“tonewall) Taylor convicted at the August Term 1925 Superior Court of Northampton Counly for lh ‘ crime of retailing and manufacturing liquor and sentenced to the roads of Halifax County for a term of eighteen months All person.s who oppose the granting of said pardon are invit ed to forward their proLsts to ttie Commifsionor of Pardons without delay. This the 24 day of April, 1926. Stonewall Taylor. & Norfleet. Attys. MONEY TO LEND at 5 per cent interest rate for 5, 7, 10 or 20 years on farm lands. No bonus charged. Car make in spections and get money in short time. A. C. GAY, Atty - at - Law, Jackson, N. C. Stop Renting Buy a farm to grow corn, to bacco, peanuts and cotton. Terms right. LEE & WATKINS, Franklin, Virginic. Notice of Re-sale of Valuable Land Under aud by virtue of the pow er and autliority cinferred upon the undersigned by law and that certain order of resale made by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Northampton County, N C , in the proceedings now pending be fore him entitled "Mary Camn, Widow, Annie Thomoson and her husband and others, plaintiffs, vs Vance Bridgers and others, de fendants,” the undersigned com missioner will resell the herein after described land at the court house door in Jackson, N. C. on Friday the 14th day of May, 1926, at 12 o’clock M. by public auction to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land situated in Gaston Town.''hip, Northampton County. North Carolina, and de scribed as follows: Bounded on the south by the lands of J. W. Grant and Isaac Camp; on the east by lands of Arthur Suiter; on north by lands of Mol lie Woodruff; on west by lands of Ben Camn, and contain ing 75 acres, more or less, and being same land inherited by J. W Camp, deceased, from his father the late Jim Camp. This land is being resold because the bid at the prior sale has been raised as is provided bv law in such cases, and the bid at this sale shall begin with the raised bid of $550.00. The said sale is made subject to the confirmation of the court. This April 24lh. 1926. A. C. Gay, Commissioner. Professional Cards A. C GAY Attorney & Counsellor at Law JACKSON, North Carolina R. JenninRS White LAWYER Conway, N. C. Practice In All Courts North Carolina. ? In Suner Norlharairton County ) or Court. J. V. Rogers & Son, Plaintiffs, vs Ruben Whitelield and B P. Boone, Defendants. The defendant B P. Boone in the above entitled action will take notce that on the 15th day of April. 1926, a summons in the said action was issued against the de fendants b.y W J. Beale, Clerk of the Superior Court of Northamp ton County, N. C . iJaintift's claim ing the sum of $535.48 due them for goods sold and delivered to said defend ants, which summons is returnable before said Clerk at bis office in .lackson, N. C , on the l7th day of Ma.y, 1926 The de- fentlant ii. P. Boone, will also take notice tha" a warrant of at- tachmc't was issued by said Clerk on the 16th day of April, 1926, against ihe prop- rt.y ot sa d de fendant B. P. Boone, which war rant is returnable at thes-mie time and place as the said summons in this action, when and where the said defendant B. P. Boone, is re quired to appear on said date or within twenty days thereafter as provided by law in such cases and answer or d mur to the complaint which IS this da.y filed in said Clerks office or the reh f dunand en in said c.'mp!aipt will ne grant ed ibis 16 da.y of April, 1926. W. J Beale, Clerk of the Superior Court of Nortliampton County. By A. C. Gay, Atty. nl6l4 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the undersigned expects to apply to the Goytymor of North Carolina, for the oarole of John R. Gordon, now .serving a term of twelve months for yiilating the prohibi tion laws. Those opposing same are invited to forward their pro test to the proper aulh- rities This 21st da,y of .April, 1926. Mrs John R Gordon Aclministiator’s Notice Having qualified as administra tor of ihe e.stite of Alexander Futrell, di'ceasfd, late of North ampton County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons haying claims against the estate of said decease! to exlubit them to the undersigned at Conway. N. C , on or before the 12th day of April, 1927, or tliis notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery All persons indented to said estate will please make immediate pa.y ment. This 12th day of April, 1926. Elmo Futrell, Administrator, of Alexander Futrell, dec’d. By R. Jennings White, Atty. W. H. S. Burgwyn Eric Norfleet BURGWYN & NORFLEET Attorneys at Law Woodland, N. C. Jackson, N. E. R. Tyler Jos. B. Burden Tyler & Burden Attorneys at Law ROXOBEL, N. C. Office Roanoke-Chowan Bank Ballard S. Gay Attorney & Counsellor at Law Office over Bank Jackson, N. C. Dr. Charles J. Sawyer Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat? AHOSKIE. N. C. Every Wednesday 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. P’armer’s-Atlantic Bank Bld’g, Dr. J. William Brown -dentist- rich SQUARE, N. Office Unstairs in Bank Building Dr. J. H. Brown VETERINARIAN Rich Square, - - - N. G J. A. Worrell Attorney-at-Law Rich Square, - N. C. Dr. W. J. Ward DENTIST Weldon, North Carolina STANLEY WINBORNE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Murfreesboro. -:- N, C. 'Phones Nos. 17 and 21 Dr. C. G. Powell DENTIST. Ahoskie, N. G. Gan be found at his office at ail tits* sxcept when notice is given in this papu Dr. J. M. JACOBS DENTIST ROXOBEL, N C Office Over Roanoke-Chowan Bank G. M. Parker, B. E. SURVEYING and DRAFTING Office over Farntiers Bank Buildinc Woodland, N. C Dr. M. C. Boyden DENTIST Norfolk Office, 429 Granby St. DR. W. L. DAVIS Eye Specialist With Davis Optical Co. Ahoskie, N. C.