9M twt J. D. BIVINS, Managing Editor Established 1880 $1.00 per year, in advance VOLUME XXIV. ALBEMARLE, X. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1916. NUMBER 22 VILLA REPORTED TO HAVE PRESIDENT WILSON HAS AUGUST HE1NZE DIES ; SUMMARY STATEMENT OF 1 WILLIAM WIRT MILLS' ; DEMOCRATIC FORCES WILL DIED SEVERAL DAYS AGO! SUMMONED" BOTH HOUSES AT AGE OF 103 YEARS EXTENSION WORKERS I LETTER FROM NEW YORK MEET HERE SATURDAY mm Carranza Troops Said to Have Dining President Explains Situation Existing! One of the Oldest Citizens of the Though it has not been possible oi ,,w york, April 5, 191K. Primaries Held Last Saturday Coun- terred Bandit Chief If Villa isj Between the United States and County, Native of Germany, Passes, ke,'P records of all the activities ofj An old saying makes it a counsel; ty Convention Next Saturday Dead U. S. Troops May Be With-: Germany. Away at Home of His Son-in-Law, tlu' "t'nr.ion service worker.-;, still . f,f wisdom to have two strings to you- Good Speaking Will Make Oecasimi drawn. . , Washington, April 18. Presidcrt ! at Plyler. .those that have been kept show veryjoow. ;ut wno ,,V1.,. heard of an In-' Interesting and Helpful. Francisco Villa is dead and his Wilson will lay the submarine crisis August Heinze, agen 105 years. G a'curately how the service is in touch dian using both strings at once?, n last Saturday the Democrats r,f years, months and 2I days, passed away at the home of his son-in-law, .1. W. Fink, in the Plyler vicinity, Friday. He was one of the oldest citizens of with the farmers of the state. The j Thai's what some of thc Progressives : the county were given an oppoitunity work has not only been confined to ; triotl to tlo. They bent their bow with ! to express their preferences for Uio actual demonstrations on the farm, the Roosevelt string and then stretch- county officials in the primal ies. The but it has reached the farm home car-jt.j oll the Hughes su ing. They vacil-j day was an iiea one for farm work rying a knowledge if better livincr latod between the one and the other and for this reason the primaries better farming, and a higher social just as these same men did in Chi-' were not as well attended as thev life both to the farm women, farm ; vaKO jn 1912. And now that the de- men, and farm boys and girls. Num-j rnallci for im nomination of Colonel should have been. Judging by the balloting in North and South Albemarle towii.-hins the body, disinterred some days after his, before Congress tomorrow, burial, is in possession of the Carran-, In the hall of the House of Rcpre sa troops, according to a series of te!-j sentatives at 1 o'clock in the after egraphic messages received in Juarez,' noon, with Congress seated tafore Mexico, Sunday by Mexican officials, j him in joint session, the President will the county and one of two native Ger For more than a week reports that i speak the last words of the United jrnans of Stanly; the other being Mat Villa had died from wounds havaj States to Germany in the grave situa-ithew I.orch, of Bloomington. been current in Mexico and along the; tion which has kept the two nations: Mr. Heinz was a remarkable chu.: border. Sunday's accounts were the. ' on the brink of a break for neailv :i aetcr. possessed of a strong intollei l 1k'i s of Pu'l'c meetings have been Roosevelt has spread through the Re most circumstantial and apparently 1 year. and having ail the sterling qualities!." wn(1'0 tnu pwp'e. nave ueconie ; publican party and among thousands' present county officials lead the tick- reliable yet received. They were ac-i Developments, yet undisclosed, and ''f the sturdy German farming claMj j j"telTstt'.' '" .thc P1'aet'ral scientific, 0f Democrats, the Hughes candidacy,' et. Besides the present county eom cepted with reserve by the American 1 of the most solemn importance, arc that comes to America from the Fath-' '"formation given as well as in the ; oiiginatfd as a Progressive altenia- misisoners, T. S. Parker, Geo. W. Dry, oflicials. , expected to follow quick. , erland. He was just a young man, actu;i1 demonstrations held. Bulle-; t,;ve( i00ms up as a refuge and a. and A. F. Mabry. we learn that J. E. The dispatcher of the Mexican! An ultimatum to Germany and even about 20 years of age, when he left!1'"8 aud P',il,tii'1'-ls have txlM1 st;nt weapon for thc bosses who are trying! Crook and J. M. Reap, of Tyson town Northwestern railroad at Juarez re-; the severance of diplomatic relations Germany; thus most of his life, S5iout to "W'Sts from over the entire to use the Justice to beat T. R. If any ship, received votes. are the two most likely eventualities.' years or more, was spent in this coun-stale alHl 1,0,11 uusiness mvn an" c01'-. combination of circumstances can pre-i 1 or Representative, Judge O. J. try. He came to this section early i'ii porations llave enlifitod th,'ir ai(J to-;vent the Republican convention from , Sikes and Levi Lipe, former farm DFMOCRVTIC COUNTY rilVVFV thu "10's- A Pa-PO't. 'K'"?d by one ! warJs mak'inK farming a more pleas- acCeding to the will of the rank and i demonstrator, received votes. TION tht, hiKh officials of Germany, is y-t ' a.nt all(J a ,m"'e ,'onurnelative Profus- fde and nominating Roosevelt, it will j The convent ion next Saturday is ' j in possession of his children. Thci8'011, ' e lrc wholly artificial and fictitious, expected to draw a large and en- The Democratic Countv Convention , passport gives Mr. Heinz's age at the! As un widen 01 how. Ulu Poplui Hughes boom, 8arU-d by an element; thusiasti : lime n etr for Am.ri.i onj ;n """" .i.v. me; -..., im.i ported to General Gavira, Carranza commander at Juarez, that he had heard conversation on the tele graph wire to the effect that Villa's body war, in the hands of the Car ran za troops. The Mexican consul at El Paso, Texas, was notified und he asked telegraph operators at Madera and Cusihuiriahic for information. nf ttffinKr ..imii. .trill lw. I...U ..-... tvuntr win uc iiijjm ill nit- ...... , . . . 11 court house at Albemarle, on Sotur-i w"' hls has accurately ac-i thf Past ar, records show day, April 22, 191C, at 2 o'clock, P.I counted for They confirmed the report and saidlM. All Democrat in the countv are i Historic-al dates rever.1 that the : "st,4 dlVls,on j the bodv was btinir tnUn ti rhiliti'i.Li,rnuc.i., ., .,..,! ... .i.-. ' Naooleoriic war was i-mrimi' in Vtnv.11.0 St,'i' 1 visits to farmers and v. uiaiij ' ' ijm B.I U lf UIU'IHI iniM' - wj-v that the workers engaged in the farm paid club crowd to Albemarle. A in the Progressive party and taken; good speaker from out of town will over by Republican bosses to serve j likely be secured and u lively con- their dire necessities. ; vention to inaugurate the coming hua- 'Convention. They will be allowed to at Jhc telegraph operator at San An-1 participate in all the proceedings of camc" west of Chihuahua, the Convention, r.nd we earnestly beg frivllt Pnwir Germany in spite f.''i" ..' sul Garcia Uiat Villa's! that they come. ' ; insurrections here and there. A1.-70',,J)0 different they come. We are trying to arrange to have seme prominent speaker to address lonio, ou miles telegraphed Con bfMly was in possession of Colonel ! Carlos Carranza, nephew of General! 1 arranza, who was taking it in a spe- the Democracy of the county at that cial train to Chihuahua. j time, and sound the keynote of the A message received at Juarez Sun- campaign, day, by a private individual, said Vil- The Democracy of the county, State la's death and burin were revealed by and nation has just cause to be proud a former colonel of the bandit band,! of its record, and appeals to the peo who had been captured and was under j pie for a continuation of power on sentence of death. This colonel offer-! that record. ed to show his captors Villa's gravel Come and get inspiration, enthui in return for his life. He led the d?-asm and encouragement for the com tachmcnt of Carranza soldiers, underling campaign. the command of Colonel Cavazos, to! R. I.. SMITH, Chm. San Francisco Borja, u small town ,10 j miles south of Cusihuiriahic, withi the time of his birth, and when he jmembc,'s' have adtl'eKsed at Pbli-;be ne over Prussia was becoming a '""'E3 f0!i people and traveled: a party .spokesman as Joseph H. ,t,ho nines renuennj; 10 u: jji-uii- fnoate. I.Ike Ur er KablJlt lie just lies: services; the home!jow uncj nothing while that ele-i demonstration division organized ;,,. 0f Kenublicanism that formerly during the year :i7 centuries of the!fPUIrht him is contriving to use him! state into the canning clubs and de-;to pui their chestnuts out of the fire. monstration clubs with a total en-i vas there ever a more extraordi-1 Meanwhile the canny Scot smiles campaign is expected. No member of softly in his whiskers and refutes to the IK-mocratic party can afford to be have addressed at public : h "smoked out" even bv so eminent; absent. GRAHAM WINS THE ( LP. drew Jackson was President of the United States when Mr. Heinz reach ed the American shore. Mr. Heiiii was married to a Miss Rarnhardt, of Cabarrus county. To this union were born six children, three of whom survive, as follows: John Hein.e and Mrs. Rose Anne rollment 2,1114, and 1,500 women; the workers in the division of boy's (agricultural clubs have traveled 51, 680 miles over the slate, addressed nary tangle in the web of pre-c'r.i-vention maneuvering, with more di verse possibilities? Tucker, of Mt. Pleasant, and Mrs. Eva 377 ""stings with a total attendance.! Fink, of Plyler. Besides the immedi-lof M'li9T P00' a,ul. havo mai,cd outj 2fiS,5l4 bulletins. which it is connected by a vague and ck'&etted trail. Near this lonely spot the Carranza soldiers are said to have exhumed the body of the bandit. One leg was said to have been swollen to an enormous size and to be in such a gangrenous condition that there was no doubt as to the cause of death. ate familv ,'to irrundchililivn un.i great-grandchildren survive the de- Ul's of 'r",n,atlon t0 tlH" i-122 en ceased. ! rolled in the club work ; the animal Funeral sen-ices were held Satur-i int,usU'y wol kel's nave nuched 35, day in the presence of a large 11 urn-' 009 poopU' in 513 da"'y ehooU a'Hl ber of people,' at Macedonia church. 1 othM' mi'eti"Ks of llki nature; thc ex Rev. J. A. L. Miller, resisted by Kev.: Untiion workers of thu lJivlsion of W I p,m .i .K.. ....! Horticulture and Entomology have Commencement April 8(1, and May Interment followed at the church hdd 30 public nK'uti"Ts with a C31: 1, 2, and 3. j burial ground. ! hine(i attendance of 500 people and The work is rounding up now. The ! have pruned and sprayed 100 fruit most of the hard work has been fin-! EFIRD MFG. COMPANY WILL j trees before these people; the drain ished. This year has been a good BUILD FIFTY NEW HOUSES! age office has made 4S examinations one. More has been aecomDlished i for tile drainage resulting in 85,02 Meanwhile Governor Whitman has come triumphantly through the fire circulars and let-,f Dei-Konnl omjosition within his own party and has demonstrated his con trol of the Republican organization in NEW 1X1NDON HIGH SCHOOL. While this news may be too good to than n any year in the past three, i A contract has been awarded by fect of tlIc bcw" ,!iid' J' examina- be true, if it bhould prove to be cor-1 lne plav' Ihc ulti (ken Bucket,": '-nra .vanuiactunng company for the ns Ior "Trace sysieno, renuin.iB Amprinnn tn, rviu k ; I was acuccess, the receipts being near-' immediate erection of 50 new dwell- 129,000 feet of terraces being built diately withdrawn from Mexico, (Later: General Funston has not confirmed report and American troops are pressing forward after the livi.it Villa.) The Successful Contestants at Chap el Hill Honored at Home. Statesville Landmark. The fourth annual contest of the High School Debating Union, charac terized by President Graham of the. University as the biggest contest eve staged in Noi-th Carolina, came to an end Friday night, at Chapel Hiil, whe.i the Graham High School, represent ing the affirmative, defeated Wilson on the negative of the query: "Re solved, That the United States should Vow VrvL- Sltutr Wtlut lio fin i, ; .k. .,.,. Th...-U H,B!ad"Pt thp Plic' f meatly enlargin more than two perfectly good guesses. One day this week a British officer, on shore leave in this American port, remarked that there were 78 British transports at anchor in this harbor or tied up at piers, taking on huge quan tities of supplies, from medicines to motor boats, from canned vegetables its Navy." The speakers for Graham were Miss Myitle Cooper and Boyd Hid den; for Wilson, Wade Gardner and David Iseai. Thus the Aycock cup goes to Graham this year. After sitting in judgment for over six hours the judges in the first pre liminary rendered verdict as follow::: CLOSING PROGRAM OF THE ALBEMARLE GRADED SCHOOL The graded school closing exercises will include April 21 to 25. The pro gram in brief is: Music Recital, Fri day evening, April 21, at 8 o'clock. Sermon to graduating class, Sunday evening, April 23, by Rev. Robert P, Walker, at Central Methodist church,! th afternoon graduating exercises ly $10.00. 1 ings in West Albemarle. The work is 1 and 34 examinations of swamp and The work for commencement is pro-'to begin at once and will be putfhod ; overflowed lands covering an area ol gressing nicely. j as rapidly as good business will per-; 458,400 acres of land; to eradicate Our commencement will begin withlmit. The new cotton factory of this: hfr cholera in the State 17,619 miles the annual sermon Sunday morning,' company is nearing completion, and; have uecn traveled over 33 counties, . m0re than 10,000 men, he said, all en April 30. Monday night the primary ' these new homes aie for additional j "9 addresses were made to 13,26o listed in the Royal service of his Maj and intermediate departments will ' help which the new mill will demand, j people, and 17S demonstrations wereiesty King George and wearing the hold their exercises, and this is thel John S. Efird, seeretai-y und treas-, held where 2,1 ;IH hogs were treated un:form 0f the Royal Navy, but doft most attractive part of the program, j rer of the company, states that'hefore an audience of -1,699 swine Tuesday night five young ladiesj within a short time all of the mills' growers, will compete for a medal, and on the! of the Efird Manufacturing Company) These figures do not show the re same night the declaimers will con- will be running day and night, somes"lts obtained but they do show that test for the declaimers' medal. ' of them already being run at niuht. i the workers are so organized that ev- Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock ery activity and phase of farming is. to cannon. These vessels were not merchantmen, but ships controlled and 4 ,e SOL;ond Preliminary winch tooK operated by the British Admiralityj place ,Fndav .ng. live schools iittu 1111 iiuiiui vi n lulling uui uif t : I uittwH with inrh mins nil r.arpf ullv masked, but ready for instant action, j actively and negatively-these ri, -w.,,.., f tw ,.00nnrti ! ! belK Raleigh, Y ilson, Statesville, Gastonia and Rocky Mount. The other teams, representing the affir mative, which spoke again Friday m rning, were Mooresville, Graham, East Durham, Faison, Pinnacle, Lau rinburg and Staitown. The schools this harbor at one time, numbered inn fKrtu. iriirmpnlfl a .1 Onn MS thi'U came within the three-mile limit and! wimiinfr out in the "aUve, excluding passing as members of the merchant tlwnti mf,10w aljovt'' "vn': marine while in this port. i 1 n (,ard"' faiY. VV endell, Low- ell. t larkton. Glade alley and Stem. When the Graham debaters reached "Insular." The word was invented the literary address will be given. In rK"'' i.ouu.OUU WE. actually demonstrated not only ny to describe Manhattan. That island ""J th afternoon graduating exercises: AMID EXCITING SCENES j personal contact but by corerspon-; forms one of the five boroughs that a Procession ol automobiles, headed Declamation and RwiV11 be rendered. This is the first j Washington, April 18. An armyidence, bulletins, and timely publica-; make up New York City, but news-, a band and .Myrtle t.ouper and class to hold regular graduation exer-. re-organization bill that would pro-iuons Bnu 11 ' apparent umi, uuu, papers of Manhattan cannot see De-' - - - io m tha i,i.tnn. rf dure, rp pillar nrmv nrA c.n.. ! results are being obtained. And it vnnj h. waters that isolated the lit- ol'atoJ rnaehme and escorted to the . . 11.. . .... . . , .1 . k'i . vj - n.n ... 1 1 1 n 1 . 1 1 : luun uunv. y in i lu icituuiiiiu is i-uuiijr nut umi. me i.uu,,. j"--'-ne old sen -sausneo. oorougn. v.aiuiig, ,. . ' at 8 oVkftk. tation contest, Monday evening, Apnl 24, at 8 o'clock. Class Day exercises, Tuesday morning, April 25, at 10 o'clock, by Graduating Class. Liter ary address, Tuesday evening:, April 25, at 8 o'clock, by Dr. G. T. Rowc, of High Point; also graduating exercLsci. The public is cordially invited to at tend all these exercises. A Campaign for the Suppression of Unnecessary Nowest , Washington, D. C, April. The campaign begun a year ago by the Southern Railway Company for the suppression of - unnecessary noises, likely to disturb passengers in sleep ing cars placed at stations for occu pancy during the early hours of the night, is to be extended and the "Keep Quiet", rule ia to be enforced around all passenger trains, standing at stations or rhile running, day or night. Signals to enginemcn by word of mouth, unnecessary whistling, ring ing of bells, and escape of steam near sleeping cars, loud talking by crews There are nine members of the class. After these exercises will come the ML Pleasant-New London ball game. At night thc play "Down in Dixie," will be given. This is a war play in which the subject ia treated in a fair and unprejudiced manner. The hero tary forces in the United States ag gregating 1,000,000 men was passed Ple thut have been reached, as is themselves "New York newspapers,' by the Senate late tonight without . shown in the above statement, have exeept on very rare occasions, they record vote. I influenced others to follow the better Ljujcover only what happens in Man- talks were made. Mr. Lynn William son, on behalf of L. Danks Holt, own er of the Oneida mills, in whose em- On the eve of a joint session of the ! methods that have been inaugurated ; hattan or at a distance. The other bor-1 plov fever. memb,, s f M,ss Cool- Hoi.Kc nf rvmo i, on their own farms and in their own'-j.. anA th m-oat usburhan area eI ' lamily have been tor tne past :, -wj,.on w nvai mm tiac:- I """"" i- sage from the President on grave in- homes. is from the North, and ' the heroine ; ternational issues, the Senate hasten from the South, and both are splendid I ed completion of the bill amid scenes j types or true-hearted Americans. The action of the play is very rapid, the climaxes are powerful. All are very agreeably surprised at the final out come. This play will eome as the final of commencement and promises to be the best play ever given here. If you fall to attend this play you have missed the very best part of the exercises. The play will be given on Wednesday night. May 3. Mrs. C. E. Brinkerhoff, R. R. In gram and Prof. O. D. Ritchie were, with us recently for the purpose of judging in a preliminary contest for the declaimers contest. The contest wa very good.. Eaqh boy did well, and DO YOU KNOW THAT of excitement, repeatedly rejecting all : Sags in roof-gutters may act amendments pending, to reduce the 1 mosquito breeding places 1 proposed strengthening of the army. Activity of Federal Office Holders. "As the campaign warms up, Fed eral office holdiers should remember how ugly it used to look for their predecessors, in Republican ranks, to participate in local politics. Such a practice sometimes just as repulsive and as insulting to the intelligence of a community. When a politician lands a Federal berth he should stay out of thc day coach and should let communities govern their own affairs. Every employe of the Federal gov- America's most valuable crop babies? The public cigar-cutter is a health (year ago . , i war. nr"intvl Mis Conner 11 lian. are for tne most part im Known ianus;' to them ' ro'' "A'r'st watt'h. He stated that : Mr. Holt was proud of having such It is strange how oblivious the pub-1 PP'- connected with his mills and lie seems to be of the fact that all ! to show his appreciation of b! prices of all necessities of life are!" I,onor that had "'ought to from 15 to 25 cor cent higher than a11' town- Bovd Harden was given a menace 7 Is it that the newstaDersiKold walvh on halt of the citizens. . n hu,v telling about record fie-; A correspondent of the Greensboro -.-... j traits inrp. in evnorts that the noor consum-i -Ncws ivlls-s iVr w 01 1 ne OUUVn auiiv :.: r , - ., - . .. ... , , ... , .,k i. au. r.cont! familv of children who have made . Service mainUins a loan library of er, with no rewords to tost present - .. ... . !j s.. ,k. -.1,,. remarkable record as debaters. Three stereopticon slides: ; . affirmative team which ranked next to the winning affirma- : r: T..i! Th tvnhoid rate measures accu- ft is harder to make Dotn ends meet, : - - in and abou- cars and on platforms.!" was hard to decld Just h0 wou!d 1 . . ula . P reponeo ibuled tmn Avii b ! best represent us at commencement 10 W ashington woen ooserved to be slamming of vestibuled trap doors, wil be eliminated as far as possible. The superintendents of each divi sion are giving personal attentiton to this problem in the hope of contrib-j uting further to the comfort of pas sengers on Southern Railway trains. CARD OF THANKS. i taking part in local campaigns. The officials at Washington should know I. Robbers blew ripen the safe in the office of the Texas Oil Company, at Raleigh, between midnight and morn ing, Monday, and obtained approxi mately $400. The pohce are working on the case but have not hit on any port of a clue. ter. The same rule should apply to .. every Federal office holder. It is an Se wish to thank the entire com-jin8U,t t0 o , gtate or muhity for their many kind deeds tojft m u haTe Federa, inUr. us during the death of our father and. t)lllt ia ir,fjPrfnnM h m it. 1 j t- . : .j ' " "s""u- ,&7r' V"J " "uu who holds government jobs," Ral inougnviu. ui u uuruiK uur K-fc ejph Apri, m inai. WW moiie Knows now mucii comfort it was to us. We hope that we may be able in some small way to show our appreciation in the future. Mrs. Lindsay Lowder and Family. l-vtgorUnt to the Pate and Sickly The OM Masdard tnml atrndbcatef; toalc C ROVE'S TA6TKLES8 chill TONIC, dnvca eol U-uis-riclM Ik bloadBd bnlkU tbcr tus. A Ira tmtc Pec adulu u4 csildrw b Mi rately community intelligence? But the pinch of high prices is mak- ii-i : k .n,.n l .llo nuur incr itsi-lf felt in a wav that must soon IV llOOUIOK lUULll iiuuaiij Miia v.. i r - . . iL , . . m . ... . : j If v ,-,cl,it.t 1 tive team in the linal contest. Two ten thousand Americans? 1 command attention. It has resulted, P1 . 4. a... K.l,h alradv in a lesseninn- of eonsumntion. ! .vea,s aS Mlss Flon"- Cooper, another riau I1UUIIIH JJ 1 uuuiv.i wau 1 J --- 1 -: . t-. 1 -w , : . tA iolfnr thn cimnlo rpjison that the aver-i siJ"'Tcl . . ' ..... ! x. t. jijlteam which contested with Winston- I urr wbkc Lrirnii v aa iai 11 uii.i 1 spread by a wood-tick? CORNER STONE LAYING. The corner stone of the Norwood Baptist church will be laid on Satur day, April 29, at 1 P. M. A nice pro gram is being ararnged for the occa sion. Pastors E. 51. Brooks, of Pal nierville, and Robert P. Walker, of Albemarle, and others will make ad dresses. The public is invited to be present. JAS. C, GILLESPIE, Pastor. For floor coverings, linoleum, dunoleum; we can fit your kitchen. Parker-Little Furniture Co. was on Graham's affirmative hich contested with Winston- n t t 1 : . ii . a year ago. This in turn is forcing! ca,em Ior lnu CUP- -'"ss.uyrue imany retailers to the wall, for Iess- Cooper, only 14 years old at that time, jening trade, even at higher prices, re-j was a member of Graham's negative Uuces the distance between profits j which ranked next to Winston-Salem, j and bankruptcy. Yes, thc war is ex-. acting its toll even in peaceful Amer-j ica. Wm. Wirt MiUs. West New j SAKE MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN Rrip-hton NY ' "'s Rae" 's he first question R ' " ; to be considered when buying cough -- I medicine for children. Chamberlain's ! Cough Remedy has long been a favo rite with mothers 01 young children as it contains no opium or other nar cotic, and may be" given to a child as confidently as to art adult. It i.rp!eas ant to take, which is of great impor tance when a medicine must be given to young children. This remedy is most effectual in relieving coughs, colds and croup. Obtainable every where. ADV SPRING. Spring is looked upon by many as the most delightful season of thc year but this cannot be said of the rheu matic. The cold and damp weather brings on rheumatic pains which are anything but pleasant. They can be relieved, however, by applying Cham berlain's Liniment Obtainable ev erywhere. ADV