vm TOT i rj-. .iLi LL JLI ji, VOL. 2. BEAUF0RT, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1887. NO. 25; joST BRILLIANT, PURE AN PER- . n.rnTIO lltniTIIl TIlAni' IV Kmbincd With Great Refracting . Ppwer. jHET. AUK AS TRANSPARENT A JOp f )IARLESS AS LIGHT ITSELF.. And for softness of onduranco 4o the i. V a aa11,s9 a....Yv1!.m IV. Warer to read for hours withojii faiigue. hj fact, they are j PERFECT SIGHT PRESERVERS. f Qstiniouialfl fcona tliQ fo&ding pfejsL fcians in tlUpio4lH5rfM)r son Cora, featoi stocks jjea at. note" la allrokssions tnxiifferelncfeg Cf trad, bankets mecbuicc ha riven,""' nayHrauwsit jmp&rr ev. by their use. .. v.- - .. --. ., . ilawkcs' Patent ExtBSun -6PRING EYE GLASS, Tha Finest in Existence nd are recmntonded by tho medical Jty throughout the country. No pressure f odticicg irritations. No danger of can r that is sometimes the result of wear ily other eyeglasses, resting with ease poii any nose. ; BOM THE GOVERNOR OV LOUISIANA, Tollr. A K. HawkesDear Sir-I ire to testify to the great superiority your Cry talized Lenses. They cora jino groat brilliancy with softness and jleasantness to tho eye, more than any have ever found, 8. D. McEnery, Governor pf Loujaian. F.Q GOVEJINGR IRELAND, OF TEXAS, To Mr. A. W. Hawkes Dear ,S.ir:-It Ivos mo pleasure to say that I have kt-.a 1'sr.i'' your glasses . rcr , some tune pst with muck satisfaction. For dear ths, r-oftnefs, and for all purposes inen- rd, they are not surpassed by any that have ever worn, i would recommend ktui to all who wan; a superior glass. Very RespectfuUy yours, j Joun Ireland. SIQHT IMPROVED. New York City, April, 1684. : Mr. A. K. Hawkes Dear Sir: Your ktcnt eye-classes received some time Vice, and am very much gratified at jo wonderful change that has come over !y eyesight since I have discarded my ri. glasses, ana am now wearing yours, ' j Alexander Agar, Secretary Stationers Board of Trade. V :ROM TUB MINISTER TO JAPAN. Mr. A. iv. Maw ices ucar sirr l am mob pleased witiitbe pautisoppic glasses tso crfectly adapted to my .oyesj with I am enabled to read as in my youth, i finest prh?t with the greatest ease. 1 acrfally recommend thsj to the public! f Respectfully, R. B. Hubbard ,x-Govemorof lexas) Minister to Japan, f i All Eyes Fitted And The Fit Guaranteed. rthe drug store of DR. J. B. DAVIS, I BEAUFORT, - There an immense assortment at these Jobrated glasses can be found and prop fy adapted 0 all conditions of the eye. These glasses aa not supplied to ped-f ers at any price. ' ' ; None genuine unless the namo Hawkes Imped on framo. I JIOLESALE DEPOTS: Atlanta, Ga astiu, Tex. i - t euts Wanted. TIIE HISTORY OF TnE CONFEDERATE STATES NAVY, Dm the laying of its firs fcet to tho sfpfcing ol its last vessel. Hv J. TnoMAs ScnARP, it of t!i.? Ooafcderato States Navy. o ,...,.... . .. - l lil. 11,. 4 vy of the United fttates ; tho Engage ots fo:!it ia tho Iviveis and Harbors li- S jul!i, and npon tho High Seas, riic work is fully Illustrated with Por ;ls or Confederate Njval Officers, pic pb of yebel8,sketihes of Bombardments li'.ipts m the. lliunpton Roads, at Wil nun, Cliarleston, Mobile, New Or ois, alon the Mississippi, on the ocean, A in the llivcrs and llarbors of the tath. . fhe History is complete in one volume, 800 PAGES. irculai-b uihI terms seat free of charge yiuy person applying to the publishers, J nOGEIlS&SllERWOOD. j'ttivKiy ot, rew xort v;ity, . . W' II. GCION. ' p'rr. Pr.LLETIKR GUION & PELLETIER, ATTORNEYS k.T jiAW. Two Doors South of Journal Office, Craven Street West Side. v KPWBERN. N. C. Vaetjco wharp services aro desirod. ! 'nwtice in the Suncrior Courts of Car- T't oiinfv " in t!m Ffldoral Court at Vw lfiie, and in tlie Spj-ome Court." ; I anios in Carteret dosiriog our ser rcs iU pleaao writs olograplj us at Fhe sea side HOUSE. This justly popular SUMMER RE. lK is now opcu for the reception ot ho wish to enjoy the cool and ln- L orai ins Sea Breexcs- . FOK PARTfCCLAUS ADDRESS, J AS. LOWENBERG, Proprietor, I Peinfott N.;C. June d;i?8?. THE RECORD W. CHARLOTTE, Editor. TaERBooBO U&S a Year in Advance. THURSDAY, JUNE 28, i8. Tr -l tr . ureio-w iui a. marie on vmir yur. x wbaus inai you: subscription n : . . . . u xprou. jriease renew it onee; feAtt logsi a?er Uaemonts rmist be paid foc ia adroieo. .'Tiiis rale wRUje LOCALS jB. B. B. For sale by Allen Davis. - Ajer'Sjearsarflia, ' "Ear sale by AUon ocvt-oaawjiyiycatk)ns. are crowded us wis wk,-. nwi WJUtcpotuf la oar fcltvi inmiv ' . . .7" Warners, LiVer and I&dEey CiwrCj Safe Ifjereine, avd Safe PiUs, For sale ty 4-iienuavis. The annual meeting of the Stockhoiders of the A. $b N. C. R. R. Ca wiil take place at J&orc&cad City, Juno 5J(Jth. The Methodist Working Society, accom panied by the New Berne Board of Trade, excurtcd to Morohcad on yesterday. Hawkes eye glasses and spectacles for sale at the drug store of Dr. J. B. Davi6' ou Ann St. See advertisement on first page. Col. Sam. LHefcscn, of Durham is at Morehead. He says that he is in charge of tho dudes. We acknowledge the pleas ure of a vnsn from wm. Tutfe SareaparUla apd Queens Delight, for speedy and permanent cure of Rheu matism, Diseases of tho Skin, Dyspepsia ccc. i or sale by Alton L avis. Parkers Ginger Tonic The medicine for every family, surpasses all other rc medies in the cure of Dyspepsia, Indiges- twB wo. ror saioy- Alum lavis. Died: On Thursday, June 16tb, 1887. at her residence on North River, Mrs. Susan B. Bell, wife of Josiah F. Bell.Esq. tier remains were oroujmt to Jieautort and interred In the family plot in tho An JSt. Cemetery. J. E. Henry, the "I scream" mac, sent us a nice treat last Wek in the shape of a delicious plate of ice cream. John is a Hve tradesman and knows the full value of printer ink. His place of business is at the market house. Ojar thanks for the treat. We ara Informed by every one that at tended the "Children Day" entertain ment at ine Ann pc JDaptist cuurcn on Sunday, that it was a grand success. We could not attend, and hope that some one wao was present, "wui wrtre it up lor our paper, A change in he Schedule of the freight trains on tho A &. N. C. R. R. wcnthito effect on yesterday. The freight traius leave Morehead depot at 4:40 A. M. ou Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Arrive at depot ou Tnesday, Thursday and Sat urday at 7 : 25 P. M. We had a delightful call from Prof. E. A. Alderman and wife last week. Prof. Alderman is president of the N. 0. Teach ers Assembly, and Superintendent of the Goldsboro Graded School. He Is a cul tivated gentleman, and his wife is a most pleasant and agreeable lady. . We call attention to Visitors to the ad vertisement of the Sea Bido House. This well known house Is now open, elegantly situated, fare first class, rooms clean and weU furnished. For particulars, address propriefer, C. Lowenberg, Beaufort N. C. We take pleasure in recommending this house to our friends. Capt. Lords dredge has arrived . Tho hull was towed here from the Southward. The machinery came from NewBerne. We are in hopes that the. Captain will ndw push tho work on the Harlowe Canal and the approaches; .Wo had almost given up all hope of over seeing tho work commenced agajij. The restraining order which was granted the magistrates of our county, against Mrs. Virginia Swcpsou. by Judge W. M. Shlpp, at the last term of Craven Superior Court; has been heard by Judge E. T. Boy kin and the. order made perpetual. Carteret County watf represented by her Attorneys, Mess. Simmons &. Manly in this suit. On Monday night the 30th inptant, we were invited by Mess. Buckman & Taylor, owners of the fine sharpie, the Johu fc Co cil; to visit the Atlantic Hotel at Morehead City. The company, was a select one and all enjoyed themself finely. A vote of thankfc was given the "owners vf tho sharpie upon our arrival on "Terra firma," after our cargo been disembarked. Mr, David Pieroe 'our accommodating Postmaster, treated the Record Offico to "MilJf Shakes" yesterday. Dave, yon are a galorius'V. fellow, This is a new summer beverage in these parts, and friend Davo knows how to mix them. May the roses never fade from your cheeks, and may you never be compelled to stiob type or write locals for a livelihood. Dr. C. L-Alexander, a Surgeon Dentist of Charlotte N. C will visit Beaufort on July Xst. The Doctor will remain several days for the practice of his profession. Dr. Alexander is well known hv Beaufoit and his numerous patients testify to hia skill in his profession. His office will bo over.the millinery establishment of Mrs, J. U. Lowenberg, ou Front srteet Tho Schr. W. D. Hilton of Providence, R I., bound iuto Hatteras Inlet, was for ced to scud by and run into Lookout Cove last week. On the 14tb, when about 45 miles ofl Lookout shoals, sighted an un known three masted schooner, with colors union1 down. On acoou t of the heavy isea could not render -her any., assistance The Schr. . soon passed out of sight head ing souibwaro. t . . ' put Comnanv for old Deoule States p.ud ,tho cheapest, safest and best lor all agqs. Call on Dr. .'B. Deiamar, Agent fpr.Carterct county, and be con vinced. Also " Agent fur the 'New York Mutual Reset ve--toral business $190,000,- xsrf t' "r.ii t ta . meRts ISSO.'OQO, : . - i i On Saturday, last e were sweated in our sanctum-tiiminatjng pvef ,hllls, thit were due'us, "add were not forthcoming; .when in walked Mf.E. G.. Hay fell, tho livegou .tlem'anly Secretary" of the N. C. Teachers Insure in tho Old People's Mutual Bcu Soqioty the only reliable Insnrauoe in tne unjtea Assembly. He was accompanied by oevy of elegant ladteo. To sny that they wmu entertaining. Goes noxiiair express i We enjoyed tho visit of friond Ifarroll "muchly." The company of tho ladi much mere. The Stereopticon pevformaflco given by Prof. Richards on Thursday evejoisg ;tlio ICth instant -at-Davis nail for tlie bcivofit or the Oxford Orphan Asylum , nettwiilie sum of $8.25. This amount has been l'or- wtfilod to the Orphan Asvhtm by the Sec reUry of -Fmnklhi Lodge A. F. & A. M The eiiLeriaionient given Friday eve ning ior tne beneut ot tho Ann St. M. E. SuDday School libraryrwss ft dismat'faiV trre. ajio receiv werw hoc sumcient to pay the rent of tho hall. Mr, J. rolloticr, - a former resident of VMS county, and a subscriter tr our papo r wriaes us .itnaor aato- ot J une 15fcti from Laltue, Ohio, ''hat: Heavy rains hatfo prevailed hi his Rectionr-iarmors nojb vet .through' ptam,g1trirltt have new' o- tacocs mtA ifia.m3-yriki!wtf witirus. i swt in yourMrtow letter th&l uie writer wauce-ro-r.ave a ernetiy for chicken cholera, I will gito ysi iy remedy : Take WiiteoGli : hark and boil tbem A5e o&ev)ice and pvit bran or tortw meal m it and feed is to yoar ciuckeus. OnThrusdaythc 16'h - instant, a largo New Foundland dogcamo ashore on Bog- ue Banks. The dog refused to have any thing to do with any of the residents. It was supposed that he had swam ashore from some wrecked vessel. Wo learned later tliat tho dog belonged to Mr. Lock hart Gibbs who resides about throo miles from tcii'n Mr. Gibbs had left home for Beaufort, and tho dog wishiog to bo with him attempted to swim across the creek A heavy wind and ram storm was prevail ing at tho time and the poor brute was carried down tho river, across tho souud and landed upon tho banks. Mr. Thomas Lewis came near, meeting with a serious accident several days ago. He was driving a mule attached to a cart across tho bridge, at tho mill dam on the NewBerne road, his mule become frighten ed and commcucod backing on the bridge, the inulo backed until the carthuog over the bridge, his feet wero pressed against the timbers on the sido of the bridge. Mr Lewis jumped out of tho cart, held tho mules head, cut the traces and saved his mule. Tho cart fell off the bridge in about 8 foet of water. The tide wis at its height at the time. Had the mule, cact and driver gona over tho bridge, it might have resulted in the drowning of both driver and mule. Mr. Jos, E. Robinsou editor of that sprightly paper, the Goldsboro Argus, paid us a most pleasant visit last week. He informed us that his paper was flourish ing, and that the office was to bo removed to the Messenger building. The Argus is a first class journal, and weJJ dose yes the patronasro of the people. We do not know of a more gallant kuigut ol tno quill than the gentleman editor of the Argus He is one of the "handsomest members of the Goldsboro Rifles," so the glils say and we will baak up their judgment in the matter, Mr. Robinson lias recently asso ciated with himself, Messrs. W. C Mun roe and C. B. Aycock, In tho editorial de partment of his paper, lno Argus was a grand success, boforo these gentlemen associated themselves with Mr. Robinson We may now look for a better paper if such is possible. On Wednesday night tho 13ih instant. Mr. Nat Godlcy, who resides on Russell s Creek, visited our town aud remained until about 9 p. ra. On or abont that hour he started for home, when near tho forks cf the road, - about one milo from town, his horse was suddenly arrested by a man, who stepped out from tho side of tho road and grasped the reins. Mr. G. was sitting in the cart, he at once or&erea tne man to release his horsey the fellow mumbled out somethmg which he failed to nuclei-stand. Mr. G. jumped from his cart into tho road and with the butt end of hia whip, which was loaded struck tho vlllian a blow over the head which felled him to tho earth. He still retained his hold upon the renw, Mr. G. again ordered him to release his hold, which was not done. Mr. G. struck him over the head a second time, knocking tho rascal down, his hold was thus broken and Mr. Godley immediately jumped into his cart and drove off; leaving the fellow iu the road; Mr. G. says that the one who made the attack upon him was a medium sized mulatto man. What was the ohieot, was it murder or robbery? The matter demands au investigation hy tho proper authorities. NOTICE! I will be in Beaufort from four to six weeks, teaching a vocal class. Parties desiring pianos or organs tuned will please nopfy mo. Uliarges mcuerato. ismaiso agent for Ludden & Bates, Southorn Mus ic House for tho sale of Pianos and; Or gans. C. L. Wilson j At Mr. u. LtOwenDcrgs. ,;CAMP HOLLO WELL , Goldsboro Rifles,. Co-D., 1st Reg. N. Co.. G. -. W.T. HOLLO WELL. Captain. T. II. 2nd BAIN, 1st Lieut. J. R. G RIFFIN, . JjltUt. MoREgEAD City, N. C Juno 17, 1887. Mr. W. B. Colkrurn, Dear Sir: The Goldsboro Rifles desire'to return to you their sincere and heartfelt thanks for the very liberal denatioa ..of vegetables aud the many other courtesies etuded to them while in camp at Morehead City, June 13th-13sh 18S7. - W. l . hollo weij, uapiain coma g, F. W. Smith, Secretary. GOOD RESULTS IN EVERY CASE. D.A.Bradford.wholeaalc paper dealer of Chattanooga, Tend., writes that ho Was seriously afflicted with a severe cld that settled on his lungs: had tried many rem edies without benefit. Being induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Con Suroption,did so and was entirely cured by us of a few bottles. Since which time be has used it in his family for all Coughs and Colds with best results. This is the experience of thousands whose lives have been saved by this wonderful. Discovery. Trial Bottles freo at T.B. Dele mar's Drug Store Large Bottles 1.00. AN END TO BONE SCRAPING. Edward Shepherd, of Harrisburg, 111., says: "Having received so much benefit from Electric Bitters, I feci it my duty tQ let suffering humauity know it. Have had a running Sore on my leg fee eight years; my doctors -told ir e I would have to havothe bone scrapea or leg amputa ClVU tils? UUiiC f?ViCVs,vi C, 4JJ .1.1 c.fc- I used.instead, three bottles of Elec Bittcis and seven hoses Buckleys ted. trie B Arnica Salve, and ,dv itiT isow sound and well." Electric Bitters are sold at fifty cents a bottle, and Bucklen's Arnica Salve at 35c. per b?x Tiy T, IJ. Delamar.- MAE-IKE NEWS ARRIVALS. Regulator, 16th. Schr. Wilmington. Lewis, from - iin. i ug lijancne, jacoos, navmg in tow Capt. Lords dredge, from Wilming ton. , r 19th. Pilot Boat Add4, of Sioithvillo, while cruwiug spoke schoojie Franconia, Beanert wsster, 'bound U Wilmington. . 22nd. Stcaiaor Trent. Rolerts, from New Borne witli maefcinory for Capt. Lords dredge. 22nd. U. S. Revenue Catter Colfax, from SmithvSlle. j SAILED. FraQk, Alien, 17th. Tug for Brune- wick, a. 20ih. Schr. lr.ene E. Mersevoy, Mersc- vey, towed to sea this . m., for Wilming ton. ' ' Hh-' Tu Blanche, JACObfl, for.--Wit: minion. i 20th. Sehr. Marihs, Sabiston, for BaU NW YORU PURCHASING AGENCY, MRS. S. R. SIT AW, PROPRIETOR , , No. 14 West 63th Street. Will fill orders, iualch samples, and execute commissions of all kinds. Inquir ies promptly answered, when posUige stamps are sent to pay return postage. Ladirs in want of auv article, will liad this medium a trroat benefit. Tho adver tiser is a lady of excellent taste aud judg ment, is thoroughly cGiiversast with all kinds ot goods, aud.eau save purchasers considerablo money, by atteiding to their orders. A commissioc. of , live per cent on all prcliaees will be .charged. Send your orders, aud have all aoney orders male payable to tlie above ad dress. Refers to :-rJohn A Char- lotto Esq., with Swoetser, Pcmbrook & Co.. Broadvvay, N. Y ard to the Editor of the Weekly Record Beaufort N. C. . ' ' MARRIED On Wednesday eveniug, June &2dl8S7, at the rcsidonco of Mr. James Marshal!, near Beaufort,. Mr. Willie Morton to Miss Minnie Stanton. Rev. W. IT. Puck- ctt of tho North Caroliua M. E. Confer ence joined this young couple in the holy bonds of wedlock. A. large company wero present to witness tho ceremony. Refroshmen ts wore served tho guests, and it was indeed an old time marriage feast. We regret our inability to re present ou this joyous occasion Wo wish our young friends a long asd happy life, may the blessings of heaven rest upon them. . INTERESTING TO LADIES. Our lady readers cau hardly fail to have their attention called this week to the latest combination of improvements ia that most useful of all domestic imple ments, the ''Sowing machine.". As we undorstaud it, a niacJime.for fam ily use should ineet.fiyst of all theso.-re- quiroments : It should bo simple in its mechanism; it should run easily; it should don wide range of work'; it should lie as nearly noiseless as possible ; it should be light, handsome, durable, and as cheap as is consistent with excellence throughout. Thoso conditions the "Light-Running New Home" certainly meets. It. has also several very important and useful attach ments and "notions of its own, which go far to make good its claims to popular favor. The "New Homo" specially recom mends itself to purchasers on account of its superior mechanicial construction; case of management and reasonable price. Over half a million have been sold in the ast throe years, all of which are giviug universal satisfaction. This unrivalled machine is manufactured by the NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO, Orange, Mass., and 30 Union Square, New York. THE NORTH CAROLINA ERS' ASSEMBLY. TEACH- FIRST DAY'S PROCEEDINGS. Tho North Carolina Teachers' Assem bly, composed of the teachers of the State and leading oducators convened at the Atlantic Hotel, Morehead Ciry on Wednesday, Juno 15th, at 13 o'clock noon. The assembly was organized at Wayncs- ville, N. 0., in the year 1884. The second and third sessions were heldat Black Mountain in Western North Cato- ina in 1835 and 18SG. This yoar the teachers came to the coast. The Assembly in 1834 had enrolled three hundred and sixty-five members. The-prescfnt membership ' aggregates nearly two thousand and . it is perhaps one of the lagest .bodies of the'kind in the United States. 1 , The Teachers and members of the As sembly arrived on a special .train Tues day night, J une 14th; - Arrangements had been made by Mr. Eugene Harrcll of Raleigh, Secretary, and the other 'Assem bly officers with Messrs, Cooke & Foster Brothers, the clover and experienced hotel proprietors, who controlled the At lantic last summer, bo that rooms were assigned on the tram cn-route to all avoiding any confusion oa the arrival of the traiu. It is estimated that eight hundred are. present at tho Atlantic nw iaoludiug the former guests and the As sembly. New arrivals every night will probably make the number one thousand, before the Assembly adjourns. Mr. Hanc-U in- onus us a larger number are present thi3 year at auy previous session ot the Assembly. There are prominent ladies and gentle men, distinguished educators and teach ers from nearly every county in North Carolina. Every sectiou of the State at least is represented, from beyond the Bluo liidge Mountains, tho Piedmont or middle sec tion iad tho coast sootiqi;, they cqme to or,r grand old ocean and our sister Qitieg by the ocean. The formal exercises of the assembly begau. on Wednesday morning, June 15th at 11 m.; with an address of Welcomo by C. R ."'Thomas, Jr. Esq.', of this town.. Prior to the opening exercises, chairs weie plaocd for thy' Muditmot, the' musit strjjd iu the HiQ Room was decoiated tastefully and a bulletin announcing the; programme placed ia the iietei inc regular hour for tho opening wis 0 a. m.; This hour wa3chjye god ewiog to the late arrival ea TueJ.ty night of tho As sembly tram. Promptly at 12 o'eiijek the President of tho .Assembly, Prof. E. A. Ald-uian Su perintendent of the Goldsboro Graded School, eallod the Assembly to order. The Secretary Mr. E. G. Harroh of Raleigh was at his pot just below and on one sido of the rostrum. On the ros trmu were seated Maj. S. M. Fingor our ahle aud pojilar Slate SuperiMtendent of Public Instruction. . Dr. R II. Lewis of the Kinston College, Prof. C. P. Frazier and Capt.. C. B. Denson. Ma. Finger in very pleasant words in trodaiaQd to tha Assembly and the audi ence Mr. Thomas,- wh?m he said woRtd oxteud the wetcomeby; Eastern North CaroMna te tfio Assembly, ' . -; The speaker hZ&y,rtxhme4 tb his tory and 'the orgaul2atl'of the Team Assembly, its rapid growth, and rcat im portance to the State was shown to be un paralled. His welcome to the Assembly was eloquently rcnueroa, ana sucn a nobio tribute to tho teaclier, was tha theme of all who had the pleasure of listening to him. Our noble young Rep resentative was heart in hand in Ids m dosoment, of the establishment of the North Carolina Normal College, for the iraiumg of the teachers of our State. Mr. John W. Staines, county superin tendent of Buncombe, was called upon by the president, who acknowledged -the welcomo so generously extended to the teacheis by Mr. Thomas. Dr. M. F. Arondell, mayor of More head, also extended a hearty welcomo tendered the "Freedom of Morohead" to all present. Mr. C. F. Siler, moved that tho Assembly express their thanks by a rising vote for such a cordial welcomo. -PECOMD DAY, JUNE IGtu. The assembly was called to order at 10 o'clock a. m., by the President. Devo tional exercises were 30uducted by Rev. T. U. Faucette, of Milton, Prof. Charles Wilson, of Chapel Hill, led tiiG singing. Tho President of the Assembly, Prof. E. A. Alderman, then delivered his annual address. The address was well rcMjeivod. A letter was then read by the sccretaiy, from the President of the United States, regretting his inability -to attend the As sembly. Prof, E. P. Moses, pf Raleigh, offered tho following resolution, which was uuau imously apopted:- . . . , - Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to submit resolutions of thanks to the press of tho state for the liberal and valuatlo aid which it has given to tho assembly aud its work. Tho President filled ivacaucies in the standing committees as follows: Executive Committee J. W. Starues, Ashcville ; T. J. Simmons, Durham; C. P.iFrazier, Greensboro. Daily Programme 11'. P. Moses, Ral eigh ; N. C. English, Trinity College ; W. B. Phillips, Chapel Hill. An address, ou school government by Dr R..H. Lewis, president of tho Kia ston College, was both entertaining and instructive. The address was nj jyod by all who wore fortunate , enough to bear him. The assembly are at work, it is a gathering of brainy "men aud women from the sea-shore to ; tha mountains, their work i of u practical kind, and can not fail them in working out :or the good of education. EVENING SHSSION. The Assembly was called to order by the president at 8. d p. m. Rov. L. C, Vass, D. D., of NewBerne lectured before the Assembly. His subject: "Tke Med itations of an Inkstand," was iu 'eed a novel ouo. His treatment of hid theme was a grand effort. ! . THIRD DAY, Juue4l7th. t The Assembly was callod tj order by the President at the usual hour. The following committee, oa thanks to the Press was appointed: E. P. Mioses W. A.:B!air, C. lXMctverT ' On motion of Prof." TJl. P. Moses, a committee was appointed to offer an amendment to the Coustiuilioo hi-regard to membership iu tlie ."Assembly, Com mittee: E. P. Moses, ,S,: M. Firger, F P. Hobgood. . ; ' A Committee to clearly define the objects of tho Assembly, consisting of Rev. J. M. White, C. B. DeLSon aud C. F. Silsr, was appoiuted by the Chair. "Primary Reading,'' was tho topic an nounced. by the Chair, -and the subject was introJuccd by Prof, Nelson B. Henry of Chapel Hill. The diussion was par ticipated in by Prof. W. A. B'aii, of Winston. Prof. E. P. Moses, Mis-j M. E. Carter, Prof. D. L. Ellis, 'Rev. J. M. Tliil yar, and Prof. Duckett. ' An essay on '"Elocution," by Mhs Lil lian Arnold of tho Gtecnsboio Female College, brought down the house. t EVENING 8CSSI0N. Owing to the illness ofiiev. Tho's Hume, D. D., who-was announced as the speaker for to night, the exercioa we:c changed somewhat. Tho - Goldsboro Rifles, who aro encamped on the hotel grounds, gave a complimentary drill in the large ball room of the Atlantic Hutel. Tho com pany received r-junds of applauhe, and their efforts to add to the, e utertalurcect of Ike teachers was fully apprciated. President Alderman and Capt. C. B. DensoiijOf Raleigh, retu: nedahe thanks of the Assembly for the pleasure afforded them ia witu'e'saiug the vatious. LAililaiy movemeuts, su spkudiUly -executed, by this fin; ii.-np;uiy.- After thy drill. Mr. Stradley, gave a recitat ion, "AnUiio Orhi boui,"iud Mrii. Shipp, of liUoigh, Esmcr i alda." ihe baiaivv1 of ina evening was devoted to a nuwtcal M-oAn.nuuo which had boon arranged to complete the even ing exercises. TOCRTTI DAT, JtTKS ISrtT. i Devotional exercises were led by' Rev. J. M. 'Whius vf Holly Springs. The oomaiifteo on retrictng taemher sbip in the Aissembiy made tho following report : ' . To theRoriL G&roUM Teacisrt Atssfnllf. . Wo beg leave to propose the adopt ion of tho following rcsolutioua - IZcxolrtd 1. That none hut inme -Jide teacTurt, school superintendent a, mernbots of school board, ministers or the gosjKd, oditprs of educational journals and mem bor3 of their immediate families fhall b ontitled to uienbership in tho North Car olina TeacheM AssoaaliJy TpiovWerl, that. thj Secretary and President may, m thoir diseretio, issna special eomjiimestsrj tickets, and repctV taV"wimes i of fbiAtpe&-' sons to whom euch tickets are issod, to the AsscraWy; - ' ":' Resolved 2. That tho school with which the applicant is or has boon connoted must be stated in tho application, and the mombarsbip ticket canuot be isf?uod until said application has' -been -.'endorsed by tho Secretary aud appiovod by the Presi-. dent. . ' E. P. Moses, S. M. Fiuger, F. P. Hob good, committee. ' On motion of Prof. Charles D. Mclver, Hon. D. G. Fowle, of Raleigh, vas-unan-imourly requested .to address hct Assem bly during this session. " Prof. Johu Duckett, of Greenville, was appoiuted on the Execut.ivo Committee, to fill a vacancy caused by the absence of a member. ' ". "Mr. Washington Bryan, the gentleman ly President of tho A. & N. C. R R. Co., tendered the Assembly a complimentary excureion to Now Bcrnc to take place next woek . EVENING SESSION. Hon. D. G. Fowle, of Iialoigh, aldrer sed the Assembly. Ludgo Fowlo was in the best of humor, and meant every word that he said. . SUNDAY, JUKE 19f II. . . . A special trainfrom New' Berne arrived this morning. . . ' Tho Assembly met id the ball room at 11 o'clock a. m., to attend rcligous sorvi coe. Rev. John S- Watkins, -pastor of the First Presbyterian Church' of Raleigh preached frdm the text, "Never mart spake like this man." . By request Mr. Watkins asrain preached trrfite - Assembly in the I evening, flcchoso for his subject, "Chris tian charity. Tho vocal and instrumental music was very fine. Mr. V. C. Roystor, of Raleigh, presided at the organ, and an orchestra of brass instruments from the Davis School Band, accompanied tho organ. fifth day, June 20th. Devotional exercises wore conducted by Mr. Ellis. Tho following special com mittees were appointed by the President: i Committee on Organization J. L. Tomlinsou, D. L. Ellis, Marion. Butler, T. C. Linn, Hugh Morsou, C. II.. Walker R. G. Kvsor, Mrs. S. S. Williams, Mis. Emina MoGilvary . Committee on N, C. History-C. B. Dcnson, L. T. Blair, Miss Anuio Couig land. Committee on General History W. A. Blair, B. C. Mclvor, Miss Lilly Long. Committee on Geography of N. C Rev. L. C. Vaes, J. A. Delke, Misa Lucy Jurney. The committee on Normal College.sub mittcd their report. Tho committee pro pope to memoralize the legislature of 1887, to appropriate the sum of $10,000 to es tablish a Normal College for men and women preparing to teach. The com mittee, Messrs. Alderman, Finger and Mary R. Ooodloo, stated that the memo rial was submitted to tbeScnato approved by the committee on education ; f ut the bill fai!od to pass the Senate. The com mittee wasjcbht inued", and instructed to urge the natter before tbo text logisln tiue. - ' - The first subject announced to-day- was "Latin," rrof. Mclver, .-ol Peace Insti tute, opened witli. an- essay, which was followed by the Presldont, Rov. G. Byrd, Prof's. Dclke, Hobgood Blair, and Capt. Dcnson. Tbo seooad subjactj "Geog raphy," was brought before .tlie Assein by Prof. Noble, of Wilmington. KVENIXO SESSION. The President called tho assembly' to osder and introduced Miss Lillian Ar nold, she was received with applause.' Miss Arnold, is an accomplished teacher, read er, and elocutionist. Mr. Josephus Daniels, editor of the State Chronicle, wag nelt introduced, as the lecturer of the evcuing. Mr. Daniels presented as his subject, "Money and So cialism." He ably entertained Ida large audience until traiu t'rrrtf. . OUR NEW YORK LETTER. ! From our regular Correspondent. New Yosk; June 18th, IS37. Our esteemed citizen and notorious socialist Heir Most is ia-hot water again". S'mce he graduated from Blackwell's land some .mouths ago, wc have heard little of him. He is before the public again now. Proceeding's are about to be taken againsl him for inciting a. riot Jit Union Park, N. J.., on uaday last. Un ion Park Is but a short distance from Jer je v City and cor-tntus a picnic . ground. ft.-. F.nudAv the sociaiibt. .dyiiamiters ami, all foes' to wealth. -aiid society held cn- ii;um'.'i here. Soin! very ihi y am ri'rtous spoochea wero made and much. Wr consumed. Noa ttoriidlstiftt'iK'ochrs mixed viLh beer always creato trouble. A sja&&etis meeting vlUiout -bcr has uover be-ea JciiOvrn. Several auoflan-Jlug aud inncccjst (copk) wbo hM strolled into the -widj out lot curioidty were suppiiCtod of bing detectives and werV lmuiaU2tel iest4 wu, Pistols were diHcharg ev m id ers.'ms shot, .and " 1 1 Alicrs-wrHMihly liijurert br nlwllrs "dur ing tho row. 1h Injured citizens hfto expressed, llu ir flcteriminstion to bring Mot to justicn and hajro aoc'inod him of being at tho botbw ofjall tho illaturbance. it Is hopid that !io vltl bo fcainitj to ths Is laiwl for another but lingesioiW Tbo jt7 hx iu hi famous ShaQi trial h;is at hmtioen Wod aud the trial i now fairly begnn. ' - The Queen's jslsle,oeleUaUon will craly obsred by tl A ntloznawici! of th4a cUyia thflCltrDiolii,OiK!r Itom on rpuhAiojvl,-UtAVvi M .. in black ad with flaKlat half ibsat, v rrishnvftn i-as no grat i.ive for Victotia. TbotrS?i Umt hsvi Jorvcy City evary morning Cot ChwvgO'Ut ta-.iia up of t!i hai)d:cmietcar3 in 1he world, .'ilila is a .:. sweeping '-i.tilvibKiit. hut. a true oio never- . thelcss:" Tli 'y f.re the ltebt production, of tho Pull man ccm pa? y and are callsl vestituie caiK. From ltl.oul, tho tiain has .the appf arxneo of . we long car. Tha platforms aro tl encloiM and fitted wilh w glasa doors for 4iiigrcr:. And cgfss thus . forming a jicifoet vo."l!bulo bftween th car. These vcti!uJt'ii. are carpt-tcd aud lighted by electric lrga Tlio joinV and all points cf contact ur fitted with nib boiVthns avoiding duk, dirt and inclem ent weather. P;sina freni one car lo an other jj H'o walking ui wu tho aide of tho Cr. lliO l.ltOli JC OI ll'-a csr T-:iO"i?iYta are a marv'l cf 'ijcaut and tho cabinet ' walkers art. A dining room car . is d tachod with sin uaoxcfchW cujshu. Thn motion of tho car ia n bhi'.hl &Jtosu&ble a barber thop to bo ctUchiA and hitizig can bo dono v'th pcifcct safelr wMlo one ' . Is , flylrg o er the i ai!ti at i!:o i aio of r0 or -60 miles ui hour. .. j1 ' Tho bottom has fallen out of the collio mijrltefc as was -especial by every .body. ;, The conUnued -rise In pris was htonght t& a siidd6Uv Rud lfj a " rapid dciilne, Jjfany brwkoiis wtro relight in tho crarili. J Tho ProdHCfi . Exchange .luia. alao.'beoa tlie scene of considerable' excitement. , On Wodnoday tbo matfeet waf oh the vcrpft ' of a' panic. Tlie lapld -decline Is wheat was due to an -enormous ' deal in. th Chicagi' market;-:' Thirteen ftniw iaikJ'-. 'k on tho Chicago Board of Trade In a ukiglo . day. Each bit of ner,v3 from Chicago was reccivod with tho wildo3txcit:m.'mr. on th.i Produco Exchango in thld city. Tbo dpal is at an end nof. -Thursday wai a comparatively quiot jday". A gieat dcraoiX ration wlfl take place to-night in honor of Dr. McGlynn. It Is estimated hut 7SO0O men , will turn one and march in. tho parade. Tho parade will bo in divisions j and caoh divisions made up of the various labor organijui tious. It is a.Wg lirno to raaka about such an Insignificant man. , By cablo ve learn that tho NrtJb Ger man Loyd Beamship "Ems" on- whk;h. Mr. James G. Blaini his wife and two daughters were passengers, -arrived At .; Southampton on JunoiCth. Tlwauer Queen, of tho National Line, which ar rived here on Thursday had on boanl seven unwclcomo passcngf.ra, who suc ceeded In stealing ajpas&age There will be a special meeting of the commissioners of Emigratlou to decide ujon the Uwfuh nsss of allowing stowaways, paupers, thieves and tho . likq to land at CaW-to Garden and becomo la part of our popUf lation. The first firework accident on reccid this year occurred ot Thursday night : at Corona, Long Wand; 1 A family of Italianl consisting of four men, one woman audi two children lived iu a small house, in wulcji the men were engaged in the rAaKuhictuie of ditwoiks. In the evening oho ofttitorasn carelesl let a lighted match faI upon a large baf. rcl of gun-powdcr. ;'Tie resort can tasiljr bo jmaglucd. In tje'ntyj' minutes iho hou0 wjs a heap of jthc8." bo family are now resting bicti iu Relievo Hpfi pital.' Itotii tlie children are likely to dlo while the adulta will pbftbly "recover. The fireworks at Ma'hattau Beach, th . Fall of Babylon at B. '., iwd Forepaugh's New Olympia it Erastiha, S. . I., wijl draw large crowds out bt tho pity daring the summer evwdngs. Special boats III. bo run to accommodate the" people. Mr. Pain, the pyrotechuiitlhas tfrfapged for, tho display of fireworks' at' Manhattan Beach a grand representation of tire taking of Sabastopol. Tho anipldthca'ro is in the open air and 'will &cat 20.000 people. An artificial lake separates tbo. audience from tho lirge Btagc. Many bundled people fake pari in tho pci form- j aucp. 1 1 " f ; " Tlip Fall at Babyloi st St GoorgO is donvething on tiie name r,?dcr. The brg-; cti ballet ever danced in Amtrlca will ! bo Introduced Jn their entertainment. The wholo is under the export jnaudgomcnt of Mr. Kiralty. Fonipaugba New Olym pia will bo at Erastiuli, the sccjiO of .Bof-'" falo Bill's late explo-fe. ' The New Olymr pia will be nothing hioi e ' or lc than Forepaugh's circus ntcrtaiument given in the open air. Chariot, buidlo and raca of ell descriptions will be introduced with the usyial eircus" performances. These huge opep ai" enterprises will le sure to tell d'.Kabiroflbly ou the theatres of the city wLo aie ventuusomc .enough rciiiain cpcivdur'.i.-Jth'j hrated term. . . : ' -'Ccii-MMA. i mi J

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