ANDREW J. CONNER. PUBLISHER "CAROUNA, CAROLINA, HEAVEN'S BLESSINGS ATTEND HER* SUBSCRIPTION PER ANNUM $ 1.00 ULUME XXXV RICH SQUARE, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1926 NUMBER 33 SEVERN NEWS Revival Services Ciose—Refreshing Rain-Music Ciub Entertained- Traveiing in Western Caroiina Mrs. J. N. Stephenson and Miss Eloise Stephenson spent the week end with relatives at Willoughby Spit, Va. Miss Mary Emnaa Long is ex pected to return this week from Kinston where she has been do ing summer work in the Ken nedy Home. Mrs. Andrews of Gretna, Va., spent several days last week with her daughter, Mrs. C. P. Spencer Mrs. C. W. Johnson and daugh ters, Misses Mary Louise and Elizabeth, of Raleigh, were guests of Mr. arid Mrs. R, T. Woodard, Saturday. Misses Frances Fleetwood and Viola Britt left last Wednesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Jim Limer of Warrenton. Mr. W. J. Rogers of Norfolk, Va., spent last week with his father, Mr. J. V. Rogers. Mrs. G. A. Pruden and daugh ter, Marilyn, left Monday for a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Jnnes, Woodsdale, N. C. Misses Lois and Mildred An drews of Richmond, Va., are guests of the Misses Barkley. Mr. Ernest Howell is having a water system inatalled in his house. Dr, and Mrs. A. R. Hodge spent several days last week with Mr, and Mrs. A. R. Hodge, Knightsdale, N. C. Mr. Julian Porter is visiting relatives at Smithfield and Fay etteville this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey and -ebildre^eft TJEti^rsdaj^Pt a ji^t to relatives ih LyriehMEg, Va.* ’ Mr, and Mrs. H. P. Stephen son are guests of Mr. and Mrs H. H. Grant, Ridgeway, this week. Mrs. K. S. DeLoatche of Nor folk, Va.. arrived Tuesday to visit her niece, Mrs. J. L Joyner Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Stephen son and sons, Clements, Moring and Robert Hugh, will leave Tuesday to visit relatives in North Wilkesboro and other points in North Carolina. Mr, and Mrs. H. W. Maddrey and Mrs. Minnie White spent last Wednesday in Suffolk, Va, Mr. J. M. Alston spent Sunday with his home folks in Ridgeway Mrs. H. W. Maddrey was hos tess to the Music Club Saturday, August 14. Mrs. Madifrey’s mother, Mrs, Minnie White, met the guests and ushered them in to the Hying room 'Where water melon was served. The program for the day was a study of James Whitcomb Riley. In the absence of the president, Mrs. G. A. Pruden presided. At the end of the program the hostess intro duced a contest, “U. S. Post Offices," in which Mrs. J, J. White. Mrs. G. A. Pruden, Mrs. C, H. Britt, Mrs, Earl Bryant, Mrs. Verona Hoggard and Misses Lizzie Stephenson and Una White tied for top score. In drawing for the prize Mrs. C. H. Britt was the winner and the prize, a lovely bronze call bell was pre sented to her. The consolation prize, a tin rattler, went to Mrs. Ernest Howell. Mrs, Maddrey then served a salad course with iced tea and cantaloupe a la mode. Those present were Mrs, J. J. White, Mrs. J. B Stephen son. .Mrs. Ernest Howell. Mrs H. P. Stephenson, Mrs. Eari Bryant, Mrs. G. A. Prud-Jii, Mrs. Verona Hoggard, Mrs, Miniiie C. White. Mrs. H. W. Maddrey, Miss Lizzie Stephenson and Miss Kill Kare Hlub Entertained Conway, Aug. 16.—Mrs. Will Lassiter and Mrs. R. Jennings White entertained the Kill Kare Klub in honor of Mrs. R, Kelley White last Thursday afternoon at Mrs. R. Jennings White’s home. The hostesses met the guests and directed them to the punch bowl where Misses Eliz - beth Stephenson of Woodland, Frances Freeman and Sallie Woodard presided. A short business session was presided aver by the vice presi dent. Mrs. G. K. Freeman, the president being absent. A short but interesting program was rendered, the subject being "The News of the Month,” The items were as follows: "The Musical Event of the Month,” Mrs. Will Lassiter; “The Play of the Month,” Mrs, G. K. Free man; “The Book of the Month as reviewed by Lawrence Stal lings,” Mrs. R, Jennings White. Mrs. R. Kelley White told in a few words some interesting things about Lawrence Stallings. After the program two inter esting contests were enjoyed. In a flower contest. Mrs. Albert Lassiter won a beautiful night table set of water glass, cover and plate. Mrs. R. Kelley White won in the cake contest, the prize being a perfume holder. Mrs. White also received a jar of bath salts as guest of honor prize. The hostesses assisted by Misses Stephenson, Freeman and Wood ard served a salad course follow ed by ice cream and cake. The favors were small yellow baskets filled with salted nuts. As the d^,ar^e4 the^ were., s^rv.- ed ptftich.- , ' Those who were guests of the club were Mrs. R. Kelley White of Marion, Ala., Mrs. Arthur Flythe. Mrs. Albert Lassiter and Miss Eva Lassiter of Jackson, Mrs. E. L. Stephenson of Wood land and Mrs. J. M. White of this place. MILWAUKEE NEWS Baptist Missionary Union The Northampton Baptist Mis sionary Union will meet with Potecasi Baptist church Thurs day, Sept. 2. The following pro gram will be rendered: Morning Session. 10:30 O’clock Hymn. Devotional—Mias Rachal Allen, Galatia. Greetings—Miss Gertie Beale, Response-Mrs. R. L. Bolton, Rich Square. Hymn. Talk, Why Study Missions— Mrs. J. F, Essex, Jackson. Solo—Mrs. Charlie Parker, Menola. Talk—Mission—How, W’hen, Where—Mrs. Shepherd, Mur freesboro. Conway Male Quartette. Business. Announcements. Lunch. Afternoon Session 2 O’clock Devotional. Conway Male Quartette. Address, Mrs. H. M. Finch- Rocky Mount. Solo—Mrs. Charlie Parker. Pageant—Severn Y. W, A’s. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Martin of Lynhaven, Va., returned home Tuesday after spending a short while with relatives. Miss Pearl Panton has return ed home after spending a short while with Mrs. Raymond Davis, Portsmouth, Va. We were surprised to learn of the marriage of Miss Arlioe Ray Panton and Mr. William Clinton Smith of Lasker. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith and family have returned home after spending a while in Norfolk, Va, Miss Mildred Smith is visiting Miss Audrey Martin of Rich Square Mrs. Annie L. Wade of Rich Square was in town a short while this week. Miss Mildred Traylor has re turned to her home in Franklin, Va , after spending a short while with Mr. A. J. Panton. Mr. L. C. Davis went home with Rev. Thompson to spend a short wnile with him. Mr. Willie Panton and two sons, of Franklin, Va., were in town Tuesday. Mr. L. C. Jenkins was in Nor folk Tuesday. Mr. E. W. Martin and family and Mr. John Woods and family were in Coleraine this week. Mr. George Parker spent the week-end with his wife in Nor folk, Va. The Boy Scouts of Milwaukee and Conway are planning to take a trip to Coleraine this week. Mrs. G. B. Warren and child ren of Murfreesboro were in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Jenkins last week. Miss Gladys Odom returned to her home in Portsmouth. Va. Stiriday ifiorriing after spending a while with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Odom. Miss Mildred Johnson, Miss Allen, Miss Parker and Mrs. Griffin have returned here to teach school this year. SEABOAKD NEWS Una White. A rerreshifig shower fell Sun- dr.'. afternoon and both plant and animal life feel the benefit This was the first rain here in more than three weeks. The revival at the Baptist Church closed Friday evening Seven candidates were baptized Sunday evening. POTEGASl LOCALS On Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 4, the death angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Beale and took their infant daughter, Mabel Lois. She was sick for more than a month and was such a patient little sufferer through it all. All that loving hands and medical skill could do could not keep her. God needed her more than we "Sometime we’ll understand” why these things happen. Mr, Roy Grant of Winston Salem and mother, Mrs. Henry Grapt of Ridgeway, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lassiter last week. Mrs. Willie Britton and daugh ter of Roanoke Rapids were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Blow last week. Miss Helen Britt of Mapleton was the guest of Miss Gladys Lassiter last week. Misses Nellie Capel of Gum- berry and Mildred Flythe of Portsmouth returned home Sun day after spending some time with Mrs, W. H, Beale, Miss Thelma Boone of Suffolk is the guest of Miss Audrey Parker. Mr. ane Mrs. E. L, Ward of Topeka, Kansas, were the guests of bis sister, Mrs. F. C. Jenkins, a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mann of Arkansas are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Joyner. Mr. John B. Rogers and family of Reidsville are visiting in the home of Mr. L. C. Griffin near here, Mrs. L. R. Gilbert spent a few days in Raleigh, Class Concert Highly Pleas ing—Visitors From Other States -Church News Messrs Elmo and Mason Vin cent, Portsmouth, are spending this week here with their grand parents. Mr. and Mrs, F. E. Fos ter. Messrs B. S. Stancell and Stonewall Vick Edwards left Wednesday for a ten day motor trip through Western North Car olina. Master Carl Parker. Jr, left the past Wednesday for Winston- Salem to visit his uncle, Judge Raymond Parker. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Boykin and children, Wilson, returned home Sunday after a week’s visit to Mrs. Boykin’s parents, Mr. and Mrs W. P. Bullock. Mr. Roy Worrell spent a few days at Severn the past week visiting his sister, Mrs Barclay. Miss Doris Mitchell, Lawrence- ville, is the guest of her friend. Miss Fannie Long. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pruden and son, Rosemary, were Sun day guests of Mrs. Bettie I. Pruden. Mr. Leary Stephenson Jr.. Portsmouth, and Miss Bettie Florence Stephenson, Jackson, are guests of their aunt, Mrs. Harry Pruden. Mrs. Martha Buffaloe, Jack- son. arrived Sunday and will spend sometime here with her daughter. Mrs. H. C, Maddrey. Mrs. R S. Pritchard and dau ghter and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Corbett and daughter, Elizabeth City, arrived Tuesday and are guests of Rev. and Mrs. D. P. E&rris. __ • Mr. and Mrs. Otis Harris and children and Mr. Vogie Harris, Norfolk, returned home Monday after a few days visit to their father, Mr. Joseph Harris, Miss Elizabeth Clark, Weldon, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. Grady Edwards, a few days the past week. Miss Josie Maddrey, Norfolk, arrived the past Tuesday and is spending her vacation here with her mother, Mrs. R. M. Maddrey. Miss Alice Kelly Harris and her guest, Miss Louise Lambert, were Monday guests of Miss Paige Morehead, Weldon. Several of our citizens are planning to attend the Virginia Dare celebration at Roanoke Island this week. They are ex pecting a great occasion. Miss Marguerite Maddrey en tertained about twenty young girls, ages 8 to 12, Thursday morning from 10 to 12 o’clock at a porch party honoring little Miss Mildred McLendon of Rocking ham (one of her pupils) who is visiting her aunt. Miss Maud. Stancell. Various children fames were played on the lawn after which she served cream, cake and punch. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Moffett and children, Lawrenceyille.were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Spencer. Mrs. J. G. Edwards and dau ghter, Ruby, Portsmouth,arrived Saturday and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Weaver. Mr. Clyde Smith, Portsmouth, was a week-end guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs, R. C. Kee. Mr. Phalti Covington and dau ghter, Ruth. Lynchburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Covington, Hot Springs, Ark., arrived Sat urday and are guests of Mr, and Mrs. J.T. Long and other friends of the community. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Maddrey spent Friday in Norfolk. Mrs. Fred Vincent and daugh ter, Mrs. Pearson Back, Ports mouth, arrived Tuesday and are guests of Mrs. Vincent’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Foster. Dr. and Mrs. Carl P. Parker and children left Sunday by motor for Winston-Salem to visit Dr. Parker’s brother. Judge Ray mond Parker. They were accom panied to High Point by Mrs. Willie Reese, who will visit her son, Owen. . Messrs Thurman Bullock and Thomas Long and Miss Ida Long left Friday for Port Norfolk and were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emmitt Cuthrell. Master George Crocker, Ral eigh. arrived Friday and is the guest of his grandmother, Mrs. Nettie D. Crocker. The Senior B. Y. P, U. held a basket picnic at Tuscarora Beach Friday afternoon. Boating and swimming were the attractions for the outing. Mrs. S, V. Edwards and son, James Taylor, are guests of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Tay lor, Gumberry. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vick and son, Norfolk, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Vick the past week. They were accompanied home Saturday by Mr. Vick’s sister, Mrs. G. F. Crocker. Mr. Ben Long, Portsmouth, was a guest Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Weaver. The Singing Class of the Meth odist Orphanage. Raleigh, gave a sacred concert in Seaboard Methodist church Sunday even ing. Pastor Culbreth gladly gave up his preaching service to the young people. The church was well filled and everybody left loud in their praise of the enter tainment. A creditable collection was given the manager of the Singing Class. All lovers of good niu'sic'fliJlSS Seaboard i»fll ever be included in their itinerary. Rev. D. P. Harris filled his ap pointment with Seaboard Baptist church last Sunday morning. De spite the almost unbearable wea- tner a good sized crowd was present. A feature of the ser vices was a duet by pastor Har ris and Mr. W. D. Barbee. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Maddrey, Garysburg, were Sunday evening guests of his mother, Mrs. R. M. Maddrey. Mt. Carmel Baptist and Con cord Methodist churches are en gaged in revival services this week. At the former Rev. J. P. Essex, pastor, is being assisted by his son-in-law. Rev. Edward T. Clark, Winchester, Va. At the latter j^astor Culbreth is feeding his own flock with the pure gos pel. Misses Alice Kelly and Ger trude Harris delightfully enter tained Friday afternoon from 4:30 to 6:30 o’clock at a beautiful Porch Party.honoring their house guests. Misses Louise Lambert. Rural Retreat, Va;, and Virginia Waddill, Victoria, Va. Bridge was played at three tables. Mrs. S. V. Edwards held high score and was presented the prize, a beautiful linen guest towel. Rook was played at two tables and Miss Reba Long held highest score and she was presented a linen guest towel. The honor guests were presented lovely boxes of bath powder. The porch was tastefully decorated with cut flowers and ferns, carrying out a color scheme of green and yellow in decorations, refresh ments and score cards. They served home made peach cream, cake and punch. They had as their guests the Embroidery Club and Misses Edith Bradley, Edna, Reba hrid Bettie Long, Marguerite Maddrey. Paige Morehead, Wel don, and her guests; Mesdames J. Kindred Long and Russell Everett. NEWS FROM KELFORD Close of Successful Revival Services -Touring Western North Caro- lina-Other News A refreshing shower of rain which fell here Sunday afternoon was received with much joy. Mr. H. C, Lowder, of Aiber- marl, who has been assisting Mr, M. P. Davis in revival services at Kelford Baptist church during the past week, left for Murfrees boro and Pendleton on Monday. Mr. W. S. Hoggard, of Ross Church, who lead the singing at the revival services of Kelford Baptist church last week, return ed to his home Sunday afternoon. Miss Doris Alford of Ports mouth, Va., spent last week with her kinspeople in Kelford and took part in the song services during the revival at Kelford Baptist church. Miss Alford has a splendid voice, well trained and sang several beautiful solos. Mrs, S. A. Norfleet and her sister, Mrs. F. A, Ruffin, of Kel ford, and their brother, Mr, Hugh L. Cobb, of Harrisburg, Pa., are touring Western North Carolina this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Tyler will attend the Carnival at Norfolk this week and will spend several days at Ocean View with friends from Washington, D. C. Messrs W. H. Parker and A. C. Harrell of the Kelford string band, attended a get together meeting of Grace Episcopal. Church at Woodville last week and rendered several charming violin and saxaphone selections. The revival services which closed here last Sunday evening were among the very best ever held at Kelford Baptist church. The Christian spirit euchibited by. the church members, the close attention given the services by the large numbers who attended and the manifestation of God’s spirit which seemed to pervade the whole community at this time made one feel good to be here. The messages of Jesus and the Cross, pictured in beau tiful simple truths, by Mr. H. C. Lowder, who did the preaching, were perfect gems of inspiration to the attentive listeners. The splendid song services planned by the able music committee, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Modiin, Mr, and Mrs. J.E. Tyler, Mrs. L. P. Vick and Mrs, W. L. Carter, and charmingly executed by the choir, lead by Mr. W. S, Hoggard, with Mrs. Carter at the piano, equalled if not sur passed any like services ever held in Kelford church. How well this able committee of con secrated Christian workers per formed their duty, is best re flected in the many beautiful special selections that they plan ned and directed for this special occasion. At the close of the services Pastor Davis expressed his delight in having the co op- eration of the church members so loyally accorded him, and the 1926 revival services of Kelford Baptist church passed into his tory. The Crops Rains came over a large section of Northampton last Sunday which were a great relief, but in the vicinity of Rich Square where the drouth was the severest crops are burning up by the ex cessive heat and hot winds. Late planted corn is a failure. Cotton is shedding more rapidly perhaps than ever known before. More and higher grade fertilizer was used this year than formerly, which causes crops to suffer more from the dry weather. Early planted corn matured be fore the drouth became severe, but only a small acreage was planted early this year.

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