' v -A? 4 . b- ... , . a,- '-- , '. 1 - - ": . - t - , 4 I R. L ABERNETHY, & E. A FE, Ed.-. & Proprietors. . CHOt i H.J WHICb iS EVIL ; CLEAVE T f.-UT WHiCiUS GOOD:'?RoM4ss xii: 9. TERMS : Si IN ADVANCE i Pi ir 1 VOLUME I. 31ARIO-VN. C., 31ARjp 14, 12, I ' . Ml PRESIDENT DAVIS' INAUGURAL ADDRESS. DELIVERED I RICIIM' r.D. i -B. 220i'lS62 Fell-.w Citikn- : On tbi-. I'.y ntS !tliibifut ; Au.uCku iiii(-iruci'. A4 lfnti lb in eotBmmt ate J1 if hi r...iTu.ttn.ti?. vv.' Wdveiawnii'd'-ii Usher into xtv.i'ui- fiauf nr-r I men- o' Uf dva ' Statr Th'rTmj f tblt insIiLiuir :ilaly. under tb lavur .-1 JDivui Divui- iVoviUnier;. we h-triH to -iii- Ue'Utf pfiiKJ.p! ol our ttvoimi .fi4i y AteriH pro dlhrr .Tteila)'. Ifte iniii)0:), and the 'iMryaS sriH this sscia.ii'ii. I i uiili jni!! Itirlni"?, ( hutoihty and p trt'ii i h;iwh1 lo tiik'i in tiio pre f 'iicu .l tin- -.opV auJ betoie l;i0!i Httxveu, the ottUi p:ecritfiAi3s u rjti t i iiica- 1. on lor U.eai' !ttuott to wiucu tnt Uaauirnoui voice of peopie has Caileo me- Deeply ensib!t i.t .he pt-r-pie's conUdeiiCe, I am yet iii-iie p.ofuii.diy iiMpmedji ihe vast ieponiliii j 1 ihe jjjtde, uud imui- oly leel my u n wmt rt o t In return f.r ih'-u !uidfi. Jnt I can only ..rw ...... v.. it is received. ;ii.d rut piedee u Zealous do - ' volhA of every 1 o.uiiy, la.the tvi-vice of J J Ihaie ho have chwsJh rtfe as Chief '.. Magistrate. i , ' VVhJn n I, . TTa , j. j r .. . i 1 .1 II,.- . I , . I J' I K l,i U, Illl ' I io 'l , e " Z "" directed imt ! tht- -'fieral wei m-, hu: io lho aggrundizf men. td'thtt Northern s; c PRESIDENT DAVIS' ?; rA: ' -ff ; 'two oi lue umtni, cu.muiuieu in a wari ue . i i .... . 1 ..""lar it i i .- v ' on the oornetic Ki?utuHons ol oouiiiL-in ! to'tatea, vyhottjte d'-guias o( a seeiit,al ; i 5 ........ ..l.-.tt 1 r .. . r.i. . ' l P4Mjamiiiii'cu me uiorwjis ut it e . Gonslituiioniii.vouiortCi, ihreatiied tu dta - 1 of those Soaes, w i t.o, va it-; ii.m uo . Uuion'cunledeta'.'-o -I 1,1 l , lo I'XflCiM! Ihe rilu aud peifoim il..ouiy ,1 i:!a.ui- ing a gov.-iuuvM.l which w..u!(i t.-iter e cure the libnli I'-r re. vaiiou of which the Uanm wus esi..t ii.-io-d. Whatever of hope .rn-j m iy 1: -ve eie lertained that a ieo.i io.-g ..i jo,;ie- would .emove ihe d..ug--f wl-h wh.ch our ri-'lils wet-3 iiiiea'.i ii-!, .ii.n i i.-. ii iioi slide l ).c,e, ve li.e i de: Cov.tU ,..,:.. t..ii,l Live l.i-ell ill.-; lit J OV the inaliguity and ImhuiUv ut Uo- .N.dhvra Stales in the protecu'iou im- extsimg war. The conii i.ce t lue mwsi "Uelui au"i! ui lou-l bae li'.-ru Ocalf' ) cil oj I l,e Oil I 'V ' O 111 i: -- n v - ... v - . i , . . . i . . i i f :.il,'t.'i! ' Iwi u 1 the lime -noli' -red hui walks ol civil und religious lib. r t hld wi'u piisoner aire:ed wiihotP c.vti proc or li.d'.elin -al dot) I -no i, the r.t ol iiaui.a. Ci'IirAS sinp-hd.-d ex. ;v -'...' uiiiioale, -.a State Legis.f'.'ure r o.r-... o b. Dl,;-illlll!'l. .1 .t m,:u,",i3 i pr Inciph'- "'rt e-'-.i lo.n live tha; tUete ;.i.g:.' ihe list of n c "U -a under thietis ot a o-. ., i i i . v dliceis, elul c: r . mei iio ;ir( erao o 1. i ; claimed the iuc ij) -eiu ... to admilliat'-r a arr ai -:i alVd hum in- a lb il , . i common use. For piot fd '.he - :tiC'-. ivj; VI I to maiutaiu-ou: auont i ii a way pui li "i" . i-u'u i . i -. ted-eracy ami ihe U-.vs enico.; t. o . as well a.a to ihe i ael Uut Ho . iil, .i.i id -necessities if our uneiju al ?ti e, ti eie lias been no act ut. oi (it.i i mi.... o-v eonal liberiy or il r m-f-p-. en. : thought, or o b. press. Tne Cur a na. been open; thejuuicin tutie i Mi tuhy t - cuted, and every right ..f ihf pe.,oefa, of? J zen inaintiiaed as aecureiy as i: a war iarasiou had not disturbed the it, ml. Tae people of the States nw e.;,f-c'.. ated, bec-im cot.v need th.n ih -Mv-r;,- m?ut of the Uuits-d Stiiesh-.d e i ;.: tnehands of a sec:i -nii maj r.;y. wi.o would pervert the im st acted of ul; trust to the destuctioti of the rights which k wns pl.dged to protect. 'Ihey beliefid, hat . l.ltui.n (; . ! i ;.J: fiKJ c6'-t!i.:'- a n-v. C..iii . ; i irr i I - t , i . .. '' . . j t tt; n ;;..-. - s p,,,-.,,.. j., 1 Wfnii c- aj; u-.t, h :i i.--e f. . r!'tj !. .1 t. o . iil'J I"! '-1 1 i were dWt r tiiu.-d, to rt-ftt m, ,aw u J iL-.-ir uwn vvill. The v.-n.tii -: i in id j cea'd I'j dib-.w r lh. (.., .,t v. ioh it ; was ttrd;iiud ui;d fstul:i.-iii-d. To s-t uursclws :Vom , i v. an i. ., w ., j j silniii but i lipid pi.rress v.tj. u!,u- t place Ui uidvr the det.) .lisni ol' ! uieM uv .r-ii.-l h .,. our c ... :'i n ud h:!! j kind, t. t- tieiermi,:-. n. a: iiw tt ,iew Hs,((. cinli-fi c..; j;,. , ,j f: .-..u, , ,1; . ii.ie.ri-si' in p jl.cy, and in leelin. Cheers- '"i tie lo our traditions of Dcace and oi;r ' ! . ..;.. '. j : iw.L j. ijTcr. c ht: ii c ill. Mil i. vi. if. .rj , Ujt. t,,; Elates lo prop.,a a fair and ; i. 6.Jllvj ,.niJlW t- . io(.a!;i3 s Jitwrneiii w .til questions ui ',r(ipilf ... .,r ... , . , , j piiwic ueui, or pr.penv which might ht ;.. n... . ... , j lii oisjiu.. nut Lie guvk'rairidiil at ah. j itgion ueia.our fight u ,-.f . t II UK-tit, fciu.-d even to listen lo any piop j ; , u poaee.ui tepai aliuu. Aolhio: i. t. : . . Ii . . f (Jilet'i -. J .1. llii WUi. r(l .., , :. t. , j Ut ear Hi our hlS orv has ),fen ,h . .. . , ... ( . ..,, ..... s , , , , ., , - .,, - . u, wiJl. w BVlt.are ttnrc . ..lch vv e L.u ve ocv it v eiililug Uil 13 Ut..l IO tiiaii, iiUC limJ CoiiqUCaU wl Us WulCU C-jUu ue'tii' hav uc n uLho wa t- lue o- f.- lOUciC) HUM gioWll I.oOi etX lo ihiilc. . uii.'a j uoo :iiai j aaui uatu) u..i-a iu o- i.n iji . vi ..I'.illi'lK : a.l j IO -i 'i. . ..iiv-tcii, wlo. i heilttvi, when a' ;0 r l.'.i.k I H. UM.i." v. .. .v. 1 1 .i . . ,i',.-. i-i.i.ii. j uc.my U" O.iO.o- I ii j 1 K" i- i .-a. i .:, itc. i.J liaW U.iiU u wmh iU A. uaauluiii) to the aopp ol -r im ii'-i p. ! c,j,ics 0, o.oisi.tuoo.... $ -' j ililU iC:. 4vC to io-. .o. i i lL i i . 3 V O, I C i , tUif iO'll.Oil .'t ill- u 'i- ct ,-i ' ' . 1J(U t, . .u.i - m -...- a. . Vl j v,a, ai. . o .. u- . i lliilit!, tt. .... , ..... , . V. .. O v" " ' e i si. t. - i i o i . -!i.-tl !:--i: - .1 .J o. 1 1 '. l i . e v -k i ' i .Ue ..trct which w S'u.-s.,-d. and um!- r .j... d :.. o i a e tbm w.u i.i whico w . ..j oed- N lb. fg : :,.b;ie. a.ui any c. .rice w- u,! b- -: Itul ihe p-c'ure L -s .is it.v hado-.vs- Thi . . .. in the 'e..!r i: - i:.e : ..,rt,.,;.MMl!.-ieS.: thrill ' uiii t' 1-f 1,1.5 t nd courage- Ins1 n se.l tnd .f generous devoiim to ihe too a. 1 ?. ate lS 111-I'll I i ir.'-i a , ' : -.--.'' rife (hrxi'iout tht hud. NJerill: a PoJ :,i ,.-e f-irin5Hc-4l'j'- lkHtt i ;n - flv ! T&y-i u,i( V. i . C.;.'.lbds L 4.- .Tt I' ov,.! !: , .la! we vc:' to' 1-4 V.;,i;- .,; ... t with tvll its coinnioii t-;dii..j:.4 4'or)' ul'suciaiicp, :it)d I' l)l od, wiii iiet" tond ofhartnony av: e dji hi" atficiujt) ; mngt i P'';'''' lroill'f::;l Uni'y iu i.cy, , . friiieniisy i.i b4i:ii:ii-.uit, ui. J j t ," k'l i.. VVu' .pr Snv th 1 r.i ilerial Si:iilic of the , imi ctr t-n in.td wi;.i.;!.t 9.e :orrea- io:sdi:i lijnefirs. It the ucivj 'ce -t foreign nations ;u u prt t o.;'. h is deprived ua of tir comnje llu'ta, i: is fst ma'iing u. a e 1,w!u " upior- tin vJ-an iiidepoi.deiit poj - Yl'he blockade, ii t If c uai ui;d pe : u:inent, c u!d only serve to direct our idusiry from the production of articles f. export, and employ it i,i Juppi)ing cenii.iodiliea i'of dijoi 's:ic Uoe. Ii is a saiiifacti,t.-n that we ha' ;nain laioeii ihe war by our unaided f. oth;U:s We ha V neither asked nor r . ceived ; as?i-iLat.cd Iro-rj anvo.iarler. : t : i t.e in O ....... i ;. J : t II nif il.t'.itru 13 not llliuii in vn i'he world at !rge is cmicerii in o penm our cojnmerce. 1 " ''VVhn :'ie inde i pendence of the CTfedera.te Simm is re cognized by ihe nations of iks fu:ib, utid aii .; Jv. a.t i .111,! ct.t. jur .i 1 .1 t " r . u l - j . i a lib coat -Jrnc .0 ibv y A tLoe wao wdi ihare vn'a tj Mm.4ft.t IlIHl iih. shins. IhPV. hut th il i ....... I -t 1 l.H lMii(nik'l44- i ; ' Suf m . I wucuvi v, , I - .. f ft i '..ti.ii. mi vi.. i ice. v-'!.-.r:e- i p. 's.one, timber, u::d .i.ivai b;fes wit lu.'i-h at" Sl.MH'V of lt!-J-:e r'.10.:ie.- br-jdU.-jVd !) ivih, O u Co..;; d.-i .j.g-ijv.i'i i a; to u :.i.;: j:..t: x, u.il oi vei ia- ;o..ie a ;io -.'.e -.viios-- inh'.ef.i titi ' ....vioies C'Ul.oilvd i::-:r. feo i'V to t ! ' ' ! .4 . , i'i ' J I . . , mi i-. Ltii.i' o -.Ue U'!o.o. .1 I I.. .!,.. I.ir,t Idl-ir i 5i l y ui' :iu; .A hi . . . . , '' j odoc-.iu- : hev .. e :.. .;. Teainj V)' j c- mr.t-.-ice v. ..litohiy ! - -'H l i) U ,,i l- i.tU M the; CvtitiCl 'g ,. -U e .:it- Co., ;'o;ui!Ou .heir Cj 'd-racy 1 1 - cf 1,0 c"'K'.''i u)-:;jJl -v:' t. . .-. o.-ioi .. . .. -e:; S ''' - , P.- ,T io.' M.-l). lUl' j , i. .'.., v. ; .iUC;;wl tul i . - f j ; . - . o- i-ofi. o.,.;.i-. "V ; 1 - -.. . ;. ' 12 i C . ui 3 l. , b . i..J- : : L . . ... I fit ii i . ,. i if.11 a-'to ! i ..... j. .... fiin 1 - i ! ,.i tyra v " '" ',,t:' ' ! :" : ..ul.i.s sou . ii,o .,Mi.t-' 1,1 - f t ....... knU 1111' i .emeJy Lere.are vv. are m lo fce- -jC-. 'Hcrificrr -ur !-'Le:s 0' . lL,- ot c..n.lum.n! l.-eriy. --j--' lo the 1'triiiar.eul e ion- j f - .:: g ory. v,?Jmo r ia j .'- t , . . .-.i ... e frt-... I. -c :f -..- ''-tf r - a- t ,u. : , ,,crccvw t; . I ft uUr4-Tl- ( 11 .... i.. I ,. ' (!.. t,iif. ' K- -.o --. - t5,u',:' J . 1 1 ' I i 4ar-r I .. IL. --. ' ' V r O I ' 4lr;-l.sul W. I . Jl and .rici bifity,anJy me in ihe conJcct of pull c iu:r; "'J lyittg oa the patriotism aaJ c u ag- ' toe people, of which Uid present wr hasfur auhed to many examples. I deeply feel the Weight of ihe TeXr-ibi!iici I now. with unfaflVr. j tfd diffiitcce. aai tut lo gssune; and folly r; -il-z the .ioaJequscy of butuao poier to JJO.cle and to sustain, mv Lope i revefntly flieJ &n flja wbise farrii eer vouche J saf tj ih :cf Thieh is jusi. humble jrantud- which has so vts.iMp prtcrtetl the CofefeJerlcy" Jurir.q its brief hil rvei;ttul career, to. Thee, Oh Geil ! I irnst.i.g'y cominit myself. id pray erfji.'v iiivcke 'I'iu- b.fsji !fj my country aud i's crjse. Con l.i. ue i and ciitLtuiistiC cbeer I ing Discriminating Duties and Alien j Vdtkrs. Tin Charleston Mercury sag ' utsts tvo u! j-c:s, whu" claim th ear !) considiTJ'ioii if i.e Conft-dertle Con ! ::ress: 1. DlsCiiiuinalin. iVntit'S aur) ngi Ration acts a;;ainM lKl Y ukee; ; aiiu 2 PicvvHuis itdinst their exer . Mv.r: tl.u ri,.l.l t ... il ." . tl ... . j lo.iij hi.- vi M'iu:cie ill ii. est i SioJes. Ti)e .Mercurv thti.Ls. ami ue 'hiiilv wi:h it, ;hat i.ovv is the proper time to adoor these precaulions and not wu: f,!J ihe c!e of the war, Tlie apprehension exj)resed bv some, that they would render the Yankees doperale, rather coo. mends them to (ur avor. Tney can't tiale us any vor;t than they d,, nor labor to do us iojury, hut ii it is possible to make them more tiriuus.thau they are and more miera o'e, we should l.ke !o lure a hand in thi process w:.:eh rflicts tiiat desirable result. That the adoption of these measures will be necessary lo cur safe ty, is perfecil) obvious. Thty have u- (.oinjile'.t a r. wjo in the past. And, ! il ;n addrmn, we ..How tbeui to vo'.c iicie, oil;- co.id.iKM will te ..? hope - ' i. " usslhoii b c cr ms belote.' iKicu ihoou o.,4.j il ml MANAG,M1;Nr.--ibooih the a oOiiS lUc), at Iliil - .' . 1 I . . r ...I 5i.ea a ' alio pic auau, jcij .. .- .... i .i.liC al wij ic .vi. j u u .mil Act.; ewr) wu ,.a.i oio iue, Uic wor i i w.ci . oaua ' t-iiicot aiuiOi1 di much v J "lncgicat a.'t .s io iib the happ) ;i:cCitiui q .ic'.!). ui,u Lo Keep ti.c, mm - v.ubs to uicir du;y wiihou: acmiog 'em h lid tiL'a. iJuiii'. Iu .ut dlWds . ,cu. i. ia & j rf ..... im . i ,r i 1. 1 s s' ir- :,i . 1 i.it -iiinii iu ".' - rs lave the cio if h-.id as caieiully wueti u& .M.c . (here i company. Wn to i: i.-, Is . .. e L..JC, oo wile icc'f.i o ulraid el . ..- ti.Jami u. . ii , iu an uoeitpccltu -lies , u :l a. ia u.uJ, itcttvtd qo.ciiy ; .- oC'i t'.is no loiii" Crtii be more dlsagrtua- i-i au i'i.u .;.,o. to sey LIS, IjOic .11 i o . O I ' .Jj.l'll, 1. 1 wile c.oss, .J ttrvaies biau.bang to Change ... . , . . . -j , i.. . . i .. i:.; .aiu m. .r w-c, .'.i-.v .'1)11,1' Wioo ' ai.ur-Hi LcCd'lsc 1 C'J n""o - T1 h aJ iOeit; o a l.icud o u..,r, rtrttnotil ,v,., a u- or vo notice d h., m:cn- Lo -odo .o. vl' would be Inciter w U;.,W tiJ aliawU-:.' to si. uu.i iu a t ,eal served roooty as a Uboic; & fii tnaii aueiupi to ictuc i'.if the liAk-Annll as ahd o:uudrr ci the serva.its wio j V t. 4 ill : C f e al 1 e ol U.e CaSi?. E'lTUACi K M A Llilt.K S UtllLi. IO Ub iIiik.K vol; Uc.'i: s.-Ic to v, a batl licu-t have w rtliet( htnue lo anhc thoughts that tle most det::eu my miod, aud I hope' and lr-j.5 ,, i u: that the fcaa t6oghtSE, and re j t.;,o..N oe cba'figed my uianoer ci j ha doublics bhtn you 1 CHI iii) Uicr,l Irtltia 10 , .feu, Wiil as the one 10 her. ... ..-tfei w.-re wi:t e . to my crhtb f i v i.i rt' k ci. no d, t. If- r . I .h' a;- I fc'i- 1: :: vf j i.'lcl d r ; hae U'.cfi ea" J.-rii t rr: y -ur B.bie, alWa f02 tai cOm; a; r yat.it savK NUMBER 1. and bad babils, the Iu? of the flesh nd vanities of a wicked woildr -betv who says at the same time by his own onduet and example: Come alooi? hildren taking them as it were bv the hand I will lead you down i,, he!!; )ei, I uas leading them by tay exatnp'e as directly to I e l as I fjossibiy conid. Oh the borrible though: Ievfe. means. of damnific the ouU tor. atrf thfn nnl thn.. iK """ . t . ' f ' ' " v'" twe IU CI Jujue I resolved it God would spare my life that I would reform my habits of life, or if he wooitl perujit me to return home that I utniy 'set a different txam. pie before my children. 1 iare prayed that he would, and that I ujighl keep my resolutien to the day of uiy dt-atti. I wro.e you a letter on the same tlav while my e)es were alt wtt with tears'. I asked your p.ayers ia my behalf, 1 know you have prayed (or me. Can Gcni in justice forgive me? I prgy he jav. I knoA u.y enWdie,, wi.l; uihy God bless them and help thtm to do so, mi save lhein Irom following n bad example, at the same lime to take my oood advue, and cairy tt out, that they ma) be sated from 'hat awful hell to whic! I wh fading ihem'TDue West Telescope. Lltusbu P ahlnt. The Confeds rate people muat view the ordeal they are pasajng through j0 iis true light if they would be patient under it. For eih nations may -tutertere, but our los, ei( denials, tribulation and suflering, are not ended yet, aud we do not be- leive they will end in a long ijme. -Our people might as well make up their mind to it aye, jhey hafe aade up their minds to it. Let the war: end ' ' line o.i the Nurlii. Suderings precede . , , . . . , '.rv. i his is natural order. Iliat , . . , , ,,, ' 1S Kut easily, is iigiilly esfeemed, ; , ' , , . i ,. ., ,. . , i and readily pailed with. V t ail thought i we were read) for independence ami a)r u&' 0ut . tu-s uac luiniutcu ii-u.-i oi u ..ui i IJ-....I . .... e vtie tioi. rnniucute m uu. pioi- uiul jor a muikroom natiou it; these i Coillclicf d!e ates... Great pmxip'es j will Ue represented aou observed b) i tic 1 Cuutcdefale Slates, Our uiissiou will J ue a dioti.iCl atd peculiar, as I. was a , u oue . (jeItalu agencies "must act ; . - . i upo.i io ehiiiiuioiuo; lo:tigii and com ' pacimg the domes'.ic elemeibs. Ihe hcterogeaeous mass most be worked lu Ij a homogeneous erne. New chan nela of trade and ol sent i mm t must he dug out. New ideas j.trmerbe tie public miod. All ibis requires time and a seirefc crucible. Joiiah'a goard j Yov up i a night and petl?h i.i ! a nIul. Not so a cation thai is to I b i . j i ,i J ,.i ,J (n 5r! and act fd UOOn bvoth- " ' . 1 er nation without ueing au.utucu c j0ajg i t ind;vidua!it.-NahMi: natiotii without being ausorbtu cr ChrUliati Advocate. Cheap Moist i itAP - lake a clay pipe break tt C strata oil' close lo the bol , wi:b cbetlf, of any material that -iH at'ract iiiice; xhen take a common gla. tumUrf (the larger it.e brtterj Vd iftaaige )tor trap ia the foto'wiug manner: Pice the loaded pipe bowl 00 the tioor" or shelf where tt a desired :o set the trap, wi b the molb lfin ou; then place Ibe e'Ue rraing opm.'.bc '..iantiflg' nd c! he pipe wi, d yut lr-p ; i Ct mpleVd te ,,;.fof lunate ttH. Toi.Ul'g bli hOif, . omuieticrs nlt'b ...g at U.e bal', ami presto, fe- 1- i ! q u a teiv ecoi'taica! fd ficcttte trap. The t .e t4' . ; t.'n.i fo besu'y he d;4k: ikvte ! 1 1 1 :h Ihe uig r-- - '' ; 1 & a I r. 1 Ir 1 1 e A. I 5 r- tt- --j - - - 111 " 1 "C'Vy -It j 11 1 11 mil 1 'ej. f w r'"-Tu. . .