0 Li a TKn M -Dto.r. W. M. Cohen, after sndmg xilO llOYVO liopui fcvl scverill Jays with Mr. Eugenes rCUUSIIED EVERY Fill DAY-AT LITTLETON, -N. C. ittletons OHIcsrs; MAYOR W. B. Faulcon, COM MISSIONERS Sterling Johnson, J: J. Myrick, W. B. Allen, J. E. Mc- Craw, H. J. Cordle, S. J. Stall . ngs Jack Mays. " Chf. of Police B. E King. Cho?eh Directory. Methodist Church. tr- Johnston left for Weldon We nesday. i . , The Camp Meeting is bn largely attended and pastoVJ Ed- mundson is doing somegood preaching. I A1? 1 n hi Nice line Candies at CrkMAN'S. Six Cabinet sizaPhotographs at the White CoUge Gallery for 1.50 or 2.50 per dozen. Other sizes at coresponding prices. Waterjme'lon vines and chicken Boyd & Roarers have just re ceived four car loads, of the cele brated 'StudebakerlBros. wag ons, (one and two horse), and Fisli Bros." wajrons. (oue.and two horse). Thase wagons are unsurpassed by any wagons built in the United States. Buy ing in large quantities for cash enables them to offer a strictly high grade wagon, at the price cheap grade j work is sold at. Boyd & Rogers also carry a large j line of all grades of buggies. Call to see I them before pur- Miss Mary Williams is visiting Mrs. J. B. Davis. Si roc. J. D. HALE ross are being visited by thiev- .:....,:. l ti f,.,.: " . A liifr hands. The perpetrators it nfi a.,h nnvK in each Uonth 11 will soon be arrested and brought AM. and 7.30 P. M. Preaching by Rev. J M) Rhodes 3rd Sunday in each month at 1 1 A. M. ' I Presbyteiian Cliuryh. C. N. WHarton pasur. 2nd. Sunday!! A. M and 7.20 P. M. t Local an4 Personal V. H. CARMA'N at the new store. Miss Ber tie Black came home Wednesday, y1&eSki Milos of .Warreiiion was in town Sunday.. " The Vaughan Messenger has suspended operation. Lard 7 cts per pound, at Carman's. 1 Miss Cobb of Washington left for home Wednesday. J. E. Frazier and wife of Mu- con were in town Sunday, Mr. W. S. Parker of Hendtr son was in town Tuesday, Mr. H E. Bigs of Scotland Iseck was in town Tuesday. v W. G. Bobbitt, had a pleasant trip to" Grove Hill, last week. W. K. Parker, of Fayetteville is stopping at the Bon Air Hotel R jv. Ben Bl tck v as called, to town by the death of his father. R. S. Rowland of LaG range. Ga. was at the Bon Air last week i - Mr. Henry Burgwyn, of Jack nn. N C. is summering in the city: Miss Annie Bell Mayo of near Tarboro is visiting , Miss Lucy Land. - Miss Bessie Allen, has been the guest of Miss Susie House this week. . . m Mr. W. F. Fitchett or char lotte stopped over Sunday to see his mother. Mrs. W. F. Williams, of Bal timore, is visiting Mrs. A. M. Johnston.' . Rev. Gaston Battle of Battle- boro.eas been stopping at the Bon Air several days. One -need not know where a dog is in the dark. If he hits him he will be heard'from. ' Dr. S. P. HilHard. one of the finest dentists in the State re turned to KocKy Mt Sunday. Miss Annie Perry has returned from a visit to relatives and friends at Wake Forest. C G. Evans of Weldon N. C. is summering in the city and Stopping at Bon Air Hotel. Mrs. E. K- Beavans, and boy of Franklin, Va. ane up Wed nesday, to speud a month at Ho tel Bon Air. Miss Mary Baynard who ha been spendingKseveral weeks in town, left for her home in Wash- nHon Wednesday. to justice. Thanks to H. Cawthorne J. -L. Wright and Mrs. Skinner, for evidences that We were not for gotten since our last issue. Arbuckles Coffee, 14c. per package at CARMAN'S Cheap Cash Store. Messrs B. P. Terrell, and S. W. Weldon, ' of Warren Plains were in town Sunday, come a- gain boys our doors will open Pastors McCullen, Herman and Frizelle were in town Wednesday afternoon to look after the prop er disposition of the remains of Dr, Black. C. J: Rhem, has moved ms family from Northampton boun- y to Littleton and will in the future reside in our midst. We welcome them here. Look out for the X marks for the next two or three weeks as many subscriptions will expire soon. Be prepared to renew at once, J- Miss Sue Genia Wells of Wil son, and Miss Kate Joyner; of Garysburg. who have been on a visit . to Miss Claude Johnston left Wednesday. L. P. Robertson, Petersburg Va. E. W. Huffman Newport News Va. Judge H. R. Bryan chas ng. " 1 . i utJLJ An advertisement W d lllvU frrn a bicycle concern that is willing to put the machine at its regular bash price and ex change wheel for advertisement with' some cash. No company need apply who wishes us to pay the regular cash price and then give -as muclr-more in advertising 1 As our people begun to move about Wednesday morning the sad news that Dr. W. S. Black is dead" was reported in whis pered tones, sending pangs of crief to the hearts of our people. To manv it Mras the first intima tion that he was not well, and to such it was a shock. The vener able and - much beloved Doctor came home the latter part of last week feeling 'unwell but it was not I known to many: hence the "loom the announcement cast over our town. Few men have had so was NewBern, J. Edwards. H. A. Spring Hope are registered at the Bon Air this week. Fresh Soda Crackers 8 cts per ft) at CARMAN'S cheap cash store. The Diamond Hustlers, the col. base ball team here claims the champion ship of Warren and Halifax counties having challen ged the other base ball teams none of which will contest. the love and confidence of iear all who knew them as bestowed upon Dr. Black, by old and young alike, children in his field of labor loved his com ing,! his under laborers felt bene fitted by his presence, men of the world respected and honored him? for his consistent walk and ex jjnplary life. Surely he will ha ikissed, a4d many hearts will blead in sympathy with the be reaved family in so sad an afflic tion. The News Reporter shares wit(i the community in the loss of one whose life was one it could reap aii influence from. The Other Side. A gentleman once said to ns, 4I do not favor prohibiting the sale of liquor; it would be tin injustice to the men in bu siness; besides, it would throw thourands out of 'employment. We replied: "You do not look at the issue from the right side. You take a contractor's view. . yjnst before the war closed a government contractor said. in a car, tI hope the war will not close under two years. I will lose thousands ot dollars; besides, many men will be turned out of employment from the government works.' "A .'lady passenger, clad in weeds o f mourning, rose to her feet, and with tearful voice said; .Sir, I have a brave boy and husband sleeping the sleep of death in the soldiers ceine terv. I have only one boy left and he is in front of the foe. Oh, God? I wish the cruel war would close now." He saw the point. Do you? It may be your boy or your o-irl that will fall the next vie tim to the drink -'industry). Would you consider the u trade" '-worthy of such a price? If not, for your own sake, and for the sake of other fathers and mothers, stop the murderous .traffic. Wishes to imform the public that he is now prepared to f urnisli GROCERIES AS LOW s A5 THE nolhern markets will permit, and that his - - CARRIAGE AND BLACK SMITH SHOPS are close at hand where he can supply you with a nice NEW BUGGY, REPAINT ypur old one or fix your plow. In fact he is prepared to do ANY KIND OF WOODEN OR BLACKSMITH WORK CHEAP FOR CASH 12 S- G. DANIEL. Att'y at Law ' I and Notary Public ;r LITTL 12 T O N C. ;t Practices in Halifax and adjoining counties antl in Supreme and Feder al courts of this State. Farmers lieply to Ccpt Leacli. Editor News Reporter. since Capt. Leacli lias left the subject at issue I simply say I have no response to make, but leave the matter lor the consideration of the read AKcnvror T O to llMlU! bilt I iv ,,1,1 with . Thanking you for the courtesy our omce is not suppliea uni j J . magnifying glass nor is our prin- Sliown in mis lime qiscusmuu " " It I'll . 1 . . ........ Who can think thing to patent ? VJanted-An Idea th-f mmv hrlne TOU Wealth. Write JOHN WEDDKHB&RS & CO.. Patent Attor- seys. Washington. l. v.. ror ineir . M""""" Q(t Hew 113. OI On UOUUUd iueuuwu ' " v . Administrator's Notice. Ilavincr qualified as adraistrator of Rid ley Browne died late of Warren County I herebv notify a'l persons having' claims against the estate of said dee'd to present them to me or my attorney on or before the 1st. day of July 11)8. or this notice wi'l he p'ead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate Settlement- This :J0th. day of June 1S97. S.G.Daniel, W.H. Faulcon. Atty. Admr. Administrator's Notice. Having qunlifiefl as i.lmiuisitraJor le lot nis non with the will annexed of RMUv UrovncSr. deeeasiil l.tef Wnrrcn Coinity N. C. I hereby notify. U persons having i'hhm 'against the estate of slid' deceived to present them to me or mv attorney on or hefure the bt. day of July lK)H or thi n ice will be plead in bar of I hei r recovery. All persona indohte! to aid c-tHte wilt please make iunned i;ite sctilemeut. This H'jth. day oftJune. tb'.IT. S. 0. Uanieb V. U Fauk.ad AttV. ' .Vlinr. tie bold ifoil 4 - North Carolina, In the SuieriorCour. Wan-cr County f Xotioe. ter;i very ood guesser therefore for fear of misinterpretation we have to relegate it to the curiosi ties of the office. Mr. Gray Thornton, son of our countyman Bob Thornton, tlied at his home in Macon Aug. 2nd typhoid - fever, Grey was a popular young man, be loved by all who know him. Cards are out for the marriage of Miss Nannie Walker Whita ker of this place to Mr, - William Bransford Ballou of Oxfoid, X. C. at the Episcopal church on I will not longer consume your space. S " Ilepectfully' i ! A. Fakmek. Warren 1'laius Hots. It is hot and dry. , Some of the farmers here are curing Tobacco this week. i I ' ' ' , :. , There is right much sickness arotind the plains at present. Watermelons plentiful. i i Rev. W. S.i Davis of Louisburg NOTICE! Having resigned my connections with the firm of C. W. (Jarrett & Co.. . I be to announce that I have 'opentMl a Brokerage and Commission business in the citvof Norfolk Va. and solicit con signments of Country produce from the ?ood jK-ople of Warren and Halifax Counties. W. L. POWELL. k. J i; 7T Ci CD m CO CI CO C. H. Scott, ! was at the Plains this week and . . vl -,t-;H liiii tnn .1 . IliiVIS I Aug. Hth 2p. m. The News j T f A r civil Engineer, Warrenton. N- G Rkpouteu extends its congratu-j The cylinder head of A. O. ; 6 lationsand wishes them a happy I Hayes,s sawmill engine blew dut j vovage over the tempestuous sea j last Monday.! he had just bought of life. Aunt Arie Harriss col. was stricken with paralysis Sunday last and died Tuesday. A faith ful servant has gone, a woman of an amiable disiositiou, and Christian character i as passed into the realm of peace, Special atu?ntion lit the I engine and started to sawing with it. Si' D. Tucker is having a pack house built. t HILLSIDK DITCHING, TKItltA CINO. UKTItACING AND SET ! TLINC; DIFFICULT AND DlSi'U Tobacco is TED LINES Ileferences , Citizens of Warrenton and adjoining County Moilie A. Mosely ) vs. James T. Mutely, ) 'Ph a I n f i r 'i tit o 1 ii r m rwl - ? II tLi notice that an action entitled afeulxjvu has been commenced in the .Superior Court of Warren County to obtain a, divorce and the naid defendant will 1 . . -i.-w,k tli.it V. t i v. -f1 . . . pear at th,s next term of the .Sujx-riur Court of iaid County to he held mi the third Monday in September Ift7 at the court houe.4 ofsaiccounty in Warren ton N. C. and answer or demur U the complaint in naiJ action or the Plain til! will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint thi Tth day of June 1S!7. ' .. W. A . WlilTK.C. S. C. Warren Co. Howartl AUton. Plaint JTh Attorney..! 11 Odell Type Writer. THK ODELI. JM will buy the OHKLff TYrK WKIT1CI? with 1H eharaeter. and j;ir for thcSiiiKlc Cise OdelV wit: -rentv'd to do Setter wurk than any r.r' chine made. It oorablnetf SlMPUClTT with bu::'. niLlTV, Sjnx-d I)a.?H?' f t)j-ratonf .... I t . that any other nuch inc. Hun no Ink ribbon to liother- the oerator. It i neat, supLanti;tl, ntckle-j!atel, trfeci. and adapted to all kino or ty wrr. jdiarp. clean, legible manujnpU. Vo'. or ten copi can i ciade at one wrli ingr. Any inteiieat erson can Lv- come an operator hi two cUys. Ite!Iable Aifentj and SaWstnun vntt, ed. Bpecial Inducement to Dealcrji. For Vaniphle: ivin IndorK-xrJti, etcaddresJ Olell Type Writer Co. vellowing very fast : J15.9T:. and will have to be cured in a hurrv. so as io save it ail. Rlpans Tab ales cure tUiouiceia. Vianted An Idea tkiMlnbiial t rrAwt r M ; tttT fjr irrljyf yam wItlk my. Wfttcva, U. C tor tfcrtr tijto prU oCf ftnil AMI fit AAJ IkMtdful lMllMti ut

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