Stanly Enterprise J. O. BIYlMSw Owsn AMD Emtov. E .1 rdat Pw oArt m A thrrwxrW mm MAiawi-etaa THURSDAY, Dec. 21, 1011 NO PAPER NEXT WEEK. We shall omit our regular issue next week. Our ho i: want to take a few days off, and since it has been a number of years since we have taken this privilege, we feel that out subscribers wilt gladly grant to ua this Christmas privilege. To one and all of our readers and friends, we extend hearty wishes for a Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. The active movements of Mr. Dun can and his associates is causing much speculation as to the final plans of tht promoters- and it is being asserted that the Rockefeller interests, which own various lines of the northwest. are behind the Norfolk Southern. seems dt finite that the link betweeii Ti-oy ud Concord by the way of A U.iii-.:i w.u be built, and that Char iuvw wi not omy be included, bu the road is to be extended beyund Jusc now it looks as if the biggest railroad project ever known to th South is on foot, and no time is to b lost in it3 development. A New London writer asks infer mation in regard to an alleged act oi the last Legislature. A Kfpublicm informant says a bill was parsed "t tax all cotton buyers of a town $oO, and that the object of tU bill was t keep duwn competition and enable th mills to buv cheaper. There was m such bill parsed by the Legislature as a close review of the public laws ot the session of lyll reveals. The siory was evidently bred in the mina of some Republican whose desire t impose on the credulous mind of sonu voter outweighed any indication to ward telling the truth he may other wise have had. The fact that no sue! tax is being collected is the best evj dence that there is no such law to th.: etTect. The story deserves to be place. in the class of campaign canards, and should dt-ceive the mind of no one wh is concerned over the truth. The way smrie of the Stanly R publicans and their "orgin" are chang ing front in their views of Presider. Tat'L leads one to think that the Ked eral pie counter has .some prizes mor: important than individual view Some who are clamoring hard now for positions have said some Ver harsh things about the President President Taft, in his rugged honest is too big a man for his party ii fact, for any party, as to that. lie i. not a partisan, and, consequently, n politician. While he lias made mis takes, it is safe to predict that tht opposition in his own party to hin just now will amount to but little, aiu. the national convention will renomi nate him. While our views are not ii n;ie with those of Mr. Taft's party yet we are not blinded to a conscious admiration of our President, and hi. rigid adherence to a line of duty am. truth as he sees it. Xr. Taft is a bi man, and. like Cleveland, will be loved most when memory of his administra tion blots out party prejudice ami bigotry f:T.m those who can not now do the man justice. Where legislators of the type i Congressman is supposed to be los sight of their duty to tho public gen erally and so far forget themselvet as to mak3 wild appropriations oi public funds and where such appro pr-Sati"- s u:'t unnecuYd anJ uncallec f r, all fr the ske of gaining politi cal popularity, then it may be said the affairs of government can not safely be entrusted to such guardians There has been an overwhelming de nouncement on all hands of the pen sion grab bill which passed the lowei house of Congress last week, and which seeks to add $10,000,300 to the already overloaded pension appropria tion. Eighty-four Democrats and eight Republicans opposed the meas ure, and these deserve to have thtii names recorded. For years, it has been a political game between these two parties to see which could give the old soldiers the greater amounts from the public treasury. It is a form of bribery to obtain votes which de serves to be censured, and an unsafe practice which needs to be stopped. Should the bill pass the Senate it is to be h ped that President Taft will use his right of veto. He is one Pres ident who seems to be trying to do his duty as he sees it, to enforce laws which statutes plainly provide, and who manifests an indifference to par-1 tisan popularity where it conflicts with his duties as a public servant. That Southern Congressmen, upon a whole, were aligned against the meas ure is a source of gratification, but neither party has drawn honor to it self in the vote recorded favoring this gigantic pension steal. Route 1, Albemarle. The many friends of Rev. Jno. W. Mabry will be glad to learn that he will return on Saturday from Rutherford college, where he has been preparing himself for the Methodist ministry, to upend the holidays with homefolks and will fill the pulpit at , Zoar Methodist church Christmas eve at 3 o'clock Everybody is cordially invited to at tend and hear this rising young min ister. Foley Kidney Pills. Art tonic in action and quick in re sults. Will cure any case of kidney or bladder disorder not Beyond tne reach of medicine. No need to say snura, Pnirgista. ' COUNTY NEWS OF THE WEEK. New London. Henry Croweil of Virgilina, Va., is here for a few days with his mother Mrs. T. J. Croweil. Mrs. T. B. Ross of lireen-mro who has been here for several days with relatives returned hme Sunday after noon. Miss Bess LefiVr l-ft Su .nn for tireen shorn, wh.-i to accept a p"-itn.n in tn Liy afvr- jffice. Ed C it to n came in Tuesday f n r. , A. &. M. at Raieigh and James Austin :ame in Sunday from the I'niversit. it Chapel Hill to spend the holiday- Miss Fannie Key came in fnm Iiii lam Friday of last we k to spend th. lolidays with her parents. Rev. Scutt ('wen will prta'-h at Bethel at 11 a. m.. and at Palnvrville it 2:30 p. m., on next Sunday, 1't :ember 24. New London Council. No. )'', Jr. y. V. A. M., ha secured Rev. ctt Jwen who is a mvmVr f Park Coun- :il. No. 0. at Charlotte to preach u Junior sermon at the M-th ;dist c'.-urch it this place Sund i.v afternoon at 2:30, December Everybody is specially invited to be present and tear this sermon, which promises to te something worth Mem ers of neighboring councils are ex pected to be preset. We have been informed by the road - ioervisor that the road leading from his place to Albem irle that the state ment we mad lat w.-ek concerning he rumor abut the condition of the uad was a mistake, and that he kept he road in as ir" 1 a c 'million po uble for the amount of money at owed him. During the past week, .his correspond-nt has had occasion o drive over this mad and found it n excellent condition for the lime ot 'ear. We are extrermty sr--y thar veopie will rind fault ' f a man'1 work vhen he d-es the lust tiling thjt h possibly can. Bijc Lick.- Rev. J. W. RoWfll de ivered a very interesting :iiin..n ii he Baptist church here ia.-.t Sn-Liv light. There will be a Chri.-tmas tree u. .he nublic schoid house here n -t .Vlonday night at t::M. Free f-T rybody, young and old. Have your presents in hy o c1ih-k nnstnia night. There are several fit Ids of cotto. n this section that are stdl unpick d. -he cotton hanging e;os d to th Tind and ram ami being greatly dam aged. The Masonic State lecturer .1. . Riwell of Wingaie has been I'-cIurm n Big Lick Lodge, No. !,', A. F. aim . M., for the past we k and will re nain here until tomorrow night. Mr Rowell is liked by all who have heard lim and we are glad to have had hini vith us. The school here with Miss Kate lark of Monroe as principal and Mis;- .-5 wan Ply le r of AlU-marle ns ass-s lant is progressing nie ly. 'these la iies are accoinpihed teachers an.: re doing tine wor k. The c unity su nenntendent visitid the M'ho.d last Friday and was well pleased with the work that is U-ing done here. Big Lick. Mrs. A. M. T-.-t.-r hn been sick for about a w- k. Rev. T. M. Sasscr and tamily b-P for Wake Forest Monday. Rev. Vippernian will cornluct a se ries of meetings here, beginning on New Year's day. Our school will t-ike tw-. wet ks to- Christmas. Palmervillt'.- Jam s Th.mpn i moving to F. K. Reeve's. Miss Bessie Smith and brother of Locust are visiting their sister Mrs L C. Biles. This seems to be hr-g killing week fhere have leen more good hogs kill ed in this section than for a number f years. The school here will give a free en tertainment Friday evening. Decemhet :1, commencing at 7 ::i. Come if you .re looking for a good time. Prof. G. W. and P. H. Coggin an! Irs. Verona Daniel of Couth ("aro ma: the Misses A-ira ami or, i-o- lins of Meredith C liege; Carlie Cog ?in and Kay Ingram of Wake Forest College, and John tax of 1 nnity v oi- ege are expected home this wet k t pend the holidays. Rocky River Springs. Martin ;ert passed through here enroute to Jharlotte with sonic nice turkeys. George Dees's family has moved to jur village. Charlie Hill of Big Lick visited in .own last week Green Morton of this place ha.- moved to High Point. Mrs. J. R. Murray visited her fathei Anson county last week. John and Henry Simpson will leave our village and go to South Carolina to make their future home this week vVe are sorry to lose them. T. A. Coble of near this place i preparing to put up a roller mill, it ,vill be a benelit to our cojninuimj. J T. Wright of Morven visited here two or three days last week. Plyler. Their many frienJs wi'l regret to learn that M ' -ml Mrs boarded the trjin day for Waco, Texas, where thev "!' make their future home, in." the past wetk with Mr. ias--n . father. They have the best wi.hes of a host of friends. Miss Fannie Cogg.n, the principal teacher of Fail-view school, spent Sun day with honufrilks at 1'almervine. Rev. Ivery delivered an ecciiem sermon Sunday at Plyler Baptist Miss Hattie Mason expects to leave Saturday for Cottonville, where sne will spend Christmas wilh her teacher Miss Eunice 1 hompson. Si.lnev Faggart and Miss rannie Eudy were happily married Sunday at th. home of the bride. We extend to them our best wishes. Our mayor seems to be improving since our last writing. W. are xeDecting Rev. G. U Rey nolds to take Rev. E. G. Iwdermilk's place soon. Oak Grove. There will be a Christ mas tree at "Frog Hollow" school house Saturday, December i and at the Dry school house near Philas Dry's on Christmas day. Mrs. E. M, Huneycutt has been con fined with a sore font for the past few weeks, although at this writing she is much better. Rev. P. G. Hartsell preached a fin sermon at Philadelphia church last Sunday. The regular pastor Rev. D. P. Morris being unable to fill his appointment on account of sickness in his fam'ly. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST O R I A dress f. Cabarrus, No. 7 Township. A. L. Mt-jse who for sometime has been op erating a sawmill near Gcorgeville spe it Sunday with homefotks. r f'f,v,n P I. .-h .h on r .nst- ma. riflV 9 n m A ,r, , nr. , r :r cr-an r-n ien arraniTAd and those a ho attend the exercise, mav txptt , i . . r.-, M .si AuJ.sta Krraardt ar.d moth - .. . M ml (.f iri , ; ... - ll lire a lot of sh kness m No ,f ire sorry' to say. There being rive i. s of typh tid fever at the horn. .f V. C. Intz. .Yra. John A. Miller of near Rock - ve:i is spending a few days with her .arents Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dry. UrWlnfWah,nn H r " , . ' " . -lie hnli.iay wrth hom.folks. Mis -Mary Mno, daughter 1m- ib Mdos, and Fate Puole of near (eld Hill were married Saturday aiirht. Wima Lentz is canrassintr No. 7 selling maps. He says everybody should have a map. fhere was a box supper at the oi ... i. weavers Saturday night held by the ladies missionary society or mi. uuve r.. L. church. Fr.iceeds to g to the church building fund of their church which is now making .me improvements and also buying a bell. Gladstone. Mrs. J. F. McCarnes and .Master George of Gold Hill visit ,n "ur town Sunday, returning nnme .Monday accompanied by H. B Ritchie. From the number of letters from tne li.uor hells in Virginia. Tennes st, and Florida, they must think we. n .irj Mates, are getting awful dry f .r some of their acids, concentrate ! ye, and cocaine to cause more nnr- lers a:;d suicides. We hope step il! be a.'-.anced by our temper u ce ; ..(. le assembled in Washington to in- luce the authorities to pass such la vs is will prohibit .-hipping the hot st.ilj :o our Srate and no longer infringe n our State rights and disregard the :-hes of 40,1.011 citizens who v.t'd for prohibition in North Carolina Shall we always sulfer and let liijuor "die and liiuor men become rich at i he expense of the cries of poor wo olen ami helpless children and filling ip our jails the committing of niur I. r and everything that debases men ii:d destroys morals? H..w is it any ay. who is responsible? From indications, some joining of mods and hearts will take place soon, which will call forth the old rusty ells and plow shares and m .k.- a racket some of these ilaik nights. May j.-y and peace ever lill the hearts t.f Jie merry ones. New London. Route 2.-Charlie and lusper Thompson of Richfield route 2 ire nt Wednesday night at N. A I'lies's. Our mail carrier Mr. Pi. klt r failed -o serve rive boxes Saturday on ac-.-.unt of high water. .tlisK's Ila and Verona Kiles vis te I neir friends in Rowan county om milt last wtek. Myron Isenhour who has beer. pending several days with his lo-.lh r ( haihe returned liotn- Sun. Miss Lizzie Whitaker who is Ua -n :ig at the Morris school houso sL .ji ..(d her school on Friday, ll;.-..mvt I.", and will begin January 1. :.!i.s 'A oitaki r is going ro spend a I. w I ys ;n Newton with h-r sistei. The little baby of K. Ii. Ot-git! is ojch improved, we are gla.l to n..'e Au.- t .Julia Almond has been .juitt -ick at home of her daughter .'!! ' 'layton, but is much improvtd. L'nele Jack Ross of Salisbury w; vclcoine visitor at N. K. daylin Tuesday night. Mission, Doc. II. The patrons ot his district have commenced build ng a new school house and it seems iiat greater interest is being taken n education here. The public school here which is be lg taught by T. F. Rowland is get ing along fine, this being the sixth chool taught by Mr. Rowland. Lucie Eli Herrin, one of Stanly's est citizens, we learn was very much iebghted by his children and grand mldren giving him a nice birthday iiuncr. Uncle Eli is 7:1 years old. II. D. Crayton is building a nice Iwelling, which will add to the look-s f our town. Rev. J. S. Harris, our pastor, reached an excellent sermon on last iunday, the church being crowded. Eli W. Harwood has a position as salesman with H. D. Crayton & Co. P. A. Coley and W. S. Hatlev and families are going to move away. We are sorry they cannot stay. Marshall Crayton, our clever hard ware man and musician, made a trio north last week to buy goods. I letus Huneycutt of Georgeville s attending school here. H. I). Crayton has ditched his pond. we are glad to note. Adam Eudy is in town baling hay. L'nele Adam knows how. T. F. Rowland has graded the road through this place. We would be glad .thers would take pattern. The railroad question seems to be lead and low cotton and politics seem to be the talk these days. Locust. The schools here will close for one week- Little Miss Mary Widenhouse is spending the winter here with hei randparents Mr. and Mrs. G. Pa Furr. C. H.Hammond of Indian Trail was here two days of this week with a view to moving here. For the first time in twelve months the mail on last Saturday failed to reach Concord on account of high water. On next Saturday at 2 o'clock a Christmas tree will be at Oak Grove school house on Route 1. At 6 o'clock the exercises begin at Beulah. Rev. J. S. Harris has accepted the pastorate of Smyrna church and the time of preaching has been changed from the third to the first Saturday and Sunday. On Wednesday of next week, De cember 27, at 11 o clock. Rev. J. F. Davis of Faith will begin a series of meetings at Smyrna. The public is invited to attend and take part in the services. Try to make this Christmas a real one and not waste the holidays in frivolity. A. C. Troutman of Fallstown town ship, Iredell county, is dead as the re sult of injuries sustained by being caught under a bale cotton a it fell from a wagon. Wanted. Small water mill in Mont- ry or adjoining county. W. C," care of 8tt'rJ: - rim. CLERK'S ANNUAL STATEMENT. NORTH CAROLINA, Stanly County. T T- & P1'. Chairman Board of I unty tomm.ssionen of Stanly county: 1 I . Pursuant to the laws of North Car- I rmna- 1 herewith make mv anual re J ?,rt, 'howinr the amount of public funds m my hands by virtue ami co:or or my omce. A fund paid to office by L. B. Aus tin, attorney in fact for II. W. Au- Lin, to the use of J. D. Cagle foi lands bougt at sheriiTs sale ' $19-01 A funtl Paid to offif by R- F. Al T? u nt'r l of the heir . 4,"n Almond, deceased. Record . f settlements, book 4, page i A fun(l to nm,, h p i ' Smith. 1'om'r- to the in of William Kowlkes, John Fowlkea, and Jamea row Ike j. Heeord of settlement.-t, bo,k 4. page 212. $:I7JU. A fund paid to omce by the Win ston-Salem Southbound Railway Com pany to the use of William Fowlkea. John rowlkes, and James rowlkea. tr, VJ. A fund paid to office by R. E. Aus- tin, C'om'r., to the use of Ivey I.ittlo brown Huneycutt, and David nuney cutt. Record of settlements, book 4 page 217. $24.!.8o. A fund paid to omce by R. A. Crow ed, tsm r., to use of Henry and w il ham RandalL heirs of Mary Thomp son, deceased. Record of settlements, bwik 4, page 222. $17.5:1, A fund Daid to onice hv willis Par ker, rent from Henry Randall, dee'd., to use of Henry Randall and William Randall. , $:!0.0tJ. A fund paid to office by G. D. Hun eycutt, Admr. and J. R. Price, Comr., to use of the heirs of W. R. Huney cutt, deceased. Recsord of settlement. book 4, pages 2X8 and 312. $ .141 A fund paid to office by T. A. La- ton, Admr., to use of Kosa Lee l.aton. Record of setuements, book 4, page 270. J.;.:i. A fund paid to office by T. A. La ton, to use of Rosa Laton. $4.o2. A fund paid to office by 1. E. Etinl, executor, to use of Mary McDaniel and J. M. Sides. Record of settle ments, btjok 4. page 2".W. 12 IX) A fund paid to office bv E. H. Bur ley son, Admr., to use of Billie Burley 4on. Record of settlements, book 4, page 4.;u. .').o::. A fund paid to office by George Thompson, Admr., to use of S. P. Thompson. Record of settlements. book 4, page ltl. A fund paid to office by George Thompson, Admr, to use of Elizabeth Redwine heirs. Record of settle ments, hook 4, page 161 $l.lib. A fund paid to office by J. H. Mc Lure, Admr., to use of Adolphus '.ert, Jennie, Elizabeth, and Grovel Dunn. Record of settlements, book !, page 4iiS. $11.04. A fund paid to office by A. R. Kirk. Admr., to use of Mollie, Flora and Pattie Goodman. Record of settle ments, book Tl, page 5fjt. $lH.;h. A fund paid to office I y J. C. Little, Comr., to use of 1 G. Tucker. Rec ord of orders and decrees, book 1, page X0. $12H 57 A fund paid to office by C. T. Led Setter, to use of Jane Burgess.. Rec rd of settlements, hook 4, page JIIU. $1.00. A balance of a fund paid to office iy Tillman Harwood, to use of heirs .f Susan Harwood, deceased. Record f settlements, book 4, pai'e 1 IS. $n A balace of a fund paidd to office bv F. G. Turner, Admr., to use of neirs of David Coble, deceased. Rec ord of settlements, book 4, page 154 I24.SU A fund paid to office by P. A. Davis, Admr., to use of the heirs of John Spears, deceased. Record of settle Tietits, book 4, ptige 374. A fund held for benefit of (ieorge W. Kendall, lunatic, and now an in mate of County Home. $f)8.5o. A balance of a fund paid to office by Kben lewder, Admr., to use of the heirs of Sophronia Ixiwder, deceased, tit cord of settlements, btHik 4, page :. $l.:w. A fund paid to office hy E. L. Smith, executor, to use of J. Walter Smith. Record of settlements, book 4. pagt 120. 25.1i. A fund paid to office by C. A. Lentz. executor, to use of Joe Cutchin and Lizzie Cutchin. Record of settle ments, book 4, page 32i. $;7.42. A fund paid to office by I. R. Bur leyson. Comr., to use of the heirs of John Herrin, deceased. Recird ot settlements, bock 4, page 4 15. $48.27. A fund paid to office bv E. H. Bur leyson, Admr., to use of Rosa Led better. Record of settlements, book I, page 430. A fund paid to office by I. R. Bur leyson ana R. L. Smith, Comrs., to use of the heirs of Van Hartwick, de ceased. Record of settlements, bonk 4, page 435. $66.64. Balance of a fund paid to office by J. D. love, Admr., to use of tht heirs of Mathias Love, deceased. Record of settlements, book 4, page 471. $17-37. Balance of a f,und paid to office by J. D. Love, Admr., to use of the heirs of Hester Long, deceased. Record of settlements, book 4, page 471. $28.19. Balance of a fund paid to office by A. L. Efird, Comr. and Admr., to use of the heirs of Jacob E. Efird, de ceased. Record of settlements, book 4, pages 444 and 460. $537.52. A fund paid to office by G. D. B. Reynolds, Comr., to use of the heirs of J. E- Clark, deceased. Record of settlements, book 4, page 476. $141.30. A fund paid to office by R. A. Crow ell, Comr., to use of George Waller. Record of settlements, book, 4 page 487. 48.2'J. A fund paid to office by Carrie. Tur ner on judgment of I. W. Burleyson against W. E. Tucker. Judgment docket 3. page 24. $17.S7. A fund naid to office by J. E. Mann, Comr., to use of Mamie Teeter and j Pearl Teeter. Record of settlements book 4, page 491. 12-h- A balance' of a fund paid to office by A. Z. Bowers, Admr., to use of the minor heirs of G. P. Bowers, deceased, Record of settlements, book 4, page 507. W OT. Balance of-a rund paid to office by R W Simnaon. Comr- to use of the heirs of Mark Huneycutt, deceased, V -.1 ..f .u. , ..merit u book 4. 509. 1134,87. N. C. Cranford 1:) A fund paid to office by R. J Dee, j. T p Nva , , guardian, to use of Biltie Hartsell, j j) jV0 :, . minor. Record of settlements, book m. A. Whitley 25 4, page R20. ,315 J- F- McManus 25 A fund paid to effice by John E. xom Kreeman 2fi Ie, executor of Daniel Love; to use Charles Christian 2( of Itha Love, minora. Record of set- Warren Steel. 2ti tlemenU, book 4, page 654. $343.67. I. . Mann 27 A fund paid to office by Gv D. B.R. J. Ross 27 Reynolds, Comr., to use of J. Frank J J. G. Sanders 27 A rev Record of settlements, book I M. Hatley 27 4 naee 531. $143.48. H. J. Fesperman 27 A fund paid to office ny L. H. Grady, J. E. Gantt 2 Admr., to use of Mamie Motley. Ed Agle ...r 27 Record of settlements, book 5, page Wade I-owder 27 $53.24. 1 Cause Coggin 27 ' a ,.nJ to office by I. R. Bur- W. F. Pn.pst leyson and R. E. Austin. Comrs., to um of James Swaringen. Marshal! A 1 sr.n.n. and Bessie Swaringen,. Record of settle- ! menta, book 4, par" .. J-' .26-. A fund Pid to omce uy J. K. rrice,:. Comr. and li. D. Huneycutt, Admr.. . 'f Hiftte B. " Huheycutt. Record of settlemVrrts; boo 4, pages 2S8 and 812. 16-u- a t.,A rld tn nfflc b Ossic Hun- eycutt Sides, Admr., to use of Hattie f . . ei J ill B. Huneycutt. Record oi nuami mtt, Admr., to the use of AfLie Hun- eycutt, and she hannir diid intestate, the same is held for i- f tit nf Hurtie B. Huneyrutt. Record ,f stt;lt m--nt book 4, paces 2S and ili. $7.." i. A fond paid to nrfice l y R. A (..- ell, Admr. of Adelaide Kron. " Rrror.! of accounts, book 4, pp.,v tttto A fund paid to office by W. '" Mv sty in lieu of bond. st.'.i A fund paid t. orT",e ly (, ;.e, orpeiy in leu of l,..f(j. '. if. A balance of a fur,d rtai.i to o Fi - .-. I. Luther Almond, executor. J- A fund paid to office by I. I:. Lut 'evson. Comr.. for benefit of .1. I.uth--t lmond and P. C. Treere. I.' ot ettlements, h.K.k I. page i h. S:h.7; A fund prud to I.v A hit Treece for benefit of P-o! E guardian. i.",c.t. A fund paid to offi, e by WiHia o, Mariuard in lieu of bond. jtliioo; A fund paid to office by Jes.e Ma' nuard in lieu of bond. s'outi A fund paid to office by (; -e-t Manfuard in lieu of bond. " ?.".o it.) A fund paid to office by J'r- V, iv R. McLe.-ter, Admr ! j.i. ,. A fund paid to office by J. V bry, Admr. $';v!i:. A fund paid to office by R. A Bvr t' Comr. ' t-'Sfto.O i. A balance of a fund naid to oflU. by Vincenzo Formica. Admr. ..'oni( A fund paid to office by F. M. Wil hoit, guardian. $:0 0-. The following funds are loaned b the Clerk nf Court as l.'ecclver: A fund of Cora Whitley, Kosefia Whitley, and Willard W hitley. Rec ord of accounts, Iw.ok I, p-aee 2:;i. and record of receivers, bo k 1. oner :-'-'!.. A fund for John Paul Hardi-t. i. Record of accounts, book I. pact 233. i; ft. A fund for Alma I!crry,..I .ho -ton, Riifns II. G. Morton, Wm. I.. Morton. Delphia .1. Morton, and Jami-s D. Morton. Record of accounts. l-o,k 4, page 236. 2 it-,. A fund for I.illa and Pearl Ulalock. Record of accounts. Iwv.k I. pace 2.'! . and record of receiver, book I. mo 0 and 7. .!7o ",o. A fund for Daniel Kmlv. !; c od i I accounts, book I, nagc 2:,:i. and r. c on of receivers, hook I. pag. s I ar I 13. ' A fund for Vas:e Hnnev-'u' aid Love Huneycutt. Record of u V il".t book 4. page 210. and record . f n - ceivers, book. 1, pare in. A fund paid lo olfi, - ,v .. II. Hun cutt. Admr. and E. II. Il'uneyctitt, foi Vassie and Love llimeviait. lo-. amounts alwive reported- I!. n ,.f settlements, book 1. pare "IT. : : I H'i. A fund for I. v. latnl a. d Ted Smith. Record of accu-its, I. ok j. page 237. anil record of rt movers. book 1, pnires S nod 1'. Slijl.i;,. A fund for Walter P.lal- ck. Ilocor.l of accr.unts, book 1, page 2-IS. rl tl 7M. A fund for .la.,ner l.ow.ler. larv I. -wder. and Cn'mn l.owd. r. K'.-co.-.i of accounts, Imok, I page 211. $1 ln.Te A fund for Ingram l.tttle, ljos.-ie Little. Roxie Little, and Leltie Little. Record of accounts, bo. k 4, page 21'. s7.o;. A fund for Rovie Little and'ie Little. Record of settlements. I k I, page 530. S till . P.. A fund for Fri d Brooks ami P.. ,be Brooks. Record of receivers. ! o k 1, page 15. S i .-..mi. A fund for Dessie Re.-d. Record id receivers, Isiok 1. page li. and ri f settlements, book I, page I'.' A fund for Brack Kimrey arid .1 a rKr Kimrey. Kecord of r. eeiver.. Ux.k I, iiiiee I'.. ' ft'.i: .'-v A fund for Colby It. McSwain and Jasper MeSwain. Ke. ord of r.., eiv. r. book 1, pace 17. r;."..VI. A fund for M-s. W: C. C., Mrs. Sallie Whitaker, Flossie tUi.. Katie Davis, I.illa P. lUvis frank T ! Cora Davis, L. A. liavis, and Susie Davis. Rei-oid of i.e,,vc ;.. bo, k I. page IS. i A fund for Pros Smith, . .!.!, Smith, and Mary i'miih. I.Yroul ol receivers, book 1, page 17o. ..vo.3o. A fund raid to ollie.. I.v .1. I,. Hat- ley, Comr., in the sale of the Iaat I.owder lands, to use of Andrew !.o-a- ler and Willie Parker. Ifrc.r.l of special proceedings, book 2, oa.Te 205. S.YJ.SS. A fund paid to office for Kettle Smith, Admr., to use Geneva David son. Record of settlements, Ik. ok 4, page 403. Sl ;.!. A fund paid to ofhee by .Mrs. . .ar Mcl-ester. Admr. ?lft.l: A fund paid to office by F.. J. Lanier, Comr. '.ro,Ui0. The following fees for officers and witnesses remain in the office and wilt be paid when called for: Judgment Docket 2. Name. Page A. M. Rice, D. S lx:i W. K. Boggan, D. S lSy Walter Pennington 189 Amt. . 15 .30 2 . (ill 1 . lit) .99 1.911 . 30 1.05 1 .80 .50 .50 .50 . 50 M. M. Cumber 1x9 G. A. Steadman 191 R. H. Moore l.i.T M. L. Flow 19:1 W. L. Cotton 201 John Finch 3113 David Casper 201 Willie Napier 201 T. Hussell 201 Inhn Ritchie 201 W. L. Kdwards 201 j"r,,i 1 l")- X in 4.45 4.15 H5 l.t.a J. F. Harris 201 Titus Coble 213 Julia White 218 Harvey Atkins 217 John lonard .' 217 C. Nance 219 J. H. Little 220 Cost Docket 1. Name. K. L. Barbee . .. R. L. Hartsell . . Page. . 2 2 '. 2 . i Am ..: .oi 4 J. I. Ixve 2.10 .till 3.55 .( . I".0 1.10 2. 10 1 .45 ' 2 . 50 .'0 3.10 2.10 2.W5 l.fio . 311 1. r.o 2. to . ' i!f... 3.1(1 .55 .55 .55 .30 1'20 1.10 2 10, 1.10 P. Cline Finch Bruton . . c. S. Redfern .. m. D. Mvera N. C. Cranford j. e Ewine j. a. Ritchie . .. q. M. Monk e. L. Barbee E- L Barbee d a Morgan S.nh In. s. R. Green 'k, -1.. ;.. 1.10 l.lo 1.10 3.00 .00 1.20 3.20 .('.0 2.30 .30 2.1U 2.10 2.20 2.l l.rtO P. M. Pickler . 2t H. - C. Troutman 23 n M Pickler :!0 D. R. Tucker 31 9" w-,PoPlin - 32 r. uee , vc J. ,T. Harkey 33 J. S. Ewing 37 -H. B. Howie 37 - -""" iL Paul Eudy 37 .fiO W. F. Propst 38 V C k iir IA , . - "' rY 1 Kill I- M. Pickler .. '- - HarrU .. ' H'mse. . . j v- ' nueir W. Tur.'.er ! W. ;. Snuires I I- K. tiantt ... 3! .30 j 40 .W 41 ..:o' 41 .30 41 2.!ll! 42 . 30 1 12 1.10; 13 . Oil1 lo 1. io l.ftl! VV . I,, -I. S. Eving . I. I". I.OVC .. (IV!L ( ASKS, f o-l lloi Let 0.,. I'ag Amt.l 2.40 ( 3.10 liartil s.n-rvrr Little llart.-cll . I. iero 8 111 1 i 21 2.70 M.llttl Cost Docket I. V. M. Wilh.ot .273 .273 ..",' ' 1.10 1.10 2. 15 2.10 2. Ill 2. lo 2. lo 4.20 2.10 1 . tr, 1.30 .1.0 1.50 .'!) .30 .30 .30 4. Ml 1 .75 i 2.10 i 1.65 .50 j .50 ; .501 .50 I . 5li ' 1.4- ! 5.20 . :iit i 1 .20 l.HM 1. 10 ' . 30 ; A. I', i'.roome .'.'atii.m r. plin W. S. Smith s. II. Milton (.. W. I.owder I.. C. tl .It I. M. Harvard .V. I!. 'Ahlte v . P. Ilroome T. C. Harris M. B. Huneycutt ... J. F. Harris S. P. Dry M. M. Hark f. W. II.Kd W. F. I'njrst Unnie Little I- A. Ferguson I. B. Taylor . S. Tiii ker icrge lieid I. II. Helms Ivey Burleyson I. uther Burieyson ... lorathan Burleyson s. II. Burlev.,on M. I. Brooks M. A. Nioding t:. .1. Ross ' ha' ley Louder .-. . . L. Krird J. C. Hall II. M. Ivkler .27fl .27o .2.7 .277 .279 .279 .2M) .20 .20 .2-0 . 2S0 .2X1 .2S1 . -2s .23 .! . 2X3 .2M . 2 I . 2 I In tiie rn;ittr of V. N. Sinipt.n s. i-u V. .cv, Adrnr. f James I. Lf-e, If cciisr l, f-.s hnv been paitl into thv 'tiYic fr the wit m-sses named clw, '-it a iiitiin ha. iM-i n mndi t ; t lav th- !iit of v t. tlicse fees will rvit n. jaul until thi motion is har.J: (osl Ii)cLt 1. N" vine. Page. Amt. Alien Hill 25 2.70 William West 2X5 4.4o vV. II. Lee 2X5 1.10 F. II. L ily 2x5 3.30 Titus Kimiev 4. 10 las. W. Mnith s-; 4.30 .'I. !'.. illaloek 21 l.5 I ge V. X.i 5.30 !t. I' Thompson 2xn 5.20 I". . Ilalhcoek 2xd I f... llettie Fudy JXll 5. till M. .u. 'I'iiompo.i 2.d 5.20 I!. T. i!la!o,k 2X11 2.X5 Frank llud-on 2X"i 2.70 (osl Darkel I. .1. M. Peeler 2xH 1.10 F. Al. llovett 2x8 1 . 10 A. D. Si utts 2S 1.(31 K. .1. Ross 2il .110 I . M. Pickler 2x:l 2. lo i,. A. Hancock 2X. .:t0 V. (I. Snuggs 2X.I .30 .1. F.. Kwing 2X1 H. -10 I. A. Teeter 28.1 I . 10 .1. S. l'lird 2X;I 2. 10 II. A. I. aw, I, r 2.-9 4.25 I. S. ll.inevcjtt -Jv.t 4.20 ('. !'. 2x9 5.30 I. W. Fti'd 2. mi 4.20 ' r. K. Forrest 2.W 1.20 Win. Lev 291 .30 .i. i:. Moss : 29i 2.5o T. A. M. ss 291 2.53 II. T. PtlTis 292 1 .05 It. F. Hlllieveuit 292 1.70 .1. S. ''ravlo 292 I. Ml U . K. llr..tto,i 232 1 .80 c. ('. ( ravfon 292 1.8o I W. (I. Snuggs 293 .1.0 Ib-lma Tvs on 293 .iio T. R. Forrest 293 1.20 I I. .kc Duke 293 2. Xti I l.lovd I.e.- 233 1.70 .l. t. ( aul.le 293 3.80 i ller.rv liroi me 2':'. 4.03 i. A. Dane .ck 233 ..till .Mm 'irillith 293 .bo A. W. Green -'':! .1. E. Aut.ian 234 'J.'iO Funds ordered loaned by the court are secured hy real estate mortgages and personal security. -Ir'-Iier o; lo.son ale r.eo on ur.u.-i.v in the banks of Stanly county. Respectfully submitted, A. P. HARRIS. Clerk Superior Court. Swo-n to and subscribed before me. This Dec niber 4, 131 1. T. S. PARKER. Cl.m. Board of Co. Commissioners. The above report has been exam ined by the Board of County Commis sioners and county attorney, this the llitli day of Dicembcr, 1911, and found correct, and the same is hereby approved and ordered published. T. S. PAKKKR. A. F. MABRY. Z. D. CiKitilN. Commissioners. R. L. SMITH. County. Attorney. The house of Rev. W. H. Hudson at Davidson burned Sunday morning. The parents and their seven children had narrow escape, losing rvery- thing. A relief fund of $250 was made up for the family, and will probably be added to. itn ct MITGS You're coming, too, aren't you, to see us about ordering those CIRCULARS and BUSI NESS CARDS? Step iip-talk it over. V , Fine Cliristmas A 3-year sul'srnpiitm to Patterns r rf f. oul( rit-liphr snv lady who is nof alrevdv T I tifii rtis r xr-c. !lin( fit s bes ihsi titM-rs win pctnnj! fit s best of eli Fashion if.a7incs of its class. 'All siibsi rilM rs ho .v up and ?ni)ii r.;i; i ni '. c o,-t mis f, f eira-ihi:t is. SI.5U tor The Eutrrfirise and MrCall's. A, Copies may In- seen in our pffii e. C t in your order at jC onre. .k.y'.'i. -fi.2vi . NEW KfondyKa Having Imtoihi' mviit rs of the Klonrivke ileat Ifarket, e re ; ctfu'lx solicit p;it ronaift from all tvho want nice, uliole-oiiie, eli an, lieallliv anil 'lie el.oiei t t f ini atx, (.M-iiif, ofi r-i, fffi-'f, pausarjjp, an. I thv like f .r their . lease, ttliii our servie les a market eati yive. j AGLE a DAV.S, Prop's. To the Good Farmers of Southern Stanly: our x.w M,iis I v i ;i; vn:v mills" are iniu- i.ji. ii for liiixiiii xs ami wmiM great ly a'.ee. ate a .i.l lii.i of M.ur ' usloiil.'! up y i.r wat'oii to Uoekv l.'iver an. I let 1 1 if mo -I eoiiiiete lloiil', ill lite eoiitttv. 'I'Iii-m' help lite fanners ;is well as the mill (live lliem a! rial tin. I ue v.illtiil lie J. J. DAVS3f Head Miller. J. A. HATHCOCK, Proprietor. The First Step to Good Digestion. . l'oihI .-tut i I l i lieweil will sooiii r or . Poor Testii Cannot Gliew Food Properly. - (iutinl vll your teelli. 'I'liey are pi ieelexs treasures. II ' I Ley are I .;ii 1 Lro to a oi,il ilenlist ami Lave tlietn lixeil liiltl, tin matter tin' eost. ll your teeth are eooil, keeji tin tooth powder, j tiste or Inpm 1 1 1 1 1 1 it r tu select In. 'ii Iw J f Paste is a most sat.-faelory removes I hi" taller, iolixh(s ( ur tooth lir'l:es are well nunle ami nri: fouml in all shapes, sizes ami irraih s of lu txtle. Ve liave them in soft, mediuiu, ami hard lnistles that will not shed. Hall's Pharmacy. Th Rcxall Store. Free to Our ! wis - "t"o a I USsf' iff tnP I I Vsi ' I g S 1 9 'Mil l I- : T. - f ' I' ! .. j i , h f 'V" I f 1 sS- X S Present for a Lady. ' Aii Cull's .faizine' and . 3 one ear in advance to Th y -r.mtiniit;ort nv payinp only out 6V - 6 . J ieet Market. Ii.liles. We ave liere 'to - will yuaiaiitee to nil ' the. U'e uant vonr onlers. lis e i; i liiaiti, ilrne ilowii our uiMler x meal ami l .1 mills are uere It) Ii .i: If llie li.ittle. I'"ooil not llioroililll- laler eatixe xlojnaeli troulilo. m so 1 1 v 1181112 a trooil W every dav.- We have a Kexail Tooth Powder or one, am 1 1 is an antiseptic, cleanses. I Subscribers. A pair of these fine 8'inch Tension Sheras given FREE to every subscriber, to The Stanly En terprise who pays up all arrears and one year in ad vance, and to every new subscriber pay ing for one year. The Scissors are guaranteed for two years. Include 5 f rpnts pxtrn for i postage if you want them mailed,' it n I