Bolow vro print a beautiflil little poem v.rktsn. v-iilo yet s. chili by Aurora Oak mniih, dairhtcb of 'Ajvia'Oaksmitli, and rvho wiia recently jnarried to Lewis H. Piper. Tho poem was found by Mr. Oak smith among some paprs "thieh Mra. Pipor left at her home in BluePatht, arid which ho was packing' iip tor send her, Mrs. Piper is a gTand-daughter of Madam Elisabeth Oaksmith, tho famous lecturer and writer, aad among her papers other poems Were found, showing that the grand daughter had inherited much of the genius of fter gifted grandiilother ; ' A visiox. I fiaw a phantom ehip last night, Sho drifted slowly with, the tide ; ?IIcr sails were spread so pearly white, . Her masts and spars were silver bright ; An J feho rocked from eide to sida I toward the captain give command, As he walked her silver dock till morn And saw the ship sail straight for land, As gu;ded by the heimsmans ban 3, I looked again the ship was gone. f AUF.ORA OAKSMITII . . Bl ue Point, N . Y., May 24. 1884 -v NOTICE. ; . r TAX 8 ALB. J will jel! for cash cu Monday the eth day of June 12 ra., at the court house door, the following property, to satisfy taxefe and costs. jOIIN B.tlUSSELL, Sheriff. Tjie Largest Book Pt'Ti.iEHEp The J latest edition Ot Webster's Unabudged in the quantity of matter it contains, is be lieved to be the largest volume published. It will surprise many" tc. kpow that bjr printers' caretnl reciconing n concaios eight times the cmonnt of matter that is in the Bible, being suficient to make 75 12mo, volumes 3;icLao 'u'euJIy s;U for $1.35 each;; - . ' -, ;" ;. OUR Q STSLQ W LETT rJ R. From our regular correspondant Swansbcro, N. U , Majr .lsfi-1837. . Our community: is very Jieajthy, and our farmers fxd .nieroh&nts are doing their teitto ttead e'ash other in trying to 'make a' sixpence first,, farms look- well 'aa floes" card ens. Mrs. Ilenretta Ward has quit crying and la no vr laughing. Mrs. H. ft. "$ard has planted her gar den in pea-puts. .'Mrs. Nancy Ilatsell planted her's in nut-grass and ays if is very nice. Capt. Heady says if some one don't give him a mess of fish he will go off somewhere and try to oaten some. They are very scarce in oyri waters now Georgo Young is still bragging, he says last year he tanned for himself and come out in debt, this year he is working oo 'wages and has plenty of money all the time and' only just 'commenced fanning. He will bet $50,00 that ' Capt. Ed. Hill's sail boat, will beat anythjo,' to length of keel in two counties, on a t wind or any way, and can turn around jquickor. The boat will turn' clear, around in timo to xatch a dojroDj hor sterol knocked oft her head cap, when started'on the tack, be fore the dog stakes the. water. r A large banks party ''frfaa up White Oak river' !yesterdayj ano'tWt&pe ty,lrom Swans-; boro. Capt tL' tfostwjs largp sharpie j loaded with happy peo'pfe left'$is-4fcorn-i ing forthe banks with the. pJaey;gKTe! 'Sunday school and their efnenda roml 'this place. '"tVe'have .baea -disappointed' in going, both to-d' 'aodfjVVaf Saturday,' wo will try and go nei- time. A large' banks party and fish-fry comes off at Ilawkm's fishery on Bear baiika on Sat urday the 21st inst, so wo hear, we will ,i y and be on hand then, ae wo like tish pretty well. We,, have had e xcellent preaching tbi? week in oui burg. Rev. C. "W.Porter the btnd preacher from Mftgnoluv, ". has Ifoefr. with us ay' the week and prerxhecl. some good sorqaens for us. Mr. Poller was born bljcdj, bi?t eeems to do and act as well as some .do. that' can see, his Bible of raised letters, - is a curi osity to look at, he Is a Baptist minister and is well versed in the scriptures, praches good sound do ctr lne, and' is a pieasanc gentleman o coayerue vmui, Vres ' to fish, and can . row a feoat with 'skill and energy, ii'the guest of Mrs.-M. "Russell her.; The little "bey pf Capt. M. Y. Heady got his ar m toke last week while playing, but is getting on all right now. Our school iere is progressing, but jaot progressing as well as it might be. The people are too poor, jor they don't take the interest they should in schools out of about 50 children subject to schools here, about 15 go to sohools, even , the good schools don't . have the children Miey ought. We'wich we had a. "31aii Bill" to help us, , and then & law to com pel tho children to go to sshool, if so we would'p.t have so many ignorant people in our world; with us, it seems most of our peoplo are too conceited, -and too self-willed, they all want to be boss and if they can'tboss, they won't do anything, rule or ruin is what some at them want, and we should be gl&d for.a new set of people ,to come in S wansboio and take charge for awhile. 'Mr. R. O, McLean and fami ly have. 'moved up to Barkers Bridge, Jo help swell the list fo a town there, llobcrt has been With Capt, Terry a good while in his sawmill business, say,-jUapt. T can't ycu rive us a good billet ? BEAUFORT TOWNSHIP. Mrs. Maria Price, part lot No. 63 O. T. tax and cost, . $3.51. John Nelson, part let No.-140 O. T., tax and cost, ; ; r. $4.26. iWm. E. Mumford, 50 acres land, West side North .Riter,'. tax and cot, $5.51 F.' P. Longest, part lot No. 0 O. T.", tax and cost, ' $5 51, i C. R. Hassoll, 19 aci os Newberno road, tax and costs, ?- 5.81.' bMYRNA TOWNSHIP. John D. Chadvfick, Oystpr i?ed,tax an. costT - " . ' ' $4.28. Franklin P. LPavi's, 10 acres of "land on D.vis bore, ;la? and oos,' 4.35. ! Martin T. Davis, 2$ acfes outTland Smypia, tax ar;d "cost 4.23. Thoal C. Murphy's heirs 5 arcres Da vis shore, tax i.nd cost ' . $2.81. .! Wm. . Wiiiis 5 acres land , on Davis sWp' tax : and cost, "'" ' $4 38. ... i 'straits TOWNSHIP. i Elijah Nelson's heir 43 acres Crany Is laud, tak au( cost, . $8.81". Jasper Golding 27 acres land. E. N. river, tax aud cost, $4.55 , Sam'l P. Nelson 54 arcres land Har kors Islapdj tax and cost, f $5.08.' NEWPORT TOWNSHIP. J . F. Jones 1174 " acres Black creek land, tax and cost, $22,05. MERRIMON TOWNSHIP. ! Jas. L. Onsby 430 acres Wallace Neal land, tax and costs,' . $e.S8. Beaufort, N. C, May 5th, 1887. County AGENCY. Persons having lands, houses, storey, or other property to sell or lease will tiuVi to their advantage by corresponding with either of tho undersigned. W. J. Dou onTv, att'y at law, Newport N; Q. G. W, Charlotte, Editcji Record, Belvufort N. C. The folldiPing describ ed properties have beep placed ';n the hands of this agency for sale. ;-,'.-. ' ,:- 1. A valuable farm, in fine sts.t3 of cultivation : adjoining tbecorporatiou of Newport. Lighty acres in cultivation a thousand fruit trees about ten years old in bearing. ; Prfc. $3.XX, .hajf pash. 2. A small cottag.6 dwelicg and lot in the town of -Newport on Railroad stieet 3 rooms B.nd kitchen, good garden, plenty of fruit and shade, price $300, cash. 3. A small cottage boyse and 2 lots on Orange sti-pet Newport, House some out of repair, priee $200 cash. 4. 40 unimproved lots in the town of Newport price $10 to $50, according to location. 5. A pretty cottage dwelling, Ave lots and a livery stable ; also four acres in the town of Newport, this is desireable pro perty And the bmdings are new, price $1,000. 6. 1000 acres $1000. Good farming laud, - SO acres cleared. One huudred grape vines 10 to 15 years old, very pro ductive, south side of Newport river four miles-from town, hoai thy .and good tock; range. , '' " - ' 7, 1 80' acres $i-V). ".Good rr.i;2 for stock, fine reed glades, south side of Newport riverthree, miles from , town, larse amount of P'Oud. rih, oak, Isirht- wood N OTICE, North Carolina, I Carteret County The ucdei-signed William N. Bell and James R. Bell.having this day qualified as executors cf the last will and testament of Rufus W. Bell, deceased; hereby notify all persons having claims against the es tate, to present them for payment on or before April SQth 1888, or. this notice will be pleaded m bar of recovery. All per. sons indebted to the estate are requested to mace payment, i WILLIAM N. BELL, J aUS. K. BELL ; .Executors. Beaufort, N. C, April 26th 1887. - 8. A fiQe fern-' ii1 eoath west fork of Ncwpdi-t, tJ00' acres; i0 acres ta cultiva tion, well fenced, uitoheq &c, fine cotton land, elay subsoil, piency timoer ot ail mill, price $1500. 9. Myrtlewoods the finest tnwk farm in Carteret county for barly vegetables, 50 acres in cultivation, highly improved, -v. -r--"-- ' . , . - Lrsr;""iiii'''H 8 . : 1 7--;Jtt a-T"""':-; ;fCA ! i !S F ffl H G IS fl I fi II 'few.RSM:'- auv IUllir, f H35COiiMON SENSE TIFT AND -:(JE PUMP lake, Country we wculd Jiio tO g; to. Barkers bridge to live for' awhile! Respectfully - ''" ';v -" w. . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE I HAVING QUALIFIED as Adminis trator of the estate of Charlotte E. Bell, all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned on or. before the 26th day of March 1888, or this notice will, be plead in bar or recovery. Also all persons o'.ving said estata .are reques ted to make immediate payment. .. e; F. -D. BELL; Adm'r. '' Mar.'26lh iSjf. ' . - " "" "" TOW Mm Absolutely Mre. This powder never varies. . A marvel of purity, strength and., wholesome uess. more economiQ&J than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold 'in. competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. 1 Sold only in cans. Royal Baking Powder Co 106 Wall St.. N. Y. Jan. 20. 1 y , A EAMELES3 CASE. State of N. Carolina, ) In the Superior County of Carteret, ) eovit, Mar. 31, 1887 " Ellen Mason, plaintiff, vs.. ' Stephen C. Guthrie, Sarah D. Gutlme, and Pelletier, defendants. . . To Stephen C. Guthrie .and Sarah D. Guthrie his wife, you. twill take notice. that an action as above entitled has, been instituted in the Superior Court. of Car teret, for forclosure of a mortgage, pn land executed by you to the plainrm, to se cure a bond ol ?55tO. made by you, which mortgage was executed on the first day of April 1884 duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Carteret County, book L. L. folio 393. Your are hereby required to appear at the Fall Term of said court to be" held at tho court houso 'in Beaufort on the 7th Monday after the 1st Monday in Septem ber next, and answer' or demur to the com plaint, as you may be advised. " T i JOHN D. DAVIS, ; I Clerk Superior Court. j3unmoi!3& Mailly A'f' t ' - . My . case has boea a very curious one for about thirteen yearp. At intervals of about one week I would be attacked with spells of seyero and most excruciating pain, al ways commencing mtne region of mv kidreys. The would then go up wards and affect my body .and head, and seemed to penetrate my, very eye-balls, creating the most intense suffering, last- ing about eight hours each spell. I resorted jto all kinds q! medicine without benefit. Several doctors treated my case, but none. gave relief. I finally used f. J5,-i0 as au experiment, and to my utter astonishment all pain and suffer mg vanished after using three doses. To the present time I have used three bottles, and not a pain has ever returned, I do not know. what was the matter, neith er could my physician name the complaint. The B. B. B., acted finely and powerfully upon my Jtianeys j my- appetite - nas beeu spiencuq ana my constitution built up rapiajy. - k,tuujbas. Constitution, Ga., May 6. 1886. UNIMPEACHED INTEGRITY. I' am 55. Broke down twelve vears aso. ana nave not been able to work since. Have lost proper use of mv hips and Iears For five years scrofulous sores have ap- pearco on my scaip. ana. nose, ana at the same time my eyesight began to fail, and for three years nave been comparatively blind. Have been treated by eminent phv- -m j.ftp . . ... sicuius oi uiMeieni; gcnpois witnout a cure. I have taken five botll6S of B. B.B. (made at Atlantav,Ga.y aiid all scrofulous sores are gradually healing. Iuflamation about my eyes, has disappeared and there is someimprov3meut ioniy vision. Am very mnch benefited and relieved and begin to feol Jike a boy again feel good. My strength and activity arerettirhiug in my legs and hips. The BB.jE. acts vig orously upon ray kidneys, and the 'i great quantity of matter that ha3 been forced out through the skin is utterly fricredfble. often so offensive in odor as to produce nausea, refer to all business men of La Grange, Ga. r. f KOFIIILL. LaQ range, Ga., January 13, 1886. All 'who desire lull information about: tho' cause and cure of Blood Poison Scrofula and .Scrofulous Swellings, Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism. Kidnev ComDlaints. Catarrh, etc. can secure bv mn.11. fnA ov r TAa . r.. t : z i uupjr oi uurd3-page xiiustratea liook of Wonders, filled with the most '-wonrforfiil aud startling proof ever before known. Addess, BLOOM BALM CO., Alluuta. Ga. trood dwellinir. outhouses &c. in thor ough repair, transpoi-tation by rail or water, very convenient, fish aud oysters abundant, 2 miles from-Morehead City. Reason for "selling owner wishes to e n ¬ gage in other business. Price $1400, half cash, balance on' easy terms with moitgagn on the property or' $1309 all cash. 10. An undivided interest in a valua ble tract 'of land"' on Straits,' known as tho Josiah Willis land, the iuterest of the heirs of Mrs. S. A. Fulford, who lives in the stats of Arkansas. Power of attorney on hand to - make title to the purchaser. ? 11. A traot of land on the west side of North River, in Carteret county, said tract contains 75 acres of level ' swamp, heavily timbered, and partially drained. 13. 8velJNl tBWri lots In Beaufort in desirable locations, ' t : - 1 18. The steamer. Wsvq which has been plying the' waters ht our harbor during tb portion o the past year, and was py the working out or a plug- sunk, has. been raised, and found in good con dition. He engines are of horse'poer each,- hull SO feet long, breadth of beam l feet, -fbiaijMMt cau De bougut cheap. ,M;Twtanre'ancbors, for sale at a bai s ai h . Teyeig Respectively 1800 and 2160 lb. No 15. A fine farm for sale on the- West side Qt Ncrth River, 5i iniios from Beaufort. : The' property is known as the Jesse Fdlcher place; There is 75 acres in the tract! SOnader cultivation. :; Terms casijca: credit.- .' . . .' 100 acres of land on Huutiu? Quarters bordering on the Thoroughfare, said 'ands formerly belonged. to Elijah W. iPigott. Also 70 acres on the Straits formerly the property of E. W.Tigott, can be bought on easy terms. ' 17. A complete Saw and Grist Mill for sale.- Can be bwught cheap. ' For partic ulars apply at this office. ' THE INTER-STATES LIFE ASSOCIATION. o" rcip. Fire Department for I '--.iny out of a common wood at a very mcrji cost, . av ortn j ucy Tiir.cs it ) Qos.L if t ea need it to put out a fir.'.', and extremely Laudy for lots of oth er things, i Rsao'y for action in onc-eighth of a'roin-. ute. . .finercrtic business men who will er?ve it p! ii; nttonuon are wan tea t I hau.lfe th." - c i';u every town in Peuu- sylvan;a, iNev oersey, laryiana, ueia- ware, vircmss., ana iCitn carowna, ann will be accorded contiol of suitable terri tory net already occupied. CHAS G. B LATCH LEY, . - '. n.s-rxrr'C! vrriTTi . t . rutin wnTJTinf f M M A (V ANDAS HE IS;MAKING THISEASON ; ' '" ' ' ' 1: " i - - a cfTtf-ialfTf Of Fins C?lofIiiJf AND GENT'S EURNIBHIN GOOWS. These lines are Specially Je cXSCassimes Middle Bex-flanneH Mobairs, Alpacas, Seereucker, Linen, etc., all made in tho lat est styles and in a manner to give satisfaction. r . ; BOTS SAIL.OR SUITS ..-...(, j. ' - : - , - ,- i for onlv $1 50 We e&n fit almost anybody from the 3 year old up to tho San wft! ? 44ast Our fflSO rythinthaf gentlemeii use, and contains some nice WOt1'; ri Lintfof a Election of BEAUTIES that captivate the eye are correct in style, and cheap. -We sell a pure silk tie for 20cts We sen a Pure silk scarf for 25 cents, and your choice of extra fine silk scarfs, bO cts. pure biiK Btu wi y y .A . ,, u..Ann.mtnt is ci-owded jiwer irrartfis irom 1 cents UP uj uu vui "t" -.. ,. . Boors ami SIioe " j 1. jar $8 50 fine French Calfskin shoes in Bals and Congress aroacknoy: edged " v . T. . , . . . i i .,11 .rimriri f.fafn With be tho best ana nicett snocs in tuo miitti;. h""1"-- .-- verv Dair. W also cai ry n tMr Jtno oi iou pneou , v"- a J CtS. HiaCKB VI iJry to e HrriR shoes. A irood ladies ! foxed gaiter at only hnnds.: and Notions. Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas,; ot sold rhe;ip. High pricas unknown. Nothing hi t ! Everything to bo :a:ns at -. ' Ot all and Office: 25 N. E. styles of Wood Pumps. CITY HALL SQUARE, Opposite Broad St. CE!ORC!E ASH'S, WEW BKFJWB, ' - - i .-' " : ON -MIDDLE STREET. NEXT TO L. II. CTJTJ.EPS David M. Jones would xrost respectfully solicit a continuance, of the V ind patronage of bis iold friends and neighbors, an-3 will, attyru- .mefully and promptly to all" of der eCnt by mail. . Station P. R. R. PHILAOELPHIA PA. STAUNTON VA., AND RALEIGH, "N. C The most popular, progressive and re liable Life Insurance Company, now of fering for business in North Carolina. All of its North Carolina money is in vested and controlled by the following North Carolina trustees of Raleigh, N. C. Capt. E. R. Stamps, Dr.' Jas. McKco, Dr. Eugene Grissom, R. T. Gray, Rev. C. T. Bailey, Leo. D. Heartt. This company is largely patronized and recommended by leading citizaus where- ever introduced. Record is Unparalleled. For further information apply to, JAMES R. BELL, Agent, Harlowe, N, C. GEORGE C. JORDAN, General Agent Raleigh, N, C, and Staunton, Va. Jill! MAZES isgi 8f ill saaaHMtMBHwl n H AS OLD DOMINION STEAM SHIP COMfANY. .'. i r - .1 BE-OPENED. t TnE Old dominion Steamphip Com- PAN if 's OLD AND FAVORITE WaTKII Route Via, A.libb'kmaule-a'sd ' CiiEaAiEAicE CanaL ; Tri.'Weekly Lnc FOR M NORFOTJt, BaLtisiokb, NLW jYOBK, PlIILADELrillA, BOgTON, PllOVIDKNCE. AND ALL POINTS, NORTH, EAST, AND WEST. - ; i Should be nscxl a few raoDths before coaflnement. Bond for book " To Mothxbs, mUed free. Baiirtmu) Bbotjutob Ob4 Atlanta, O. .- , . , .t i - JAMBS BOND, WHOLESALE COMMISSION DEALER IN ALL KINDS or FISH! Fruits & Produce. NO 14 SECOND STREET, BALTIMORE MD. Nov. 4 - 0 rao's. CALLAHAN BENNER WHOLESALE COMMISSION DEALEKS IN !0I 9S UNABRIDGED ' WlUi or without Patent Index. 6 fOJOrOMAJhf, IN ITSELF, in'. Tonr Attention is InTited to the fact that in pur charing iuQ ieteat issue of this work, you get A Dictionary 'J, oontalning SMil inoM word and nearly 2000 more Illustrations than any other American Dictionary. A Gazetteer of the World contain!? vertWseeaS'itles, with thetr pronunci ation and s vast apiount of other information. -, ( receritly ad4ed,) aud:" A Biographical Dictionary giring pronunciation of names and brief facte .concerning nearly 10,000 Noted Persons; also s ymnvuo Huwes giTing Taiuaois lniorrnauoa. Ail in One Boole WebfliOT'fl Unabridged Dictionary is recommend ed by the State Superintendents of Schools inM St?8! ? leding CoUege Presidents of the United States and Canada. It Is Standard Au thority with the United States Supreme Court, Ed in the Government Printing Office. " It has en selected in every case where State Purchases re been made for Schools, and in th rxotinn. "Toob which uearly ail (be school bgoka are Get the Latest and Best It la an inraluable companion in erery SohooL ( end at every Fireside. Specimen pages and - testimonials sent prepaid on application. Published by 0. & C mcrriam a CO., spnngneia, u. 5. a. Game t?e2?s?apin Nos. 8 & 4 Docii Street Fish Market, PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 4-3 mo's. On and after FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1 25th, 1S87, uniii furtiier notico, tho Steamers Newberre ( and 'Pamlico, Will eail from Norfolk, Va., evory Monray, Weepjksday aud Friday :it i3lX, A. r.,! forj JNEW tJERNE, Via., Washington, making close connection with the Steamers of; the N. & T. R. S. B. Ca. for1 Kinirston Trenton, and all other landings' on the Nouse and Trent Rivers. 1 ' V . Returning will sail from IJewberne every MOND-ay, yvednesuay ana rmuAi at Twelye. Mf. for Norfolk direct, tuakiug connecticn 7ith the O. D S, Co.'s ships for New York. B. 8. P' (Vx's steamers for; Baltimore?, Clyde Line Ships for Philadelphia, and Ml &. M. T. (Jo's ships for Bortou and j Providence.. " Our untirfng efforts to pleaso; ou at -ions,- and our almost perfect service for the past .twelve yefarfc, i-s the beit giuirau- teo we can offer ell fhipper as, to what we will do fcT-tlicm in. the future. Order all goods care o;;0. D. S. S. Co.,. Norfolk Va. 1 I Freights not received for shipment after 11 a. m.' on saiiiuy days, ! Passengers will find a'good table, com fortable rooms, and 'every courtesy nud attentic'-i will bo paid the-in by the oHi cors. ' " i ! E. B. ROBERTS,? A -ent. Messrs. CULPEPPER & TURNER,. Airents. Norfolk, Va. y. U. STANFORM, - ! G. F. ts P., Airt, New York City. BUCKLEM'S ARNfCA SALVE. The best alve in (the woVld ;for Cuts, Bruises, Soi-es, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fevei Sores. Tetter, Ohapibed llands. Chilblain" Corns, aud all bfirm jiLruptiQas, , and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is L'ua tan teed t give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cent per oox. k ; For sale by Dr. T E. Delamar, v-nriE "WEEKLY RECORD, JL r- A IEMOCI!ATIC NEWSPAPER, De voted to tho Interests of CARTERET COUNTY PublihUctl Eyery Thuraday at Beaufort, N. c. " r ' ' 4 ' - ' v: Subscription pxr year 61.50 ; ci:c months 75 cents; 8.inonths 50 oents. : . ...i,. ; N VARIABLY IN AlyANCE. . i Cj-o. A Russell --DEADER IN ORotERIES, FRESH MEATS, POULTRY, Eggs, Vegetables, Cord Wood &c cuu be found on the West side of Market St. At the etoro formerly occupied by U. J. Bell. By strict attentiou to tho wants of the public ho hopes to obtain a liberal sharo of their patronage. March 1 m. : Tin n?i Monday ir. Tho co-ir any coll" ' P.ii.-V; ry courso wii useful Engliih br TiVf,ion pel For Enulish! Latin and Cii Music. licidcntil Board, 3(; For luithej n .VI., ptcmbvr. ' ,f ' - f tvr vt4 cannot tak". I be i,isti'iv.'.C!i tll6 Bramlit.s eeK. each -vent. fcxpenscs . . 00 per mom' h'luiPlti,,!, i. w. J,'fort,K CAVEYTS. AND COri Obtained, aiid all oth;r Wn;1' U. S. Patent Omce attended t,"r' trate fee. . , 13 - .Sencl Modil or Draxin. . to patentability , ciar make no chatne vnten '... . W.V rofcr ihore t 1 U . .... W Supt. of Money Oida Hi , advice, terms ana i-'i'pes toa; entsjn your'owri Stit3orcoi.ctvr Opposite PajLentola jL-, VhgtoD- CHILLJMU A safe and certain cure f( CHILLS ANP BiLIOUS FEVt, They cure tlic . FIRST DAI No ihattor how long or how seven' ATTACK! JNO. W. SANPERS, M.D.,? . 1 r Banders' Stoic, J XT ASTERN CAROLINA MOM -i . 1 ' .i J. K. WI p. DEALER IK- MONUMENTS TOM US 61 WORK QENEJiALLY, CORNER broad aw d craves stre Kew Bsrne IV, r r " ; !'; box. ; Dr. J. W. Sanders' Chit, Tiw few at AJlen Iavi'. Thejr xy infnhlLk tcu Cliills and biliious fcvtrs, twi1 Hh i. will bo rcfundt d if tliry fail to cure ! taken acc'oidiug to dircctioiis. So i metlicinb necessary. They curetl: tho 1st day, and only four days nqc to cure Bilhous fever. As a tonkJ blood puiifler they l ave no equal Having nearly completed cur mill at i .Barkers Zfridge, wej shall commence saw- ! iug the first of March. . Whca we shall be prepared to 11 ajl ordors tlat we may I be favored with ESTABLISHED 1843. Wholesale and Retail Dealers is Oarpetings. Floorcloths, Hugs. XVlstts and GKKAT NO v LTlKS AT VKIIY LfiW ritlCES. SA MPL RS SENT ! F U KSMED, CORRESPONDEX OE INVITED. Broadway, ISih & 19th streets, NEW YORK, i ; AXD- 41 to 647 MARKET ST. Feb 24 2 -in. , SAN FRANCISCO. i. i . - . ' . ' ! -! i pTHE LIGHT RUfiriiriQI n The Gf Sat Southern Remedy fcr all BOOEL TROUBLES AND CHILDREN TEETHING. ii rTSSE Tre verJr tow who 3o no know of this LiSi5?. Ine loii5lde of our mountains ?f ovtt very few realise the fact, that the UtO purple berry, which bo many of us ?inTS e k1 S08 evry Bhape, there la a prin ciple In it havtoj. wonderful enect on the bowels. Dr, Btggert Huckleberry Cordial ia hS "OCTinrRM bkmkdt that restores lne little one tsthlnr, aud cures Dlarrhcpa Dysentery aod Cramp Colic. ruu;m ,hwhen it Is considered that at this season of jne year sodden and dangeroua attacks of the Dowels are so frequent, aud we hear pf oo many r n 9 occurring before a phyaiclan ran be called In, It Is Important thateverv hoase noM should provide tbemaclvss wit! eome speedy reuef, d08e.of wbKtJffi rTirethe ve much anxiety. "- Dr. Blcsjera' "c5rrv Cordial is asUnple re j&fci .which wwchlld Is pleased to take vu mTvStJH cents a bottle. Manufectared by WALTBB A. TAYLOR, Atlanta, Ga. y ly ior's Cherokee Kemedy ot Hweet tium and Mullein will cure Coughs, Croup and Con sumptton. Price 25 cts. and tl a bottle. For sale by A)N Davis. has all the modern improveinents with a capacity of forty thonsand feet per day. We have arrangedjto build a convenient dock for vessels, aad shall make local trade a upecialty.. TERMS GASH. To all who j lavor us with their orders we fpmailtea prompt delivery. WHITE OAK RIVK CORPORATION Killey K. Terry VKNEliAL MANAGER. x ! . JSUlla N. O, ' ! j j MAIL BOAT SERVICE. The Ida will leave the Ocean View Ho tel wharf at 4 o'clock a. m., daily;Sundays '"'iw. uiuiiir ar, run n.i...' 1 1 wharf to connect with the mail tram. bTRriiKK I.TriiMcn. U Hal 72? r ii j Si tjf rj tries, tha pui iibCn ol Ir Jfl Aaif H?a continue- w S tri m 9 for pACenU, cufW, tr4 IrasMMaUi rirhts, etz., for fa i-t Sar. It U Jt- f to obtaia patent in t r.l, t ' enca ia unannaTad aid thtiir (bciiit'M 4 paused. , , - Drawings hnd gpecificati -z prei w3 - In .Via 1 n - 1. f p :niU- " IPHW reaaonablt. K.o rbargn for na-ntnitiss J cr drawings. AdTice py nia.i iikj - Pateota oMainnd throi-gh M iniiI; J. " the largeat circulation ni is t;i aW iwel The idnntuH of aaoh a nutJM V! i"-! This large and plendHlT ninrMJ admitted to bo tha beat pPr Vj.lrai nechaciao, inventiona, nif!nnrw other departments of lclnrtnl ff"Jr, fished In any country. It cmnuir.l tb"" all patentees and title of evry ij10" JjL each week. Try it four moBfc fr oo bold by all newsdealer. . I. . ii you nave an .nTeniion Mi. ii Munn A Co., publishers at Boient fic Al (iandbook about patent n.w:J aA ml riff Atcn &cn ADVERTISING Btea mwm i Cor. Chestnut and EMl J Receive Advertise aacnt fori tWJ ESTIMATES? J!oweltK slUAYER S SON'S ATLANTIC & N. C. TIME TARLE NO. Sumi-J SEVinG-MACHIfJEl HAS NO EQUAt,' - rERFBCTSATISFACTIONi Ito Hume Se ini naeline Co. -tORANQE IMA ACS 30 Union SqwriliY. Chicago, III. Stlooli.Ho. Atlanta. 6a. DaUas, Tex. San Francisco, Cat. : g6ftUi.fc - To take effect 12:00 m., 1st 1887. ' Stations. Coins West Leave. Morehead Depot, 5 00 a. m Atlantic Hotel Morehead City. Atlantic Wildwood, Newport, Havelock, Ci oat an, Riverdale, Newborn, Clarke's, Tuscarora, Core Creek, Dover, Caswell, Kinston, Falling Cf cek, LaOiange, Best's Coldsboro, 4. 5 03 ' 5 27 " 5 40 " '5 50 " C 15 " 6 48 ;' 7 11" rj OO " 8 13 " .8 x r " 8 42." 9 00 " 9 21 " 9 30 " 9 53 " 10 11 ' 10 32 ' 10 50 " ii w: n co in 5- 10 24 10 09; i 10 ; 6 23 8 0S' 7 51! 7 13' C 25 s 4 5 31 Frehrht cars atUicLcd to foai. .". ,.. twecn New Berne and MfiMi'.y Captain.