.LI d P "4 S VOL. 1. BKA' i i/k'r. NO , i 11 NO .»■>, Dii:i:cToi{y. r.srrKD i:TATi-s o^ fc : W. F. Ilowlai.d, M. A. liiil, L. A. I'litler. I)ci);i‘'y lectors. T. W. RsiiiHCy, H'.at.rii..:. David Fierce. P>^t Shi. ;er. T. W. LiudKay. A.'.dst;»At. ' 'HTATK O;- FlfT.::,'); K. O. No.,', C’lminii.sO'. ,cr of V/. cf' A. A N. ii. j:. D..';ctor, Vf. H. Cliaduick. I(. A. f:;:anen, Notary Pubiio. cor.vTr. .fobn B. BuabcU, SlicrifF. Tlios. Forlaw, Dcimly Hheriff. Tljoa. Tli.miaK, TrcaKuicr. ('on,, ( rl 'IV ^“"*1 ^ 'I. t). JJaviM, Coroner, V. B. Salter, Hurveyer. ^pmiiiiweioiicin—.Jow'idi I’ij'ott, C’i'.ir- JV. 1j. Ari.iidell, Jiio. L. Ooo.uviu Duiiiii)', of Education—.T, II. M. Oij, kt and W. B. Bell, Hr. ^nuteiidont Pnblic IiisUactiou, L. fowlaiid; ' COC^T7 MAC.ISTUATKP. WniTEOAK.—11. W'. Tluiuplircy, Saudci-s, G. N. iainetl, 1'. Kooucc and Jerry Watson. Ncnvj'oKT.—Pi. M. Weeks, D. ilc. Cain, ii. D. ilaidcsty, E. F. Canaway, J. T. Dennis aild David H. (iuinn. NlOKElIKAD.—W. B. Bell Hr., W. V. WiliLs, T. C. Davis, W. T. Peileticr, A Oaksniitli and il. F. Arendell. Beaueokt.—Wni. Alcxaialcr, 8. L. HiniptMrn, M. B. Bprin^de, David Pierce, It. B. Cox. C. 8. Bell, 1,« D. Noe, J. II. Potter and llalph Ilotrland. 8TI1AITK.—Di\ir,e H. Oullirio, Cull Pig- olt, Y. B, Balfi-r aiidT. 51. GilliK;::. 8MYn^.'..—F’-atil: Hancock, A W.Pi- ner, Bussell Willis and Ulwaj B. Davis. lIiNTiSG (il .Mfi i:!-,.—f. L. Gof'dwiu, M. It. Fulclie-, 8. E. llainiltoii ITI' F, V 1.' iABI.iHllKD , S l.fC* id CY THr. flr.AUFOkT PUBC. F. ii. MAC : .■• ^iilD.- -•TT L O G A Ij "Dinna yc Lear the si >gan?'’ | We congratulate the yicople. The v:c- ■ tory in Mm. Ante N. f ^ li3 iii town viwifin" Ir;r ix;Iativu«. ;i p- p . .>d,;e hal’ding U: ; cute a bold and uefafi.»u . ^ L cnee the voice of Carteret and steal llu; oil . ‘ptounty, Cor Mr. rk>i>m-t. ij I', i- ■ !:•! Ui.it WOio t*3at »«■«> ., . -t. ,. s.l . .d C s ILdph !! •.»: M . 1 The nights ,--ie ti.-' iuidy cool. and. , , , . ... , ,... efic c'ln sleep ti. i-A oi lier Tiea, Mooiitcnt. ' ■ ■ ■• Mr. B. J. Midyettcaud (andly of Hyde |^ H* His '«%5S45*4*» ^ i n - r ill. .couuiy have returned to iiear.fcrt. Mr ;. 5I:iry Ci.adwicksud hertwogra’ d children airived in tov,u oiiT.tesday alg.ii from Wilniing.oii. Mrs. Mary A. Gibbs and fatni’y of Smitbfield are in town am! stopping at the residence of J. B. Jones E.sij. Capt. Frank Lanphear is very ill with typhoid fever, we hof>e tliat we will soon be able to rei>ort him as convalescent. Major B. W, Cobb, the clLcicnt and courti'ous traveling agent for the Golds boro Mes.sengcr called oa u:i on Wednes day. lion. James W'. Hcid wa.s nominated for congre.ss in the fifth di.ilrict at Greens- 1 th.c if ants oi Confuciu an'i ('ar.cn.t c unty jn.!''■ •s. ■ i e; >. -ayn coiac—a".! at his b 'l'l;.g—.ho ; . nisutcr. Phil Moonce. Esc., -.ilo by-mie unknown moans h,ad licca Invt'..l.'il i ;t ■ the trap, .and .^Ic.-'S. Thomas U'/oin.sou and Bussell Willis file into lb - ! .run oi the post oiTjo and pr.Axed to the busi ness in hail'!. The c>unty convoniio.i i.s ijcve that ho ( called t'O meet the Ist M.mday in SepLeui-, to blame, ami n i>e;'—a Skinner d..-logation i^ apjiointed toj conli.hn in v. ’. the Coi!grc8.sinnal convention—.iiid the .the fiic;. -'jai ! h meeting adj mnis. In a few liours itlcak^ la jHjli; r.ai : out that aHkinnor ilelcg.ili.iu h;’.; b'. i u j thm '.r,. ' 1 . ,. I . , *« - ^r-TVbfrat!! > '■ -a V - S ^ li-A lie U* boro. or. the 21:it of .July v. iihonL, op;K)Hi- tiou. Judge C. G. W. French left -for Wash- OMteuu and i ington, 1). this v.ec'r: and \v hi.s trip to Bar Harbor, .Maine, a celobia- ted watering I'lacc. 'flioinas C h ad w i:'t. POiasMhi.Ti!.—Alex Bobin.son. Mi oiCAL so tp;TY. | Bev. J. WF Jones will p. o.aeh in Kins- .las. L. Manney, M. D.. Prc.sld-.t; Ed : ton Snndav at tiie rcjncM of U.at i-c-ople. Meets lii-st ilonday >>• -'f- D. King, Secrctui V. In every xuoiith. Tov.:-. C. 8. Cell, Mayor. 8. D, Delaiuar, Clerk. .John Forlaw, Trea.snror. F. F. Bonge.st, Constable. Coinnils.si.meis—J,. H Forlaw, U. F. Dill, S. I). Delainar, -lerry l-'isher J. i-. iltiiry, B. E. Joneo, B. W. Ciabricl ana Iticlimd W liiteiinist. C.B. Thomas, Jr., Town Attorney. Couimi.ssioncrs of Navigation—C. b. P,ell, Ji B. Junes, Willu.m Habiston, E. D. Arthur and W^. B. Aiondell. CH L'llCUES—WHITE. iilace. appointed—and that no cunvenlion of the ! app peojilc wd! bo held until September. The ontspokc'i iu'lignation of the lev.' oiitsi l- ers, to whoii! the stealing sc’rn.ne was divulged, opened tlv .. .‘s of tlic man who planned and euecuted it to t’uc fact th.at either he had been um.lo mad by ihe gisis—)t ilie cliangc fromconiiiy ioUncle I .'iam's pap liad seriou.sly upset bis digc.s- VaiMiir.. ■' t c.'Uluy e. inv. the i:.L M d mc-uing a • ;dl the p. p. r.s Pierce and aako 1 nr .safe. I'avin.' . "5'’ 1' guS: .ill 1 , .1 'g GlC .Ipcvimr'it; -e-, '■ ■ •. ;■ cailed i" m el .ri . -i ' ./iembf , *. t.ic . f HoMianu ted., to "r. .ei.i in * is i I Ini .w,-p. r .di, v.h.. : :ie.. i.'iii '.v an 1 \* 1. Il.ir :a- ? -I woiii.’ not .1- n. .g il t t! .ii v way. !• Mr, James IT. .’^Tason rctnriicd linnic !Innciioiiii. 1 no vision of the free-| .Mei.. . ( The ac'iooner Adventure, .sai'ed on c * T?,.i, 71' At tt'orlif's "Rpr'tor Wciiiiesday for Nc.. loot uitii acargoof Episcopal-Bcv. E. niolons. The .schooner Black Swan sailed .aervlcesevcl■y ^unday nioin g.-m eve 1- ^ pjedford JIas.s., lug ^'-^/iNV 'bc’ioo atO a.m., bapeiin- tendent Dr,J. L. MetJiodist—Kcv. J. ^V. Jones, Piistor. A bcrvatiful niinbow spnnnedthcea-sfc- ^I’viccs cvcr3'’^fmfr-y'rjoriiif’^ rvyi hori!?i'n on Tfjr!‘;''(ay oncrp'>C'T. Uic iixil e^eday School at 9 m., B. J. \20a1 lUot. Oui' prlmnrfos met on tha^ lieU Supcnntfcudeut. day and declared that the i>copio must ■ Bapdist—^Rev, W. T, Jones, Vardor. J yuie. vVas It au uiiic ' Services every other Siinday. ft^iuday Bchool at 9 a. in., John D. Datis, bupci- fiom r. vii.dt to bis lirother in j'hdailcl- p.bia In it week. Wo tniai, that his visit will iii ove beneiicial to him. The stc.iuier IVavo return, d from New Berne last week. Cartn u 'Webb lias had her tiiorougbly ove: 1 .nded, and she will engage in llie oatebb g if meidiaileii. AVben yor.r paper i.; ma.kcd v/!;.b r .J hik, it i:'; a notice-to you that ,,..ar snli- sciiptie-n is ribont to e-vpire. If yon d.i not renew at once, your piaper will bestom H'.en of tb'j cminiy lic.'-.p'iig malediction.;; j.lciic.; d..iL upon his bcailfor an n-.lompt to .seciueby | unitions usl unfair means the nomination of the man | wlfck of tia' .a to whom he ewes liis p>o.-;ition a;; colloetor ; which ho be.- if i,;;.-' port ol' Beaufort inr.kcs him ipiail. ' ...uno very He licri-'edly cad . the coriiniitteo t.>-' i.i:;d came (0-. 1j-;v. j went into ' ■ f . 'i.e.a .asev- •s in: .-.11 of wi-'.iig in-! ; g . I'd ! .Mr. Chad-him '• I •.niiii,l..'e. up>n . e V'. ry ‘ iiiignant and uiiir: ...'•ng langua:,e, Mr H..,v- t.:.nd.'t - , ahoat tl.irt time arjtt » II- r. ;et!i JlCl! at nipbt—cii.angt-i tiic time IMr, and u-. IIov,’,..u' saif holding the ccuoty coiiveullcn from tlw Hovd.aid-.-liat'•i the >f • .nil. •J,., intendent. CUI’P.fHES —COI-OHED. Mctl'.odist—J. B Hmall. Pastor. Her- viccs 01 cry Sunday inorunig and evening. Bniiday 8ehoo! 1 p>. m., J. A. Norwood, bnperinie.Kient. Baptist—L. P. 3Iiutin, Pastor. Ser vices ouco a month. Sunday School 'J a. l.;t I.Ionday in .Scpi-cm'uer to the j.->t 1 iic. - day ill Augu.ii—recoiiKlue:-s the ac-i.-'ii in regar.l to the Skiunei* d'eiegatioti—.ip- poims one man to cast the vote of vl;e county at the Judicial convention on the 30th iust.—and just before the n.idiiignt hour the coii.=i>ii-ator adjouius the meet ing a second time. Tlie i.iemoc'.y^s of Carteret ipre aroused ttic soatos 01-0 falliMg rrom. Uiclr eyes,If ^l^sr!''fcot,vcii'. , . and this species of dcmagog.icry mustjii_ CJradi-lel; 1 • - >.,y '■'..)ok here Bill h.:!! do -.on mean'." t .at w‘c bail boitei ; a-'-d. be go-v .me.i ..•a.f.rgria;.-.ti'' ■Irfflo i-.giice but finally 1 :1 ; v.f .U: com.nlt O'. Tuo n :; — Too h.i 1. sn’vi.vd can r 1 rif.s -'Til ;-.:vl,l. on. I"!- UVh K-.i—Gh 1 the to till- d. 1 in af.ai h t'l do r.'.iyihnig a:..I f- .nn car iVr-'.'ls or ■ a; - ■ the Irickb .0 t . d ■:. C ■ a.iy',. U' . c'l i-lga tl-r 1. iw ibo , .e: l- U 1.: ii-T- im-’.n' D. 1- ihj r 111 {.,• -. li 0 >ii. lio'.. V c.t 1 ! ; no' We gor togolhf. again .after night in -Mr. I’ierce's .saloon a ai;e joiisiihei ed the .icliou ■-mg la ieg.-..dtot’ec! 11(1 r.r.pon-ivd 3fr. .1.1' ;t the vote of Carteret of llio ini^r.. 'aciit Jo ’.! ane.. bj uia ■ li-r pi-omis.U aa ; md good .sirva-o. 'flm P.irs-in f-aiigUl v.ell forawliik', but dv .i ad bclmo tUcb.i'Ue Ov.v Brv.-cr.,!-' boy. . ..I'l ;-4 i.i VO ^ i -d . : n Iiiilu.itio'l m., Isaac J. Yrnn 1. 1-iiDorintcndeiit. Congregationai—'i. P. Jerkins, Factor. Sunday Scliool at It p. m., Louis SoC- phciis, Superintemfenf 8t. Clements ilissions Episcopiai—ocr- viccs every Sunday at 11 a. ni. and - p. ai. Sunday School at 3 p. m., riaiak Gibble, Supicrhitcncieut. lodges—WHITE. Fi-anklin, No. 109, F. & A. M.; meets at their h.all Ih-rt Jlonday nikht of each month. F. B. JIace, \V.il., J. L. Gibble, Secretary. Concordia, No. 11, I. O. G. 1 ., meets every Friday night at their hall. 5i. A. Hill, IS. G., li.'D, Noiconi, Secretary. Beaufort L-.dge No 1. C. of P.. meets every 5l()nday night, Ji>hn B. VI alker. President; W. F. Hatsel, Sccretai y. Church Guild—-V. C. Davis, Bic^- dnit: C. M. Higgins, Bccrctavy ; E. F. Bice,’ Treasurer; I.liss Nannie F. Davnt, JIusical Dn-cotress. Meets every Wednes day night. lodges—c;oLor.EE Atlantic Society E. B. Meets every Tuesday evening. Cresr.v Parker, W. M.; S. A. Blount, Secretary. EDUC.VTIOILVL SOCIETY. John E. Henry, President; P. II. Dav is, Secretary. Moot.s at '.Vashbum Sem- Huary Monday evening at oclock. . opens at 7 ;30 a. m. and closes at Money order and registered IcG pixirtment opni daily from We regret to learn that the markets of New Ah>rk and BosLoo ai-e o.ei.stocked with riiclon::. We trust that i" is only temjxnary. (inr shipi-Airs should send teiograni.. befuic sliipping to any point. The A. & N. C. R. R. Company are ti-austiorting large quantities of melons and other truck in their ventilated cars. Next .season the shipments by rail from Moicliead City, will be largely increased. We are coiiiptlled to omit the publica tion of the hotel arrivals tl.i.s -v.’-cek. There has been such an ir.iiux of visitors that ic would occupy too inne'n space t-i piit- li.sh them to the exclusion of otlmr matter. down at their bidding—they arc deter mined to have no more of it. Honesty and truth must and will come (.»th.. top, and the sooner the iieop’.c uiiito to 'uring about such a state of aiTairs the better will it ho for all parties. Tlic Doinoc.-ets of Carteret aic ncithor so ignorant of il.eir ncorli or so carolei a of their freedom .i.s to let go nupmiished thi.s dastardly at,, .'ipt to rob tlicra of tlic rights for whloli their fathers fought. The masses of ill. Carteret county ilcm- ocracy are freciuei; and owe allogicnce to none—but God and their country. Dem ocracy means the niie of the pc-'ple, and the people, if left to themselves, v ill al- i.aya mauago their }.ollucrd af'.iirs pru- duiiLiy aud select good and true mon t-.i serve t!;cm. The ‘dtate E.xcci-.ti. o Coin- mivteo have adopted a plan of organlzo.- igiii. ae.::v-. tion for the guidance aud govern..lent of j R;--.c.';’.n ci 9; m. 0WS3I H. GtJIOJi, E. IE PELLETpEK. .}UION & PELLETTEIi, attojbnbys at l amt. Office opposite tiro Gaston Honso, KEWBERN. N. C. Practice where services are desired. Practice in the Superior Courts of Car teret county, in the Federal Court at Nfy Berne, and in the Supreme Court. Parties in Carteret desiring our ser vices will please write or telegraph us at New Berne. iiie Democratic i':'-i-tjr, and if uuJ.cr t’li.s State plan the choice of the ist Coiig-L'e.ss- ional District in convnnlio.i as.'scia'olod shall chance to he TIios. C. Skinner, then however iimch disappointed t’loy may be, Carteret county Democrat.s, true to the principles that underlie the party, will yield to the legal majority—acquiesce in the result—sink pei-sonalitics out of sight —and zealously supjxi.-t Mr. Skinuor — otherwise ; NEYERMOBE. SELLING OFF AT COST. Tlicmas aud E. C. Duncan, .arc cl-osing o'ut their ontii’c stock of goods at cost, for tht next 30 days. Our stock consists of : Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Crockery, Tin W arc Groceries, Ac., Ac. Como aud sec us at once, and obtain bargains. The steamer Gate City, of the Sava r.- nah lino, is ashore on llio coast of Mas- sac’uusctt.s. The Gate (.'ity, w-a.s loaded in ir'a.-an.iah for Boston with, melons and other so'athern truck, h-or cargo is being s.avcd. Over four hundre.l g’jcsts are now at the Atlantic Ilotcl, Niorehead City. Ivless. Cooke & i'ostor Bio’s., haveai-raii- ged to have a competitive military drill on the 21.st of August, Tlie Danville Ya. Greys will be present and compote for the pri:.e. The achooucr Tlios. B. Shaw, Hitchens master, from Baltimore bound for Savan nah. pat in this port for a harbor on Fri- da-y, the IGth. Who'o the vcs.sel was ten mi’icis north of Lookout shoals, while the crew were in the .act of taking iu the foresail, lightii’ag struck iho topmast, tore away the fly, and stuuiied a sailor and loosened ail his teeth A large excursion from Goldsboro and points this siao, visited 5Iorehaad City and Beaufort on Tucsd.ay tlio^ 20lli. The excursion party consisted of 'octirccu 400 aiid oOO people. They remained with -js until 5 o’clock p. m., on Wednesday, aud left for their homes pleased wiUi their vis it to the sea shore. We are in hopes that Mess. Ilollowell aud Peterson will ran another excarsioa at an e.arly day. We have placed apou our exchange list The Southern AV^oraaii” a semi-monthly Joui-nal dovotad to the interest of the women of the South. It is a 32 column, i 8 page paper, it is ueat in typo^ipby, and the matter is well selected. 1 he sub scription price is $1.00 per year in ad vance. This journal is edited by 5Iiss. 5Iamie L. Ilatchett, aud we advise our readers to subscribe for it, it will be money well expended. Services were held in all our churches on Sunday. At the Baptist clinrch. Rev. W. T. Jones, filled the pulpit morning and evening, it being his regular appo'intmcut. Rev. E. M. Forbes Rector of St. Paul’s 1make a.s phua in pri Episcopal church prcaclieu to lar»e con-1 . . . * gi'egations both at tlio morning aud eve-Icoiivcrsatiou With you, my true posi uing services. Rev. C. W. Byrd of More-; Gon and action iu the meeting of t’.ie con head exchanged pu’pits with Rev. J. M’. .Tones on Sunday. 5Ir. Byrd pre.Tclied two excellent sermons iu tiie JIcthcKast county ir. tlio i cauvoalic',. then call, I pri...„i-y conccutiou - to mcc iu the dirfciout ;a-ccnic'.3 .o liio 20th of July and ciiaugoc the time of hoidhig the county couvciitF'. Aoi'J .ho !,;t .Momla.'.- in Seprem’ber to ilio iii-sl Tuc.;lay in A-a- gust. Mr. PicDi; as ia tIi-3 '‘'.cctiag acted in tlic c. pa 1 ,- of lioo - ; . I’clcar'iy i-ee (':.,t ] w.-.. iiivcig'c.l in.oj the tr.-.p, bill il v-.a; a": ci-i-or of ,nc hc..d and not ol ilici.ea i. A'oui-s Re. pcc! fa’ly. P'aT.::' A. IIoJAOE. Sandera" Stove ;-i:(iic N. .'. to did vhwii 'on-cd aii'l ot c-vui-S'' irvip a.. b. tUe'M’.’' -'a . aii-1 iMth'r.g \Ti:.a’, >Ci- ..el b 1 fail! SliC'l ^'IV ii. It tlii - c Mmchta'I b lys . > br.il'l j;-cr.s; wol ;i tm ii-.-c 1.1, iirm-ylbaughtii was ' .-oG 11 a-.11 II c-y;' to stand the flrc at idior; range mr they did not'jso it. I have tint !'.o;-a- the ctnei- boy.i work--.! b.i’. n-p a the Giiu;; ha.-; ah -oii" Jtq'v'ilican. Tiia.—t'-ay 'vV'ii'ia a il.i i-' ba 1 ue.v but I an. not disc-m.-a,;ed. 1 !f'"'-vo ibcro 1 y,- :;-k i;i j on -'Lt and I bi-lewt y ni m i; I -ii-iil do yo.iv du.y ;em'.nilic;;a ' tVat the ouly Iiia.i in Lhcdi.-.li-h-L tii.u yo; ., ; t. . } , .B f ir •' ' '-tw I ■ ■" ' - , i'.* .* ; U 'aU » ‘ i' **' * f ** I. 'i . * •. *■’• * •* Ua.iuiiii Mi*ly I, ’ 'ptc'l. I Ga I’j" 'Ou vi e ooui'- 11 •»!> m i. N. W. T-iii/uq Cti-40 i!i:‘..i .a. it. . .. ...... ...... - .“ic*!! City I*rlm»ry Mrcl.ac- j ;i. .!'.a.--v a. ' ng of tl.e ib ai'-- lU 'f . t a-1 p:i-ii -I "a-s t'.-‘d at Gx' ' d b .. ' in the taw a if 'h*..’li-. • d. on ... ■ d.iy .b i> adili a; o'c •■’>; p. m . T b.- Ill'- .ir_ Mas Kd‘ii'i (o ■■ 'h-; by ' In* J. Ravai R-'i.. v.Iki raniiiiiileil Dr. K. i-en-le'.l f'«r eliairi.ia:i. wIi i «■> uu.m [ ;n .i'’v clecw-d. Dr. -VreudcH ujs-ii «.» ; s'l: ling cliaii th ink. d the m. i '.i'-gf'i he h >;iir e.infi-: d ujKin liiin .in.l 'lan , V.- e II’' 'll 1 ’e; la - '■ t 'h ai®,.! b* Gt» i,«c.kiw» ikf 1 iSmJ U. 3 J « ij l lltvid. i; 1. ^ B'.-I.t, M A. I OITR TICKET. M.VTII IFDK l.\L DIHTllHT. JlOS O. r. I! ,'i !•- c, F . IJO)KIS , II. ’.'I !■ r» K, U A LI. US, A.-'V I T-IC P.E. or.') cr.iile pa;-c:- ' 7001 ."i tvbo kv.-. voice o" the Cf’. ’ • ,hat; s n.ii, the kind of Demo-! to you^te '.lit f.io la:-hcs of th .;o of- ! aiici. a .. aWirupLcd to slide '-'‘el •Ic a'i l defeat '.liLir'..: a- . d-i-kau.;s rather iiiaa d.arecvi!.” 7he C-; ’■* evcri'i'l'ccinci. a*a(i t . -a ;. . c-i-.;.iy a. ■' in joa.i. V .-C.-l'-y me... t. ic.i.stnr:: a.-e .iiir .k-Oiid-s ac.-o.sa .lie ' ill wl; ' ' I r.r'c': ea " wo -dp Im o.i.cr know ho'.v plaining ! > .soiind ihis li‘.titT?.G,.er has been said ase following freai a b:.,iT.;\.o.i paaer— Read it : lE'.'aAuCl'h Oi-J Er.ono:)i'',:.] ! CO:i. ;«*; excluilccilj. \ ^ OilW iil ll'O ’I'litt iCl lillli . lie..;; of the wisi; ; of the Im' C')!'':.:’. i I’-ve '. aiio e-.- . Ipoct t-i do this bee. a,j I bilh.vo yo-;i.>l' Ihc ■ illy i-.ia.: m In. e.r.ia'.y taat i--. o;'.p.i- hle iff.Id s-Ff. ilav I nit pi-iveii this .' -'-ro.v -aw. . "•'! fei.ow aim .'■oc \»a.. M-'. •’ -C a.’,.- up III h bat'; ;.1 V'...;- C '.i- m. l.’.at I e.s : . o ; g . 'w . T!;;; . -.lys i n;.'-t no; ‘ a 1. i.u.i.n, ■•> vou i .1 c'n'ir;C i.i-e im*.— 'i I'lng- e.'i'i-l la.tnu..' nieul -.11-inH who ’ . 1 attein;—1 I . r--b p'lcof t’.io ;:•! -;;«n- D.-iii ic.-a' . an of i; I'.ic tliO i> V' '-■•i-gti 1" ;. •! ilii-m by die y •>. ;:ili' -V 1 '• jA:. 1 .1 Gii in :ii 2 hodU’ «*h ■, t' av la a-i tv.1=101 M'*l ' 'cti*- iV ‘•,'ur III »i I’o -t . f .r.ii. S. B .' n was 111- ad!;■■ n y - 'e I. IV. * a... : - I , liutir, bi-in-; pw : . . .1 on t’. I -ilf > m . ■ o.ihig tia:.'.. 1 t..! n •- t a-, i! - : jWa-i.'p •'*- I ; J. Raya!. Da.a- CuAvniiiiai .*.r to l- 1 iotiMii* of Uim IVe»*» i’i-«t . niiutiii >muiiiUec wiaMltiK. I la 1.1 at Hh (lUHi, W..|i.«» !ajr. /«»• feOtti. far North I'lA'.i'ua win li : in r.’i f .h.'h il/ OB VI .-It.. mUj , •u-l nth. IN^ at - 0.1-. It |V Ml. llu- I imial t .fiirolloti Fimt I't l.wt J U. D W. VI. IbiM*. •■HO. :if ». ( htit'it DKKOCFATIC OHOAWIXATlOK ;:-e.i tulv: . iviriTl'iy Oir TIIK III Bo- |- ..il . n i;;-; ,1 « iiiotav ^ , I , ■ . p rr.a . • *■« , ! . T'lOr I iVMIl* tUe J 'oki. of >»iJ4»W*A 1 rj.U: by th« htab* ( 1. .;;"6A*»n» T-r* QIP 1 ami Jlr. David Pierce stcpixid into our oflice on IVcdnesd.ay, the 23n iiish, ami v';:-bally requesteu us to announce t’nat the iirl.ma- ries will meet on the 20th of .Inly an I the county convention on the first Tuesday in August. The colunms of the Rrcor.D ai'o alway.s open for the procceuiiigs of all political meet'iigs and v-'e willpnbiiuft free of char^re to aCtend twoC.-fnty com cut ions, -iie c. R. THOMAS, JR., Attorney At Law, Office Front Street, over Mace’s Drug Store. BEAUFORT, N. U. t^ST VV ill practice in the counties of Carteret, Craven, Onslow, Jones, Pam- lico, Lenoir, the Supi'cmc Courts aud Federal Courts, calls for meetings of committees am. con ventions when made over the siguaturo of the chairman and sccictarju Bcaufoi"'.. ',Ie. EdiTou ; 1' of tl'.o lainutos of t! '.N o CouinhtRs^ OL I tai.'s to Dm which r.o inucli na- The E iccutivo Go; have, with but fo'v delegate", ‘'■■'•'-li 'k vv.oys heioioioi'C C.. .uity is N. July 12, ISSG. 'ta :i. ■.1 ’ooIo'iT tliai part i . la'll 1 I'euioo.ratic Exccu- ■ f ^iN i. ' ■ county, w’.iicl: por- '-•'it cf dclagotos of :-. aud '.Trllton. •o't'eo of thi.s couu'.j . ;cptii)n.5, appointed c;-cdo:'.'.:al; have ai- i rccogni-.cd. This T' DLNi’V I E Io 'N i-UiMARV CthlYRNT; ii 1 1 T ■„ : \3 -.’c by • a; c.'Uiity C'ou- lU.d The PcoiT art hi ':.crr.—.V'.-, 11 U I ti. -bi:';:-! a id ,i’,.,.; -.1 if a ; ai>- .lly-bi bo-A'i:uui«i ig b» f..i! 'W It; i: Da-.,. I’ll- Tl.cf'.’lA .- I lii.n hr-' r !•' . j 1*4 .r.iat.i. ni (,f li.r paity 1 .,1-. X- .l;‘* '.v V. u, ' i, 'll. .l ilt I'f ' ui'ijr 1 .. ••tAlV'Ai »!,a.l lij ti>r 1 .)'hip. In is*'.! lb. e »h'. ’ G" » • ll-»e r Hiirofitfm, tO C".- i-t ' »i* I »G»r !V li,'J«»t». -b;.‘i h . 1 ' ' Iry *’ *• Ib-rHir J-Ak elect I appoint delegates Ih ate caudidate.s is cf o’ar eiliaen.v and same season, oac and another to n. objectionable to a.- to nominate ca-.-.u^-tc-"' three or foni delegation. r-j.'',;; f ,1 i Tow ii di i.. Ski liner dcleg.ilioii. yt .ijheai’. Tiwii.siji]> cioris A t I Skinner delcgalloli. Wliitooak Towi.-ship elects an Skinner delegation. 11 : iuc’.. i I tf >1. .lly-bl bo-A-auun. I . ,5. ^ ,'*1 , I.-Ijl; IB nwii tiiiirA r*JI r, ,,..1 :i*, win, i. • Ig b» '*• lb ' j J. J ,,,i,..ly cv^raGi 7 rrmiPttUU* fut-Vii of ’.i/ ,.a.ll Jereii-m. ». rW-U*l iAaII ant;- bo ii .tJ -»lvi;d hy tin- Drm wraLH'M .’loi*-1 ^ ^ bwibIwi- .timhpmmm, •!— ; ho.ad ill c.,.i»i-iirir»:i janombic'.l I ' »1J mwin.i'.! g. hk; —-viial .ant’- ‘ 1*1. Tli.f ir ilflegalci to the omaty tcoiivci-fiiio be m-tnmled U* »i»t* agaitirt Uiwa-Lifi asABBii** I c ii*l»' itW:«» iJiaB anti- j fast, l.isi and ail llte lime, any drlrgAtc* - »>c»rt»l c-JOnty i 1.1 tbe Ltou'.'rerAi rtial C'>nvC1Ki‘»n to laotl j^od ptooc tbAt *taai*A»ty iTlWm Straits Towushii> elects an auli-.>kiuutr at Klir.ab-th City who Hiallby UicU votes ! ^ ikrt • we iiy#yBrt»* suthriu the 'w-iaallwl-lor aelion of ibtMJ * aBou'.i.ti.. >» '-la.-v. W ufA PHIEIP A. KOONCE ESQ. OF WIII TE- p-a.i; to ele. ions is something un OAK TOM NSHIP, SPE.VKS FG-I months y.mi to eii ^ HIMSELF—HEAR HIM! heard of in this c B-iy certain mimL>cr of Ifleg.atcs have been Ed. Record—I seo from yoi nients on my conmiunicationpubli.shed in ! the Record of July 9th, that I Ixiing uu- b?ciistoir.,ed to writing fer the pu’olic press int. us I .lid rrooeni of ’ 'r CO. .appeinted hy loniici 31-.eculu-c Conmiit- precinct dcclaic.s for Skiimcr and H.'.r- woG'-ing h. l,ic ii .1 ctim ^ i„ ip iee. after apr>o;iiting lowe pi-.'cinct elects an ant.-Skiniicr del-, jj.-r, then foic m-c the audience appreciative. "We visited iloiehc.ad City on Tuesday , . ^ , aud spent a most agreeable day. The ; by yir. >,m. r town was f-uHtooveiiiowiiigwith visib'i-s, i c’ the merchants were busy, amt everything i. was astir. B'e atloudecl tl;e primary meeting of the Democrats at uigiiF. Wc found them true, tried aud firm iu tlie great principles of Democracy. Wc vi.s- ited the Atl.autic Hotel,' and were enrap- Sinyrna Town.Giip elects an anti .Skin- ’ .,f.!co i. iblrrs aiul de fatbi Heretofore .a imr delegation. ! the c'-anly exccultvc crnniniGa-. Newport Township divided—Newp'i.rt | 21. lliai. :ui tiicxc oflicc li'.kkia wore liiC iiiLcrvAt of'Hi ■' Skiu VL'caic npp > '.'I t" -■ about ci-*hty of our best l)i'mocr.i'..stothe.egation. auddi.i'.t oar lth-g-alisl.yi''’' U»- vari^urcoiiveu'jo: -.twenty or Ihiity t'l ’ Bcaalon Town.h.p Pr.m.ry. CoOgie-umlial the Coii‘'^rc.ssioii.i' .vc.ition—boHiSkin-: Purau-aid to a cal! of the I.'.ecul'.vc . ;ii.*. h.:!. n‘-,i’a am-an ranti-si'iiiu'■ ^’en, the res.Auli..u committee .a largo in-ajority of il.c dein.T- „rc«-ji. v.i.'n.i' .rer'd-r’-'cl' ;..'i*ea!-s below. You cratic veters of Bcaufo-d towm hip assein- 3.j_ 'n.at wc b-.a,lily rnd-.-e t..e re* ... __ .,1 H ,1-» t '.i cthe iuislico ■ rj pii!u;.iy o^ai.vciitidu i.v C'^uiv mi ia** twi^t ty er.ociitive committee on .nine,2*2, iSS6 I pic*a.s‘j do l:-e c * / f y^...r .a ... m-, * .i . ..-.-YTtr 'ratic papers of the ; d""!‘■='^*’bthe ina-l'.-is of iho p.-- i=b The ciiaii man of t’ac Township lixccu this to’e>« soon 1 I in * raiic >cl‘i>v- miltee was not present and o.vd, R In 'I (•*= c.!iy.iiuKici, u.t'iy.ci.a •out did «*ot alb m1 by than fiV*. i..eliii.riw, o-i# ol «hu« atetl Im .. . • -IT ,1 . I was uotlQ'eu to uttcud a moctia i- o‘'h'^ nublish that w. two excellent sermons m tlie 5Ictlioi..ist, , ... , --i-liu, «- church. The house was well filled aud ' commitico by a postal card from Da-1 companviiig. Di ' A I i I.iiUli I" a;.d U’>t and G ■ •; ! vid Pierce, secretary of tlic county exec utive committee. I went to Beaufort Ilowk'.i district please copy- WiiEREiVS onr co'-ity i.s so gcagrapiii- live Cc s.aloon. 51 into Pierce was not iu at tlio time, nor was! during the suminer Tkeotzed, Th.at .a' , , - I any other member of the committee there i tiired with the music, tbe ladies, etc., etc. !-If., .. ' Tlie magnificent ballroom was tilled with ;' ‘l ‘ ‘ the elite of So-athern society, elegantly . ff^k tliem up. for dressed ladies were upon the floor e.s- | Howland returnc' corted by their gallants in full dress. It i tl-at lltisscli 'Willis was a scene long to be remembered. Tho i sj;'o;ot'.. Tkerefore, e'ecticu will not' C- R. 'numias Jr.. oT nUal wo-v I'oii/.e lui'-liog r,«’d i-y about US' whal It pt-a-( Ri'.ov.iug ',t -wonll iiAliurl hi’ ;'.n,«Iae-- i itw f-**' '* th'C'tJ au'l J *.a a -Ulantic Hotel under its prescut nuinago- "icnt IS a great success. were in town and T'iei'cc came i; •h'l gi..vU-«l A» cUaiiutau, •!»«•JiaI'i ;.l B1 i.f *-4iJ c.nn'.iitb« ! s. I'l CO- .' G. Alo-GrcA* .*11 llu jatt Anj b» •kd it« » **« ■ , iv*; IX.II tii''bH- U/~ Uf* af Umtjr ,hi_,v, lb" r-iL'.tj t xtxuUta e».ailBrtU« ►bAil ■I'l—int *-1 I «'««ln*‘'bi*’ fi'Am lL« IVra**' . . '; » ... I* ol .-i l i IiiiKinlicr* of lt«* b»«uUiip c.j«u iiillUH-a G..,". C :.-.^-tGAn/ %»rU>rj fKCm liiig 1.1 ‘-1^1 ' /• 'iii'i'-'-*--*^ * '1-'' ■ - vi tuXiPr oacaNilUx -1: ill caH oAnrre r-Bint/ c AivCfltkjiMr- b-.' Ciii'ig *’• !«■** *' '* '^*1 * l*jr |imU •iDvib.-x'Vu m p-ibloili^jcrti la car.U hip xl U-i reniit )• mmi ii.**i» au.1 lu »ay deOBHn^xUc oeBH"!*' iKaI ,, u- (.abhihol >u «jih1 cnaotjr. rei^Bcs Be- »n D.n».«eiAt»f'f lire OwUBty U» »Nrel ;ii oAivi-nti-B la tG tr re.peet.VB !«/»»• imp.. «*L A cAoa.oo a-y tlirtelB OBlvd. Bbuh .Ai'l day vhAll ti X t- k«U*AB»lireB I>c-far« iLo •Bcel.iiS ll** •♦■•‘T f*r dw p--ri«iB» vf B!Bctl*A -' - -r.:' . t-* lli« c.*»"ty ojavdiiviWBi I is •■•y. Btb e»> A