Herald The Albemarle News Established in 1880. The Stanly County Herald Established in 1919 Forty-First Year Albemarle, N. C, Friday, June 30th, 1922 $2.00 Per Year in Advance. The Stanly News iflHELDASWtUlolN SHOOTING NEAR OAKBORO Whether or not the guilty parlies isve been apprehended in the shoot- affair near Oakboro .1 Our Flag History holds within its pages deeds of valor that make the average Monday, narrow-chested citizen breathe deep ly, ar of deeds performed bv men wins iff J. Lrfdence to wirran . u. c tis Huneytutt ana r-u .u....-,. . .... ,e young mm was made the virlence given by II1 t , nn tA PftTl. ilv. and sifh moll r n f 1 1 II V ns np rpnrls , . Af- Vl lTIK .llu.K", " i ' - " ' " nrHPTl .11'' ' i . tidier, seventy-nine years 1 seriously wounded, re- names have bjome immortal by H . i- - K,. hor. ri'Jis on nf tVioiv uvnlnit-s m ains for the court iu - - : - - - : - - u IUI tn Vanionn ..rr,cSI f'rn Ainu A 1.. . J Morton wno was u i- .., v. ...-, n . l. cknntlnir K.ion afte! finder conciuered the world. Washinc- ti scene or i"c " m V npned has aC'CUmJiatfU cuuugn tun v.w.ti-,, uic ic.nnaic, Him one- It happen , !. tu, ou vu n.:" ...ctll I 1 U.--UU CI'- U..UIU. l.aLH ll till rfore-mentioned wirriors is held in high esteem for their particular bits , of valor, but Albemarle has gone his tory en" better. Instead of pkkirg a tlaims that she saw Mr. Morgan out some one man and making a lau- j list a few minutes before he wa. rel-crowned hero of him, she hat f bounded go into the patch of woods 1 ele"ted to honor a small army of them j , j within a few minuses mere- i at one time ner DaseDau team, r.nn. 1 TT ........ ,t ...!.:! . 1 tl.--.ib I after she S3 Miller ana nuiic.n-"" wuiip msiory may not record ineirir- drive up in a car and saw nantytuu names, it is a sate Dei to say tnac . m to the dge of the woods near where i the names of every player who par- i o , , Vila- ill: l 1 il. ...liL . 1 wiin a n.Fui'it-- iicipaieu in me game wii,n .uonroe .... . M l.i 1 , .1 1 . i ... A barreled shot gun. Witntn a iew i yc-sterav win ever n- Kept gr2en lrt -rmtps she heard two snots, ami , tne memory ot Albemarle random. ICurtis larrest of the. horwlv upon P;,n7ii Hahn, wno, it, acr..,., Mrs. . .1 i tnn Tfl. Ae says that tne two men entered their automobile and dove hastily away. Both Huneycutt and Miller bitterly protest, neir gu., and claim that they know notmng whatever of the affair. Mr. Morgan, whose home is m Florida, was passing through Stanly e M 4.ma vaiininn at. Ion his return irum n Richmond last week. He was visit ing his son, Mr. John Morgan, who lives near OakboTo, and was out for a walk when fired upon from am- lush. It is believed that, Deing a stranger in that 'section, he was thought by the guilty persons to have teen a prohobition officer, and that his Confederate badge possibly tend ed further to mislead the would-be murderers. Latest reports as to his condition say that he seems to be recovering favorably at this time. A - ALBEMARLE NOVELTY STORE TO PUT ON ANOTHER BIG SALE. The people nf Stanly and adjoining counties have lea'-ned that the sales frequently put mi at the Albemarle Noveltv Store are sales in the real sense of the word, and that whe.i Mtf- Ewen advert prices, it means that his store has cut prices. In our Tuesday's issue this concern will carry a page ad announ cing some startling bargains in all kinds of aluminum and tinware, and in fact, most everything in the line carried by this progressive 5, 10 and 25c. store. As the canning season is now on, we are sure that it will be of interest to our readers to note the date of this sale and to carefully ex amine the page ad in our Tuesday's issue. Watch for it. The game started at four o'clock with dark clouds hovering over the playing field, and with all indications that a downpour of rain would halt the festivities before they were well under way. Every available seat in the grand-stand and bleachers was filled, and the spectators were stand ing three deep along the edges of the playing field. Kress toed the mound for Albe mrale, faced by English, the umpire tossed out a new ball, called play, and the game was on. Monroe scored in the initial inning when, after English struck out, Has ty, (commonly palled "Bull") hit a long double. The umpire ruled that Hasty did not touch first in his mad dash, and called him out when the ball was relayed back to first, hut was over-ruled, and threw up his job and shot at it. Inman struck out, with Hasty on second, but Sto ver hit solidly to center and Hasty scored. Pande-moinum broke loose among the Monroe adherents, and straw hats were not worth as much WILL EXTEND THEIR LINES WESTERN STANLY ENJOYS GOOD LOCAL TALFNT PLAY Norwood, N. C, June 29. Tele- ' Locust, June 29th. "Mrs. Briggs phone lines connecting Rocky River of the Poultry Yard", the play givea Springs, Cotonville and Aquadale ' at Stanly Hall school rear Locust oi will be constructed at once, connect- i last Saturday night, was enjoyed by ing these points with the Norwood ; a large audience of people from the exchange. This announcement was community, and visitors from tlse- I made following a meeting of the of- where. After the play, which was ! fleers of the local company Tuesday, . presented by members of the Chris ' at which time the needs of these com- j tian Endeavor Society of the Locust , munities for telephone service were Presbyterian Church, a box supper J j considered and a decision reached i was given for the benefit of the so- j which will put them in communication ciety. gjwith Norwood and through this ex-1 Judged by amateur standards, the change to long-distance point3. Ar-; play was an excellent one. All of "Days of plenty and years of peace; March of a strong land'3 swift increase; Equal justice, right and law, Stately honor and reverend awe: Hats Off! Along the street there comes A blare of bugles, a ruffle of drums, A flash of color beneath the sky: Hats off! The flag is passing by!" rmmrnmfmmmsmmmmmtm wmmmmm it soared, with English in hot pursuit. Not a sound was heard as Hatley raced madly to first, but as he round ed second the ball went over Eng lish's head, and then bedlam broke loose. Around the bases sped Hat ley with the fleetness of a deer, and rounded third as English picked up the ball. Not thinking that Hatley SOUTHERN RAILWAY STARTS SUMMER TOURIST SERVICE. Asheville, N. C, June 29. The sum mer tourist season has been opened by the Southern Railway System with the inaugauration of the "Land of the Sky Special," giving over-night service between Asheville and the field, and Hatley never paused at the hot corner, but galloped on home with a 1. Vi. nn.int in n If Tie r 1 , - . vincra I IIP Wore LllcL LllM v'uni 1.. as palm leaf fans in the icy blasts 1 to tho ,.e. would try to score, English was slow i Southeast with through sleepnur ca.s : ,....; . v,n wv t tb in-'from Wilmington, Charleston, Savan- nail, rtwiiiiia, itun .'lai'.n. Through car service to Asheville for this season covers a broader ter- rangements were made at the same meeting for quick construction of the lines, and it is expected that the tel ephones will be in actual use within a week. A pay station will be in stalled in the Rocky River Springs hotel, also one at Cottonville, and a third at Aquadale. Private phones of course may also be connected to these lines. Thi3 is a move to assist in the development of that section, and as soon as the business justifies it the local company contemplates still further extensions in that section. A pleasant occasion was that Sun day at the home of Mr. Thos. W. Col son, when, with his family and near relatives present, the 70th anniversary of his birthday was observed. Mr. Colson is three score years and ten only in the number of years through which he has lived.In viewpoint, spirit, and physical activity he is a much younger man. His friends wish for him many more returns of the hap py occasion. Coincident with his birthday in point of month and day was that of his daughter, Mrs. J. L. Parks, of Charlotte. She was among those present, and the others at tending were therefore doubly pleas ed in being able to extend loving wish es to them both on the same occas ion. Pee Dee Lodge No. 150, A. F. & the parts were well taken, and the performance as a whole showed the result of thorough preparation and real talent. The audience was warm in expressing its delight and ap proval. It would be unjust to praise any particular members of the cast with out including them all, because ev ery one did creditable work, but without question the one outstanding star of the vening was little Jamie Green, who played the part of Melis sa, mischievous daughter of the hard working Mrs. Briggs. Jamie seem ed not so much to play this part as to live it, and each time she came 00 the stage the audience was carried away by the naturalness and versatil ity of her acting. The play was followed by a can tata, "How Can We Mortgage the Farm?" sung in a very beautiful and touching manner by Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Temple, assisted by Maggie Eudy, Mollie Coley and Huston Eu dy. After this a score of beautifully decorated and well-filled boxes were sold at auction. A fortunate circum stance provided an able auctioneer in the person of Mr. J. A. Little, of Albemarle, a former resident of Lo cust. The boxes sold well, the bids never lagging from first to last, and a sum of something over twenty dol- A. M. recently held its annual meeting . iirs waJ realized from their sale. A cake was awarded to Mrs. C. L. Smith of January. With one man on, Kress I ,n,r,f.i,M. ct-rnnlr nf wllflnPSS. that he has cut the - and walked two men, nis curve um breaking too sharply off the corners. Monroe supporters begged for a hit, but Lowe fanned in the pinch, mak ing a total of three strikeouts for Kress. With Albemarle up for the first time, Hatley, Smithdeal and Wagner all grounded out, Westledge pitching only ten times during the inning. In Monroe's second half Williams struck out, Westredge popped up, English secured a long three-bagger, but was left on third when Hasty swung mightily at a fast-breaking inshoot and popped one to Smithdeal DEATH OF MISS MARTHA RUS- SELL joicing that followed. Only in a town where baseball is meat and drink to the fans can produce such an exhibition. A purse was made up for Hatley, and his appearance at the bat thereafter was the signal for much loud cheering. Westledge was not perturbed by this home run, for the next three bat ters, Smithdeal, Wagner and Wood, were thrown out at first. English led oft once more in Mon ritory than ever before an.l all Western North Carolina resorts are expecting record crowds. Through sleeping car lines have been establish ed to Asheville from Chicago and St. Louis in addition to which the lines from New Orleans, Mobile, Mont gomery, 'Birmingham, and Chatta nooga have been re-established for the summer. MR. HYATT DIES IN RICHMOND for the lection of officers. Reports were received for the year and other annual business attended to. The lodge was found to be in flourishing he , ,.,,, litinn. with irood prospects for the coming year. Mr. Martin M Kenzie was re-elected as Worshipful Master, as was Mr. Jos. A. Lilly as senior warden and Mr. Nathan Baldwin as junior warden. Others elected were as follows: Secretary, Noah A. Cooper. Treasurer, C. P. Crawley. Senior Deacon, H. R. Lewis. Junior Deacon. F. A. Skidmore. as the prize in which ended the a guessing contest, program. . . NEW BUILDING AND LOAN SERIES OPENS JULY FIRST. inning. I . 1 ' .1 . .1 t V) 11 . , fnp I nitcnie gruuuucu uuu i man Aioemane went um. ... v, ... , fif , J. D. Hyatt, aged 7(1, well known roe's half of the fifth, and grounded , planter and farmer of Polkto.i, N. C, out. Hasty flew out, but tinman mi and Contederate veteran, wno went one across second that went for a to Richmond to attend the reunion, single. Stover popped up, ending the died in the Memorial hospital Sunday in Richmond as -ho result -t a paraly tic stroke suffered last Thursday w.H. nrolk. i mnminff. Hp was nicked uo on Bond . . . . i local a nan ul u.e ...... , second. Wood grounded out nr!'l , comt ha(J bwn tWQ noth. !street where he fell unconscious, and Ritchie flew out to center, and Watts, A ,qJj jnu.. a iftv ,Ht.. was rushed to the hospital and since ..:'. wt. ..r t cnnH nn the that time has linrerrd between life I 111 IT, I.Olta fiv'li.f, .u i.-.. io,. Wr.nl.-in was nnt poual to the and death. occasion, hitting one a mile in air to center. Snvder went out to first ti New London, June 29. After be ing confined to her bed nearly a year anil ..... c wrt . . , . .j j r, IncsoH nllr i i"fc' 14 wuin uui wun luiirnuuea ui age orie iq xnira anu wao , Miss Martha Russell passed away on at fjrst Saturday night, the 24th at the home ! Monroe also went out ln 0 r f her nephew, Mr. Adam Russell, in vr naf 0f the third. Inman slue- tlic 0a' Grove vicinitv. Her remains tre inferred at Bethel cemetery on Sunday afternoon at three o'clock, the fum-ral boinsr conducted bv her Pas-o,-. Rev. .T. S. Fnliror. Tne k.ac(l has been a devoted. "hinting ,huvh member for sixty years. ad v;,s loved and respected hy a'l win knew her for her acts of kindiies -i i j 1... ...it junf. i,v llfi t:"i". ap'ds. The finality of such a life is easily summed 111.. her ged one on the nose, but Ritchie went the wall and got it m lett. no- grounded to w bkiht " 1 first. Snyder went after a 1 'v and i tted :t :;i a i' " ' ithdeai in center, s-ir. came f-..m behind tw a AlVaiavU. started !'.: half id, but once ni"ie tliey v.i t.i the pitching of to ver at ( 1:1 ve . to Sm The cio-; of The out in ' sixth. Crowel! hit ht, hit Lowe and Wi ,v'::f"ed va'n'.y at three K:e-. went out sKi" t. iliams Mr. Hy.it was of a prom- t'ne inent lanr.iy ana w.1.1 -. st"m The body was sent ts Mr. Hyatt's sta-t people ir, Anson count;- f v V:ri 1. ;.' SEVERAL NFW AUTOS VI RC1I- " si:d m king past vki:k The twenty-third series of the Home Builders' Association opens July 1st and the News-Herald has reason to believe that the coming year wi'd see this aggressive organization of builders break all records in it? past history. The people of Albe marle are beginning to see the superi- Stewards, G. W. Stinson and Frank ;0r advantages of "Building with rent Leonard. ; money." At a time when 'own your Tyler, W. A. Stills. home" is the slogan throughout North A large number of Norwood people, Carolina it is useless to say that feeling a keen interest in the Albe-jmany additional stock-holders will be marie-Monroe baseball games went taken on at the opening of the twenty, to Albemarle Wednesday afternoon to 'third series of this association. We witness the contest. ; doubt whether or not the average . citizen of this town h is the remot?st HERRIN HOLDS HIGH CARNIVAL conception of what has been done in VICTIMS WOUNDED AND DYING ;the way of building through the Home Herrin, III., June 27 Herrin, its ru;i,!ers- Association of Albemarle, and the Albemarle Building and Loan Association, during the past fiv,? y a-s. men and women and arms, tonight held a the street front the tV w t.i:di i s--;ltebre its babies tn carnival across hospital whore ;k, N Tht have 0:" ..!-. , l' e 1, rilt, -: 1 ,'s d '"r el t. I.! AI.P.EM ARI.E STORES CLOSE JULY 4th or y :e. Ice. who was using a fast bail Grandy grounded out, Hop- jck out after hitting a foul to the fence in right, an 1 P. 'atticady a'i of the stores of the i h Vetro inside, kins ,t almost Kress grounded out. Crowe'! led off with a hit W. tiie s er.tn. to start . 1 town hiv-;,. j i Monroe's half of the touitn. an.. Aeir doors July 4th from -OOtole second, but was str.ndl n,,e Aki. t . . . . . 1 Tm-o o-i-onnoed out. .U:an.s of 'he day. This will enable the ! hit to third, and Westredge ml ners and their emnWno t, t,u easy one to Kress. a half holiday to celebrate. so :10 of d an LAMENT OF THE LORD'S ol PF'ER T CENTRAL M. E. CHURCH. run for ra; On next sii.4o., p.,t.,i ! -" nil iii-i umj; c... .i 1 i.fli . ',e(lit church the Sacrament of!t,Vt, lyenis Sunn.r will ne .J.ninistw. , . . This ;K ' V 1 " . " 1 the pan and signs uir iuc. ie.iv inei.i'fcT fi- are 1?f- .,., t The fans were praying for a . f.Mirth rolled around :nru 1111 11""1" - that one run looked big as a house, with Westredge pitching like a leag uer. Hatloy. who is always a man t Ko . feared, walked up to the plate. messed up a couple, took .a count U I. owe crouched led for a fat ball low and close. Hatley took a toe hold, cocked up his leg and smote the of behind r.".:noed "! s-.ar: ngiish hit for a :!'ti. Ik:; Hasty and Enman groun.i.d ot;t. In Albemarie's half the break of tho game car.ie. Wagner hi: an easy ore to Westredge, which went ihiough his hands as if they were greased. TTti was ton confident. The hall a'.- mess.-d up the second baseman, iuircied it the infinitesimal part a second too long before making the , throw, Wagner being safe at first. Wood was thrown out. Ritchie hit solidly to left. -Watts hit one to: English, all hands being safe when he fumbled the ball. Manager Mor row went in to hit for Grardy. and fouled out. With two men out, Hop kins took a terrific swing, and hoist ed the ball straight up in the air. Westredge got under the ball and the fans all groaned, seeing the fit ting short of Albemarle's chance to .vi d V. ; - K utek pure nr. so v -ve: dar.. came . W. Ertr We io.irt rr-dabi'.' a he.t : that b rtt .-. i r.an I W. ,V ".a -o i . .:t:ful other ' iur- inn r o.i;i o-. d -' .:.a ,00ft r w : , i tV.i 2. A be ;r.g the next few day.- ;t w as ,r A. T LITTLE GIRL INJURED. soo-tele; VgOt .1- ned. ace ar.d .Mr. president. naming a ex pi ucnes. IT received n x wheth- oor Statesvdle, oune 27. While cross ing F'.fth street Saturday little D. V. Ball, Jr., age two years, was hit and painfully bruised by an automo bile driven by Miss Catherine Braw-ley. Washington, June 27. Seizure 40 American employes f the Co; Oil Company at Tampico, Mexi. o. ported to the Stste department, security " a ransom og 15.000 pes s -rer.t- stir in official circles here ams f thev wulJ gtirai.tee sate conduct to the 12 w"i.:nded not: unior. men sttil :n the opttal here. Both re plied that the survivors of the Lester lvir.e i-iassae.-e would be guaranteed r-rotectien and escort el out of the when t.'.ev are reaoy ti ieae. f tr.e eoun y I unless raiiroads agree to stay t'r.e S'l'l, !K10 wage cut :i: t 0 shop-wo! k on that date and to restore eer:.,;n king conditions former'y :r. '.'tfe't, it was made known tonight 1 telegram srom is. M. Jewel., ae -.t the snap cot-alt, to trie of Ra lwav Executives. vv Jsth el', bead As.K-iation our.t;. toz Salem, -Tune Tharntac W. R, WARE, Pastor. J ball on the nose. Far out to left field j (Continued on Page Eight.) today. Witt-tor. ty-i- -1 ' Car ' . co-tvered. ;ere tr: sident I. W. Ros , oresidir.g. 27. The or- tr.e .Noftf. t: Wt .ghtsviile Beach. June i'af ilina lawyers were told organize fi-or.i top to Iva. n--,v!.filt' to r.at bv J..hn A. McRae uti al Association ri'.ornir.g with Pre of Rockv Mount. 27 North. old tonight to bottom, f-.rrr ivia! s.sso-ia-of Ch.-.rlitte t ,f the State Bar .1 the opening session of : e an tvcntifn, which will co.v.ir.ae through Thursday. 1 f

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