t Statement or the INCOME AND EXPENDITURES or STANLY COI7NTT. FOR THE YEAR KNDINO NOVEMBER 30, 198. INCOME. 242,673 a en land, valued at $846,728, at 23Xc per flOO, 12,00.1 Minernl Quarry, value fl,H56, sanie rate, 23c on all, 419 town lots, valued at $136,418, 1,632 horses, vauled at $62,436, 1,545 mules, valued at $62,- 094, 14 jacks and jennets, value $483, 33 pouts, value $69, 5,227 head cattle, value $37,427, 6,302 head hogs.value $10,- 270, 3,250 head sheep, value $3,148, Farming utensils, value $47,083, Tools of mechanics, value $4,172, Household, etc., value$31,- 504, Provisions, value $13,609, Firearms, v.'Jue $2,891, Libraries, value $1,569, Scientific instruments, val ue $496, Money on hand, $27,071, Solvent creditd, $101,117, Shares in incorporated Companies, $12,748, Cotton, value $2,071, Tobacco, vaule $18, Hosin and tar, value $15, Brandy and whisky, value $15, Musical instruments, value $5,166, 22 bicycles, value $525, Plated and silverware, val ue $102, Watches and jewelry, value $3,004, Other personal property, value $56,786, Railroad and telegraph, val ue $67,566, 1,699 white polls, at 40c each, 182 colored polls, at 40c each, 118 marriage license at $1 each, Unlisted property and polls, Insolvent polls, Austin & Price, balance on office rent for 1897, Jury tax Morrow Bros. & Heath Co., for lots on public square, April 4, '98, Dr. King, for lot on public square, April 4, '98, S. J. Pemberton, office rent, April 4, '98, W. J. Swink, for lot on pub lic square, May 2, '98, J. C. Parker, for lot on pub lic square, July 4, '98, Morrow Bros. & Heath Co., for 2 by 75 feet extra, on public square, Sept. 5, '98, W. J. Snunk. nwcs'1 rmv- ment on lot, Sept. 5, '98, J. C. Parker, for use of lot on publicsquareforshow, Sept. 26, '98, Morrow Bros. & Heath Co., second payment on lot, Oct. 3, '98, J. C. Parker, second pay ment on lot, Oct. 3, 98, A.I. Eudy, sale of old bridge at Bear creek, Oct. 3, '98, Dr. King, payment in full for lot, Nov. 7, '98, J C Parker, payment in full for lot, Nov. 7, '98, W. J. Swink, payment in full for lot, Nov. 7, 98, 4 39 322 86 147 76 146 95 115 16 88 57 24 7 45 112 85 9 87 74 56 32 21 6 84 3 71 117 64 00 239 31 3017 4 90 04 03 03 12 22 1 24 24 711 134 40 159 90 679 60 72 80 118 00 105 84 111 15 6 75 84016 300 00 7 140 135 28 35 160 00 2 00 840 16 130 00 3 25 205 00 135 00 125 00 Total income $7,802.97 CREDITS. Less insolvent polls, $45 60 Less errors, over charges, etc., 26 05 Less Sheriffs com missions on $4, 658 65, at 5 per cent, 232 93 Less Treasurers com missions on $7, 802 07, at 2 per cent, 195 07 499.6" Net income, $7,303.32 DISBURSEMENTS. December, 1897. L C Holt, forservices and sup port of poor for November, $47 75 Marshall F Furr, services as iudire of school election, 1 00 M I) Cray ton, E M Osborne, and W RHartsell registrars of election, 1 50 J C Lee, judge of election, 1 00 Samuel Sell, judge of election, 1 00 Amos Vanhoy. iudsre and mak ing return of election, 1 50 J H Bost, judge of election, 1 00 L C Coggin, judge and making return of election, . 1 50 Jas W Smith, judge of election 1 00 Aaron Furr, same 1 00 O R McCain, jail fees Nov. 14 60 W A Marks, 1,744 feet lumber 9 71 Morrow Bros. & Heath Co., material used in repairing court house roof - 34 05 T H Sibley, material and work on court house 156 24 W T Huckabee, issuing 450 county claims and recording 80 orders of the board, at 10c each 53 00 Town of Albemarle, for new public well 10 00 AMOUNTS ALLOWED POOB OCT- D M Ridenhour, support for December '97 1 50 Laura Colson, col, same 1 50 Peggy Hatley, same 100 Charlotte Turner, col, same 1 50 Betsy Littleton, same 1 50 Elisabeth Russell, same 2 00 Bidie Carpenter, same 1 00 F A Ridenhour, same 1 25 Spicy Colson, col, same 1 00 John M Stafford, error in poll tax 300 $351.10 Jancary, 1898. LC Holt, services and sup port of poor for Dec. 26 74 Edwards & Broughton, for 2 cross indexes 16 00 (! It McCain, jail fees for Dec. 1 0 90 I) M Kideiihour. support for January 1 Laura Colson, col, same 1 Peggy Hat ley, same 1 Charlotte Turner, same 1 Betsy Littleton, same 1 92 Elizabeth Russell, sume 2 Bedie CurjM'nter, same 1 F A Itideiihour, same 1 Spicy Colson, col, same 1 $65.89 pEIIItl'ARY, 1898. O It McCain, jail fees for Jan. 27 45 J P Nash, expenses to Stutes ville and Raleighand return (two trips) in interest of railroad bond suit 11 91 Geo T Diinlap, expenses to Statesville and return in in terest of railroad bond suit 4 76 R J Ross, board of Oeo nnd Eugene Sides, while in cus tody, before trial 1 33 L C Holt, forservices and sup port of poor for January 2" 06 J B Safley, judge of school election, 1 00 V T Hueknbee, for making out taxlists for 1897 3390 names at 4c each, and for extra work on tax list 145 60 Judge A C Avery, for services as attorney in railroad bond suit 200 00 David Schenck, jr., same 200 00 Judge J E Shepherd, same 200 00 D M Ridenhour, support for February 1 50 Laura Colson, col, Banie I 50 Peggy Hatley, same 1 00 30 Charlotte Turner, col, same 1 Betsy Littleton, same 1 Elizabeth Russell, same 2 Bedie Carpenter, same 1 F A Ridenhour, same 1 2 Spicv Colson, eol, same 1 Eliza Lilly, col, sume 7 $832.11 Mawh, 1898. W T Hueknbee, making out merchant tax list 81 names at 1 5c each 12 1 Wm M Fespermnn, lumber and nails used on bridge 3 00 L ('Holt, services nnd support ot poor tor t eurunry 26 Dr D P Whitley, services at county home und examina tion of Joe Bost col. 00 3 O R McCain, jail fees for Feb. 22 0 00 Concord Times, advertising public square for sale R A Crowell, advertising coun ty income and disbursements and sale of public square D M Ridenhour, support for March Laura Colson, col, same Peggy Hatley, same Charlotte Turner, col, same Elizabeth Russell, same Bedie Carpenter, same F A Ridenhour, same Spicy Colson, col, Bame Eliza Lilly, col, same Henry Hyatt, col, same Betsy Littleton, same 2 22 I 1 1 1 00 00 00 2 1 1 25 1 00 75 1 00 1 50 m ir.KIUIt UOl'KT CLAIMS, SPRING TERM, 1898. S D Bost, talis juror H S Trott, same 1 10 1 10 110 1 10 1 10 1 10 110 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 5 90 610 6 50 6 00 5 55 610 5 35 6 20 7 30 J A Ritchie' same W S Blackwelder, same Isaac Burleyson, sume C W West, same E P Harrniirton, same J T Crump, sume Ij 1) Mchwain, same W J Russell, same M M Poplin, same 1) W Poplin, same r Lu Jieeves, same T S Parker, same M A Whitley, same T P Lowder, same 0 W Ingram, petit juror A II Crowell, sume W L Huneycutt, same M F Hartsell, same J S Burleyson, same C A Crowell, same W II Mann, same J W Hutlicock, same J W Hatley, grand juror J A Austin, sume J F Barbee, same W M Barbee, sume I) H Cody, sume 7 60 7 20 7 70 7 30 710 6 80 8 00 C A Mosse, same W J Ross, foreman, same A Osborne, same H D Eudy, sr., same M F Sides, same 7 10 710 0 70 7 20 (J L Hatley, same II M Caldwell, sume F V Watkins, same E O Bostwick, same W R MeSwain. same 7 20 6 90 7 30 J L Culp, same 6 80 6 80 6 65 6 30 6 50 il llearne, same H M Crowell, same 0 T Farmer, petit juror Jesse A Morton, same U M Dry. same 8 00 5 70 Guilford Harris, same rtoah liurlevson, same 5 45 1 10 1 10 1 10 M A Whitley, talis juror r,oen Burleyson, same Luther Green, same J F Osborne, petit juror 8 10 710 6 70 1 10 Li a iiernn, same I Enrd, same G F Smith, talis juror A P Moose, same B F Carpenter, same R W Smith, same M W Swaringen, same E B Hamilton, same Hiram Almond, petit juror 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 70 2 30 5 10 r Morgan, same T R Forrest, same COCBT OFFICERS. F M Wilhoit, Fred W Anderson, 4 75 9 25 9 25 9 25 9 25 8 50 U F Hathcock. Geo C Smith, J 8 Ewing, D C Kluttz, $422.83 April, 1898. Morrow Bros. & Heath Co.. harrow teeth. 1 no, L C Holt, services and sup port of poor for March. 37 75 Central Hotel, board and lodging of jury and officer in Tra vlor case. 19 an John W. Julian, advertising public Square for sale. 9 Kn G B McCain, jail fees for March. suip.iioninsf iurors etc, 32 llarrcll's l'riiitinir House, dockets, stationery, etc, 10 S II Milton, blanks, station ery, etc. 1100 Kirk & SwariiiL'en. coffin for Walter llnthcock. 150 I) M Rideiihoiir. support for April 1 I.nura Colson. col. same 1 IVirirv Hat lev. same 1 Chariot te Turner, col. same 1 Elizabeth Russell, same 2 Bedie Carpenter, same 1 F A Ridenhour, same 1 Spicy Colson, eol, same 1 Eliza Lilly, col, same Henry Ilvatt. col. same 1 00 00 25 00 $129.61 May, 1898. J P Nash, expenses two trips to Greensboro and one Statesville attending R R bond suit 16 4 L C 1 1 ol t . serv iees a rid support of poor for April 31 Guilford Hatley, timber used on public road 1 I) A Hoit. surveviiiir lot on public suuure 2 Edwards & Broughton, mon ey order book and posters for list takers 2 Wm U MeSwain. holding in quest over the dead body of Seiiiu Furr. for siiinmoiiinir iurors, witnesses, etc, 12 Win Barbee, juror, Senia Furr inquest ease 1 A A llarvel. same 1 J N Hartsell, same 1 .1 S Huneycutt, same 1 S A Jenkins, same ' 1 K W Simpson, same, mid for affidavit 1 ( R McCain, jail fees for April 2 Jacob Hatley, expenses con vevinjr Martha Hatley to 50 ;0 00 00 Morgmiton Insane Asylum 10 J W Etinl and J A Little, J Ps for lees State vs Mar tha Hatley, insane 2 00 Titus Coble, witness State vs Martha Hatley, insane Elum Hatley, same Dr D P Whitley, expert wit ness, same 6 Nancy Simpson, support for May 1 I) M Ridenhour, same 1 Peggy Hatley, same 1 Elizabeth liussell, same 2 00 Charlotte Turner, col, same 1 50 Bedie Carpenter, same 1 00 FA Ridenhour, same 125 Spicy Colson, eol, same 1 00 88 00 Eliza Lilly, col, same 75 Henry Il vatt, col, same 1 00 Nancy llm-kaliec, same 1 00 Laura Colson, col, same 1 50 SI PKHIOIl COriiT CLAIMS. 00 00 S H Milton, (' S C, whole fees State vs George Lee, col. 6 45 20 00 3 00 90 2 70 6 70 4 60 5 72 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 71 93 9 95 75 7 50 2 35 0 J ii ehl), Nincitor, same ',0 ij it .Met am, Nicrill, same 00 ,l A t risco, witness, same -,() (i G Aldndge, 1) S, same 00 00 .1 1 ( rump, J P, same J F Turner, constable, same Filmore Spears, witness, same C 11 Aldridge, same Lou Crump, same Henry Hyatt, col, same Ann Ilvatt, col, same S H Miltfm, ' M ', Imtf ftvn Miring Term, '.in G It McCain, Shff J M Monroe, Sheriff (Rowan Count y,) same I L Webb, Solicitor, same E M Osborne, I) S, same Bl) liaimie, 1) S, half fees State vs James Sides and Alex Helidlev 2 05 M S Pence,.! P, half fees Spring Term, 1898 1 00 G It Rhvne, 1) S, same 50 J F Green, constable, same 2 0; Caleb G Hobbiiis, D S. same 15 50 M F Furr, D S, same E Miller, I) S, same W F A Propst, 1) S, same 15 15 J T F Neai, DS, same 15 90 30 80 1 10 I W Snuggs, Ex-Sh'ff, sume L M Morrison, Sh'ff, same I 0 Ross. .1 P, same It V Smith, constable, same V J turns, 1) S, same 1 10 J T Gaddy, SlifT Anson Coun ty, same J A Little, J P, same J W Bostiun, J P, same F M Wilhoit, D S, same 15 1 93 1 48 2 70 C 1 Ix'd better, J P, same It J Ross, J P, same S R Green, constable, same R L Lowder, 1) S, same M S Parker, J P, same G A Leller, constable, same R F Tyson, same F II Wolfe, C S C, Union Coun ty, same John S Hill, I) S, same J L Blackwelder, D S, same L A Burgess, half fees witness State vs C A Helms Wincie E Burgess, same E E Snuggs, assignee, witness State vs D R A Smith and E J Morris R H Carpenter, half fees wit ness State vs Jas Hancock and Jas Hatley 28 78 1 10 45 145 3 10 1 80 43 60 2 45 5 20 85 2.80 J A Simpson, same S A Poplin, same J A Ritchie, half fees witness State vs G M Misanheimer. R C Ritchie, same John Palmer, half fees witness State vs Jas Sides nnd Alex Hendley Elizabeth Palmer, same C Moss, halt fees witness State vs D L Furr S P Dry, same C A Moss, same Sophia Moss, same Wdl Russell, half fees witness State vs Georgennd Eugene Sides 2 75 2 73 2 73 3 30 Jim Atkins, same H S Irott. same T H Pnrker, same Jas A Parker, same I B Millar, same G D Trontmnn. same 3 30 180 2 28 2 28 J S Ewing, same it J Jtoss, same 173 M J Everhnrdt, snme 2 73 2 73 lewis hverhardt, same Green Almond, same Marshall Jones, same 1 78 2 73 W H Ingram, half fees witness State vs John Duke and Jesse Mills, J W Leonard, same RF Simpson, same C L Shaiikle, same Lee Russell, half fees witness 65 3 45 415 1 68 State vs Mary Sides 1 73 ' W A Gaydon, same 73 90 J T Littleton, half fees witness State vs W D Talbert B II Shankle, same Oscar Neal, same D J HarriB, hilf fees witness State vs Henry Thomas Julia Harris, same Emeline Brooks, same Mary Harris, same O V Mauney, half fees witness State vs Thos Vandergriff J W Herrin, same Wm Mauney, same Geo N Crayton, half fees wit ness State vs W R Hartsell nnd Phoebe Eudy, A A Hartsell, some Prudie Teeter, same J O Tucker, half fees witness Stute vs E D Hinson D F Huneycutt, same J B Ied better, same N F Green, same Dock Singleton, half fees wit ness State vs D R Smith B F Lowder, same 1 58 168 1 58 87 2 1 4 (0 50 00 1 1 50 00 00 25 00 75 00 1 2 2 2 90 1 05 105 1 53 1 48 1 90 1 93 1 93 1 93 1 93 2 88 J E Hathcock, same 84 W P Lowder, same M D Hathcock, same B A Foreman, half fees witness Stute vs R L Sibley 00 00 S II Harne, same 2 05 J T b Neal, same W S Solomun, half fees wit ness State vs A Hinson B R Maulden, same Eliza Burris, half fees witness State vs Burton Huneycutt 2 08 60 1 30 1 78 185 184 70 T F Huneycutt, same W L Huneycutt, half Tees wit ness State vs Pierce Turner and Hilev Huneycutt 00 00 00 00 00 1 90 1 85 Win A Tucker, same 1 1 A 1 age, same 3 05 3 05 173 1 85 J F Page, same It A Huneycutt, half fees wit ness State vs G DTroutman 25 80 John Palmer, snme II C trowell, half fees witness State vs Bennett Russell and Lill Russell R J Robs, same 00 1 73 1 73 2 35 Monroe Tucker, half fees wit 25 ness State vs Mack Burns Adam Almond, half fees wit 50 50 ness State vs W 8 Hinson nnd others 1 83 1 70 1 65 123 1 70 1 85 1 78 1 83 2 25 1 33 1 33 1 78 1 55 A R Treece, same 20 I A Tucker, same W R Poplin, same W M Wasner, same 50 50 00 U A Whitley, half fees witness State vs Sylvia Smith W B Clark, snme L O Ritchie, half fees witness State vs u M Misenheimer Vance Fisher, same D Barnhardt, half fees wit ness State vs Geo W Hall Jule Turner, half fees witness State vs Luni Colson M S Pence, half fees witness State vs Jerome Myers A P Moose, same James Hudson, half fees wit ness State vs John Swarin Kcn 1 75 175 1 55 Frank Swaringen, same II C Daniels, half fees witness State vs Ort Colson G A Ijcfler, same 1 73 2 80 G C Heglar, same fe' P Tyson, witness State vs Wiles bwariniren 1 811 181 133 H C Morris, same J A Lilly, same 1497.05 (To be continued next week.) A Fleshy Consumptive Did you ever see one ? Did you ever hear of one ? Most certainly not. Con sumption is a disease that invariably causes loss of flesh. If you are light in weight, even if your cough is only a slight one, you should certainly take Scott's Etauslion of cod liver oil with hypo phosphites. No remedy is such a perfect prevent ive to consumption. Just the moment your throat begins to weaken and you find you are losing flesh, you should begin to take It. And no other remedy has cured so many cases of consumption. Unless you are far advanced with this disease, Scott's Emul sion will hold every in ducement to you for a perfect cure. All Druggist!, oe. ul x. TASTELESS MILL 3MD id JUST AS COOB woo Amu 'Aft RANTED. PRICE 00 cts. ParH MsdlehM Co., St. LaalUoT" ORoygi) Tasteless CHirxroNioWI.rJ bowrbt mm ktom alnady Ifel rr. perwne ot 14 rear, In tlx erne taiak.n avrt buhi an article latin- aa rout Tguto. lean mlr. III w i AKsr,U0a i Land Sale. By virtue of an order of the clerk and juc ee of the superior court, of Stanly ( ouii ty. the undersigned will sell to the Imrhest bidder, for eh. on Monday, the 2nd day of Januan . 1899. at the court bouse door In Albemarle, the following real estate: A tract of land in fctanly County, adjoining the lands of J. A. Peck. Columbus Rowland. Daniel Paee, hnis l Howard, and others, containme 1 acres, 64 86 58 20 more or less. Known as the John h. Luily lands. This December: . 80 90 J. M. Bbowm. Attorney. 85 Your great grandmother, aunts, and uncles, used Goose Grease to cure your aches, and pains, croup, coughs, and colds. You should use it and cure your chililren. It never fails to cure. Sold 85 90 and guaranteed by all druggists and gen eral stores. Goose Grease Liniment cures all aches, pains, croup, coughs, and colds, in man or beast, sprains, bruises, burns and cnts. V. A. WHITLEY M. D. Office ovkii Little Hkob. Store Albemarle N. 0. DR. S. R. KLUTTZ, DEN 1 1ST, ALBEMARLE. N. C- Officeover Albemarle Drug Co'h. store. J. R. PRICE, Attorney and Coi;ellor-at Law. ALBEMARLE N.C Practice in all ihe State and Fedeial courts. Special atten tion given to the management of Eritatesfor Executory Adminis trators and liiifirdhtis, to exam ining and abstracting titles 1o real estate, to collecting claims. to foreclosi ng m ort gages wi tin nit expense to the mortgagee, when possible, and prompt attention given to all business entrusted to his care. Office in south east corner cf the court Louse. AUSTIN & SMITH Attorxeys-at-L.uv, Albemarle, & Norwood, N. C, Special attention given to man agements 01 estates tor execu tors, Administrators and Guar dians, to examining and ab stracting titles, to collecting claims, to foreclosing mortgages with o u t ex pen se to t he m ortge gee when possible, and prompt, atten tion given io all legal business entrusted to our care. Office in the court house. Smith will be in office at Norwood Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of each week. One member of the firm in office at Albemarle at nil times. Remember that Stone carsies the best line of GROCERIES in town. Everything freshNew Stuff coming in all the Call on him for cake trimmings, cnoeoiate, cocoa nuts, and pu verized sugar for X'mas cakes. The best and purest CANDIES ond the largest assortment to be iouuci. W. A. STOKE. Opposite Court House. NOTICE TO TRESSPASSERS, We, the undesigned, do herehv furbirl any and all persons from linnti piug, usmug, or trespassing on our lauds m any way, ana wm invoke the full penalty of law on any one caught violat ing this. This November 8, 1898. D. F. Rumage (for self and isallie Kuniage, dee'd), J. A. Rumage, T. A. Lowder, Daniel Lowder, S. H. Hearne, W. E. Whitley, D. R. A. Efird, G. W.Lowder. ikl-l,l.u.i,iiiiir THE HEW WAY. WOMEN used "to think "to male diseases" could 0 n I y bs treated after "lo c a I examina tions" by physi cians. Dread of uch treatment kept thousands of modest women ilent about their suffering. The In troduction of Wine of Cardut has now demon strated that nine-tenths of all the cases of menstrual disorders do not require a physician' attention at all. The simple, pure taken n the privacy of a woman's own home insures quick relief and peedy cure. Women need not hesitate now. Wine of Cardul re quires no humiliating examina tions for Its adoption. Tt cures any disease that comes under the head of "female troubles" disordered menses, falling of the womb. whttes,"chanfeofllfe. It makes omen beautiful by making them yell It keeps them young by keeping them healthy. $1.00 at the drug store. TJ Ctuuioota HtOickM Co., Caatta- W.LaMI.A.Cary,MIt.ilrysi "I WlM mf Crrfnl a! ... i B17 stmum anafliMllta mM tMlleot or ramaMtraublaa." ALBEMARLE MARKET. Quoted by Morrow Bros. A: Heath Co. Cotton : Middling; (iood Middling: Strict good Middling Middling Fair r 'jo O lo 40 to r.o l.DOto 2.00 50 Corn (new) Flour I'etiH Oats Onions Irish potatoes ChickeiiH Hons Fgg-s Ham Lard Butter Bacon Wheat Cot I on seed :$3 50 to 75 1 to 1 5 15 to 20 15 11 S'to 10 lOto 15 (i to 7 75 10 to 11 Did you ses John Tones at cliurcli Sunday? He had rn a brand new suit. (Hi, no. It was liis old suit, which had been denned nnddved bvtheConcord Steam Dving and Cleaning Y.'oiks. and his shirt was fixed b.vtlie same folks. It Beats Buying a New Suit. Give them a trial and be con vinced. We repair your shirts free. Leave vour order with AV. A. Stone, who will send for your bu:idle and have it returned. Laundry leaves ewry AA'ednes day morning. Notice to Trespassers. We lii'ivhy fori iid nny person or jmt ous from hunting, cither with or "with out imn mid doirs, or trespnssiiiK uixm iii' lauds in any way without first ob taining Ktroiission from inc. Tins otli day ot Deremlier, JK!)N. J. S. Smith, C. A. Shankle, (t. V. Smith, K. V. Smith, D. S. Tollierf, V. 'Whitley, T. S. Parker, Lindsay Lowder, Mrs. A. (r. Calloway. OXE DOLLAR FOR WOOD. We will nnv one dollar per rnnl, rtih, l'ora tliimHaiid cords 4 foot wood delivered at our mill between now and .lunuary 1, lsjy. Whcasski't Mills Co. Wood Wanted At One Dollar Per Cord. When onr store is opened we will nay one dollar per cord for 4-foot wood, and we will take 1.1,000 cords. For immediate delivery we will take a limited quantity at 90 cents per cord, cash. r.hm Muiiutuetnniiff Co. Wiseassett Mills Co. Legal Advertisements. , DMIXISTRATOH'S NOTICE. Ilavilltr tllU d.-iv fiualilied lieforn S. II. Mil- toll, clerk of the Superior court of Stunly County, N. as administrator of tiie estate of Win. Lambert, don't., this is to notify all persons tioldmif claims against said estate present the same to ine duly authenticated lor payment, on or lietore tue 2'ithdavof X rem Her. 1N.M, or this notice will he p ead i bar of their recovery. Anv ntwltill norui.t. indebted to said estate are re niestcd to in:ik immediate payment. Tnis November, WW. J. u. i'uick, Attornoy. NOTICE! By virtue of an order of the Superior Court 111 an anion cum c I os. ft. Harrse . J. lltf of .lames L. Hartsell. dee'd. vs Isaac Hartsell Jonah A. Hartsell and others, 1 will sell for chsii, on Tuesday, The Zith day of December, iiv.,, 011 rue premises or The late .lames Hartsell. in Furr townsliin. the follou-ln tract of land, lyinif in said towns, iij, adjoin inff the lands of Mollie Hartsell, Jouali Hart sell and . I. M. Mon'mi. cuitsiiiiincr S-U uoroa and known as the .lames L. Hartsell borne piuce. ! 111s Aovem her 27, IN ,8. .IOS. E, HAKTSELL, Commr. I-ANI) SALK. NORTH CAROLINA, I P.TANI.V LOCNTV, J By Virtue of the nnu-pr 11 nil a,itln'i,-nn..,j in me i4 a i-eriaiu morufalfe trust deed eve- cuted to me by H. J. Clapp and wife R. L. Clapp. lieai inc date, June 14. Is , and record- ed 111 the Otlil-C Ot' rei.i-.ter nf ,)... 1. t-..- U..... I.. onnTV. in iMIOk 211 ot innrtirtru r, -i?u T w 111 sen Lureasii ro Tile Uliruest lildilerat pub lic outcry at the court house door in Albe lllWl 11. v ., oil io 11:1 v Tue h ri-ivnF .1 ....... ary, IHW, at 12 o'clock 111, tue following des crilied property, tow it: tine tn.ct ,.t l..H lyinir and beinif in tue aforesaid county and btate adjoininir the hiiids nf 11 v.....i:. i ..,. ..,,.,, ouuimcu as iouows, towit: He Kitimnirona stone by a p.o.and two r.s's: lueuce e.it ens. to a pine by a r. o. n. 50. e.23 ;, u.we, w.wciM. toa p.o. by a Pine and persimmon; thence s.54 chs. cross lnir the tar kiln branch to fne beuinnins. con- Taming lj'J acres and known aa tue Allen One engine nnd ImltAr rA nn .... complete, now situated on tue lands of Will near rrospect Baptist cilureu. Sal iiiuiie TO saTlsiv tue Provisions of kuiiI ninrt. irusi ueeu. Tnis uece nher Hi, 1N. . . ADAM DRV. Trustee, a. a. i-kh'e, AtTorner. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. th. u....i... "..11 -" """U.iii mate oe isnrr 1 i nrn urn Kt,.ni,. i f.. ...... i D virtue or n nnrna nr i.a ..r.ni . 1 j- ,,,,J m acertain special Proceed t,,o,-..i,, j.. . ' U...V.T -." "IK 11 lue d ,-. "!' ,'L- "'K- . Avitt, i i-i 1 1 i V1'"' " " others, nnl.ll.A vi IO,,lie hi'iPst bidder at 1 . ir """""ay, rue iim nay ot .Ian nars. l(t, at the co 'rt house door, in Albe- marie. i;.. nt pn-. n. ... . . -,. 11 , . described red estate sltnated and beimriii t.ie aforesaid conntv m.ri : . hw..i,l. .1 1 ... ' 1 !" v euier home place it beinsr the land conveyed by Jas Howard Admr.of Jas.Avitt dee'd. to the -said A.R T.Avitt dee'd. l.v deed dated Ai e list tue 0. 1X5 ., and Iwnnded as follows, to-w f- Besiiiiiin.-nta imn, len,. ,. I.r....... . ' 1 tieliacretmct 1 "'U i'"."V'r"eruI oi 1 . - -i ; 1 nt, it it i runs s. J-1: to a fallen R. O. bv 2 do woods; t ience u ii 1 li.,e..f t . n..;...7.. J;J4.w.l8..!.ii.aml lii.Ksto a'st7.ke hxi red oak and post o t lencen 2c 1 ins and 50 thence win it n.4J, ell c i.iins and -.5 liu'istd his corner stake h, 1 ' iV and do.' wood; tae'nce uis line a ain n.25 w' passing Ins corner nl 1 1. ..),.. i .11. w, and 20 links to Jno. T.iompson's corner pine; cuvjuis nieairain s.ax, w.a cm ns and 50 lluks to a nine stmiir. n IJ T , . . thenc nis line acain n.32.'w. :2 ciaius and 25 linns ito his corner pine: t.ience n is o- !L"r. '"1irP""i? 0 ,k in J""e Howard's line! thence wiTu .11s line s.ss, e.42 cuai-ia ml -A linkatoaatake in a Held: tueuce s.n e 4 chf and links to a pine slump, a corner of the S4 acre tract: tnence a line of said tract n 3 chains and :s links to t ie ro id leading from center to tue mont,. nf B,V..''nt thence down said ro;,d 21 en ,ins to w.iere the i Vii- 1 i rmu ii,,n: t ifnce tn Avi1tn,t.0off?i'ni,?,:."r? '"R-n.lll te t-ie'td 4 chains and 50 iiu'ks" toVn old con.erdwo on a ine of tne Daran tract; t.fee" ",h said line e.8 chains and V) lik, to a i a branch bya P.O.and R.n.a corner of t ,e IS ajre tract: thence down the aro , co-rse of the branch to tne be innin .co .t-.inl" 2iS acres more or less. Tjis D.-cemuer 2 i AHiflmonln T Company. We wish to call the attention of k puhlic to the fact that we haveW ont and enlarged the stock of ' j Drugs, Patent Medi.' cines, Chemicals, aur Toilet Articles formerly owned by C. J. Cat ft fjj and are now able to give the peoples Stanly and adjoining counties th of services on anything in outline, f carry the most complete line of Stationery ever urougnr to tnis county, fiticEs nnd quality are all that engi ne desired. Onr SPKCTACLES m EYE GLASSES are of all styles, grtfe and prices, and we guarantee Bating tion ou them. Our I it'sciiitiii Department is complete in every particular, nd. are prepared to compound phvriciia prescriptions at any hour of the dm night. KGive us a call. 'Our place of business ig in 4 new building near the court house. Christmas Presents, M33&9&:6;ttt Prettiest and finest lline of Christ mas goods ever brought to Albj- marie. Before buying your gifti,i; wedding, and birthday presenU,! see my line of I Water Sots, Tea Sets, Emerald ws, Fiuify Hand - painted. Gold-) washed Flowers, Burnt China-ta ) win mm niuiu iHeewH IVXUSUICIHJ Cups i-md Saneers; Fancy Oreamj Pitchers, Rose Bowls. 1 A nice line of Albums. WotiU tsoxes, ann writing Desks. Children Toys. n . ... . Dolls, Trumpets, Balls, i?itoU Tops, Munioal Auimal, Boyr.' Hxf awl Express Wagons. lverytlun to please the chilereu. ; , Nouexplosive Brass LaniDg and Lanterns. FINE CANDIES, Crystalized Froit, ooaps, looaeco ana uigars, Mem cines, and an excellent line i Groceries always on hand. L. A. Moody.( 9 wwWf1ti NOTICE. All persons indebted to the J.-K Bivins' estate are requested to pa; rt once. The accounts will soon b placed in the hands of an attorney. You Say "All Coons Look Alike to Me,' But there is a great difference .Be tween a skillful workman and botch. If you have a Watch, Clod or any kind of Jewelry that yoc think can't be mended, bring itfc, me, I will do the finest work ew done in your county. j Watches, Clocks and Jewelry fc sale. I F- B. STflRNHS, I Allwmarle, NA'i IE MORROW BROS. & HEATH CO. f Wbolc5alc and Retail Dealer5 in General Merchandise, n 0 Beyers, j And General kit ALBEMARLE, N, 0, ! aave great inducements tc offer the veorle for th 'ALL AND SEETHED A BEMARLE ACADEMY Albemarle. N. C. Pifpares students for an? ol the SonSb l 4 Colleges. It gives instruction in English, Mstk eniatics, Latin, Greek, French, Kw-C p.nd Art. The teachers are all collet trnined and experienced. Tuition, from fl.OO to f&.OO )" moni h . ... ,' ,. Hoard, from f 7 00 to f10.rO ('r inonih Spsnion oppnptj Auerust 22. For further information address . J. A. SPENCB, PEntcff R. Acsra and J. B Vwi'Attornws7 '

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