THE ROANOKE - CHOWAN TIMES. THURSDAY. JULY 8. 1926 Roanoke-Chowan Times! SEABOARD KEWS PUBLISHED EVEKY THURSDAY BY ANDREW J. CONNER Entered at the Rich Square Postoffice a Second Class mail matter. Sabscription: Jl.OO per year in advance ADVERTISING RATES Fifty cents an inch for first insertion, column width. 30 cents an inch for each additional insertion. Inducements are offered for yearly contracts. Cards of thanks, obituaries, memor- lums and resolutions of respect are charged for at the rate of one cent a word, cash to accompany the order. No bills are sent. THURSDAY. JULY 8, 1926 The towns in the Roanoke- Chowan section are lining up with the Eastern Carolina Cham ber of Commerce. Seaboard, in Northampton, is one of the latest. The great trouble heretofore has been that the towns join and then wait for the central office to do the rest. Joining alone will not do the work. We need active local organizations in every town to work in cooperation with the central body. There are great opportunities passing right be fore us all the time. We need observant business men to grab them as they pass. THE ROAD SITUATION The public road situation in ^Northampton is not very en couraging to those who want to see every town and community center in the county connected up with a road that can be used for ordinary traffic for 52 weeks in the year. The county meet ing advertised to be held at Jack son last Monday to formulate plans did not materalize for the reason hardly a dozen pebple were present to attend the meet ing. It was postponed to Wed nesday, August 18 During the intervening weeks this paper will publish all the plans suggested, beginning next week, together with such ob servations as may seem best. CONDI riON OF CROPS Weather conditions have been good during the past week thru out the Roanoke Chowan section for all crops. The rainfall has been unevenly distributed but no large areas have suffered for lack of rain. Ail crops have made good growth except lice infected cot ton fields. Cotton chopping con tinued up to July, the latest, perhaps, known here before. Much of the cotton has made a good growth, but the large acre age of bare fields is bound to cut down the total yields Hardly a field can be found that does not contain large spots on which there is no cotton. There is a poor stand of peanuts also in many fields. Corn is in better condition than any other staple crop. It is fine. A larger acreage is being plant ed in soybeans than ever before. The soybean is fast becoming one of the main crops of this section. The irish potato crop was poor. Jackson Presents “Cupid Up To Date” On Friday evening, July 9th, the P. T. A. will offer one of the funniest, most unique musical comedies that has ever been shown in Jackson, “Cupid Up To Date.” The cast will be made up entirely of local people and will include snappy choruses, new and catchy steps and clever songs. Miss Janet Holoman will take the part of Dolly Extreme while Mr. Stancell Seldon plays Will Steady, her fiance. Miss Annie Belle Gay is Common Sense and Mr. Ballard Gay is Father Time. These and many others go to make up the cast for this enjoy able production which will be staged at the High School audi torium Friday evening, July 9th, at 8:30 P. M. (Continued from page one.) were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Bullock. Mr and Mrs. M. R. Stephen son, Mrs. H. R. Harris and dau ghter, Elizibath, spent Thursday in Suffolk and Norfolk shopping Mr. W. R. Vick and son Bruce spent Friday and Saturday in Norfolk, guests of Mr. Vick’s son. Mr. Wm. Vick. Mr. Randolph Pruden arrived home Saturday from Raleigh, he having completed a business course at Massey’s Business Col lege. Master Billie Harris, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs, W. L, Harris, underwent an operation for ap pendicitis at Roanoke Rapids Hospital the past Thursday. We are glad to report he is recuper ating rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. A- J. Crocker, Mr. and Mrs. W, D. Barbee and daughter, Nancy.spent Thursday in Norfolk shopping. Mr. and Mrs. EmmittCutherell and little daughter, of Port Nor folk, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Long. Messrs Robert Reese. James Harris and T. J. Stephenson left the past Wednesday for the Citi zens Military Training Camp, Fort Bragg. N. C , for a month’s stay. Mr. Elmo Crocker spent the week end in Portsmouth, the guest of his wife’s parents, Mr and Mrs, H. F, Plummer. Miss Annie Bell Jennings of Halifax is the guest of her cous in. Miss Ella Bradley, this week Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Crocker. Wilmington, returned Tuesday after spending the week end here. Mr. Bruce Vick, Atlanta. Ga.. left Monday after spending a few days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R Vick. Mr Leonidas Johnson, New port News, was a week-end guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Johnson. Our new Postmaster, Mrs. Julian Morgan, was inducted into office July 1. Her sister. Miss Julia Blanchard, Woodland, will serve as Mrs. Morgan’sassistant. The Missionary program at Seaboard Methodist church last Sunday morning was well pre pared and Bplendidlv rendered. Mrs. Jack Johnston and daugh ter. Mary Jane, Mrs. E. M. Nel son, Mr. Cromwell Daniel and wife and Mr. Garland Daniel, Littleton, were Sunday afternoon guests of Miss Marguerite Mad drey. Miss Selma Bradley, who suf fered a severe attack of acute in digestion Sunday, we are pleased to report recovering satisfactorily Friends here of Rev. R. R, Lanier, a former pastor of Sea board Baptist church.sympath ze with him in the loss he sustained last Wednesday in the death of his aged father. The funeral and interment was at his home, Kip ling, N. C., last Thursday after noon. Rev. D. P. Harris, who suffer ed an attack of illness last week, though weak, was able to fill his appointments with Elam, Bethel and Seaboard Baptist churches last Sunday. Announcements have been re ceived by friends here this week which read; Mrs. Ida Horn Wimberly announces the marri age of her daughter. Hazel, to James Lewis Matthews on Thurs day, November nineteenth, nine teen hundred and twenty five, Louisburg, N. C. At home. Chapel Hill, N. C. Mr. Matthews is one of our own Seaboard boys, in whom we have always felt a just pride. We congratulate him on the prize he has won and hope their voyage through life may be filled with usefulness and happi ness. MARIiARETTSVlLLE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. J. L Ivey and two childrer^and Miss Effie Raney of Lawrenceville, Va,, spent the week end here in the home of Mr. Walter Garris. Mr. W. T. Norvell and family of Seaboard spent Sunday after noon here in the home of Mr. M. N, Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Edwards and daughter Josephine.of Ports mouth, spent the weekend in the home of Mr. H. P. M. Garris and with other relatives here. Mrs. J A. Lanier and son, Genie, of Creeksville, spent Sun day here with her sister, Mrs, H. P. M. Garriss. Mr. and Mrs B. H. Lanier re turned to their home in Roanoke Rapids Tuesday after spending several days here with Mr. and Mrs. J. L Gay. Mrs Alice Stancell and Mr, R. H. Staneell spent the Fourth at Ocean View. Mrs. Annie Vick and son War ren of Emporia were here Mon day on business. Dr, H. T. Gariissof Richmond and Mr. L. D, Garriss of Norfolk spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. M. Garriss. Messrs Paul Stallings and George Green of Spring Hope spent a few hours Saturday af tarnoon in the heme of Mr. Wal ter Garriss, enroute to Ocean View. Miss Bernice Garriss returned to her home in Boykins Wednes day after spending a week with her cousin. Miss Thelma Garriss. Miss Mary Long of Seaboard spent a few days of last week with her friend. Miss Thelma Garriss. Mrs Mattie Hart and grand son, C. L. Mosely, Jr. of Raleigh left Wednesday for Suffolk and Phoebus, after a week’s visit in the home of Mr. J. G. Bottoms Mr. and Mrs. R, A. Barnes of Boykins spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Leatb Bottoms. Mrs. Barnes remained to spend a few days of this week with her sister Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Harrelson and daughter. Margaret Thomas. Mrs. Rosa Norvell, and Mr. and Mrs. Holloman of Portsmouth spent Sunday and Monday here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M.N. Carpenter. Miss Maude Stancell of Sea board spent Thursday afternoon here with her friend, Mrs. J S. Gay. Mr. and Mrs. J A. Pruden and three sons and Miss Una Fleet- wood spent a few hours Friday evening in Jackson with Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Fleetwood. Miss Elizabeth Bottoms and Mr. David Gay attended a class picnic at Slagle’s Mill Tuesday evening. 666 ia a prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever Dengue or Bilious Fever. It kills the germs. Colds Cause Crip and Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove the cause. There is only one "Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S sidoatuie on box. 30n Notice of Dissolution Whereas there existed a mer cantile partnership for the pur pose of doing a general mercantile business in two stores, one in Halifax County, N. C , at Rose mary, the other in Northampton County, N. C., wherein T A. Bradley and Marcus A. Bradley were eaually interested, and whereas, by mutual agreement of the said partners the said pariner- ship in said stores was dissolved on the 24th of July, 1925, and the said agreement was duly recorded in Halifax County Register of Deeds office on the 2nd day of October, 1925; the same is hereby referred to by the undersigned. T. A. Bradley, M. A. Bradley. n22 Bayer Aspirin Proved Safe Take without Fear as Told in “Bayer” Package ^AYEl) the. Unless you see the “Bayer Cross” on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe bv millions and prescribed by physi cians over twenty-five years for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Toothache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Each unbroken “Bayer” pack age contains proven directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Notice of Administration Having qualified as Executor of the estate of W. J, Liles, deceased, late of Northampton County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Con way, N, C„ on or before the 1 st day of May, 1927, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 1 St day of May, 1926. W. T, LILEIS, Executor of W, J, Liles, deceased. By R. Jennings White, Atty, nl8 NOTICE North Carolina. ? InSuoenor Northampton Coucity f Court Hal Mac Stephenson. Plaintiff,. vs. Plummie Clark Stephenson, De fendant. The defendant above nsined will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced against her in the Superior Court of Northampton Countv, North Carolina, to procure an absolute divorce from her on the grounds ot adultery, and said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior C )urt of Northampton Countv, in Jack son, on the 26tli da.v of July. 1926, at the court house in said County of Northampton, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in said action, which complaiLt has been deposited witli said Clerk, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 21 day of June, 1926 W. J. Beale, Clerk of Superior Court n26t4 Try A "Want Ad" for Results DTPENDABLE IDELCO-LIGHT LIGHTS THE HOUSE — LIGHTS THE BARN--- PUMPS THE WATER--*-' SEPARATES THE CREAM- TUMBLES THE CHURN-- Install DELCO-LIGHT \ NOW I rOR SALE BY H. E. OUTLAND CONWAY, N. C. NOTICE Pursuant to an order of the Board of Commissioners of Northampton County, N. C., made in Regular Ses sion at the Court House in Jackson, N. C., on the 31st day of May, 1926, an election will be held in the following described territory in Northampton County, N. C., now constituting and known as the Seaboard High School District, which is a special charter district, and is bounded as follows: Beginning at a fork on the public road near the late B. D. Woodruff place, and running along the public road leading by Harris’ Shop to Tur ner’s Cross Roads to a point on the said road opposite the mouth of Deep Run, thence southerly across Cypress Swamp to the mouth of Deep Run; thence up said Deep Run to the Sea board Aire Line Railroad; thence a straight line in a southeasterly direc tion to the cross roads near Green S. Pruden’s; thence south the county road leading to Jackson along by Mt. Carmel Church to a point opposite the line between C. P. Stevenson’s and Charlie Erickson’s; thence along Wheelers line to the late John Ram say line; thence the Ramsay line north or nearly north to the public road leading from Mt. Carmel Church to Garysburg; thence north along said public road to Potecasi Creek; thence up said Potecasi Creke to a line be tween J. W. Leake and William Gar ris; thence along the line of J. W. Leake and William Garris in a south erly direction to the public road lead ing from Mt. Carmel Church to Garys- bury thence across said road in » southerly direction to the public roadi leading from Seaboard to Jackson; thence along said road in a southerly direction to a point opposite the line between G. F. Gay’s and J. H. Ram say’s line; thence along their line in a westerly direction as said line goes; thence a straight line to Wheeler's Mill Swamp; thence up said Swamp to a point opposite the public road lead ing from Seaboard Air Line Railroad to the fork of the road near the late B. D. Woodruff’s by M. L. Daniel’s place; and also all the Pruden Spring District west of the public road lead ing from Diamond Grove to Jackson and north of the road leading from H. P. Spencer’s farm (The Old Green Stancell Place) to Seaboard, known as Devils Race Track, together with the farm and old home place of J. C. Stephenson lying east of the High Bridge Jackson road in Wiccacanee Township, except the H. P. Spencer farm which is not included herein. And also the territory embraced with in the following boundaries, which is contiguous to the foregoing described territory: Beginning at saw dust pile on the road leading from Gumberry ot J. E. Daniel, thence the line of V. I. Bass and Mrs. S. E. Massey a wes terly direction to Wall or Mill Swamp, thence down said Mill Swamp and the run of said swamp to the public road leading from Duprees Cross roads to Concord; thence the said pub lic Joad. east to the fork of the road leading to J. E. Daniels; thence south along said public road to J. R. Daniels to aforesaid saw 'dust pile near the colored school house at the beginning. To ascertain whether the voters of the said Seaboard High School Dis trict are in favor of issuing bonds for the purposes of erecting, acquiring, enlarging,- altering and equipping school buildings and purchasing sites in such District or for any one or more of said purposes in the sum of Seventy Thousand Dollars to bear in terest at the rate of not exceeding six per cent per annum, payable semi annually and to levy for the purpose of paying said bonds and interest an annual tax. It is further ordered that a new registration of the qualified voters within said territory or district be made and for that purpose H. H. Duke, is appointed Registrar, and J. T. Long and J. E. Daniel, Judges of Election. It is ordered that said election be held in Seaboard, N. C., on Saturday the 17th day of July, 1926. The Books for registration shall be opened for registration of qualified voters from Saturday, June the 5th, 1926, and on each Saturday during said Period the Books for registration will be open in Seaboard, N. C., at the Farmers Bank of Seaboard, N. C., and the registration will close on the 3rd day of July, 1926. The book Will be ' open for inspection and challenge on Saturday the 10th day of July, 1926. By order of the Board, this the 31st day of May, 1926. S. J. CALVERT, Clerk for the Board of Commissioners of Northampton County, North Car. j Administratrix Notice I Having qualified as Adminis tratrix of the estate of my late I husband, J. C. Bolton, this is to I notify all persons having claims ! against said estate to present them to me at my residence in Rich Square, N. C., on or before June 21, 1927, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This June 12st, 1926. Mrs Pearl Bolton, Administratrix of J. 0. Bolton Instate. James A. Worrell, Attorney for Estate d25 Administrators Notice Having qualified as the Admin istrator of the estate M A, Kee, dece’’sed, late of Northampton County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at,Jackson, N. C.. on or before the 16th day of June, 1927, duly verified or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will olease make immediate settlement. This June the 12th, 1926. A. C. Gay, As Admr, of n.24 M. A. Kee, Deceased', NOTICE I have 20 or more bbls of nice- corn. Will sell cheap to a quick buyer. Forfurther information see M. P. LASSITER. Potecasi, N. G. Administrator’s Notice Haying qualified as administra tor of the estate of Sabina Wheel er, deceased late of Northampton County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhioit them to the undersigned at Convvav, N. C., on or before the 24th day of Ma.v, 1927, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 24th day of May, 1926. C. H. Barnes, Administrator of Sabina Wheeler, deceased. Bv R. Jennings White, Atty. Notice of Letters of Adminia* tration Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of Albert Pres ton Griffin, late of Northampton County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them, duly veri fied, to the undersigned at Wood land, N. C., on or before the I44h day of May, 132T. or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will nlease make prompt settlement. This 13th day of May, 1926. Mrs. Annie C. Grh’fin, Administratrix. Burgwyn & Norfleet, Attorneys. . n20t6 To Cure a Cold in One Day lake LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE (Tablets) t atopsthe Cough and Headache and works off ti Cold. E. W. GROVE'S signature oq each box. 30c When You Build Build to Stay, Build with Brick. We can supply you m t'wo shades, a deep red, or a chocolate brown. Write for prices at kiln or delivered at Rich Square. W. E. Smith & Bros. Manufacturers, Scotland Neck, N, C.