sc. J. D. BIVINS, Managing Editor Established 1880 $1.C0 per year, in advance TOLUfcE XXIV. ALBEMARLE, N. G, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1915 NL'MBER 40 Wiscassett-Efifd Picnic Was A Great Occasion Drinks Poison and Dies in Agony. Thousands Present to Enjoy the Day , And Partake of the Goods Things Southern Missionary News Bureau. Fine Addresses. j A boy caught am, kilIe(, by a devi, doctor, his flesh cooked, passed The Enterprise man stood with around and eaten, the murderer ar many people Saturday evening and rested on suspicion and compelled watched the balloon man as he slow-1 to drink poison as a test of guilt, ly descended in his parachute after I confessing the crime and dying in a successful flight. This was the last j agony such is the tragic story told feature of a perfect day in which the; by Rev. Walter B. Williams, a mi employees of the Wiscasset and Efird sionary to the Kroo people in Libe mills had mingled with each other ria, West Africa. The lad suddenly and with their friends and the spirit 1 disappeared while walking alone, of good will had fused all of just outside the village, and could those present into one happy throng. ! not be found, though diligent search We could not help saying to ourselves, ' was made. At rice-cutting time, ev "What a fine thing this that the mills ; ery two years, for ten years past, it have done for their employees!" j had been the custom, of the people There were many who helped to of Nanah Kroo to dedicate their make this occasion a notable one in farms with a human sacrifice. Now Albemarle s history and without giv- ing their names, we express for the entire community its appreciation of this good deed on the part of the man agement of the mills. The picnickers were called to order at the grand-stand by R. L. Smith, Esq., who, after a few appropriate re marks, presented to the audience R. L. Brown, Esq. Mr. Brown in a fit- ting way introduced the principal drink the poison cup of sasswood. speaker of the day, Hon. A. L. Brooks, If the accused vomits the sasswood, of Greensboro. Mr. Brooks had rea-'he is held innocent; otherwise he is son to feel somewhat at home in Al-j adjudged guilty and either dies from bemarle because of former visits. H-3 the poison or is driven into exile, had witnessed the ear-marks of! Under the present test one died growth and progress, and catching the .and died quickly an old devil doc spirit of the occasion made a tolling tor trained in witchcraft from his speech concerning education, commun-; boyhood and with a heart as Mac ity spirit and social uplift. Many spoke of the speech as being timely and helpful. Probably 6,000 people or more ar ranged themselves along the long ta- bles placed in rectangular shape, and j man went into convulsions and fell partook of the old-style barbecue, the j over dead. It developed later that ho lemonade, ice cream, etc. The em-'had cooked part of the boy's flesh in plovers, employees, and represents i palm oil and eaten it with rice, as fish tives of every profession and business 0r chicken is eaten, and had even in this community were to be seen at passed portions of it around among the tables. The many young ladies his friends! Such, says the mission who served did their parts nobly and ary j telling the story, "is the witch the success of the feast was due in no craft and savagery practiced within small way to their efficient labors. ten minutes' walk of the mission." After the barbecue there werej races and various amusements to' HAPPY HOURS WITH please the onlookers. The heat of the day in no way diminished the ardor of those who participated in the contests which added greatly to th.jiwhen four automobiles arrived. They enjoyment of the occasion. In the ball game between Spencer j and Aibemarle the Albemarle boys! suffered defeat, but this was to be ex pected as our boys have not been in training this year. - It is to be hoped that the mills wiil make the picnic an annual feature, but whether this should be the case or not, we feel sure that they will con- tinue in every way possible to makejD. W. McLemore, Sam Dennie, and life helpful and enjoyable for their j W. C. Ritchie. employees. They brought well-filled dinner bar- ; kets and dinner was served in the ABOUT THE SUNDAY j grove near-by. This was a very en- SCHOOL CONVENTION joyable occasion and all were sorry I when the time for departure arrived. ! They returned by way of Albemarie The County Sunday School Conven-1 an(j Badin as they were anxious to tion to be held at the First Lutheran j 8ee the great works going on at the church, Albemarle, August 30th and Narrows. 31st, will hold its opening session at Plans are on foot for a Mabry re 8 P. M., on the 30th, and the evening jon to be held here in the near fu program will be ;is follows: ture. Devotional exercises, by the pas- tor, Rev. V. C. Ridenhour, who will Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Parker left extend a welcome to the visiting del-! Monday for Charlotte where Mrs. egates. C. C. Burris, of Locust, wi'l parker will undergo treatment for respond. rheumatism at the Charlotte Sanato- Short addresses will be made by Rev. R. M. Taylor, of Norwood, an,! A. C. Huneycutt, of Albemarle. i The work on the 31st will consist of a few short addresses by such men as A. P. Harris, R. L. Smith, T. A. Hathcock, and others, but the greater, portion of the time will be devoted to floor discussions of our problems by the leading Sunday school workers of the county. Many of these have promised to be present and take an active part. One of the features will be the presentation of the lesson of , the following Sunday by a lady teach-' .er. All are invited to come. J. F. SHINN, Pres. COMPLETE VACCINATION. Those who have begun taking aiw-, typhoid vaccination would be doin.,1 themselves and the community an in- justice if they failed to take full ' treatment. Dr Maneum will be in treatment. Dr. Mangum w De ,n Albemarle just one more Saturday, August 26. KILLED AND EATEN j ' BY DEVIL DOCTOR HJtXXzz it was rice-cutting time again, and a child was lost! Days past and the horrible sus picion became almost a certainty. One palaver court after another wa3 held and witch doctors from far and near were consulted. Finally suspi cion centered upon three men and a woman. They were arrested and as a test of guilt were compelled to as pitch. After drinking the sass wood he shouted, "I killed the boy. I killed him. I caught him on th3 road, hid him on my farm and then killed him!" Immediately the old LEE MABRY AT PORTER There was a most pleasant surprise given Lee Mabry Sunday morning were crowded with relatives and friends from Concord and Gastonia. There were twentv-four, as follows: Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Mabry and four children; Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fox and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Mab'y and two children; Mrs. Phronia Mil ler and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Jason Fisher and two children; Mrs. Mary Dry, Miss Joan Mabry, and Messrs. rium. Mr. Parker will visit in South Carolina for several days before returns. He has suffered consider- ably recently from an accident sus tained a few weeks ago, when a horse he was driving became frightened.! The friends of both Mr. and Mrs.i parker will trust that they will re- j turn to Albemarle much improved health. ; Men's straw hats at half price at; our sale. Bostian Shoe Company. I see those 98c ladies oxfords at; Bostian Shoe Company's sale. Just because your blood is impov J erished, don't attribute it to the high j cost of living. Wbewver YoNeQeneral Tonic Standard Grove.. Tasteless chill Tonic U equally valuable at a General Tonic because It contain the well known tonic propertieaof QUININE tnd 1RON. It acta on the Liver, Drives Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. SO cents. SATURDAY THE IN AfJTI TVPUnm C A MP A fCM Jil .nil M M M MM Saturday will be the last day of the campaign against typhoid fever. Be cause of the recent heavy rains con ditions during the autumn months will be especially favorable for the j occurrence and spread of this disease, j I most earnestly urge all those who have not already done so to report i u u , . c ,. i , . .. e . - treatment. Those who have begun the treat ment must allow nothing to interfere with its completion. Any who neg- LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Don't forget the date, August 29, at the Alameda. C. B. Poplin has accepted a po sition with the W. F. Snuggs Co. Don't forget Tuesday, the 29th. St. Elmo at the Alameda. Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Watkins mo tored to Pee Dee Monday for a fe-v days' visit among relatives. A big treat for the "Movie Fans" next Tuesday night St. Elmo, at the Alameda. Don't forget Bostian Shoe Com pany's annual clearance sale. Begins Thursday, August 24, and ends Sat urday, September 2. Mrs. Ella Fraley and Mrs. Sal'ie Miller, both of Salisbury, are guests, of Mrs. Fraley's sister, Mrs. H. V. Starr. We are still paying $1.40, canh, per bushel for good, dry, clean, mill ing wheat, and $1.00 a bushel fir corn. Albemarle Milling Company. Mrs. C. J. Mauney has been con fined to her home -for several dajs with a severe throat trouble. Her many friends will wish for her a com plete recovery. Misses Onnie and Annie Boone Hansen win return tins weeK iroin Bennettsville, S. C, where they have been spending some time with their! sister. Mrs. J. P. Garrett. ' Our mill is getting to be one of i the busiest nlarp in town It' ., I grand sight to see the great str.ngs. S. W. Bnghtwell, of Richmond, of wagons drive up almost every day! Va., ia spending a few days wi.h his loaded with the golden grain. It does' brother, Wilcox Brightwell, n; nager not look like a bread famine for j of the Albemarle Sample Store. Stanly county. Albemarle Milling; Clearance Sale at Wolf's D-pavt-Company. j ment Store will continue just a few P. G. Martin, recently of Mount: days longer. Read their interesting Airy, has opened a wholesale produce' bargain list on page 3 of this issu stand in the city. He is occupying temporary quarters in basement he low the Austin Harness Shop. Mr. Martin has been in the produce busi ness for some time and regards Al bemarle a good field for his business. He will handle the famous Stokes county mountain apples and cabbage and other lines of good produce. Housewives, if you want a treat, ask your grocer to send ycu around a quarter or a half sack of our best patent, "Premier Brand" self-rais'ng flour. It's a regular "oven-burster." If you get started on ou self-raising flour you will never go back to the old way. We make it up fresh every day and that is why it gives such won derful satisfaction. Albeiarle Mill ing Company. --Prof. Z. B. Trexler, principal of New London High School, and Mr. Lefler, of New London, were in tow i Tuesday. Prof. Trexler is a native of Rowan and has been until recently; superintendent" of the Cornelius school. He comes to New London well recommended and the High School is expected to go forward un der his management. ' Prof, and Mrs. B. L. Stanley ami Prof. F. L. Harkey, of Mt. Pleasant, were here Saturday in the interest of the Collegiate Institute, Mt. Pleas ant. We learn from the beautiful catalogue left with . us that the In stitute will open September 14. Tho Institute has a splendid faculty, com posed of well equipped, college-traia-ed men, and is prepared to do even better work during the coming year than ever before. For years the In-, stitute has been sending to the co!- leges of the State young men fitted in mind and heart for the arduous, tasks that devolve upon the college ' student. It has lived up to its motto,, "Merit, the Measure of Success." terprise is glad its men took the treat The many friends of Mrs. F. .;ment and that the inconvenien.-e Starnes will be glad to know that her j caused them has been slight in corn condition is now much better and that ! pari son with the peace of mind that her return from Charlotte is expected must be theirs in the knowledge that soon- ' they are now immune from typhoid. LAST DAY MMXJMMJ WliHJ IML J1 I lected to take the third treatment due last Saturday should without fail se cure it next Saturday, the 26th. It is a solemn duty which you owe to yourself, your community, and to those who in any way are dependent upon you. Come on and complete your vaccin - ation. Anything that is worth doing at all is worth doing right, CHAS. S. MANGUM, Physician in Charge. M. F. Little has been visiting relatives in Cabarrus county. Z. V. Howell left for Winston Salem Tuesday. , ,. , , , ... ine wiscassen-cnra scnooi wiiif. r r ; ticuiar do these 2;00 babies enjoy J. Clyde Bostian spent Sunday in j COT,,;;.iona different from plague vic- Charlotte. jtima. That particular is their food. "St. Elmo," in six reels, at the There are the babies fed on the pa - Alameda, Tuesday, the 29th. Itcirhed milk supplied from the Na- Mrs. L. V. Dunlap has returne l' thun Straus infant milk depots. from a visit to home-people at China' Surely this points strongly to raw Grove. j Miss Marguerite Moss, of Creed-' more, is the guest of Mrs. D. ('.. , Kluttz. : T. H. Webb is visiting in tha home of his daughter, Mrs. D. E. , Tucker. 1 Mrs. Charles Rowe and chi! Ire.i, of Newton, are guests of Mrs. Iiowe's mother, Mrs. I. B. Miller. ! The beautiful brick residence in!. process of construction for Dr. J. Laton is nearing completion. ; Harvey Cotten, of Pennsgrove, N.! J., spent the week-end with his pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Cotter.. ! i. l lu Ctrl liail . ... . . , , . so, see ii at me manieoa next i ues- y' Miss Marie Covington, of Hock - inKham, is a guest of Miss IliMred B0Sllan- j Buy your cement, sand, a ul any! concrete material from Hatloy Con- ete Works, for they sell chea ier. It Tom Russell l't Saturday for Winston-Salem. He will visit his sis ters in Mt. Airy and Burlington be fore returning. There will be a business meeting of the W. C. T. U. this afternoon vi the home of Mrs. W. W. Tallurt, at 3:30 o clock. Sec. Work on the new First Baptist ....... w ..6 . .iH'". forward. The laying of the corner- -J- vllson- v,ce P"waent ot tne inter-, - - ooum .. stone will take place next Mondayf national Association of Machinists, bemarle, which is just without the morning at 10 o'clock. There shoU1.l'and a member of the state Senate in ''ty 1'm.ts, between the ages of 3 be a large number of representative 1 Wyoming, have been invited and are a' 21, are 104, a gain of 21 over last from the various churches of town expected as speakers for the day. r These, too, have the privilege nmeont I All the children of school age, in Wiscassett-Efird school district will be expected to attend at same build ing as last year until Efird building is finished. Provision will be made to accommodate all who come, the facul ties of both schools teaching at the former Wiscassett-Efird school build- ing - School opens September 18. The Superintendent, Prof. O. D. Ritchie, will make further announcements soon. ' n 1.... e..4...1 :n : un ia.-t oaiuiua v uui nun look ; :i c , , , , . , , ; bus,le,s of Stanly county wheat ; mis i-riiairuy speaKS ill ior our . , ., . , o, . , , . , ., In the screen version of this mod- Stanly county farmers. We do-u-t if' , .v . ., ,, . ., ... : ern classic, the producers have con there was another mill m the State, , . ... , that took in, this mUoh '"cut wheat in one day. Farmers get busy and sow another big crop of wheal. There is! muic iiiuiii. in ii. mun liu-i :s in i . i i i , , cuiiuu uihi juui mini is oein.r luiit up, all the time.-Albemarle Mil ( i T. L. Cooper, the efficient fore-inery man of The Enterprise office, has! been out for a part of the week with! The members of the cast wore se- a bad arm, due to anti-typhoid vac-lifted without regard for ex!on.;e, in-; cination. Our hustling linotype op-tfvidual ability being the on! ronsVi-! erator, Grover Thompson, lost a daeration. and the result is a 'wi fcrm-l last week from like trouble. The En- IN PANTILE PARALYSIS AND INFECTED MILii P'-ngre, toward the solution of ; t! thc problem of the infantile paralyses plague is apparent. The disease has (coined over 5,500 victims in this ! City and is swiping on, while expert c'i'-.g to theories that are flatly con tradicted by facts. They are quite de termined that the disease is high'; contagious, though it seldom takr:s n c'c than one child in a house or a nri,-hborhood. They stout the idea of i trm liHce or sewatre nmaino- th 1 plague, though in a large proportion of the cases the children have bee-i exposed to flies bred in such filth. Rut while thp pxnpi-ts muddle alor-r. getting nowhere, a philanthro- pic layman has made a significant demonstration. There are 2500 babies or so to pass in Manhattan, living in various sec- Children who are entering school tiers of the Citv. under all sorts of for the first time are iustwl to conditions. But not one of these 2,- ,pw babies has fallen victim to in has i fantile paralysis. In only one par- nilk, or improperly pasteurized milk, a; a vehicle for the carrying of tie atl0-s can make anangemf n'.s on the lSue infection. Surely this indi-, oP'-ff day to take the neco: sary ex rates conclusively that Mr. Straus's ''-t'ons to remove any deficiency, wonderful philanthropy not only hoo will open at 8: 15 o'clock and saves babies from typhoid and scarlet' url out not ,atpr than 3:30 o'clock. Vver and other recognized mi!k-lThe Vrimavy grades will get out pos borne diseases, but from infantile hlbl' a ,itt,e earlier than .S:.'l. Please ! .;iraiySjs as well. Wm. Wirt Mills, jew York. BIG LABOR DAY. Swr.cer Preparing For Great Cele- b:ation to Bt' Ht l:! on September 1. Spencer, N. C, Aug. 21. Spen cer, the youngest railroad town in i ri .t the South, is already far-famed on r , , . , 1 held on Labor Day. This year ih.J 1 celebl tion f n on September 4th ; and greilt preparations are being! made to outstrip all former events. One of the features which has on all former occasions impressed th l thousands in attendance, is to be mammoth street narade starting in Salisbury, three miles distant, and ; the afternoons), September 1 and 2, reaching all the way to Spencer so that I may classify and give en where the main events take place. J trance card for the proper frade to The principal attractions for thewhil"h the pupil may go on opening day will include a big barbecue when, morning. Have the children bring 3,000 pounds of pork will be con-' thf bo,)ks which they last studied as, a balloon ascension with don- hi v;i" facilitate much in the grad ble parachute leap, base ball, racing, '"P- sports, vaudeville, guinea races, rab-' 1 have just completed taking the bit races, reel races, and scores of amusements for old and young, last-1 ing all day. Fireworks wil be a big1 feature at night. Extensive advertising is being done inviting 50,000 people to be present' on that day. I Hon. Cole L. Bease, former gov- ernor of South Carolina, and Thos. . 11118 atone snouia insure a record attendance. "SAINT ELMO." At the Alameda Airdome Tuesday Night, Aug. 29 A Picture Drama That Has Made a Tremendous Hi' Throughout the Nation. A soul laid bare. A masterly analysis of the pas sions and emotions or humanity, That is what Augusta Evans h i given to the world in "St. Elmo," the , . . mosi popular piav anil novel ever written jn Amc,.jca , e su uciea a mm piay in v men an oi imatic intensity and rea'iic fully retained. . , . . The outdoor settings wore ma le m ... ... , Southern California and the natural uvhulv oi tut; uiniiifiiui impic Me adds greatly to the efecl of the picture, ance of unsurpassed artistry. i See this wonderful film piav. ! .... c ... ' " I Admission: 5 and 10 cents. In case of rain, this picture wid bej shown Wednesday night, August 30. ' ir mrni tuvi tdc j ALAMEDA THEATRK, A. B. Thompson, A jt. j Announcements GrEfed Scfnol Fail Opening The Albemarle Giark-d hool will "f"'1 for work MonfIa- mo -ring, Sep- 'r "i i.ii'. ii is me earnest se sir of the Superintendent and the ten i.ers that all school children be there on the first day an1 remain throughout the entire scho I year. No pu,;iI ,can mak a P"rfpct ,"?f,r1 auennance unless ne or she be en- ro"H the P''ninw '"' Those who are filtering school for the first time and those who are of the compulsory school age, 8 to 12 years, are especial- Iy rp'lueste to be there. Enter now; don't wait for a few weeks or a month u. iwency-nve cents to pen cil, tablet, crayola, etc. is done thai the teacher may do the buying in o d-'r that the wrong material wi'l no be bought. This does r.ot mean that the teacher will buy ti e neces sary hooks for the child. Trose pupils who were i onditionei on tome of their studies, those who failed to be promoted, a:id those who did not take all of the sprirg examin- note tfie opening hour, 8:15 o'clock. It a pupil is not in his room at that time he is tardy. It is indeed gratifying to say that the four rooms and hall on t!ie lower floor of the Auditorium building will be ready for use by openinp; day. This year we shall use two of li e e rooms as rll the rooms of the old building will be full. All high school pupils are requested to report at this build ing o.i opening day. 1 vish to make this earnest mmest 1 to Parents who have moved into this dt-v aP,! have not had their children n tms sl'no(" nllt expect to have them in th:s 'ear' to please have thorn meet - 3jmc come with them if you desire) a ,in nl' mce ! t the school building on . Friday and Saturday mornings (not st"hooI census and judging by it the prospect for a full school is very "right. The census of children of school age, 6 to 21 years, for the citv is S2C a ain of 5 over last year. E'even boys and five girls between the aBes of 12 and 21 cannot read or write; 14 males and 16 females above l p:lIS cannot read nor write. The ....U.w.l ,.f ..J o-..,. m'o omuui aim aie re- quested to be present on opening da V The teachers for the ensuing year are: First Grade Miss Ruth Faison, of Faison, N. C. "B" Second Grade Miss Mamie E. Johnson, Goldsboro, N. C. "A" Second Grade Miss Mary L. Bostian, China Grove, N. C. Third Grade Miss Mary S. Mc Donald, Smithfield, N. C. Fourth Grade Miss Florence Hol- ton, Yadkinville, N. C l;fK r1.....! at: i-i a. r mi am .ui rnna .uvueen, i,llnn, X. C. Sixth Grade Miss Lena Spinks, of Al'.e virle. Seventh Grade J. s. K. Higg-.r -botham, Albemarle. High School Harrell Budd, of S, ler City, N. C, and Thos. A. Holton, nf iil.,.i of Albemarle All the teachers earnestly solicit the hearty co-operation of patrons and friends to make this the banner school year for Albemarle Graded School. T. A. HOLTON, Superintendent of City Schools, OS, A mm. Effective Lixttlvt I uvsr Tonic T ? " Dimb St0Tm- In addition to other properties, Lax-Fos contains Cascara in acceptable form, stimulatingLaxativeandTonic. Lax-Fos effectively and does not gripe nor disturb stomach. At the same time, it aids dige8tiolIiaroo9es the ,iTer Md .ecretions and restores the healthy functions. 50c.