'""' " : ... , ; ' ' J - ,- .'" : . .. .;-' :-. : r .V-i.-Pv- : i ' . - " ''.'? ' " .' - -, ' '. ""''".'' i'r'-V'.' - ---.:. i---'.:'.V ;, ....';. r,V : J ''-:'-.a";'r'-;?", .f.-'"'..:-: '.;,: -,... - 1 :"' -' -'. -' . s' : ' ' - :''- '.." :',: '". -V '::". :. it I I If. o r VOL. BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA, FRI1JAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1887. NO. 36. V. .-. '. ' . . . - T I CONSTIPATION I Is called the " Father of Diseases," be cause there is no medium through which disease so often attacks the system j,v the absorption of poisonous gases in ihe retention of decayed and effete matter in the stomach and bowels. It is caused i,v" Torpid Liver, not enough bile being PTcrrtcd from the- blood to produce Nature's own cathartic, and is generally oCV,panied with such results as -.. . Xoss of Appetite! r- : ; Sick Headachey : " ' Bad j Breath, etc. f The treatment of Constipation does not rVinsist merely in unloading the bowels. The medicine mustnotonfy act as a purga tive, but be a tonic as well, and notprod-i.ee after its use greater costiveness. Tosecuro . regular liabit of body without changing fae ult'l or u-.5oigiti,.g u-ie oysiem ''My attention, after suffering with Constipa tion for two or three years, was called to Simmons 'Liver Regulator, and, having tried almost every thing else, concluded to try it. I first took a wineglassful and afterwards reduced the dose to a teaspoonful, as per directions, after each veal.- I fcurnl that it had done me so much good that I 'continued ituntill took two bottles. Since thenl jiave not experienced any difficulty. I keep it in my house and would nqt be without it, but have no use for it.it having cured me." Geo. W. Sims, Ass't Clerk Superior Court, Bibb Co., Ga. Take only the Genuine, "fialch has on the Wrapper the red 525 Trade- Bark and Signature of j. n, zeiux & co QiTGAGE SALE. By virtue of the power of sale contain ed in a mortgage deed execuled by .John j. Guthrie and Sarah VI Gutlirie, his wife to me. dated July 21st 1881 and duly re ;oiled in book J. J.,page 509, in the office of the lleyister of Dee.ls of Carteret Ccunty, Noith Caiolina, will sell at the"t'ourt House dor, Beaufoit N. C.,' Monday September Eth , at 1 51, tli' following .n id vith all impioveuients thcieon or ai ptirterauces: beginning at a stake j at the head of Powell's Creek in Iieauf ort township, and rr.nning vth said Creek io George Guth riis'jLie ,lthenee with his line trouth 80 "E"ast "eSfefifV- poles ; tlfence South 4 AVest 1 - ninety six poles to Bonnevs Guthrie's lip,ej ,aence with hi line South 81 Wei one iiundred and eighteen poles to Jones' Vorier near the New I Si: rue Road; theiice '1111 3 Enst one hundred poles t the feiinirinn; cou'ainin ;bce hundred and j'iftv ax-res more or less.t leinis of sale; fJah. Stkfhi::s AY. Ist.ku. r'i Mortgagee. - uly !2tli, 1S87. NORTH CAROLINA In the Supe riiftltE'I COUNTY j lior Court. C. II. T'iori is.Ir., Plain-n ' . Yni:f::;ti-.i:Vi'C a d v:d ! pf S." fioweiilu-rg d eeas ! .Xoticf. pd, V . ). Tln-mas, :.ml pti(i J. Th-inas, id ! wife. lU-iv at I.iv. o! B.jj L'wcuberg. Defendant!?. !J... W. W". Thomas ami Xctrio B. Thomas, his wife, Uelemtauts above named Mill take notice: . That a special pivcecdiug as1 above en tillfd h;u been c)iiimenei d in the Supe rior Court of Carteret county, North Car olina, to compel Jane 1 11 Lowenber, Ad-ministi-ntiix of Btm dix Lowenberg, dc-. ceased to sell a ceitain Sit -with the im ;irovemen'ttf therein, Vcvt let sixty i-.yo (02 old -'fowli; Jt'a;trort'N. C, being yie.eastcA'n-'iKirt of sa?d jot, -on the south line of Ann ;stieet and east' of- Turner street, in- wjjicli you cvii;ui interests said s:.!e to be nitide subject C widows dower, u make assets to pay (lebts? You will farther Mke iiot:cekthat you are required t ujiooar at tii office of tlie Clerk of the Supm-tr Court, of Carteret County. Npith C.-ir.ilina, hi Beaufort, in the. 4th 'day of . October' 1887, ami answer. or demur to ihc cmiplanit filed herein or the pTainlitf will apply to the court for the relief de "unded in the complaint." V JouxI7Dais, S Clerk Superiei Coiut. hb August 11th 1887i ; ,; :i i t" XIVEHSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. a i . ! . ' , 1 ' CHArEL IIILI X. C. Th session is divided mto two terms: the fust beginning the last Thursday' in August and ending at Chiistmas, the se cond bi'irircing early in January aud endr hig first Thursday in June. Tuition $30. for each term. For roon rent and ser vice, 3.00 per term. Those unable to pay tuition are allowed to give their notes, i' eured if possible. Tuition in the Nor mal Course free. Post Graduate rJstuc-ti- n also free. The Faculty is now sum neutlv strono- to rsive instruction in a '.vide range of studies. -. - f'on tfi-rr in tb T.aW School apply to tlon. jiohrt Manning, LL. D. For Cat nlognes apply to AV.T. Patterson, Bursar, i'ia4.el Hill, N. C. For special inform tiun'apuly to . ' KEMP. P. BATTLE, LL. D,. c R. THOMAS, JR., Attorney at; La7, Vi .i: '. Omce.Corner of Front and Turner Streets. bhaufort! Jf. V. Practices in the courts of Carteret. Craven, Jones, Onslow,Lenoir, and Pam lico counties; the Supreme Court of North Carolina, aud the IX S. DUtr.ct and Cir cuit Courts. Cwen n. GUIOK, P. H. PELLETIEIl GTJION & PELLE.TIER, ATTORNEATS AT L AAV, -.1 Two Dooi South of Journal Office, Craven Street AYest Side. NEWBEP.N1 N, C. Practice where services arc desired. Practice iu the Superior Courts of Car teret county, in the Federal Court at New Bernej and in the Supreme Court. Parties in Carteret desiring our ser vices will ple.ise write or tele g' ah us at Y.cw Berne. ..--!' THE RECORD, G. W. CHARLOTTE, - Editor. The Recokd $1.50 a Year in Advance. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER Oth, 1S87. JST'The Editor of this paper is not re sponsible for the views of correspondents. tW If there is an X mark on your paper, it means that your subscription has expired. Please renew at once. L O 3 A LS Ayer' Sarsaparilla. For sale by Allen Davis. , ' Amber Globe Turnip ' seed, for sale by Allen Davis. AYhite Globe Turnip seed, for sale by Allen Davis. Early Flat Dutch Turnip seed, for sale by Allen Davis. . . - i . Bloomdale. Swede Ruta Baga seed, for sale by Allen Davis. Purple Top Yellow Ruta, Baga seed, for sale, by Allen Davis. The weather is much cooler, Blanke ts are comfortable at night. Larcre Earl v Red Top Globe Turnip seed for sale by Allen Davis. Late Drumhead and Flat Dutch Cab bige seed, for sale by Allen Davis. Warners. Liver and "Kidney Cure, Safe Nervine, and Safe Tills For sale by Allen Davis Kniir..! rl-.llrli-r.r. non l.i-rr 41, n . . 1 the cheaptrst inks and pens in town, at' the Record Office. Died in Beaufort, on Wednesday. Sep tember 7th, 1S87, Joseph L. Robinson in the 73 th year of his age. The porpoise fisheries have commenced operations aaain. AVe trust ttbey may have a prorntable season. Died hi Beaufort, oh Monday Sept. 5th. 1887., 3rary B. Infant daughter, of Thom asB., and Arabella Delamar. in the first year of her age. The 'Twins'' are cn exhibition at Dr. T. B. Delamar's Drug store. Will guar antee Siiristaetion or tlie money' yviU kue refunded, vuiy .5 cents. Tutt's jyarsaprUla. and Queens Do,iight, for speed v and permanent cure of iiheu majUm. Diseases of the skin, Dyspepsia fee. For sale by Allen' Davis. Paikers G;iirer Tonic. The medicine for every family, surpasses all o;Jicr re medies in the cure of dyspepsia. Indiges tion tec. For sale by Alien Davis. We were in error, when wo stated in our crJunms'a short time since, that the Jjadies Aid Society, had caused and paid for the repairs to the steeple of tlie M. F. Church. The credit is due Airs. J. H. f.cw nlwM-". who collected the money, and paid for the rep ii'is."; The oreai success of many agents em ployed ,iiy j'. F, 4ukusm dc Co . of Ritdf uioiid. J a pretty ro evidence of tlt& exeei nee and pomil.jiify of tlie books hey ofter to selt through thoir a rents. Th 'S is a reliable house and any contract made with them you can d peud on 'will be faith full" cairiod our, $103 to $300 A MONTH can be made working for us. Agents preferred who can furnish their own horses and give their whole time to the business. Spare moments may be profitably employe! also. A fevv vacancies in towns and cities. B. P. JOHNSON & ,CO., 1013 Alain street, Richmond, ATa. The weather has cooled off. or two ago it was d-i-eadful hot and people would literally mop the perspiration oft" their faces, a3 they walked the streets; "But things haven't cooled off a bit in the trade of S. J . Moore & Bro, Tlie . same lio .toil iiirl fvArt,i oTpitmpnt ivrv:irips the people who go to their cash store j to get bargains. Insure in the OldPeop'e's Mutual Ben efit Society, the only reliable Insurance Company for old people in the United States, and the cheapest, safest and best tor all aires. Call on Di T. B. Delamar, Agent for Carteret county, and bo con vinced. Also Agent for the New YorV MutuaV Reserve total business $100,000, 000. Deposited with Insurance Depart ments S250.00G. ; t AVe have on our table, an excellent work, entitled, "Christ in the .Camp." This book was written by Dr. J. Wm. Jones, an eminent baptist minister of Richmond Va. It treats of the means and ways used to bring the Southern armies to Christ. This book is published by Bi F, Johnson & Co., of Richmond Va; who are anxious to secure a good agent in this, and adjoining counties for their publications . Our subscribers frequently complain that they do not receive their papers, and when they do, they are several days old, having been read by the postmaster and his neighbors. On and after this issue, will, givo the names of every postmaster and post office where these things occur. AVe have just had a complaint against Mr. S. E. Hamilton, postmaster at At lantic in thrs conn y. Our subscriber in forms U3 that he frequently receives his paper with the wrapper torn off,! and as often fails to get his paper at all. We will report all post masters hereafter, o headquarters 'who fail to perform their duty. ' A 'Masonic rr-union was held at the Hall of Franklin Lodge on Monday eve ning, Septr. 5th, 1887. ' Quite a large number of Masons were in attendance. An elegant supper was prepared and served in rood style. MasoDS were pres ent from all parts of the county. It was a pleasant affafr, and, greatly enjoyed by all present. Two ministers of the gospel were present, 'ai-d seemed to be delighted with what they saw and heard. lido bv the brethren. and the meeting was not closed until a P hue hour. ; READ! READ! READ ! Guthrie & Co. Frout St., Beaufoit, X C.f Desire to notify the public, that on and after this date they propose.todo a strictly cash business. Their customers in the future may therefore rely upon getting .roods from them at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Selling FOR CASH, they make NO LOSSES. It is plain then to all, that they can sell as cheap as the cheapest. Look out for their advertise ment, when they icc?ive t! cir fiiP. ind winter stock. i : TAKE NOTICE-! On Saturday, Sept., 17th, tJho water lot, (Part of Lot 235), in front of ' he Ocean View lintel will be leased to the highest bidder. ' ' TERMS OF LEASE. One ypar with the privilege, of renewal for one i ear more. Rents' to be paid semi-annually in advance. J. Lj. GlIiCLE, IScc'ty Franklin Lodge I No. 109 A. F. & A. Beaufort, N. C, Sept., 6th, 1887. M. TIIFIR.'iTJSINESS BOOMING. Probably no one tiling has caused such a general revival of trade at g 13. Dele mars Drug iStoie as their glvinar away to their customers of so many -free tr ial bot tles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that -it always cures and ai.d never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthmnj, Bronchitis, Croup, snd all throat tind lung diseases quickly cured. Ybuean test it before buyiug bv getting a trial bottle free, large size $U Every bottle jaijanted. RESOLUTIONS FOR 1887. Esoleed, That I will buy my shoes for myelf-dud wife and my chiliren from S J. Mooj-e & Bro. Iiasolced, That I wjU buy my hats from S. J. -Moore & Bro., as t hey carry the cor rect Styles and best Quality for less money than I eou-d thiuk ot buying them else l.ere. ' liesotved. That I will buy my shirts, collars,; cuffs, hosiery, scarfs, suspenders, handkerchiefs, gloves, umbrel'as, etc., from S. J. Moore & Bro. They haya de cidedly the cheapest line iu town. Jiesolced, That I wili buy cv Drv Gocds White (Joods, Lawns, Giughaiu's, Notions, ccc, from b. J. Moore co Bro. I hey knck the bottom out ol prices. llesalved, That I will buy my Goccries, .Meats,! Snufi and lobtcco iroiu S. J Moore & Bro., as money saved is money mane. J Jiesolced, That I will make my es. po pes less this year than they have been and thti e is no better way to commence than uy buying my goods of 8. J. Moore & Bro. Jiesolced, That I will buy my crockery, tin wae, brooms, buckets and everything else from S. J. Moore & Bro. : BLJCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, .and all Skhi Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. Ii' i;i guaranteed ti give perfect satisfac tion, dr money refunded. Price 25 ceuts periiox. For sale by Dr. T. B. Delamar TO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER'S AND COMMITTEEMEN OF CARTERET COUNTY. I desire to call the attention of all pub lic scliool teachers of the county to sec tion 25.GG of ihe school law, which pro vides jshat the County Superintendent siall examine apolicafuts for teachers cer i1'ttoar it.tlie uoart house on ho second Tipirsfiay's of Ft-i). tiary, April, July, Sep tembeij, October and Decemb.-r. This section: will be observe i closely. All who desire teachers certificates niust app ar at the county eeat on one of the regular days for examination. Let no one imngino that his old certificate will be. endorsed. Our standard must bt raised. Theie is no use ;in paying out the public school money to inefficient teachers. The Examinations given are very sim ple and easy, calling out merely the fun damental principles and salient points in tlia subjects examined upon. Surely any one who should fail to answer seventy per cent of the questions asked them on examination should give up all idea oi teaching other men's children until they have quJCified themselves for the very im portant avocation. No private examina tion will be given. Let ho committee employ a teacher un til that teacher produces a certificate from the County Superintendent dated within a year, j And any one engaging to teach without a certificate is liable to forfeit his pny forlthe same. Committeemen of each district will notice (section 2579) that it is tlieir duty to select one of thjir number to take the ceifus of their district on or beure;the first day of November. Let the clerk of each committee nolify me aud 1 will send blanks, etc. If any committeeman is without a copy of the school law as amended by the laws of 1S85 let him apply for a copy at once. Com mittees should see that proper houses are provided. In some places I have, visited, new houses are needed in others old ones need repairing up properly for school rooties. Wo can never have proper schools in shabby ill arranged houses. For any information or advice in refer ence to the public schools, J a ni;t ees are carcgtly requested to apply to, C. N. Mason. Couuty Superintendent. STATE OF NORTH1 in the Superior CAROLINA, COUN-V Court. TY OF CARTERET.) ' To Joseph Borden: You are hereby notified that an action has been instituted in "the above entitled court wherein Juliet E, Borden i plaintiff and Joseph Borden is defendant, wherein plaintiff seeks to recover judgment on a judgment of the Superior Court of California for the sum of three thousand five hundred and eighty four dollars with interest, rendered against you and in favor of Rhodes Borden You will also take notice that an attachment has been issued in said cause and levied, on the lands in which you have an inter est lying in Carteret County, on II u liters Creek rnd known as "I'elletier s Hunter Creek plantation," fcr the purpose of sub-' jecting the said lands to the" payment of said debt, said attachment is returnable to the FaU term 1887 of Carteret Superi or Court. You are commanded to appear at the Ctmrt Houso in Beaufort on the 7th Monday aftgr the 1st Moudiiy iu Septem ber next, to answer"or demur to the com plaint' asyou may be advked. Joun D. Davis, Ckrk Superior Court. Thie the 18th day of August 1S87. Magistrates blanks Warrantee deeds &c, for sale at the Record o lice, . . REr UNION OF THE SURVIVING "MEMBERS OF COMPANY E ,3iid, N. C. CAVALRY. -'' Kinston N. C, Aug. 18th. '87, "According to" .previous not'r.-e Co. -E, 3rd N. C. Cavalry met at Opeta House, Ang. 18, at ,12 o'clock,m. ' The roll va s .called ' and thn following members answered, viz: S. II. Loftin: Scra't J. W. Woolvin, Frank Brown, J G. Cox, AVyatt Chur chill. Jolm T. . Gray, John P. Gray, Wm. T. Hill, Shade Jackson, Ashley -Kennedy, Geo. L. Kil patriek, .las, Lanjston,Elijah P. AfcDaniel, Geo. H. AIcDariiel, AVm. B. Mayo, C. M Pollock, John A. Pollock, R. W. Pope, David S. Sanders, Jos.M. While and G, W. Yates: After roll call Dr. IT. D. Harpar offere d up a prayer. In behalf of the citizen"? of the town Dr. II. D. Harper made an impromptn welcoming address ofCeiing the most hearty welcome and extendingthe .hospi tality of Kinston to each and every mem ber! The following is a condensed report of same : After some introductory remarks, he said : When the dark war cloud that had been generating for years, and gaining velocity each year, suddenly burst upon us in 18G1 and delurred the land with the cry of war, as Alt. Vesuvius has deluged the plains with lava, there were none who were more prompt to respond to the trumpet's call than the Macon Mounted Guards, Co. E. 3rd N. C. Cavalry. There were none in whose bosoms that patriotic principle "jive me liberty or give me death" found a more responsive echo. The rattle of their sabres and the crackimr of of .their riurs were heard from thebatt'es of Fort Macon and NewBerne in '61 until the close of the great struggle in '65. .Alany individuals .tmd communities re member -in depths of crrauitude and admi ration your daring dashes into the ene mies' midst and have had their cheeks erimsoned with dclisrht at the victories won, but nore, gentlemen, should prize you more highly than Kinstpii and vi cinity. These re-unions are not ii? any sense an' evidence of disloyalty, but arc held mainly for their social features .&nd to correct diCi,cp.vmoies in the roster. Men who hav$ faced death in gallant charges side by side enjoy looking into a com rade's eyes in time of peace. B,it men ask, If we love the Union as we pretend to do, why cherish and per petuate the recollections of ' The Lost cause.?" We ansej by illustration. A young m:ln was passionately in love with a young lady; tl:e f-jgagement was broken, life loved aud married another; years afterwards he met his flrsrt-lover and said to her. T am . now happily married, am perfectly satisfied and want no divorce, but. hang me if I don't love you a little JVB. Several other subjects were discussed, such as, "Was the South justifiable in taking up aims and sever-ng the Union?'' He closed with a touching eulogy on brave men, who have jeopardized their lives for home and "liberty and loved oi es tliey will do so again if occasion de mands a heart full uf welcome to ycu all." The company then proceeded to busi ness one of the objects of which was the correcting of-any irregultuities of Roster. On motion thc following committee was appointed to make correction: S. II. Loftin, C. W. Yates, J,. M. White and John A. Pollock. On motion tho following committee was appointed to draft resolutions of rc specl couceruirg the c'leatli of members who have died since the reorganization cf the company; to send copy resolutions to to the deceaseds' wives, z: Serg't B. Frank Sutton and John L. Hill. Com mittee, J. W. Woolviu, D. S. Sanders, John T. Gray. . Q:i motion a committee was appointed to go out and invite all Confederate sol diers, in town, to dinner. On motion a collection was taken up to defray the expenses of stationery &c. The following Committee of Arrange ments for the next reunion was appointed: S. II. Loftin, W. B. Moye, J. Fiank Brown, R. AV. Pope, Shade Jackson, Ashley Kennedy and Jas. Langstou. On motion R, W. Pope was placed on the roll as O. & Q. Serg't, having served as such under 11.' G. Evaus. Ou motion tho Captain and O. Sea geant were requested io purchase a book oT minutes for'pat aud future records. On motion Capt, Carraway's letter 1 t - . 1. 1 . . 1 .A was oraerea to oe piacea among tue papers of the company, aud the S.eere- tary to reply to the same, ' ' On motion Rev. Dr. II.' D, Harper was . . . r .- elected chaplain for the ensuing year. On motion the election of officers for . - the eegnpany for the, ensuing year was proceetled with and resulted iu the elec tlon, by acclamation for Captain John A. Pollock; Lieut., John T. Gray; O. Serg't Sl X T-l 4. : T. 1 George L. Kilpatrick. Oii motion the next reunion is to be in, Kinstcii N. C, Oot. 18th, 1888. 'On 'motion a resolution of thanks was passed thanking the citizens of the town for hospitalities. On motion adjourned to meet again at above mentioned date and place. The Free Fress Journal and Mes senger requested to publish above pro ceedings. ' . Jxg. A. Pollock. Capt. Com'dg. Go. L. Kilpatrick. "'. O. S. and Secttary. NEWS OF A WEEK. tjagust-3Vt. General Ferron, Minister of war of France, has oidered Ihe Seven ,iieth Army cprps to begin mobilizing to-mov.row.jr-, -The.Londtu Times protests agamst the treatment of British vessels by the American authorities in the l'eh iUils sea.-Thb directors of tin Pied mont Exposition have adopted the Nat ional color red, white and blue as the colors pf the exposition. Numerous tenant farmers in Couuty Limerick, Ire land, have nsr acted thei.r' Solicitors to apply for a revision "of ,re'nts u.;der the New Land act Presides r. 'Cleveland will take a few weeks' Test at Oakview. He will remain near the 17hite House tlj.t impfJitant ,fblio aljaiis may not be iieglected.jr- -Judge McCne, who was tendered the office ot Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries by the President lias declined because of his lack of scientific knowledge. The Ute outbreak se'ems tojje subsiding. Colorow and his band are quietly' rt turning to the reservatioij and an amic;ible settlement of all trouble is probable in the Deai' fiiture 'Tlie evctiotis on the O'Grady estates in Ire latd began yesterday, apti .the tenants stoutly resisted 'yiciiou. Que widow's house was ; brcken into with crow-bars and her friends, tyh.ojJiad.so pluckpy qc fen.edjthe.hijuse were arresled. -September " 1st. It is estimated that . the public debt reduction for August will be five millious. The Democratic Statu Convention of Pennsylvania me, at Allen town yesterday and adopted a wise and judicious platform. 'Ihe appointment of a commission for the adjustment ol the fisheries question between the United States and England is claiming the atten tion of the latter Government -A lot of drunken negro gamblers took passage on a steamboat in Flarida, and when tvv he miles from shore engaged in a row with a lot raftsmen, beveral shots wore ex changed. The boat was run ashore and rioters arrested. The CleveLsnd-picture episode promises to extend to St. L,ouis and cause some trouble there. The Giand Army of the republic will be encamped there; and the citizens propose to place ..the .veterans' on record by hanging the picture of the President overv the strees through which they march aifd give them an .opportunity: to either niaicii under them or refuse to do so. The Ute troubles are about over-- The amount of cash in tho United States Treasury at tlie present dut is $J.")6;991, 7'29,g7. ..-The Secretary of War has arr proved the request of the ex-Con federate Association, at Chicago, to erect a me moi ial to the Conft derate dead buned in in the Goverment lot, in Oakland jCe me tery, near that city, under such regula tions as may be prescribed by the Quar? teimaster General. Ex-President Jefferson Davis has ac-. cepted an invitation to attend a re-uuiou of exConfederate soldiers held at Macon, Georgia, during the progress of the State Fair, to be held there in October. I he people at Macon are wild with "delight over his acceptance, and it is thought th;i$ the largest number of the survivois of the Confederate army will be there that l.as met since the close of the war. Sept., o.l A .......,.- V.-.1. ., J., Arizona Thursday morning Ihe cci- tou-crop piospects is not as encouraging at present as it has been. A weakness for sleeping has aain caused the Duke of Edinburgh to be guilty of a breach of etiquette -The datnage " to the croj s ai'id farms in Texas by the heavy rains this week will not fall short of oue hun dred thousand dollars.- An American fishing schooner was captured by the Ca nadian authorities vest may lor fishing beyond the limits on the New Brunswick coast. At a conference yesterday be tween Governor Adorns, ot Colorado. General Crook, and others, in reference to the Indian troubles, it was decided to p. ace two companies oi soldiers.. Dctvtccn the Ute reseivatioa and Colorado for the protection of the settlers, aud to pay. the Indians for all horses anq cattle lost by them in the recent troubles. Sep' ami SOi 4th. General Philip Sher-- dan has been oidered by the President to command the United States troops on tho occasion of the coming celebration in Philadelphia. At Flemingsburg, Kentucky. Friday nighr, a negro who had committed an assault upon a young lady was taken from the jail by one hun dred ij.piske.ti men and hanged. There was. great e:cit;iient in the stock market lii New York yesterday: Prices went up with a flurry and sales were so rapid that the indicators, were unable to ke p up with them.'-i Richard Emerson, of Chicago sixteen years old, died of hydrc- phobia Thursday night at Konosha is. He had been bitten two months ago by a pet dog which showed no symptoms-of rabies Loekport, a Pennsylvania haim let, is being devastated by black diphthe ria, "caused by fctaguant water collected by the obstructions of au aqueduct by the Pennsylvaia Railroad Company. Have you'Fjob printing executed at the Rccorcj o$icei. With ur increasetl facili ties we can do your Vork as cheap' aud as eil as auy office in the.State. OCR RALEIGH LETTER. From our' Regular" TJorrespcjiden '. Ralkigu, N. C, September 4h, 887. EdItoh Record : Our city is . begin ning to have the appearance o,f ife-and prcspei ity, our merchants are nowj look ing happy and wearing smiling faces as he liew'cotton is coming in, th? first bale of ..new cotton w$s brought to tiis mar ket on ihe Hth of Aug., and sold for eleve.i cents. . The cotton platfoi cn of J this city has again begun to resume its visual appearance at this time of the year, that is, it is being filled up with bales of cotton. The cotton compress will soon bedn belchins forth its hideous sounds in compressing the bales for shipment. Rev. Dr. N. II; D. Wilspii, Presiding Elder of lbe Raleigh District, has been confined to his room by sickness in this city, but a.t tUis time is much better. Tilery will be s.tarted'a revival et Eden ton Street M. E. Church to-night, so we learn The pastor, Rev. W. C. Noi man, is great ly beloved by his people, and moi-t deser vedly so; his congregation greatly regict that this is his. last year h'sre. lie has served -them faithfully for four long years, and according to the laws of the confer ence must bo removed. Last week in my cem.niun:ca'.i n I ailt that the city was c ear of a 1 conttigici s disreases- .l.ich I tuj;poso was t ue at that time, but sljice then that n.o-t c'read ed and often fatal disease, dipll.eria, has male its apprarancc, and there has eeu some three or four deaths" in th:s city from it, -all children, and yet thc.o afe Some others very low. We hear there are 75 cases of it in the city. Qn last 'Tues- day our streets ,-ero well paraded up and down and a cross and in fact every wav imain:ible by the crowd.of excursionists that came up from Wilmington. Thcv wero many, and it is said left some money in the city, particularly in the hands of our merchants who fuinisheil them with can- tel.upes and watermelons. Asthcraelon is drawing to a close we suppose tlre will not be so many colored ex- cursious thoughout the country. It has been said by some one that thtre are three things that a negro would never be induce, to forsake, (sind I am of the same opinion), a circus b ind wa'jjon, at excur- sionnd water melons, this city has had many of the tworiatter this summer. . There was quite a .sensation created here on the 31st of Ai'gust it beiug the anniverssry of the memorable earthquake. many tf our citizens entertained feais that it might be repeaitd, and there was a rumor circulated on tiie escaping of the 31st that 'R;deign wjiuid 4je shaken up during .the. night, which caused so we hear, many from retiring until a ty.iehour and then only to doze soio fcpe;ik. Those referred to were of course weak minded wtnici ,.of which in this . city are many; -"' - we think such things ought to be stopped as it does no good, and in many cases it is calculated to do an immense amount of harm. The man who thinks it fun frighten women aud children with their false predictions should be found uaL and dealt wiljli to the full ext&at oflie-law;, if law canxeach his caac . The new rail road .depot wh'ch has been talked of for some time is at last, so we leoi u,.Qon to be built in Raleigh, and will cost something near or quite .$17,000; The new publishing Company of which we spokaome time back, dt seems has proven to be a failure, tny wjre i,o liye ! been in operation bv September 1st. and1 now we can hear uotlmnTin ".its' "favor. but hear much which prompts us to say; we thluk the "Southeru PttblishinirJUo.." has "dipped up " " There has has been more crests' for drunkenness in Ralei-h for the i ast month than there has beo i$.ce the pro hibitory act we,j into cile&t. Our Mayor has had many cascjs recently to try or. acpount ot beer ant jvine being sold in our city, but he deIs out justice to th latter, and makes them - pay for their meanness on the spot, or kaeps them in the lock-up until the money comtfs by 3ome scourcc. Wm. Gooch, who was tiied and convic ted and sentenced to be hanged with James Smith, for the murder of John L. Cheatham, of thjs city about two years ago escape from the guards recently and has. no been heard of since, ho was sen tenced to the peniteucary for .15 or 20 years as was Smith also. There is a rumor floating -nund that ihe Baptists of North Carolina anticipate at no distant dny of erecting in this city a large and elegant college, there are many Baptists m thU city, and if the report turn& out to be a reality, wo do not hesitate in ..... ... ... . I saying, we firmly believe the Baptists of this city will do all in their power to make ihe enterprise an honor to ihe denomina- tion which it is to represent, and an ornar ment to N.; C. Baptists. We have, hud some cool weather at last although at this writing it is very warm, the three hist days of Augutt w as iudee'd more liku October that August and fires and bliii.kets were brought into use the predictions of gar Qlder citizens ire that the coming winter will be severe. II. H. II. THE VERDICT UNANIMOUS, W. D. Suit, Druggist, Bippus, Ind., testifies: 'T can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy, Eve;-y bottle sold has given lelief in every case. One man took six bottles, aud was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellville, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medicines I have ever handled in my 20 year's experi ence, is Electric Bitteis." Thousands of others lvvj added their testimony, so that the verUect is unanimous that Elec tric Bitters do' cm e all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dol lar a buttle at T. B. Delainai 's Drug Store OUR NEW YORK LETTER. From Our Regular Com.f-Dor.dent. Lower Parauac, A'tg.42Gih, 1887. Your CorresponyTent left New Yoik for a qhoit vacation and for tho present w ill not be able to entertain the readers of the Hecoud wi'.h the news of the metrop olis but will give a brief jaccouut of his trip through the great Adirondack Wild derness. j The start was made fivotn fTew York 'on the, Alban steamboat, the Drew on the evening of Aug, 19th. A tj'ip up - the Hudson in day light or on a moonlight night is a beautiful one I ut on a cloud y night. the beauties of the Ami rican Rhine are wrapt in .obscurity. j' The following moruing e silent ii the Capitol at Alba ny. It ia impossiblft to describe the beau ties, and niagniliceycQS o this wonderful building;. We were fOiU'jjnate enough to sec Gov? Hill bhnself it hi desk in tht? goveinor's room. , j The afternoon was spent in a tiiesSme .; ride on the Delaware and, IJudson Canal rCo., R. il. Wc arrived at -Westport abt ut G.y0 antl from there took a four ? horse stage to our first destination iu the Adirondack Mountains. Elizabtthtowu which is a pi elf v little. moLiitaiu village j.nl 1 oasts of five churches, a brick court house, jail, two ho e'.a ; nd a haud ul of stores. 1 he town lies iu the valley at the extreme Eastii u limit o .' f he j Adiron- J J dack mountiua, nine miles fiom West p?rt avd tho lower or Southern aim of i'.ikc Chaj&iiplaiji. AVe spent .Sunflay a. Eliy bcthtOJru and on M-Duday morn'ng set out in a three seated conveyance for a long driv. ihroughthe ,-pouptaiiis to Beed's Hotel in Kcene ValW. fTho roftd fiom Elizi- bcthtown to Beetles Hotel leads througU a very -wild country uutil the Keeno "Val- ley is reached. The houses throughout tho country are .made of rova'a logs with ihe craks plasterqd "P wikfc mud, regular og cabins. When Kceno V alley is reach- ed the whole aspect of the country chan. gcs. The land is fertile Juid free ftfm I stones. The farm housesihave a thrifty appearance and mnumcrauie pummor boarding houses aro of the .4 aud.5 dollrtl' a week class and as our driver inforroQ u they probably have enough to et but "don't live high." By the way our driver i a character. He is a man probably 5"-0 years' of age bonvand brought; up in this country. He knows evgry. body and everybody LikAvs liira. Ue is full qf comical stories and has some anecdote to tell about evciy old farmer we meet cn the road. AVe arrived at Bcedes about -2 o'clock in the afternoon and had consid-, erable difficulty in securing rooms and when they were secured we were, pardon ihe.-djv.ig, not stuck on them. Beedes la . . . . , t . . . :u,y a nwuutaip otei, 6)r.uata in inev midst. It is bded ,on .all side. Uy utaius an jjen. .Qur,di;iver inform? bus , that Uiey are , pot allowed at Saranac and ; phC.aids are pasted up a,ll over the Rlace to:.that effect. Pictuiesque groups of guides linger about the hotel piazzas. Parties tjoing iu camp engage them. The' regular price is three dollars a day. They do your cooking, make camp, carry your traps, clean your guns and make them selves generally useful. They hi e a hardy set of men bronzed from exposure to tho element. They dress substantially' either hi bootupr leggins, flannel fchirta nivi Wch hl- . cds is the starting RV- fcr .many camping parties who may eu continually' .coming and going, Tothe Ea ,of tle ,hotcl is a large rescr- yation of 25TiKW acres btloiigiug to n Philadelphia syndicate, This reserve contains the famous . A-U Sable pouds wuich jro conai4ej-ed to be the prettiest sheets of water in the wilderness. We made two attempts to reatih the pond, one on Monday afternoon and the second ou Tuesday, but both times werecompell ed to retrace our step,? on account pf the heavy rain. But as our tine wa3 lifnhed wfer0 compeiled to se.tAUt of Wednesday morning in a drizung rain tor Lake Placid By noon it cleared up and we were able to reach the Cascade House at Edmond's ponds in titno for dinnef. These ponds 'are by far the pretti,et jre have seen. One about three' quarters of a mile in length and the other trifle smaller.- They are surrounded on all sides by high mountains, whose towru cliffs of stone are reflected iu the mirror like water below. Edmonds ponds is by far a too common place name fpr this romantic pof. Jn tho future they will be knowu as the Cascado Lakes. Wo have not seen a male waiter since yrp left A 11.. . II ll.. n..:i...D .) 11... mAMntl n -" m muhw hotels are girls. Fees are uuknown in these wilds, at fhe Cascade House wp tfave the pretty waiter a nujrU-r of a dolr - lar. She hesitated, aud did not seem to know w ether she ought to take it or not. She took it and her face suffused th blushes, ran out In the back yard tb look at it. After dinuer pushed our way on to Lake Placid, a distance of 10 miles. Tho road as psul leads through the woods. Occasionally a log capin is pfissed out of which sumo li.ttle waif wavp her hand and gazes at us In wonder apd sur prise. Lake Placid, likp ill the m pun tain lakes lies completely surrounded by mountains and is vo pliles iu length. Side by side with Placid lies a pretty bttle jH.'ud, of a mile perhaps in length, known as Mirror Lake. .. The large hotel, the Stevens House, stands ou a hill overlooking tlu two lakes. From tho piazzas. of the hotel most all (he large mountains of tlo great Adirondack raugo are visible. There is Mount. Mclntyre and to the leff of it Mt. Alarcy, which although nearly twice as larre appears to to mu(Ji 6Dtaller, and there is a high ruo.untaiu which over the peaks of ita ,brothers exactly, resembles t the back of a c'olhis&il elephant and it takea its name for tht reason. These moun tains are covered entirely by a vast wil derness. An occasional' landslide is the only break to be seen ou the thickly w pod ded fclopes. T,he woods arp filled with deer and other smaller gnpie. Wo spent Wednesday night at Placid and in moruiiig' f?ilovin, again resymed puf. jouri:ey accompaaied by two juijles Thipl wc hud engaged at Lake Placid to paddlp us through the Saranac an(J t 11$ Lake to Paul Smith's. TlveiQ aro to. iraranacs, the upper aud lgwer, and be tween them connected by a riycj twe miles iu length on one side and fou milp$. on tho other, is Round Lake, a little shee of water of yevhaps a mile in length Ijv three quarters in yreadth. . - The guides have yder two cauoes at Millers '911 th? Locr Saranac'. -. We wived thei;o n time ft dinncf after which we wce to begin our journey, oft.o Laket At Milleis a large bcarv oue o( t,'ie latest of the specie I hare ever acen, wa Vl'oujht iu by a gujdo who, had killed him in the water some fou mik'Q. abovp. ilo was Ja-ge heavily built fellow and bore the 6car of many alright ful buttle toune hw throat ant neck. Tie was very oll and thin and lifc hido it bcii g so ei rly in tho season w j a. utterly woithU&5. COKt'MIUA. - ! i I ' 1 ! I .1

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