THE STANLY NEWS-HERALD f. 'a 304, THE IDEAL MOTHER' GERMAN MINISTER ASSISSIN ATED. GREAT TIME SCHEDULED FOR R. F. D. CARRIERS AT SHELBY MEETING. Pe 2 Ktanlr Writer Whn i cr n Vf I naninn T shrtiiM want a mrtthpr vrhn R.- Describe, What She Think " '! would teach me to read and guide tenau German ministe; foreipn The Ideal Mother. . my footsteps down the flowery path Berlin. June 24. Dr. Walter R- I a ffi tvo w.a acettaainatojl ffiAarr of literature and if I could have frost- wen, lr I were a oaby and could ing. on my caki!f i shouM wish my choose my mother, I would pick outmother to be a musician, so that in a strong and healthy mother and : evenings there would not only be a would want a mother who would start j group ar0Und the droplight but also me out in life with a robust body and around the piano. I'd hate to belong with steady nerves and with clear t0 one of those famjne3 where the blood, free of any kind of disease, for I should choose to be born of a mother who had exercised as much thought in choosing my father as she would a new dress or hat. I should want a strong and healthy mother also because I should want to be raised in a quiet and peaceful The minister was shot and instant ly killed as he was leaving his resi dence in Grunwald.'a suburb of Berlin for the foreign office in his automo bile. The assassin escaped. Official announcement of Ratenau's home is so dull that nobody stays in j death was made today in the Reich- it a minute more than they can help and where everybody has to go to the movies or the theatre or a caberet to spend a pleasant evening. I should wish to be the child of an am bitious mother. I should wish for a mother. I should wish for a mother, Shelby, June 29. Many social fea tures have been planned for the con vention of the North Carolina Rural Letter Carriers Association which meets here July 3rd and 4th. Shelby is expecting and planning for the entertainment of the largest crowd that has ever attended a convention of the carriers in North Carolina. Monday afternoon at 6 o'clock the business men will take the visitors home and I couldn't hope for that ifjone 0f those women who set some I discovery was made. stag. The murderer who was driv- for a spjn over our good roads and Jng a motor car slowed up as he near- t 8 p. m. a drive over to Cleveland ed Dr. Ratenau. The assassin shot ,' Springs Park Hotel, a $250,000 resort, twice at the foreign minister, both j where the Board of Trade will enter shots taking immediate fatal effect, i tain with a fine banquet. Hon. O. Putting on high speed, the assassin ! Max Gardner, Dr. Kester, Hon. W. escaped, speeding away before the D. Brown, editor of the R. F. D. News, i Washington, D. C, and possibly Hon. my motner was a peevish invalid witti hign poa, before their children's eyes No clue to the identity of the mur- H. H. Billany, Fourth Assistant raw nerves that every little noise ir- an(j wno makes them feel that they ! derer had been discovered up to : Postmaster General, who has charge ritated to distraction and who was , ha(i beWer dje than not reach it j ! noon today of the R F p service will speak fretful and fault-finding and com- snould like a mother who was like' Dr. Ratenau was guest at a dinner to the carriers. Three musical orga plaininn because she was half sick a 3pear jn my sie urging me on and j last night of Alanson B. Haughton, nidations of Shelby are on the pro all the time and I should choose a . on to something better and higher, ; the American ambassador. On receiv- grf.m, the Cecelia Music Club, the mother who wanted me and who did;aome worth-while achievement. I i ing the news of the assassination of Men's Chorus and Bobbv Rudisill's not regard children as one of the shou!d pray the c,oJs to save mp from i thp foreif,n minister this morning, string and jug club. major afflictions of life. I should hin tnp .,hil.j f th mtW. !, l,ri,.on W0 Thp ,-nnvpnHnn will ho nrpsirlp,! nvpr who are content to have their chil-! ed its flag at half mast. by the State President, C. H. Howard dren clods, if only they remain near l The assassination of Dr. Ratenau who is also Vice President of the Na- them, who will balk a girls ambition 'followed a vitriolic attack on the r- tional Rural Carriers Association. Jas. so that she mav stav at home to i ; v tiur ;,.u : S. Kppvpp. nf Stonv Point. N. C. is pray that I would get a mother who nurse them Qr b,0(.k the b ca.eer rw,, Vp,fprj.v ,, rr Secretary. J. M. Ballard, of Newton because they cannot bear to have them j Ratenau made statements particularly , is vice President, D. N. Hunt of Ox- concerning the cabinet's reparation's orf. Chaplain, W. M. Pence, of Char- want a mother who was more interest ed in me than she was in clubs and who thought it more fun to play with me than playing bridge. I should would not turn me over to nurse maids and servants to brin up by hand but who would give me her own personal attention. I should choose a woman who was very tender and understanding for a mother. I should want a mother who knew that a child's soul is the shyest thing on earth and who would not try to force my confidence or pry in my littiff seci'if s Abut !ie would know just what I meant and just why I did things when I blundered out my con fession to her in the twilight or when she tucked me in my bed at night. I should want her to be the kind of woman who knows things by the grace of God without being told and 'that no matter how much I stumbled and fell she would know why and be lieve in me to the last and I should want my mother's breast to be very soft for me to cry out my childish heart upon when I was little and hurt myself and her arms to be a refuge to me which I could always turn when I was grown up and the world buf feted me. , go away from home I should want a mother who had the courage to see my faults and correct them, a mother who had the strength to hold me to my duty when I faltered in it and who did not shrink from making me do the hard thing when it was the right thing. I should want a mother who would teach me in my youth, habits of industry and thrift who would inculcate in me the gos pel of efficiency for therein would she I insure my success and prosperity in the world. I should wish to hava a mother who loved me, not blindly, but j with seeing eyes, a mother who would i perceive my deficiencies and help me strengthen the weak places, a mother j who would help me fight my temper if 1 was possessed with such a devil, (who would teach me diplomacy, if j I were tactless, who would inspire i me to effort, if I were a shirker and shame me into sticking, if I were a quitter, a strong woman, a woman strong of body, strong of heart, strong nolicv and the attitude toward the '"tte, H. B. Ray, of Asheville, and population of the Rhineland. I Mrs. Annie Chapman, of Morven, corn- Following the assassination of For- Pose the executive committee, eign Minister Ratenau it was announc- i The carriers of Cleveland are very ed this afternoon that the government haPP' over the fine sPirit beinK shown would immediately decree the estab- b-v the shelb.v PeoPe fr assisting in lishment of an extraordinary court entertaining the carriers. There are for the trial of nationalist plotters and nearly 1'500 rural farriers in differ proclaim a state of emergency for ent Parts of the State who cover over Prussia. All regimental reunions or 3"''000 milps ,,ail-v and han(ile "ver militaristic demonstrations will be f,)ur n,illion Pieces of mail every woek prohibited. dav in the year. Special ri'.tes have been made by the hotels. of brain strong of spirit. These are I should want my mother to be a the qualities that I should nsk in good natured woman, one who always my mother, if I were a baby to whom laughed with you and not at you. the gods gave me the privilege of I should like to be reared in a home pickinar out mv mother N. M. R. that was bright and gay, where peo-' pie mi'de merry ovi-r misadventures' and turned deprivations and sacrific es into jokes. I should like to have a mother win encourages every form of innocent employment an 1 who could enter into the spirit of thiiis;-1 the sort of a mother who is nevar to busy to set up a ranch f.r a hoy who is going fishing or to add a new frill to a girl's dancing frock. I should like to come into a cheerful home BARBERS GROVE NEWS. The fatal shot struck Dr. Ratenau in the chin, taking an upward course. Half a dozen bullets perforated his back and the assailants also threw hand grenades which exploded in the minister's car, injuring his legs and ! 0winS to the many fair davs thp wrecking the bottom of the car. farmers in this section are getting News of the assassination reached ! their farm work in Sood shaPe- Their the reichstag at 11 o'clock, just as i crPs are 'oing promising. The the committee taxation convened, j hum of the Ashing machine is be Chancellor Wirth announced the as- ! in heard. sassination, on which pandemonium broke out among the various pirty groups. Socialists jumped up shout ing to Dr. Helfridge, " you are the assassin." They threatened to pounce upon him and he hastily left the com- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cobk', a son. P. L. Boone and son, Jasper, 3peiit Saturday in Cottonville with rela tives. On last Sunday a large crowd of friends and relatives of ,Miss Ina RITCHIE NEWS. M. IX Brooks spent !a. Newpon News, Ya., with M: v M. B. Brooks.. t woek in Mr. and Mr and Mrs. G. J. v,v. and little son G. J., Jr., and little -Mary Julia Brooks spent the week end in the home of Mr. T. A. Moss. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. where the mother's smile made sun- bemarle, spent the week end with shine no matter what cloud of ad- relatives. versity darkened the balance of the! Misses Glena and Ve'.ma Morton, world I should like to have a mother of Albemarle, spent the week end at with a funny-bone, from whom I in- home. heritod a funny-bone myself, for sl Mr anJ Mrs CIyde p. of would teach me not to take myself , burv, spent Sundav with Mr. and Mrs too seriously or to grow morbid and b. B. Furr. sour and grumpy and discontented.) "mms. David Russell and Wade There are so many things in life ; Coggin, of the Brick Yard, spent a over which one must either laugh or while Sunday with friends, cry, and it is only those who can laugh whom tat can never down. I should want a mother who was intelligent, a mother who read and who kept up with the times and who was always; a fascinating and interesting com-: mittee room. In one of the richstag Taylor gathered at her home and lunches a heated outbreak of recrim- spread a birthday dinner for her. Rev. ! ir. ition occurred between deputies be- ' Mn'is, held a short serv'ce I and all enjoyed the hours. We have learned that Rev. Sey- more Hatley, pastor of Barbers Grove j Church, has been hurt at a saw mill 1 : and will be unable to fill his appoint- ' , ment next Sunday. Rev. Stanly, pas- j . tor of Big Lick Baptist church, will ! Preach in his place here Saturday i and also on Sunday. i Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Eudy and chil- j j dren, spent the week end with his o.cti-i, ..jib. . i-. oioner, near Fleas- longing to the left and a party of rep resentatives of the other extreme in the chamber. "OH, ASK ME NOT" (By John Charles McNeill) Love, should I set my heart upon a crown, Squander my years, and gain it, What reeompenee of pleasure could I own? For youth's red drops would stain an!.Grove,Church FOR SALE THOROUGHBRED Black Minorca rooster and three hens; good layers. Mrs. D. P. Whit- i S ley, Sr., Albemarle, N. C. 6-13-2:p it. Much have I thought on what our lives may mean, And what their best endeavor, Seeing we may not come again to gleam, But, losing, lose forever. Mr. and Mrs. David Smith spent Saturday and Sunday in the home of the latters parents. Miss Laura Whitley and J. C. Boone are attending the teachers' summer school in Albemarle this week. WSt"?'1 v5lJs)' .. 'TV-, vv ' rvfei-' ; V - 1 J i i est . s r.xr; grioCr and '' Ivi The fjlles: iot ever displayed ir. ISSa ', g," i Star.!;.-County. Come in and take a tllH sdl NEW YORK BARGAIN STORE Q &sfe4 J. MILLER, Prop. Albemarle, N. C. MJJ ' eeing -how zealots, making choice i of pain, From home and country parted, ' Have thought it life to leave their 1 fellows slain, Their women broken-hearted; Kow teasing truth a thousand faces claims, As in a broken mirror, Ar.d what a father died for ir. fames, H:s own s.-.jj scorns as error. SALESMAN WANTED Exceptional opportunity. One ! man each state with $100. Ap j point one agent each town will earn you $500 monthly. Just isay "Show Me." Magic Metal Company, Charlotte, X. C : June 27 7tpd lECORff OF 32, BROWNS WIN, Reader Takes Newer Form of Iron Feels Years Younger "Six weeks ago saw a special offer m the paper telling how thosands of people grow o., in looks and energy long before they are really old in years, because, as examinations by rhysicians have shown, an enormous number of people do not have enough iron in their blood. I have been tak ing Nuxated Iron for two weeks; the : results are simply astounding. The i roses have come back in my cheeks. , and I can conscientiously say that I feel ten years younger." The above is a typical hypothetical ; case showincr the results tViat ' me, sand or concrete, it hePn anh-A k . on..., A.oem..e, N. C. 6-20-tf money back nffer on Xuxated Iron We wil1 make you the same guarantee. n, alter taking the two weeks' treat- how even they whose hearts were sweet witrt song Must iiuntf ab'.ivior.'s potior.. And, soon or late, their sails be lost along The ail-surrounding oeear.. Oh, ask me not the haven of our ships. Nor what flag floats above you! I hold you close, I kiss your sweet, sweet Hps, And love you; love you, love you! WHEN YOU NEED ANYTHING IN cemer.t, li TSU rewspaper can succeed witn- ment of Nuxated Iron, you do not fee' nXrU..Z ""?: V,c,c,"'c,we ana 'ook years younger, we will reaaer? . rromntlv rf-i Dont Neglect Thej Principles of Battery Cai The very first thing to do when you buy a new car is to bring it into Battery Headquarters and let us make sure the battery is in good condition. Then it's easy to keep it going along the right path of slow, normal wear. It's not much trouble to look after it yourself if you have a hydrometer, but we'll gladly do it whether your battery is a Willard or not Ivey Battery and Supply Albemarle, N. C. Representing Willard Storage Batteries COUPE $580.00 F. 0. B. Detroit THE UNIVERSAL CAT? .Sixteen or ISixtyl With Starter ana Sr,ntatn tints THE Ford car is so simple in construction, so dependable in its action, so easy to operate and handle that almost anybody and everybody can safely drive it. The Ford Coupe, permanently enclosed with sliding glass windov.-s. is cozy, and roomy modest and renned - a car that you, your wife or daughter will be proud to own and drive. And of course it has all the Ford econ omies of operation and maintenance. Call and look over the Ford Coupe. Reasonably prompt delivery can be made if you order at ence. Norwood Motor Company, Norwood, N. C Stanly' Auto Company, Albemarle. N. c- SET 'Jiur u s tor th ose HaveniSlPE Call at f.r l:e!p to rr .... a bottle of Nuxited ,v ; Iron at Ha1.s Pharmacv or any other : - " -s igood drag store. Adv ;