THE WEEKLY RECORD. VOL. 1. BEAl FORT, .NORTH CAROLIN A. TIH RSDAA . N()\ KMRLR H. I t). \f>. 10 DIKECTORi. ySITKD STATE* OI FICER-S : Howland, Collator. M. A. mil, L. A. Potter, Deputy IecV>r8. T. W. Ramsey. Bjatman. Darid Pierce. Poat Master T W. Lindsay, Assistant. STATE OKFICF.KS: E. O. Noe, Commissioner of Wrecks. A. & N. C. K. K. Director, AV. b. Chadwick. L. A. Skarren, Notary Public. cocxTy. John B. Russell, Sheriff. Tho*. Forlaw, Deputy Sheriff. Thoa. 'Fhomas, Treasurer. John D. Davis, Suj^rior Court Clerk. Joi:n Rumley. Itejfister of Deeds. T."C. Davis, Coroner. V. B. Salter, Surveyer, Commissioners—Joseph Pitjott, Chair man- W. L. Arendell, Jno. L. Goodwin ind .). T. Dennis. Jknrd of Education—J. H. Mason, CfaH. Picotl and W. B. Bell, 8r. Supeniatendent Public Instruction, L. T!. Howland. COUNTY MAOISTBATBS. Whiteoak.—E- w. Humphrey, J. M. Banders, G. N. Ennett, P. Koouce and Jerry Watson. Newport.—R. M. Weeks, D. Me. /Jain, E. D. HaidcKty, E. F. Carrawaj, J. T. Dennis and D.ivid 8. Quinn. JIOREHEAD.—AA^ b. Bell Hr., W. W Wilis, T. C. Davis, W. T. Peiletier, A Oaksmith and M. F. Arendell. Beaufort.—Wm. Alexaader, S. L. Bimpson, M. R. Sprinkle, David Pierce, R. B. Cox. C. 8. Bell, E. O. Noe, J. H. Potter and Italjih Howland. Straits.—Divine 8. Guthrie, Cull Pig- ott, V. B, Salter and T. M. Gillikin. Smyrna.—Frank Hancock, A. W . Pi- uer, Russell Willis and Otwa} B. Davis. Hunting Quarter.—J. L. Goodwin, M. R. Fulcher, 8. E. Hamilton and Thomas Chadwick. Portsmouth.—Alex Robinson. medical society. Jas. L. Manney, M. D., President ; Secretary. Meets fii-st Jlouday THE RECORD. oFFiciAi vote of COUHTTY. IVOVEhTBKR aiVD 1986. Col- PL'BLISHED EVERY TI1J,R.SDAA' ! BY THE BEAUFORT PUBLISHING CO. I _ i J'. U. MACfa, - ----- Manajfcr. I JOHN FOUL AW , - - - Irea^urer. O. W. ClIAKLOT'rE. AHsoclate i 4 ^’*4 THURSDAY, NOVEPBiU 11, mr,. LOCALS 8.07. Full moon to-day. J-athams official majority 857. Ice formed in this town on last Monday night. Thanksgiving day on TliuriHlay, Novem ber 25lb. white frost ou last Tuesday; in every month. TOWN. C. 8. Bell, Mayor. S. D. Delaraar, Clerk. John Forlaw, Treasurer. F. F. Longest, Constable. Commissioners—L. H Forlaw, W. F. Dill, 8. D. Delamar, Jerry Fisher J. E. Henry, B. L. Jones, S. W. Gabriel and Jlicbaid Whitehurst. C. R. Thomas, Jr., Town Attorney. Commissioners of Navigation—C. 8. Bell, Ji B. Jones, William Sahisto*, E. D. Arthur and W. L. Arendell. CHURCHES—white. Episcopal—Rev. E. M. Forbes, Rector. Services every Sunday morning and even ing. Sunday School at 3 p. m.; buperin- / tendent Dr.J. L. Manney. Methodist—Rev. J. W. .Jones, Pastor. Services every Sunday morning and even- mg. Sunday School at 3 p. in., 13. J. Hell, Superintendent. JtapUst—Kev. W. T. Vnstor. Serxices every other Sunday. Sunday School at 9 a. John D. Davis, Super intendent. CHURCHES—COLORED. Methodist—J.B Small, Pastor, Ser- \iees every Sunday morning and evening, j^nday School 1 p. m., J. A. Norwood, Superintendent. ‘ Baptist—L. P. Martin, Pastor. Ser vices once a month. Sunday School 9 a. m., Isaac J. Vann, Superintendent. Congregational—M. P. Jerkins, Pastor. Sunday School at IJ p. m., Lou^ Ste phens, Superiuteudenf St. Clements Missions Episcopal—Ser vices every Sunday at fl a. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m., Fi-auk pibble, Superintendent. LODGES—WHITE. Franklin, No. 109, A. F. & A. M.; meets at their hall first Monday of each month. F. B. Mace, W. M' J. L. Gibble, Secretary. Concordia, No. II, I. O. O. F., meets every Friday ni^t at tbcir hall. M. A. ■pill, N. G., H, D. Noicom, Secretary. ' jjbnrcb Guild—A. C. Davis, Presi dent C. M. Higgins, Secretary; E. F. Rice, Treasurer; Miss Nannie F. Davis, Musical Directress. Meets eye;-y Wednes day night. LODGES—COLORED Atlantic Society U. B. Meets every Tuesday eveniug. Caesar Parker, W. M.; 8. A. Blount, Secretary. Nebo No. 155, I. O. of G. S., and D. of 8. Meets every Monday night at their hall 8. A. Blount, W. C.; David Wil liams Parker, Seeretarv. educational' SOCIETY, John E. Henry, President; P. H. Dav- fS, Secretary. Meets at Washburu Sem inary Monday evening at 7^ oclock. Man opens at 7:30 a. m. and closes at 9 p. m. Money order and registered let ter deoutment open daily from 9 a. m. to 4 p. u. M. OeiOM. H- TKIJ-KTIKW QTJION & PELLETIER, ATTORNEYS ATLAW. Qfilce opposite Hie -Gaston Hogse, meWBERN. N. C. Practioe where semoes are desired. Practiee in the Snperior Courts of Car teret county, ia, the Federal Coqtt at New Berne, and in the Supreme Court. Parties in Carteret desiring our ser- vioeswpl please write or telegraph os at New Berne. Heavy morning. The flops were badly Kfc out in the cold ; on the 2d instant. j W'ork has commenced ou the harbor im-; provetnent. The hands are engaged on Sha kcifords Point. i We feel proud of the votera pf Carteret. ' They did Uieir duly nobly on the 2nd. They are always right. The menhaden fishing sea-son is over. Tae catch has been unusually large, aud tlie renumerative. Tho election news gets better every day. The Democrats should learn a les- , son from the past -and profit by it. | General Robert Ransom, Engineer in I charge of U. S. Government works in this i harbor, was in towp on Wednesday. i John D. Davis, beats J. II. Potter 888. i It is high time for Independents to find ' out that the people of Carteret will have none of lAem. The serenade on Wednesday night was just grand. Do so again young men. Wo love music, mooiiUght. flowers, pretty girls and Good babies. The cool weather of the p.-ist week has made the wood sell like hot-cakes. We hope our ccuntj-y Iricnds will keep us sup plied during the winter. We hope that the ('lutrclies on Thanks giving day will take up a collection for the Oxford Orphan Arylum. The Or phans P'-e in need of help. Have you purchased your thanksgiving turkey yet? Don’t tail to remember the poor on thanksgiving day and give them something from your bounty. Two of the Custom House employees failed to vote on the 2d. One of them voted, but cast his vote Crooked. The Collector voted Straight of course Rev. F. ?>I. P’orbes lectured o>i Friday Kveniuif the 5tb. Subject; “Labor ye in the vineyai-d of God.” Those lectures are very entertaining and instructive as well. PREf INt T.S. Pelletiers Mill* Sanders' .''U»re Bogue Banks Hull Svaint -Morehead City Newport iiarlowe Citek Carraways Wire Grass Chapel.. Live Oak Chapel.... Beaufort U eat Wanb Creek East Waiti* Creek... Shvckelfords Bitiks.. Marker's Island Straits Smv'ia .Shoro I’iney I'olut Mill Point White Point. Cedar Island Poitsmouth .■■a »■ 41 II I 1» 13 I IH 41 64 1« 19 (U IS Total* Maiorities 1094 229 8-57 ».rj .'*3 5-54 103 lilt I’.IO ll I 4. sa HIP! HIP! AHD A TIGER FOR OLD CARTERETi CARTERET COUNTY AHEAD. Col. 'Whitford said that our township nieetiiigs were packed. That our County Convention was packed, lie ■will sav now that the ballot box was packed. Poor Wliitford. When you see a man vote his ticket folded, he is ashamed of his caudidatc. This is the way the flopdoodles did on tho 2d instant. It was amusing to witness actions at the polls. iss E.nma ''laiison has opened a pri vate school on Front street. She is in eveiy way qualified to teach the young idea. Miss Emma has a flourishing school and is deserving of patronage. their : Mis Poor FlopdoTKlle. Lost Flopdoodle. Dead Flopduudle. Hie Jacet. Let biro rest. Sub Silentio. stisisbt democrmiic tic«u.t T1m> rrpubli- cinr ciiippcd in their 3.k) votes sad twi)* cd us l-> swell our msjoriiy. Editor. thanksgivicio p>tr CHOW JI.M CROW ! CARTERET THE BANNER COUNTY OF THE STATE AND DISTRICT. JUDICIAL TICKET MAJORITY^—1153 O. n ALLEN MAJORITY'—1186 L. C. LATHAM....MAJORITY'—657 J. W'. SANDERS....MAJORITY— 554 C. R. THOYIAS Jr... MAJORITY'— 538 Meeting of County Commissioners. j Tlic board of coiiiiyti;imnu*iUUDers in ' session on M..iid>v, November Isl, 1886. ; Present, chaii ; ; Joseph Pigott, W. L. i Arendell, John L. Goodwin. JlLSlSiSbS TU.VNiiUCIKP. Cicero W. Davis andCharh * II. Brooks ' was relieved from puli tar on account of i bodily Ordered that Joseph Vi,'o{t and W. L. Arendoll appointed acia,niittee toau- dit the Sheriffs and Ti'';»i‘jBpi8 hooks. The following amoiinU ripe allowed John Rumley, extraserviai 6:15.00 ; John L. Goodwin, 67-50; Josepi I’igott, #2.75; W. L. Arendoll, $3.25; .M Cli.~ ulin, $1.00; J. D. Davis, extra service# $20 "•); L. C. Howland rebate on taxes vie; B. T. Mer rill i^akjng baisot box $1^' ,/■■**“ **• Hassell Mollsn*a «j[pea«G» pafft for the county, $46.17. M. Chaplin, cleaning court house and attendaiice uu Snperior Court, $12.80. f 115.50 from the Poor Fand in sums of from one to five dollars allowed. Proclamation of the I*rvsider.t ling November 25fh for the Observance. Dt'sigoa Nsliuoal PROTI. VM.tTION nr THX PKrslDCNT THE UXITEIISTATEB. or JOHN. D. DAVIS...YIAJORITY'— 886 JOHN RUMLEY... .MAJORITY'—1286 COMMUNICATED. Ed. Record:—While 4ve exceedingly osratic party n R. THOMAS, JR., Us Attorney at Law, O&ce Front Street, over Mace’s Drug Store. BEAUFORT, N. G. ty Will practice in the countieg of parteret. Craven, Onslow, Jones, Pam lico, Lenoir, the Supreme Courts and federal Courts. Mail Bust Service. Wa will leave the Ocean "View Ho tel wharf at 4^ o’clock a. ra., daily.Sniidays ei^pted. Slopping at the Davis’ House wnari to connect with the mail tram. Stephen I. Turner. . . „ Captain, j day in all of our churches. N. W. TAY'LOR -.. MA JORITYtx1334 JOHN B. RUSSELL MAJORITY—1115 Y’^AN. B. SALTER...MAJ0RITY'--12(» T. C. DAVIS YIAJORITY'—1110 STATE TICKET...MAJORITY—18000 1ST CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. L. C. L.YTHAM MAJORITY. .2,600 9TH SENATORIAL DISTRICT. J. W, S-4NDERS... .PLURALITY. .635 DR. J. W. SANDERS' MAJORITY OVER COL. J.N. WHITFORD 2043, Our people are complaining that Octo ber, was the driest month in years. Mr. Wm. Daly, Signal Service operator, at Fort Macon,furnishes us with astatement which shows that October 1884, was drier than October 1886. Tlie Ladies of 8t. Paul’s Parish Guild, will hold a festival on Tuesday evening November 16th, at Davis’ Hall. Admit tance free. Oqr cjt'zens should patron ize these ladies liberally, as they are en gaged in a noble work. Boys, you are warned again the by Rev. E. M. Forbes, the Rector St. Paul’s church, that if you persist in disturbing tha services, at said cbqrch aud in play ing in the cemetery, that you will be pros ecuted to the full extent of the law. The fourth quarterly meeting of Ann street M. E. Church station, will be held on Saturday and'Suuday, November 13th aiidl4tli. Rev. J. T. Harris,Presiding El der of this district has served the district faithfully, and we hope that he will be returned. Rev. J. W. Jones, the pastor of Ann street, M, E. Church, is universally liked by our people, and we but express the ^ish of all, when we say; that we hope that he will be returned to us by the con ference, which meets on the 2d day of December. Wo publish to-day tho oflScial vote of CjtTterev county, TTte diBOrgunizeTS ha^Ve no^liing to tvrag on. Hiey onght to hide their heads in shame. Where they got any votes at all, it was through the gros sest misrepresentations. We might use strCoger language. The Scientific American, referred to in another column, under the heading of “Patents,” is the very best publication in this country for those interest^ in science engineering, mechanics, inventions, etc. A copy of the Scientific American may be seen at the office of this paper, where subscriptions will be received, C.R. Thomas, Jr., was serenaded by the members of the Eureka brass band on Saturday evening tfes 6th instant, and was called out for a speeqh. He respon ded to the call and thanked the boys for tha honor conferred upon him. He qlso returned his thanks to those who suppor ted him. We will bur best chapeau that Charles will do his wAo^duly by the people of Carteret when he takes his seat at Raleigh. Governor Scales has issued his procla mation calling upon the people of tins | SUte to properly observe the 25th day of i this month as a day of Thanksgiving and prayer. We publish his proclamation, also that of President Grover Cleveland of the U. S, in another column. We would suggest that all of our business houses close on that dav M o are lu- ; places you will go, ! foi-med that services will be held on that' . . . ^ ' r^l States .ouutribute in ibition senti- •jognized and iiey have the ents aud per- to. The party THE FLOPS ABB DISGUSTED. THE BOSS AND HIS FRIENDS ViJORK- EDFOR BARRETT HIS FRIENDS VOTED FOR BARRETT THE LITTLE BOSSES VOTED FOR SKINNER. THE BOSS GOT SC-ARED AND V >- TED STRAIGH T, FOR LATHAYI AN O SANDERS—AYE! AND EVEN FOR THOMAS. Now Latham, Sanders, Thomas spread, The victor’s ba nner o’er each bead While independents' downward go, 'To reach Salt river’s realms of wee. Farewell dear flops-a long farewell! You tried to cut an awful swell: regret the loss to t!||^ in the recent election ill this country, (w part to the labor mMI pj ment) whidi sbol due proportions right to express haps it is their duty should be cotidueled in spat a manner, as near as possible to gain t o favor of all patriotic people... We liaip the consola- tiou of congratulating people of Car teret county-aud the * ..-st Congressional Di^trio$^^^|u>tbep grand and glorious an off yrt?.r, as we term on^^ible encompassed by an no- j usm/.sapineness, Carteret basagain come ■ to the front and done her dulv nobly. ‘ And we may well aUd that very inucb of this success is attributed to the untiring efforts of our worthy chaimvau of the Ex. Cciuinittee Ylr. W. S. Chadwick, who may be classed among the political lead ers of this county, HU valuable time iias been almost constantly devot-jd to the success of the party during this cam- paigu, and we trust that the party will i not fail to recc^nize hU efforts in the i matter. We hope hereafter when friend Barrett has the Congressioiial bee in his I hat, that he may seek aid irom the Dem ocratic party, the party of bis fin,t love aud not seek afl«y fal(e 1 We wax* gbid day ' tion. what waa inner and I antl-Skinuer men, the aad j auti-prohibitioaist—with fri^^xeeptions, I stending shoulder to shoafce6 and depoe- iting their ballots for tfce true and tried Deraoc.-acy. The people of Ca. teret will do to tie to. They have in this election as in the past, proven themselves worthy of the trust imp.'.>cd in tbem. I Now that the tattle Uo»eT, we hope that those who have erred will acknowl edge their wrong and will come back to the party of rhoir fi.^t love, »nd settle the wrong if any. Our household should not be divided against itselC Remember the good old day* — forsake not your first love, bc4 stand firm in the future, and thu-eby prove your fi delity in the past. ! ’ ! T. C. D. ! Morehead City, N. C., Nov. 16. I Our correspoodeot’s sutement ijia* »“ ; Carteret “The Skinner and anti ^i*®**' I men stood sbouldei to shoulder and de It has long been tbe custuin of Uir {>eo- p!e of ibe United States, on a day ofi-arli year esjiecmily set apait for tfiai |Hii|MHie by their Chief Executive, to arkuos led-r the goodness and mercy of lud. and to in. Yoke but uoiiliBued care and protection. Id uliservaiice of such custom. I, Gr.vei Cleveland, President of the United Nutes do hereby designate and set ajiart Thurs day, the 25th day of November instant,to be observed as a day of Uiai.ksgiviug and prayer. Ou that day lot C‘l our people forego tbcir acco-stomed employ .uont aud assemble in their usual places of wor ship to give thaq}^ to tUo HiiUr of iW Unfrersa for »“r »a-.tlaa»4 viMuyasetit of the blessings of free government, for a renewal of business prosperity through out our land, for tiic return which ha* rewarded tl.. ' ibor of tlione who till the soil, and for our progress as a jieople in all that makes a nation givat. And whilo wc contemplate the infinite priwer of God in eai thquake, flood and stonq, let the grateful heart* of those who have been shielded from harm Uirougli his merey be turned in sympathy and kind ness toward thise who have suffered through his visitations. Let us, also, in the midst of our thanks giving, remember the poor ^jnd needy with cheerful gifts and alms, so that our ser vice may, by deeds of cliarity, Ire made acceptable in the sight of our Ixmf. In witness wbgrefore I ha;e hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States te be affixed. Done at tlie City of Was’iiington, this first day of No- ' vember, in the year of our Lord one tbou- .sand eight hundred and 0igbty.tix. and of ’.he independedee of the United States of .Ca.erica the one hundred and eleventh. Grover Cleveland, 3y the President: T. F. Bayard, Secretary of State. THAflKSOlVlNO t>ROCl.,AMATION. livtieving that God Almighty is the sco'trce of all power and authority in civil ' ing tbe w r, wb«n tbs south ws* not rrp~ Ik KiisD Uj tbs ja.:- e tins eaily u. ..i* !«•* in ad«anew of tbs pisa tbsl a li Washirgi.H. has been maiW In tgu «*>« . of Us PieswleDt • aiTSOgrtssoU > hs usual public isar|i»oM at half !■* '. ooc o'clvak ig; MoihJsja. W rdir*> -•* *«»>i K day* Mill l>a e .ulinuc I. There nos «rry little Si.lbas.a*nt M as iliigVou over tbe rlrctKMi Tuc»tlaj iiigbt. A fen [n- I Is M«.«I fr.nit .if th* bullctia b«itj in If.nit of tl . Uuitf.l Pir»» ..rt.*" S'.d lieie a>.i tie.* sbiall ciond* nr.. gtllMisvj aL..aut *a iouu*. shrrr di»|ialrlMW nrre- dtn- playetl .4 eeowd of {nubsbly Utrsa m lour buiitlted p opt* stood in frew.t of lbs P>.il building, sfxl . bs. rrd lt>* funu- ptr l.ii'S Uiiowu u|r.n a big lrabst«rrt>ry Hu'. tbe elecUtMi news dsl out arsm to excite mucb ll.tsivst. Tbr ci.'S.ts erem cl to tako m..r» l. terre* lu the oiulrst be wrr-u Mr>*is ilrnitt, Gsoigs autl It suviliovertUa mayuiality ut New Kik tbaa in tbe gewstalsivciion iwiniu*. “What d.i you ibtok of tbs |e«nibthtv of the next ii.MiBe'B bsing ICspuhltosu V" 1 —y—* nhks ss.isiaw or a wen ktM'>wa army o0le*r, who. tbougb sot a polltietaa keeps inetty well pistrd u« matters of uationai a* sell ys mililary sllsita. “I will not be a bit surtniiaol if such t>ro*** to be the case,’’ waa Uie reply. “1 Irli all along that some people aught be eur- priicl HI that direction, brcaitac ray obi friend Ben Butler, prodictsd It to i»e (t least four monlhe ago. I don't know anything about p«lilics rayasif, yon know, but when tliat bluff but nruls polUman makes a pierlictioo, wbeu be is not Ulk itig piilitically, I am inclined to give it a good deal of weight. It roust have hewn more ' HI four muoth* ago,'* oiMitlniMe tbe official, “that Hen Butler entne Into my tiflice ou a matter of buaines*. M'bsn tbe buMocss was over, ticing okl fitends, we engaged in a UUm; frieudly ebat, as usqal, in Uis course of nbicb I gsked him what be thought would be the oomplex* ion of tbe next House.'* *It wiU be Republican, of course,' be replied. 'There's no doubt of it fa my mind. People may talk about a big pu- litioal oi tidal wave. Tbs)'sallitouscus*. i base my kieliei on the laws of p.>litics.* Just study |M.'.iticaJ Irtstory with a littie care*, replietl tbe vetetan pulitieiaa, “and you will see that since 1335 rvery liouas of Represeiitativca, with three uoeptipu* I think, ha* hueu %a*i-adii)iiiilui*t4ue. Two of thou exceptions oocurrad dur- I~ - ns SW ^ IS iSs «*« '-A SSM —r t . xNa t •• fr WSSiid SS* s*r ' r sv . . . .vO*. •' I |la> % f s^rT. « « ims «4he tss 4 : . *« . r* t.i few nws - - ■ • ■ I A •*4 - 4 asM s* 4 As *■ .«A4a.-A* f .-•• s Ue -ssss r, • - 41 snsJ waw T-» asd .U ' !»• jr4 Wsl he^ I' «.*. , w^a sat ns« ‘4 rtt S* •*« s S* r. n ss eswsnss^ ' • Is ksSp i.r re. .*t« I . V »4. Lssad et4* S J swd • . any p*^ ' . ret Is ' t s • *i« waswe- ' ..p* •«*s *s*»ws6 r-.r* - a iW • ' re* a IS s4m wka far: naS ' 1 .srsrts* S»J St' Wifn a|Mn .t nprrMi ti-sl ms* I SIS I tk WS fbl- tgiss. |**.|y i by Wre«4 ls>66 AJksA •»: sf ..4.* •.•4- 4 6fe ha eg 1»-S -retJ MR fen Lre.# it. Stssdswiag kiM w ..tirer a* |*M*.i.«* s.o. ;nasa sna Iwea I. tUS by [|., St st« .t«t4^ assy (heai ui ot ^ iS4 t.a rey Ws srs feit|t».4-4n^ t. d wpotststsas U- usity tw • gntst torirtr .w «t.«nspsiass t»a» w4Swms sir suiqxtttrl .t »sU**r nsdky liw RsaSM Proliibiti.- I. auss*} that-re# a,.gwaMas kbsM b« >«,«d by .*■ »lew■'sewkst# waul tKs ti.Miiumr it I. sasvmsibs fnaw Wtkkisg m •#*** .tlMrvwl •f iw.efM I tltjs bsMs WMS s» I .in, uUle •s;.ssM r*'-s ' ..•• su ns to do sway siibt^r ua ipersiom n( lbs las ,d suptdy snd dpAsikl Patasa ’ nslwei Is rxmiaal^.^a ^ a Iaywai6*6 |se.hsiass by wbssfei -mow asw fewtlbaAaaa I Tbs p» IM*— 4^ tksas aewtiabtfag law. dsactss mast anon he ai issisd. «r gram misrbirl will rusus. TW d#sS Ik .Us tads IS to get rid i>f rear pr>i4#wl4»s lart wfedak a tits grarul bau b«ess «f «$ta msa i llial g>resrniwrita yis .us')«mfend tw take 'earn of [ nkaaia akin te anal **4 i Uts goyeruasni Wm mr I iniM-h UtMl t|f Ml ■ « V K . km *Si^rms* . grrs*W« government, and recognizing Him in tlie . person of his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ ■ AS the Saviour of mankind and tbe Giver of eypry goo4 and perfect gift, I, .Alfred ‘ M. Scales, Governor of North Carolina, : by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, do appoint Tbursday, the 25th of November, as a day of special tbanksgiv- ing to Almighty God for tbe large abate i of mercies and blessing rouobsafsd to mm j ut UM part yeai, acd or devout prayer : that be will oqDtinqe to os hia guardian-1 sbip And tander care for all time to coom. ; And I respectfully urge upon all, iu accordance with an hoqorable ciutqm of our people to remember liberally ou that' day tbe beipless orphans that we have ! taken under qqr charge. Done at uor city of Raleigh, this 6th day of Novem- . ber, 1886, and in tlie 111th year of our American Indepeudenoe. I A. M. SCALES, j By the Governor : C. H. AiufFIELD, Private Secretary. WASHINGTON LETTER. ^From our regular correspondent. ] Washington, D. C., November 5, 1886. I esc I. ted, and ought notrestly to ooout. So there has been but oiM real exception to tbygeneral rt(le, and 1 dou'l tbiuk tbkt tbe eleotion this time will asake anotber exception." “He gave me a good many sound rsa- SODS why saob is apt to be Uie oasn, s'!- b an tbe ilissatislitctiwa of promiosut ls.rei- ers in tbe adii»iw»st»»x»oo part* t-re-sas**# IWil.irs to oiuitla til e ufl.ces suugbt for poliUeal purpoMa, Aod a UMiwmad aad one other things that are likely to rsnse diaatisfaction in the ranks, resoHlng «■ a desire fur revenge, a change of power nr something taodip^to qpnet tbe existing ordet of tbiugs.” I An iiitorview with Secretary Kodscxdt yesterday threw no light on the s&rgvqw general problem. He said that toe r;utt- ter waaenurely with the Presidvnt sad be did net know when tbe appointmt-i.t would be made. It ie ;iow said that the chargee of nCecsive partisansbip against Dr. Baxter are t:n£ta;iide(L (t is not de nied that be lias ainay* been a repablican bat it is cistmed that h* has not cast a vote in the past twennfeyyaars. To prove that ptjitics sbouid not b* al lowed to^iiter into the guest ion, tbe (act is c.ted that four democrats wers appointed IndnetMK is a talerit that mwet mmt bn wraigrerel ttpin a napkin. Nsfetbnv gb«»ld it b« drpmcwtnd. Many tbsnk febnmeni res of but liiUs nwannt la lbs auntni onaln aixi ta tbs nowMwfltng petlFUssa nf hf* At ihvy tsenrd Ihsmanlw * saly ns.- ativs char*, tv is Tbsy mn mm d. r things I'ke otbvis Thoy nan not n* good that they arv d.sng tHie, bww knows IS.A of h.iw Much nan ha Is may be dotwg his f rsntnst watk, n in his own s*Umaliren. ba is aesHn / doing the IsnsC Words spobnn n ■ « ' enriain eireninalaiKws onrry a wntgbt i ml effect ehamcirr and mnmdmmt and b*n« i frnHs Uw4g sHrr H.S spsnkrr ban ffnnn to , his ivaa.rel Drsds lies ; and Ibk hnm- I blast svrvbwa a's oOnn Uss moto IlMfens. i TUs fatbrr pet peioates himswlf to bto mtm ' A m'llbvi's iinpvnss npnn her rbOd la m ; eradlcahls. A aiatat'ssniiW and ktndngni I go to a btuUaer's hnait and tnsira^n hnn j fttm many a snacn, a bag’s systpatby. affoetton awl assistaam shn9i abJ |i——r* , many a food pnretih “Xn tmn tivefeb j unto h'-retseif, or dinfeh nnto biansnlf.** ' We arc also bound In aortoty—no earvwsa. * {y and latimately mfentsd. that noMb anU j upon the other for gre-d nv evtl. Myn- : fesrioos, all prrmoauag sred wreiu.dlhfeg If I inniwreiee' Happy am ws whs wm ft . ai igtit for oftr human gwjfhi* ' •ms nuMss -iw^ m eohMaWlf ffMiB- ing afUs soHMthtag anv nnd tha^ Otok it 1ms nut. la no bettor way nan iMeme. iggsbeMfetisesdlhaa by rnnuethfeffto bmtoa j and isewspnpsvs.. I N * Well ragalafend bon sell. Al Muisild hn ' miihoul a llhsary of pv’otod vrdntonn. In sefecUng booka seWe* mty thoen whoan . cootenu, when dlgnstsd, wffJ st^ato Ibn I in ludulgiag, secretly your woe. Tbe Prsap^t finds it absolutely ot- Cfssrrr to tbe propw petforMumoe of pnb- , surgeons general during repablicaa admin lie duties that the time b^pen tbe lOlh wtratiooe. and thwn is now noiwaooo why of November the next meeting of* • lepobbona sboxild not he eppoioted by Congress tbookl be at kU di^Msal, free j » democratic Prnsidnet if be is deeerying posited their ballots for thetmeand tried !f«>« interruption. Within ibU r«-J)d aod fitted for the plaos. All Mxrgnone demociacy’t is not true Tie How* j be will be oblliged to deny himself to vi*- land-Skinner men, claimin - . j ^ bosioes* t true blue democracy, worked f.,r and voted j of importance, rbi* will not be ojo-_ , . . . I the ^ppoQdto ticket; the airti-Ho*l»«>J applieatioos or reoom. _ quMtwDed on ihatso^ -Skiuner men worked for and voted the tncijdatlons for office. Tbtfe notification tbe army of the rank of eoloaet bold thew rank by act of Congrato, a> that Dr. Bax ter’s senioftty it is claimnd should not be rsndsr both taisfIsntnnWy awl Ti.a fearee may bs told nf i gradually u>etrn*in.r lilnwiy eff gn 4 tosiffig is tbs bast pJOsiMa ssidnnan mf n fotonff I mare’s fiigb tdssi In »o way nan wn ha- eatne battor nrgaiaind wxih (bd nnlnton world than tbrere^h Ibn mndfenffl fffbnaba and nswspBpvts. A psnnUnnsd wsffivbns rswsarks-l "A rtoding pnagto will nmto mmoomt a tbiaktng panphi, and a ll|tnhla|g peapls mast soon brvanpr a grant pnnpln. Tkroagb lb* nrwspspnrs wninntonnlbn world's htoUny m»*ij limg. to nn ntto s way ean ^ V'0'^ wWi vitb tbe ennwt pr*n'* f to? ttt To swjr yonag frwrede w* read. spend tba huik of yrui U) mad mg sumilbing nssfu^ it up. li nin give }• a s tmp •‘V ctn yen I —np. kdd maf be the mpana ofT lcnjng Tt« dhiufgti tz,aM d>9c«k>«a. nod tsensBii for ya orairtf a rrowa a