I the mm mnw. jonl b. AIBEMARIiB, N SPETEMJJKR IS Rate TAayertWmjt One Mttarc one Insertion, ei.oo, Each subsequent insertion, -Special rates for larger space. .50. ; Rates Babscrlptlon I One copy one year, $ 1.00 , 'ri, F.aitor is in nowise responsi-"Times," bio for the views ot cM'respoiients. I a For President, fS ROVER CLEVELAND,1 Or NEW YORK. For Vice-Preoldont, THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, OF INDIANA. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET- For I Governor t .FRED M. SCALES, Of Guilford. V "Lieutenant Governor, CHARLES M. , STEDMAN, j Of New Hanover. For Secretai-y. Of State, WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, V. Of Orange. For Treasurer, DONALD W. BAIN, For Attorney General, THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, Of Buncombe. s For Auditor, WILLIAM P. ROBERTS, ! Of Gates.1 For Sup', of Public Instruct ion, Of Gatawba. Far! A&toeiate Justice Supreme Gourt kUGUSTUS S, MERRIMON. - Of Wake For Congress y Sixh Dislrict, , RISDEN T. BENNETT, V Of Aitson. r ... j : J .;. ELECTOR SIXTH DISTRICT. ALFRED ROWLAND, OF ROBESON. - Editorial Notes. "Mattie Rutb, a colored girl, at the residence of Mr. John D. Briggs on Saturday started to start the fire with oil. Result, an explosion, and narrow escape of both her life and the dwell ing. Fortunately the workmen on the new Methodist church wtu near at band to run to the rescue. N. B. The girl, e regret to say, has died since the above was set. Her sufferings were terrible, and her cries heart-rending. Oh, doctor, am I dy ing? she screamed. Will I go right to hell and burn forever? Oh, poor mother it will kill her when she hears the news! An' she aint got no money to bury me with and thus on until death came to ease her paius, A sad death, truly ! Farmer & Mechanic. We elin the above as a matter of waruiug to our readers while handling fceroeeue oil. It is so strange that peo pie will sefuse to profit by past and bitter experience. Next to whiskey aud cast-iron pistols, both of which number their victims ny the thousand, the kerosene can is getting to be the inW Jestructive agency to human life; When anything assumes the form of a contiuued public evil it deserves legw. ia live enactment, aud we think the legislatures; of the different Stat-s would only be doing God's service to ijtlach'M ( jj u &e with kiroeue oil, . COUBEs-POHDBStE. i . . . ,-1 For the Observer: Mr. Editor: I desire to say something more than - -.it taid lit TOUT XJlieSVIJie cwrreap""" : .., -,1 a ttn iintnn meifU? of the I nt;ai u . a Patrors of Husbandry, at Bilesville We had a fine audience. 1 He new band of BilesTille was on hund, and gave us.soroegood music. The meeting was opeued with prarcr hy Bro. Carter, when Oapt.M. S. Parker, in behalf of the Bilesville Grange, then delivered the addiess of welcome. He then introduced Bro. McRaroar of Cabarrus, who made a short address; he was followed by Bro. Cook of Mt. Pleasant, nD 'Organiza tion af the Farmers.' B-o. McAlister, Master of St, John's Grauge, Cabar rus county, was then introduced and held the audience' spell-bound for an hour or more, setting forth the princi ples of the order and the necessity . of farmers being organ itea. - .4 Bro. Pitts. Master of Poplar Tent Grnnee. and elitor of the. Concord; then came forward and made goo(j gpeeCb. The audience then disj perse for dinner-rthe dinner was not grooped, but the citizens of the villa provided for the visitors, wniie those from the country spread their dinner, upon the ground aid everybody had plenty to eat The Patrons held a private 'meeting in the afternoon,- the object ;' being to organize a District Grange- between Staoly and Cabarrus coun ties, bat nit being ready it "was postponed' for the present. Bilesville has a good academy; built by, and through the influence of the Patrons. The school is a good one, and a live working Grange holds its meet ings upstairs in the same building, Now, Mr. Editor, you can see some of the fruits of the! farmers' being o.r ganized, and we think the farmers in (j liferent parts of Stanly county would do well to follow Bilesyille's example, A live working Grange is a blessing to any community. We are laboring to develop a better, and higher manhood and womanhood among us. We hope to 4ee the day when farmers will see the importance, of being organized and have a place of meeting, where the farmer. jbfiirJwivea.ud thqivnon and dau 2 titers, can meet and mingle together and help bear eachothers burdens. f ' A.. Patrol. MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. Gen. Scales certainly is a good cam paigner. His speeches are interesting, winning and forcible. His delivery is nervous and his sentences are pointed. His sentences are lofty and patriotic and he often rises to eloquence and moves the audience wi a masterly band. I . Dr. York, while adroit and strong, is no match for Gen. Scales on the stunp the difference being great But be is plausible and is full of the arts of the demagogue. There is notli- ing elevating iu his manner, language or sentiment?. He appeals to the preju dice rather than reason; and is very effective in presenting views which makes an impression among the un thoughtful. The canvass doubtless falls short in dramatic interests that memorable one between Vance and Settle, but it stirs the people very much, and when the speaker approach this section it will evoke a strong sensation. The enthu siasm for Scales is great ond the detn onstrations in hii behalf are all that we c'uld wish. , His speeches still fur ther endear him to the people, and he not only wins applause but votes wherever he goes. He tUthuses the neopieiand arouses them, nd there will be a larger vote pulled for our ticket than ever before. But yet, in" seasoc and oat of season, line upon line and precept upou precept, we roust enjoin upon our friends the necessity of practical work, of organization, the enrollment of voters, properly present ing our side ' to doubtful men : aud taking nothing for granted, but being coustaut iu well doing. The best work is that dune in the neighborhoods- ! NewsObse Money Locked Up. There is a scarcely of muuey throughout the country; fur waut of it trade is paralyzed, industrial establUhj meuts closed, thousands of laborers deprived of employment, aud thous ands of others compelled work at reV ducel wagva. scarcely sufficient to pro1 cure the neor&Mrie txf life. NuminirH of hauU have (lua ju ue crh .od the price of i, U .11 ! kioa-ot ? g stocks have fallen largely, ana witk - , this the large cropr of this year hssf so reduced the price that the, farmer wi of fjirm - rrtA-a.i , - , i V t - i acaropi o repan ...r u Wr r ni - -. ..U. I.L Lv J.. ! C IJ' l"'",mv - , And yet, according to the lait Ulf- tnenf of the Oimptroller of) tha Treai ury, there were locked up in tie vaulu of the Uoited States TreasurV, $412,000,000 in cash, accumulated . there by excessive taxation, thru$iT the absurd and criminal plicy of the "Rpnuhlirnn nartv.' whea the emvfni- i'ranhy. tnentdid'ot need onedollar f:th''!lnage (Latin & Greek.) or Al nlus to meet itA obligations lit round gebra ! J 15 00 figures thi sum renreaenU abouteiht1 ' dollars to every man. woman ard child in the U.r Si, taken from . tlgii by taxation, aud locked up, not only ' useless, but inviting speculation . and Squandering legislation. How much better off would this coqu try be if this money were incir culation among the people, and they were reueveu irons joe oppressive tax 8 that make its honrdiustup in thejVj.. treasury possible? That's' what the f .Democratic party ;pr9poses to do when it comes into power. -Chan' 6W FOR THE NEW DAY On Id in 9Trth Carolina. 'Tdfi State Chronicle weeklyj which closed its first year! September 15, has been the most successful news- paper enterprise in the State. It or s ; in 10 ow ctninues anu nas me mrgm nome aavertisiujq patronage epjoyeu . tiy any state paper. 'h, The daily Chroxicle will, begin its career on Beptemoer 10. 11 nas come tostay. ihenronicie roDmn- ing Company, which now owns poth papers, has a d authorized capital ;ofi iofnAA ,m .fof ikj most progressive men in North Caoo lina from Ashville to Wilmington It will he conducted as the need of the new day in North Carolina de- mand lively, progressive, clean. ; Tho conduct ef both daily and weekly will be in the same hands that have hitherto made the weekly. Daily $5 a year; $2.50 for six months. ; tn?Brea tfest-fiaie jet Ca lipm.;:ipffl SPRINGS "JPATD COUEEaPtyDENTSATClj C YASSERS "WANTED EVEHYWH3RE (Ref erences from strangers.; j Address, ! THE CHRONICLE t P. O. Drawer 5. I Raleieh, N. C. tta lhe regular communications WW . ; to ' Stanlv lode no S48 AJ F. and A. in mil l'm- !. 1 .1 lt ,i4 1 I T ,u oawiaay cvnuiigs m eauu month. 1). ti. Mil ton, bee. x ! ' m NEW ADVEttTSEEMNTS. HEADACHES Are generally induced by, Indigeetlon, Font Stomach, Coativeneaa, Deficient Circulation,- or some Dermngcmeak of the tlrer and DtfeetlTe System. Sufferers will find relief by the as of Ay ex's Pills 1 i . to stimulate the stomach and produce a regn ' lar daily niOTemeut of the bowels. By their action on these organs, Area's Pills dirert the blood from the brain, and reliere and euro all forms of Congestire and Kerrous Headache, BUleus Headache, and Sick Headache ; and by keeping the bowels free, and preserving the system in a healthful condition, jthey insure immunity from future attacks. Try ' Ayers Pills. I- .1 i Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowe1llMttt. 80M by all Drngsfsta. Albem arle M orket corrected:wkely. Cotton, lint. I ' seed. Bacon, sides. Beef, Mutton, Chickens, Eggs, , Floor, 8a8J 2a2 T21al5 Lard. folasses. orn. eas. Oats, Cheese, Coffee, Rice, Sugar. Butter, Wax, Jlaw flrdes. Dry, I 4 Green. a1t, TTUoat. r Lrt 3 Jt 1 A 5 X 1 3 U V . t 'll': J he next session. under the new -tl.' m4,nt wtn w:n h lit M m- i ' ' . , Allir -1Kai wi.h tWe fallowing ; r f ' TUITION. Primary English, psr session of 5 mouths. $7 50 Higher " 10.00 Eng. Gram. Arithmetic & Go- 12.00 Music on Piano or Organ, 15.00 Vocal Exercises on Blackboard; and CalUtfi'ekics, free to all" pupiU. ) S&" "' No Incidental fees. , ReV VJ B. Harrell, D i Principal. Mrs; A. J. B. Harrrll, Teacher of iusic. Jul. 17th'8, Big Lick, N. C. Hie Academy E AND FEMALE. he Bilesville Academy will begin Situated ina thriving 'little I village with chraate unsurp;iaSed, excvlleut mail facilities, aud in a moral aud re ligious community. This institution furnishes rare inducements to parents wno wisn tosena tneir cnunren to a firgt caSs school. JBoard raay . had in private farai n with all horae comforts, at 86 per month. i The female department will be un ;.der the immediate snpervisioH of Mrs. ;.w Q. McCanless, an experienced Teacher ... ' . -': J . ' Ivtiion per session of tuvity weeks. Primary, $5.00 Grammar Geography and Arithmetic, Higher Mathematics and 7.50 Languages, 12.00 Music, t 15.00 For further particulars address the Principal, S . W. O. Mo Canless, Bilesville, Stanly Co., N. C J.T..1- t A 'Q ou,jr mmm. Male (and Female,) Was established about eight years ago as a permanent) High School, bv the present Principal (). C. Hamilton. The influence :ini patronage ef our School have steadily increased eversiace its establishmentr and we now have near forty boarders, with the largest en rollment of any previous similar term. We will move our School the first of April; from the very undesirable house, now used, into a much larger and more convenient new building jost erected for our better accommodation. Excel lent society, very healthful location. j Board and Tuition at the i very lowest rates and thorough training, are some of the many inducements for patronizing our School. Any one desiring to find a good and i cheap Scliool, will do well to call upon or write to the Principal for any desired information concerning the School. I Respectfully. "TlO. C HAMILTON, Prix'l. j Palmersville. March 28, '84' &nly Co., N. C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Stanly County ) Superior Court perior Court gust 14ih, 1884. J August Louiza Kindly, PlfT. Cindlv, PlfT. ) v. indly, Deff. J John K iln the alove entitled action pending in the Superior Gmrt of Stanly Coun ty, It was ordered at the Ust Term of the Court, that publication lor six weeks in the uinly Observer be made, requiring the defendant to ap pear at the next Term of the. Superior ! Court, to be held for said county on 1 4th Monday of September next, at the Court House in Albemarle, aud 'an- ! uav Hamnr t n tKtA TT f1 Hint rf plaintiff which demand judgment for Devorce from the bouds of matrimony aud for alimony. The said defendant will take uotice that unless he appear. j . f i esF 4ao and answer or demur to the complaint 10al5 Plamt'ff durinug ekid term, the 8 j Court will grant the relief demanded iWm?iin thecomplaii.L 50a90 j A.C.FREEJAN,C.S.a J Aug. 14, '84. of ?4tntily County, 35a40Urlntifnery, Plfi. An'y. . 11' vlAMES A. LOC .CHART, ,fw Aittoraoy fit I-iaw, I8a20 .-: j WADESBOItO, X. CL gain - ' . . . ' 4a5 ' j "1 ejpuarly attend the eo-frta of Ptanly 1 S0a9 SO i BJ portion of the amatjr lar- A 0RLU' ; 0F-"WflSD2R3,- TlWw, M-nUhil-a! em Ml the bet Solid steel handle! hoeiC in. 3 fr Ntil, X.i' per kear rate. Oebrgiawstock SI 21 each. " ' ' , ' . j ; ...Tfthn Tr Tewi & Bro. pure white lead at 7 i cents per lb. Avertll het mixed paint irora xo ei.40 per gal. j ; ; t - ! Best wludow ish, from 33 cent to 85 cent1 per window. " " . - - i 1 - ' Pine Island Onano, 635.00 per ton. ' . - i All other goods in proportion I am also the solc ; - t agent lor the follow ing machinery, -agricultural implements. BggieS nd ' WagOUS to wit: 1 Westinghouse Engine?,' Oeiser & Empire' Thresher?, and Horse powers, ! ' j Osborne &" Wood, Mowers, ! Reapers and Binder. : Bickford & Huffman, Oral 11 and Gu ano Drills, Brenner Cane-mill and Evaporators. 1 Columbus Buggies. : Tennessee and Studerbaker Wagna and the celebi ated White Sewinr Ma chine." t l . I V. SMITHDEAL, Salwbury N. C. Aprl. 13, 1884. L. i AT THE if BOOK! STORE Is tne"place to get 5 SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS Fine Stationery, ELEGANT COMPLEMENT PA- PEK and VISITING CARDS. A Finer 'Line of Gold Fens and Pencils cart be found in this section. Something Good ;" to Read Always on Hand.' Mail orders promptly, attended to. Call on or address, 1 .Tolin. A. ;DaviH Central Hotel Block Wadcaboro, N. C. - vo. 3 no. 6. ly. "f THE COr.UNG PRESI- DENT. VdntOd ooe'or two ladies, or gemieuTen of undoubted reference and character, willing to rork eight hours! per day for a 6 moths engagement as Traveling Ageuta for 'The Lives and Graves of our Presidents to evary subscriber of which hook will h giveu free The Lives of the Four i Gandi- dates Why pay from 82 00 u $4.00 tor lhe Liives ot the Iraodidites ' Wtien you can get it FREE? r First sppli cants ge: choice of i positions! Gool pay to the right j party. Address Giving name of refrreno?, IIii.l &, Harvey Puk Co. 1 55 N, Charles St. july, 31. '84. 3mo. Baltimore, Md. AYER'S Ague Gure utains an ant Mot for all malarial dlar Vvn vbich. so far as kaora, is uscU iu no tUer -enaoJy. It contains gaiaiceijoraty nJr.ral " r iflrteriaa autvai- aLaUr.aua eeae twa:ty iy(iucnaorajarkMeret eivatbe oa nitalkn. Irat Wares tit syauic'as LeaitLy as it was before ih attack. ' 1 . TK WAKICVNT AVER'S AGCE CTltE to cur txrry ra U Ferer and Atroe, liitermlUet wr CUll t'evcr. Ceaitt't ferrr. Immh Afae', ImIIcqs FcTtr, aJ Lire Osaplaiiit oaosed by laaUria.- la case ff&il are. after Ia trial, deal ers are authorised, by our circular xtale4 July 1st, 1MS2. w rrfuod tLe mo 07. . Dr. J. C. Ayer i Co., Lowell, Mist. Albemarle Academy i MALE ANrD FEU VLB. TlielOtb term! will (begiu Um rlrst Monday iu AnnU.l$$4. T'o.departicnr. Friinary, and Acn douitc Also a 3peual tx-hei ooufe, to be taught by a nk lunte or iU Sito ITulvercity. Instruukeutul Mu-lc. and i Pennian4hlD. br ah.vnJcieuc teclier. p.jij pn..pHrvJ for aiy t tbe col t'lrsea or the University or far the actisri . dutiebf life. r "' . Tuition, per tena $7.53 to 15J1 MiuIq Tuition , 41.a Ufnnl, Including fnmlhoil loom, willing, limits," an wood. &7.0.) lots 0 per mouth. Yoinr niin may board them s lve at lower rates. 1 . Boarding pupil under the supervision of the IMiieip.il INind otrr of school. SatinUction jjuaranteed.- . . "Fo ' p?jtal oircnlani or Information, address ' ' . H W.SpiNra June 1G. 1834, . PriucpM. vAlbemarle;N. O: FACTS RicAScrsa . Er, Mdt Ira rmXfr u4 enrich lh BLOOD. rnilt ER&nd KIDNEYS, an.l ll4TOMW Tim HEALTH and VIOOK of YOUTH I In an Hiasq. disfcawa rrquiiiniracerlalnaiid effit eu TOIC Hon. Lack of BtrcnaQi. etc.. Ua ua la Biarke-t lecllly !) pl It lvatnai-lvaator AUl ant of Apji antof ApixtueiBuif laea- iUt hoiultat and womlertal resalls. Honm, a or Mr en iltat an md ucrrci luusclca aud u-rve rec-lve new farce. XaUreua the tulnd and aupplita lirain in roiwr. Irom ail complaints Uiclr sex will thill.t D2U EAETEK'3 raOirTONIO a ra(v and ftprvUy core. It sia a rlcar and nealHir coihjcxh. The atrnjrcst featimony lo tao value ot I)ru IlARTKit'a Irox Tome la Ibat frwCcnt ajttrtup'a at conBtttrfcltlikf liate only aUdrd la tltKt.n.r Ity cf Oie oMjrlnal. If you ttrrtly dealrv h-!i. tio rot expert men ttt ih ObkGlXAl. A1 t-t C Nd7flM addraat taTba TV. Hvt Mf.Oo- H MLoaia, Kofarwr "DKJuaJt K002." 9 uUo atraonaaad ar4al tafcrata Uoa. tern W Or. HATTER'S tDON TONiO 19 rO &AUI ft AUL DkUooists aho OaAsfta avvurrwHsac NEW GOODS ! MGO-flSl At Scago's you will llud a f reh MocW of new goods. : ' Dry Goods, lleady-tuade Ctotlitng, Plaids, lUDDons anu a inn supply of itotiou. a at a K a m AUoj, Sugar, . : CoflTee, , Mola&e5, oda. Sploo. - sniirr, Totacco, Sardines and Oj'&ters. i . Also, jdst recclred a new lino of Hard ware, consint ing of Hinge and Screw. Nails. Tacks, Axe, Steel plows, Hor shoes. Rope, Water buckets, Singletreea, Hames, Tracer, Handsaws, Hammer and Hatchets, Cotton cards, Glasawaro and Tinware. Don't fail-to call and tee me. I will sell you goods cheap. DAVID R. SEAGO. Mar. 20, 1883. Albemarle, N. C no. 8601. ."" msivrvc A 1 . W. rtmAk la aaa avocaaMiiK ti 1M BW .j,! AtWilaa. fcfiratiaa tiaumati ata aa4 aar. wa- wav iita-ifaaa. SrvailMta u tMrlir. pHbn-Wa, Tiat4. Call ar wrlxi fu Ut at b aaaw,. a ay raa aVirtag tw afa iaa ay I L. 1 a Mr-, r. f. L. LaS.SOC, rWl aa4 rkyaWaa la ( Mtoaatai f-at-al Mmd. a Sa-a. la Bacecaanrto lr. lutuf I' 1 HARRIS T Ji.m k I I OrtaeieVraaki. m aa4 Ltaaaj. aa4 t, tm, r . ' abara, radii ir '-mmm.- bafllaaaUlad pnlc.a. raanKfrata yaexhMliB- iaeraHaaw.io lraa in- olaoM. or ot br.ija for r -ati attaaaiM Wktl AJTD I -Jb-aa..Ooarr--ieWaia. IUP0TE1ICY. aawi Mara isMtrta at ft aJaaaam. Xaaa a arxai R urunr Caas aaa ccasua traraamla, tfac-a tmm tori era t tth aVaaOaai tat baalas.araa4aaaaar iaeoarraai-ttaa. vaU4 TTOTZD Cttr orer r Taara br ae ta saaTTasaaaaU. Cases of 2UUIVOUS 1 lelpk-a. CfSiact atliaa t: t -1 -til a 11 Ttf ItTTTT acfl-ao k -WWr- tti-raaJol Ur OltQAIflO' Mfas rtaaiaraa-s fee 1.4 Ma . I s aaaarral i HAHRIS RE 13 COY CO BTr i atraairta. SOS34 Xsrtlt 10U Kt-, St. Loaia,Xa. - tad)! n niii. aaa Lir-ii M.M.lajka. 1 aanawbaaaaaaej DO YOU ICWOVJ ' ; THAT. Pollard's C.iraax Plurr Tnhnwo u-HVi hi Ti n r- T?raL Tanr ri , -.- " ' "y liewin-; Xsivy Cltppln, ktn V5r Drown aud YrlJow SnttN tin f In S-, , . a anil chrapwf, quality cuuXdvrrd' ' aaJaaa. I - ,. .7: ::T i,V I f ....... . ; -a a 1 a ' - l

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