ANDREW J.'CONNER, PUBLISHER "CAROUNA, CAROLINA, HEAVEN'S BLESSINGS ATTEND HER" SUBSCRIPTION PER ANNUM $1.00 GLUME XXXV RICH SQUARE, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPT. 2, 1926 NUMBER 35 HAID ON LIQUOR DtALERS ROXOBEL NEWS At Request Of Ctiurcti Otficers Nortti- ampton and Bertie Officers Make Arrest Liquor dealers have been quite active of late, especially at and in the vicinity of the colored churches where protracted meet ings are being held. Even before the Volstead days protracted meetings held by the colored people were favorite places for the bootlegger to ply his trade. So many colored people will not do anything to stop the liquor traffic, but encourage it, that the venders seem to think at their churches they are safe in selling liquor. Last week the dealers made a miscalculation. They undertook to carry on their trade at Sandy Branch church, between Rich Square and Roxobel on the county line. The pastor, Rev. Paul A. Bishop, and church dea cons decided they would stand for it no longer. They employed Lawyer E. R, Tyler of Roxobel to assist in the prosecution of all cases they might cause to be brought up. William P. Moore, formerly of Rich Square, and R. C. Biggs of Kelford, two pros perous, well-to-do farmers of the Kelford vicinity, are two of the deacons. We regret we failed to secure the names of all the church officers to publish in con nection with this. Last Friday the officers at Rox obel and Rich Square were ap pealed to for protection of the church from the liquor dealers who were said to be on the ground. Officers A. J. Vick of Roxobel and Talmadg® Bolton of Rich Square responded, the lat ter deputizing W. 0. Harrell to assist him. Reaching the church ground they were informed that a white man was in a coupe on the ground who was directing the buyers where to go, that a colored man was down on the run of the creek (the county line) measuring out the liquor, oper ating a part of the time on both sides of the county line, the run of the creek being very narrow. They went to the car and arrest ed a white man who gave his name as Frank Prunier, and Au- lander as his home. He had two pistols, so the charge of carrying concealed weapons was also lodged against him. The colored man down on the creek made his escape but his name is known and a warrant is out for him. Prunier, who is said to be from Pennsvly^ia but has lived in Bertie for about four years, was taken before Justice B. F, Bur kett of Roxobel for a hearing. Probable cause was found and his bond was fixed at $200 for his appearance at Bertie Superior Court. He failed to get bond in Aulander, but secured it in Lew iston. Court is in session at Windsor this week, presided over by Judge Calvert, When his case was called Monday Prunier failed to answer. Judge Calvert gave notice that if he failed to appear Tuesday judgment would be given against bis bond. • OPENING AT CHOWAN Chowan College will open its doors for fall session on "Wed nesday morning, September 8th, This day has been set apart as registration day. All local stud ents will be registered on Tues day, September 7fh. And classes will begin on Thursday, geptem ber 9:h. A splendid faculty has been secured and prospects for a good year are very bright Chowan College, W. B. Edwards, President. SEABOARD NEWS Miss Madge Gillikin has re turned from summer school at Greenville. Mrs, L. C, Watson has re turned from a visit to relatives in Raleigh. Mrs. Roland Lassiter and fam ily were visitors last week in the home of Mrs. Edward Castelloe. Miss Louise Norfleet, Norfolk, Va., and Miss Katherine Norfleet of Washington. D. C.. are guests this week of Mrs. G. B. Spivey. Miss Jessie Flythe has return ed from Greenville summer school. Mrs. H. R. Paschal is visiting Mrs. Spoolman. Windsor, Miss Fay Peele is at home after having spent several weeks at Hendersonville. Mr. Carl Liyermon spent a few days in Suffolk last week. Mrs. Alford has returned to her home, Raleigh, after having spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Fannie Spence. Miss Linda Wilkins has return ed from Greenville summer school. Mr. C. T. Peele went on a business trip last week to Balti more. Mrs. Esten Jenkins is visiting relatives near Wilson. The Roxobel - Kelford High School will present a play “Seven teen” in the new school building next Thursday night. Friends of Mr. Russell Lane will be glad to know that he has received his license to practice law. Mrs. Edward Castelloe is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Lee Brewer, Windsor. Miss Reba Shields, Scotland Neck, is guest this week of Miss Annie Norfleet, Mr, 0. L. Goforth, Norfolk, Va.. was a visitor in town last week. Mrs. Jarvis Burkett and child ren are spending some time with relatives in Norfolk, Va. REHOBOTH WOMAN’S CLUB MEETS Rehoboth Woman’s Club held its regular monthly meeting on August 27th in the school build ing at eight o’clock. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. W. A. Boone. The secretary then called the roll and there were fifteen present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Some new business was then discussed and Mrs. W. R. Hedspetch appointed a com mittee to help clean up a vacant room at the school house, which the club decided to name the “Community Room.” This room may be used as the community sees fit. She set the date at Sept. 16th for clean up day. All the mem bers are especially invited to come out and help us on this day. Our agent. Miss Wigley, then took charge of the meeting and gave us a very helpful and in teresting lesson on windows and mantels. The members of the club have enjoyed the work so much this year under the direction of Miss Wigley and regret so much to see her leave us. that we. to her surprise and in her honor, then served refreshments; which con sisted of home-made candy, sand wiches and iced tea. We hope for her as great a success with her school" work as she has had with her work here among us. She came to us from Un ither State but we love her I just the same. I We then adjourned to meet ' with Mrs. E. F. White in Sep j tember. We all went home feel- I ing that it was good to be there. ’ Mrs W. R. Hedspeth. School to Have Large Attendance- Revival Services-Soctal Events -Personal Items Mr, Raymond Rogers, Little ton, was a Sunday caller in the home of Mr. R. W. Edwards. Miss Sarah Thomas, Morven, returned home Tuesday after spending two weeks here with her friend. Miss Virdell Mat thews. Mrs. T. J Bass and son Luther left Friday for Durham to visit her daughter, Mrs. G, C. West. Mr. John Maddrey Jr., Nor folk, arrived Saturday and is the guest of his friend, Mr. Henry Russell Harris. Mr. W. L, Harris spent a few days at Buffalo Lithia Springs the past week. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Maddrey and son Wayland were Sunday guests of Mr. Maddrey’s mother, Mrs. R. M. Maddrey. Mr. Douglas Pruden, Washing ton, D. C., arrived the past week and is spending his vacation here with his brother, Mr. Leary Pru- den, and other relatives. Mrs. L. L. Lassiter and chil dren, Louise and Billy, Osceola, Fla., arrived Saturday and are guests of'her sister, Mrs. H, C. Maddrey. Miss Rebecca Peebles, Jack- son, was the week-end guest of her cousin, Miss Marion Harris. Mrs. Lewis Warlick and two sons, Durham, and Dr. Spright Barbee, wife and children, Zebu- Ion, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Barbee this weeR. Miss Alice Kelly Harris left Tuesday for Elkin where she will be a member of the high school faculty". Mr. Ernest Stephenson, Suf folk, was the week end guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Stephenson. Misses Hazel and Katharine Worrell, Portsmouth, are guests of Mrs. W. T. Norvell this week. Mr. and Mrs. Reter Futrell, Conway, were Sunday guests of his sister, Mrs. Nettie D. Crock er. Prof, and Mrs. H. M. Lynch spent the week-end at Ocean View. Miss Bettie Long left Tuesday for Severn where she will again be a member of the high school faculty. Mrs. E. F. Story and son, Portsmouth, were Sunday guests of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard L. Crocker and sons, Raleigh, were week-end guests of his mother. Mrs. Nettie D. Crocker. Mr. Alexander Davis, a stu dent of U. N. C.. Chapel Hill, arrived Saturday and will spend his vacation here with his sister, Mrs. F. C. Weaver. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Duffee, Portsmouth, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Duffee. Mr. Crocker Maddrey returned home Friday after spending twelve weeks at Wake Forest at tending summer school. Mr, and Mrs. A. J, Crocker left Tuesday for Reidsville to visit Mrs. Crocker’s father. Mr. Jones, and other relatives. Mrs. J. P. Harrell,Portsmouth, arrived the past week and. will spend several days here visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Stephen son and son Rodney, Baltimore, arrived Tuesday and are guests of his sister, Mrs. Willie Barnes. They will also visit other rela tives before returning home. Miss Elizabeth Brown, Kit- (Continued on page eight) Gov. McLean Coming To Northampton Gov. McLean will deliver an address to the Kirby Farmers Club at the Conway School build ing, Conway, Tuesday, Septem ber 7, at 3 o’clock. He will also present the Loving Cup to the winning contestant at this time. Everybody is invited. Hope you will attend. Kirby Farmers Cleb, B. D. Stephenson, See. Diphtheria Toxin- Antitoxin Dispensaries There will be free inoculations of Toxin-Antitoxin against Di phtheria at the following school houses on the following dates for children between the ages of 6 months and 10 years. Eighty- five per cent of the cases of Diphtheria occur during these years. Parents are urged to bring their children and obtain this protection for them if they have not already done so. Three injections are necessary to establish an immunity, given at weekly intervals. The first will be given as follows: Seaboard, Tuesday, Sept. 7, 9:30 to 10:30 A. M. Margarettsville, Tuesday. Sept. 7. 11 to 12 A. M. Severn, Tuesday, Sept. 7, 1 2 P. M. Pendleton. Tuesday. Sept. 2:30 to 3:30 P. M. Conway, Wednesday, Sept. 9^30 to 10:30 A. M. Milwaukee, Wednesday, Sept. 8. 11 to 12 A. M. Holly Grove, Wednesday, Sept. 8. 1 to 2 P. M. Potecasi, Wednesday, Sept. 8. 2:30 to 3:30 P. M. Woodland, Thursday, Sept. 9, 9:30 to 10:30 A. M. Rich Square, Thursday, Sept. 9. 11 to 12 A. M. Lasker. Thursday, Sept. 9, 1 ^■•2 P. M. Creeksville, Thursday, Sept. 9, 2:30 to 3:30 P. M. Jackson, Friday, Sept. 10, 9:30 to 10:30 A. M. Carysburg, Friday, Sept. 10, 11 to 12 A. M. W. E. Futrell, County Physician. to 7. 8, POTECASI LOCALS Kill Rare Klub Entertained Conway, N. C,, Aug. 30 —Mrs. Howard Outland delightfully en tertained the Kill Kare Klub in her home last Thursday from four to six o’clock. The subject for the meeting was “Facts About North Caro lina.” Mrs. Will Lassiter read a short history of Northampton County taken from Wheeler’s History. “North Carolina Firsts” was given by Mrs. Outland. Mrs. C, S. DeLoatche read an interesting paper on “Facts About North Carolina.” We found our state was really won derful, but as Miss Ruth Outland told us. not so wonderful that we may sit and be self satisfied, be cause other states are forging ahead and may pass us by. After the program. Progressive Hearts was played, and Mrs. Will Lassiter was presented with a beautiful handworked towel, while Mrs. R. Jennings .White received a iovely linen handker chief as consolation. Refreshments consisting of sandwiches. Pineapple salad, cakes and ice tea were served. The guests of the club were Miss Ruth Outland of Woodland and Mrs. W. W. Joyner of this place. Mrs. Henry Gilbert and Mrs. M. H. Maynard returned to their home in Raleigh Tuesday after spending a week with Mr. J. R. Baugham and Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Gilbert. Mrs. L. M. Parker and Miss Mary Beale Parker have return ed home from visiting relatives in Reinert, N. C,, and Mullins, S. C. Mrs. Parker’s grandfather and Mr. Junius Brown came back with her and is spending some time here. Mr. J. J. Beale and mother spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs, Carl Draper in Edenton, Miss Jessie Marie Parker left Sunday for Hobbsville, where she will teach in the high school, Mr. and Mrs A, L. Gray and daugl t“r Frances spent the week end with he.* fatlier, Mr. J. R. Baugham. returning to their home ill La Cr-inge Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lassiter and children are spending a week with Dr. and Mrs. P. G. Parker of Erwin, N. C. While gone they will spend some time at White Lake. Mrs. W. H. Beale and children spent last week with her parents in Gumberry. Mr. E. C. Parker spent Friday and Saturday with his mother, who is in a ^Richmond Hospital, Mrs. C. G. Brown went to St. Vincent Hospital Wednesday for an operation. She was oparated on Saturday and is getting along nicely, Mr. and Mrs., L. R Gilbert, Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Gray and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Jenkins, Mrs, Henry Gilbert. Mrs. M. B. Maynard and Mr. J. R. Baugham spent last Monday in Norfolk and Ocean View. Masters Cola and A. J. Harrell spent the week with their grand father in Severn. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Edwards of Henderson spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Joyner. Mr. Douglas Pruden of Wash ington. D. C., was a caller in the home of Mr. W. C, Beale Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Davis spent the week-end in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. W, C. Beale, Garland and Mary Beale and Mr, W. H. Beale spent Sunday in Norfolk. Mr. J. J. Beale spent the week end in Hollister, N. C. Mr. and Mrs, E. B, Lassiter spent Sunday in Norfolk, Miss Olivia Bridgers' returned from Chapel Hill summer school Mrs. R. M. Bun is visiting relatives in and near here. NEWS FROM KEli^ORD The Crops In about two thirds of the area of Northampton the crops are fine, having had plenty of rain, or nearly enough. In the other third, in the vicinity of Rich Square, crops have been cut short by the drouth that extended from the last of June to the 24th of August when enough rain fhll to do the crops much good, but not enough to run into the ditch es or streams. Cotton, corn and hay crops have been cut short. It remains to be seen the effect on peanuts. Perhaps cotton shedded to a greater extent than known be fore, due to the use of larger amounts of high grade fertilizer. People who planted corn early are in luck. It is good. Work on New County Highway Begun -Kelford Woman Member of University Faculty Mr. Nello L. Teer, contractor for the building of the County Highway from the Northampton county line to Lewiston, com menced the work the first of this week. Mr. George Doughty, a promi nent farmer living nbar Kelford, brought to town last Saturday a watermellon of the famous Tom Watson variety, that measured 26 inches long and 34 inches around and i«(eighed 57J lbs. This beats Mr. E. E Tynes’s mellon, reported last week, by ten pounds Mrs. E. R. Tyler will present a most charming play at the Roxo- bei Kelford School building on Thursday evening. Sept. 2od, Tne characters of this delightful entertaiyiment are pretty young girls and hi-id.-emo young men of Roxobe! and Kelford, and all who attend are assured a lovely time. The proceeds will be for the benefit of the school. Don’t fail to come. Mrs. H. M. Ballard and two daughters of Washington. D. C., are visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Tyler, Mrs. Bal lard is a sister of Mrs. Tyler and was reared in Bertie county and her home people are always glad to have her visits. Miss Coralie Parker, of Colum bia University, New York City, spent a few days this week with her people in Kelford. She was on her way to the University of North Carolina where she will be a member of the faculty in the Department of Social Science. Miss Parker took her A. B. De gree at Meredith College, in the class of 1921, taught school two years and entered Columbia Uni versity in the Fall of 1923, ~and graduated there with the degree of Master of Arts in the class of 1924, after which she studied in. the University of Oxford, Eng land, and University of Paris and spent several months in Western Europe, visiting Rome, Venice and various cities in Ger many, Belgium, Holland and Switzlerand, She has completed her studies at Columbia for her degree of Doctor of Philosophy which she hopes to have con ferred before she is thirty years old. She was a member of the^ Editorial Staff ef the Encyclope dia Brytanica this summer, edit ing the American issue of that publication after which she spent her vacation with friends in Ver mont and Massachusetts. She took up her work at the Univer sity of North Carolina on Sept, the first and will remain there for a year. A special train over the A, C. L. Railroad will avrive in Kelford from Raleigh on. Sept. 22nd at 2:20 P, M. bearing a hundred or more business men of the State Capital on a "Good Will Tour” through Eastern North Carolina. They will make five minute stops at Kelford, Aulander and Abos- kie and hope to have a hearty hand-shake with every man, woman and child in the Roanoke- Chowan section. The people along the route are planning to give them a good time. A man in a hospital for the in sane sat dangling a stick with a, piece of string attached over a flower bed. A visitor approach ed, and, wishing to be affable, remarked: “How many have you caught?” “You are the ninth,” was the reply.

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