: " ! ' '? - ' "f . ." ' ' . .' V i'3 ii-tk. "V." t&j'it vr - - f i ... BEAUFORT, -NORTH CAROLINA, .THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1887. NO. 26. OL. 2. . r r T A"!" TTTTf "NTr lipn bbinott ita vrrei, xwiracung l ower. TilEV AKE AS TRANSPARENT AND f0i.0Kl.ns 3 AS LIGHT ITSELF. kmli'ir softness of endurance to the r.ihiK't t e c.ci'iieu, cnaoung tne rer to read for hours without fatigue. tci. t.Vv are . .fllFECT SIGHT PRESERVERS, '(jstiior.ials from the leading physi- s, wWLitors, stockmen, tnenr of note 1 professions and in different branches raue. banners mecnauies, etc.. can Do wUiiae had their sight improved heir ase. j Ilv.vkes' Patent Extension Si'lUNG EYE . GLASS, Tiie Finest r.i Existence ll are reemrnertded by the medical fac- , , ,i -KT ythroughoittb.vi is. jno danger or can- ttlial is .sometimes me result 01 wear I offitT yt glasses, resting with ease Sn ;ti:y . FJIOM T1IK C0"V"T.nX0R OF LOUISIANA. a Mr. A. K. IlawkeS Dear Sir: I irt- to testily to the great superiority ei:r Ctystaiixed Lenses. ,They com- prcat biiUiancy with softne'ss and iantness to the eye. more than any live ever found. S. IX McEnery, Governor of Louisiana. 10M COVKRNOll I Ii ELAND, OF TEXAS. Mr. A. W. Ilawkes Dear Sir: It s c ploasuro to say that 1 have i r'i.ig your ; glasses fur some time with much satisfaction. For clear soft nes, and for all purposes inten the are iiOt surpassed by any that e ever worn, l woukl recooimend i to ;dl who j want a superior glass. Very KespectiuUy iours, Johx Ireland. su.nT IMPROVED. fw York City, Apiil A, 1SS4. r. A. K. Ilawkes Dear Sir-: Your ic&T eye-giosses receivea some Drae Le, ana ara very mucli gratified at wonderful cbange mat has come over eyesiirht since I have discarded ruv glasses, and am now wearing yours. ALEXANDER AGAR, secretary btationcrs iioard of 1 rado. ! FROM THE MINISTER TO JAPAN. Jr. A. K. Hawses uear sir: I am auch plensed with the pantfscopic glasses fYou sopeifectly ailapted to my eyes; witli J at I am enaoicd to reaa as ia my yoith, J t finest, print with the greatest ease. 1 ierfully recommend them to the public. I Respectfully, R. 13. Hubbard. x-uoveiuor oi lexas; flimsier to Japan. L Eyes Fitted And The FK Guaranteed. be drug store of DR. 4. B. DAVIS, liJSAUFOUT. Lore an immense assortment, or thou cbrated glasses can be found and prop- y auaptea to an conoitions ot tne eye. Fl 1 . . 1 5 . 1 irs at any price. Roue genuine unless the name Hawses fiied on frame. IULESALE DEPOTS : Atlanta, Oa; .stiu, Tex. In,.., 1IT i ,1 I TIIE HISTORY I OF THE km the Jaying of its ftr?t keel to the sinking vi us last vessel. Bv J. Thomas Sen rf, Late of the Confederate States Navy.. :ts stupondons strun-wlfl with th preat of the L'uited Stitps Mir T'nornorft. Ir.ts fought in ihe Rivers and Harbors Smth. and upon the High Seas. Hie work is fully Illustrated with For- r. onuiaerate iNaval Umcers,. pic- of vessels. sketr lips nf KomharrtmpntiS :licts n the Hampton Roads, at Wil it'tn, Cl:;uiestou. Mobile. New Or- alt.-.i f,0 Mississippi, on the ocean, l iu the lMfr Hi-Krc rtf f!i uui a v vxrf h- Ihstory is complete in one volume, S00 PAGES. irevbrs and terms sent, free of charge ail" PT'n applying to the publishers, Ii GERS & GHERWOOb. Barclay Stj, Now Yrork City, N. Y, I K. THOMAS, JR., Attorney at Law, pSce Front Street, over Maco'a Drug VEA UF0RT. N. O. p-'W'iU practico in tho counties of F'tf'Yt' f'rnrim 1 T Tl F Li'Ufiir C! n a- J . - luu cureiue uuuru auu Jtra! Comts. 'Ui0N, r.. n. pelletier M-'ION & PELLETIER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, fwJ 'Doors South of Journal Office, C raven Street West Side. NEWBERN. N. C. "once where services are desired. e in the Surwirinr Courts of Car- rl bounty, in the Federal Court, at r " Jonio ii-..r i c -art les in Carteret desiring our ser- VJ-1 please write elegraph us at burue notice : 'e in Beaufort from four to six ik-. r' liiiiir o vocal cbiss. Parties me. Charfres inodr-r-itn T-ir.i alsn j" f"r Lu.lden & Bates, Southern Mus i;"e. for the sale of Pianos and Or- C. 1 Wilson, . A' Mr (.. f.wriiberrs. THE RECORD. G. VT. CIIARLOtTE, Editoi TnE Record 81.50 a Y'ear in Adv anco. THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1887. I t3T"Tho Editor of this paper is not re-' sponsible for tho views of correspondents. I j n mcro m iui a. mars on your PS" rr IV jr . Fper. it means taat your subscription urtvjtpireu. i-icaso renew at once. EA11 lecral advertisements must Y,o paid for in advance. This rnlo will be strictly adhered to. . LOCALS Persosals. - Miss Kate Roynolds, of Hyde County isjrisiting the family of Allen Davis Esq. Capt. Joseph Swindell and family, late of Washington D. C, are located in Beau fort for the heated term. I Mrs. Annio Eushall and family.of Yash irtCTton "D. C.are spendinir the summer at the residence of Sirs, Nancv Piver. Mr. "Willie Sanders one of Beauforts ris ing young sous, has returned home from Windsor. Will is quite a beau, aud the girls are happy, The Windsor Public ledger, pays him a high compliment, and regrets his departure. Green corn in market on Monday. ' B. B. B. For sale bv Allen Davis. j A heavy rain fell on Saturday the 25th. ! - ? i Aycr's Sarsaparilla. For sale by Allen Davis. Beaufort offers special inducements to summer visitors. Mr. S. M. Buckmau is creetia-r a dwel ling on Ann Street. Cash prices tell, and evervbodv tells S. J. Moore & Bro's prices. S. J. Moore & Bro's., stock of groceries are new and unsurpassed. The NewBerno District Conference will meet at Beaufort next year. . Mr. A. E. Oglesby send us the second cotton blossom of the season. Soft Crabs are iu the market in abund ance, lhey sell at lo cents per dozen. Every one has his price. Low prices. aud good- goodjs, at the store of S. J. Moore cc Uro. ' Warners, Liver and Kidney Cure, Safe Nervine, and Safe Pills, . For sale by Allen Davis. ' - ! The teachers Assembly adjourned last night. They' left for Washington, D. C, this morniug. j . . - I We offer the Record, for four months, to the person sending us the finest water melon this season. i Be sure and call on Geo. Ash, on Mid dle street, when you visit NewBerne on the 4th of July. Save money by buying your goods from ive dealers. S. J. Moore & Bro.. will sell you goods at living prices. I When you are in need of groceries, dry goods, boots and shoes, crockery &c Don't forget to call on S. J. Moore & Bro. i The Davis School boys are at home. Brass buttons tell. Dave and Lewis Davis are now the cynosure of all the girls eyes. ! What Beaufort wants is a first class hotel. Without One we can only get the overflow. With one we can have the first choice. A trial will convince you that S. J. Moore & Bro.,. will give you full value for your money. Their stock Is well kept, new and desirable. Messrs. B. J. Bell, W. F. IIowland and B. J. M id yette, attended the .New Berne M, E. District Conference at LaGrange last week. The heavy rains of the past two weeks and the north winds which have prevailed, we greatly fear will work serious injury to the crops. Beaufort needs a first class, modern built hotel, to nttract the traveling public. Who will move in tho matter ? Don't all speak at once. Mr. S.L. Simpson.one of our" sturdy far mers on North River, sends us the first cotton blogsom of the season. It was sent in on Saturday the 25th.. Mr. CookeTof the Atlantic Hotel, accom panied by Miss Holmes, of Salisbury, one of Carolina's fairest daughters paid us a delightful visit last week. Tiift'a Knrsanarilla and Queens Deliedit. . - " w 1 V a ry ' for speedy and permanent cur of Rheu matism, Diseases of tho Skin, Dyspepsia The Enterprise Cornet Band gave two entertainments last week. . They met with fair success. It is the duty of ourpeople to aid them iu every way possible. Parkers Ginger Tonic The medicine for every family, surpasses all other re medies in the cure of Dyspepsia, Indiges tion &c. For sale by Allen Davis. Time and tide waits for no man. Then tie your boat atS. J. Moore & Bros., wharf and purchase your supplies there. Y'ou may go further and do worse. A word to the wise is sufficient. . . Our town is visited daily by large num bers of the guests of the Atlantic Hotel. What'a,picy it is, that wo are soslow, and blind to our interests, as not to make an effort to build a first class hotel. . Died. On Thursday, June 23d, Simon, inant son of Henry and Bertia Engle berg. The burial took place in New Berne on Friday the 24th. Norfolk and Richmond Va., papers please copy. The colored Episcopal Sunday school with a large number of their friends came down to the sea shore oa Tuesday . They were an orderly body of people. They spent the day visiting points of interest in the harbor. Prof. C. L. Wilson, will commence" his course of vooal lessons this Thursday eve ning at the M. E. Church, at 6 4 o'clock. Theso lessons will be strictly private. Those who have not joined the class, cau do so tonight. t An agent will call upon the citizens "of Morehead City next week to solicit sub scriptions and advertisement for the Weekly Atlantic. If a sufficient: pat ronage is guaranteed the pajwr vriil be started at once. A grand 4th of July excursion w,M be run on the A. & N. C. R. R., fare $1.00 i no round ti lp. Train leaves J.Iorchf ad at b.xo a. m. , and returns alter tli6 ilre- work ,S (J3ST HAY St night. On ooat racing fcc . &c f A" "old resident writing for the Im'J mt ng ton Ilmiew, says: "Tho tirst Bteam boat that rippled the waters of the Cape Fear River was a sternwhecl boat called the Prometheus." She was built at Geuu fort N. C. iu the year 1519. Mr. C. T. Harden, of Windsor. N. C. sent us by a friend, two nice buxes of new honey. We remember our visit to his hospitablo home, arid the entertain ment given us by his charming family. We appreciate the present. "Though lost to sight to memory dear S. J. Moore & Bro., say -that:- "high prices kill trade. Notwithstanding this towTn has been called dead -High prices having killed it We secured a foot-hold through the influence ?of , our "popnhvr priced goods aud have stfcadily made a ary gratify iiig increase in our .business." . Dr. C. L- Alexander, a Surgeon Dentist of Charlotte N. O, will visit Beaufoi. on J uly 1 st. The Doctor will remain scvei al j days for tiie practico of his profession. ! Dr. Alexander is well known in Beanfoit aud his numerous patients testify to his skill in his profession. His office will be 'i over the millinery establishment of Mrs. J. II. Lowenberg, on Fiontsrteet. We acknowledge the receipt of a compli mentary ticket from Dr. A. F. Mallett & son of Morehead City, to attend a perform ance of the Morehead City Dramatic club. As the ticket bears no date and the letter which accompanied it, fails to specify the time that the performance will take place we cannot say if we can attend or not. We return our thanks for the compliment. Insure in the OldPeop'e's Mutual Ben efit Society, the only reliable Insurance Company for old people in the United States, and the cheapest, safest and best for all ages. Call on Dr. T. B. Delamar, Agent for Carteret county, and be con vinced. Also Agent for. the New York Mutual Reserve total business $190,000, 000. Deposited with Insurance Depart ments $250,000. 8. J. Moore & Bro,, are aliva to their own interests, they offer bargains to all. When tho people hear of the prices at which this firm are selling their -goods; tho mother will drop her babe, the tailor his shears, the seamtress her needle, the doctor his pills, the lawyer his briefs, ihe fanner his plow the girl her beau, the fisherman his net, the xnachanic his tools, the editor his pen, a.id with one accord rush to the store of S. J. Moore & Bro., on Front street. The "Much ado about nothing" which was made over tho return of the Confed erate flags, by a few of the Western Grand Army men, forcible remind us of a "tem pest in a teapot." We do rot want them! We have more of theirs than they have of ours. There are but five stands of colors in the war department, belonging to reg iments from this Sfcata ; 1st, 7th, 24th, 28th, and 42nd. It does seem that they even fear tho battle scar red colors borne by ns Therff is a some thing, about Ihe late civil war that, like Banquos ghost, will not down at their bid ding. "Let us have peace." A grand celebration was held at the O - plian Asylum on the 24th, bt. John's Day. Masons from all parts of the State were present. Tho Masons formed in pro cession and marched to Gie Orphan Asy lum, where they were met by the 205 hap py, joyous little orphans. A correspon dent in the Hetoa and Observer says: "We 'wish to mention specially Julia Gabriel, the little orphan singer of the otate. She i3 about thirteen years old, with a sweet sad face, and her exquisite voice goes straight to the soul. She sang a little solo which elicited rapturous applause." Julia is a native of Beaufort, and our people should subscribe liberally to the support of that institution. NEWPORT ITEMS. The work on the new Methodist Church is expected to begin in July. The Grangers are taking steps towards building a Granger's Hall. Hot! Hotter 1 Hottest! are exclamations now often heard. Tho sun shines like it was mad. The crops have been seriously damaged by excessive rains. The mills have plenty of water and saws are regularly running. The Grangers at Newport have resolved to have a melon festiral on the 4th Satur day in July. Farmers generally are in vited to attend. Thjere will bo public speaking at the same time. Editors of newspapers are to be, regarded on that occasion as having special privileges. The editor of the Record: is especially invi ted to help eat the melons. ANNABEL AND OTHER POEMS. BY ELLEN T. ALLERT0N. John B. Alden, New Yrork, Publisher. The author givos us in this little volume a poem of much tenderness end poeticr ut terance ; one of those sad, sad experiences over which the heart weeps and the moral sense reooils, as on the verge of an abysm of wrong. Dante modestly turns away and silently makes the" sorrowful lovers say. in their dread penal abode, as they relate their tale of woo. "We knew it not, but 'twas an ill book we read And then we looked into each others eyes Wc read no more that day." The author of Annabel depicts the love, the struggle of what Taunahauser calls "Life's seen of bliss, life's seen of woe To love aud be loved again, yet know There lies a gulf between." With importunity, as women better not write. The husband dies they meet a-ain and marry travel far are happy and then comes the revolting catastro phe. It would seem the author hasaaim sense of retribution, due unhallowed emo tions that disturb the sanctity of wedlock, for she does not close her tale leaving the two fn possession of each other, but Anna bel is the victim of an accident that con signs her to the maws of a shark. Ellen P. Allerton can do better than all this and w e wish she had spared us such revolting detail. What is ghostly does not come within the province of art. We wish a woman had not written Annabel, and surely no man would have .written it, from an intuitive recoil. We do not mean to imply that any ghost of a husband would have seized the wife t)i wrist as Scott describes, and have obliged her ever after to wear it bandaged, in proof that "Lawless love'is a crime in the world of spirits, for Annabel is not a vulgar breaker of her marriage bonds, though she wishes them broken. Elizabeth Oakej Smith. MARINE NEWS ARRIVAL. Sclir. Ray, Dennis master jfrom B:titi- moro with cargo of eeceral merchandise SAILED. U. S. Revenue Cutter Colfax for Smith vills, N. C. On the 27th the Sehr. Rachel A. Collins j was reported off Body's Island-in distress i The Baker Salvage Steamer Peed, board. ea her.shipped her rudder ..and made other nejsesary repairs. The Schooner then proceeded on her voyage. Wo call attention to our Real Estate column on fouith page. Those having property to dispose of, to rent or for sale. would do well to place the same in our hands. - No charare made for advertising unless a sale is mado. Ilavo your job printing executed at. tho Record office. With our increased facili ties we can do your work as che?jj and as well as any offico in the State. LED ASTRAY. Fernandina,Nassua Co. Ela. Mari 29,1880. "I have used Dr. Simmons Liver Reg ulator and always found it to do what is claimed for it. The last bottle and two pae.kages did me no good and wero worse than nothing. I see it is not put up by J. II. Zciliu & Co., and not genuine, and a waste of money to buy it. I would be glad to get the pure and genuine. Send mo some from honest hands (with red Z and Zeilin & Co's signature on Wrap per). The fictitious stuff sold will injure some one badly. Your Ob't Serv't, BENJ. T. RICH. A GRAND RECORD. We call 3rour attention to the adver tisement of a 'remedy which has stood the tost of more than a half century with increasing popularity and is universally admitted to have no equal as a. remedy for the cure of diaeses originating in a disordered liver, such as dyspepsia, Bill iousncss; Constipation, Headache, Colic, etc. Simmons Liver Regulator is simple and harmless, purely vegetable, a:id can be safely and advantageously used under any circumstances. It acts mildly and effectually and is especially valuable as a Family Medicine, which position it holds in so many homes. We do not know an other preparation which can bring forward such indorsements from heads of families and, those holding the highest official and social positions. Keep Simmons Liver Regulator in your house, it will reduce your doctor's bill and insure for your families health and happiness. It. teems strange, but it is nevertheless" true that the world contains people who will try to imitate, counterfeit or substi tute .something else, for a Genuine, meri torious article, even to the extent of making a spurious medicine, risking life and health and it behooves everyone to look that they buy only .the genuine.- Zoilin & Co., have used the prcaution'to put on the front of each wrapper their' trade-mark of a curved Z entwined around the mortar, aud on one side thp signature of J. fl. Zeilin & Co. Frauds should always be denounced and the true reinc dies only upheld. OUR ONSLOW LETTER. ' From our regular""correspondent Swansboro, N. O, June 2Gth, 1887. Ed. Record : The cold snap killed all the best news. Mr . Geo. T. Farnell has just returned home from Nashville, wheie he has been attending school. Dr. Geo. N. Enuott's boys, Geo. N. Jr., and Wil liam are at home from the 'Davis School. Miss Etta Harget daughter of , tho late D. A- Ilarget of this place and Mrs. C. Stephens of Richlands is in NewBere on a visit to her sister, she has been attend ing Salem JCodemy. She has been at Salem for four years"and graduated last week with honor and distinction. She will break some young man's heart we expect. The Schr's. Etta, Ray and E. Francis, cleared last week. The Etta for Baltimore, with 27000 feet of lumber from Terry's mill. Ray for Philadelphia, with 60.000 shingles. E. Francis for New River to load shingles for Baltimore, The schooner Gold Leaf Is engaged in tho menhaden business in Beaufort har bor. Shad fishing (or m onhaden), is the money making thing of this day and time. If some one would put up an oil and scrap factory on Dudley's Island opposite this place, they .would soon find it to be a paying business. Vessels can lay along side the shoro drawing G feet of water. At this time there are millions of menha den in these waters, White Oak River, and in fact all adjacent waters are alive with them. We are informed that Dr. J. W. Sanders contemplates putting up a factory on his land on Bogue Sound. . We hope same 'one will not forget Dudley's Island, and erect one there. Dr Geo. N. Ennett and others would doubtless take stock, as the Island is his property. We hear that Mr. W. S. Chadwick has made clear this season over $10,000 on his" shad factory. ' A case of man stealing occurred in our village a few nights ago a man came nf from Morehead and stole, took, kidnap ped, or carried away one of our civizens about midnight The kidnapper came in about dusk in the evening, and seemed to be very fidgety, wanting to know all about everything that had taken place since he was here before, said he owed some little debts, he wanted to settle, and sent all the parties word be was com ing to see them, was going to stay a few days, &c. But he wanted to sse "Tobe," this party hearing of this, got out of the way, and shipped aboard the schooner E. Francis, Capt. Harden Jones. That night however, the kidnapper got his man somehow, from off the vessel or some where else, and left, paying his creditors over the left, leaving several board bills of long standing unpaid. Capt. Jones says the midnight man stealer. U the champion liar, thief and scomvlroj of modern times, he fooled Ci-pt. Jonf-s pretty badly. We are glad to hear that stop are lK;ing taken to repair Barkers Bridge, hope it w'ul lc done soon. O'tr pt-cn.-u tax was voted by 380 Vs 210, big vote that, t'00 votes out of. 2090 and over, what will cur pcoplo do now, we don't know, will have to wait;' and sea. but don't believe tlie7 will ever vbto for special tax yet awhile, especially for the purpose, as yoted on before. Our Carteret friends aro ahead on melons, Dv -Sanders, John VVeeks, George Dennis, -"Carteret's Clown," Alex Dennis, Dr. Eunett, Eos sey Bell and W. W. Weeks, all have fine melon patches; melon "as large as goose eggs on the 12th inst. J Edwin Watson at Dr. Ennett?e had the largest cotton, over knee high. Kossey Bell on Cedar Point, the largest corn wc saw.sorao of the farm ers are through plowing their corn. Mr. R. Camy and Mr. M. Jones of our county are through ploughin g torn and they have ftno corn too. George Dennis says some folks may live and farm' all their lives. and then "Die natural born darn , fools, j tne laea no says oi a man leaving swu melon plants in a hill, -when, one will make more and larger melons, says he Will lMt his plantation worms nnd all that John Weeks will make double tho melons to the acre on his patch that Dr. W. Sanders will, because tho doctor left two plants, and Weeks only one. Our Lodge of good Templars held their open meeting last Saturday night. Speech es by Messrs. W. E. Mattocks, C. B. Frazelle, Dr. Blount, Mi. M. E. Mat tocks and others. W. E. Mattocks made an excellent speech. We have a shell factory, that is, a factory for selling pretty Banks shells. Parties hi the West are sending fr shells all the time. Some thing new in our community, see ad. in 'Journal of New Berne," -signed D. H. Waid. W. WONDERFUL CURES. W. D. Hovt & Co.. Wholesale and Re. tail Druggists of Rome, Ga., says: VTe lave been selling Dr. Kings .New JJiseov . . . . i -1 . -I ii 1 1 .. A cry, Jiiiectric liitters aim uuckipu & ni nica Salvo for two years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, an give such universal satisfaction. There have been some wonderful cures effected bv these medicines in this city. Several cases of pronounced Consumption have been entirely cured by use of a few bot tles of Dr. Kinsr's New Discovery, taken Hn connection with Electric Bitters, We. guarantee them always Sold by T, B. Delamar. COMMUNICATED. : Beaufort, N.C, June 28th, 1SS7. Editor Record: I hopo that you will not think me impudent in asking a place in your columns for this communication. I do not wish to offend anyone,, nor do I write to please anyoneVmj writ simply to state facts. Our people have been asleep to their every interest. " Tho few who are appointed to manage our county affairs have been faithful' to themselves, and a favored few only,! and at a heavy oxpense to the county. Who pays the expense ? The laboring inert. You toil ers who sret vour living by the honest sweat of your brow. Do you ever think of, and compare your situation ? IJo you know that by your labor the finances of this countv is derived? You have the burden to bear, your little effects are tax ed to the utmost value. The wealthy do not in this county, pay ten cents on the dollar, in proportion to you. This seems hard to remedy, it has been so for years and I fear will so remain unless the peo ple take the matter in hand. You are the depositors, then why should you not control the offices and disbursements? This vou can do by going .to tin ballot box on the day of the elections, and irre spective of what some i office holder or politician will say, and cast your vote as freeman for your own interest regardles s of party. You say and have a right in so saying how are we to decide ? We have tried men in whom we had confi dence, and after, receiving our support and votes, instead of ; representing the people, and their best interests, they do nothing unless it is sanctioned by one or two men the bosses. This being true, the best wav out of tho difficulty, is to look into the past management of the politicians of our county. Notice their workings during a canvass. See who are leading you I and saying hotr you shall vote. In 1833, after the close of the civil War: when we had returned back into the Union, with a State constitution under tho hew order of things; then tha "two great parties oftthat day, the Conservative md 'Republican were asking you for your kuffrages. Both claiming to bo the friend of the poor man. In that year the elec tion in this State resulted in a victory, for tho Republicans. During their reign under the : disordered condition of the State, all bad legislation was credited to that party 1 A part at lea it was winked at by the opposite. Both prtie3 took ad vantage, and went for individual gain, regardless of the good of the State. The Republican party had all the wildcat aud Corrupt acts of that Legislature to shoulder, notwithstanding many Of the most ex travagant acts passed wers voted for by the other tide. I hope that no one, in perusing this, will think for a moment that I wish to. excuse the Republicans of that day. They were indeed a reckless, set led by non-residents) men, who did not have the interests of the people at heart. These were the days when disorder and corruption prevailed. This state of af fairs was greatly changed in the next clecti'U!, and continued up to 187G. The Conscrvaties then elected their Chief of ficer. It was then said that all corruption would ceaso. The 3v'flt Reform party, would wipo out all tho corruption Ac. Tint-? it seems the Co!;srvi,tives or Reform pjirty had fulfilled its t mission, and wo heard no more of thein, stve ii few. ex- plosions . ' Tho Democratic party, better know n in olden days as the, "Rale or ruin j arty," succeeded the Conservative party. This party not being deep rooted enough; did not. benin to show its cloven foct until ings of that party in tlie Sta-to. I will conic nearer homo, if you really believe that there is need of a change iu tle way and manner our county is mr.naged, you cannot get it by the Democratic politi cians, ofliee seekers and office holders, falling out with each other: and forming factions. One faction saying they will give yoa good healthy county govern ment, will represent tho people and noti individuals. It cannot be bd iu that way. Yon cannot get It by supporting ono faction &nd then the other. You have tried it, and when tho fight is over, yon think you havo achieved a great vic tory you wait the result. Tho result expected never . comes, to your snpilso and great disappointment, you find the politicians planning together and divid ing up the foils. Tho Reform must le about face, not half way. If yen arc drinking and wish to get sober v yon can not do it by tapering oiZ You must turn from it, "Touch not, taste not." Vote no more faction tickets. These factions are only gotten up to deceivo you. I know some of our best citizens who labor hard for their living, not subpecting any wrong having the intercut of their county at heart, who aro mislead and deceived. They never study tho tricks of the of fice seekers, the politicians and men who live out of the county crib; Have the county bosses been faithful to the Inter ests of the people ? . Have we not been heavily taxed, nnd that far beyond the legal rate of t&xation? Our people have paid tho same time and time again. Do you not think that if tho money collected by taxation from the people 6ince the close of the war, had it been judiciously expended our county would not owe one cent? We might even include the Rail Iload debt, wh ich has had much to do in keeping the wrong men in offlce. They havo beeu kept there under the pretext that :-"If you do not keep us at the head of your county affairs, you will have the Rl R. debt to pay." You have been told so and led to believe it. When that Iailel, your were told to "keep certain men ovtr tho jury b.ox, and you would see no negibes on the jury." These seem to be the l3st props to keep corruption in the county. Ex posures have been made of the bad man agement in the past, what will be tho pretext in the next election? I believe the. good people of the county, having had their pockets rifled by high taxation eo often w ill legin to fcc tho hobby and learn the scare crows; and look better to tlicir interests than ever before. The party last will fail to work now. The noble meu of Carteret will not be march ed up to the polls to cast Uieir votes fori the benefit of the few to the injury of the many. ' I .. .. - 8. BRACE UP. If you aro feeling depressed, your ap petite is poor, you are bothered withhead ache,you are fidgety, nervous and goner ally out of sorts, and want to brace up, but not with stimulants, strong medicines or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whiskey, and which stimulate you for an hour, and then leave you iu a worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of liver and kidneys, restore your vitality,' and give renewed health and strength. Suoh a medicine you will find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at T. B. Dela mar's drug store. TEMPERANCE. r The elections , now being over I wish to propound a few questions, for any one to consider who will. First, why do the temperance people strike at dram drinking all tho time to tho exclusion of other sins equally as bad ? Second, . Will not the temperance lec. turers admit that thcro is as much disease and death brought about by fashionable dressing as there is by alcoholic spirits? Third, Why hot rebuke the sin of put tinfe a number three shoo on a number five foot, or a number eighteen corset on a number twenty waist ? Fourth Is a person fit to lecture against dram drinking who is'himself or herself intemperate in other things?, .Suppose a man is covetous aud wants to make more money than common people do, is that man fit to lecture on temperance? Sup- tx)se a woman talks too much-and her tongue is always running whether any body else is heard or not, is she fit to talk to o,her people about temperance 9 Fifth. If a man is paid three, four or five dollars per day to make speeches, ti that man fit, with that extortionate mind. to lecture on temperance? . Sixth, If a man loans out money for ten, fifteen, or twenty per cent, when the law onlv allows him six or eight, is he fit to lecture on temperance ? Seventh, If a merchant makes money in these hard times, and his customers work just as hard as ever and still get poorer, is that merchant fit to talk about temper ance? Eighth, Is that woman fit to talk about temperance who has ni teen or twenty yards of fine cloth in her dress made by tho milliner at a high price and then her cheeks painted and her face powdered and a gold watch and gold chain on her person.? J ' " it any ot tne so canoa temperance pct pie who make such a figbt agaiust whis key aud leave off those things . that need rebuke waut to answer these questions, I t.1iill Lr. r. lad tu read them for I am a man j that wants U see consistency and tern- pcrauce tak eii along all the time and in ' 1 -i fts-riii who i Jiims. lf intemperate is not tho person to lead In any temperate matter. Wo" liad as wU be ilrimk in one thing as nuot icr. Tlio exhortation is: 'Bo ye temperate in all thing.' Respectfully Submitted h. IL HARDY. Newport, N. C, June 22nd, 1887. OUR NEW YORK LETTER.' ' Froia our Regular CorrcapondentJ New Youk, JuaS5th, 1987. Sheriff Grant fdt very uneasy last Sat urday about bis charge, Jacob Sharp, for whoso proeenco he Is ier8oiially responsi ble during the ti iaL On Saturday be an nounced to Sharp's lawyer that ho thought it best, on account of the damaging cvi- uence produced during ttxs oay, luac Sharp be confined in Ludkw Street jail, over Sunday. 'His lawyers fought hari to prevent ittmt, nevertheless Sharp was marched off and given Tweod'a old apart ment in th historic jail. Ho was mad as comfortable as possiblfl, was allowed to dine at his home In 2Sd St, on Sunday, and in the afunwon took a drive In hl private carriage through. tlx? park, accom panied of course, by two deputy, sheriffs. As the trial goes ou the skies darkoo and the clouds of Sing Sing gather fast round the once bright horrizon of Jacob Sharp. Queen Victorias jubilee was celebrated with appropriate excrctaes In the Metrop olitan Opera House on Tuesday morning. The exercises -consisted of music and speeches by .prominent citizens among ' it . hi wnom may oe mentioned, mayor newiu, ex-Mayor Low and Erastun Wiman. Mayor Hewitt ordered tho flags of tho City Hall to Iks raised In honor of tho Queens jubilee. Many of the Irish Alder men and government office holders stood aghast at this mark of respect to Great Britain, but aovertheksss, wero afraid to oppose the mayors action. Mayor Hewitt is a thorough American and did well when Lo raised the flags in honor of Queen Vic toria's successful reign of 50 years. At St. Goorge, S. I, the fireworks wero wit nessed by fiilly 20,000 people. Among the.sct pieces, was a colossal portrait of Queen Victoria, tho British and Ameri can flags crossed with appropriate mot toes beneath, in the evening at Cooper Union Hall a jubilee celebration of anoth-; er color was held. Irishmen and son's of the sod filled tho mourning d raped hall and listened to speeches aud resolutions condemning England and tlie Quoon. The procession In London was probably the grandest tho world s ever witnessed and tho services at Westminster Abbey must havo been of a particularly uteres- L : . . a 1 Tho excitement occasioned by th6 Pres ident's cotinterrnaiKlod order to return tho flags taken from the Southern armies dur ing tho lata war has partially subsided. Everybody acknowledges that It was. a . very thoughtless aud foolish affair from the beginning to the end and many aro surprised that the President should have made such a mistake. The flags are the property of the great United States, the North and South alike. Tho proper place for them, is at Washington, the capital, -where they may bo admired by those who fought so bravely to defend and tboto who shed their blood to take them. The Ohineso colony of this city is great ly excited over the striko of thoir laundry men. They are paid $12. a week with their rice, lodging and a small quantity of opium with which to refresh themselvi itudu via vi j xac; J J W CU?fc UI OU v mjiai of 20 per cent and have been refused it by all but a few bosses who had large or ders. Nervous people who are afraid of thun der and are unable to sleep during a storm have been obliged to do their sleeping be tween showers this week. We have had a succession of thunder storms since the beginning yof the week. On Saturday night a sharp clap of thunder brought many a one out of their beds into th mid dle of the floor wondering whether the end of the world had at last arrived or, had they, Rip Van Winkle like, been sleeping and were aroused by the first peals of the glorious fourth- Uy the way, the mayor -vetoed the aldennans resolu tion allowing the use of fireworks on the fourth, so we will have a quiet celebra tion after all. These sudden thnndfa storms occasion many laughable soeaee iu tho streets. Ladle venture' out ( in summer costume, returning with tiiir , . ,, 1 1 ' - j i SKins gamereti oigu in, one uauu nuu uu . derthe magnificent protection of a' laco parasol. The laugh ip on the other .vide when we are caught out ourselves. How ever we will not mention that. New York pet regiment the Seventh" is iu camp this week at Peekskill. It is a comical sight to see some of New York's swell society men doing guard and po lice duty about cam p. -The wheelbarrow, ; hoe and shovel are the objects of the most . dread, for with these in hand a squad of our noble guardsmen are compelled to go through the camp and clean up the rub, bish of the day. Guard mount, buo of the prettiest exercises of the day? is al ways witnessed by an immense number of visitors. Camp life with the Seventh means plenty of hard work and is not the glorious racket that it is cooked up to be. . Altbo jgh after "Taps" there J a goodly supply of fun, it has to be let off by de grees and enjoyed in sniailmeaaures. The two weeks of camp life iayery beneficial to our State Militia and gives them a small . idea of what real duty IsV This is the season tho papers are full of wonderfrl announcements of summer resort, i he fntercRLiug question was M.. . . . . ackr'T iiu f.i.tlv. "Where Will the niosouU Mmmi.r for Uje Jl0,el propiJrtors, iioarding bou&o-fcoeirH and farmers all announce To.sti.vely no nioaqnitoes." VOU MMAt i.