THE NEW CLARION "By... WILL N. HARDEN Copyright, 1914. by Hirper O Brothers ! , ... , , i friiiik, (km; you forve Ir on uie, for 1 ; talk . .yths else. -n,l for your I W1 wUh -." i J.. 1... .... .. IF .. i.pu IV ..IP1 hm follower ll I her CHAPTER VIII. Howard's Temptation. mHE dinner to be yiveti to tin country coinrilmiors the "lol- III ters." sis they IiikI playfully) 11 called I licmselvc.s -was, accord . jr g to tin- Now Clariiiu. announce- 1 wont, lo bo uiisnrpa-scil in sumptuous .-.lU iuluc. It was got iiv lo bring writ- rs of congenial tastes into agi'ecahle personal iiiloivottre for the t r t titi.e in tin- history of local .j. inrn:i lism. 'J'iur liiiging :i tsil fur famed Uiitfaee of the .lohifton House, hi.s ctlieiftit clerk ui.'l orps of ueeou' modal. ng waiters anl jurter-i were to throw open I heir iluci i.i liie hright representatives of the ew t'lai'ioti umler auspiees never he i' citialed. For the lii's I time these dui rihtitur-i. many of whom Itatl had friendly this in the iil!ie arena of nit an l repartee. weil going to meet face P fare ain! iasp In. mis ill fellowship ami thj re-olve to ! :oniG;e the interests of the iivevt weekly in north ijccrgia. Tie i i:is-.ivo introductory number of tin j c'.v series lia.l fairly asioiuule'l the public. liie ill.'.' ariiied. 'lite ueather u :n rHp i'lini eool etn'itu'h lo ho -iirreeahie. Kvorv inviii ,1 orr.'spoinlent ha. I ,e -. epted. ivir'v in the afternoon h,.y begun lo i:::'ic, in I monies, on horse-l-:i-k anil hy train. They were ! i- I i' -;:l.e on the sli'ei ts from t lo ir spick ami span .tpnearuuec aim their si ."oiling about li';e tourists from spot In .-.out in groups or alone. Aimer hail siipplh"! badges ''I" blue sill;, on v. hieh were prinhvi In L'ohl li tters the wor ls "Tit." lioftfi's' liiiner." ami I'tMn1; Ueynioml. a frienil of Howanl, n member of the social set of the town who sometimes telegraphed Important news to the eil.v papers, .Vol proffered his services ami was distfiljiii big Hie badges and intro dJcIng tile ilelezules one In another. About -l o'clock Aimer went into tit lintel, linditij; Tom Sug-irt behind tin.' counter in the oli'no. "How it. Tom 7" h- asked af faiily. "Hot all yon kin do. 1 reckon." "I'llil up." SuiMi't smiled. "Ihtt s.".y. Tom. yoti are go!n" t. em tiicli ir i-1 1 i . b'tiigiit. ain't you'.-' ried A I'ln i'. "I.KiVf that In me. I'iioU" Ah." gart rnl.hed his palm.-, together ijnite elated. "You said you stand a ilodar a head, and v. "oh. lie will always ! sour over It." Howard id quickly. "He U down on j I'tiele Ah ami will denounce anything lie touches. We simply can't listen to liim. Mary. We've cot to 1: our own Judges ,-itnl act accordingly." j "Hut it has changed him." Mary dc 1 clared. "lie is not the same - not so j vindictive, lie made a little talk :il t Sunday school last Siimla. and I felt ' ralher sorry for hint. II looki-d as if i he were trying l be mete liberal. ' There has t-on so much said over the New Clarion and lis cham-es under ! your oil re that he simply had to lay aside open opposition." i "1 have heard a nival many compli 1 inputs from the dotcsates I have met ' today ahotit your h.-tters lo the paper." Howard said. "They all like Iheiii. 1 t have just set up your last and corrected i the proofs. Has I tide Ah mentioned I it to you yetV He says that a little FOR YOUR CHILD'S COUGH. fault." "I'milt? lliuupli!" "Yes, Tan!! is Hie word." lie nuswer : ed lirinly. Mini lie laid his hand fear I lessly on her shoulder for a hare iu j .1.1.1 .. t f.... j.inoli.-its "Vo other -.''. ..... i . . . . . r .. T1..10 . rv: i ... ... nrpiv wt'H. insist on r.L'ii s I me- If your child has a cold, nose runs or couphs much pet a small bottle of Dr. Bell's I'ine-Tar-Honey. It's a pleasant Pinc-Tar-Honcy syrup, just what children like and just the-medicine to soothe the couph and check the cold. After taking, children stop fretting, sleep good and are soon en- iiiiin of your acquaintance this to you. perhaps, hut it is true, i nevertheless. Nature has blessed you gist. wlilt Itcaiity and power, hut you tire ( liiisusini: lliein. You have niapiifed ! 1" :liahit that is as al. normal as the use i of morphine, hut you don't realize it. Vou ate feverish and excited over your came of winning hearts and crushlm I hem. Iivcti if you possessed the love of the truest, nohlesl man in ihe world it would not satisfy you. After mar rlai;o. perhaps even alter lieiiiKa lnoth vol! d sill! want me aiieniion oi Tar-Honey. 2o cents at your drug ADV. NO. 1 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. State of North Carolina, Stanly coun-j ty. In the Superior Court, Before: the Clerk. i Isaac II. ("orbett and Malachi Corbett,! the latter bv his next friend, Isaac i Corbett, vs. Martin Parker and Reu ben Parker. er. , men. Your lutshanil would have no j later you simply must In- our societ;. editor." I As hoy were (uiii;' toward the di 1 of I ho narlor. w hence came the mil of some one playing on the piano, they i saw t'ora LatiL-hani. iieatttif illy atlired . in a stylish uuii. come down the slnii's and joiu I'lauk Ileynioiid at the la hie ' heldiim tlie tloutr tray. I did not know (hat she was to he : i resent." Mary saal coldly. "I thought tin entertainment was ontiue I to " ; ".-stio will not Peal t he dinner. " How aid explained, a iittle awkwanhy. "Itut us a u'lest of the hotel. In fact, all the quests hive been invited to look on and join in Ihe d.'.ii' i' afterward, if they wish. You see. there is no other way. II wouldn't do. you know, to deprive travelint; men ami summer hoarders of :he use of the verandas and parlor such warm weather." "1 think if I had l-'oti in her place, tiiou-h." Man said, "I would not have put on unite such an elnh'.raie dres. and surely she nriiil have amused her self in ln-r room for one evening." --1 : h t . you see, she iitiii ii"f mother come away from the city to p-iss th.'" time picasauliy. and an affair like this i. after all, a sort of diversion." "ll wil: he to her." M.itw replied. 'Site will sniff and sneer al every iody and everyt hitiu'." The eoiivei'sal ion was ended hy Ab ner. who came fi r Mary with the in tention of in' rodui'iii her to the "lot I ,-rs." w hi now tilled ihe Pij parlor. "Thi'i al! w n r.t 'o meet you." he said, "especiaily the men." "Ah. now is your turn!" Howard said teasinuly. "l'.e careful, Mary. Those fellows are just, as milch like sheep as a n.v of I ' mirers. and if you have to take sotiu cine." At this moment licyiMoud pMinitii.' man's citit ami wild a sedilel ive Sfttf fc'H.'iiW l mm : Notice. The defendant, Reuben Parker, above named, will take notice that a special proceedings, entitled as above, has been commenced before the Clerk i of the Superior Court for Stanly county for the sale of the estate lands of Martin Parker, deceased, for di vision between the plaintiffs and the ! defendants as tenants in common in I said lands. The said defendant, Ren-: ! ben Parker, is further notified that he lis required to appear at the ollice of ; the Clerk of the Superior Court forj Stanly county, U't'ore the Clerk of said Court, on the Tth day of May, : 191li. at 1'2 o'clock M., and answer or : demur to the petition or complaint in i said action, or the planum win ap i plv to the court for the relief demand 'ed. This nOth dav of March. l'.Ufi. ' p. n. cot;t;iN. c s. c. R. K. Austin. Att'v. rni ti w i m m j ftui in ja w I A . . C V -'I i ' f "Yi-, fault is the vord,"' he f.rmly nsered a. lua have Clow that . home life, jntir children would no proper example and would tip to the same sort of false life i oil w ere in." ora l.atiL'luini's ad ieu'! mind you may of vmir own meill- MKs I.anuhani left a lioutonutete otj a i me anile toward Howard on her Hps. . have !"- Su ns if c.iul.l are f it and some more. We u writers to remember the House to the cud of I loir dinner like this has never "I am evening.' kinlliiu tri.tmpli awfully proud of you this ' she aM. her wonderful eyes as tl:".. n, .-( his. "This Is u for you in particular. Yoti spendinii a want t hen .1. illusion days. A Inm'H given in liarley." "As I said." Aimer returned, "there is only two items for the palate that I slick out for an' that is fried chick en an' ice cream - an", yes, good, strong coffee to top olT on." "Ice cream!" Sugar! clapped his hands as lie began rubbing them afresh. "You surely have heard of that famous Atlanta drain! that das 1 fie run clean to the l'lorida coast with all the Mg bugs that stop at the palace hotels? It ain't any of your hoiled custard makeshift, but solid, thick cream from liie cow. froze as hard as a snow hall. We are looking for three freezers of It up on the t'ulii. As for chicken, your friend Pole Baker bulli ed In a coup of ihe fattest that ever pecked and scratched in a barnyard. are the center of it all. But for your drains and energy all this would not he taking place. Mr. Daniel told tne yesterday that the paor was doing wonderfully well. 1 saw you talking to Alary Truuibley just now. Mr. Dan iel says she writes too. She looks like a smart girl. She has a rather pretty face. I'm sure yoti likelier." "Yes. very, very much." Howanl an swered sincerely. "She is the l'st and truest friend 1 have." .Miss I.aiigham winced slightly and gave him a reproachful glance from her shadowy eyes. "You say that to me." sde said, "after all I have said to you?" "You have said a good many things," Howard laughed softly and significant ly, "but Mary lias done so many that I can't count tlieni. But there Is no use In our talking about her. You'd have to know her as well as 1 do to understand." "Howard." she said, with a little sigh, "you make me very angry al times. I 'd you know, you are uie em Cora stood still and silent for a mo- i meiit. her eyes on the musicians, who ; were leaving the veranda. ' "I know what you think of me. any- ; way," she faltered, her lips iptivel'lng ; visihly in Hie light -of Ihe Japanese j lanterns against the brick wall, "but j even you can't understand a woman. So a girl is to blame for having many t admirers, is she? That is a new idea, j Howard. 1 presume you think Mary j Trtinihloy would not have them even j if she could." "Mlio haWions to he the sTt of girl who really wouldn't care for them," lie answered. "Indeed! Has she bei n tried.' I ota deiiiaudcd.sanastically. "How do you know? How dees slie know?" "That is hard to answer." Howard replied. SALE OF LAND. ' Under and by virtue of the power ; and authority enferred upon me by ' the judgment of the Superior Court. I under a special proceediti'j's entitled Ki.l.v Ritchie. Admr.. of ,. VY. I Ritchie. (!"ceised, Agnes Biackweliier, iet al.. heirs at law of (I. VY. Ritchie,1 deceased, ! will otV-.M' for sale to the, i highest bidder for cash, ;d the caurti ! house door in Albemarle on MONDAY. MAY 1. UJU'.. at 12 M.,j i the following described real estate, to wit: Adjoining the lands of Jo-1 I seph Culp, Columbus Frick, Hnmerj Ritchie, and others, end being lot No. I 1, in the division of the W. A. Ritchie! (lands, which division is recorded in1 ; the ollice of the Registci- of Deeds nfj ' Stanlv county. North Carolina, im (Book "of Heed's. No. U' 'age 32'2, and : ; bounded us follows, to-,iit: ; Beginning at a stake in Fialey I Branch in the old line and runs with: the old line S XI 1-2 E l!S chains to a, large white oak stump, Fricks' cor-j ; tier; thence with hi.s line S 1 V 7 .')-1 1 i chs. to a stake in said line; thence ai ; new line N ii' V '22 1-1 chs. to u stake in Fialey Branch; thence up tliej i various courses ot said branch to the beginning, ccuitaininf 1 acres, mere ! or less. The said sale will be left open for twentv davs for a 10 per cent in creased bid, and if the bid is raised, 'the. lands will be resold at the court house door on Kon'ay, the '2'2nd day of May, HMO. at 12 o'clock M. This the 1st dav of April, If Hi. V. I.. SMITH. Com'r. SPRING CLOTHING We have gotten together for this Spring the finest collection of Suits we have ever shown. Come and see this style-show of Beautifully Tailored Garments from Hart, Schaffner fir Marx and Cchloss Bros. & Co. The most popular Suit in America for young men is "Varsity Fifty Five" from Hart, Schaffner & Marx. A full line of Furnishings ready, On The Corner. Allen Clothing Store. 8 (To be Continued.) MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF LAND. Bv virtue of the power contained in a mortgage executed by S. H. Mil-; ton to YV. M. Morton, November 16th, I 1H12, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Stanly County, in Mortgage Book 57, pages 12 and 1,!, the undersigned will on MONDAY. MAY at 12 o'clock. 1, 191B. M.. Jle said he would let them go for your; man that lias ever uareii i m'.. dinner hut wouldn't have sold them me as you d"?" DANGERS OF DRAFT. Drafts feel best when we are hot and perspiring, just when they are most dangerous and the result is Neu ralgia, Stiff Joints, Sore Muscles, or sometimes an attack of Rheumatism. In such cases apply Sloan's Liniment. It stimulates circulation to the sore and painful part. The blood flows freely and in a short time the stiff ness and pain leaves. Those suffer ing from Nenralgia or Neuralgic Headache will find one or two appli cations of Sloan's Liniment will give; . .. f .i ..i:. .i tl.. : .. : grau-im reuei. ine 'bounded as follows, to-wit gives way to a tingling sensation of, , Nq 2.Be 'inninff comtori ana warmm ana quiet iwi . . t. . ,..,. fif ,nt at the court house door in Albemarle, expose for sale for cash, at public auction, certain real estate situate in Stanly county. North Carolina, to-wit: Known and designated as lots Nos. 2 and " in a survey of the Blackwel der land, made by J. F. Burleyson, surveyor for YV. M. Morton, and st"sS HI! I I'l I nfl k S I SIR THOMAS A. LIPTON. Tie was ol'.hnoil to unit s.-heel at th UK.- of ti ll ar. l mi to ..k as a llics.'i'll cer Ley at sisty .cuts a wn l;. He wms amliltiiais. lioweM'i. ami attetuled niulit school where he gained an education that hoa aided him Rivatly en ii is way ti success. He cauif to America when 15 years old. and lie had .ine hitter exp-rl .-nees. It is re)iortid llmt lie was so "Uu.d ill'" ones while in New Yolk that he hail to lioirow five cents to send a letter to the olj folks tu Hlasgow. Afler leliualiii; to Ireland his father set him up in a small srorery more, ami uy Iii-aci.ii hi.- tt Inn he had learned abroad, hard v.oik and thrill, he is today III Merchant Prince of Ireland. lie lias now nearly live hundred stores. mosil.v in Kiiiiiund. lie is tin- largest laiij owner on the l.-laml ot cyio'i, w lie re riupluvx tiiunsaiuls ot natives and t!rn en f fee. tea I cocoa. lit! lias ware houses in Asia and a pa. kimc house In CldcaHO tliat kills a.aoii hoBs daily, lie U known us the .Millionairo Tea Mcrgliaul nd i'aLiilKinau. lo anybody else." Ahotit 7 o'clock that evening Aimer brought Mary to town in his buggy.: As they drove up the main strot to the hotel llicy noticed that the long front veranda over the sidewalk was illuminated by many varicolored Jap anese lanterns. At the head of the stairs on the par lor floor they cu t Howard and Frank Iteyinond. They ere !..uh in even ini: dress. l'r-'i:U had a meat tray of: damp buttonhole bouipiets. which he was pinniii!.' on the lapels of the men's coats as they arrived. Ahner submit-: ted gracefully to his d ration, while Howard piloted Mary to the ladies', dressing room. He was waiting for her in the corridor when she came out. "I have never seen you look so well." lie declared, admiringly, as he looked at her simple white dress and flowers. The drive bus glveu you a splendid color." Mary dropped her eyes. It was hard v.r i,np to eoneeal the rdpasure his im Quinina That Does Not Affect The He. I Me looked down Into the Is-uutifnl eves, which were so full of reproach. Tin tfilileloss as tllilt of a child. Once again Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ..I,,, I, u'.tut- ringing in heaa. Kememlier tne run name anu lit' ,oo ih-i 1 ll ii 11,-1 ii c "ii iiiiu. ... . ., ed to olasn her ill his arms, lie want ed to kiss her. lie might have do- Ixt No. 2. Beginning at an iron it r , , VT OI" lO to: and sleep is possmie. uooa ioi u-; jn Kad survev; thence S 82 W ntis, too. nice Joe. at you, a uR.,, chs tf) an iron pin by a b,ack. K'st- AUV- 1 gum and dogwood; thence S 4 1-2 W 4..",5 chs. to a stone; thence S S2 W npluttuid faee seemed as ,,ure nn.l ; "fv'R iNESbVitertn.nortinarV ! took for the aicnature of . W. GROVE. 2Sc- .vo, lov clared bis 1 laie ied v'.'tis sinuate Hare in arm again, loot anew. A or what he Mindly . She read the pas his eyes, pressed his ii d.iwn and sighed 9.U chs. to a stone; thence S 4 1-2 VV 2 1-4 chs. to an iron pin by a post;' thence N S2 E 21 1-2 chs. to an iron; pin in the road; thence N 4 E 7 chs.l to the beginning, containing ten acres. I , , i 0t j0- y Beginning at an iron : NOTICE OF SALE OF VIA ABLE 1 pjn in the puL,ljc roaclj t.ovner of thei LAM). J above described lot, and runs S S2 W I Under and by virtue of an order of ., j.;, U) rt, jlon ri1 bv a postoak;, the Superior Court of Stanly county,: tn,.nce 4 1.0 ' .4 en c, to an iron made in the special proceedings in th(, 4,, ij,,o; trunice N S2 E 2.-!' I titled "J. E. Frick, admr. of Mary, 1.0 cils- t an pia ;n the public ; Jane Frick vs. A. G. Frick, et al," be- ra,. tht,nct, W;th said road N 22 V, ! ing No. 7571 on the special proceed-1 4 c),s to the beginning, containing : in's docket ot said couri, ann tne bid having been left open for twenty he had made no resnmse she said softly. "lo you really think you are t rent ing me fairly?" "Yes. or I would act otherwise." he said lrankiy. l lien, as ne sm.itu 111. days for a ten per cent increase in ; pm jn the public road on corner of felt himself somewhat immune from , the i, ami the said increase having j o. 3; thence S 82 Y 2: 1-2 chs to ihe impulse which had just imssesscd been made, the undersigned commis-'an ;..0'n Djn ;n the old line; thence S him Your Best Friend isYour Bank Book SIR THOMAS LIPTON SAYS: "SAVING IS THE FIRST PRINCIPLE OF SUCCESS. A YOUNG MAN MAY HAVE MANY FRIENDS. BUT HE WILL FINM) NONE SO STEADFAST, SO CONSTANT. Sf) READY TO RESPOND TO HIS WANTS. SO CAPABLE OF RUSHING HIM AHEAD, AS THE LITTLE LEATHER COVERED BOOK WITH THE NAME OF A BANK ON ITS COVER." THE NAME ON YOUR BOOK SHOULD BE THE The Cabarrus Sayings Bank, ALBEMARLE, N. C. i ten acres. 1 Lot No. 4. Beginning at an iron "t'ora. we might as well un derstand each other. You are a flirt, and I do not approve of it. You are a llirt and you know it." "1 am not." she said, not wholly dis pleased. "There is a difference le tween the girl who likes to be admired liecause she Is rather pretty and attrae- sioner will resell tne lanus nerein ae- 4 1 .9 y, chs. to an iron pin ; scrihed to the highest bidder tor cash, , thence N S2 E 27 chs. to an iron pin' upon tne premises nercm uescnoru, ,n the public road; tnence wun sam SATURDAY. APRIL 2fl, 1916. I road x 22 W 7.85 chs. to the begin at 12 o'clock M I ning, containing twenty acres, and this sale will be final. , This April 1, 1916. Beginning at a stone in a field and MURCH1SON NATL BANK, of runs S 54 V 21 1-2 poles to a stone in Wilmington, N. C. Assignee. , , ., c 11 . 1 r- 1 1 0 1 .. , . ' . , . . 1 1 1. t a neld: inence o 00 r. 1 1-- uon-s .,, 1 v James A. LOCKnati anu rraim l. nis -ivn her She elected tochange! Iiv? ltween the one who oven to be a stone near a meadow; thence S 51. 'Dunlap, Attorneys. likeil by,olhers and the girl who incapable "f genuine affection. "What is the goxl of my criticising even to gain a point in an argu- I know that you are playing a you. the subject. "Up to 0 o'clock this afternoon," she said. "I irn In hopes that your tmrfh er and father would come, but they .1... . t. I1.1l l-lt t III V il rather r.nt sit IIP I melit so late and they heard that the hotel) preat game." he returned, with a geu was crowded too much for them to get tie smile, "and it has Income second tt com Oh. Howanl. I wish you knew ! nature to you. Men are tenpins to yon. ' . ' .i..., ia ,.,-mp toiip! The bigger the bunch the more fun now iiiipi-y .1 ........ . ---- -- - .. C.IT, I ,1711 III, , Ull.n mil. .... ..a ' - ' heard 1 marry siks-pss and reniJilning here. W 48 poles to a stake by two pines;! thence N 82 w 24 l-z poies 10 a posi-. : oak in the old line; thence with said! old line S 4 V 82 poles to a stake by; SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES IN j a hickory; thence S 36 E S3 poles to j TOWN OF NORWOOD-1914-1915. j a stone; thence N H4 E 64 poles to a j E cionti, house and lot 5.18 stone and two pines and a persimmon ;T rUnn hnns, anA ot 13:4:1 1 tree; thence S 75 E 26 poles to a,T w Hunter, house and lot 21.72' !T. C. Inirram. house and lot--.ol.2r stone; thence M 1!) r. o poies 10 a stone in a field; thence S 71 E 14 nnles to a stone: thence N 19 E 11 nUB-MY-TISf.7 I Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Spraias, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sore&r Tetter, RinWorm. Ec zema, etc. Aatiscptie AjMJye, .used internally or externally. 25c . m a. 1 o4nna hlf mfinlA t hPTYPP niD :iv tliat inev wqiiki ni. post's tu awiw- j - p a girl who was not desired by l S 80 E 15 poles to . stone by a pine; many others; but I am not like that WW 64 1-2 for . erlaui well reasons . pinpinp, containing in "What are they, you stupid boyr 60 l lQ acres PLACE OF SALE She took his arm again, and they L-po- THE PREMISES ABOVE strolled out on the veranda and to the DESCRIBED IN RIDENHOUR far end where they were quite alone. TOWNSHIP, NEAR RICHFIELD. To be frank, and yoa make tne , This the 28th g Hill and Coble, one lot .... .40 Will Milton. 1 lot .- 1-28 C. YV. Kendall, house and lot 5.00 1 James W. Smith, house and lot.10.S0t J. P.' Turner, 1 lot w 1.28. D. N. Tyson, house and lot li.Zi Mrs. W. L. Kendall Est., 1 lot.. 2.22 W. B. Kirker, 1 lot .18 COLORED. Andrew Crocket, house and lot 1.15 W. G. SNUGGS, Tax Collector, Town of Norwood, N .C. Say, Good Farmer! Don't fail to use Lime on all Clover Sod and Rye, that you turn under for corn and cotton, if you want best re sults. Apply lime and cut the sod with disc. Then turn all under together. The lime will prevent souring and hasten de cay of all green substance, and make the potash available. Use America Sub soil Plow and make big crops and pre vent washing. For particulars write " D. R. PARKER, New London, N. C. or see me at eotton platform at Albe marle on Saturdays. s oocoooooooooooccooocoooO J t.