-. .i.nn.n.n j .-.., ., ,i , ..,...,,-, , , -n , , ,l Z . .I..."!.-, 'i. ,-y?WV;j--......,:,-.. .i r , . . "- m m i m .- - " :. V . - i - J - v.... V. xf- -i-. - -.. - ., up' V . .-,...-., .,.. - - - - . ; .... . y."- ' ' . . . .,. .. ...... ,.,, i -v- iiMi ii n si sgen w m mm mm mmm m mm mm mhmi V V i i'. j " i. . ..." t. J, - i .- -5 iTrfiTAKu TBBT UXISTANCE Jw Tork, Feb, 2AGeraftny lines jCiit and west holding flmly, her iro- jeicn'Snd cfilldren' and other non-com f 5Garnn-tobe;? fynhumaa; warfare Cieir aweatioa that 'aonf ereiace; , ISaVeyiaTa Mirajmi' let 1 6ra:;:tarar German people haye Btaked l&M:0ti existence -upon -jiMtt last - jre- J V - i v ttaiainsr strong card. Only timeuen l n whether Jt i a "trump' Bui sue- "s . dimvJhrt nnanf'Aaafnl Mid of the War i low J In my artiele of last-Sunday 1 de- aribad : the suhmarine situation eit- fec Cation In ;Germany;aheinffinthe jXfcaida H the .UfXfoai'ilfialw,. 1 - ? - t S iliadenbur ? Ludendorff aid u Beth 'f .i." vrutlilessM enbmarme - warfare ' could 'U7 come woBfi'ninacnuuiK necessary n4 cre the word. HindenbuTfvhaV spoken. Kalucantly and yt conndently, tha old .field mar- '.t fi oYAta hia consent to the ad- $ieteiJtya-l fast Enaland the , war. of relation,' n ef "an eye for an eye a tooth for "j: toeth,H as the Germans araJond of "'..lliBj it.- For eur Mothers, 'wives 4eJrild.:.win';D the motte of irery . submarina commander. i-l (Knowing r semething, about . Hiaden tts d Ludenerff, an perhaps faw, teraignerB dov l ean eay that thedec Men was net a light enaifefthem. Siaalfly and.atrongly they "kaVaJ'e--eisted the pepular clamor and pres- Cartand's . starration bleekade. ; Stern eeaaity alona can have perBusdad P'fkvti ' to -yesbrt to VtWsJnofieydte. risV'break, perhaps ;war, with the ';. tTnited SUtea. Xnly hunger-knaw- ia g en tie vitals ef the nation, intsn- dfiad pethaps by the winter, earn have dieiatedtha deeiaioa.- Ovrwhelminff demand of .the nation that there be Ji visited uponV: England's noa cemba ? : f nta what ; England is doing te Ger- - V tway wolna jmd children, added to the mflitaJT. foresight of the teman 5ff , can : have unlocked the door to arsenali--.i- N Tdar the German- people are lnk. iag only i of ' self preservatend their national existence. ; Both .. of these are threatened bv the reply of the allies to Germanya peaca 'sugges tienV at least the German people . be lieve that, which amounts to. the same thiftf. And Jfchey haTa presorted self araservatien; the first law of nature eagerness of ules. It may b: mad- iiaaa," wamay no - approve but ;we ahrald "at leasts nadeaye it weder- aamd.German .and :f Great "Britain" ar ,llke;two' nations' gone mad, intent Wean slaughtering warriors and b- eambatsnts alike, regardless of rnletf and rights oi neutrals. THiether that alaughtering is dene by the slow pro - eisa;ef starvation or semi-starvation aeeerdiag to the disputed rules ef into- nitienel law er by the illegal method ruthless aubmarine relation, is in ' tie 1 end the same to: those who are h jry. ',-. The latter; hewever. strikes -'' aYr;Ia answer to that the Germans pjolnt to. the mental picture - of the v' laefter and child, whimpering for , teed, aad say to us. "Yon don't have gat in the way. Keep away; WiA an: i is grim necessity, not choice; ; Tauf women and children are not cryf iag for food. Would you do otherwise "fTeuld you regard disputed rules .if ihs etfstenee of .the United States ware at stake? Zs there one American tM :-iWould atlatanything U pre- Worv children jfrani death or life- ;lag , flrlheajth through atarvatien 7 And If ethers whom you have no inten. "Yci' fi;fiy1sB iatentionally or ttaittteaHoaelir had the effect ef ft- warting your efforta to save country ' : - f ether wife or child, would you step? ' TTouMyou refuse to .fight further tmd accept a foreign . yoke k. I ask wenidijroa as an American with eou sryiMj$er,:afr!d,rt stake r ' " tnat is e" psychology of thejtSer r ' lanamlnd and tiie German masses' to 1 e!ai as; t ;- have I learned '; to know -;it , ' iarhiff the two and a half years of J waf.; -These quotations have been put ia time and again, I am not: de- fewosj K.it but merely; trying td ax : - alain ' it ; to . titosa who tell ma . the - GlEaaas have gone mad. ; We 'may ll ctademal it bttwa also understand & v : -S : '-: V k v ; : ; I A AuBffry stemaca has not a very legal conscienee.. ' There is often ir wMe degree of privation of under- 7' fa: eriough " get along on! and , $0,itoxi&aL fit jajetterii-- aJJ'few vbegawia Osriy J Se will "not .'readily admit GUIM-FACED AND BOtMH AS DD FACE3 CONGIUSS T7a5iintbn, Fe1 afttaident WUson kept Wmsel ieclueion dur ing the moraing, accept . far ja brief conf er enca wi iSleeretaur Lanalnirf until he left taefHeuae f otha Capitol shortly before ;1;e'c)echu.; .:. I I" 'iriAMpt making event, the. Sonata and; Bouse had been assembled ia th htll :f latter body. Jttsticea; ef tiSe Sapreme Court and members ef flte Cabinet were preeantr and the diplomatic sai Iery -waif pmckaiir -p rEciissy; jrith neutrals. 4S?--;S:v 't ' An usual, a cemmiHae a-PtiN?? men" .met:. the";.Freei4eaV. and aScst- ed him ia the fipekarV date. he whole bedy rose and cheBxed aaHS Preaidentt fck-f aeaf.' and Bato; took-nis place and bejaa readiar th document which is beis heard Veuad :ttas world., rrf lti Mot a sound caaa freit' the floerl or the canaries but the ' elear calnr notea of the Freaideat readinr sfawiy rand -distinetly. the aaaemhlal of J Senators Bepresentativw an4 nota- bles about him listened with eleaest at tention te the words which may re cord one of the nember 'meaeata ef American histary if aet, riadaad. of tha jrerld. ' .. " : j ; ' Brieflly he reviewed how last April the United Statee - warned ; Germany, after the destraetioa of. the : Sussex, that runlese the Imperial Government nedafed and effected an abandon ment ef that aert of snamariner war fate the ; Uaited Statea woulat have no caoice to; t sever iflematie re latiena altheugk. Then ! flaeteoT frdm the; German ireply ichpave iMstjranea' ihat no ships .would be. senk without : warning' aad previaSofl .far anr etr cr nasaana?ers aai crew. j He roeoanted - the provision ' the Gerroea Goverameat attached which U ct-wref . Hlf ; the fight 4a recant ita5rl? if the United Stajteedid not oecure relaxatiof J of the British reetrainta ea ooaacrce, end .1 then cmoteit; from V'thKrei4y''-af- tha; tjnitei Sa4it'W consider a conditioaal pledge, ' and gae Germany finer warning' t&at it letfCh' aawaattB? k, avFrasiaeat did Laet."rafertb;t5ka lonip liat;ef ; snbmafiae eperations Whieh have' been conducted i ia vViofa tiea of the Sasaei i pledgeor but ro eeeded at eace to' the new war Sna rdor which became effective Fear- Then he told" hoy ta German proclamation lefV aethlag far the hener tod dignity of ta Uaited StatefC bat a break in ' refatieaa and that he had ,ordet paasports sent tovon BernsteraT anal a recall to Mr Crard, the asaemblaga broke into a eheer in which Republicans and emo erats alike joined. ; . Here applause greeted hia declaration that only - an oyer act eonld coavjaee him that Ger many intended te ivolate American liyeo and 'rights, ano! there wna;pre Inged applause aad cheering when he concluded by announcing . that should American ships and. livea, be crificed "in heedleaa eonvestieii af the ctst -and reasonable ander- 61 of international law and tine authority to "una any manna that may be necessary fsNthe preteo tioa of our seameni and ear people.' ; Ck af AppawraL' TA'. he concluded, there were cheers of approval from eid chamber and the Freaideat retamed to 'the Tfhite Rouse to diseuM ncf urea" of precaution 5 with Secretary Daniels, of the Kayy, and Seerejary Baker of-theV:DepartoesjtV-jv There .were; expreaoiene ofyaajpori and approval of the Presidents coarse aa the joint session dived .. and both houses went bacfc'ia aeir work. - ! .i i i ..iiii . . NEEDED INFORUATIOK - ;;v',;" KGT AVAILABLE .-. The notoriously ine&cient manage ment of tha Committee on Ilflitnry. Affairs of the House has been im- pressed on that" body by Eea.Clar ence B. liiller of Minnesota. Bear ings of the greatest importance nave been held by that eomraittee for the past; six weeks, j covering aie' itms whieh will be included iu , the - next Army appropriation bill. Not a '-word' of those hearings lias aa yet.appeared in print for the use of Congresarae ey 'are now 'aa nninteigible inaea of unindexed ''gallery pteofaf. r C gressma a Miller declares that appar ently the derfcsv appointed ; by . the Democratic chairman af the iemnnt tee, are derelio m "nat' -Jiving :-th hearings printed from - day;; t :, -da. rWhy. not rdiseharge the clerfcav anij get somebody else pointedly Jmquf reeT Mr. Miller. The House, however, voted to hire a speda! Iiaafstanfr t WABNmaiGlTiaKAlSEB XfashtosUmtfr Feh,mS-Pjfesident Wilson Unhtt W-tij of Ame'r- iean' Uvea and means war. A. Similar action mwaii Sia,whenaha : notifies tMs rgovetn- meat' that she ' join-lix the-Campaign if ; nnresirieted submarine warfare- Tha president made formal announ cement o1 f kla action to he country and to the world today, ea:jdint ses- slen of , Congresa. ? 'f. . -i r - Fassports: have sen handed Count von Berastorff; Ambassador. Gerard with iaS ' his : staff : and all American conauls, have, been ordered out of Genanyi f AH Xrman consuls in the Uaie4- states are; Expected to " with draw !that; the aeverajBe of relationa may be cemplete.V Anleriea interests Lin Germany have been turned over to Spain;- German Diplomatic interests in the United States have been taken over by SwiUerland; foreign Dp- lamatie mterests -'whieh the United Statea had 4in Charg in tGermany have been turned ever to various neu- trala.-' ' Wf :m. yflVoyears of Diplomatic negotCa- tion, raaricM.witJV frequent riaes, ana attended CwiiihVioMlof more Athan two hundred: American lives on ; the high seas,. have culminated with : an act ' which inafl the history, of rjthe world always" haa led to war. Every ageney of the American government aas : aeen sac, 711 mouoq ;w;pnfcec w country agAlna acts CeGerman syi-; pathizera; . rese moves are ; of ; nefc- aaaifar"an't5ai!ie)ex 1-vtfith netica of vereance .of relens;Untatal senli Berlia : o idemand f or tae; Ijtmiediatjs releasex of : sixty-four' ? Americans -taken fram ahlpcieGertaii raiders in the South Atlantic:"i ; - At "the reffUest of the President, Congress immediately after hearing hisadreea;ibelaii er lief aw6j fraredby. ..tkllitapt to eWk'oenriraoleal the.UhW Stawhieh cannot now v-Tha question of ehveting Ameri ean merchant -aHpa; thragh -th.e aub marjne hlaolUaa' heen taken C up iy Neutral Geyeirtoenta have been no tjfief; ikf:;the notioi), f "eVVCfnited Statsa, and have openly been ; itiyited fejaVfe: if the new sub mnrint o)Ml; ; : ie h- Ha brnkhuj atitos.eae3with a!craaha8atafa beesj acusae4 praocally 4ter mined upon latlicit. .;-The PrwUtnt retaraiag. frpni his higha conferenea with ''AeYfcaiafctv datajyniiii thii sV break in YreUtlinaWaathe, only ;actJ rcaaste6eaf.; wUhltSwi dignity anoTvthf honor :y;tUnitodyi5States Hf worked moat of 3he inignt preparing hu attdrasa ta (ngresa. ' -. Hi e?l wme kaowa at r Gerard storfr.;- Altheu-ghhera yraa no. oQciar cenfirmatiei ef the Preaidets . deciSi untU he els'r announceoit him self ' 'telJConga' thjr ; knoedge spread rapidly Count von Bfrnsto rff : he it: eficiajly hila' Ulking with an -jassaiatea! Press 1 cerrespon dent, trhile apaareatly deeply moved he waa not Jnriaed. His first act wai "ta ask-1r. FaolJBier,tae Swiss Minister, to' ctma ioeerman Em baasy and . prepare to take over; its itiWrit- an ;Aericaa-born: woman;: 'of. thade if5;i; H'5e?tft : were not delivered ;tmtHi8 a'clpck U the after noon, t TTaile C the ' President:' waa -aj eeaidng Congrese, one: ofrSeeUty LansltigV eonfledential siseismnts cal led at tbevEmbaJwy and delivered the passBrtsfiad'a not in reply to the German: declaration. - ;C,:: ' , NOT A PARTISAN MOVE " ; Hon. Henry Allen Cooper of. Wis consin : indignantly denies the insin uation! of maay Democrats that the investigation of the "leak" in cxmnec- f tiott with the President's peace not is being . urged, by the "Republicans for political purposes. Mr.: Cooper "char-1 acteriaes such a -motive aa "thoroufrhri ly deplcabIen!And ye4sl ?Ut;;bee yt'hrMe on Inveati ' of ' charts which put a stain Upon -tfta jropntatfon H iof ? "the B4mbl;an fttfA'aXatt'aenq apology, isamply borne out. by, the testimony ' submitted in rthe 'hearmgs, whichfeveT day;? la ;:weaVinffia5reb tighter abo-tit the President's frienda and his fehda'rfrfenda who profited ao: handsomefy y the aancelihtorw matioa' which waa" passed, ground vto tip pM iaiitlie: Efry School I5clia.i wiraJp acoannt or .j tne - Onr school ?isl' witS Vm .Miss jlerv ece.uaypMt4 .tiwir inflnjBncewJ debatinlr z omathean rKSaryi peiatg Society of There wja lt ay: i,upper at our hchooiatFfiSfcr ': night FebthHef ta have rlrnteji ononwJ:5:: - - llie; ;co4 .i.y . i$ ; our school jpoi, du s change of the weathe:':: &m& tm ithaTpked" .liole in the.fear, lM.nfg thg .is 'rej! wlWt hjsrjeMk morning wefeQyE Vand valleyrf-ihrh; -J?lU&2&?JwtX tiiinktJasS aSl8;Tby wosJ;ant?? sTOe" ;1nyhear wit raptie ilsl hJJlr vis- ited C; I.Eaard Saturday andunbr',: WeuppoM wM (Ssouminog must have sersfeBfepJ returned fo seveM'rWi i35aiai.Bpw anyT ttft$PMO & irig ;iB.BMW-)IMMm'l: weeks 1 Miss-Flo.-; lir I5- been ; real scirry ; to fa.K t:' Since: cti:s i auch-; great demaM':t "r; be ing' 'a-nwjj;.li 1h:' our see tion.. :?v ;5-'V' -, .v "dAv ;r.;;G'A'B purchase sixK c Ford." -The BtdsK itoy hfe's bad con dition 'are) mewhi ittptvei now. . SeaaiQ:''. truing aistreanii i'd'Wate: 4-wiiwind ap pre4vaisjaj thte wintf'Tthc' &te.'tak' aMisin)Me.ha$ "a:Jnt I JHlave; voir etraasawi t2Mltfca "venui The. C&rjfftjan. JSmfa Society of hope; it wijlr cpnti9 t(; It . meets every seooi aforiSiui after noon at opjfc j Bei9dy ris in fyited to coraeK. -AX. "y , Mr; jdh.ffi' lwt ijworkiaf at tne carpenfetrMiteiI& :Mrir&&; littlaaon Clarence . jri-JtsK vJsitipa Mrs;JT. HartmencIi7-v . ; it ,Teretwibiaiyb New Bear (WfeK night .FetfeCXIirtjfe. ..airjdy Invited 1SV ' nicely Misi$a Hatijrwhas' been- at e measles; . . . ..- 3Wi3SBM. bta m Concord fori tiptiMryf weeks wilt return: hoJnec".i.i fC ; .Miss NeUiaJ able td Fbe abouti ftcnv aaJttak:.ofLthe meas- lea.: : ; The - srHh'g ia ai the Bethel was rtee Wht - i Their ,-scbot)iSf pge$ing nicely witlr Misai Awi VmcaiT hpV af achersl Miss' OFlpai :w: : Mr R6aGM'li;. and Mr, Jyatt -SajtdayWi ttteaala; If-iaiseejip. win 'ttkMJviius'c'' UNCQBRBfiPCmmRREL WashirigEa Cor-j resppndettsMtUHa; denuncia tion;raf-:tlnP Ml under consideVin'thdv'House has been deIiyredbySa Frederick' H. Gillett of ja : Mr. GiUett haiiftesih gloves and '&9Tpl$t i.the bill ;wa3,pr)m4aWnd solely to . assIstDswpa1C in maintaingtilpivsiife ,'th - good sjraeeVio4a all Iblow thiaisM!? aMs;iGj0 fences. Ia-prHlM the pri vateJnteyoCwg pretaivna House sfco3lCea3m items fotesmaiiCigBaalagt woud be auia:iiWa'iote! for" every item copialeas would not iwOTOTgpwraiiJfr, tne mer itorious; eareiW pose? omce?pwj i,orougn 10 t KewTorhFjeK. i.--Con3criptIon to builditip jarin the cwintey's defence now sthe war is on ua ami for thouiwe a&en waa advocated here today by Former ; President Taft in an address oh the League to Enforce Peace. befoe1 ie; lhoklyi ' Institute of 'Art'a jencea. .. k,'' h Stirred ha thelerby;!eirthn siasmnt .:.the 2 breakwith Germany they - would r supiHt conscriDtion mMsueMrTaft to:;metvtixe . present situation', "but for the futu after: the wa "Military duty is part of every; cit izen's; duty, :trf Jiti service any kind": has been enaeted : from - the great . body of jtie: people! : ' Conscrip tion7 is needed ,0: discipline our native young menand teach .them ; respect for authprity. ; is needed I to teach our milliona of ne A ' whollyyolunteer system he said takes the voweryrof ?"the ' eeuxSrys and leatea behind:, those who can; only W mzv x by ultimata resort to law. "Why not equalize ther burden' at quire at .leasj ca ; .yrtywerrjee i' with the colors from Veeryr man between 19 and Thia nee4 . nofc'lnterff re with capable paaa - undejdaiSueh conseriptidn' would -furnish ' a per- manent trained f eree ,froaV: .'body of the: entireop!e to pyen' adai quata -defensh whenever defense; is Ut w were prepared Enforce Peace.' :;:i;vV J T The present situation he "said, ehou Id j teach : the absblutexltecessity r f or military prepareess s tion.enduesi done her no xwrong,. vet ehe in vio lation -of ;ourrighta ypirbpea;tado that whieh if;we value our libnor and ettr AVitaV mterest yCn fore:Attfra' self-respectingvnatioiifof mo Ign,ksprorcte(l ino8a: ror tne soutnani follows : i Baltiraere Mo: flumbia, S. C; LouLHllf, fttOrUs$mst hZ and, Hauatan':-Ttxvv; ,. - 1 In thiaeohnectien WemlT call at tention to therfaetjthati tmmbia, fS- u Jtetasr taan ; Maeon, GaM is tne eaatef the bank: for the Joufeaatern disclJVeisytetirr :frnda: of the Maeoh .Telegraph ary probably "aware of this factny. thja time Byantoally it may reach their uad?standing .that Columbia, aucceeedy the.yery .eour- se which, the. .Ruraat ;.fenad. absent front th methods feled;"byE alw yers.of. Macon. ? X C ' - y, a yreaKy hope-ejfyery much teemed ' cpntemperai. wilj . net eontin-' ue, to suspect us . of pesoirai groach On thrcontrary we are in extramelv gpod humor; indeeothetr Jatet f column editcrial en tbe-Buranst i& so amusfng that ,w"a - expt to .remain good vnaturieaV: defiaiely from its JciaI'-'''. MONR0E-,MANyimfiE3 : i -:: Washington. . Feb.. &-David Hous ton, of Monrofa eenshi of Secretary ofgrkufture rMa'ajp-' pointed treasurer of; federal ' farm loan bank at (bluinbWs. fiM if he will accept tM placed h position :pay 5,00f a year and is eonsidered a very desirable ibertarla reeponse y o:'.tv r.-Heu staa came te Wash- cialaTr uU. Houstian raa firat recommend ed to the farm .loan board by Repre- eehtatiyeage yr&o haa known Hous ton for a number of years. , It ls nn derstood;3alsoa that some members of the; atate, delegation telegraphed Clarenee Foe and former lieutenant Governor Daughtridge, aaldng them if they- would hava filer place, but both declined. " But it ' is known - that the y federal bearcirfroin - the ery first liked Hous ton Jajid Iwerej ietermfeed that yhe should have the place nnleaa- senato rial objection should ba' raisedi The Understanding ia that both - Senator s Simmone: and 0verah vara favorable te Houston .and wants the Job eycangety s&nm wrccrABD cutter .Feb. ' G-Oonstruction off three, cbasl buar xcutters, to -be stationed at Beavrfort, N. C Detroit and Honolulu, , ia authorized ta T bill pad by thesenata tonight.::4Laap ta ttada for .?Tftremar1iconriPtienl inthenaWpreia ing inuafez. as a rultof, American :. quarante regulations ' was ; resumed early, today: It -was a continuation if - : : thejiemonstration; yesterday inwiaft r hundreds of Nrvomen particiDaiod. : y ? :re men'than ;:wqm the demonstration f;:Bioterar:yJ '1" nuriea missiiest United States sol- dlera en ! guard and rtwo nori-comrois . V: " sidned omcers fWere inured. :';;?:.-:yC: ;: ' ;Mecan'ii;avairy the, demonstrators "away fro ternatibn:r1dg:- continued at thf United States' imaa't? ' giationl statiorr' it was 'nnotmced 'tt.-"':" :- aon in ennrge 01 tne Doraer. quaran- ' tihe- of the United States health" aerv V ' r ice7 More thari-200 1 Mexicans ; were V ; . ' jrivenV baths at the new ' quarahtme .f oattr house ' today; and many otherat ? , ; v werep'assed after they, disp&yect " catesaigned :bylhe Mexican; feoWat healthy officer in; Juarez; showing1 tty v: ':: ':; ha4 ;been ' bathed feyilla; partisansre aajd'nSr1"---1 beaii active1 in rthe demdnstra'ti :af '5 ; : -,. the geItoaaand i this; phasebf ; - thesitualont'.haa' ,ed:Carranaai el nciais mucn, concern: ; HOME FOR DELINQUENT RaleigW, Feb., a - eommittea vote- the ; advocates of thehome -for delinquent r women'5 reV ivedTA eyelevidenca tht ; paving won . the sympathy of the senv- trovisions rmat r'.Tftiiifl: ' ,riK-.Y. I vJ.-The fight eamenear;'TOdnTO anxiy. c ne greatr Advocateof . veit m - ita heart aa with him: w He had that, k luck two yearn ago - and: he ia earn!' estW 'J Cairmaa- Hblderness -ief the '-conil; : t1 jainev : aec)areo inat ne lavorea tne mei:ett to: J deflnStefaum' smg!led meitt of amount jCohstructin aiw ixntenance. That shifted ;the coc4 ' ' niittee and it wenf to judiciary Nbpf" v ;Senator Scales and Brenizer : noet a sharp fight' for; commrttee exprea ' B$on and;tbSy fora ye.aainst';it iW5-such?yeewiaB? heard. Several found flaws . int'Duts:'-'-not enough to condemn.- The first eg ;? pendltura would be $25,000X ttti&&P jag and,' tl0,000t f or maintenance;"- J WAlrrSTBALARIES ON. -yKf:i BUSINESS BA8I3 . The jneager- salaries thatVthe GovVk'O ercentjys; i.einploas tn.ionH': parjn witib thepmpensatfon re 1 'tiHS'-A'n privata.Jife. haa7t?iblyT cailed.o- the-.aW aV' :V tfo5 of the Senate, y HorLvames-' ; : H. Brady of Idaho in advocating ad-- emate salaries fcr the membeda of ' fheMeral Ffjm Jb Senator ;?ws', declares' Mr Bradjf diat there is to manlitfthe United . tateg managaing e faira I ' bpk that . conducts ; the "amount 'ofv f j business that the Federal sFarm LaJ : . Bpard wi cpndactK who jfoa not re)if -reive from i5,Wr to $50,000 a year'; ; i Sfrnato Brady . points- out that thoaa, : ' v bnlcials 4 are entering upnvn; field "tiyityneYeri before. undertekenrJ) ltfc yerpenJand v contends ltirat' , Whe enaamst;tha)'i'queax ' onomy, v we should npt lose iaight ef, frood'sii&esaVmethpdv . ce.ralybe thei, jf,sa'ries:a ;y : be reduced below the standard set faV' XVs the business wrla - . ' .v -. -' i ;: r - " :..";: ; Ai Am:MaNEW DKSA- :;v b :A CRIPTTVE CIRCULAR; . ' ' TKevA; and MI; College has lately tsv i 1 auM a - nage rircular ebntaihing a ' - rumber: of " ged illustra dings; and interiors. '- Theisef pietureyi; -i ' re wett selected, and well executed.' :" trie text covers the "points which ne ally Concern ; prospective Jstudertts 5;' melridiftg ?Wtrancjs?retnrement ' cwr ricula, rule3of ;goveiiimwt,1selfrne4jp rooms, and " expm.l -You lme wbo . are ' Inclined f o eek : tehnicaj trainihgfor life r'ancd;for:'eSsf) f:P the Registrar; West Raleigh N.. HENRf FORD OPFERS'HIS r , PLANT TO THE GOVRRNMK -Detroit,; Micv Feb; -enry PareVV the e automobne' m neacejAdyoeateiff to ber 'in WstA &irtcft6y r onfe J dent .ilsoh iano. dther ofiidftta ' of fa :. 'r Rwrernntent, "It is reportedThera ; tibat i h MriFofd goeSjto ofer Jthe; use of t! 1 -;t Fare; plait aara'te- the gevernaeat ; y ; -1 - yyy V." y I' - "e .- ; . -. , - '-y y.1;.: . -V - 'Xy :y ;;y-' mm ... - ,-S y yy;"' y v j i:f ;-;;: , . -5 ? 1 ti.- yyr 1 '