r -. rrn t- 'tit, 2. BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1887. NO 45 win Y - , . - . . jlNUAL 3EXHIBIT0N OF THE Fish and Game Association. faster, AT DAVIS HALL. flj citizens of Carteret, and adjoining njeSj who are interested in the culture Outers, cathlng of Fish, and shooting, tfi'd Fowl, are requested to send ex- . l. ,.f nra f H aTwwa mnt irn Kbits I on or - premiums will bo given for the n Oysters, Clams, Fish, Game &c, seiit r exhibition. ,f ,11 aud casnplete. premium list will L uuounccd shortly. There will be a '1 be furnisha uy me Kiiierpnse vor I'ukI of Beaufort. Live Po; poises ! (.jier leviathans of the deep will be jtxiiil'iti-n- Ocean curiosities wil. be , exhibition in great abundance. fycli icest Banker Ponies raised in i,e guilty, will be "on exhibition and :-for tl It is the aim of the projectors to as Annual Fair, aud the'y will spare i kr p:ii'ts nor expjrise to ihak e this exhibition, a -."'- Graucl Success. DIRECTORS. oyal, L. A. Skanen, J. L. Man- v M I' -, r - d .uace, ol. u.-, ;rr- Jr.. W, S. Chadwiok, J. C, Davis; ly.'F. Rowland, M. F. Arendell, M. l. Dank-1 Boll, lie- E. M. oibes,U. '.Dev. ' V ' . I5KCF.FTIJN COMMITTEE. i,.'Hi) .'-Davis. R. R. Roberson, John .Wan. Wm. F. Did, Alonzo Thomas, f. IV. tajl-ir, S.J. Moore, T. B. Dela- ma r v S. Q. NOE, '' President. jV. CHARLOTTE. Secu-tary and Treasurer. r5" Our Advertisers. ""2 Drugstores. J)r. .1. r Davis, Ann Street. T.'B. Delamar, Front Street Alleii'Duvis. N. Side Fiont Street. Dry floods ai.d Groceries. tT Moore 5: Rr. Front P-treei. Henry EnglelMr;:. Front Street' Uiilti taker. C V. llvtberson. Front Street. . J, ifoore & Bro. Front Street Beau fort.' X.' C. "" " Is the i;h:o4.o buy your supplies Dry Good -', Notions, Boots & Shwes, Uats ft Cii.is Clcfliinar, Groceiies, Crockery, Tt'ood, Tin, & GlaeS Ware, and m fact veiytlilii,' usually kept in a first class it ue. ("iill soon and secure bargains. C. V. IlOBERSOtf. 7R0NT SHEET, '3EAUFORT, X. C, FlfXtSRSL DIRECTOR,' . i aXI DEALF.H TX BUKTAl. CASKS AND ' COFFINS. r A full supply of -coffins, casTsts .adkrial cases, constantly on hand and hraMixl at short notice, and at low ri- is. 'Will attend all burials, as. funeral iirectoi- without charpfe . L. Arendell, agent at 3Iorehoad City- Dr. J. B. Ilavis- HUUGGIST AND APOTHECARY. IjTKEET, 2XD DOOIl TKOM TUKNKR. o- o b I?nTkes Eye Glasses and Spectacles. your eyes by buying a pair. Color .5s'S, fur weak and sore eyes. Dr. is --ole agent for these glasses, they ot be bought elsewhere in this cpun- Tl.nl. ' t J rtf -teuOLdicines all kin Is always is Kilmers. Cough and Consumption Cure. - aifields Ftmale Rcguiator. 1 ' S. k S, urnprs afe Kiduey Cure .vers RaHr Vi-or. Emmons Regulator. BlkCough Mixture. iHUemedies, . . Select your medicines from a large stock 4nJ living prices. Remember the place, Dl J- B. DAVIS' DPvTJG STORE, ! Street, 2nd door from Turkeh. Q, U. TilOMAS, JR., Attorney at La-w," V-e.Corner of Front and Turner Streets. BEAUFORT, N. V. jA cacticts in the courts of Carteret. linA n' 'T,,es. Onslow, Lenoir, and Pam 'co counties; the Supreme Court of North CMiw.I1;l' ail( the U. S. Distixt and Cir vh Courts. ... "I THE RECORD G. W . CH A U LOTT K . IU3IT0R. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Vear,... ..$i.50 Six Months, Four , ;;;;;;;;;;;;5o Turn Cash iu Advance. Entered at the Post Office at Beaufort, N. C, as second class matter. The Editor of this paper is not re sponsible for the views of correspondents. C2F If there is an X mark on your paper, it means that your subscription has expired. " Please reuew at once. tSC Tlie RE,ccr.D is the cfBcial paper of the 9th. Spatorltl Jlstiict, compose 1 of the couirfies of Onslow. Carteret and Jones. . The Postmasters in the counties of Onslow, Carteret and Jones," are special ..gents of the Hconci,' .nd receive and receipt ' for; subscriptions to this paper. DEMOCRACY TRILJMPIIANT. ' JTCLEVELAND SUSTAINED -fa NEVWTORK, SECURE IN 1888, l VIRGINIA DEFEATS MAIIONE. MARY LAN D, IS TRUE BLUE. , MISSISSIPPI, ALL RIGHT, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Iowa, Ohio, Illinois aud Massachusetts are Republican. L. O G & X The i'uir. Suu rises 6 32 Sun sets 4.53. Days length 10 hours, 20 minutes. Everybody must cnme to .lie' fair. Nona but the bravo deserve the Fair. Wizaid Oil. For rale by Allen' Davis. Try Henry Engleberg'sch'iicc Groceries. Pis.'s Conr-uintive Cire Allen Davis. For "sale by Aver' Sarsapai iUa. For sale by Allen Davis. ' " Powdered ard - Pulveilzel Sugar cuii sUntly on .iwl at llenry F-ngieWrgs. Patent Medicines of all kinds and de scriptions at Allen Davis Drug Stare. Ess. Jamaica Ginger, large size for only 35 cents. For hale by Allen Davis. Shaker's Extract, R ots or Curative syrup. For sale by Allen Davis. ' Fire Crackers by the box and single pack at Henry Englebergs. . Lots of nice things to eat at Henry Englebergs. . , Red Star Cough Cure, prompt, safe and sure. For sale by Allen Davis. Volina Cordial, cures dyspepsia, indi gestion and neuralgia.- For sale by Allen Davis. : Warners, Liver and Kidney Cure, Safe Nervine, and 3afe Pill For sale by Allen Davis ' An obituary of the late Cap'. Appleton, Oakbmith, will appear in our eojcirmj next weeJc. Hair brushes, Tooth brushes. Clothes brushes al Camel's - hair brushes. P01 sale by Allen Dar's. Subscribeat once for the Record. We will Tiublish a double sheet on IhanliS- Kiyiug and Christmas. Sfr-d something t the, Fair . The sec retary will receive all articles ior exmui- tion, and have tnem piaceu m iue nu. Let every man, woman and child in the county, go to work to make our Fair a -i-snd success. Pond's Extract, peoples icuioy 1 bteediiig iles, blind piles, toothache, headache, earache, sore throat. H or sale by 'Allen Davis. , r Our Thanksgiving Usue will appr next week. The Recobs wille double its usual size, and fall of pleivdid reading and illustrated matter. School cbildfenccu buy the best ayd the cheapest inks and pens m town, at the ItECOiiD Office When you want a 3-5 Or 10 pound can of pure Lard, go to Henry Engleberg she always keeps it on hand. Trv A A X A 1, and Number Five Ci gars at Allen Davis Drug Stote. None better for 5 cents Cal' at the Recbrd office aud purchase one of the "Pearl Top" la,mp chimnejs. They are t tie be'st. T?erair your old stoves with Plastic ."p,oS.c T.iis is an ar.icle worth its SJSiftoRoUl. Foi sale at the Record office. We are bound to sell goods and if jou fail to come to us you will do youst If an injustice. Remember the place. 1 ay do. & Buck man. The best Groceries always on hand at Henrv Engleberg's, Choice Hams, Pork, SdeiCDiied Beef, and m fact every thing in the Grocery trade. The 4 'Twins" are on exhibition at Dr. T B Delamar's Drug store. Vm, antce satisfaction or the money will be refunded. Only 5 cents. TuttVSarsaprilla and Queens Delight, for speedy and permanent enveof Hbeu matffm; Diseasefof the skin,- Dyspepsia &? For sale by Allen Davi.. Parkers Ginger Tonic. The medicine for every family, surpasses all other re medies in the cure of dy spepsia, Indiges tion &c or sale by Allen Davis. .Get re.dy for Thanksgiving, by calling a-'Henry Engh-borgs and purchasing Alince Meat, Currants, .itaisiirs, Citron, Cranberries, Prunes ore. " Wife. Come look upkbar.d don't be diwn hearted.' ' Tis ttye times are hard but we have 41 little mfcoey left and we can make it gy'a lcn wy at Tajior & Buckman's. ,; " v If you want a piece o new music, call at the "Record office. It" we do hot have it in sLock we will ord -r it. We have a ,n..w song with music'. - " ihere's no one like mother to m-3." Jpriek 25 cents. Miss Macg.e Robbins, left for New lierne on Wedoosflayhe will spend several days there visiting relatives. She will also visit relatives in Wash ington N. C, befoVe she returns home. Mess, bweetsor, rerpferook & Co. Wholesale dealers in Di V Goods. Notion. &C Broadway N. Y. Merchants wheu ordering goods, or sending a .request for samoles. should always address" John A Charlotte, care of said firm . ' For Sai.k: A New Home Sewing Machine, w ith all the attachments. This is a new machine nfver'f'.winw lupmwl Will be wld 6r j'.-T. Cnll at tins office at' once, and secure a gi eat bargain. A tine breech loading shot. trim, brand new can be bought cheap. Apply' at this office. - , .. ' ' e call your attention to what Mess. Taylor & Buckman have to say to you in this issue. Read their advertisement on first page, and then go to their. store. They surely wiH siipilse yc,a i'n their low price.. It is certainly wonderful how they caii sell so cheap. For Sale. Oar entire stock of goods will bj offered 4 the pubile at our price from the time we oreu aoors iu .tlu morning until we chSe" nt night, until everything is closed out aed replaced by new goods, as we are detrmine t to keep it up until time disposes or otherwise, Taylor & Buckman. ' " ' Reward A revyard Gf thfnks will he given and noj questio is asked to the parties who walked out of our Store last Saturday night with a bundleu'a dor their arms and reported that we were soiling goods cheaper than they ever heard of be fore. Tavlcr & Buckman. -1 ; A Xew LiJit will be displayed from Harbor Island, 'on and after t lie loth in stant. The light will be 56 feet high, and visible seven nautical miles. This new lilit will be kept at the expense of the Harbor Island club. It will be a boon to otfr seafaring people. He who forgets lh 5 tree unier whose shade he rambled iu the days 'of his youth and forg t to spend his money whore he cau buy tho m-.iic goods for it is a stran ger to the sweetest impression of the human heart. Read our advertisement. Taylor & Buckman, - ": $100 to $300 A MONTH can be made working for u.s. Agents pre erred who can furnish their. own horses and rive their: whole time o the business. Spare moments may be profitably emp'oyed alo. A fw vacancies w towns and cities. B, F. JOiiKSON & CO., 1013 .H.iiu .street, 1h hmOntl, V'a. Insure in the Old Peop'e's Mutual B n cfit Society, the only reliable Insurance Compasiy f.r old p-iopl in the United States, and the cheapvsr. s.fest ;u;d best tor all aues. Call on. Dr. T. i Dr lamar, Agent for 'Jarterel owjanty, aad be con vinced. Also AgMil !r t-Ue New Yik Mutual Reserve total bisines 100,000, 000. Deosited with Insurance 'Depart ments S250.000. We have a tine A lleger; Parlor Ofgrn at the Record Olhce., which we vid 11 cheap. On Wedne? day , afternoon our office was visited by two young ladies: Misses Leu's. Davis and Lettie Dill. Mis Lena deliyh'ted our ientire oface'lcin e vith delightful music. Stie and all others who have seen the Alleger (rgan, proiwunce it a fine toned instiumeiit. We wid be pleased to hve piir idy friends call at, our office and try this splendid inurn ment. MARINE NEWS akrivai,s. Nov. 2d. Steam Tug D. S. Stetso-. Sneil n: a iter Vvilmington to Edeutoi '. and Sterm Tug Wm. Beais, Willian a master, Wilmington to Edeuton. Kov, r. 6, Steam Yacht Tarpon, llucbe r, from N. Y. to Florida. .i isler N"ov. 7. Schrs. T. M. Tho as. Bev'ride master, and Charles, Ireland master from Baltimore. sailed. Nov. G. steam Tugs. D, S. Stetson and Wm. Bears, steam Yacht Tarpon. WIVES! MOTHERS! DAUGHTERS ! Be your own physician A lady who forbears suffered fromdisstressing f emale complaints, weakness, etc., so common to her sex, and had despaiied of a cure, finally found remedies which completely cured her. Any sufferer can use them and thus cure herself, without tho aid of aphysieian. Frorii feelings of gratitude she will send two prescriptions which cured her and an illustrated pamphlet, entitled "The 'Stepping Sione to health,", and, full i.islructious sealed. Address witti 2 cent stamp), Mrs. W. a Holmes, 658 Broadway, N. Y. (Name this pnper). THE VERDIO V UNANIMOUS. W. D. Suit, Druggist, Bippus. Ind., testifies: lil can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy, Every bottle sold' lias given lelief iu every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10. years standing." Abraham Hare; druggist, Bellville, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medicines I have ever handled in my 20 year's exper i ence, is Electric Bitters," Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the verdect is unanimous that Elec tric Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dol lar a bottle aT. B. Delamai 's Drug Store THEIR BUSIESB.OOMING.. ' Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of trade at T. 3. Defe .v.ofe Timer A'tore as their ivinjr away to" ' .iwtoniefs of so many free trial-bot tles of Dr. King's New Discovery for "j Consumption. ;" Their trade is simply 'enormous ;in thi3 very valuable article from the fact that it always cures ana and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds,' Asthma, Brouchitis, Croup, snd all throat and lung diseases' quickly cured. You cau test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size $1. Every bottle warranted, TRIBUTE Oi?-REtiPEcT. At a rsguLtr monthly communication o t fcuiklin Lodge, No., JOO A F. & A. M heid at Masonic Hall. Beinfoct. JT. C. j November 7th,JlS87, Worshipful Master. J. B. Jones, announced to the Lodge the death of the late Cak Appkton Oak mhb, which occurred in the city of New I York, on Wednesday, October 26th, ult . nri t . . a 1 ue supreu roil witu tno uanie or our deceased woi thy brother inscribed there j on, was then deposited in the Archives wun tne usii.il ceremonies and the fol lowing ..preamble and resolutions were unanimously adbpted : Whereas, the Supreme Grand Arehi tect of the Universe has again broken our : circle by summoning Appleton Oaksmith from labor in the Lodge here, to refresh ment in the Tetnple alcove, therefore re- solvea: 1st. That we bow submissively to the will ot Ilini wham we, as Ma sons, are taught to reverence and seive , 2nd. That we Jyill commemorate the life ai.d virtues of our deceased eminent i brother by a faithful daily practice of the precepts inculcited by thtJ-Three' Great ;Lights in Masonry whieu will likewise fit us, when the silver cord shall have been loosed aud the golden bowl broken, "To become living stones iu that spiritual building that house not made with hands eternal in the heavens." 3rd. That we deeply sympathize with the aged mother, wife, and children of our deceased brother, and commend them to the watchful care aud keeping of the A.ll-Seeing-Eye. 9th. Tnat a separate page of the Lodge Journal be inscribed to ilro. App'etoa Oaksniith aud that the Secretary be in- . 1 r - structed to transmit a copy of this tribute 0 his family and a copy to the Weekly Record for publication. 5th. That the members of this Lodge will war the usuul badge of mourning for thirty day. F. G, Mace, 3r' 31. C. Puelps, Committee, J. L. Gibble IN MEMORIAM. Died on Saturday morning, NoveraJbci 5ih 1S87.. Bessie, dawhtei of David aud Margaret Pierce, aged 9 years and 7 mouths. This dear little girl was the pride of loving parents, fond brothers and sisters and friends. She was a child of loving and affectionate di.sposit.ion, and to know her was to lave her. Her sweet gentle i ce 'will be; misstd from the home circle, which idie did s much to ad ; 11. There will be one less to welcome the lathei up on his return home frm his daily labors. One darling less, for tho devoted mother to imprint tho' kiss ot affection upon at night, after the evening prayer has been Kiltl. It is hard t realize, but Bessie is dead. On Satuiday last with noiseless tread, the loved ones went to and fro about the house, with bated breath, be cause litiie Bessie was dead dead -no, not dead ! on!v srone to ioin little Hubert . her loving brother who has been vaitiug and watching lor her on the "Other Shore-'i. Her darling little brother Ht:r Lei t,had preceded her but ten mouths ago to the Celestial City. When bright little Hubert died, th4 cup of rief of his parT eats was indeed full, aud again these de oled parents are called upon in so short a period, to follow another precious jewel tiothegiave. . Their cup now surely ruii Heth over. The loss of these little oues are crushing blows, but God knows best, "lie does not wiljiugly afflict, neither dies he wish to grieve the childrenjof men." Our blessed Savior when on earth, was partial to the little ones, and reproved, on a certain occasion those who were present, by saying :"Suffer little children to come uno me, and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of heaven." Christ our blessed Savior has called these two little ones, then why should we grieve or wish them back? Our hearts bleed for the stricken parents and relatives, in this time of their deep distress. We can only com mend them to "Him who doejth ail thms wel'." Little Bessie wais a devoted member of the Ann St. M. E. Sunday School. The School met at the Church and proceeded in a body to her home, and then escorted ii-r remains to to the oemetery. Tae beautiful casket which contained all that was mortal ot little Bessie, was entirely covered with flowers, which she so much loved, and which is also typical of the resurrection of the body. . She was laid to rest under the beautiful old oaks, in Ann Street Cemetery, there ,to wait the resurretcion morn. "Beautiful spirit fice frorw all stain, Ours the hcaitache, the sorrow aud pain, Thine is the ylory and iulinite gain Thy slumber is sweet." ITCHING PILES. sYMPTOiis Moisture ; into se Hc'iing And stin mil"; most at night; woise by Satchini If allowed to continue tu mors form, vrhich often bleed and ulcerate, Sndng 'very -,re. Bwavnes Oint mknt stops the itching and bleeding,lieal ulceration, aiid. in many cases removes the' tumors. It is equally efficaciousi n cmW all Skin Diseases. Dil SwayxNE cuirn- :..n,a Philade nhia. Sw'ayne's Ointment can be obamed of Sent by mail for 5'J Cents. druggists. 'RITCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best Salve in' the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores. -Tetter, Chapped Hands, Clnlbla... Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles1,' or ho pay required. It is guaranteed to gVe perfect sat.s.ac tion, or money refunded. Pr.ce aa cents PeFor sale by Dr. T. By Delamaiy NEWS OF A WEEK. i . Nov. 4th. There have beeu seven new cases of yellow fever, and two deaths in Tampa, Fla., up to Wednesday night. rTke Mormon jurors have all taken the juror's .oafh iu the Thud District Couit at Satt Lake City, U." T.- The prison ceil in which O'Brien is confined is 8x6. He has served notice thatdie wdll not wear prisou garb or associate with the urininals.j---T -The e are fiftv-four :. police guarding tlie anarchists, iu the Chicago jail, armed with Winchester rifles. They w 11 remaiu on guard until the event of 11th inst.- -Mrs. Anna Sacks, of St. Louis, who threw a pancake' at Mrs. Cleveland "during 'the Presidential visit, was.rcleased yesterday cnlLe payment of a fine of 10. She protested that her act was unintentional. : j Nov. 5ih. Dr. Porter reports J to the Marine Hospital Bureau that thero were seventy-four cases of yellow fever and nine deaths during the past week. The total number of deaths to date is 325. He reports the epidemic subsiding.-, Sher bert G. Hopkins, a Washington corrJ:e.s-f.; pondent, rigs - up an imiUtion infernal machine and attemps to create a "Sensa tion" and coin money at the expense of ( the Chief Justice of tho iTnitexl tptes. , Part of a dynamite bomb was found ' yesterd iy iu the debris of the St, Louis explosion. The police are firm in the be lief that it is an absolute proof of foul work, but the detectives are of the opii ion that it was placed there by some of the cranks who have been trying to create tlie imnressiou that the explosion was their work. Nov. 6th. The weather has improved and tha yellow fever at Tampa has about lisappc.-ived. Rcpoits of Russian mili tary activity on the frontier arO ocpasion- ing some concern in Astr,ia The T11I- iamore prison authorities have ordered that William O'Brien shall wear the uni form pi escribed by the regulation for con victs. Senator Sherman spoke at Cleveland last night aud, said the Repub licans were justified in resorting to the bloody shirt argument by the recent utter ances ano public appearance of Jerf. Davis. Long lists of names of citizens, who have been clamoring for the full peiisl.ty of thedaw on the 'condemned ana.chiats, appear attached to petitions asking com mutation. Among these names appears those of prominent xnc 111 hers of bar and bono!:. ' ' Nov. 8th. The refractory Indians have all been arrested and are in the guard house, and no more trouble is apprehend ed. The whole matter was successfully managed and terminated by the troops. The cells of the seven condemned anarchists In the comity jail were searched b an day and six loaded bombs were found hidden away in a wooden box, which was ceuceealed under a p'do of newspapers m a corner. 5 r I here witj only two new cases yellow fever in Tampa Sunday, boih of them mild, and two deaths. Only thirty-six fire now under tretment and they are reported. to be convalescing rapidly. Confidence pre vails. 1 he New York Fost Uico is overflowing with campaign documents. From Friday noon to yested iy noon 1,700, 000 newspaper prints were handled ; 25, 000 letters and circulars and 2,230 sacks 01 small matter, all on political subjects A hVe occurred at Iteidsville, N. C, which destroyed the large tobacco factory f II. Sampson & Co., together with a ifire stock of tobacco. 1 he loss on stjck and building amount? tj $00,000. It is 1 . t .1 w. - .... .A said to be covered by insurance, Nov. 9th. Spts.. Turpentm-a io cts. Pes- Rosin 85 cts Tar $lr15 Cotton 9 cts. nuts 60 to 90 cts. Rice 80 to 95 cts. ROLL OF HONOR. Beaufort High School. BeauJurt, N. C., Nov., 8th. 1837. The following pupils having received no cenasrits aurmg me ruotiin cuum October, 17th, compose, the roll of honor. Iu High School Department: Lena Davis, Anne Potior, Nannie Pice, Kitie Sanders. Laura Switaer, ; Charlie Paul. In Primary Department: Annie Davis. ; F. P. WYCI1E. Principal. UJAIMUNICATED. ! Amans Sore, Qnslow Co., Nov., 2d, 1887. Editor RKCoiyj r--Our farmers seem to be fully awake to the fact, that something must be done to to improve out condition and appear to have gone to work' in aruest. W have two working Granges n the County, one at Richlaids, the other it Jacksonville .there is great iiiteret taken both. Mr.. Barry.' brought4 "a message" from Texas farmers, to our f aimers, and last night organized the 11 th farmers Alii ince in our County. On Oct. 30th a County Alliance was formed; Delegates a-oin each Alliance met at Jacksonville, our county seat, and made a strong body. t was estimated that some 400 farmers epresenttd. These two organizations do not work against each other, but are helps to each other; in fact all Grangers nearly are members 0 the Alliauce, and work as faithfully is for the Grange, the aim of both is the same. Ave want to work as a unit, an i not each farmer for himsc!'. W3 have tried that long enough, and. tii d that we can do nothing, except wark hard and live pe or. Crops in this section are a failure. No one w ill make more than a crop, some not that. Brother Farmers et us hear from the workings of your Granges and AHiauces. We take an in terest iu each other. Mac. 1.1 OUR NEW YORK LETTER. .From Our Regular Correspondent. New York, November, 5lh, 1887. Mrs. Jamcd Ciown Potter's opening night at the Fifth Avenue Theatre was brilliant affair as was expected. All the society friends of tlie' debutante were among the audience. The audience was a representative one of wealth aud re fiue- tnent. The ci iticisms of the young actress were not ivlwlly favomble. The play is a bad one and another will be -presented next week. It is the exception to now pee a ticket speculator in front of a the atre. Augustiu Daly was tho first to abolish that tiusiance. In the lobbies of i.i&ny of the play houses signs are con spicuously displayed w am mg -people hat tickets bought of speculators are worth less. Nevertheless tickets may be ob tained at the hotel news-stands for all the theatres by. paying a snialt advance on the regular price. By the way Daly's new play -The RaU Road uf Love' 13 sai to be art ef cellept piece. , as cue campaign goes on the moro filthy tlie political columns of the new papers become. It'is wonderful-how lew some of our respected ( ?) contemporaries will stoop to firow mud aud otherwise in jure a candidates reputation. As the tiectiejn 4dfra.ws neav tlie vexciement iu- creases. On rovo& of the open squares of the city nightly meetings are now held to ratify the nominations of certain candi dates. An express wagon or a truck serves as a platform for the speakers whq hold forth on the viitues of their respec tive . men to a:j admiring crowd. A lieezy brass hand generally uses all its influence and wind to attract fhe necer sary crowd. A meeting of the United Labor Party was iu progress on Thursday evening as your correspondent happened toasSj several hundred people mostly young loafers and unemployed men, were assembled around a truck from which true son of the sod, who, probably, ouly a few months ago was cutting peat on the Emerald Isle, was denouncing capital, capitalists jand newspaper in the strong est terms. Hie speaker talked much about many things his audience knew nothing about' and many things he knew nothing about himself, neveitheless he was cheered lustily ky the ignorant crowd. Theie is more talk of pushing the Broadway elevated road through. For tunatcly there are mu interested in the entexrijse who are good citizens and' will not push a schema for their own benefit that would be detrimental to the public interests. An underground rail road on liroadway would doubtless bo a great convenience to the hundreds of people who aw com pell -d to stand up in the cars ot the elevated toads ttj whole distance up or down lowu. Legislative action wilt doubtless be taken to compel the L roads to xurnibii a seat for every passenger or iu other words to run more trains than they ao at present. No one can conceive ol the number of pgophs who patronize the roads daily, that is excepting tht stockholders. ' Another new club is added to the list and is kuown as the "Lawyers Down Town Club." The club occupies capa cious apartments in the new Equitable building on lower Broa&yay. A h electric surface car "attracted con siderable interest as it traveled up town 0:1 the Madison Avenue , line of tracks. The car lesembled an ordinary, hor.be ca hi many respects the only difference noticed was th-s complication of wheels and belts in tho centre undernsath. An electric surface road is sue. essfully operated in Newark. It is a great w- n drthat same of the lines of this city h :ve n t adapted ihe electric system in preference to the old style. It is f'erinitc ly dceided that the Third Avenue Com pany will convert their lino into a cable road. It will be a good thing to get rid of the old cars of this line. They arei teyond repair and very dirty. Many people perfer to walk rather that incur the danger of catching all khids of diseases from Asiatic Cholera o ff 11 by patroniz-1 ing them. - A stable was destroyed by fire in 48th f;reet on Friday niijht and twenty five parses were destroyed with ij; besides a number of valuable carriages Cold weather has no terrors , for the equestrians, they may be i-cep in larger numbers than ever galloping throagl. the park. Their friends in the carriages look decidedly uncomfortable some hold ing their ears and some clapping their hands to keep up the circulation." -'The beautiful autumnal foliage has long si rice dissapear d and the trees are stripped entirely of their leaves. The squirrels are running hither and thither through the p&rlf ..busily engaged in lnyin iu a supply, of uujts and all the metropolis mf y be. said to be engaged iu preparing f r the snow, ice and slash uf a New Yoik winter. ' Columbia. The adjutages of a reliable, safe and efficacious Family Mediciue, is incalcula ble, and when such is found, the blessing is thus happily-expressed.' . I EXCLAIMED, "EUREKA." I I have been using Simmons Liver Reg ulator myself some five years or more, and my family also, and can testify from tx-r perience to Us virtues. I never re join mend a medicine unless il know -it to be good. In a ministry of twenty five-yeai : I have often felt the need of such a medi cine and when I found iiI .exclaimed, 'Eareka." Rev. J. P. Harper, proprie tor of the "Christian Visitor," Smithfild. N. C. ' " ' ' ; 9 ALL THIS ABOUT,, AND urns 1? mm Jtjiaeans that something has taken place at the Store of Taylor & Buckman's I uevex before heard of. By good luck or fortune or in somo other way, at least it does not make any difference to you hov it a 1 happened, they diare become ia possession of a tremeudcrous lot of the cheapest goods that was ever sold in this towrj. . Now dear reader we don't talk unlet3 we have something to y and what we now say is no delusion, but SIMPLY FACTS ANJ) STUJBr FACTS.' . nuni)i Wlien we teU yoa tUat sell jou goods at leis money than yqvt" ever bought them in your ife, and we don ajk you to believe- this Kta,temei& iill you come to our store and sqe for youiself. ?Jlkt m MAM 1 Orrjy listen sonje of our Pricjes. We ment ioiva Tew as epaoe wiill not allow; us to tell you -everything wo can do for you. We will bell -you, Men's all woo hirt, for 60c, worth 125. at 10c, and upwrrd. Men's and iboys hats, Children's shoes, at 25c per pair, upward. Ladies' fine button khoe 85c per pair. worth $1.50. Men's calf skin boots, 11.50 per tIr. worth $300. Ladies flannel under tvest -60c worth $100. Men's rubber coats, 60c each, worth $1.25. Men's fine dress diirts, 60c, each, worth $1.00. Coy' sj fur caps, J5c each. Boy'tspolocaps, 10c leach. Alisseis New Market!cloaks $2.50. worth $0 00. j . Children's Cloaks, $3.0, worth $0.00. Ladies fine wraps, $2.50, worth $6 00. Ladies all wool Jerseys 75c, worth $1.50. Men's all wool sack: coats, $1.50, worth $5.00. I .- Men's all wodl walki.icoatjL rlrn vArrh C r-7 nv WL4 $5.00. 1 Meu'4 Pants 75c, worth $1.50. tWT We assort right here that we can sell you clothing at prices that W CHALLENGE, T IE WOULD TO ''EQUAL k You canbuy a nicecoat from us at less monay than you can in any part of the 1 work We also. Iiavo Men s pants In our stock that can't be eqi al od in price and durability, and one' word for these pants. We will give a pair each to any two men whv can rip tm in the seams, each taking hold jf the ljgs of th.e pants and pulling with all heir mi&lxt. ! ' We will not mention any more of our gmnli and prices right here but we ask you to 1 COME TO OUR 0 mean what e say when we tell you that wo will nuke 'you SjATISFIErjl IN PRICK. In every thingyoujbuy foui usv.yWfc iave wouderful bargains for you" aha we are guiu aij K? Dont be backward nor slow in coming" forwat-d as you will be at perfect Iibeitj not to buy if you are not satisfied WE SHALL EXPECT TO SEE YOU AND YOUR NEIGHBORS TOO. Yod have to workj hard for yojtr moner and hive none to give away aud it is to our interest to buy where you caa gel the most and best goods 'for your bird earned cash. TAYL0U t BUCKMAN $250 IN CASH! 3 Worcestr's and it Webster's Dicuon- anes, worlu wsv, ana 4 uiutiouary 1101a ers. worth $15.50 given as Phizes f"r best exavs am w r'.nir the Question. n hr should I use a Dictionary Holder J" Fur ul. particular. sud to Lm veme v. Noyeaj 9'J & 101 W. Monroe St, Chicago cue maker or uictiouary iioiuem. , or qiiire at your bookstore. MAT i. - , -a 3 t.v 1- f.: