7,1 I li H i b KJbPORTER fended to express. ISunday evening preached tilt PUiJLisnkD eveky isidav at After being1 cnref till v trained funeral of an aged ladvY at Flat LITTLETON x n H u eaucateu 111 r,1e privareirocK uunrcti in Frauklin YUo i - Jfcschool of Mrs.. Mead of Eieh Many olo: students ofV AY n fi wv 4 4 '"""" ' "''MUU lt " ij,c im'wi vi'ur will Ilea I Ui J y5rwvlie contracted an uncongenial J death with pain, and will sym r-anarriage from which s-he was iVathize with the bereaved fam:i Fshortly divorced and to rid Uv Quietly, he has b ;en ad iriier sensitive mintioi mis un ; tnena anu iiein r. .s. Dead. mul ill i 'mint mm j i it lur 1 mt:f fortunate incident, after residents, wholtodav drop a tearTpunkie THAT ill UUi iJai'8onaro about il fV.r..-k. , , . r- i . A. a ui3Lib lliAl . , rinir ner niaiaen name and mnn svmnatnv wifli those he s j vu-iu jjr. v.-.-fc. Black, Pi e-S .f1 1 . v . V " V x ' ....... .. ! ilCUat - -r-, , Cfmiimnv with thf Knisj'fmnl ; inAs;t A 'uows oa . lii fr-r,.'. Mumg jmer of .the AVarrenton,: i A i X Black1 was ill imk-'r. i ,, this wife she made an extended aldo ready" , iicu ins aeatli was a n" infill ,UM1 111 u"lJt" ilu'1 AUJ "lut cnceassaTTirnjtvmMJiiB ur whohicofnmuintv - "than :i year resided in tliey You wa HtucIC to our vholo C'lfamuuitv ' mm i :l resideu in niej lou want! to Save Doctors bills! The writer has never ben called noble fannlv of the BnorgoesKthT0VourfnV . ,ftnl : , . , iiuhu . e r f.ekest rempdy fur all pain Such! upou. to chroinch'. the death of .m toe city of Romeand travel as Uheumatism. nuralffia, head ache : 2 any one for vhora he had moro.-ed much through Italv, at allS0010!16 cuts lnes burns Sprains j reverence iri " xi ..,.. . m ' . htitf Joints Ect. Rices Goose Urease ! icicntx ai.a esteem. . He was, times contributing to thelr ; i;m4int ctiros all tatn,. -i, a, man of imposing presence, o--(lelit:llt and entertainment OfSalsd relieves cramp colds coughs and cordial and genial in his munnerA1(, "lwwtc nsintiVs hva iu,est ?nd yides at X 1 V 11 arPUBBUC "keAt V) II IIP n j i I! HARRY H-TflORNE, Manager . laving taken charge of this commodious and beautifully located hotel TO INFORM THE IT WILL UE class in every first EPARTMENT, otice al CO.MFOKT OF GUESTS 1JKCEIVKS SPKCIAl, ATTEXTIOX. KRVBS RS REASON ABLE 5 any nrsiciass ttcrijei in ine siaic. Harky H Tliorne May 21 1897 voted to his noble wife and ehil-rypresulent dren and incessant in his labors'with members of his Cabinet lAlululllo iulcicms wiKaiid oi congress were present the. church lie loved so voll.gto extend warmest conratula as Masters giorv was The c,,nlti(ms on account of ier mar trai idea and characteristic of hi . wnch proved a long and ' , . ... tMiappv one. Resigning his? ment of clay .so peacetully thath 11 , w ttfi a i i I seat ' in- .Congress. Gov. Bern even alters ac-ath theiisnfu .siti h y " seemed to play iqHmhisleaturos.liV accomplished and He remarked a few da vs since toMlinIPy l)nde l-e turned to Sang . re. one of his stewards PERRY ,i...i . . . . i i rivvavs ioi(i nnt pr ,i frtiMrnt ir a mat any One IClt letreshed Ulter5the . ?lslc; of manneP a ndil) racist- and General strenaSe iy I be uiir in his presence. Dr. RlaHrtf . i. , . i . t kr I fi(irw area binbnnnf . . , , inenrai accompnsnments wnicna- Was a LTOOU mail, .ntn hv imtntv b . . x. . '- S I Oreen . ri n ix . ,V! 'flitted her to enjoy the excellentL ,l . v ' and Grace, and beloved bv evervjs . . yol by E. B i.n.. . b; :, i -u i .v.socierv wnicn sne mere iounu.-t one and his place .v ill oe haruT . . $ to hU bT our onferetu-e bv lnTA 1 '""o ",,:11UI tlllViE d.-Mt n. soHrtv ti4 M-Mitv.!, S1,W.V-while on a visit to Washintonfe U State hn.vcv.Kii flared t xlCity she there married Ex.lllL for ho was a benefactor and in:-Gov.; Bell,."; of Teiis who wasi spiration to each1. He was de-Kthen a member of Congress,! Franklin Pierced Littleton, N. C. HSITiWE W SPRUNG GOOD IN AT A: BARGAIN Oue four room house. Wat er con veil lent, Sitriited on Ferguson St Address, H. care " MVS KEPOKTER, Littleton', X. C- Ripans Tiibules: for sour siomacn Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative receivmcr who wasjusAntonio Tex. where guided byTHlNITY COLLEGE. iiAjf severalher excellent taste they estab: y ' Nex Session opans September a Jonir absent cliildren. "IJrotncr&ilislied , a ma frniiicent nomi- 8. lli'ree full coui!es of tml;,-. Large nuni- Whcr uf olectives Two full chnirs in Krif- now pleasant but on now mucf.UwTiiich thev enioved but lor nmuh more so will be reunion in heav-tfeliinate uncongenial to onew One Hundred and One Thousand Dollars en In a late communion ser4.,;S(J,i nn!nlur fi,a i ftf AVnr 1 !.,. ,.. ..." . !' . . oniymaie moraiy college -in Aortli ina that ir located iri a city; e bfst htTiK'ss oVmrse offoreJ in the feti'l lor album and c.it.'jlociie. Ajprss JNO. C. KILOO, D.urhain . N. 0. Women admit ted to aHclna.ses. rl iLiOLVL (UllWllw. UIV 1U1UJ v4- it u OTrf.,i t vice Of Bethel in tendering thilk.en. ner husband determinedfcavo cut) toCapt. Iltuiieheivinarkea65.,;.;,. ; -n ' , nis il "Brother Thome it will not h H , -. . Ar ri ,,,,v&s,ilte V t , 41 t1t , . , nslaves to Sorth Carolina wherea lon" how little then did I thmkfSI, , . - . " , ., - ' tefor more than torty years inua. in a tew weeks it would be my& , a r i t i i i -4 aOranville and W arren Conn H lvitnfnl mi v i) reenn his exit. ol I; That theSnain pillows of tiKf1 at Ler home Hl"! W STOfJ( i i i i t i . 7 , Zi ittleton she Mossed an envia r- L; JLvill church should be taken in i)kct suntron sue usseti an un xi of feeble ones U indeed an in hle and happy lifeln the com scrutable provixiouce. but Gqdrfpany of a devoted husband, "knows best. Dr. Black leaves aSmanv warm friends arid a devoted wife, two sons, and aJlibrarv of choisest books.. I daugliter. Who have the sympa-m striking evidence of thei .. .. F'i OF SPRING GOODS corning daily . :of: aSPRIWG GOODS L4coufciMiuir oi nice linens ami TMMlIlif III ! I I i ee 1 1 4. t 1 1 I I. LL C 11 vT I it'nc hnnntihi inn r rence when. hep . . , , . - , ." , ' ':conSciucnVlvtle ? m the. histv o d.eGo.ds. G.nghams, Cabcoes. His Sun went down in cloud jgiiuenee and precept to guide111 , . 4l .. ... Fi. . ' i . .i .3iChearest come to see me. I have .ASSurea upon inuinuin iu ri.so. prions 10 mat promised nignei uLut. in lovier array civilization, the hope and aimg But not like morn's declining ,r tKl are- Can the future liirht l3.i tu iVIIliI I I, It Ml bou Til thy ot.au our people tie nu ; t nobiiitv of Warren. Co born in Cokesbury s. societ v has passed away, those9c one vears aio, lmis uioiilii, jomeo the N. C Confe yvas l'J years old voars-40 of which lias bceiy less numerous and soongSJioes. Plplds and Domestics of j jPrcsidin-Elderv Kueshall be bereft of their in HAU Quabties and Prices. Farm- j Still in the lead, prieesomer than thelouiest A pretty linepf Ladies DRESS GOODS CASHMERES. MOHAIR BRlLLIANTINE 1CUJLLS INDIA LINENS, PERCALS, SATTiES,' GINGHAM'S, of the latest styles and shi. Lfadies kid glov'es all shades, badies Ioes The fiem Celebrated PpiheetS Wales Ladies Belts, call and'ret one of these Bets before thev are ail irone filso a prety line of Ladies Slippers, and Oxfords. Boys and Cents Strain : Hats and felt gotfs of th2 latest Style. Our line of new p n h Mi ( suit the inOst Fastidious and prices HIM !t!fc to suit the Customers. J. W. Nortliiiigton. Leader in low prices. , mm AT 10 per cent BUT IN ORDER TO close out tile remainder of our sum mer stock- We will sell for cash Our Dry Goods. Notions; and Shoes on and after Ausr. 1 st it tt J Cost. Utensi Is of every Descri p- jasti ht to sujj)ly your needs at -' - i Lowest i ofjThis offer is in good faith, as we desire to go in our New Store with New stock. tlTTLET.ON, N. C,. To vanish bade again -tonight S. But ourUearts mnst sigh no The zenith where he now shabNl I more j i(ipFor olden time and holier glow Figures No beam of setting 'sun know" A. -Fin KM In Memorlam, On Fridav the 10th July at! shore, Gods love and blessing then and there, " pAre now and here and every where v Plothin When in need of 1 :or: her residence in the town ofy Sleep till the shadows takej j y", wants Jjlilieion auera iiainiiu iiiuesn nieir r-nun-s? mjiui of some weeks duration Mrs.n Until the morntng break, Klla Hives Bell wife of Govr.KGood night, good night. Peter II. Bell. and daughter ofa . L- i -ifjii: t.''., ,.tl lie late liuaiu iuuu uxusts Good omk direct- to J. .1. MYRICK'S JcHEAP CASH store and sup t 'to v3??aS ANDY CATHARTIC n. 1 ft RE CO K5TI PATIOM ; 25 50 f aDOUliUlLLI ULrtaiifl 1 LU ti.. rrr rrtj r smw.t r -tf Msnral r-!t. j nl in4 Iwoilrl fr. i4. ST1.KUTR Zr.mi rt.. O.lrjrt. Strl. f r f rt. j.J "Your friend . fflyrick Littleton. N. C. Cscareta Caodr Catfrtie. tb est? r:cr ant and reirehmff did tiosiurely on clcanin? the entire If V ou want to qutt to&aroo usir.sr'csfijr Warren Co. In the narrowest? obituary. limits of the justest eulogyN Ker F. Purefoy of 'aketJantGd All IdSS I ner memory sacreui ueiiiaiuu-Foret Uietl smuieniy oi apop tg t nioie than these lines are in Hiexy Sunday night. He had P - u sxiiJ tiosiurely on kJaeTs. lirer atd lfreisL ifce 'Jtondcr-wcrk. tiit nk s.-. - ym. dlrl :ra?. Many caio ifntotiod In Unur. cur btsur.t, Jevr b&14tosl crr.i!f?:-.M Ore r 4,it-urL lisy No-Tc-TJsuf of vowr I and bi;$mBs. b iy ani irr box drtisrglAt, ondir roarafs'iso to care, &0c tp ut A VK V- url I . 1U. ). .l CiilB. tlillj. , 1 WW Sw. J! fl .:fT. f IflKT I I nw JT .. roar 1pm? thrr nur rrin miii Writ J6HX WELDOUAS COTFWat AJfw aat4. R.ipaa Tabules cure dizziness. Rlpans Tabules: at drxizzxsi tcrl '&s Iteroelj Co., taf -r Nr Yor Ilipaas Tsbul" cur! constiatlca,. Rlpacj Tabules cur bad breath- i I