:r!;:AVv'5; ;-.--y. V - "'- - ; " V!Vr-.v VvvvV.. . ::;i.;;' 'rt fMpi wmi P mm spa ipss mm mmmmfmmmm&m J w 1- f-. .- I I il T hii ii t Hi i jj'thil ii p"oHst6 fehe State departipehf tonight side: of the hoieneaV' -r EI;. Pasa. ;. C6unsetlcr l. . . v : v' March -2. anddeclanwJoi township of th punty i:olk:who xecered jthespatchei aidn tliat thedepwtintl had no.offi- &v.i;4Th$(le" covhpys referred to . wers v ;: r. v; C urina'inH'. -Mtttfnojir sent -.frorx. Camp : who have" reached Rotterdam :' sface JJie br(2akiri diplcajtic: relations "be iween vienniuiy ana -we, uizj&ca o(S tes altJidijgh'iti both-caw? the:"rpass ports had ' been applied for beio: the ', the rupture ?ave similar-accounts oi presents 'conditions in Germany the fypn;Gardh; . J.1 " '1. . Jll .-T.p -S' ' ." "i'Vj." u f j " 5 y i --T vVCiS 'mtxintli.Ji!m4:wwJSVi;W seated xntne loD&y of tne ; noter tolk ?Ht -.tViWp:; 'latltielFr ing to: fiends and was laying with tte ! Wfe&H Mor! CtardiEeatfi-iis little Ink Silverberg', o? Des ; Moins ?i i V,V on the - 'i. border nIodaviemySpillsbury, T , ; ' fdiscovefed'-Sn house ; had been i broketf yintoValicLound i - tracks 1 oVij?.-? V. war ;rViv!Vi:Vvi!ii rifasoTexas,-Jeui!. to ; be T; Anlerjcjart; ; citiziiu were' ltinVioiii '-of the , ewaCrwarSd the ent .ysterday.i.v':" The bod here found -international iIatchitaT??M: eccord'ne to a ,tele rant'. received here tchight. The cov- . Doys were captured oy iuexican lan- -dits.in the raid-on the Corner Ranch 4- t-: l;Monday..rThe body of one of the - .-i? X.t Thc. yisrtuhs-,of the latest outrage on th? iAmecan) beder,;are : ; ;.;"', ".A,. Ptersoni Jr. Burton Jen3on, p-f : "ti:M Hu?rh:"AcoiGi;;;;: -v-:-. . v.:"-:v '-" -. '- I - r ;.. -' rf AB three fof the men were married ''"j1'V''4;-and.iPjeterson ; is the. father of seven t jt-childr Mormons. . r . fikM'pW Q tbe;OutragrA came in a mes- .v' '' isagef rolnlLemV Spillsbury who was .-.J V -' - vT Kone of ; thexican scouts with Gen " v'; ' 'zVralPer j ." ' graphed 4te,dT ather , of Peterson cne . ' k , of thVtislii&.-asien "who came there; t - - - ; julead with iGecra Pershing and state department v omcials for, permission ii.',tV. organize,; a band of cowboys to go :f en' search ;,of Hs son; and, the : other - . " 1 I Spfllsbu'mfssage-: stated that ! ' wV ' searchers found ienson'js body, first, ! fC.;;'V.;.rHt body indicted that the cowboy 'st fpeif jWSt Kwd had jKeert baten'ard crushed in ;,' " v'- :- - :'J.'.-. -''..'..-;'- : - '.fiJ. - were found the bodies' of Pet?sn; and " , At a lahjwjaitgniirht no steps had ;:been'. taifejny"?nftary.feoffial5 here 4 at HatehitareiANt Mto send troops acJferb6rder in Pursuit of the bandllqbpysiyided in : vrto smanftrties crssed the ; r border ;t(y -igiht for the three . : . slaift;me::uck' jSpeneer. Mex. ; ican Eefe1iree(3, reported to . have ' beeSfeent -o the border ' by Gen V ' era! Salazlf ito; raise a ransome of ' i $5,000 - wh.fhi: wif e was held as a - hostage. jgjih g; td other dispat ; ches frohateilaitfSs i feared Spen- ceir fellf t3Mrids' of the Coner & J i .Ranch' raderand.-ilso Vas slain. Federal officials; asserted here to night thajcord,;;Jehsoh -and Peteir- onereexlcacitizens under, the terms 1 of eettjem ent of Colonia Bublan bv' .American Mormons. All beeh in Germany a little more thai a : :PyP, i teM ; jifttrMfe year and hr.that time1 ach manlost -y: SO ;pounds "in . wcight-W. " -4 llTliecdcre Wurslm ak engineet' of I V?) j Jamaaa, N Y-Hsaid K ex with working men in BerhA showed J exarjiraU'i '(WimasM him that they, were ; tired , of war out I neio at Wp' --vk nevertheless determined 'J to , holdxxmf JfciGtoiey f ood "'and they are" thus better' off tjiattf iwpSMr&q raaiiy ; aii : oi , wmch: tney -spend io persons higHsr in theocisi scale. Mr. Wuilih.'said, he often taw groups of British Erench and Russian war nria- oners -especially Russians, aweepp the streets xarting ,;? goodd And' per tornung ether labor, He said they were never ' moisted or insulted. -Of Mr. . Wuralm'$ 10 Americans associateid; about half had decided to remam in jTrmany what ever happened; 'i; -.-yJS The other American is a-New 'Tork business man who said the food situ ation. was .very. Jaadt ia .Frankf oxd -Ht told harrowing; storieif thhard- fchip ; undergone? by the , people who. he said, were uterly weary ox the r war, but entirely, "devoted to the mili tary leaders. .-; ' . : ' r.'-;.;:-': "' DEATH. 6F MR. G. A. BJ.UME. ; At his home on South Union street Wednesday morning" at 4;45 o'clock occurred the death of f Gustavus" 'A. Blume, following an ' acute attack! of jpneumonia. ; Mr. ,BIunie was ill -only four days and his death comes as a great shock" to;his family and friends. In early -manhood Mr Blame served in! the Spanish-American' war . and later was stationed in "the Philippine Islands ; He made a record for faith- fur-service of 'which any; soldier Wou- or to ilasS snow every pwiow ereoTjat ac livgF5hjBett:C ;San' NSTONaS;STROCEN UNTO DEATP; IN HOTEE, tohio,.,Tex.,; Febr:t9,--fMaj.' Geiir ,Frederick!-Funstbn cominahderH of ; the - southern ' department of the Vbu'll j, United States ':. army : since February, 1915, ' died suddenly at - a hotel here tonight;;.a fewmitiutes after he had rfihishedi imer. " ' He " collapsed 'while seated ii)th"e. lobby of the hotel tolk- eiids of ye!"arbuijth$f Sldesf j th-;gjarden fruit '; tKOA Vand Dse.e5gy.;:5Ui;ft gieni long ;so thleaii ct tegcaref o ilttrfitfieU' lit 'l'' U.t. ''Jii..!' XV. j... t . applicant Eacft '8ya?2ai "tiff contiaous sunlytmfa, these yeijei be'?tr4. iil grade -eh euhjst Wil ' teteiQetf' i:reAtSf' d;.yery to &e licmC; v1iteit'' fctto u'.-lpor 'V'" NJ ;;." '.i. three canjeljerhen General Per- rffif Bisho'-Paso-;nd; one :' of ; l' . the mo m&TiMormons in the . - - ,f - southwest'theVthree men by in- "tVi'-r;.:.' h termitent Residence ; in ' the .- United n ;' - v,. States7sduring .the last few years had zgfitt .retained theiiK American, .citizenship."' ;-.v v- "4- ". "M ' Governmetofjacials are trying to- night. to ci&3riitp-the question of .-citir '4. zenship- : ;'; . . CarranzaitidJillsta leaders in El - , -Paso souShi?iofe'ce the blame for the -flS;?!,;f 6es' "!The IHHstas '"men declared : the IfaK Carranza;';off- ficials . to-,3pt9V-ejit sthe United States ; ' j" - - PrudencoIJrade, at "one"! time a 0&5 A! ivil,- omcersiAscension was credi- !;' -' ; : ted with . boWvthe "leader !of the rai- affiliated-w;Vpiho Villa" i ! Two. Mexica vemployes Were! killed .I in a raid -cnjfilPjibebe A. Hearst's rranch,at :Mt ' ' -1-,-; -' "despatches rfcjeivdrhere r: tonight.- The . V ' 'despate's.-lsiitthe raidiH was , osta. Mkderji 'J;hf site of the Pearson finh'slarge'JltHfSbe in Mex- ' 7ico. : Stores -were -looted and many pired he;, returned to. hi home, town and- has . since made his home here where he; was v greatly, esteemed by all who knew him for his many fine traits of character. ;For number J of years he has held a position at the city post office and was an elBcient and valued member, of tjie- postofBce force. . -;; - ' ' Mr. Blume was- the second son of Mrs. William H. Blume of ; this city and . had recently passed J his ; S6th birthday. Seven years ago he was married to Miss Lilly Xyerly, of No. 8 township, who ith three -small daughters servives. He is also sur vived by his mother, three sisters and two brothers, x Since his early "youth Mr. Blume .has been a faithful mem ber of St Jpones Lutheran Church of this city. The funeral, services were conduced by his pastor, Rev. M. L. Stirew'alt from his. hdme Thursday aftfernoon at '5 o'clock, and. the inter ment was at Oakwood cemetery. ' successfully pasain -:"rrfnatiefl end entitled iht caificto W e published ferkf k!fsifa!ca? day pracedinj :;ptu&CC-:; uvuvto lam uuKivz .enTisaqon tt one eentral poht wt$ fe ! c3 isf actory to all . caaccmi.v. t. ; v r ; A-meetiBfif of JIjpMsSsS & t wo-teacher : pclMet! Wfl H!; WSsfia the ofBc ef.tb$ o&aty: 5j; dent on Satttrfy. .VtAmf 'it 10; iMm.l''iu routine otk,: ttt - e:itessn5 win t discu8S4.! -':-&3tn 'J. :. History !af;u;8:jJ' w. a. Sickle. - ;kv.r . wiitin?; its sm x&e&'-t: relson. v;; . : ....:--.!;: , ; !c;K " 'Gebrrapkjv iaE; E, Grant-' ;'; 'v,' 'English, Boob U; iSaa ta by mtBfte-Ctrc) cher schoohi wtU be beld t earn place and 4t eai--'.fi:Aiaftj ing ie I p.M. f4iic&m:&G2ftetitd to bring the bceS!. 'tiMi atd second grades ' ' ; -:-, 'y- Copies of th -jg&Sol text book may bo, bad wMfltf&4$r&&' Flpwe Co. t. t3 0asf3t fei a the splettftd rvoftf ecamSii bv the classes ttsfttf Ifcts toftok, stich as home-iaade - iSWeaiteaVt, tire- Lpsrinr various rtict of !fa. However this book U us5 3 sup plementary text --Mil .t&; 9iSeis-'e'f the same depend pe 1 bfik&i shown by ;tht ' teicR! vO: ' v piLC eai oetaeit Us&infy 4ryp f t -,-'.: &eir leople ;taany Iiwi on, kiif-thJfiinty tosplawriteteeir ne uDuess wii xxxntsa. yw, jUsi 5jldap$eW::c : Ai )ist of vegetablei : tot the Home Tnwill -ibei!grei0 theiPAPgR'S leaYiie-iuddU uTdppln4:th'ifoil asiom !n fkya$;fel URGES PASSAGE OF . THE WEBB BILL : Washington. Feb. 17.The Republi. can Association, through its Presi dent, Hon. Jonathan Bourne, Jr. today gave out the following statement ' at its Washington Headquarters: "President . Wilson urges .the pas sage of the Webb bill, assuring our manufacturers that it will pave the Fwill run in lie cer2 ele&fot; 3ga'5': iia.'-V'vWi---V.i&'-fe. ' '--VJ. i i Duiiamgs the.messages; ; . ".' ' 1,1 jiV . COLDEST X, CLE VLAND "if V . -v. meveland hiO, ,Fep. 12.- The the rmometer registered IjO degree below zero hiere.slforehphl' f-WfetIt!wa's!-th -a!;,v .-r-V.' - 'J -Wj, esyaysince! Feb i the temperature ! dropped toi lJiegrees below zero., i; SOtfTH CAROLINA MAT : ! REPRESEKTU BT BLTNTJ 11 AN Columbia, 5 CL fobi S. McCerkle of Chesiei, !- tftui will probably' represeat S fifth South Carolina 4istrmHaiireis from Pebrnarjr ;;;rwiifel54di(fetife& wil!4e held, until Uardl 4 BWins. Early returns from the Bettofatic4 primary today ! gave MeCorkle :482 vote for the short terrn Saiatio, and his nearest ogpenex 31f,- '; -TJae election will be to name ar stsOr for the late t. B. Finley." - . . For the long tetta TT, Il'Sfeenlioh of Cherawi and either TV K, Bailer, of Uaffney or Glaudo N Sap cs Lan castery will! rw& -Q, tbm pViisial rales ishettueaM; Teeles5fcja diitiasonj.ffier 'be'' a hotel,' wheii he fell -unconscious ;; Death was almost instantaneous! 5 - General !Funston was ;5i years old., i Ever; since March, "1914, ! ' when he sas placed in command of alLUnited States forces on the "Mexican border, i General Funston had - worked - at an unusual e peace, -Xt critical! timea! in jf&V h br2ereyel6toen .Th-handling of regulars disposed of gtjyawus1' stations on "the! ' border; the tBershing 1 expedition, and, "of late. prragenienf! of regular; troops white for the return ? of national Lguardsmen- - have I entailed ah enor liiA; Thaithe eniocraa!etwg; partoa thr, applrialion is sfcelvlh-&f all : oreK the ! cotsmT i protestinlij ;' ..S-.- . : v .-'... . ' "T". .v. i'l " "-i-'.T aramst prco-if!Tl?eft little Tlnez:; 5ilverberg! of Desv Moins Ia. a guest with' her parents at the .... ' 1 n" ("iii.ii 1. 1 . 1 Hiin iVom i -t.itMi. u l "- w'- jWashingtoiii Feb!i?ife- licJublidtrAssoafe its. Presidents. Hon- Stx&lZzi- 4 JrtodayA-gaye"oo sfetement?at;ii 9!Mwte:.;;p partment of ';A gricnlttoe- -iy; ; ? -! mated :!thatjthjey.;wiff'ii; ; mohsV; myestig mousafnoumV4 of detail: .work; ' pro-' turn ;ior . our: goods, uW5?i5 ,bbly exceeding that . which! fell 4otto-?nt "f10 f:gol, f; afi anyv commadirig geKerajrof ' fheUni IdSteies-sincethe tCjyil WarJt! Unly -today General Eunston com pleted ; orders for' return of .. the , last or-tne;yguardsmen -oecaiuseof ithe; amoimxj General ssisg ourselves a -1.1. i: iki; irem me wen vo ,a The arm: atfinavy miilias,: an4hy!J-i rttot;in faTorrof Ppir ramme portjJ'Ifallio he. prepared !i"et$tt!and mfUiens of mone.o' .tJS' ojllf ln'g to do is. nd;waylird: is $o:jraise the money,; S$:v&ffifottWf&' Mse seed irj there will be-anyincTeag be no free list aafWen. tatppens when Hit 'democirm' aftaif .OMrrJaitBs- kve mone 'f roothe jwalfceg than those how !used ri!eTtive txfitii !till be the"fenl4t;Ueetn 1st .who talks protptur wnen a- cam paigm is on is aecusea oeu?. re tublicaW.But it belay .deenatrated that hundreds of.ithousands cfe dcntV erats are , in fayojf, piejgve;ar: iff, becaiisey tfiejL" arei'ia foryof t protective tariff beclie th se? it is the onljh wayt'to pe y:;thf 1 wessary jmoney -to ran.tnmseiaing. tt-jchr relaixatibn anuoccosiohil friends Only ; recently Gerieral': Funston re turned from .an inspection trip which took hint as far as y Nogales, Ariz.; Thatjfiith one trip to . Brownsville Txl,! a, brief- visit to Austin Tex., laslr ra :were ! the only! occasions, when W$ has been !absent from ; his' desk sitheJjprder trbuW ''Zg't&i' compellea to tTm: WaV Sffh timI Ttrirref rtri ' T-i . " " suffered an yattackybf indigestioiy;To use ;his ' oyn expression! wilf oundit duty aipneLerhe placed.- himself"! 4mder itoe car?pjuent- klvJ!lv!iW2 ahd,f ofj the Jajedical obrpsVpsoth-. t ern v department, ' and: . regained .nor- TiLor'tnree upon, the reasons for , th--Ebi cbst yfyFoutiliuad :'ttaS'vC dollars Is a lot oT iaioney :'t0 !;-; !' fbtinfoTrmation-icki :.; talce'i.t. ?iv he; ne.wsa.pt , rcjy; ;-r. at :a cost f -less thsfif ttP&i AgncultUire-! spendt&&--:iS5X 4KfMffl mpne;andme:;toVi subject, their report "fc bo ;?x - nied-upyajSOut: a& imwp:: ;f?e!rapid"lbicrease- livingm:ted;a!Kl was; due!t0epMcafe f rbmAfpreigh ycountrftas! 'j&lf&St&f'? yfeii ducts on "account wavs' mfiatH!u values- td: the !high Vpricea; j'arr icsStSKt?: esiwereiwillirijW,;2i csrt t3?5; they desfre ; fAmeranypBj$;p; .tbf;'' .'.v.- s X- or?.worK:wmcn iauettytonira;paKe aava y; , inston'slyreaioh'! ict;'.ii!gEeW"p M for nearly a year has been f condition of supply a!h 4fS ';J23. -f! t i ;! ,niiner !with -a few !tined.c-r , 'y ' . '..'- -v-:'. : " .1 '. AtHhe ootbraXI'-Cdb: persons yo'wereyuia supply . goods at imedfie liCtS ' -compelled td'iawefeaatpfia als yat yliigher prfw4;;'. T protect ythenTvei;v?' ; "TT:y y which! vthy t2t y pay. ; -"!!s msW'VAf film At r'tVA'r APt 'fi-"-L and- our, lmmigratii 'Ct0sti. tailed, with the resol a, shortaee of labors CZ2r- J wessai t auccignmaj '.. .:' :; USING .F.rSH;0Ny ,'; Editor:"'' RpraTilVMfe'W'to ask your adviceTOn!usiag vsb tor fertilizerrt'can ieed f or; hauling d&em.; 'r-tnski7 put an acre t to !Jrishy pOJaeX;: andi.i want fish way for exceptional profits. Secretary Redfield -and Doctor Pratt urge V.merUJ froyide .:that if no iadiiat fjtfeai . a can manufacturers to forget the domfmajonty;; the. twd leadlftp Cadidate estic market and go out after . trade in foreign territory. These same man ufacturers are required to ' shoulder the risk of foreign investments . and solve ' the. problems -incident thereto. The Administration loads on - them a corporation and an income tax, ani if they make over eight per. cent they must pay an - excess profits tax. If they .; go into f oreigri : business they have no assurance of government support in . case of trouble, and if, In spite of nt!all they; make money they are called robber' barons, and accused of . trying : to dray this country into war that their coff ers may be filled. Individual . initiative certainly has no jericouragenient! from - the . Democratic party under its present leadership;" COAL SHORTAGE FELT ! AS DETROIT SHI VERS ,v Detroit,; Mich., Feb. 12Th cold est yveatbery in yearsfand the worst coal shortage of the winter .resulted in muchffeiihiri y! Detroit v.tbday Twelve degrees below zero? was, offi cially; recorded in -the., heart (of) the to use fish f orferilsr4 Z 'do-, to- put ;aroi,;rj$nr-.aiid. now, snouia ,,; jl ,use :5fiiay jo-nest advantage ? ; mmKSO&v. y Reply I'lshaiie; Miinoice Complete -atisf actbry.;frtaj your potatoes. ThAvjroarft jfruldl be f vines with ' few ;potea5Tt if hbnld supplement lrwus ;woog aaes; ; irst PREMIER BRIAND GIVE3 ; LUNCHEON FOSGEUftD Paris, Feb. 184m!?.H3 !'.'-Nj :!--; -' :! - !" : inere wuisoev preaching at Kocxy Citv,in.tne toreBtwi- KjSif y;!!iJge "d.jghapel nxtcSun-i f ubirbs!and riiesrPbH . i:;v:f! .'-4ay as ''Usua$-;: - V ; - ' v frcinai 12 to 22 degrees VeloV iero. ' the former! America ambassat: to Germany, was the guest of tor jftt a luncheon givea at the feii ice I by Premier Braid vtoday, - A distin guished company: was pref 1 4iclu- o5ng diplomatic rpTewniatSv ai &e f entente . powers,.v ... , yyry Mr. Gerard was atfcafipiafca' try the American ambassador to Ffan8eV 17il liam Gravesr Sharp, fld botJl W&e re cipients of many marks of c$r2&!r$f. Mr. Gerard , earefollyy aveided aay- thing Jn the nature e a ipeesa et aa expression of politieal views Ambassador m& JXt? GerTar td Ambassador", and ' lira, arp. fitted a& tended a performance; at : tie'!Mi dero. --yy-'sWyy' yvs,-v. V President PoincarA :yn& at the performance by CotertJ and Vat ministtf ojP.war, by Caataia Echtern. . "vi: -) '?h : y.--. Mr.rGeraroV ait BakttialtoVttjSI- derV became; the object fi& tost fthe acre, broaacasfiHf: iMm oii; turning thehrin? :?:TJ':i5'peii- panting, NUnder'tEehI !::;.You can alwayssNfiMji aa vantage py putting iMr fti Ikaaftd ay Fish scrap wfll; nWdokta pat jsiamd orange ; trees. T'Usedj 'hjwuI beaemes 'pvt0j ''grill cause - diebackVdrm5lte their' fertilizer faiS ely.;'dUtiw.:fysi5r. bearing y trees J regtur ifetQh than ayneteSiai contains none thi; lS5p!pr: te- mentr; it'Ms decidedly nejsjf fpesa. Better get!'a;'reg!i1 tilizer : for; yvijiiit f fish for your truck aatf fieWcassja y friendly.demonatfalioar et & th erowda rare oz iere will:be skaijJy every -Monday JnFjfejSiSs: Admission 10a: f of . the benelii&the !mal ThValth" and -- siritf.' v ii ii i ' 1" ii n lii - If I'lif fexs Colonei Ireland ,fcaid t4high ?eherat;Fuhstonyhad;been Ven.v; Nevertheless at; dinner tonight Gen eral Funston-was particularly Sabs- Itemious and ate only sparingly of the simplest dishes. . ... "'-:. ' Coh Malvern-Hill . Barnum General FunstOri's' chief of staff, immediately notified, the war department of Gen eral Funston's death. News also was dispatched to. Mrs. Funston, who' is' visiting 1 her father in ' California. No arrangements for General Funston's funeral have been made. ; ORNAMENTAL GARDEN NOTES" Southern-Ruralist. 7: y ! . ;By the middle of February all the planting of shrubs and trees . should have been' dene. Plants may be set oui; later .than this,' but it is", advis able ta get them into the ground be fore this; date. ' ;!,.!!' !!! y .!' -:!!'! ; K Get ? the ; flower beds in, ""shape for the spring plantinl'. pjUse! only the best rotted inanure on the flower beds arid' about; the shrubs: ' Scatter this manure on ..ihe beds and work into the grcurdj readiness for the plants thatrrre to bey set out 'and the seeds that are to be planted. -The seed eatalogues are coming to handy There is nothing quite so fasci- ratmg; as to look them over and; dream of the maiy wonderful flawers we are going to have ; next summer and fall.;.. Many, of us are doomed to uiappuiiiuijttiiit, uut . sun. wes can , au have the fun of speculation and anti cipatioh if not the relization. To- re alize jthe spring anticipations means (pnstant work and attention all the time. Get the catalogues and begin to makeout the seed" list for the year get xnthe order early. ;;--:' y ! y lf : any one is expecting to grow some plants at home for, setting out doors this is the time to start the seed in boxes in the house, y Get some Wobds earth and mix with ! a little sand for. they soil, in which to sow the seeds. Take a box four to six inches.! deep and twenty ranches or so wide "and fill with this soil. Sow the seed in rows and. cover lightly, water and set. in the Jrichen or some like warm room for sprouting. Whenthe lttle plants are. - three, weeks to a month old transplant . them , into the rest - of ,lhe ;box ,about-twb o . three inches apar each way. They can easi- il t - -i : -' ce"fc.thevd?y;y;? -! "Prf"i haw " hiiinT'iiRW'jr? ';."-! -r t X'X and decreased hoori i& EaSftB"-' -.' - . Responding .fo tS" 'pure foodVymauftapfra Xg&gzgt compelled ; to- pat -Up:; umfx--pSTTr in smaller ; packag- i'gtiX ' sealed, thus addiajg ta ift T putting the commodity rsv.. and increasia ' the ; price to - ti sumer. ' . 'Sjtrt' "There has-' been .alci'iS population toward- tta"-fei:t!- result, that higher tf better clothes :ymi4W;ft'i'.t more mciey . spent ea'l eirj siSte--tides ; of consumption,' ."'y?' ' 'The style of iivina sesy of ; Americans . ; has 5.131 '.ttSQt with theyhatural!inere cident thereto J 1 ! y''i'nyj "We have h'us;-'iuma;jfc(St$!y which the Trade Coxtitoiib f "ft: 'Department of ! Agriculta!;flV ir. V y, grow-here until planting time- in the spring. ; ; y ' Buffalo Express Somebody ias suggested -Mr. McAdoo - as the next r3embcratic candidate for President. Why. not 'the other son-in-law, Mr. Sayrev; -, He appears , to ',- nava". much nibfe admirable qualities pert after they yhave spgt and six months? time i: the high cost of 111'; MRS. GEO.J3EWEY SmfiftCir APPRECIATION TjO Washington, Feb. ;iwB!3te k Dewey today rs&yfrl&& CysSf ; man, of - North Caroliaa IfQgi ."CSV'!;; pressing; her bratitudeylfctT ZrxSS&J I;' tions ' adopted by fieJ5ir.-jsdclfe.X ; general assembly .yoicinc; -!5'y tion of Admiral natiom !; She Onclosedlr-'.liia-'l1 tenTy7Aoniil''peirt that.y a4 North ? Careliniaav U8S ! Dobbins, onee secretary ei" tl itay; ' appointed Admiral DewSr'alai aetia.'. '.' midshipman in the navy; t " ! : y''ur': '' ' , , "I . wish you and the e0l!e cf f country to know' saiI IftsV r 7 that my-husband f elt fOf :tikO 'pSS.;N ;: ; '' secretary of the navyosli iels,' (also;North"yCarnJityv fetX' theadmiral ; said? 4:&---T vVv' u have, been- mthe navCT and have! served nder fii3&yri$& taries of e-na' ; Stl iels1 is the best atci':'g&f&-: and has done more 'for th alfeiisa any, other. !:;Iraint !ajae2 fc! knowledge" of itecMical has ; studied VplSai'&U "' : -,v inibii is found 'ooieSstSj 4 . HIGH POINT BlItiTJJUyEA ;EI .PasAe;Fchi;liM North! Carolina! infant ytOy Fort Bliss hospital last'fiTif 'itpi'rM n gitis." ! His h" bnie ffiS&feSM n.,c 1 ;.-' V - jr. - . - f" ' v; i!y'. "r. tt.5' - r-!

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