. ' T r- ' .. ., .. TTT'. .. , . C7 ..., -.v.-v -V . .-f.x ,'V 'Jou 'I'V-oy? V' V"':r? V ' rCvf1; .. - .... s - . ...... .., v-,.v-.:.;.--..-----vv,,.:.- ,s-,, v:vr.;s: i Published Semi-WeeWy by.v- CHRONICLE PUBLISHING, C0 Subscription Bates .v Sot ' Months .60 Three Months ; Ente-'searci'-ttifttter Au gust'S l&i3 at tiie postblliceiait' Con conir -North Carolina tinder the Aet of March 3; 1879. WEDNESDAY .FEBRUARY, 7 1917 HOW - OUR -ENTRY ;-: INTO THE PRESENT WAR .'ijyiLL ; EFFECT - - germa":;.;-;'-;?: Germany no doubt weighed" care fully; the 'adTjantages and disadvanta' ges tb eome from 'our entry, into the war before she dispatched jthe last note to" our - government and there can be no doubt: that she decided tlat our entry into the war could only be "of benefit to her. . ' ; v Germany? knpws that our army in the present conflict would .-fhe a mere nanaiui oi. men ; comparea wiui iae millions already arrayed against her and could add little to the fighting strength of the Allies. She ' .also ' knows that the fleets of the Allies do not ' need our fleet, for the . combined fleet of all the other powers can never go into the Kiel Canal. , Germany knows that American supplies : have been feeding -her enemies and that American shells and ammunition have been furnished them- in enormous quantities. J Germany also knew that as,long as she obeyed the pledges in the Sussex not jf May,. 4,; 1916 that we would continue to aid - the Allies. y She . knows that if. she can : prevent American - ammunition and supplies from . reaching the allies ' that ; her chance for winning the war' are im mensely inci eased. . . InUie Eussex not there was one condition which reserved md that condition was that our government .compel England to adhere to the rules of international law with " respect to the- trade of neutrals." ' Germany's re cent action tells us in so many words mai we nave ianea to compel jngiana to. respect our rights as neutrals and that she will no longer pay any res pectrto them.: ' LOOKS LDXE A DECLARATION OF WAR MAY BE EXPECTED Developments have come with "star tlmif rapidity A between - the- United States and Germany within the past few days. ; ::::y; ' . - ' ' The ' iiote: of . Germany to our gov ernment and the other neutral na tions on the last v day of the month advising them that the German' gov ernment would at once proceed to in discriminate use of the submarine came as a great surprise to President Wilson and nis cabinet on Saturday the President , advised Congress "that passports had been delivered to the German Ambassadorand that Ambassador- Gerard had ' been advised to ask the Berlin government, for his passports. r This probably means a declaration of war witiiin the next few days; The consensus t of ' opinion in Washington circles seems to be that a-declaration of war will not follow until .some overt act shall have been committed by .the German submarine. Hardly the President ceasing addressing .a . joint session of the Senate and "House x swheniievfS ; jras received that an Ariierican vessel had been sunk! If the facts, in connection with the sink ing of this vessel are in line with the threats of the last German note, the Washington , government can do not hing less than declare- war on . Ger ' many if it would preserve, the honor 'and dignity of this nation. r' EQUALITY DESIRABLE : ; . . Apologists for the present elector al college method 'of electing a presi den say that it has worked no injury to either party. But it has worked an injury to the country. Under the present system a plurality . of the vote cast in a - state carries the en-J tire electoral vote of the state. Noi one oustide the state, therefore, pays much atention to the means taken to prevent a fair eleciont.; But if. the vote were dicrect . for presidential, candidates, a vote from Louisiana would count for . as much as , a, vote from Indiana and no more, and every Republican in Indiana, would - insist that every Republican in Louisiana should, have a chance to vote, and have his vote honestly counted. A full vote and a. fair, count would "have, left Woodrow Wilson s several . hundred thousand votes behind . in, the .recent election. And the country. would" have been far better off. : - President Wilson has" laid the1 re-; port of the American: section of the Joint Mexican-American international conference : before- his ' cabinet We opine that it contained :a; date liney a "Mr. - President', a - large "t 'goose-egg; And a respectfully submitted". r Subscribe For The Chronicle $1.00 a year in advance. and Doctor ' Pratt of rth Buxatf" of Foreign and Domestic ; ; Uominerce, have fxjrimJititrjW: vnce' xis' that todustrMly " Allies, are dead pnfeSjjHana wenedier: o fear competiti British Boa'r(i 'of Trade repbrt9.at dunng' the alendarvyeai-1916 Great Britain mcreaedher xpOTts oyer 1915 bver $590,000,000; torT f ron $lr 86T,000,OOp ,in l915 to $2,45700 JOOO in -1916. T. Thev Board repom that ;tne principal export increases .w;ere. s in manufactured articles,- including a gain . of ; over $155,000,000c iny, cbttoii textiles. Exports.,- Exports : of pt tonrgoods to-Central and South mejS ca increased over S,Q0Q,000. yardsf,iand to the ; United ( States- 2,600,0p0 ,yatds. The chief unpprt . increases -wee ! in foodstuffs and. raw materials, includ ing cotton to the value of ..$14000,1)00 And yet Great: Britain lias ,000,000 men under arms, ands pUngU $28. 000,OOOVdailjr to jkeep the European cauldroi boiling. v Yhat JohnjBull will do to us;iafte'Vthe;warirlf tte Wilsonj Underwood tariff , fetter dre hot tru ck cfiV is a plenty . Our imports from the United Kingdom during the ' first 11 months of 1916 increased $59;00p 000, and .Great Britain'sends us manU facturedi goods." ;: - NO DICTATION FROM OUTSIDERS r "It is a waste of liathertQ' ihaf an ' ass". This "homely proverb r is of Spanish origin, we. believe. vJft finding: application, in the i want at-i tention which Republicans are paying to the . lamentations ' of , . .George W. Perkins because . thd Republiciinsi- Nat? iohal Committee has shown purpose to attend to? its own business without first securing a.fn approved prdgrammt from him. It is hard'to tell whether Perkins is : more, surprised 6t .pained, at this. To befsure, he chose ani in opportune moment fpr .boiling, oyer; inasmuch as that other shining j light of high finance Toni- tiawsonV: was then monopolizing the front page. In addition he had little of. intrisic nerit ih his contention. y.His-cpmplaint was that the? Republican party, of. .which he is . not a member,' would -not do as he wished; that he r would, not deal with sub-committee; and, that he. waA. ted to go before. , a full .; . committee which had ; shown no ..inclination to listen to him. The people Just now. have. . other things- to think of which are, of moire consequence:, V 1 GETTING; TO BE MORE IHUMANE Everything ; v . ; -J " '::C-" :i ' Senator Allen, of Wayne v county, has introduced , a bill which would ab olish capital punishmentin this, state, except in eases of . criminal t assault, and then: there must be two or; more witnesses against the defendants We hope this f bill will ' become .a law. Capital- punishment belongs to another age. . To th'e age . when - men did murder because it Was a ' sport To r the age' when Rraco wrote his laws in bloods: To the age when Tam- merlane butchereoTpeople and called himself - the great 1 general. - To. many people there is something-.. abhorrent aboutr these udicial murdersV We no ted in Guilford recently ' that many men " when tasked question . if they were opposed to capital punishment said they -were, It has been ascer tained by men who"" make . a? study, of such things " that the electric- chair does not' decrease crime. It has 1een, found guilty Of crime escape al together becauseitiries" will "not . find nrst degree .murder . which ; means death. " V' ; o)vV Tb 'put 'a man up for life." To; take awsi'y f rom his forever -his liberty To niaVe . himwbrk-for the state his full allotted time, is better business than hanging him or cooking himto death with! electricity -IThe hang man haS ;been- a long time ori -the screen. . Human beings do .not fear death if they are frenzied and v have murdered in their ' heart. When v the French revolution was on , the heads man had as many as fifty victims a davthe blood stained axe of the fulliotine. didn't stop, .people - from doing what they wanted to do. There will always be criminals in the yorld There wiir be vicious, ones--but they can be restrkiner Steel cages aid iroh bars and guards i will protect So ciety. Capital punishment is believed, in by man.; We have always been op posed to it. - We t have ; ever' insisted that a life 'sentence was better for So ciety.. We hone the- Allen bill will be come a law. Perhaps not this time but gradually we are going to it; DOESN'T get far: Everything: : :.:' The "trade at. home"; slogan doesnt' cet f ar r it seems, Sears; Roebuck : Co., the big, Chicago mail order house has - just declared atwehtyfivepet cent stock dividend increasing the en-J tire capital toi seventy-live ?? million' dollars.- All but eiht mtllion - V is i common s stock and; the ? dividend ' rate'? was: increased on that - from1 seven 'to ( eight per cent. ; Think ;of the enbrH mous ; profits . this ; one : concern has made, and . then wonder if it ispos sible to get people to trade at home. Seems not-'.:;.:, v;,; "'-"'.-: I i fttture Jay itwill be rUca. larger , than nowestiznaul And tne oniv wav to raise tne lcaie eed 1 Jo,. jheii .ho: have it,' The American people sUt cess. When repuhins-were in powiryprpro hel trtosuryf falwas ifull; and trade' he' gave a; bond issue in time' of'jegalnth 4 e -Republicans: eame into- pover. McKihley.- and pro-. Uctionwas the: slogan.',; .The: full diii nerVpail Icame, to succeed the empty oneand we soon had hiore money than we knew what to do; with. . The Span ish -war came ok and we turned to the adhersive 'stamp cto help -biit, .but'. we didn't ;ieed' to i carry l.that far.' ; The revenues were so great that we stop ped ..using' ;stoinps rofli ,wir checks 1 be forethe' time limit;: t There was - no defidk;v;There was no selling bonds. There;! was : no - income taxwhich Thdinas ' j effersbn said was iniquious iahd we.:all . sailed along smoothly.' The. democrats Trante to give the lab orihg man i a cheap coat; and :i they toofc the tatlff off wool, . and the lab- orihg.man pays mere for his coat than ever. ' And. so on down the list.. Not only has the laboring man been stung ' but . . the rich , man ; has . been stung. Then. why not a protective tari? Why go, broke on,a theory that doesn't pan out ? . Why ; not protect the home, in dustries Iv Why-hot. levy a tariff- on importations .and have . money .to bum? Theonly reason is it is a re publican policy; and. the democrats insist that free trade -As : quite the thing. We, do not, believe, it. W :BjX WttCE OF SALE, Under and; by virtue fof an order Of Jhe"i Superior' Court of Cobarrus County made .ih the Special proceed irig ehtittedT H.WB. Wilkerson, Admr, of Ellen. Barringer, Deed. vs. joe M, Sills and Eliza, . Cannon the skme. be- ing ' No ' . upon the Special' proceed- ing Docket of said Court, the under signed ;comniissioher' will, "on Satuii day?.the 24th day,' of, February,' 1917, door in Concord, North Carolina, offer I for sale t6 the highest bidder for cash, that . certain lot of land: Situate. to Ward No, l.of the City of Concord, on the South side of-Gold Street, and " bounded "as follows: Be ginning at. a Stone on the R.' W. Al lison line in the lane leading. to the Allison' (now Cannon) Mill, and runs XMO. ou Ytp a poies w a cstone on saia Ime thence S.; 27; W. 10 poles" and 10 unts to a Stone' on old 7 A.! Smith line; thence S. 60VE. 3 poles to a Stoni fiiehK. 27 0 poles and 10' iinfti i6 beginning,' containing 31 perches; .or a fraction oyer . 1-5 "of an acre.' Said lot is now between the M. ' C. Walter'lot ond the lot owned by Emaline Blackwelder ,';', " ; This January 20th. 1917. , . . L. A. WEDDINGTON Commissioner RUB-MY-TIS Atiseptic, Relieves RneumatisiQ, Sprains, Neuralgia, etc. BHD WINTER- EXCURSION TO WASHINGTON 0. C. Via Sohern feiilway; Wednsdy, , February, 14 th, 1917. ; , :. Th Southern Railway will operate low rouhd 'trip fare ; excursion ; from Nor 'Carbl points to, Washington D. C Wednesday, February 14th 1917 Special train consisting of StendarI Pullman cars and high class coaches to leave Charlotte at 8:45 p.' m. arriv ing Washington 8 :00 aC m." sThursday Febrtiary i5th : '-? ; ' !.:; : ' 7 ; ' ' : The following round trip farces will apply from stations named below. From.; ' :---:v ;," ' ; Oiarloite i-.lk-L---l--! 7.0 Concord $7.50 Salisbury '--.,--i.v$50 Lexingfon il.--r-ili :;$6.50 Albemarle ..1. ; $7.00 ..Fare from all inWme(atepoin1?s same; basis: :':', ? . - Z-x v Tickets good going' only on speciat train, " Good returning on all regular trains except train fNo. 37." Passen-. gers on ; branch line points; will, use regular . iram ..w uncuon poinu, con- nectmg ' withspecal train. ; '' ;; ..-; Tickets good -for .. three ; days . in Washington: f 1 ,i . v See .Gongressv in session,, and the c ther Attractions at the Nation's Cap ltal. .t . .' . .T ;. --''-j--:-..-,' : '. ' Pulhr&n reseM s sirctid be made in aJvance. : -. l--, ,. : xM ;- ' Fit? ' .-::'- h to information, pullman ; - reservation, etc , consult nearest. Southern Railway- agent, or write, i , - . .-.;" ' -.-. ; S. E, BURGESS, D. P. A.".; ;; , ' ; Charlotte, N. C. Positively RiHsveai: 1 A.Mi .'.V; !7 v' it t-..f,-.J-?-..w ,. ami AMonemtiu - ''' : - Wtadaw CM" r--' i, ' - -r-w Latter U - r - . Adto HMd . mttl . Eavclopu . , Calkas.Ci4 : LMf Uto S , tll rTidnte iJ k;:;;; ..; cMtioB-:-? -c- if" ,-"'.'---.'. .Pamphlat:-' :'JWlt ;"-'.-. Clrculara ' - cack .. . . . : . :- .Toatara'a.:. ' "-rffoilltaif'ffi Vaoalpta a wiijr v( c ww u r . etenf Attention ghten i ;-' 5 - "o-m9ityKd4ttait y .'-J Ct "tTlSi tlT ift a biilioB JollM al food tad I ; awi nd aue ajJ toa -7 RAT-CORN Ut karaiMi U pas R. mbIv aVv urn. N odof IBP 5.00. 33 should tigvp ,a Kanawha or RedMacket: Pump pecause tnsy-are SO EASY TO WORK-SO EASY TO FIX A child can operate them, and. A when repairs srenecaeq, rfeyou can t- easily ; do i the 1 Iwork yoanctf, ;Wteft jrqar will I 1 (Is vrofHtly fitted tHth 4 , . JACKET (Ma) I .JUI.ll ; m ar unmd of hmving tbi: bestj Urcr torar fear oc aueeeaaia Uwt'w Will bufld it oWctly. hi bniidisMTia Tocr snaraaM d for or Ulttatratea cauioff. jrwaraealac cannot eupply writ diir. c - . - . 1 KANAWHA PUMP WORKS taattags BWf - ,C ;: Jtlinora, Hid, Weuxatat2flij--fieadss ipnc prams.rm pu ts, and :?uniSrjd.Soiesj;:i ?K good oil Imirit ?- . ''s -ti siicst'-waita stopr ' them,: ' r v r best ; rbmlijiitnt ; ia"( "' '5..- . t ,. ' vkU if . . Etc. YouiyriD be irreed of IpnrMijjf irmvitationsbr if public letillsre- mcinucr we can nirn butSflr worlc at the lowest sticorfcEmt 3 S3, n AH lit X I; MlfJ" aftyii IliMrtelesii ri ;-.,:.uwv If, youwod...beJhe most aucceaw ui, xiMk i u'x: 'v'"s'1'-V ; . i n, chnii'M 'MiU vnnr tnbne - work -:-- . . r ' v . Vou should'make t ; ' ; money 'row - earning k.." -f 1 r f.:? ;--3.v v- money. .. ,-.r'i ; : ; ' .'i'-' -.V..;.'' . ..-'Set '-aside whatmoney vbii Mill not rfci'jvsCV:?Ae4 p jOuf businet this time fl'fCv there, when 5 y do . ..V- are dealer and often SATISFIElj WlTtf.lrmJ naJ?e care ofaour comtJerian vuxxX$ mu :vf ''Si;:K; . - ,;;" ;RBMEM;BR!':TiHi3'!--" aiways ..s ;- i"''p ' - ,,. I - I.'.- .. ",i4-JJir ,: THtfcOiOr -. . . , - - :. ' -I'-'-r-.- .-v;'.'. .-c!?.--- - - . ' 4clS-?v " - : ; v-" - -;" - 1,1 ,xfV'"'-;,7' r-x-li' ; -HT.TT1 't n ft- nrtTnntir"- in.'TTfv . VtTnrriVW if -irm ail :'n ;'.''- a a. 1 . - a. . a- . .. . - i . - ' a a a v - . . lit. r-'A-'r:-V''A j-.- r-f... .,r-:-i-: ;;" ir.r v: ' ' ;.fty : y f ; ;;-:;;,;;-y ;;. :.-:::: ht- 11 " , "rAVf" .; ?- .wcKnames -.cacpunigs jcuosoiuuoa. j-v .a, mm,, lsp . i;-;.; . qnduour complexion trill lake cere ptxf&t, OSE PURE AIDS. CHOOSE DAINTY .'TOILET Ck&AM THAT "J AIES YJ. IjRAftE, SNO ;cVIfs an awful thine ?Orieoftfte 4f ED. PINAUD'S ' has bei used 'for'lOO "years .by' LT UOUIUUUf UVU1115 iiUU( uiu tailing Iai IibmT.:! CHO ; strong; .-i Try-r qner. botlifc (Asfcr your druggist -r:Ycta-;i&r:te&? EP. - INAUD'Sly -sending 10 to. our. American Omces foT; a little bottle. ' Note -hoW pure' and 'fragrant it. is. i -t-r.r.,-r.V-'.r f ' posited tliis bM your mone cavinz uiicuw r- j-?: sc:t'. need and workil; jour .' I 'r .J i ' - . times lower. rtij? ' . ' l l CREME ELCAYA THE HS ST(3dO THE TESTFOI id4TtiLf Ofi STlTerfNEVIrYORK IOC FOfl LAROC SAMTLC to lose your hair! HAIItromC men arid : women eVerywher" for." -L UUUUIUV OUU fiCVCUl ' Hardt; YEARS. 'i i r mi m m fi 11 -F I' is r3: r. ; 4- - , - . i r' .:'; r -'' ...; a" -.-Oit'-v f HE fSl'Vv li : - T

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