Tl rTANLT JMFEIBKE J. D. BIVIH3, Editor and IYcrrlttcav Price 11.00 per year, in advance. . THURSDAY, Sept, 2 1898. THE DEHOCBATIC TICKET. For Consrees, Seventh. OocgremioMl District, THEO. T. KLUTTZ, of Rowan.. COUNTY TICKET.. For Senator. SMITH. For Boom of Representative, J. M. BROWN. Clerk of the Superior Court, R. A. CROWELL. Sheriff, Q. R. McCAIN. Register of Deeds, W. T. HUCKABEE. For Treasurer, L W. SNUGG8. County Commissioners, G. T. DtfNLAP, J. O. PARKEK, J. P. NASH. Coroner, W. R. McSWAIN. For Surveyor, D. A. HOLT. For Cotton-weigher, A. P. MOOSE. ENTERPRISE To tJan. 1. 25c. cosh. A R. i ulliran f& 6 to diir: "We tr nn u:onev lor our mm initn. When e Ppt anything gcod we et orders lor it and sell it. Just dot many orders are coming in for Cy Thompsons speech and re are circulating it widely. Yra, we art fusing rigbt along. We baveson t views, per hens, from the Populists, but Question of j lifa or death for them ana ns litws of the Week. Two bather were drowned in Virginia Bei c.i last week. Contracts for the three battle- ships hare been awarded. An offensive and defensive al lium-, between Chiua ana Japan is contemplated. Th. State Uui vet sitj registers 197 -tudent at present, and ex- 5UU mar E oPENtNo or -rmNixv. I Deatli of Miss Winnie Davis. Know all men by these pres- jjarragansert Tier, Sept 18. ut,thaitheMetu.Uistoiin M iHn Winnie Davis, "hh'" Cnruliua have shou their conu-: Mw jtfferPOU Davis, dieaui nuu- .i ; T.;..;fv Pn eee aua usi... j. f t,a Knokiniinam nuin. administration by sending Jew .. Senator nc!s to reach tne mo, Hliuil lugcii"'. r Butler declared that if the Pop- soon. ulist. fused with the Republicans Thj Haj8 there is rot a this year they were inevitably vacant residence in Concord, ruined. So there is a big differ- Sewai families want houses and euce between his v:ew and that cant get them. oftbisKeputilican woo, . . . ifillt , t,.at thereisan 11 inwmf i . students to answer to tne rouj call at the very opening af the sess'on. This is the largestnum ber at the opening ic all the his tory of the College. Vioreareyel to come. The indications me ,,of ri.iin.r the nresent term t 11 11 1' UUlll'K. ' I who, with en- tirei.-nuKese, u.h u. -versse of 500,000 sewing ina tnte Populist ro:mcs in aiiei- . Unittd States n...i n TT.iloi..h inr. vuiu ern i jriu i nruiMm. mm (. -nttpondentinOiarlotteObserver. The attendance at the Demo cratic convention in Robeson .1 . - lu-f Tlint'tiriflV WIS SO large that no hoi win Lumber ton could accommodate the crowds Th9 convention adjourn ed to the court-house grounds. A correspoi lent to the Charlotte Observer says there never has been such a convention btld in Robeeon county. Thecrowdwas t-timated at twelve to mieei- hundred. A large number of the to gues tr-da attbeh.ockingn which place she came .. 1- nirt nf t he in tne eai i.t h -- 0 1. l.aH Pier'8 social has(ii. puc been ill for several weeks, and a fortnight ago her ailment was diagnosed as malarial gastritis. At times ber condition became an that consulta- ivimtv will enroll 225studuts.tinnllof ,-hvsicians were deemed Kverytrun Methodist will thank1 n,,ceSHHrV( but frequent, rallies wed hope that wuu..a Eleaxiee ana coMUiiiLy are voked on to our larjge nnri mmolete stock ot ' a x-t ir-tTTTRVTHING IS MARKTSTk i-rl thnr meet sell. We haa.tlJ . . .rTtL nt Vnrniture of all kinds ever brought to Btanlyl tne mrg. - - varietVi and can please everyone. A -gEPATlTMENT.-A Sne of Jf Coffins, Caskets, an rimmins that can't be bea kirk & swaeing; God for thissuccess. Assaiiea as Trinity College has been from the mountains to the sea, ana mat too at the opeuiug of the term, it was feared by some and hoped bv others that the patronage "mil1 Buffer. But the number i"1 ta..:..., .h. ult.rrately recover. uu,.r past week especially was ner au dition considered favorable, and thnnht t hat her removal from the hotel would be P'h,tr forjoed in a few days, as ,a hand Come dnd look over onr x a -BT I TTirSQTif.'l.ErTmC? J J Coffins, Caskets, and Xl TrimI Repairing done on ehort notice. OOMS FOBW2BD, Whave iustreturnr d from our northern trip, and are pleased to mmr to onr patrons that both MWBpaper and job presses have hn nnrchased. and a gJod sup ply o! the yery latest and most a year. No more troops will be mus t.rprl out: th? sit nation does not admit of any further reduction of the Army. November 7th ia. tje day fixed fol'-the' hearing of the Stanly County bond case before the Cir cuit Court of Appeals at Rh- mond. Complaints of rust, rotting. shedding, aud sproutin-na gener al as reeardb the" condition of cotton in uearly evry section of this Slate. r!on.ra1 t,tnn erivesthe fol totalfev 84: total re- delegates were men wno weie 1 ... 1 mrx i -a arrr nilT Wn are now uemocrais unuuupu. . T. . , ,. ; nan. , Democratic succees aud white m- go: i . , fM. tt,n.:.,.m irmn. er. 741: new cases, 84, prernacy. i " . o94. dtl)8 6 ifestcd wasan indication xnni iu , determined to put rnu. Qoveruraent will ouiin dowa fusion negro rule in Robe- gmokeleB8 powder factory at In It is confidently be- j inn Head, near Washington " w . hevedthat Democratic success is The ;a8t congres- appropumru assured. OverflO0,000 for this purpose. There is a violent outburst of Ma Mm Fusion. activity of the volcano Vesuvius. t t, ;ii0 N (- Kent 15 The lava has now nearly reached Jacksonv.lle.N.t, bPt-Korrnnlf. flf the Carbineers Snecia Senator uutier pu -"I"1' . . . t ...Una Wftm-fd nart of the sretodayto aDout tnree uuu- - r wouia Buner. uut i" in a lew uti.v", " - . present in phenomenal and should e,0)ed or theseasou, leaving the set at rest all disquieting fears patiantand attendants practical- about thp future onuo iubuiu- j flone -in doubc tion. Methodist peopie navecuu- ija8t night, nowevi. Aonra in Trinit v College and its . navw' condition was no- JV- -" HI " 'J administration, and they have ti(jed and throughout tne nigm shown it in a siu..i nd signitl-l be oar .tnngth perceptioij. nni way.-Gieensboro Christian Thig morniUSr the physician sani that the end was noi ir uu, at noon death came to end the cotton prospect poor affprin2. which at times na l ueeu CcorVnnir Sent. 14. The week- .tollH. Mrs. Davis had watched HKi" - j- - - t- ll'K . . 1 ..i.i.n . a. 1 1 nnhtAP 1 iw .-.ottnn croD report; oy eiairB ,.-. tr.neu ai nei uau... .' - " . . i is as follows: bedside, and ehe is now oj North Carolina: Too late for i jtll 01.row material improvement in cotton, jjpr fUI)eral intake P,HtP whi!'h is opeBing well; picking Ri(.uinoIuj on Friday. more active. kometuing about her like South Carolina: Opemngrap- . i a Winnie Iv dly, picking general; - muci cot- ..i)ahter of the Confed 7 in nnloadins tnia " aoTle 3r Beea. -iii.r - done by M.-Bftrtt M.n V. A. WHITLEY M. Ofhce over Little Bbob. Stoij Albemarle, a. u. in Vtu.ble lnd for $U. We hereby give notice that a tract of ; RtanW county. N. C, lying on the Yadkin river, Just above the David Lowder f orry, fronting tue river lor than a mUe, containing aou acres aiiu known as the Eliza Shaver place w for .i RM tract contain U or oo ' . in .io,io rivpr low erounas anawui Ul ftiUuv- . 60 acre, of good cotton lima, some i . t :n n TihIo Tier acre. Al- wnicii wiix riww bo valuable mill site and wawr poW. Price reasonable, terms easy. If not sold by Oct. 1st, 1898, the lanus wiu uo rent. Apply to Geo. K.. enaver, or David A. Shaver, 98. 6w. Albemarle, X. C. DR. S. B. KLUTTZ, DENTIST, ALBEMARLE, N. C Office over Morrow Bros.&Hea Co's atore. eracv, was ooru m mc. i?o.,itii Mansion in wen inond, in 1863 ton Btdined. B ime rottiug ana seeds sprouting in Dolls; noun provementm plant, rust pieva-1 io 1863. she was educat lent. I j ....Snpinnllw nt home, owing to Georgia: Is shedding, sprou mirru,,ding herfath rnnd the Dublicity which attend rick,d- . . L,t n movements of the Davis family- Miss Davis attained her F. E. HARTSELL.M.L1 Bio Lick, N. C. Calls received and promptly attend! to at all hours, when not called out w fessionally. Goos Grease Liniment cures all acL"" pains, croup, i-uufi..r colds, in man or Deasr, bruises, burns and curs. ana sprains. . f -t i.iuin r.einff I i- OOPUiar lULTTB VJl .! " - - UCIC luuaj . , j kow placed down in thin office. dred people, at least seventy-Hve Fin.cular rail.oad. We have purchased everyyumn Qf whom were ueKiuKo. y..v.. Aat a modern country offlcecalla waB mainly upon the evil-oftinat P comman( of for, from a .hooting-st a k and anj combines, the Decessity of the JJ d hfl8 alet to a large pc-er press goyeument ownership of a 1- vj Captain Evan has reliev th. bat- been as- unerl a member of the naval in spector board. Captain Terry succeeds him. Silus The Democrat of Vermont in .,oHl. of nrintinHraniue column road8 and telenrnph (paper. Noir.sulacnbciHnndpa- tha Democrats; called them liars .trots. thishascallJd for a large and hypocrites; said they were .outlay cJ -cold hard cash, and we trying lo fool thepeoplo by the .f.,roiu.inecl returns lor our PV ft nioCer: that there is no .Mefforta and expenditures toward Luch thing in North Cwroljiaan. st a Wishing a good offlc ann a nf.gr0 doniiualion; that tnere aie rbrigfcl and readable paper. The (our white meu in the Btate to paper will be all home print soon Cne negro, and that the Demo rAn cetour presses in nro- cia1a hired negroes to make thera- -in order, and will give yon 8elves offensive, so as to have tanr money's worth. Toueitber Lomething for campaign pur- ,,oomiDZ at 35 cents a bushel do or do not want the paper, "noses. And then, to capthecli-j. 8Wjtching its tail around you want it, you mean to pay maii ha aaid this isa white mans thi8 wfly, too, withcotton it i less kforlt. But there ia one class we county and the sooner the negro tban 5 cellt8 Wilmington Star. ... i I .i T Bill ,ddnotwant-tnemanwaow-u. nnaurstooa i in. - ,;nar,ott. mint shipped he paper, Lnt w,u not jmj - te beet tor tnern - u u- Thured Aat However, we ao uui unw" miwi x h""" ve ni.ntnl this kind ouour list, ia North Carolina. We will give and know that there are aome Lou a white man's government irood rejsons for most of tne ac count, that remain oncoiiected. Uncalled For and Unjust We siujMV asa vtru u - ward aoon as you find that yon Florida: Crop very short, Alabama: Generally poor con dition, openine rapie'ly, picking progressing slowly; poor quality and yield. Mississippi: Cotton below av pr.jre. serious injury by rust, shedding, rot and boll worm. Louisiana: Very favorable; lit tie damage to crop, Texas: Bulk of crop is open; the drought, boll worms, rust and Mexican weevil destroyed lae cotton and topcropin many NOTICE Having qualified as adniiniS' trator of Samuel . Pemberton, deceased, late of Stanly couutv, N. V., this is to notify all persons holding claims againsi iu ro tate of said deceased to exniDii them to me duly authenticatea on or before the 4th day of July 185)9, or this notice will plead ia hur fif then recovery. All pei- .nns indebted to said estate will make immediate payment and rust . . .. j the list election cut down the places; ouierw.seine. MiH.B... D....l.lin0n nin ov tV O iiB.UOU antiiw, wi 'i i-- l"ful' , , ' n rtnmar from in 1 890 to 23,000 una eieeteu leiuu,, - fiftr members of the Legislature nnn m against nineieen iti 1890. The wave of prosperity is sweep inrnver Oklahoma, with wheat boominz at dn cents f ) va print . Jnlv4, 1898. Julia G. Pemberton, I Ar?mr'x. Austin &S.i it h, Atty s. The Wilmington Messenger has had accumulated thereduringthe past month. It amounted in all to 116,014. I he lot. was seni ji- rect to the coinage mint at fhii- adelphia. Some three hundred lives were ' :k wort, this to say iu a recent issue in , . A hous-tnds made M m ViM rilDBWIl n 1LU V t '""-J I a amount standing describing the search for an i- homeless, besides inestimable r"j - . I f-j,. t nrrnert hv a tern agamskj"-"-" . r-nniiv.iha chief, who iathor-1 ,,nrri,.n which swept the sure na that you n..atU - .- . h nooli ILUUU UBwi''F - lilt KU OlLri .-,b - . Wd list ia what kills the profit. aM;Bt hitu. After rigging him- Indies last week. v not want any dead-Uelf outin alinen dusur, nespar- Concord Steam Laundry beads; and, in iusticetoonrs.eve. wu . - oW Bloucb ha been purchH8ed from Mess. s. 8ioie8 nd the several hunnrea gooa. hjred m hQTM andput out W. A. Wilkinson and r . U Koo- ...- .nhsi-riher. who stand dj . . wvaat wilmineton. Astriae ;nR i,- Messrs. C. A. Craven. J. . V".' ""13 J I v . a l I 1. ... I " Rear in mind the following dates for joint discussions in the county between Hon. lheo. a Kluttz and Morrison H.Caldwell Let everyone avail themselves of this opportunity for hearing both sides of our political questions and decide the rigbt way: Albemarle, Monday night, Oc tober 10. Big Lick, Tuesday, October 11. Norwood, Wednes day, October 12. Kichfield, Fri day, October 14. New Loudon, Friday night, October 14. mntnntv atBeauvoir, Miss, fcnei assisted her mother in various ways and took ber place in the many social funct ions ot t ne piace. She was her father's consign companion. She assisted him in all his work and much oi tne nine which was required by Mr. Davis . . . . ... oai, curt fnr 111 niS wrillMK "10 him b.vhisdtughter. H-rstrong character was marked from ,..,tk lie tvns ensasred to a , yj 'i i ...... - - i . .. ...... . .. .to K V Mr. VMiKerson, oii itunr,i,. . bat shortly after her -f.tW- 'lYllllty. UOiiege death the engagement was brok- . rwlIM.8 in .Engl'-sh rn off. While no public expiana- Literature, An- lion of the rup'ure was given! Modern Languages out, it is well known that it whs ( lij(ito Sociology, Mathematics tor the purpose ui ...a.i. " BiWe, htr latner s nnm-. She received the name, "Daugh-j ter of the Confederacy,'' in 1886, when hrr father made his famous trip through the South. Mr. Davis oeing unable to appear, Miss Davis was brough be ore the thousands at the different point, along the route and introduced as the -Daughter of the Confederacy." J. R.PRICE, Attorney and Counsellor! Law. ALBEMARLE N.C Practice in all the State a TToitoml rnnrts. Special atl tion (riven to the managemen . a Estates for Executors, Aomi trators and Guardians, to exi iuing and aLsTracttng www real estate, to collecting claii r WoplnHincrmorteaeeswithi expense to the mortga gee, w possible, and prompt axwnu given to all businessentrusted his care. Offlfn in aoutlt east cornel the court house. Law and Commerce. Women auiimiw iu oil ,..llrpsof study. The largest endowed institution f lraruitig in he State. Bard from $6.50 to $10.00 per Tition. $50.00 a Year. Next session opens September 1 ftos Fur Cat alotrue add ' J NO. C KILGO. Durba n, N. C AUSTIN & SMITH, Attornevb-at-Law, Albemarle, & Norwood, I Snecial atteution given to.' agementsof estates for Eti tors, Administrators and ! dians, to examining ancti stracting titles, to coiie elaims. to foreclosing momi nithoit axpttana tathe morti when possible, and prompt li 1 1 V. tion triven to an ictfiu vu J w n J Anfrnntpfl tn our care. um CUU ui.i".. , h rnnrt house. Smith wilJ in office at Norwood Tnes Thiirsdavand Saturday of' week . 0 ne member of the fir offioe at Albemarle at all ti OS 8 Your Great grand-niother grandmother aunts and uucles used lioosf; ureHse to cure yiui aches and pains, rroup, cougns o.i ,ii,u Xnn should use it and cure vonr children, it never fai's to cure sold and guaranteed bv all druggists and general iia iiDfe l i uw"v . . . . . w 4he tacer through both thick and 0jthehcrse the chief, clad in n id y. A. Day vault. Mr.Craven thin, such namea mast -disappear disguise, resembled acircuii nun , jU a ew dg ad m ' I nuAanhar I . m . 1 p from our list. . "V . ... MrrM rider is bate general charge ot tneauairs "I. m.;. Through Ut the laundry.-Concord Times, The Cuban agitators are now nvern cen- Krfldstreet'a report that the Insisting on absolute frsedoin, u.r. thewT torUuihl unnlv of wheat stocks nnrestiained liberty, or a nght . vletoriona Ln.t of the Rockies shosan in . . M .a i i in mi m ..v.' ' " - , . j AI. rfhll ... 1 1 . 111 im l - to iniataiu. " TWnlnr Communication of Stanly Lodge No. 348, A. F. & A.M.n Saturday atternoon ai 2 o'clock before 2nd Sunday and Saturday n'ght before 4th hun day. Jijmi-Tiws ef an ins pun nddeknessfrom which women tuffsr is caused by weaknsn or derangement in the organs of menstruation. Nearly always The Southern Railway, in iDiurmu. I , . ipi..... r h ntnri u Umou nt i.ibd.uw uuoucib, the result of the arrival of Secre- - RnrnnP- stock, decrease 3.000.-Un"ourtot Triple North and . j iv m na- resunnuiutnii" ""f. . i r--. . .i K-at. via tne jnop. . m ui i i um v a n a . . i i . . a.. haambu oai.i iirnhe is making iato tariffs, municipal taxation, and other matter, t! Internal government hi,.h the Cubans had expected tn handle and administer them selves. Cin 2c Wheeler is a richtnau D went to the war because he ..nveted a soldier's death. He is a physical wreck aud an unhap py dyspeptic, .nd in referring to h. Anndition be botd he wonld pas. ont by the aid ot a Spanish bullet. It may prove hard forSptin to ir.r.tsnd that there will be so ct5nn of the dmands made by the United States. neeeated TB Or. OutlU tne 000; world 8 SIOCKS, UHThi,- Bteamere . . ...j .1 hn nMaAM quntMl- enrn srocks. increase Th nlpjumre-BeeKinK wunm u aarKness auu - - - -r r,c aZm ri and hiswayto the ramparts of sin - 1,803,000; oats, increae. nMQmll The one earthly name enshr.nea ot)0 busneis. to Norfolk, the hearts of the millions, WDO J!ntnr General Corbin.of the! .v. tv,. chesaneaka Line steamers to kneel at the tt;a.j -, i1 nrrtem h?.ifiir,nn. The Chesapeake Line is the uy HHJ --'"" . Di,lc""" j,.."-. - n,--tnnitsofthe altarsof Methodism "Mla8t week that 4,000 Jewish vol- rZZt at, the true Baladiu of history-thel 6mrn ehould ploughs, 0 fe and jsZ "cir;uit rider." There 1. nor, Uq enoblethera tQ participate a L. toNorfonx every week day true man or woman who will not k in te celebration of the L. B -45 n. m. for Baltimore, touching at resrut the above odious and sIan-jewiehNew Year by the Ortbo Old Point Comfort. These amps we rferoua allusion, and wonder at 1- j.wuh ttonereeatioual Un- especially consxroci x -:rv when a woman Is not well thesa organs are affected. But when they are strong and healthy a woman U very seldom sick. WSSm la nature's provision for the regu lation of the menstrual function, h cures all " female troubles." It is equally effective for the girt In br teens, the young wife with do mestic and maternal cares, and the woman approaching the per lod known as the " Change of Lite. They all need a. They are al benefitted by tt. Read this eveuy time. Give us men a time like Ibis de- ma n(t. K..ncr minds, strongfttith ana ' illinir hnnds. " " . Men whom the lst 01 ou dors not kill, Men who possess convictions unii a will. 1 u., who ihe snoils. of office j 1 v " - ' a annot buy, 1 ..... 1 Men who have uoin . - who will n t lie. Such men use Goose Grease to keep them young aud spry. TTTF. NORTH OAR0LI1 Ha nmn At A ff f I ril II juiict;o wi w 1 1 and Mechanic Arte I) , Will re-ooen Reptemtier ., ia, with improved eqnipmenttn rlenartment. 1 wenty-t nre r f-.. nenenced specialists in r ac Full courses in Agricula Roience. Civil, Mechanical truotrirnl Ensrineeriug. LS sea very raodrate. For lnanes address PRES"A.Q.H0LLA1)AJ ' RALE1QH, M the prejudice or ignorance which inspire, it. N. V. Auvocaie. eom Tbtoaa That Dewey Did. What did Admiral Dewey do with bia war .hips at Manila? He knocked the Spanish fleet into smithereens. What else id Admiral Dewey n,,bustei"he Dingley tariff -Atr,rr. the doctrine of Pro- BUU t u 1 - v- General Jo Wheeler distrusts . 1 I.Li tncf i f f 1o i.veaia Keeping onr voiur- iecwou ... . . I Jl. Via K(W7 ia ferri" aTi!" 1 ur.j.u.o lis I vice, and their appointment are as per fect as the moat fastidious taste can sug- Theeonsine ia nneiceu, u.. attention possible is shown to the travel er. ., Th nnnneotion With the BOUinern Railway, arriving at Norfolk at 7:50 a. Wit JwaJi ion of America. In Davidson toutt lost week he jury brought in a verdict for 3,0CO against the bouthern Railway for killing Jason Ven denhall, aged 78 years, in Thom j. int December. Mr. Men- deahall was crossing the railroad point, giving an opportunity torWohi track in bis wagon when thetrain Fcrt Monroe,, Via strnckhim. Iheiuitwasorougat r. throagh ticketa and other by his brother, E. E. Mendenhall. jontioo di 0n any agent Southern The Southern will aslc the bu-1 Railway, or write B.L. veroon, pretne court for a nev trill . ' ?s. Aft., Charlotte, K. C that Por aMc hi aat reqctrltie frdd dlractloni. mddrer,,, tttlnc Bymptoma, Th. Chttinoca MedlclM Co.. Ctt. acoe.Tauh TMOS. I. COOPER. Tusta, Wtm., myu Ny etster tuflmi tram my IrrtfiMv rT.iJ ..1 ni ihw. Win ot CartiS antlrl cured ltr ari ai hclpol n awlfeer rough SM Ckanaa ' uw.- TRINITY PARK HIGH SCI Prepares students for 1 College, or any other R .;' College. It ts owned a , trolled by Trinity Colle- all advantages of col -. ronments. New buildings J oushly equipped. 1,0-or' boaiding dep -tmant eent stenerj, and. nr. lo-ation for.. health. Co ,3 English, Latin, Grtek matics and Science. penses $130 to 1160 (' Session opens Soptenr; For informal ion, Addi J. F. Rivms, Hear Jno.C. ICilgo, t M - NOTICE. Hnviniriliilv Qualified ns exec utor on the estate of Jane Low der, decssed. this w to notif- all naram.a tiavinff claims against il eat nte to nresent them duly oi thantirnt. A nn or beiore ine Qftrh fiav of August, 1899 All nersons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment and save ost. This 29th day of Aug., 1898. R. L. Lipe: Fieo-jtor. TASTELESS I 1L run T0W1B IS JU3T AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICkl BO cts. Oalatia, Ills., Not. 83 KrTMiii .iua'.p.-irli nalvunwliwtls. a ."-r 'Xuulc. The TJnivt Larcest imtronaice-" enninment in its nltv. 38: Students, 508; 3 emic Courses; 3 Elective C 3 Profeasioral Schools, in Medicine and Pharmacy. Advanced Classes opeH men. Tuition G0. a n,.orri S3, a month. Am nortunitiesfor self-help. arshipsand loans tor tne t Summer School for Teachf 1 Itsrructofs, 1 85 Student ' 1. (!7(1 VnrI tai enroll aiein, logue, Address, . PUESIDEXT ALDEf. Ch.rl R fii ro bi P I c t 4 I I-. i

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