THE STANLY Enterpri . 0. BIVIMS, OWntK AHO ntUMH. ESTABLISHED IS SO. t.OO A tMA, M AOVAHCB. VOL. XIV. ALBEMARLE, N. C. MAKCII 1. 190(,. NO. 19. 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. C. WKIOIIT, Attorney ind Counsellor - it - U, ALBEMARLE, N. C. Office r"roor room over M.rMjiule A Co tore DIl. S. 15. KLUTTZ. DENTIST. ALBEMARLE, N. 0. OQeeever C.J.Sfitaner A Co'. Diar rore HATCHER & HUNEYCTTT Attorneys-At-Law. Prompt intention (riven to all marrer and special attention to nettling estates Administrator! and Exflcutors are asked to call on me. Room and 8. Loan and Trart Uldg. A. MOODY, Contractor and Builder, AI.HKMAHI.K, N. C. Plan and pecifir-ation a specialty Office, second floor, King Block. JT? nOTTTT? P1. V . IV. JJUX IV-Ll A , ALBEMARLE, IN. U. Contractor ana Builder, Bids submitted on short notice. All work guaranteed to be of high order. 31aug5. Agl e Meat iviarKet J. E. AGLE, Prop. Fresh meats, Sausage, etc. on hand time. Want to buy cattle, hogs, hides, etc. Highest cash prices. Al ways see me. J. F. E U DY, TITVWMITII. Tin Rooflnjr. OnlvHried Iron Worker Guttering, Spoofing and Genera) tie piring. Hw; " Rocky Mountj ;s . cu fiuyts A Bair U.'i'.'Ai kir Bu i Isi. Xrlafi 0oMm Hi;ih and K.Mwed Vigor. A Bpectflc forCiitii".ilon, Ti)h'4tlon. Lire and KJdnr Trouble I'luipk-il. Ktvini-i, Impure Blood. Bd Rrealh. Kliur-' 't H, ...., ft -a Inch" and Baokech. if' l H-k-v M-mufniri Ta In tab. let form, 85 cuts a li. Opinuao made by Hou.irria itnva Company. Nn:H.n, Wie. GOLDEN NUQGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE H.I. Wnomtoi'KS. President. Marti Boom, CONCORD, N. C. nwl ALBEMARLE, N. C. Statement of Condition at Close of Business Jnnunr r 10, 1900. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $321,294.56 Real Estate and Fixtures 5,000.00 Cash on hand and in Bank 38(943.45 $707,238.01 LIABILITIES. Capital $50,000.00 Surplus and profits 3fi.310.26 Deposits 620,867.75 Dividends unpaid 60.00 6238.01 Better prepared than ever before to serve, we offer our best service, and respectfully solicit accounts of individuals, firms and corporations. M. J. HARRIS, Assistant Cashier. : : .r --n ihector s ' " ' J. S. Efird J. M. Morrow T. C. Ingram J. W. Cannon Robt. S. Young L. J. Foil J. F Goodman M. S. Corl TO DELICATE WOMEN You will never cet well and strong, bright, hap py, hearty and free from pain, until you build up your constitution with a nerve refreshing, blood-making tonic, like 7i It Makes Pale Cheeks Pink It It a pure, harmless, medicinal tonic, made from vegetable Ingredients, vhlch relieve female pain and distress, such as headache, backache, bowel ache, dizziness, chills, scanty or profuse menstru ation, dragging down pains, etc It Is a building, strength-making medicine for women, the only medicine that Is certain to do you good. , Try IL Sold by every druggest In $1.00 bottles. WKIT1 CS A LXTTKX freely and frankly, In strictest confid ence, teUinf us all your symptom and trouble. We will send free advice (In pUla sealed envelope), how to cure them. Address: Ladles' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine C., Cbattanooca, Term. Do Wot Roth Cotton. Atlanta, Feb. 22. Harvie Jordan, ; president of the Southern Cotton As sociation, has issued the following: circular to spot holders: "About the middle of last Novem- j ber the Southern Cotton AaBociatkn advised all spot holders to demand fifteen cents per pound, basis mid-, dling, for the balance of the unsold portion of the present crop and pledges were enacted for ninety , days. The mammoth Cotton Con-; vention held at New Orleans La., i Jan. 11th to 13th, 1906, passed a res- j olution unanimously endorsing the j holding; movement for fifteen cents' and advocated the continued holding : of the unsold portion of the crop for that price independent of the 90 day ! pledging. The executive committee ! of the association subsequently en-! dorsed the action of the convention ' and all spot holders were earnestly I asked to stand firm until a maximum I price of 15 cents was offered. Re- ! member one year ago cotton sold at j seven cents per pound in February and advanced to over ten cents early I in July in the face of a 14,000,000 ! bale crop. This year the crop is; 3,500,000 bales less. . Consumption is j far greater this year than last, and the prices of all lines of cotton goods ! abnormally high. If the small bal-1 ance of the cotton now held is sold for fifteen cents, the whole crop will not average over 11 J cents perj pound. Receipts will soon drop off! heavily and a stronger market will j be had. j Do not push your cotton on the market, but hold it and win out in j the great struggle that is on between j the spot holders on the one side ana speculators, spinners and buyers on the other." Doctors Are Puzzled; The remarkable recovery of Ken neth Mclver, of Vanceboro, Me , is the subject of much interest to the medical fraternity and a wide circle of friends. He says of his case: "Owing to severe inflammation of the Throat and congestion of the Lungs, three doctors gave me up to j die, when, as a last resort, I was in duced to try Dr. King's New Discov-1 ery and I am happy to say, it saved j my life." Cures the worst Coughs and Colds. Bronchitis, Tonsilitis, ; Weak Lungs, Hoarseness and La j Grippe. Guaranteed at Albemarle : Drug store. oilc ana si.uu. inai bottle free. FOUYSKlBifEirCDll aha Kldaeva serf BUmMc Big W. Swini. Omhler Vlra .President too ark remni of nine," writes Mrs. F. L. Jones, ef Gallatin, Teno.: " For at nc takfnc Cardul I have rained iS tba , and In better health ttian for the past 9 years. I teU my husband that Cardul Is worth Its weight In goU to aU suffering ladies." OUT OF DEBT. "Out of cfebt mt lsut-at Iwtr Heard kin pmk those words last night. Dotr old father! and tear For a moment dimmed hia abrht. What a tale they told to af Then for words ao softly amid! Am he turned away hia eye. Bendine; thankfully his head. Thankful that the strife was past, "Out of deht at last at last!" "Out of debt at hwt-at hwtr Mother looked at him and smiled. Such a patient, happy look ! Like a weary, wanderhtf child, Comina; hi the sight of home. Ob! how many years had she Toiled and saved and manajred so; Not a cent should wasted be! And her soul no ton harasned. Now received reward at last. "Out of debt at but at awtT Seemed ao strange to me. somehow. Thourhta of mortjmres and notes Never can torment as now. All thone years of sacrifice. Nearly all our stock and lands. All our money, drop by drop. Gone m some one else's hands Not a cent for us amassed. But- we're out of debt at butt. "Out of debt at but at last!" Just an acre here and there. Just s little cottage home. For those years of toil and ear. But we feel contented when We look 'round our Kttie place; Creditors can't touch It now. We can look 'em in the face; For the worst part now is past. And we're out of debt at hurt. "Out of debt at but -at hut !" How new hopes come crowdtn in ! All the money we have now. Will be all our own to spen'. Father 'II have a bran' new coat. With the next few dimes be makes: Mother'!! have a fine, new stove. For those splendid pies she bakes: Hopes come crowdin' thick and fattt. Since we're out of debt at last! "Out of debt at fast-at hut!" And the baby' II have a ring ! Maybe I can o to school f Seems too (rood for anything! Told my mother 'bout these things. And she gave the same sweet smile That bespoke of earnest prayer. Full of blessin' all the while; Patient still, as in the past. Since we're out of debt at taut. "Out of debt at but at last!" Seemed so gtad and proud and free! Somehow mother and father seerrwd To take It quieter'n me; Asked my father hy, and he Sorter sifKmthed his furrowed brow, SaM: "Why, child, your ma an' me. Are most too old to feel it now. Our old lives are almost past. Rut thank God ! all's wHI-at last!" ELEANOR H. DOME RON. Mr. Morrow's Enterprises. Mr. Robert A. Morrow, one of the leading- business men of this section of the State, is enlarging his many enterprises. The Heath-Morrow Company, wholesale grocery mer chants of Monroe, is preparing to do a tremendous business. The depart ment stores in which Mr Morrow is interested and of which he is presi dent, at Albemarle, Waxhaw and other places, are doing a larger vol ume of business each year. Mr. Morrow is president of the Morrow Grocery Company of this place. He lives at Monroe. Mr. Robert A. Morrow is a son of the late Capt. James M. Morrow, and was born in the upper edge of South Carolina, near the North Carolina-line. He has many kinsmen and friends here who are watching his success with interest. In ad dition to being a man of finebnsiness ability he takes much interest in public affairs. He is a member of the board of internal improvements of this State. He and Mr. B. C. Beckwith, with the Governor as ex office president, compose the board. This is an important office as its members look after the public buildings. Charlotte Observer, Change in Mill Circles. Concord Times. A change in cotton mill circles has taken place in Concord which is of considerable interest to our peo ple. This involves the transfer of the old Coleman cotton mill to the YounR-Hartaell Mills Co. The trade was made yesterday, and the new purchasers will take charge of the property at once. The mill for some months has been the property of Mr. B. N. Duke, of Durham, from whom it was bought through his attorney, Mr. Claud M. Hernard. The mill has been operated boiim duiing the past few months, though not regularly. Hie purchasirs will replace all the old machinery with the very latest patterns. They will makeyarn only, and the mill will be run in connection with the new mill of this company now in course of erection. Ivtlpr. "mt Kh.ntu, llrli, Hiirm, Hri-p-, IliartNT' lich. Bin All of these diseases are attended by intense itching, which is almost instcntly relieved by applying Cham berlain's Salve, and by its continued use a permanent cure may be effect ed. It has, in fact, cured many cases that had resisted other treatment Price 25 cents per box. For sale by C. J. Mauney & Co. "I take great interest in public affairs," said the first lady. "So do I," replied the other, "I read everything in the papers " "I do too. I just spend hours over Alice Roosevelt s trousseau." Which, thereupon, they proceeded to dipcuss. Philadelphia Iiedger. It will not cost you a cent to try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and they are excellent for stomach troubles and constipation Get a free sample at C J. Mauney's drug store. WILL BUILD THX SOUTH BOTTVD. : The Governor oa the Cere ef the Insane, j B.nZZTT-. wi.H .J. Governer Glenn has completed his , : w fll. ITrf investigation of the North Carolina ' WadeeboreNowPraetoeally Assured. Hospitals for the Insane; and has ; W,Di"ntcliB- . u ' issued an address in which he practi-i While all of the plans have not . c,ny reverses position. He not only been perfected there good reason declares that there are very few-; l for believing that the building of the practically none-in the Hospitals ; Sou thbound Railroad from this city who re not indigent,, but he rebukes I to Wadesboro practically assured, the papers that have criticised the: Bids have been called for to con- management of these institutions on : i struct culverts excavate and grade tne ground that they made room for i beginning in this city, which will call vi lira! I y iwu iinira, ! for an expenditure of from $25,000 i to $30,000 and it is thought that a local firm, Messrs. Ebert & Nading, j will get this contract. This work I will begin at the very utmost limit, 1 not later than the 11th of April. It I would begin at once, but contractors are causing delay by being slow in ; making bids. There is an enormous amount of work going on in all parts u i u i v u wuicwuiiir, yiuu- $hju per year to care lor an insane lem delays bidding by contractors, person j a private sanitarium: and. The work of construction will begin therefore, all who cannot afford this just beyond the Forsyth Furniture gum are dependent on the State Company s plant located on the indigent within the meaning of the Southern Railroad, just east of the ; term Salem Cemetery, will extend around Happy Hill and cross the main Waughtown road between the home of Mr. C. A. Reynolds and Spach Bros, factory. This is said to be the most expensive part of the road to construct and is estimated to cost close to $30,000. The order author izing the calling of the election to vote upon the issuing of bonds for this road, provided as follows: "Ac tive work of the construction on said road shall begin within 12 months from the date of said election and said road comnleted within three years from this date as prescribed in ' the petition filed before this board." ! Something About Eggs. The order was granted March 6th The everyday world is full of won and the election was held April 11th. derful things, yet when you give a Thus it will be seen that work of con- moment's thought to an eire well. struction must begin not later than April 11th. Hew Greatness of South and Southwest An exchange compiles from four i articles in the February Review of Reviews the following, and observes that it is not pleasant to know- The South was nearly as wealthy in 1905 as the United States were in 1880; The South has an investment in cotton mills of $225,000,000 now against $21,000,000 in 1880; The South's cotton crop in 1905 was more than double what it was in 1880: The South is mining 70,000,000 tons of bituminous coal annually now as against b.wuu.ouo in 1880; Ihe South is producing 42,495,802 barrels of petroleum a year now, and in 1880 was producing only 179,000; The South's farm products in 1880 were $660,000,000, and now they are $1,750,000,000; The South's railroad mileage has increased from 20,600 in 1880 to 60,000 in 1905; The South's lumber products in 1880 had a value of $39,000,000, and in 1905 their value was $250,000,000. The South's vast resources have barely been touched, they are seem ingly inexhaustible. The South's prospect for business and industrial activity was never brighter than to-day. This state of affairs has been brought about largely by Southern industry, economy, enterprise and capital; and as Mr. Edmonds, the writer of one of the articles, shows, while the South welcomes capital from abroad to assist in developing her vast resources, she is not depend ent, bring amply able to take care of herself. Called on the Cook. A woman envied her neighbor the posession of a cook, a veritable treas ure, and actually went so far as to personally call upon the coveted cook and offer her a higher wage than she was receiving. This came to the ears of the mistress. When next the two women met, at a dinner given by a mutual friend, it was observed that the fortunate pos sessor of the incomparable cook did not greet the other. Said one, Are you uot acquainted with Mrs. Blank? j The other replied, in a frigid tone. "No; but she sometimes calls on my cook." Sunday Magazine. Alwn Kihi hiMttl. rllM lnirti hhi. Il) li. HI. II .... "We would not be without Chum hel ium's CoukIi Remedy. Ii is kept on hand continually in our home," says W. W. Kearney, editor of the Independent, Lower City, Mo. That is just what every family should do. When kept at hand ready for instant use a cold may be checked at the : ....... I n . I hiimJ !n mnph ItMM I i 111 11 less uuiflcvBimt-uiiin iiiw-ii " ...... than after it hn. become settled in the system. This remedy is also without a peer for croup in children, and will prevent the attack when given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after tne croupy j cough appears, which can only be j done when the remedy is kept at ( hand. For sale by C. J. Mauney & Co. "A man a ways gets on taking his wife's advise." easy by "Yes," answered Mr. Meekton. "When things turn out badly there isin't so much talk about it," Phila delphia Inquirer. " ; In the spring time you renovate' your house. Why not your body? Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea drives out Impurities, cleanses and enriches the blood arid purifies the entire svstem. 35 cents. Albemarle Drug Co. and Hart Drug Co. Nor- wood.N. C. wei -off rowing whi o HO mnr vw- tims were either in jails and poor houses or cared for in their homes, i He declares that he will urge the General Assembly to make prevision for all the insane. This means, we take it, a bond issue; for the State cannot maintain its support, in these ; times of increasing need, of all her institutions and also provide for 600 or 1,000 insane people, . ' J I he Governor says that it costs Our institutions have ceased to. receive inebriates; but an inebriate is just as insane as any other insane t person, and as dangerous and in need ; ot care The situation is really deplorably grave. Imagine what it must mean to 6oO of our families to have on their hands relatives who are insane, and no where save jails to put them. imagine what it mean to put an in It is Xtressin u is distressing sane person in jail! in the eirtremp n,l renrnanh tn no all. Biblical Recorder. . n . 1 a chemist would tell you it contains so much proteid, phosphoric acid and iron. But one should think of it as a Treasure house, wherein lie Locked by angels' alchemy Milk and hnir nnH hlnvl nnrl Ivino An egg contains in concentrated frm everything that is required to develop a chicken, and it can be : cooked in so many ways that it is palatable as well as digestible. That is why eggs are chief amon; the : foods allowed an invalid. Though chemists have tried for a hundred years to discover it, nothing in science or in all our wide variety of . foods can be transformed into a sub- i uiitiito fnr Pin. Of cnnnw nn omilH ' , jf necessary, cook without them, j ; only it would mean going without a ! i SCOre of dishes we think of as every- day necessities, such as custards. cake, puddings, griddle cakes, tosay nothing of the abundant use of what we might call purely egg dishes. From The Delineator for March. The Blue and The Grey. Southern Pines, Feb. 24. The first attempt of the people of North Car olina to have a reunion of the men who fought in both armies of the civil war culminated to-day in one of the most satisfactory gatherings that Southern Pines ever witnessed. Gov. R. B. Glenn delivered the prin cipal addresses of the occasion. Gen. J. S. Carr, of Durham, also occupied a conspicuous place on the pro gramme. The occasion was one long to be remembered. A Tai for Confederate Veterans. Richmond, Va. Feb. 24. Hon. Camm Patterson, of Buckingham, offered a bill today for the benefit of the Confederate veterans who are dependent on the State for support. It imposes a stamp tax of one cent on all checks drawn in this State for amounts of $50 and over, the entire proceeds from which source to go to the support of the Confederate pen sioners who shall have reached the age of 65 years. n , , 1 1Kn ! n 188b 190o, 245,000. In 1886, they l i oiii .uui j : rue jiwi 000. In 1886. they had 450,000 sheep: in 1905. 395.000. In 1886. they had 600.000 other cattle; in 1905 700,000. A great awakening is abroad in the i State on the subject of improved live ; stock. Our recent State Fairs, 1904 and 1905, through the stock on exhi bition, carried favorable conviction to the minds if hundred of farmers on this imp irtuiii subject. - Troaivs sive Farmer. i I-- l .iMtM sl.n Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup stim ulates the liver and thoroughly flfnnuMi tha Hvxtj'.iti anil pilars the mmnlevinn ni nimnlea and blotches, , . - . l. I . i . . ' ... u.l ir in me uesi lUXMiive lur women ami k;m it i. il,l .rwl ni,aar,t and does not gripe or sicken. Orino j3 much superior to pills, aperient waters and all ordinary cathartics as jt does not irritate the stomach and bowels. Albemarle Drug Co. "My grammar is all wrong," said gentleman who went up to the court house as a spectator today. "They were trying case about some molasses and the lawyers Kept talking about these molasses and those molasses. My teacher was one of those old timers who taught me to say the molasses, this molasses or that molasses, but I find I'm all wrong." Monroe Enquier. Three little rules we all should keep, To make life happy and bright, Smile in the morning, smile at noon, Take Rocky Mountain Tea at nighu Albemarle Drug Co. and Hart Drug , Co. Norwood, N. C ROYAL aking Powder B Menkes Cleeix Bred With Royal Baking Powder there is no mixing with the hands, no sweat of the brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest facility, sweet, clean, healthful food. Full instructions in the " Royal Baker and Pastry Cook" book for making all kinds of bread, biscuit and cake with Royal Baking Powder. Gratis to any address. MOVM. SMOMS POWDC CO., 100 WILLIAM eT., NEW YORK. GENERAL HEWS. Mr. William J. Swink and family, of China Grove, spent Sundav here. I Mr- Swink down to atte"d he , nt a. r , j ! nPUaI "l611"? of the. Cannon aim (.irtesin Milla I Vintvtwi Timo Dr. Robert S. MacArthur, pastor of Madison Avenue Baptist church, New York, will preach the commence ment sermon at Trinity College this year. Dr. Albert Shaw, editor of the Review of Reviews, will deliver the literary address. I Capt. Julius A. Mahaley, for years ! superintendent of Rowan county's j convict force, died Saturday, aged ! 56 years. A wife and six children : survive Heart trouble caused his death. The funeral will be held tc . morrow afternoon from the First Methodist church Sencer, Feb. 21. Sydm y Ridson, a well-known hardware mtTuhant of Spencer, di'd at his home here this afternoon at the age of 86 years. De ceased had been ill only a few days and his death was wholly unexpected the body being round by the mem here of the household. Asthma was e immediate cause of death. Sarah Bernhardt, the great actress, will appear in Salisbury at Meroney's New Theatre, Saturday evening, I March 10th, the manager of the house having been successful in making a contract with Mme. Bern ' hardt's manager for a trade. It will ! be the highest priced attraction ever booked there. A guarantee of $2,000 has been made to the famous actress for one appearance. Massachusetts and Rhode Island are the only states in the Union in which an election for governor is held every year. The prevailing term is four years. Rhode Island politicians are now talking of extend ing the term of the governor to two i years. Repeated attempts to intro duce a biennial system in Massachu setts have failed. Youth's Compan ion. Don'ts For Boys and Girls. Don t forget your good manners when there is no company present. You owe the same courtesy to the members of your own family that you owe to outsiders. I Don't sing or whistle at the table ! during meals, and don't forget to i say "please" and "thank you" to those who wait upon you at the ta ! ble. This rule of politeness should apply to servants as well as to those who are seated at the table with you. Don t leave your rooms untidy when going out of them in the morn- h rinthino- ahoulH i vijuitku nucic uui ciuliuum bihiuiu iwflMS- loud excitable ... t.8i5aK.'.?.. 1 "?.' 5 XCL. i r boisterous Very Tdud laughter is also objectionable. One may enjoy cheerful conversation and merry laughter without being heard outside the room where it is indulged in. Don't intrude y-wrcompaiiy where you think it is n it welcmn. . Tik-i are times wnen your il nn-u ti i -ndr have reasons fur mu wishing lo se you. Don't ask personal questions. Il is extremely rude, to say the least, to pry into the private" alfuirs of oth- ers. Charlotte News. .. "-uer w tioaeycnw neiiy. Albemarle . C Dear Sirs: You know what paint is for, how it does it, how it fails. what paint does it, and what paint don't. It's your business to know; of course you know Devoe. There are some details, which, of course, you can't be expected to know For instance the next-best paints are only thror-ymrter as good. That's strange; very KlraiiKc There are a dozen of them perhaiw; you don't know them so accurately as that; you don't know them all by name. No matter; one is enough; the only one you have real occasion to know is Devoe. The queer of it w that the oli.ers leave the whole business to us so. We make paint es good as we can; othei-a make it a good as they have to. Oueer, but we don't complain. Yours trulv, 100 F. W. Devoe & Co. Morrow Bros, ec Heath Co. sell our paint. Tested Remedy for Pneumonia. The remedy has been used by three generations and has never failed. It can be used at any stage of the di sease. Grease the patient's breast and chest well with sweet oil, then apply pulverized lobelia, quite thick ly. Cover with a soft cloth. In a few hours the symptoms will have disappeared. Ex. Keep the little ones healthy and happy. Their tender, sensitive bod ies require gentle, healing remedies. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will keep them strong and well. 35 cents, Tea or tablets. Albemarle Drug Co. and Hart Drug Co. Norwood, N. C. ron looo is one of the handsomest and most valuable publications of the kind ton tied. The useful . and practical hints contained in the annual issues of Wood's Seed Booh make it a most valuable help to aB Farmer and Gardeners and it haa long been reoognised as an up-to-date authority on al Garden end km ::":, yartlnolarly for southern planting. Wood's Seed Book mailed free to Fanners and Gardeners upon request. Write for It. T.W.W(ssd&ScnslSc:2sn::nl RICHMOND, . VIRGINIA, fknnsn nqnlrlnf large qnantlttM of Qreaa inu lovr !, Ktmwa u,n, Potato, ., r rwiuestnl ta wilt far ipoUU Frio 14sh 4 ASHCRAFTS Condition Powders A high-class remedy for horses and mules in poor condition and in need of a tonic. Builds solid muscle and fat ; cleanses the sys tem, thereby producing a smooth, glossy coat of hair. Packed in doses. 25c. box. Sold by Albemarle Drug Co., and Mauney St Ritchie, New London, N. C. I Dy sy Of Comparison j At the bottom Is a ph-nir of a turn oa woluft ourteruiuer ernot imoo. Kottre the nrf poor frmrta t At the top, thora tfl a poirtnuniph ot the tv- d of a planter who baiMWtts ta the liberal USSMOIUJ Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers. Be the rnnoA. even stanrt. and tall. luxuriant planter Yon mn e mnnjr other tntereetine pk'twee ot farms llketheee on wbloa theemraof fww.r and good ylelda are 00m ii1. in our ainre, pretty almanac Aft yourtlf!r for it. or f4 iw ao. In lumi to rmjr the oowt of wnirtMr,)r mtui pour. "taoroai rour y iuiiia per i-re" by u Imr Vlnrtnia-CaroUn rertUlocs. Buy Bo other. Virginia ' Carolina Co. Chemical Klchnvind, Ta, Norfolk, Va. Ihirhnm. KV C. Churlenton, S. Ot fiaiuatora, ltd. k Mnt, fi. rimii?..m.r,. Ala. h" "i . i . . n. BUreVKpurt, Uk 1