THE ROANOKE-CHOWAN TIMES. THURSDA'i, JULY 15 1926 Xu c/^riD 7IUMBUGS Bureau Of Health Education, North Carolina State Board Of Health MALNUTRITION T is rather strange that we as a rule can so quickly recog nize underfed or malnour ished stock or crops and yet are so slow to recognize mal nourished children. But it is actual ly true that many of us never do realize when a child is not getting the food its system needs. We are Bp accustomed to seeing stunted chil dren that instead of making any comment when we see an under nourished child we make much com ment, when we see one who looks well-fed, healthy and robust. It would seem that the normal child is abnormal because it is the exception while the abnormal child is normal because it is the rule. A well nourished child is one who not only measures up to standard of height and weight tor his age, but he must have a good color, bright eyes without dark circles under them, smooth glossy hair, lively skin and firm muscle. His carriage must be good, his step elastic and his disposi tion bouyant. He is lull of life and constantly active both mentally and physically. His .°!eep is sound, his digestion and appetite good. He is not “flniky” about his food, blit nat urally craves the things that furnish building material for his growing body. He has a soul but physically he is exactly the same as any other young, healthy, well-nourished ani mal. The malnourished child lacks many and perhaps all of these char acteristics. His height and weight are less than they should be for his age, he has a poor color, is sallow, muddy or even “pasty” in appear ance, there are dark circles under the eyes and the inside of the lids as well as the lips and gums are pale and bloodless, his hair is rough and dry, his tongue coated and bow'els often constipated. The skin is harsh and dry, the muscles soft and flabby. He often appears to be lazy because he does not have sufficient energy to en joy activity. It is just as unusual for a healthy child to appear lazy as for a healthy kitten, puppy or colt. The healthy child may try to avoid doing some kinds of irksome work, but he will be doing something for he can’t keep still except when asleep. If your child shows any of this last group of symptoms there is some thing wrong which should be cor rected. If you do not know what the trouble is ask some one who does know and keep on asking till you find out. Nature compels the child to de pend On older persons for food and protection. The older persons, not the children themselves, are respon sible for every stunted and seeming ly lazy child. The correction of de fects and proper food are the inalien able rights of every child. Animal Fossil Bones in National Museum Two new mastodons and a new glyptodont, the fossil bones of which were found in rocks in Arizona, are- described in a report issued by the United States geological survey. Several years ago numerous verte brate fossils were .discovered in San Pedro valley near Benson, Ariz.,, by Kirk Bryan. Later J. W. Gid- ley of the National museum co-op erated with Bryan in making a large collection of these fossils. .'\mong the large animals in this fauna are two elephant-like masto dons and a peculiar armored mam mal, a glyptodont, related to the modem armadillo. The skeleton of one of the mastodons has been mounted after the restoration pf the missing parts and fomis a strik ing exhibit in the National museum at Washington. The total length of the mounted skeleton is about four teen feet. A very effective mount has also been made of the glyptodont by using parts of three individuals. Its huge carapace, which resembles a turtle shell, is over five feet long. •Pathfinder Magazine. Bad Color (liver trouble) "OCCASIONALLY I am trou- bled with spells of consti pation and inactive liver,” says Mrs. John L. Pence, Broadway, Va. "I always use Thedford’s Black-Draught when I feel a spell of this kind coining on, for it saves me a bad headache. My color gets sallow at times. I get real yellow, showing that the tro uble comes from the liver. "I have found Black-Draught to be the finest kind of a remedy for this. I take Black-Draught and make a tea out of it, and take it, along in small doses for sever al days. I have never foimd any thing that served me so well. "Since I have known about Black-Draught, I have not suffer ed nearly so much with head ache, caused from indigestion. I) I find my tongue is coated, and I wake up witii a bad taste in my mouth, I know I have been eating indiscreetly, and I imme diately resort to Kack-Draught to straighten me out.” COULDN’T BREATHE .fill,. “Now don’t breathe this to a soul.” “I can’t. I’ve been eating garlic. Called Mrs. .Tones—We are keeping Wll- liain from returning to college this full. He is really so .voung, .\ ou know. Mrs. Brown—Yes. Jly son tlni.kod nut. too.—University of Wasliington Columns. Kicked Out ‘T bear tliat I'bil went to a mns- querade last week disguised as Adam.” “He must have gotten a great kick out of tliat.” “He did.”—Yale Record. All for Gifts Wife (sbowing gift from her father) —Beautiful, isn’t It? Father always makes expensive presents. Hubb.v—So I discovered when he gave you away. Administrator’s Notice Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of J. S. Scar borough, deceased, late of North ampton Count.y, N. C., this is to notify all patties holding claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersign ed at Severn, N. C , on or before the 31st day of May, 19-27, or tnis notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will make immediate settlement. This May 31st, 1926. J B. Stephenson, n22 Administrator. J No 'Worm5 in a Healthy Child ^ Ail children troubled with Worms have an un healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there is more or less stomach disturbance. GROVE S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, im prove the digestion, and act as a General Strength ening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be in perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c per bottle. Old Instruments in Tune Ten rare old violins, violas and cellos, the combined ages of which were more than 3,000 years, were played at an unusual concert in New York city recently. The in struments were the Eodman Wana- maker collection. They had never before been played publicly in this country. Included was the last in strument made by Stradivarius, when he was ninety-three. The old est was a cello made 260 years ago by Huger, and the youngest a Guad- agnini viola, 146 ye^rs old. NOTICE North Carolina. 1 InSuoerior Northampton County f Court Hal Mac Stephenson. Plaintiff, vs. Plummie Clark Stephenson, De fendant. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced against her in the Superior Court of Northampton County, North Carolina, to procure an absolute divorce from her on the grounds ot adultery, and said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superioi* Court of Northampton County, in Jack son, on the 26th da.v of July, 1926, at the court house in said Count.v of Northampton, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in said action, which complaint has been deposited with said Clerk, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 21 day of June, 1926. W. J. Beale, Clerk of Superior Court n26t4; Administratrix Notice Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of W. C. Las siter, deceased, late of North ampton County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of May, 1927, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 27th day of May. 1926. Lula Lassiter, Administratrix. Jas. A. Worrell, Atty. 22t6 Notice Letters Testamentary Having qualified as Executrix of the Isat will and testament of P. liV. Miles, late of Northampton County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said P. W. Miles to present them, duly verified, to the undersigned at her home at George, N. C , on or before the 26th day of May, 1927, or this no-ice will be plead in bar of recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt settlement. This 25th day of May, 1926. Mrs. Rachel Miles, Executrix. Burgwyn & Norfleet, Attorneys. r21t6 KODAK FINISHING. No better service-anvwhere. Mail us your film and we will send statement. If in 'hurry, enclose stamps. Kodak films and supplies. Baker’s btudio. Washington. N.C Old Jacobite Broadsword A Scottish broadsword -with .Jacobite inscription tvas «old at auction recently for £48 ($240). Just below the hilt is the inscrip tion—“Prosperity to Scotland, and no Union.” Further down is a fig ure of St. Andrew. On one side of the blade is the inscription, “For God, my Country, and King,” James VIII (this would be James Francis Edward Stuart). The blade is supposed to be of Italian workmanship. State Taxation The only .states -which have no in heritance tax are Alabama; Florida and Nevada. Nevada repealed its fax in 1024. The District of Colum bia ha.s no special inheritance tax. .-V majority of the .states levy no in come tax. Those -which do have an income tax are Wisconsin, Dela ware, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, New York, North Caro lina, Norili Dakota, Oklahoma. South Carolina and Virginia. A15 of the states tax mortgages. The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE (Tablets) can be takes by anyone without causing nervousness or ringing Lithe head. E.W. GROVE’S signature on box. 30ci CIMM Thedford’s BLACK- Liver Medicine (Vegetable) *9 Wtf W W mi WV WV WVIWM ^ U. Vaughan’s “The Quality Store” CUSTOM MADE CLOTHES Should always be ordered trom a Dependable Merchant where promises MADE are SURE to be lulfilled. Every suit ordered here is guaranteed to be exactly as repre sented. There’s no exaggeration and no evasion. We sell genuine custom tailored clothes only at prices which tho keen are suffi cient to assure the necessary standards of quality. This is impossible un(jer $25. We have super grades at $50 and $60 and master productions at $40 IT PAYS TO BUY A GOOD ONE U. VAUGHAN Murfreesboro, North Carolina. DO YG ¥E? A GENUINE AuiO SiRUL kiWo-K ViiiH STROP IN ATTRACTIVE CASE AS ShuV li LELOVV ABSOLUTELY FREE WITH A YEAR’S s'jbscription to this paper and a 3 years’ subscrip tion to the Southern Ruralist at the special club price below. We believe the value of this offer is apparent to all our readers, and consider it the most attractive offer we have ever made. Use cou pon below. THE ROANOkE-CHOWAN TIMES, Rich Square, n. C. I am enclosing $1.50 for which enter my subscription for one year to your paper and 3 years to the Southern Ruralist, mailing me, without charge, an auto strop razor in case together with strop. Name Town Route State - Money to Lend at 5 per cent interest rate for 5, 7, 10 or 20 -years on farm lands. No bonus charged. Can make inspections and get money in short time. J. P. GARRIS, Conway, N. C. Car Load of Fme MULES Just received at my stables a car load of as fine mules as can be bought. They are well broke and ready for immediate use. Come in and look them over. PRICES ARE RIGHT H. D. Holoman Rich Square, N. C. JOHN S JENKINS & CO., COTTON FACTORS NORFOLK, VA. We Offer Our Services In Storing, Finacing and Selling Cotton Forty Years Experience Market Information Furnished Chaa. R. Robertson C. E. Stephenson Chas. R. Robertson Co. General Produce Commission Merchants 25 ROANOKE DOCK Norfolk Va. All kinds of Stock. Alive and Dressed Poultry. Eggs. I-il£>is, Field Peas, Potatoes, Bacon or anything grown on the farm. Car load lots • specialty.