?aee Two STANLY NEWS-HERALD "It; i 3 ". 5' .I s i'f V f. HOW DO YOU FEEL? (George B. Thompson in The Wax haw Enterprise.) "How do you feel?" Just toler able, thank you." How often have you asked that question, only to re ceive that kind of reply? How often have you given that reply? The Irish have a saying that "health is a very good thing to have especial ly when you are sick." This is true as paradoxical as it may seem. How desperately ill one can be when they are sick, and how much one can en dure in spite of physical ailments are facts well known to all who will keep their eyes and ears open. Some people look upon sickness as j pain and develop it into something so 'severe that they "never enjoy good health." We are dealing wun inose who refuse to seek good health for fear they will find it. There are some who are so honest with themselves and have such a high regard for the truth that they cannot look cheerful and think they are well for fear that some one will reach the conclusion that they are well. Suppose a day came when the chron ic invalid, whose illness is imaginary rather than real, could be convinced that there might be others who need sympathy? Suppose that those who delight in discovering in their bodies new ailments could realize that per haDS they would be found dead if i . . - ... an accomplishment. Ask how they their Domes were xne rv f -.1 thpir r,lv will be an enum-1 half the ailments they bestow upon eration of their various ailments. And they seem to take pleasure in it, too. tfc GENUINE To some the weather is a fruitful top ic, but to our sick friend the topic is always health their health their lack of health. It never enters their disease-burdened mind that you may have particular, peculiar or pet ail ments which you may want to discuss or explain. It is easy to get sick. Oct up in the vou will be rewarded lor your themselves? Suppose that those who are "never well" for once in their liv es? Suppose but we are writing of J a day which will never dawn until , some people learn that to be alive j does not necessarily mean to be sick, j and to be popular does not mean to be continually ailing". If it is not considered good taste to i parade the secrets of your family, why should one be forever telling trie morning, hunt tor a pain, ana , "f'S"""" i '" " - -- dili- If you must nave acnes anu pains, " m. n .u.,. a, ,-,... 1 Lp.t) them to yourself. If you feel gence. iu ine ijut.-i.iuu, iivn - . j feel?" reply, "tolerable," "moderate," ! that your ills can be endured wttn "poorly," "as well as common," "just greater ease u you ieu umroc i so so," and your fondest hopes will be realized. It is to be erperted that mum' DURHAM tobacco makes 50 good cigarettes for I. VST HONORS PAID TO CHIEF JISTICE WHITE SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM ANNOUNCES in a piece of machinery as delicately balanced and as carelessly handled as the human body, that there should be an occasional disarrangement which! sick? would produce some slight disorder.! But why hunt for them when the search is for the purpose of looking upon them as a precious possession or for the purpose of parading them before a patient fellow-creature? The phychologist calls this "auto-suggestion." The patent medicine advertisement was prepared by a student of human nature. He may have had no know ledge of the science of Phychology; but he knew men. The whole struc ture of the patent medicine industry was built upon the weakness of man that if you hint, even remotely, that he may be sick, or is in danger of getting sick, he will take the hint and contract whatever malady may be desired.' "Have you such- and such a pain, here", there and yonder?" "Do you see things, big, little or oth erwise?" "Do you feel as though you could, would, or should have some hing the matter with you?" Why of course you do. Then you need the. box, powder, bottle, pad, plaster, belt, etc., which the ad is intended to ad vertise. We have nothing to say against the poor mortal who suffers indeed, in truth and intense. Some spend their days in pain and their nights in rest lessly waiting for day to break. them, then in justice to those who lis ten to you, get a genuine pain to talk about. But, and better still, why no: get some hea;th, especially when you are A WARNING. Raleigh, May 23. .Failure to secure immunity from typhoid fever by vac cination proved unusually disastrous to a Duplin County family. Nine of the family were stricken with the dis ease, rive oi tnem aiea. During the summer of last year the State Board of Health conducted an anti-typhoid campain in Duplin coun ty. Vaccination was made available to all the citizens of the county with out charge. None of the members of the family in question took advantage of the opportunity. A daughter of the family went vis iting and contracted typhoid. Other members of the family visited the sick woman and after returning home were stricken. The disease spread until ev ery one of the nine members of the family developed typhoid. In addition i nurse employed in the stricken fam ily also developed the disease. Five members of the family died. According to the State Board of Health this is one of the (most severe "family epidemics" that has been Oth- brought to the attention of the state ers have ailments ranging from mi-1 health authorities. The pity of it i or ills which harass to intense suffer-1 hat the ten cases of illness and the ings which torture. We have in mind j five deaths could have very easily been those who can take an insignificant j prevented. Hf- .....jntlK Washington, May 21. With honors rendered doubly impressive by the simplicity of the ceremony, the body of Edward Douglas White, chief jus tice of the United States, was buried todaj in Oak Hill cemetery to sleep forever within sounds of the city where his great service to the nation was rendered. Lowered flags on pub lic buildings, closed doors of the gov ernment departments and the dull thudding of a funeral salute from bat teries at Fort Myer across the Po tomac alone marked outwardly the nation's grief. A small company had gathered in St. Matthew's Church when the hour of service arrived. Close up to the altar the casket was banked over with flowers and directly behind it Presi dent and Mrs. Harding took their places, while cabinet members, diplo mats, committees of congress, high department officials and others of representing a government in mourn ing were grouped with a few intimate friends. The uniforms of of Major General March, chief of staff, and the officers who accompanied him to rep resent the army, and Admiral Koontz, chief of operations, of the navy, and his officers, marked high lights among the somber black of the civilians. When all were in their places the doors were opened to the throng that waited outside and the church was quickly filled. Requiem mass was celebraed by Monsignor Lee, rector of the church, which Justice White attended. At the altar were gathered also a group of clergymen, including Monsignor Bonzano, papal delegate, but there was no departure from the ordinary service for the dead, as the widow of the late chief justice had sought sim plicity and privacy in all that marked his death. SUPREME COURT LOSES ITS PRESIDING OFFICER Sm this "TUDOR" Dwn 196 in Twin Pmir In the Children's Room, Too Simmons Beds, Built for Sleep TH E rattle and squeak of the average bed, hard as it is on the matured nerves of an adult, is doubly hard on the sensitive nervous system of the child. Important as Simmons Beds undoubtedly are for you and for everyone, they are doubly import ant for children. Visit our display of Simmons Beds and see how splendidly ready we are to furnish any design and finish best suited to the requirements of the modern bedroom for the children or yourself. PARKER-LITTLE FURNITURE CO Albemarle, N. C. SIMMONS BEDS Built for Sleep Washington, May 19. Edward Douglass White, chief justice of the United States, died at 2 o'clock this j morning at a hospital here where he I submitted to an operation last Friday. I He was 76 years of age. The chief justice had been uncon scious since late Tuesday afernoon when acute dilation of the heart oc curred. Up to that time the attend ing physicians had hoped for a rapid recovery after an operation for blad der trouble. Unexpected Relapse After this unexpected relpase the physicians" had not expected the chief justice to live through that night. The Rev., Father S. J. Co'oden of Georgetown University administered the last sacrament during the early evening and members of the immedi ate family were summoned to the bedside. Death was said to be due directly to complications which developed af ter the operation. Justice McKenna and others of Mr. White's associates in the supreme court called at the hos pital when it became known that his condition was serious, but did not en ter the room as the chief justice was unconscious. Reduced round trip fares on the identification certification plan, and straight certificate plan, to various points for special occasions as listed below. ROUND TRIP FARES Cleveland, Ohio. International Convention, Kiwanis Club. Tickets on sale June 18th to 20th, final limit June 28th, 1921. Toledo, Ohio Annual Convention, Supreme Lodge Loyal Order of Moose. Tickets on sale June 24th to 23th, final limit July 5th, 1921. Chattanooga. Tenn, Southern Baptist Convention. Tick ets on sale May 9th to 12th, final limit May 21st, 1921. Detroit, Mich. Annual Convention, World-Wide Baraca-Philathea Union. Tickets on sale June 21st to 23rd, final limit June 29th, 1921. ; Raleigh. X. C. Sudan Temple, A. A. O. N. Mystic Shrine. Tickets on sale May Hih to ' 19th, final limit May 21st, 1921. Cincinnati. Ohio. Baptist Young Peoples Union nf America. Tickets on sale Ian' 2Sth to -30th, final limit July 6th, 1921. Persons attending these meetings should see that they are provided with proper certificate which is furnished by his secretary. CERTIFICATE PLAN FARES Louisville, Ky. National Convention Travelers Pro tective Association. Certificats issu ed June 9th to 15th, final limit June 22nd, 1921 Atlantic City, N. J. National Confectioners Association of the U. S. Certificates issued May 19th to 25th, final limit June 1st, 1921. New York, N. Y. National Tuberculosis Association. Certificates issued June 9th to 15th, final limit June 21st, 1921. Chicago, Ills. Inter-State Cotton Seed Crushers Association. Certificates issued May 14th to 20th, final limit May 14, 1921. Chicago, Ills. National Association of Real Estate Boards, Annual Convention. Certifi cates issued July 8th to 14th, final limit July 19th,1921. New Orleans, La. Conventional National Association of Master Plumbers of the U. S. Cer tificates issued June 3rd to 7th, final limit June 13th, 1921. Charlotte, N. C. Annual State Convention B. Y. P. U. of North Carolina. Certificates is sued June 10th to 15th, final limit June 20th, 1921. Cincinnati, Ohio. Annual Convention, Southern Wholesale Grocers Association. Cer tificates issued May 6th to 12th, final limit May 17th, 1921. Philadelphia, Pa. Meeting American Cotton Manu facturers' Association. Certificates issued May 24th to 28th, final limit June 1st, 1921. Persons attending these meetings should ask ticket agent for certificate at time ticket is purchased for going trip, which will be honored for re turn trip in accordance with instruc tions authorizing meetings on certifi cate plan. The Southern Railway System of fers excellent and convenient sched ules to all of the above points. "The Southern Serves the South" For further information and Pull man sleeping car reservation call on nearest ticket agent. R. H. GRAHAM, Division Passenger Agent, Charlotte, N. C. L .S. WHITWORTH, Agent. Albemarle, N. C. t-June 1 Has Your Subscription Expired? Come to and renew it next time you are in town. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Yadkin Railroad Passenger Traill Schedule 8 A LISBl'B V-NOR WOOD Little Cinderella says: "We Save you money". RusseU's Jewelry Store, Ji i ' 1 i i I 4 dly I dly Eastern Time i dly ( dly pm I am r.v Ar am j pm l 59; 09! 14 281 38! 44l 00 191 35! 501 I 201 S 38! S 48! I 51 II 09 110 21 10 271 14 3 10 40 11 00 11 151 11 30' Salisbury Granite Quarry Crescent Rockwell Gold Hill Misenheimer Richfield New London Rall s Fy. Jnct. Albemarle Porter Norwood To7 031 63 49 381 271 21 13 08! 62 36 25 6 29 1 14 6 01 15 50 5 44 5 35 IS 3 IS 13 4 57 4 46 8AUSBIKY-BAD1N S 103 1 101 1022 dly I 1 dly Eastern Time I dly 1 pm am Lt Ar am j I 9 20 Salisbury Tm I 38! Granite Quarry 18 03 I 48! Crescent 7 63 ! 54 Rockwell 17 49 110 09 Gold Hill 7 381 II 211 Misenheimer 7 27 10 27 Richfield 7 21 ll 36 New London 7 13 10 461 Hall's Fv. Jnct. 7 08 111 101 Whitney 45 ill 301 Badin 6 25 45 691 09! 141 2B 38 44! 55 00 25 9 (104 4 Idly I pm )t 45 it 19 14 01 60 44 36 30 05 4 45 Southern Railway System IMPROVED SCHEDULES VIA ATLANTA To Southern and Western Cities in Connection With TRAIN NO. 137 "THE ATLANTA SPECIAL" Effective Sunday, May ISth Lv. Greensboro, N. C r Train No. 137 Lv. High Point, N. C. .-' Lv. Thomasville, N. C. Lv. Lexington N. C. Lv. Salisbury, N. C. g. Lv. uoncora, jn. V. g.,. uv. jaariobie, 11. xj. 9:30 Lv. Gastonia, N. L. Lv Blacksburg, S. C. Lv. Gaffney, S. C - Lv. Spartanburg, S. C. T.v firAAnvillo S. C. - i:uu p. m Lv. Seneca, S. C 2-05 Ar. Atlanta, Ga., Central Time 4.'50 " nL 715 t. a. fT.ttn 10. . a. -10:10 -10:55 . 1 1 .Fa Lv. Atlanta, - - 5:00 Ar. Birmingham - 10:50 " Lv. Birmingham Frisco Time Ar. Memphis ll:00 p. a. 7:35 a. m. Lv. Birmingham, Ar. Meridian, Miss -Ar. Vicksburg, Miss Ar. Shreveport, La. .Southern Railway ....A. & V. R. R. -V S & P. R. R. -H:l5 p. -4:10 a. -9:35 a. -4:25 p. Lv. Atlanta, Ga. Ar .Macon, Ga. ..Eastern Time 5:00 p. -9:10 p. Lv. Atlanta, Ga Ar. Columbus, Ga. Lv. Atlanta, Ga. Ar. Rome, Ga. Ar. Chattanooga, Tenn. -5:00 p. -8:30 p. 4:55 p. -7:08 p. -9:40, p. Lv. Atlanta A. & W. P. R. R., No. 37 (Ct) 6:10 pe, Ar. Mongomery, Ala "i1:20 a Ar. Mobile, Ala L. & N. R. R. 55 a Ar. New Orleans, La 9.40 For additional information, fares and Pullman reservations inquire of R. H. GRAHAM Division Passenger Agent, 207 Wtat Trade Street, Charlotte. N. Q. M5T8 wyi iv a , AKING bread in a Bedouin tent on the deserts of Arabia is quite a different proposi tion from baking bread in our modern establishment a difference the people of this community appreciate. Our Bread has that delicious flavor that gives it a place distinctively its own in homes where "good eating" is appreciated. The same thing is true of our pies, cakes, doughnuts and all other forms of pastry. Quality and cleanliness are the twin mottoes of this bakery at all times. Albemarle Bakery, Albemarle, N. I Dress Goods Sale Here is an opportunity that we can seldom offer an opportunity for you to obtain an excellent piece of dress material at an abnormally low and attractive price. Latest Weaves and Colors We have placed on sale an elegant lot of goods in various popular materials both staple and novelty in weaves, patterns and colors that will delight the eyes of the most fastidious and at prices that will satisfy the most frugal purse. We urge your early visit to our store. Schedule flRTares published as Information only and are r.ot cuarameed. R. H. GRAHAM. D. P. A.. Charlotte, N. C. I,. S. WHITWORTH, A tent, Albemarle. N. C. ' Ner Y Citv Storm Oaaltht at Barrabl Price bbx - s. Mt Ha A A ork Bargr.:r Jtforfc v

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