1 ANDREW J. CONNER, PUBLISHER OLUME XXXV SEVERN NEWS "CAROUNA. CAROLINA. HEAVEN’S BLESSINGS ATTEND HER' RICH SQUARE, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPT. 30, 1926 SUBSCRIPTION PER ANNUM $1.00 NUMBER 39 MARIiARETTSVlLLE NEWS Fair; Death Ot Honored Clltzen-The Bov-l Mrs. M. B. Garrlss and daugh- ter, Margaret Buie, spent several ernor MaKes Fine Appointment- mother. Work on Power line Mrs. Barbara Smith, in Lemon Mr. W. P. Spacer Mays.ilte. SDrings. N n snent the week-end here “ with his family. Mr. Spencer has and daughter.Gertrude of Ports- witn nis laniiiy. mouth spent the week-end here been supervising the work of his company. The Farmers F ^ days here with Co., for someUme. \ ^ Pruden. Mr. M. L. Martin spent Sun- ^ Scott, of day at Lakeview Hospital. SuL I Sunday here, folk, where his son Lugats in the home of Mr. J. G. convalescing from an operation j for appendicitis. He is expecting Plans Complete For 1926 Bigger and Better Than Ever PQTECASI LOCALS SEABOARD NEWS to leave the hospital the latter part of this week, Mr. D. H. Brown, Woodland, was in town Saturday cousulting with the farmers. Bottoms. Mrs. Rosa Norvel, Portsmouth, is spending sometime here with her daughter, Mrs. M. N. Car penter. i Mr. W. T. Norvel and family. Seaboard, spent Sunday after Misses Bettie Long and Alice noon here in the home of Mr. M Irving Lambert, of the high n. Carpenter, school faculty, spent the week- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Long and end with their home people at two children and Mr. and Mrs. Seaboard and South Hill. Va. Willie Bass of the Mt. Carme „.,E.o;.PS.pphe^oPwP„i,«n..vv.,«^ teaching at the Middleburg mgn School, was a weekend visitor! ernoon We again want trf remind our :'riend8 in the Koanoke-Chowan section and adjacent counties of the many attractive features at the approaching Roandke-Chow- an Fair to be held at Woodland from the 5th to the 8th of Octo- jer. On Tuesday, the 5th, we have set apart as special childrens day and are inviting all school chil dren to be our guest that day when the admission for them will be free. W'e have arranged spe ifamous Carrol ; of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs, H. P. Stephenson were Sunday afternoon guests of her sister, Mrs. G. H. Tyler, Jackson. Mrs, A. J. Harrell. Potecasi. spent several days last week with relatives here. ^ The town board here was in formed that some of the material for putting in the electric line between here and Boykins is ex pected in the near future. Also since the Power Co. has closed a deal with all the towns between Mr. J. G. Bottoms and daugh ter, Johnnie, spent a few hours Friday evening in the home of Mr, B. A. Scott. Jackson, They were accompanied home by Miss Bessie Bottoms and Mrs. Nannie Bridgers. who spent the week end with them. Mrs. Paul Faison and two chil dren, of Jackson, are spending sometime here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Faison. The following is a clipping from a newspaper from Hazel- ton, Pa.; “At a tea and reception given at the Elk’s home this afternoon here and Lewiston a double force Ly Mjg, John R. Sharpless, wife of workmen will be put on which Lf the ^ell known attorney, an- will expedite the construction 1 nouncement was made of the en- of the line. gagement of their daughter.Miss Mrs. Belle Vinson, Boykins. Jean Sharpless, to Dr. H. T. Va., was a week-end visitor of Garriss, of Richmond. Virginia, her friend. Mrs. J. L. Joyner. Miss Sharpless was a bacteriolo- Gov. A. W. McLean has ap- with the board of health of pointed Mr. Stanley Winborne. °hnrirof Murfreesboro, as a member of I years, and is now in charge of the Educational Commission, Tnis was a very wise appoint ment and we are sure that Mr. Winborne will give his best to the office. Mr. J. R. Taylor is in Calhoun, Tenn.. this week buying inoprov- ed milk cows which he expects to ship direct to the Roanoke- Ghowan Fair, Woodland. They will be sold at public auction on Friday of the Fair. Mr, and Mrs. Ben Stockard of Greensboro are visiting Mr, and Mrs. Geo. R. Stephenson this week. The congregation of the Bap tist church were recipients of two fine sermons Sunday by the pastor. Rev, A. W. H. Jones. His sermon in the morning was on the sin and the cross. In the evening he delighted his hearers on “Be Ye Also Enlarged.” We regret to report the death of Mr. E. Tyler, who departed this life on last Saturday even ing. Mr. Tyler suffered a stroke of paralysis about six weeks ago which was the cause of his death. He was a faithful and loyal mem ber of the Baptist church and lived a life honorable and loving, was devoted to his Sunday School class and helped in the work of the class in every way possible, an ideal citizen, a devoted hus band and father. The funeral the laboratory at the Hazelton State Hospital. Dr. Garriss, who is a North Carolinian, was an in terne at the State Hospital for several years and is now a prac ticing physician at Richmond. He was with the United States Marines during the World War where his record is outstanding. ” Dr. Garriss is a son of Mr, and Mrs. H. P. M. Garriss. one of our own town boys, and one of whom we feel rightly proud. He is a young man of sterling worth, of high ideals and good morals, and of a disposition which has won him a host of friends wher ever he is known. As a boy he graduated with honors at Sea board High School and went from there to Trinity College, now Duke University. When the United States entered the World War he volunteered for service as a Marine and spent four years overseas where he won severs citations. After returning home' he graduated at Trinity, anc later at the Medical College of Virginia, Richmond. He spent two years as an interne at the State Hospital at Hazelton, Pa. and is now in Richmond practi cing medicine. He is also an in structor in medicine at the Medi cal College of Virginia.' We fee that his many friends through out the county will be interested ill this bit of nevs of one of cial attractions for the children for Tuesday and we hope all parents who possibly can do so, will take this day off and bring the little ones to "Our Fair.” The little folks, as well as older ones, will be delighted in seeing the smallest performing horse in the world in action. He is only 27 inches tall and weighes only 70 pounds. Then, too, that mighty mule, DYNAMITE, will furnish fun galore for both old and young. While there are no special fea tures for Wednesday, the day will be filled with the regular at tractions which are out on every day for the entertainment of everybody. Besides the regular daily fea tures for Thursday we have the promise of Mr, U. B. Blalock, General Manager of the N. C. Cotton Growers Association.lwho will speak in front of the grand stand at 11 o’clock. Mr. Blalock is a successful business man of very wide experience and he al ways has a worthwhile message for farmers and business men. We are also expecting Commis sioner of Agriculture. W. A. Graham, on the program for Thursday. Friday at 2:00 o’clock we will have a football game between Franklin, Va. and Scotland Neck which promises to be one of the best games to be seen in this part of the State this season. These teams have been putting in same hard practice and should be in fine shape by that time. There will be harness racing every day, and from the number of entries, the races bid fair to be better this year than ever be fore. There will also be a mule race and a pony race each day. The Sesqui Centennial fire works will greatly outclass any thing ever shown here. Among the many ^ other fea tures will b; Sidney Allen, of the ‘Al len Gang” with his “odds and ends,” among which is a table he raa'de while in the Va. State penitentiary, containing 75000 different pieces of wood. Mr. Butterworth of the U. S. Department of Agriculture will be here with iJ. S. standard sam ples of cotton according to grade and staple, which should interest every cotton farmer in Eastern Carolina. The Secretary of the Fair As sociation has been instrumental ' in getting the U. S. Secretary of War. to send us from Langly Field, a Dirigible which will make a flight each day The farm machinery exhibit promises to be the best this year ever shown here. Right at this time we want to urge'our farmers to bring out their team, hitched to wagons, to compete for the liberal prizes at noon Friday. Besides the regular premiums there will be given away three beautiful silver loving cups, one of which is valued at $50.00, which goes to the person exhibit ing the best pen of chickens. Numerous improvements have been made around the grounds and buildings which adds greatly to the appearance of the whole surroundings. A new poultry house has been erected. A new building especially for exhibits from colored people, with special booths for individual exhibits, has been built. I G. P. Burgwyn, Sec. FARM DEMONSTRATION WORK Notice To Cotton Association MemOers I have three registered Jersey bulls offered me at $50 each. Jhey are all over nine months old and of fine breeding. If you lave been thinking of the dairy jusiness or the purchase of a dairy bull this is a real opportun ity. I am now taking orders for pyrotol, the govenment explo sive. Your orders should be ac companied by a deposit of $9 for each 100 pounds wanted. This will pay freight as well as pur chase the material. Orders ac cepted for as little as 50 pounds. I am now ordering seed at the following prices: Abruzzi rye at $1.50 bushel f. o. b. Murphy, N. C. Crimson Clover at 10 cents pound f. o. b. Richmond, Winter rye at $1,25 f. o. b. Rich mond. Where clover orders are for less than 220 pounds a charge will be made for bags. E. P. Gulledge. County Agent. There are still a good many members of the Cotton Associa tion in Northampton County who have not yet received their check for first year’s reserve and in terest check for first three years, i I will be in Jackson next Monday prepared to hand out checks to all who have not yet received them if they will bring their first year reserve certificate and meet me in the office of Mr. Gulledge, County Agent, from 10:00 to 12:00 o’clock. If for any reason you cannot find your certificate, come any way and we will in struct you how to get your check. Please meet me if possible promptly at 10:00 o’clock. David H. Brown, District Supervisor Miss Eunice Parker spent last week with Mrs. W. H. Beale. Miss Lillian Joyner had her tonsils removed at Lake View Hospital last Thursday. Miss Jeanette Parker. Frank lin, was the guest of Miss Lillian Joyner last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Gilbert and Mr. J. R. Baugham spfent several days with Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Gray of La Grange, last week. Mrs. A. J. Harrell spent the week-end with her father in Severn. Mrs. Euzelia Doffermyre and children spent the week end in Mapleton visiting Mrs. Edgar Britt, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Parker spent Thursday in Franklin, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Griffin of Raleigh are visiting their father, Mr, W. R. Griffin, near here, Miss Thelma Griffin delight- 'ull.v entertained a number of ler friends on the lawn of her lome near here Thursday even ing from 8 to 10:30 o’clock. The guests were met on the lawn by the hostess assisted by Miss Willia Griffin and were invited into the house to take off their wraps. They were then invited on the beautiful lawn where they played many games and had a good time in general. The guests were then invited to gather around a long table with Japan ese lanterns of many colors shed ding a beautiful light over the gay crowd. The hostess served delicious refreshments consisting of sandwiches and ice tea and ice cream and cake. .About 10:30 the guests left voting Miss Grif fin an ideal hostess. About fifty guests enjoyed Miss Griffin’s hos pitality. Mrs. L. H. White and daugh ter of Charlotte and Mrs. W. E. White of Colerain visited their sister, Mrs. E. B. Lassiter, Fri day. Mr. Edward Parker left Sun day for Norfolk to enter a busi ness college. The P. T. A. of Potecasi school met Friday evening at the school. There was a large attendance of mothers and fathers as well as children. After the business meeting an excellent program was rendered by the children, after which ice cream was serv ed. We hope each one present will come again and bring some one else on Friday evening be fore fourth Sunday in October. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon of Ports mouth were week-end guests o:: Ur. and Mrs W. H. Beale. PiannlDg to Organize Community Club-Revival Meeting Closes- General News services were conducted by hi-i! Nurchampion’s most promising pastor. Rev. A W. H. Jones, as j young men. therefore we pass it sistedby Rev. J P. Essex. Jack-1 on , ^ .u k- son. F. B. Handly, Boykins, and'. Rev. Frank Culbreth filled his Frank Culbreth, Seaboard. In-(regular appointment at Sharon terment in the family burying. M. E. church Sunday A. M. He ground on his farm. and Mrs. Culbreth were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Carpen ter for dinner. Rev. A. W. H. Jones filled his regular appointment at the Bap tist church Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Garriss and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Garriss spent Sunday afternoon in Sea board, guests in the home of Mr. Millard F. Long. RED CROSS APPEAL EVERYBODY GOES TO OUR FAIR WOODLAND, OCTOBER 5-6-7-8 Fidelis Class Has Regular Business Meeting The Fidelis Class of Severn Baptist Church met with Mrs C. S. Long at the home of Mrs. Ida Fleetwood on Monday even ing. The regular business ses sion was held. Officers for the coming year were elected and provision for October work was made. Refreshments consisting of lemonade and wafers were serv ed. Fifteen members were pre sent. Reporter. To the people of Northampton County: You need no urging or begging but this is just to let you know you have the opportunity of giv ing to the storm stricken suf ferers of Florida through the Northampton Red Cross Chapter. Please make your donations to the following people who will act as treasurer in each town, turn ing it over to the Red Cross County Treasurer. Mrs. Eston Griffin, Woodland Mrs. C. W. Martin. Milwaukee Mrs. J. J. Parker. Lasker. Mr. T. R. Everett. Conway. Mr. Walter Barbee, Seaboard. Mrs. J. F. Shoulars, Rich Square. Mrs. Euzelia Doffermyre, Pote casi. Miss Mazle Calvert. Jackson. Miss Lucy Ellis, Garysburg. Mr. Magnus Martin, Severn. Mr. W. M. Stephenson, Pend leton. _ . „ Mrs. E. A. Huggins, Chairman Northampton Red Cross. Mrs. H. H. Skeeter. Ports mouth, arrived Mondav and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Duffee. Mr, Ben Long. Portsmouth, arrived Monday and is the guest of his mother, Mrs. Anna Long in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Weaver. Mr. G. T. Stephenson, Frank lin, was a guest Monday of his sister. Mrs. R. M. Maddrey. Mrs. H. F. Plummer, Ports mouth,returned home Friday af ter a ten day visit to her daugh ter, Mrs. Elmo Crocker, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stockard, Greensboro, were guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Julian Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown, of Macclesfield,returned home Mon day after a few days visit to Mrs. Brown’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Long. Mr. Randolph Pruden left Fri day for Fayetteville where he has accepted a position with the National Biscuit Co. Mrs. Robert L. Moore spent a few days in Portsmouth the past week visiting relatives, Messrs Herbert and Thomas Long and Miss Mildred Cutherell, Port Norfolk, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Long. Messrs W, D. Barbee, H. R. and W. L. Harris attended the foot-ball game at Wake Forest Saturday between U. N. C. and Wake Forest. Mr, and Mrs. Jasper Gay and daughter Peggy, Margarettsville. were Sunday evening guests of Mr. J, G. Stancell. Mr, and Mrs. H. J. Purvis and son H. J, Jr., Woodland, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Julian Morgan. Mr. Clarence Stephenson^, Bal timore, was the weekend guest of his aunt, Mrs. Willie Barnes, Gumberry. Mr. Vogie Harris, Norfolk, is the guest of his father, Mr, Jos eph Harris, for a few days. The second. meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association on Monday night was marked by an unusual degree of enthusiasm. Interesting discussions of phases of co-operation were discussed by Mrs. W. J. Jones, Mr. Lynch, Dr, Parker and Mr. Barbee. As a result of Mr. Barbee’s address on community clubs, a committee was appointed to plan for a com munity club for Seaboard. A committee was also named to plan for a Home Chautauqua. After the discussions a Carolina 'oik play was presented by the Senior class. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Barbee and Mrs. G.F, Crocker left Tues day for Raleigh to attend the musical comedy Rose Marie. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Lewis-and children and Mrs, Fannie Balder- son. Sharps, Va., are guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Ramsay this week. Miss Virginia Edwards, who is attending Southern Shorthand College. Norfolk, spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pruden and son, Rosemary, were Sunday guests of his mother, Mrs. Bettie I. Pruden. Prof, and Mrs. H. M. Lynch spent the week end at White Plains, guests of Mr. Lynch’s parents. Misses Selma Bradley and (Continued on page eight)