Tine Stanly News w jThe Albemarle News Established in 1880. , The Stanly CountyJIeraldEstablished in 1919 Fortieth Year. - Albemarle, N. C, Tuesday, April 5, 1921 $2.00 Per Year in Advance." liv ""T " w Erection of New Court House tu Knord of commissioners ! Ordered that Tom A. Faulk he X 11C w met yesterday and started a allowed $1.06 error in taxes, move which will doubtless end Ordered that P. J. Huneycutt in trie uuiiuins - """"j uuircu p-.ju house for Stanly County. The , supplies for County Home. L.uestion was discussed thorou-! Ordered that Z. V. Moss be al- . niroTO ancrle. nnri It lowed S7K fill aalorv on Wnllo.. Kvas the general opinion that the Officer. new Structure is a yuwuv iv-.o- uiuacu ubi ivuss rveiier De and that as such could be allowed $50.00 salary as Home t .fil u fVio n-mmissioners un- Demonstrator lDUlit uj i-11- Uer the general laws without Ordered that Miss Keller be (special legislation. An archi- allowed $15.00 home demonstra nresent with plans tion fund. (which were considered. Possi- Ordered that standing pauper try the matter may receive iur- list De paid which amount is BRIEF fWS ITEMS OF MR. S. H. HEARNE IS A STATE-WIDE INTEREST! ALBEMARLE LOSES IN BOOSTER FOR SOUTH TRIANGULAR DEBATE Digest of Happenings of Week Hsus Just Returned From Trip to Was Defeated by Wadesboro on Gleaned From the Files of Arkansas and Tells of What , Both Sides of Query in First Our Exchanges. He Saw on Trip. Trial at Debating. ANTICS OF TURKEY PROVE COf ROWNT PAY Are Still Making Portions of Europe Very Unpleasant For its Inhabitants. THEY DEFEAT THE GREEKS Jng . . J 1.1. 1 1 i t -t vsv er tnMtiATi orvnn nnn i rifrM x x i ii 1 1 1 r aiiiiiiiii nn;u;iifv f Vtaf trip hllilHintr Thp fnllnwinor namo uram ill be ordered by the May meet- dered exempt from paying poll fr - auuub UL mux 1XU11C3. TVio full record of the meeting esterday is as follows: ArriPwH that J. M. Burris be kllowed $124.92 Jail fees for March. be J. B. 1920-1921-1922. D. B. Stallings 1921-1922. W. G. Whitley 1921-1922. Geo. Shankle 1921-1922. W. A. Laton 1921-1922. nw0H that. F. M. Hunevcutt Ordered that Mrs. W. D. Kirk, pe allowed $5.34 for ballot boxes ".5 from 2-00 Lrr townshin. , to $3.00 per month. A:afniffiniT,ffno 1 ur?e? tftat w- Bogle be e allowed $14.727one barl of fnpPmtea Pervor or tax list- Boor Oil for Jail. j It ia herehv ordered that Mr Ordered that W. J. Underwood Simpson, an architect be allow ? allowed $257.55 upkeep of ed n lounty Home. ! tions for a new court house, DrHoroH that W. J. Underwood nrHV..,f wi iv.. n be allowed $60 hired help at ty unless the court house is :ounty Home. built. OrHerpH that A. Selders be CIO ui UC1 cu una I LUC llowed $40.50 for printing. annual settlement of the differ- Ordered that J. H. bnotherly ent tax funds in the County be ie allowed $2.70 supplies at made to the Sheriff. "ounty Home. The Board adjourned to meet Orrlerprl that O D. Klalor.k he A llowed $22.10 printing by Pied- special session at some other lont Press. 'date hefore the first Mnnrfnv Ordered that Dr. J. N. Ander- Whereas; Representative A. I. on be allowed $60 practice in Honeycutt introduced in the last . session of the General Assembly Ordered that T. A. Morgan H. B. No. 1215 calling for an r""' ""'""j """" --' election in ocaniy LOunty on K0.00 takine ud" the bodv of A fearl Thompson. system of said countv. Ordered that L. D. Herlocker Whereas; Said bill was pass Je allowed $6.45 sawing for the ed by said assembly, and is now "way iiume. become a law. Ordered that D. A. Holhrnolrs t it- anurnA. tu.i allowed $165.10 material for Rnani r.,,f r ew barn at County Home. 1 0f Stanly Countv. in regular ses- Urdered that J. C. Smith be al- L,,i t . " ucoi lujr cuuuxse Ned $31.60 services as coroner said educational bill, and urge NEWS FROM EVERYWHERE ENJOYED HIS LONG VISIT GOOD CROWD WAS PRESENT . ! t7 I n!r rhof -iri.orml i S' H' Hearne. wh has been A very good crowd attended A compromise with the devil peror Charles will have RtAina.: ... , . . . . . . i.u. j... j.Z.i. u.-.i. i...t. i I rr , ., ,,. . manapr fnr urHTorio i visiting ms two daugftters in lIie uuai ueuaie wmcn iook piace i never pays, naa tne allied SSSSbSSS itt ZtZ B1' Arkansas, for sev- between students of the Albe- governments done as they h i t rzi1 35fP?rr ,! WOoir Mf, iOB. va marle and Wadesboro High should, and as the great major- to make the way S after anlx tr thrVulh Schools on last Friday evening , it, 'of the people of America Italy and the delay in his Tstart- the South. He talks interest- at the graded school auditor!-, and Europe desired should be ; q,;4.-ij u. . Lr Jno-iv nf tt-v,Qt v,o oo, urn. The question discussed was done. and had driven the "un- calioned bv nrotiX "Resolved that the Policy of.speakable Turk" from Europe, Italtan wf cr?b Cellective Bargaining, Through the possibilities of a short peri- s!oanaLgTo Trade Unions Should Prevail in , g d Qui et in the that country. lOne Minute Page of the Char- American Industry." The Albe- f30? wuld have been favor- llotte Observer of last Saturday, marle debars discussed the!JJ- was. ver, they Durham, April .More than Coming back home after an affirmative side of the question mPro mised and today, a ltho twenty people residing in the absence of four weeks in the far the speakers having been Heath 1 1 urkev snou,d nve been laid three-story Bradshaw apart-South, Arkansas, Mr. S. H. Kluttz and George Harris. 'prostrate and helpless as the ment house on Main Street, nar-: Hearne, Albemarle's big man, is Wadesboro was represented result of her devilment during rowly escaped being trapped at I more convinced than ever, that bv Lok Caudle, and Pearle the war . yet that miserable an early nour this morning in a the South is the richest section lariton, in the discussion of the uVrr payin t0 fir a whih olmncH- J L? n . . npcrafivo aiHa TVia A IhamnulA , the last far thin IT. 13 A til A Tint", nn. stroyed the large frame struc ture or the countrv iiauvc sme. me Aioemarie'r wkJW nut J,J 1 i. 1 i. i TTT i V Til WQ ! n tn A nAiMh'hAv id Mr Hearne "to ef mv boro this having been their first I ln countries, but to win victo- ic. said Mr Hearne to see mv 11118 "avmg ueeu meir nrsui . """ "w Firemen reported that no one Hano-hfora m p ti nvnif experience. The same evening nes- Greece, too, was not made was injured in the blaze al- i Jr., and Mrs F?H Triplett who anther debate upon the same fp stand by the ideals of the Al though the occupants of the ! resi tK I will & and,11-. She called back her depos building barely had time to .es-'gone four weeks next Monda J, was held at Wades-ed Qking and "diated the great I am on mv wav home now. T "ufu: ne uiieoge ana i ."' came from Atlanta herp and will Calvm Bennett represented Al- 18 ."' "ie ast 01 anotner war i ilT.4"!!? bemarle in the debate and we un-iwlth Turkey. Read the follow- building barely had time to es cape. Many of them left their Deds, garbed in flimsy night gar ments, to escape the flames which made short work of the'maria building. leave this afternoon for Alhe oemarle in the debate and we un-1 r 1111 "ey. eao tne toilow marle aUernoon tor Albe" derstand that Albemarle lost m "ews dispatch from London r,n(i,..j,..u.. tr uu.tai waaesooro also. Y"" ua.cu inwn- ....c.H, uugu n,ne- We are nformp fhnf fu0 ai aay, tne tn: x-nnce Anareas, or ureece, 'i nr 6 we are informed that the Al !ua.v lue Asheville. ADril 2 The Aah-.' en- 8.- Angus Gillis, who lives bfimaplft Aphafa ara nf if "I Prince Andreas, of Greece. ville Times, the local Rennhliran !ln faUahassee County, Fla., and cmjrao.pri in fho loat v,f w brother of Kine Constantine. afternoon newsDaDer and nnP of f stopped with her on my way havp alrpnHv fViof mfa'died of wounds received in ficrht- the tew Republican newspapers : , , . honors shall come our way next ing near Brussa, says a Constan- m tne soutn was solo today to; yvildl ao 1 tninK or tne coun- year. When our Albemarle boys unPie dispatcn to tne evening P. M. Burdette, D Hiden Ram-!try out in Arkansas? It is fine and girls shall have had a little News Quting a Turkish an sey and Guy Gorham, local i very fertile and capable of more experience, we may see nouncement. The Turks also newspaper men. j producing anything, it .seems to this town walking off with more assert that General Vlachipouo- lhey announce they will me especially in the country be- honors, and who knows but that als' wno was ln command of the iween me Arnansas Kiver and the local high school may win ureeK attacK against the Turkish Pine Bluff. They don't have to the Avcock Memomrial Pun nt on the Brussa front, has been use nnv forf iliVoi- fdoi-n n4- nil nv,i ti:n . killprl in apfinn Zu "i mtic at an, uapei xini next year i change the policies to independ ent Democratic. Mr. Burdette, will be business manager, Mr. Ramsey editor, and Mr. Gorham managing editor of The Times. Washington, April 2. Inter est in the administration's atti tude towards the general snh- ject of a peace settlement, reviv ed by a visit here of former Premier Viviani. of France, was further intensified today by a series oi comerences which, had every outward appearance of the soil is from three to five feet deep the alluvial deposit and: .fust anything will grow on it. It is marvellous soil. i "On my way back I stopped at LITTLE MELVIN BURRIS DEAD. Prince Andreas, of Greece, was the third son of the late Kinir Georere. He was hnrn in Athens on January 20, 1882, and T.iHln UTolvin Rnwia fU c - - IX .krui?, btlC CT- , . . 1 Macon, Ga.. and went through vear old son nf Mr tmH I served in the Greek armv durtner the peach orchards. I rode for Brack Burris, of near Moss 1 the Balkan war of 1912. Follow miles and miles and never got Springs, died Saturday afternoon mg the flight of King Constan out of sight of peach trees, and The little fellow was recuperat-1 tme from Greece in 1917, it pecan trees were as numerous. I ing from an attack of measles, I a3 reported he aspired to the I went over a farm on which and developed pneumonia, dy-1 throne, but this move was re- rhpre wwo 00.0 ifViiwi OA DOrted tn havp Hpaii hlnpL-oH Kw nd also pav for furor at inauest tha nil f i' I f mDracinS a general discussion That was at Macon, and on this, ! The body was buried at How-! vemzeios, then premier of SpSn?Vrn h.e P,eo5le vote for better to prepare administration offic- and other immense farms, they ard's Chapel Sunday afternoon, to Athens shrdrwmn shrldlll rA ":r: V. "V """"wiV ?cnoois ior tne cnnoren ot Stan-ials for a decision on such sub- grow Alberta Deahces. and vm, Rev. Ren Tree i,vin. '.Greece, wiucieu uiai r. j. nuneycuti (Vmnhr nn in- 19 ,-4. i. . r. i . 7 , . . r. jcvlb aa a aeparaie peace resoiu- khow wnat tney are. cucrea tne services - ---- nwuuia iui me VUUUM Ordered that P. J. Hunevcutt ur r-n.,f.. a..-i io I . v - 1 f uuuillV KJll AUlll li.. ompany he allowed S20.00 fu- nAaA u u..:u.- I , - - ' , wiuttcu, uiai iiic uiu UU11U1I1K erai expense of Thomas H. at the countv home. inr-I nj i .1 . v T . . uciaura aim oca is 111 me UIU Clia Urdered that .T T Mnrfnn l ...,-i.u -ii i , i t10v.;ff u n ,', .- ' t"" WIlu au waste mmDer oe enff, be allowed $146.81 cap- sold at public auction on April """6 ui iivc suininons oi zfith Jurors, janitor's fees, etc. uraered that Stanly Hardware NEW LONDON CIRCUIT tion and an amended league of nations, Hickory, April 3. The bodies There are milea a nA m Una f pecan farms near Albany, Ga., REV- MR- GREEN MAY BE the rows so long that you can't CALLED see the end of them. GRECIAN ARMY DEFEATED BY THE TURKS. Constantinople, April 3. The Greeks have been completely de- ot two soldiers who were killed " Rev. Mr. Green, pastor of l n ?omPle e,v. ae in action in France arrived inf; I rCl, Z "ZrZ." "u" the Presbyterian Church nf .eaieu y.ne. KurKS m ine 0at TT.-.i i i . .. . i tiuii uui iiiciei wen. rnev nave T, , ------ of preached two tie at Eski-Shehr, says a com munication issued by the head- i tr:.l . , . . - UU mcKory yesieraay and tne tun- , ii. ' , " . ivoi ...oe ua lu: 41 oi cotton on nand at . r . munication issued hv the heaH lompanybe allowed MM for" J:V;;.VZ: ... "S?f "Tk ""s "JTS1 Pine Bluff. I was told that there lJ "neImns,.m li?,e , quarters of Mustanha KemaP "SSS-I .h,t APrt-U.!-J & fet Sunday morning and even, " -""" 1(Thn t' ! . I ..l-lj I11.1UUU UC pCHlll ttl v O, tVHll l , . 'ill i 11C UCUltll ie 11 UTCll Will i. i I . m, iJ'Jl . Company be al- communion service. i division was one of the youner Know wnat is going to be done no doubt nreSent Rev. Mr. ' . 1onstatinoPIe, April o The "mc "iitowuci, in iaviu op- earlv date aa he eem fr ham ira""SMl"' LU transport tneir perfield, they are 'waiting for mlde a decTded hit with the troops in Thrace to the battle "TtoSf? tUrnhPr , f Pbyterlan congr gS. ' , ?ontf "A8- Minorf way of I don't know when I have ta- 1 Constantinople, or to use the SCHOOL MEETINGS Harwood. April 5, C. A. Reap Post No. 48, American Legion, TT. p own in that wonder- nnarrw2od' APnl 5: C provided escorts and fired sa- u'Partot lutes over their graves Pwed 8)7.50 fnr nhvaiViana' .or o : i. t-.-i.cii o j r rv rii:-.- - a -1. . in regard to the cotton sitnntinn n ... .. . ' Allies Will refuse the flrooL-a He..! "-" oervice at xvicnneiu at a o. m. "IC11 u. ouniiia. oi Asne- t m . . 7 . . viieen wun an omciai ca at an . . . -" -v-'v" H'"-e. i. m.. t j i. it.oa : iriiio .u j?i.u 11m JiiKe iviicawber. in David Pnn. i.. j.j.- . , permission to transnnrt their avj .1 , - a"" at iicw uuiiuun at 1 .ov u. ""i mcmuci ui uie iijiu ma- ,,,,,, - , - -7 cmiv uate, as ne seems to nave 1 m . ,v . . Wdered that 15. T. TTanmn rn r !u: L....I' .. nerneld. thev are 'wnitmnr fnr 1 1 ... trnnns in Throve tr fha Koffla tibuiut v-v. r r 1 Clinic 1 1 j 1 1 iid.i.i.ai 11111. wa rne . ie a InweH $Rin oW.:..! . , . ... n v . sorr ilioo p . lta' sup' Kev. jn. K. Kicnardson win otner. i oung mourns nas many 1 rcs ommunitv HmlHinnr and jj nu: .1:.. 1 mlotliToo V, ,.,U u: 4..' lourt House. a.: t.i.i 1 mj j ken a trib that interested me Ovrloj ii. i - . iiiuucation at t;inany at o p. lu"""7 mcu anu tney are v,.s t . V Wdered that Mrs. I. H. Under- m. next Sundav. Hone vou will ! here for the funeral. Hickorv . more-. 1 w!sh m?re of our people "JUU De allowed S8 9K rnni of o- i " ..5 "-.j.. I Prwof xt q a : t :" WOUId CO down in that wonder i . . .w- vvAii,oi.v- sivc nim a inrvi rnnurpirar nil. i uol nu. o. vint'i ii.im jK-u u jn . . -- IOriWnj ii I ,, Jome, bring your tnends witn ordered that Albemarle Drug vou. :ount7Horne 8 1 J.W. trider, Pastor. wi iai' f"11 tax oi tne i vvii i pllowing soldiers hn fn . I UNTIL TODAY. Tnti- r. J. " Ismia Railroad. The Allies have protested that a Greek patrol has held up the steamer ClennatTQ in fVio 'Rlr.ziL- l I i .1 - 1 v.urM 1 CI T. wnat possibilities, what riches mgram, April o A. selders and kea. The Allies have informed 1 we possess. Z. V. Moss. Monroe, April 1 No evidence . Lom ; dow" to Albemarle. We iiioomington, April 6 G. was offered in the Ross will case hav? ot Pod roads first class B. Reynolds and Z. V. Moss today, the time having been ads- We areu on.the CaPital p Rocky Rlver' ApnI 6' C taken up with preliminary legal Hhwa which will lessen the Reap. scraDDinir fnr advantage H. 'distance between Charlotte and .New. London, April 7, Z. t ' 0 . tJQI,v, u A :l lir Mnso onH 11 II T? Dnn.nU , arc vji. x. jj. ivcjriiuius ,r McCllire. Anril 8 fl n to tne caveators upon tneir mo- zr " "v , . ' j f, . u j..- a .1 , : . .: the Pee Dee and wo hoxra aa Reynolds and C. A. Renn i-j v U, Pa 0 , e fine a section as one ran find in Barbee. Arjril 8. A. Seldere and been mohilired aa fnnennrfs - r ' . . iiamuuua. Z. V. MOSS. .and it is evneted th r.rool-c Canupp, April 9, C. A. Reap, i will be able to put an army of Aquadale, April 9, Z. V. Moss 200,000 in the field. The size of -i r T r r u . . Judge Ray in Monroe on the trial IJSL "nI Raleurh by 40 miles W, i- . i t tir!ii r ,J o 111 llic lllOt BUllIllIIliildK WeilL ..... - . - . ... . mn mine a syim oiwi hr Hm mmi- On nrcnnnt nf the detention nf rred V.nAv mm an A Judce Rav in Monroe nn the trial - -j, xj7i5, a.uu. -r if-n r 1. ii ors in tne nrst scrimmage went )1!3 ASff" 5fnnCdald;t? the caveators upon trfeir mo- ......vctvuwiann I vi I u v nil e .. .v """" Albemarle Telephone Company Governor Morrison, therefore, allowed $25 10 for renta commissioned Judge Ferguson to Otaj . T " A"r rents. , . . . .. . . , 'cu mat D. H Smith ha llulu "lc Hiu term vl oiamjr toWpd 1a . OIU1"1 Ue C.,n-in- rnni4 K.,f o flio the Greeks that thev miiat nn D. j blockade the sea. j Raise a Huge Army A. The Greeks are re-inforcing ! their army. They now have 3 V. new divisions in Moudania, with i which to endeavor to overcome B. the Turk victory. The entire Greek merchant marine . has answer filed by the propounder n-nf? a su & one. cai uu 4.U. x:-i I,. either of the Carol i nas anu ui iiuiu Liie Lriai eo ine nne . . . I issue of the validity of the will n,f; Tn0eoSaUghte,' ?fs Mo; r. aw.. Oliver Townsend. formerly Mrs u TOt i "r t..j j. Kluppelberg of Charlotte, has and G. D. B. Reynolds. .this armv is beinir viewed with t Carl L Helms be in thne he did not arrive here un" ! cided that all other issnesThmiH been livin in Cartagena, South r alarm by the Serbians and Bul- !.; U. 'P til 11 nVWIr thia mnmmir a. ClQea mat ail Otner 1SSUCS SnOUld A,0,,a 7. r West Parlr V V Ann'1 9 T'n--,o noCounty HomeT court. therefore, has just con-& 'cted th court wl i rearh Jownsend being engaged in min- the rustic house that was the; News of Victories. the evidence earlv tomorrow mgpiatmum. Miss Nell Hearne, retreat oi jonn Burroughs for, While the Greeks are silent tne evmenceeariytomorrow. another daughter of Mr. Hearne, nearly half a century, 150 rep- or are making denials, the Turks Or! V K at County Home, est is beintr manifested in the New Bera, April 3. The East oeen witn her sister, Mrs. resemaines oi tne tnousands ot continue to send out communica Kt11 Oscar Phillips be revival SfS H imni!'carolina Lumber Company Jownsend, for some time. They nature lovers who admirer his tions of victories. hrmn0 85-00 salary as eresq at the First Methodist which has been inactive for sev- zn exPe to come home m ouwoor me ana writings gath- A turkish communication dat ffionstrator. C?ureh which is Sin,Tconduct- kal weeks. wiU reopen Monday ered today at his funeral. The ed April 1 says the battle oi L ordered tv. . r . viiurun, wnicn is ueinir cuiiuuli- . . ., . , ... ' . reremnnv was ehnrt nf fV. tT'oi,: cuv. c a i- that J. A. Little, C. S. bylZr J i far an indefinite period, with an ., ceremony was short, of great the Eski-Shehr front lasting for t order ?43-50 court cts Kernersville, April 3.-The -simplicity, and reminiscent of nine days has been concluded. hl Aat City Treasurer sessSi S nn7v SE i men and will increase this num- oup center commencement the career which the great nat- Bilediek being recaptured and rater. ?16,75 hts and in? will continue , wdereH otner week, an Heath o ",ai sorrow Bros. & evnected there r-55. locks allowed of conversions and additi f 3 and PPlies at jail, the churches of the town. t

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