) MA T 'AT T EXTRA SPECIAL Ladies New Spring Ready-to-wear Hats, New and up to the niinute. 75c and 1 values, Aniericim Salvage Company's price.... $1.25 and 1.50 values, now $2 and 2.50 values, American Salvage Company's price f 3 and $3.50 values, our price The Bargain t .tttp TxroTT-TTTsra- k:eiei you This remarkable sale is the result of a decision of the board of directors of THE STANLY SUPPLY CO. to change to a strictly CASH BASIS, and starting Thursday, March 1st. at 9 a. m. positively no goods will be charged. This will enable the STANLY SUPPLY CO. to undersell the world, at all times, with no loss, and buying in great quantities, it is greatly your gain. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS MUST BE RAISED in order to make this change; therefore, this entire stock is in the hands of THE AMERICAN SAL VAGE CO. to sell regardless of cost or value. The Opening Day Will be a Gala Day. Bring the Children. Music all the Day. The American Salvage Company Will Sell Goods FOR TEN DAYS for Lews than Cost of the Row Material. It seems strange, but it is the gospel truth. Your dollar for ten (lavs will tlo a double duty it is for you to decide whether you can afford to miss this event. The American Salvage Company guarantees the (JUKATKST all your lifetime; the American Salvage Company guarantees f.iir treatment and dozens of extra sales people to wait on you. You will be convinced that this is Don't miss it. You have never seen such crowds; you have never seen such good merchandise so cheap. Kverything to go. This entire mammoth stock is one blaze of bargains. Remember the opening. Tim day, March 1st, at 9 a. m. sharp. STANLY SlTPbY CO'S. entire SoOKX) stock in the hands of T1IK AMKIMCAN SALVAdK CO. 3t.rrQ Will be Closed February 26, 27 and 28 to Mark Down and Rearrange Stock. Dress Goods. 50 pieces Dress Goods including the new colore for Spring in the most popular goods, mohairs, melrose, mixed suiting in wool, new manish effects, worth 50, 75 and 85c must be closed out, Am Salvage Co.'s price 39e 500 yds Dress Goods worth tl.00 and tl 25, your choice for these high grade goods including the most popular weave in blacks and colors, American Salvage Co.'s price H9c Crepe de chenes in all the dainty effects, worth f 1.00, 11.25, American Salvage Co.'s price 69c 500 yds. Dress Goods worth 20 to 35c,American Salvage Co.'s price... 12c Silks. This sale will include all the new Spring Silks that have just arrived, as well as the odd nieces that have been carried over and will be closed out at less than the present cost to the manufacturer. White Habatai, worth 65 and 75c, Ameri can Salvage Co.'s price 42c 36 in. Changeable Taffeta, fully guaran teed worth tl.25. American Salvage Co. 's price 89c 36 in. Black Taffetta, guaranteed worth $1.00, American Salvage Co.'s price 79c 36 in. Black Taffeta, extra special guar anteed recular price 1.2o. American Salvaire Co.'s price 89c Black Taffeta, fully guaranteed, special, reeular 1.50 Quality. American Sal vage Co.'s price 1.09 Peaudesoief 1 50 quality, a beautiful piece of goods, while it lasts, American Sal vage Co.'s price 1.09 Smart stuff in the new Spring bilks, all colors especially for Shirt Waist Suits, worth 59c to 65c, American Salvage Co.'s price - 33c Our entire stock of spun glnss Satteens, etc., worth 20, 25 and 30c a yd. to close in this sale at American Salvage U. s price 14c Embroideries and Laces A sensational display of Embroideries and Laces at prices unequaled, laces tortions, value worth 10c, 12, American Sal vage Co.'s price 4c 8000 yards new Ham berg and Swiss Em broidery worth 12J, and 15c and 18 and 22c American Salvage Co.'s price 8c EXTRA SPECIAL. Men's Hats, odds cnd3, all colors and nhapes, values up to , American Salvage ; ny s price -,- - THE STANLY SUPPLY CO., albemarle, n. c. 4Sc jj 80c s The American Salvage Company, of New York Flood Gates Electrifying Merchandise. Handkerchiefs. 200 dozen Ladies'and Men's linen Handker chiefs worth 10c, Am Salvage Co.'s price 4c Ladies' and Men's imported extra quality Handkerchiefs, worth 15c, American Salvage Co.'s price 7c Men's linen Handkerchiefs, made of very tine quality linen, some embroidered, worth 25c, American Salvage Co's price 19c 70 do7.en Handkerchiefs, ladies' linen fa mous Shamrock and all direct from the importer, extra special, worth up to 35c, American Salvage Co's price... 17c Odd Lots. All Overlaees for waists worth $1.00 American Salvage Co's price 59c Veiling 25, 35 and 50c qualities, Ameri can Salvage Co's price 21c Belts, your choice of our entire stock tanging in price from 35c to 1.00, American Salvage Co's prices 19c Ribbons You may select any of our im portant high grade fancy Ribbons worth up to 75c, American Salvage Co's price 29c 15 and 25c Ribbons, Am. Salvage Co's price 9c Prints and Ginghams-Our entire stock to close out at much less than cost, while this stock lasts.American Salvage Co's price 4c Silk Thread, American Salvage Co's... 4c All Furs to close out stock, American Salvage Co's price It the regular price. Silk Velvets worth 1.50 and 12.00, American Salvage Co's price 59c Shoes. Ladies' and men's shoes that represent odds and ends of our stock regular val ues any where up to 2.00 Ameri can Saivage Co's price 98c 200 pair ladies' and men's shoes our regu lar stock all sizes and kinds regular val ues up to $1.75, American Salvage Co's price $1.19 200 pairs of ladies' and men's shoes regu lar values up to $2.25, American Sal vage Co's price $1.48 225 pair regular values up to $2.75 all size and shapes, American Salvage Co's price 198 225 of men and ladies shoes regular values up to $3.50 and $4.00 shoes new and up to date styles American Salvage Co's price $2.98 and Tfte 0 Opens March ist, at 9 q. m. R Jt-t-u 4sc g Salvage Company to he sold t,..,.,.-' THIS ISTVTIIIE In The Open Thursday, March ist at 9 o'clock -The 20th Century's Most Stupendous Men's Furnishing Goods. Men's heavy fleece lined underwear regu lar values 40e, American Salvage Com pany 19c 50 dozen fleece lined derby rib undershirts and drawers regular values 75c, Amer ican Salvage Co's price 39c C5 dozen men's wool underwear regular values up to $1.25, American Salvage Co's price 83c Men's shirts worth 75c, American Sal vage Co's price 42c Men's regular $1 and $1.25 shirts. Am Salvage Co's price 83c Men's suspenders that sell for 15c, now 8c Men's suspenders regular price 20c, American Salvage Co's price 14c Men's suspenders regular price 25 and 35c, American Salvage Co's price.... 19c Men's up-to-date hats in all shades American Salvage Co's price 48c Men's hats regular values up to $2.25, American Salvage Co's price 1.19 Men's hats made of nice felt and come in the latest shapes, regular values $3, American Salvage Co's price 1.98 Petticoats Satteen skirts worth 75 cents, Am Sal vage Co's price 43c Satteen skirts worth $1.00 and $1.50, Am Salvage Co's price 89c Heatherbloon silk skirts, these are strict ly the new goods of this spring wear worth 2.50 and $3.00, Am Salvage Co's price 1,19 Quilts One lot of $1.25 quilts. Am Salvage Co's price 89c $1.50 and $2 00 quality of quilts, beauti ful designs extra size. Am Salvage Co's price 1.19 One lot extra fine quilts worth 2.50 and $3.00, Am Salvage Co'sprice... 91.S9 Notions Hooks and eyes white and black lc Needles good quality, sale price 2c Mohair skirt braid worth 15 cents, sale price 8c Hose supporters all colors satin and silk finish, worth 25 cents, sale price 19c Pearl buttons worth 10 and 12 cents, sale price 4c Kid curlers, sale price 4c Dress Shields, worth 15c, sale price.... 8c Nation's o.o.ooo bi;ck . f i LA Id Li u U lI ;i ock oi" Hands of Boys' Suits, Knee Pants. Boys suits values up to $1.75, American Salvage Co's price 89c Boys suits values up to $2.50, American Salvage Co's price 1 48 Boys suits value up to 3.50, American Salvage Co's price 1.98 Boys suits value up to5, this represents a grand collection of the choicest fab rics in all the land. American Sal vage Co's price 2.48 Boys pants, worth 40c, American Salvage Co'sprice 19c Boys pants, worth 65c, American Sal vage Co's price 39c The American Salvage Company's great underselling of fall and winter pants. Men's pants, regular values up to 2, American Salvage Co's price 1.19 200 men's splendid cassimere and chevoit pants values up to 93.00, American Salvage Co's price 1.98 200 pairs of very fine Quality worsted and chevoit pants, regular values up to $4.50, American Salvage Co's price $2.48 Rugs. $1 and 1.25 values, American Salvage Co's price 69c Splendid quality.beautiful designs.regular values up to $2.00, American Salvage Co'sprice 1.19 2.50 to $3.50 rugs, now 1.98c Extra large handsome axminster rugs reg ular values $5.00 and 6.00, American Salvage price $3.88 Matting worth 25c American Salvage Co's price 16c Mattings worth 25 and 30c, American Salvage Co's price 19c Skirts 75 skirts good quality worth 11.50 and 2.00, Am Salvage Co's price $1.19 One lot of skirts nicely tailored medium heavy weight worth $2.98 and $3.50, Am Salvage Co's price $198 Skirts in new style made of broadcloth, venitian and cheviots worth $3.98 and t.50. Am Salvage Co's price $2.89 Our entire fine of high grade skirts made of finest imported english mohair, broadcloth, punella cloth, etiamines, sergesand panamas elegantly tailored in the newest style worth $6 00 and 7.00 must be closed out at Am Sal vage Co's price 93.98 Greatest sharp. The entire STANLY in menanas or me American s Am. in ten days. mm: and Atlanta Magnetic Bargains. Event.1 Men's Clothing at Sensa tional Prices. We show no mercy on prices in this depart ment, hence the prices quoted here will bring hundreds of customers from miles around. Men's suits regular values up to 7.50, American Salvage Co's price $;5.88 Men's fancy mixed and black suits beauti ful range of colors splendidly tailored worth 10.00, American Salvage Co's price $4 98 Men's suits made of fine quality of cassi mere and cheviots, beautiful range of patterns well worth $10 and 12 (H), American Salvage Co's price $6.89. 200 men's strictly swell and handsomely tailored suits, regular price up to $12.00, American Salvage Co's price 8.98 150 of the world's highest grade and high est tailored suits the pick of the land regular price 15.00 and 18.00 Amer ican Salvage Co's price 912.48 Hosiery. 500 dozen ladies and men's hose in blacks and tans worth ten cents, American Salvage Co. price 4e One lot imported lisle worth 15 cents. Am Saivage Co's price 9c Children triple knee hose warranted fast colors, worth 15cts, Am Salvage Co's price 9c 300 dozen fast black extra quality im ported worth 25 and 35c, Am Sal vage Co's price 19c Men's hose pretty stripes, regular value worth 35 cents, Am Salvage Co's price 19c 60 dozen men's and ladies' hose worth 15c, Am Salvage Co's price 7c Gloves This special glove sale will include all spring gloves, of the new spring im ported up to the minute line to be slaughtered. Ladies and children's golf gloves worth 25 cents, Am Salvage Co's price 14c Kid gloves 1.00 quality, Am Salvage Co's price 89c Kid gloves l.SO quality, Am Salvage Co's price f 1.19 Sale r I CO. 7 EXTRA SPECIAL New Spring lrt'ss ( iingliams, 10 yd patterns, comprising a grand assortment, worth 10 and 121c per yard tlie world over, Ameri can Salvage Co's. price per pattern a. m. Sharp. . - w RAROAIXS you ever bought in Corsets Celebrated F. P. invisible lace corsets worth LOO and $1.25, Am Salvage Co's price 83c One lot of odds and ends to be closed out. Am Salvage Co's price 19c One lot of good corsets worth 75 cents. Am Salvage Co's price... 42e Towels 50 dozen towels, linen huck, worth 12$, Am Salvage Co's price 9c 70 dozen towels plain linen huck worth 18 cents, Am Salvage Co's price 12c Towels worth 12cts, Am Salvage Co's price 4c 25 and 35c bleached turkish extra quali ty, Am Salvage Co's price 1 Pc Stable Department Dependable goods standard quality at less than you can buy at wholesale, 5,000 yards Dress prints and calicoes worth 7 cents per yard. Am Salvage Co's price 4o Apron ginghams best grade regular values 8 cents Am Salvage Co'g price fio 5000 yds splendid quality 1 yd wide bleached domestic, Am Salvage Co'g price 4C 36 inch bleached domestic standard brands, sale price 6c 3000 yds unbleached domestic very heavy" worth 8 cts. Am Salvage Co's price 6c 38 inch sheeting worth 8 cts, Am Sal vage Co's price 5c A. F. C. ginghams, worth 10 and 12e the world over, Am Salvage Co's price gc Outing and teaseldown worth 10 and 12 cents. Am Salvage Co's price 8c Outings, dark and light colors, worth 8 cents, Am Salvage Co's price 4c Outings and flannelettes, suitable for kimonas, worth 15 cts per yard, Am Salvage Co's price 8c Curtains Lace curtains, regular 75 cents values, 3 yards long, Am Salvage Co's price... 59c $1.00 and !. 25 values, now ftta uace curtains extra size worth $1,50 and $2,00 Am Salvage Co's price... ' 89c Lace curtains worth $2.50 to $3.00,extra size and pretty designs, Am Salvage Co s price $U9 EXTRA SPECIAL. Silk for Spring Suits, Val ues well worth $1 vard. Salvage Co sprice59c T